Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 7 2017


The NSA Just Hammered the FINAL Nail Into Obama's Scandalous Coffin, This Is EPIC


All cases require a conclusive evidence.

Washington is at last – FINALLY – pursuing the insidious Hillary Clinton and prosecutors

may accept they've found the previously mentioned indisputable evidence.

Be that as it may, shouldn't something be said about our previous president?

Gracious, there are bunches of indisputable pieces of evidence to be found, regardless

of the possibility that the liberal purchased and-paid-for-by-George-Soros media doesn't

cover it.

For example, did you know the Supreme Court recently decided that Barack Obama was blameworthy

of disregarding the Constitution of the United States?

Gracious better believe it, he was liable for that few circumstances over, however,

at any rate, this time, they demonstrated it.

What's more, as far back as President Donald Trump blamed Obama and the Democrat party

for wiretapping amid the battle run, truth discoverers have been burrowing around like

there's no tomorrow.

The radicals are shouting about Trump's "insane witch gun" yet in the purpose

of actuality, a lot of government authorities and different informants have approached and

safeguarded the President's claim.

Be that as it may, there has been no "smoking gun" starting at yet.

… YET.

Via Fox News:

"Republican congressional investigators expect a potential 'smoking gun' establishing

that the Obama administration spied on the Trump transition team, and possibly the president-elect

himself, will be produced to the House Intelligence Committee this week, a source told Fox News."

This takes after hot on the heels of advisory group Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who

dropped a mischievous stunner a week ago by saying there was, in any event, "incidental

surveillance" led on Trump.

Furthermore, evidently, this "smoking gun" will demonstrate without question that the

Obama organization completely spied on President-elect Trump under the appearance of "legitimate


This will incorporate "the unmasking of chose U.S. people whose names showed up in

the insight," as per spilled sources, and the NSA will give the much looked for after


Obviously, as the report reminds us, they'll require some an opportunity to "properly

assess the materials," so the last outcome won't hit the American open for a couple

days yet.

All things considered, everybody is on the edges of their seats…

Sounds like Trump was correct and Obama, at the end of the day, undercut the law and did

things his own specific manner.

So what else is new?

H/T Fox News JUST IN!

Judge Drops MAMMOTH Sledgehammer On Illegals, President Trump Just Got The GREEN LIGHT To

Keep Our Country Safe (Details)

The U.S. Supreme Court might be going to get a GIGANTIC open door.

This is their opportunity to support the President and his legitimate fight against remote nationals.

The most noteworthy court in the land simply affirmed Barack Obama disregarded the Constitution,

so what about's another huge win for America?

In spite of the fact that the Supreme Court can choose the cases it wishes to listen when

lower courts can't concede to a state of law, this gives the high court a specific

motivation to hear an interest and settle the matter.

The specialist of the president to ban passage into the U.S. by people esteemed to be a danger

to the country's security appears like judgment skills.

All things considered, passage into the nation is a benefit stretched out to outsiders, not

a correct they have.

Numerous on the left and those judges delegated by Democratic presidents accept something


So we've had the ludicrous decisions keeping the execution of President Trump's proposed

– and significant – travel ban by dynamic judges who consider it to be unfair to Muslims.

Presently a government judge has administered in the inverse path, setting up an inevitable

knowing about the case under the steady gaze of the Supreme Court.

From Western Journalism:

"Judge Anthony Trenga of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia

– who is an appointee of former President George W. Bush – said in his 32-page ruling

that under the powers of the presidency, Trump was legally allowed to ban travel from those

countries specified in the order.


The judge's reasoning makes perfect sense.

"Trenga said a president 'has unqualified authority to bar physical entry to the United

States at the border.'

He said Trump's order does not mention religion and has a 'state secular purpose' of protecting

U.S. citizens from terrorist attacks."

Judge Trenga found no expectation to utilize religion as an establishment for the travel

ban or some other motivation to keep its execution.

Danielle McLaughlin, an attorney at Nixon Peabody, mentioned the accompanying objective


" 'This does give some teeth to his argument, at least in the court of public opinion,'

McLaughlin said.

'Trump has a direct line to the American people and there's no question he'll utilize

the ruling to tell regular folks that his ban is not discriminatory.'


Tragically, section into the U.S. from countries that deliver and harbor terrorists stays unabated

therefore of the incautious decision of different judges.

However, the circumstance is currently being set up for the possible determination of this

issue before the U.S. Incomparable Court.

We should trust reason wins.

We've as of now observed great sense win in one state's high court (the restricting

of Sharia Law ought to be another legitimate stride in the correct bearing), so maybe this

pattern will proceed with… cross your fingers!

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T Western Journalism RED HANDED! Newt Gingrich Revealed The Treasonous Thing Paul Ryan Did

Behind The Scenes To President Trump [Video]

Тhe recent defeat of the American Health Care Act helped supporters of President Donald

Trump draw a reasonable line in the sand between those Republicans going to play a part with

Trump's vision for America and the individuals who are, for evident money related premiums,

faithful to the Republican foundation.

Many have blamed Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for his disappointment in observing Trump's

vision through, between the messy bill he set up together and the aimless endeavor to

rustle up votes in favor of the bill.

Newt Gingrich, nonetheless, burrowed further and uncovered what Ryan truly did to harm

Trump's work for the American individuals.

Expressed Ryan about what happened, "Donald Trump is a very smart guy.

He just went through an experience that was not what he was told.

He had been told that everything was under control, the leadership could deliver, he

did not have to pay too much attention, come in at the very end and close the deal.

And it got to be a total mess.


Newt said, "I can guarantee you that if this had been one of his hotels, one of his

buildings, one of his golf courses, there'd be a lot of personnel changes tonight.

And I think what you're gonna see is that he's gonna rethink how he's going to approach

the Congress based on this outcome.

Because it was so totally, utterly unacceptable.


Gingrich explained, "Paul Ryan is at a real turning point.

Ryan's a very smart guy, nobody should take that away from him.

And he knows an immense amount about policy.

But he's gotta decide, in the world of Trump, where you're doing really bold, really different

things, is he willing to spend the time and the energy, listening to everybody, even when

he does not agree with them, doesn ' t think they make any sense, because only by, we used

to use a model of listen, learn, help and lead.

And only by doing this, and you've talked about it some, only by getting everybody in

the dialogue, you have a chance of ultimately getting to the majority.

And I think this was an example, that starting at the top, trying to run it through the system

is not going to work.


Watch the video below:

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T Conservative 101 BRUTAL!

Hannity Wiped The Floor With Ted Koppel For Telling Him He Is 'Bad For America' [Video]

In an interview retired CBS columnist Ted Koppel disclosed to Sean Hannity that he was

'bad for America'.

In Koppel's view, American's are morons who can't recognize truths and conclusions.

Koppel trusts that when Hannity imparts his insights individuals will be confounded and

think he is stating actualities.

"We have to give some credit to the American people that they are somewhat intelligent

and that they know the difference between an opinion show and a news show," reacted

Hannity, in spite of the fact that Koppel didn't assume this was conceivable.

"You're cynical," responded Hannity.

Koppel responded, "I am cynical."

Hannity asked, "Do you think we're bad for America?

You think I'm bad for America?"

"Yeah," said Koppel bluntly.

However, Hannity did not like his cynicism and the way he looks down on the American


"You do?


"Asked Hannity.

Koppel said, "In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows."

Hannity responded, "That's sad, Ted.

That's sad, "

"No, you know why?

Because you're very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly

more influential.

" begun Koppel before Hannity interposed.

Hannity said, "You are selling the American people short."

"You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts,"

said Koppel.

Look at the video underneath.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHARE the truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

H/T Conservative 101 KABOOM!

Libs Angry After President Trump Signs MAJOR Surprise Executive Order, They NEVER Saw This

Coming [Details]

Democrats are as yet reeling over the way that Donald Trump is really our president.

Since he took office, the whole political destiny of this nation has changed drastically.

Presently, Republican officials at long last have the chance to show Democrats who is the


Not just have the authoritative needs changed drastically from what we encountered under

Obama, however so has everything else from remote strategy, to household approach, to

legal arrangements.

With regards to legal arrangements, President Trump has the chance to roll out improvements

that keep going for a considerable length of time (these are lifetime arrangements,


In that capacity, his decision was a fiasco for the liberals since it implied that Hillary's

parade of dynamic, radical legal chosen people will never get off the beginning line.

The most the Democrats will have the capacity to do is deferral and block Trump chose people…

however, Republicans are having none of that.

Congressperson Ted Cruz has officially gone off on the slow moving liberals, and now all

of Capitol Hill is prepared to move.

Judge Neil Gorsuch WILL be approved.

The Senate delay decides that basically requires 60 votes to pass a bill or a presidential

designation is a piece of a long-standing convention of the Senate being to a greater

degree a "deliberative" body that takes as much time as is needed in choosing issues.

The odd thing is that the administer requiring 60 votes to end face off regarding and send

an issue to the floor for a vote can be changed by a straightforward dominant part.

This is what is known as the "atomic" alternative.

It might be going to be utilized.

Via Fox News:

"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., And Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Both called

Tuesday for a postponement on any vote to confirm Gorsuch to the nation's highest


'It is unseemly to be moving forward so fast on confirming a Supreme Court justice

with a lifetime appointment while this big gray cloud of an FBI investigation hangs over

the presidency,' Schumer said.


That comment is rather amusing, considering such reasoning would have precluded Bill Clinton

from making any judicial appointments during his eight years in the White House … you

know, except during those rare slivers of time between investigations of corruption.

Yet Gorsuch is going to get approved one way or another.

"That's where the so-called 'nuclear option' comes in.

If majority Republicans change the threshold, Gorsuch could be approved with a simple majority

of 51 votes.

The nuclear option was first used by Democrats for circuit court judicial appointments in

2013 and top Republicans – including President Trump – have indicated for weeks it's

a serious option in order to get Gorsuch on the court.

'If we end up with that gridlock, I would say, "If you can, Mitch, go nuclear,"'

Trump said Feb. 1.


All things considered, Gorsuch is famously qualified and the Democrats were the first

to utilize the apparatus for lower court arrangements, so it just comes down to whether the Democrats

need to constrain the issue or not.

As such, the greater part of this is political theater as the Supreme Court anticipates its

most current part.

We are super tired of Democrats pursuing a pointless war against Trump and his organization.

Get over it, liberals.

You lost.

Furthermore, prepare to be blown away.

There ain't nothin' you can do about it.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comments section below.

SHAREthe truth, be patriots!

Thank you for reading.

For more infomation >> SMOKING GUN! The NSA Just Hammered the FINAL Nail Into Obama's Scandalous Coffin, This Is EPIC Detai - Duration: 14:42.


The 'English Knight' is a SCAMMER! Part 5 (with subtitles) - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> The 'English Knight' is a SCAMMER! Part 5 (with subtitles) - Duration: 9:14.


DON'T WATCH DAD!! - Duration: 6:18.

hey you, it's Evie (or Fibro Mom) before I jump in

the video I just want to say incase you

didn't catch the title dad rose, you

guys cannot watch this one I know you

guys usually watch my videos I think so

you cannot watch this one otherwise it's

going to ruin the surprise so you can

watch it after Gigi's memorial okay last

chance you got a book it can't watch

this until later okay aren't you guys

most of you know that have been in the

loop I'm just trying to listen for the kids they're

outside playing in Gracies home from

school we have three people cast away in

the family in the past month now the

left the last funeral memorial is

Saturday so we've been trying to plan it

I've been trying to help dad in Rose

plan it and a lot of stuff that goes into

it well you know how you don't have a

most funerals.. maybe it's just

here or the ones I've gone to like you

say a little bit about the person and it

seems like most of it has to do with the

church or whatever look today I wanted

to make sure this one is a little more

special I'm really sorry about the way

this is set up it's a mosque in the

kitchen like terribly bad the whole

house is a mess I couldn't sit down and

make they don't want a proper video

because nothing my videos are very

proper but I'd like to at least leave

you with a video sharing what's up when

things are crazy I don't ever just want

to leave you with no video so i thought

i'd share with you what i'm making it in

turn out as great as i had hoped or is I

vision but I'll share it with you anyway

I am a candle well I didn't make a

candle bought the candle

that's a big one for twenty dollars or

no it's okay to show her last name so

discover it right there is JJ good her

name and racing there and then i put a

little all Alzheimer's oh hi MERS famous

Alzheimer's I don't know how you say it

those trolls in the comment section i'll

make sure to chromeo it on it so watch

for that and then i put a little cute

message on there so when someone you

love becomes a memory the memory becomes

a treasure i thought i was really cute

if you were ever interested in seeing

how he would make something like that

let me know when i'll show you it's

vanilla so i was really going to i was

trying to get unscented but i couldn't

unless it was a fake plastic panel then

I was trying to think of something else

that I could make a little just

something little and then I thought well

make some of the purple ribbon it's not

just 45 ml g is also for Lucas and

Alzheimer's sketchy and if the funiest

have been hanging around for quite a

while where I've talked to Gigi about

Gigi in the past my my dad and Rose have

looked after her for eight years since

she was diagnosed with I've seen her

through this whole process and boy is it

hard definitely need to find a cure for

that disease so we got purple for that

and I have something I don't know 20 30

but I wanted to try to make like 70 of

them I don't know who's all coming your

family from California with Virginia

Connecticut so when we family they have

never even met before which is kind of

nerve-racking but exciting at the same

time it's also up to me to take care of

the music

which usually is no problem but I have a

different laptop I got the mess macbook

pro now things are going to calm our

eventually so thank you being patient

and dealing with my videos here this on

Instagram so you don't follow me make

sure you follow me there would be

awesome let me get to run out there

secrecy all right you guys so thanks for

watch for watching again I appreciate it

please be patient I'll always try to

have a video up I just hope they're the

akhakhu can't promise you it's always

great and play on the but from steel

video funny I just so happen to be

wearing purple today purple makeup line

to love you can see it thanks goes to me

ramble on


she doesn't talk to me the spooning

what's that mean oh yeah there's gonna

be a bunch of purple flowers there at

her memorial and I don't know if I told

you guys before but Gracie's kind of

thing you are my sunshine it sounds like

something to larosas grandkids that

little thing to which would be really

cute they all sing together I'm not

hundred percent sure but we'll see it'll

be really fun to see and hopefully

vandura coasting to try to take a bunch

of pictures and stuff forget to have oh

and I also thought about putting

grabbing one of the flowers dad those

extremely sentimental guy so I thought I

would stick of one of the dry flowers

from a memorial in here try to went to

the flower lady which now i feel bad

about because i forgot i'm colorblind to

contrast which lady notice it when she

picked up this one rather than she

thought was purple that looks brown to

me but so hopefully everything matches

well I mean you guys

I don't know I don't know how much of

the difference matters but it thanks

again for watching you guys I hopefully

i can edit this be set I don't have a

lot of time for pre warning I love you

all I hope you over doing okay and

you're not hanging in there and get

better chaos is going to settle down one

and things will go back to normal so


thanks buncha guys I'll see you next


For more infomation >> DON'T WATCH DAD!! - Duration: 6:18.


td.Jakes.2017-#the lord is in our heart live show 's td.jakes.2017 - Duration: 43:03.


For more infomation >> td.Jakes.2017-#the lord is in our heart live show 's td.jakes.2017 - Duration: 43:03.


Fitness is the Common Thread to Personal and Professional Success - Duration: 5:48.

I'm Randi and we're going to talk about Fitness

What do you think of when you hear the word fitness do you think of running the gym every day?

Fitness is a mindset fitness is something you do for your body and health. Its a way of life

The way you do one thing is the way you do everything

What is fitness? It's having a routine in the morning that supports me

Businesses don't just emerge

Overnight and turn to a success.

There's a process a system, but again it all comes back to you, and who you are and what you do for yourself

no-Judgment Zone

Imagine if you are looking to hire a health coach or a fitness coach

What you see is somebody walking around all day are the little coke in their hand or a red bull over here

Or maybe they're just drinking lots of coffee

And they're telling you how they never have time to eat right they don't have time to eat

You're learning things that can help you so for instance

I was inspired by my trainer to get licensed in wellness. It was a ten year process for me

It wasn't quick

but one of the first things that

Paul Chek taught me was

Do not tell your clients to do anything.,You're not doing yourself

Here's a crazy thing. I never ate fish growing up a little I ate shrimp cocktail

Tuna fish and smoked Salmon, and that was it for me, right? I just didn't like bones

It wasn't that it in like fish

And when I started learning about the value Salmon had because the omega threes

I said okay. I don't really like salmon. I'm not going to pretend

tomorrow that I all of sudden like salmon

but what I did commit to do was to taste salmon 10 times when other people ordered it

Now, salmon is actually now one of my favorite foods

I had to change my mindset

I had to understand that it could take eight to ten times for an adult to taste something and actually

If you can change your mindset. What could you do for other people?

It's an entire process. That's how I went from being a personal trainer

To a nutrition coach to a life coach to a functional diagnostic

nutritionist to an exercise coach with [the]

check Institute and a holistic Lifestyle Coach level 2

I'm going to really put so much time and effort into my education here and

To me when I think about it all comes back to as I said the word fitness

It's fitness. It's being fit in your life, and in your business and figuring out where is that medium for you?

Where is that middle ground that you're going to find and how are you going to incorporate it?

And I just want to say to you it's one

step at a time if you are a coach and you feel there's something that you want to be coached around or

Book 15 minutes and lets talk.

I have a couple of more spots for individual coaching for coaches

Whether you know me or don't know me, but is inspired by me, I'm here to help

Want to lose weight, get your blood pressure down or learn to reduce your stress?

Need a better Morning routine that sets you up for success every day?

Reach out on FB at

That's it! Think about what fitness is for you. I'd love for you to share that with us below this video

So have a great great rest of your day or evening. Whatever it is when you're watching this and I will see you soon

For more infomation >> Fitness is the Common Thread to Personal and Professional Success - Duration: 5:48.


D Rockefeller's Gruesome Legacy - Duration: 9:57.

D. Rockefeller�s Gruesome Legacy

The death of David Rockefeller, the de facto Patriarch of the American establishment, at

age 101, is being greeted by establishment media with praise for his alleged philanthropy.

I would like to contribute to a more honest picture of the person.

The Rockefeller American Century

In 1939, along with his four brothers�Nelson, John D. III, Laurance and Winthrop�David

Rockefeller and their Rockefeller Foundation financed the top secret War & Peace Studies

at the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the most influential private US foreign policy

think-tank which also was controlled by the Rockefellers.

A collection of American academics gathered even before outbreak of World War II to plan

a postwar world empire, what Time-Life insider Henry Luce later called The American Century.

They made a blueprint for taking over a global empire from the bankrupt British, but carefully

decided to call it not an empire.

Rather they called it �spreading democracy, freedom, the American way of free enterprise.�

Their project looked at the geopolitical map of the world and planned how the USA would

replace the British Empire as de facto the dominant empire.

The creation of the United Nations was a key part.

The Rockefeller brothers donated the land in Manhattan for the UN Headquarters (and

in the process made billions in the increased prices of the adjoining real estate that they

also owned).

This is the Rockefeller �philanthropy� method.

Every grant donated is calculated to increase family wealth and power.

After the War David Rockefeller dominated US foreign policy and the countless wars in

Africa, Latin America, Asia.

The Rockefeller faction created the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and NATO in order

to keep a reviving Western Europe under American vassal status.

How they did so I documented in detail in my book, The Gods of Money.

Here I consider several examples of David Rockefeller�s crimes against humanity.

Rockefeller Biology Research: �Control the people��

If philanthropy should be motivated by love of our fellow man, the grants of the Rockefeller

Foundation are not.

Take medical research.

During the period until 1939 and the War, the Rockefeller Foundation financed biological

research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin.

It was Nazi eugenics�how to breed a superior race and how to kill off or sterilize those

they deemed �inferior.� Rockefeller financed Nazi eugenics.

Rockefeller�s Standard Oil also violated US law to secretly supply the Nazi Air Force

with scarce fuel during the War.

After the War the Rockefeller brothers arranged for leading Nazi scientists involved in ghastly

human experiments to be brought to the USA and Canada under sanitized identities to continue

their eugenics research.

Many worked in the CIA top secret MK-Ultra project.

In the 1950�s the Rockefeller brothers founded the Population Council to advance eugenics,

disguised as population research into birth control.

The Rockefeller brothers were responsible in the 1970�s for a US Government Top Secret

project directed by Rockefeller National Security Adviser Kissinger, NSSM-200 titled, �Implications

of Worldwide

Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests.� It argued high population growth

in developing nations with strategic raw materials like oil or minerals were a US �national

security threat� as more population demands national economic growth, using those resources

internally (sic!).NSSM-200 made developing world population reduction programs a precondition

of US aid.

In the 1970s David Rockefeller�s Rockefeller Foundation also financed together with WHO

development of a special tetanus vaccine that limited population by making a woman incapable

of maintaining a pregnancy, literally going after the human reproductive process itself.

The Rockefeller Foundation created the entire field of genetic manipulation through its

ownership of Monsanto Corporation and financing of university biology research to create the

�gene cannon� and other techniques to artificially alter gene expression of a given


The aim of GMO, since Rockefeller sponsored the disastrous Philippine Golden Rice project,

has been to use GMO to control the human and animal food chain.

Today more than 90% of all soybeans grown in USA are GMO and more than 80% all corn

and cotton.

Yet it is not labelled.

�Control the oil��

The Rockefeller fortune is based on oil around companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and


Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller�s political adviser since 1954, was involved in every

major Rockefeller project.

Kissinger secretly manipulated Middle East diplomacy in 1973 to trigger an Arab OPEC

oil embargo.

The Oil Shock of 1973-74 was orchestrated by a secretive organization David Rockefeller

created in the 1950s known as Bilderberg Group.

In May 1973 David Rockefeller and the heads of the major US and UK oil majors met in Saltsjoebaden,

Sweden at the annual Bilderberg Meeting to plan the oil shock.

It would be blamed on �greedy Arab oil sheikhs.� It saved the falling US dollar, and made Wall

Street banks, including David Rockefeller�s Chase Manhattan, into the world�s largest


This author has the �confidential� protocol of that meeting where the price increase strategy

is described six months before the Arab-Israeli war.

Please see my book, A Century of War, for documentation.

In the 1970�s Kissinger summed up David Rockefeller�s world strategy: �If you

control the oil, you control entire nations; if you control food, you control the people;

if you control money, you control the entire world.�

�Control the money��

David Rockefeller was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, the family bank.

He was responsible for getting Chase Vice President, Paul Volcker, to become President

Carter�s Federal Reserve chairman to make the Volcker interest rate shock that again,

like the oil shock, saved the falling US dollar and Wall Street bank profits, including Chase

Manhattan, at the expense of the world economy.

Volcker�s October 1979 interest rate �shock therapy�, backed by Rockefeller, created

the 1980�s �Third World Debt Crisis.� Rockefeller and Wall Street used that debt

crisis to force state privatizations and drastic national currency devaluations in countries

such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico.

Rockefeller and friends such as George Soros then grabbed the crown jewels of Argentina,

Brazil, Mexico at dirt cheap prices.

The model was much like the British banks used in the Ottoman Empire after 1881 when

they de facto took control of the finances of the Sultan by controlling all tax revenues

through the Ottoman Public Debt Administration (OPDA).

Rockefeller interests used the 1980s debt crisis to loot much of the indebted Latin

America and African countries, using the IMF as their policeman.

David Rockefeller was personal friends to some of the more savage military dictators

in Latin America including General Jorge Videla in Argentine or Pinochet in Chile, both of

whom owed their jobs to CIA coups arranged by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

on behalf of Rockefeller family interests in Latin America.

Through organizations such as his Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller was the foremost architect

of the destruction of national economies and advancing so-called Globalization, a policy

that mainly benefits the largest banks of Wall Street and City of London and select

global corporations�the same who are invited members of his Trilateral Commission.

Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1974 and gave his close friend Zbigniew

Brzezinski the job of choosing its members in North America, Japan and Europe.

If we speak of an unseen, powerful network some call the Deep State, we might say David

Rockefeller saw himself as Patriarch of that Deep State.

His true acts deserve to be honestly seen for what they were�misanthropic and not


F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics

from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively

for the online magazine �New Eastern Outlook.�

For more infomation >> D Rockefeller's Gruesome Legacy - Duration: 9:57.


PeopleWork: The 3 C's to Becoming A Better Supervisor - Duration: 7:21.

Two years is a long time to be trying to get it right as a supervisor.

Especially when it comes to safety.

On this episode, the three C's of becoming a better safety supervisor.

Does your workplace take the most senior employee in a crew and promote that person into a supervisory


And then leave them to hang without skills, training and basic supervisory tools?

Has it maybe happened to you?

You know, there's a sense of irony that your company requires any employee or contractor

on your job site to have proper training to operate a piece of machinery?

But to supervise the people who are actually operating the machinery doesn't require any

supervisory training?

You need training to run the machines but no training to help your people be better

at running the machines?


Workplaces want their supervisors to mentor and coach the younger, less-experienced workers.

But a lot of those same supervisors don't get the skills and tools to do the job with

any kind of competence.

There is just an expectation that the most senior guy is the one who others will listen

to and follow.

And the new supervisor is left to just sort of figure it out.

I wrote about this in my book, PeopleWork: The Human Touch in Workplace Safety.

In an interview with an operations manager, he suggested that supervisors are likely to

fumble around for two years while they try to find their management style.

Maybe first being all about the rules.

Then trying to be all buddy-buddy.

And then sorting things out by trial and error - mostly error.

Two years is a long time to be trying to get it right as a supervisor on a job site.

Especially when it comes to safety.

So, let's see if we can't shorten that two-year curve.

Let's get right to giving you a 3-part formula to improve your effectiveness as a supervisor

or safety person.

Each part of the formula starts with the letter C.

Let's get to the first C. Collect.

Whatever skills you are missing, you need to collect ... for yourself.

Look safety people and supervisors, in addition to knowing rules and procedures, need information

to do the job effectively.

That means that there have to be no impediments in the way of collecting the information that

you need to get the job done.

When a person lacks skills in a certain area, they doubt their abilities.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

We all have our doubts about the things we know little about.

When you lack the skills or the information, there is a chance that you are going to overlook

an important element.

As a supervisor or safety person, you have people responsibilities.

That means you have to have good communication skills and to be able to build rapport with

your people.

Your people have to be forthcoming with getting the proper information to you.

That means they have to trust you.

To earn trust, you need to acquire the right skills.

So, if you're missing skills, take the time to collect the skills, the strategies, and

the development to overcome the issues and the concerns from your people.

And don't wait for your employer to get you the people-skills you need.

Those are personal skills you take with you from company to company.

Like a tradesperson buys quality tools, you need quality people tools.

Go buy them for yourself.

The faster you get good people skills, the faster you can fix and avoid problems on the


Because, problems that are not addressed tend to fester.

That means they get bigger.

And if you haven't got the skills to handle the small problems, how are you going to fix

the big ones?

The best solutions come from having access to and acquiring the best skills and information.

Do it for yourself.

The first C is Collect.

The second C - Connect.

Of the three parts, this may be the most important.

Even if you lack formal skills, if you're a little behind in acquiring the the skills

we just mentioned in the first point, you can still connect with your people.

And by doing so, you can overcome your skills deficiencies by improving your level of trust.

Connection is seriously important, especially with safety.

If you cannot connect with the people you oversee, you will find it difficult to communicate

and to earn respect.

Without respect, you will not be in a position to influence decisions and teamwork.

Without respect, the best you can hope for is to be tolerated as a supervisor.

And if they are only tolerating you, they're not listening to you.

So, you have to be able to connect with your crews.

You must be able to demonstrate to your people that you value them and the contributions

they make.

You have to connect in a way that your good people know that you have their backs before

they will have yours.

You can't coach the team if you can't connect with them.

The second C is Connect.

Once you do, the next part gets easier.

The third C is Correct.

Problems don't fix themselves.

It takes action.

But it has to be the right action.

In order for your crew to improve their performance, there needs to be tweaks and adjustments


These are small corrections.

A professional coach knows better than to dump a list of 17 corrections on an athlete to

improve at one time.

A good coach knows that an athlete who focuses on improving one thing at a time, tends to

master that one thing before moving on.

A good supervisor does the same thing; correcting one or two things at a time.

A safety meeting of 17 bullet points and things to focus on will definitely miss the mark.

Throw too much at people at one time and you confuse them.

People can't figure out the important from the fluff and filler.

And if you can't figure out what's important and focus on only those one or two things,

how are they supposed to know what's important?

So, be laser-like.

Correct one thing at a time.

That means you will always be improving.

The third C is Correct.

The three C's are easy to remember: Collect, Connect, Correct.

The same word except you switch out double L, double N and double R. Collect, Connect,


Effective supervisors, in addition to getting decent production, get better-than-decent

performance from their good people.

Production is numbers-based.

Performance is people-based.

And without people, there is no production.

Effective supervisors and safety people help employees get better so that they do better


Remember, it's not enough to simply send people home safe.

That's the least you are allowed to do by law.

It's also, by the way, the expectation of every employee.

They expect to go home safe at the end of every shift.

So don't talk about or claim to be celebrating sending people home safe.

That's what you're supposed to do.

You haven't achieved anything more than the bare minimum.

Instead, you want to send your people home better than they arrived.

And, that takes leadership.

For more infomation >> PeopleWork: The 3 C's to Becoming A Better Supervisor - Duration: 7:21.


The Power of InfinityPush's Compensation Plan by Tammy Jones - Duration: 26:34.

Jim Watts explains InfinityPush Compensation Plan on the Early Bird Team Hangout with Tammy Jones, Bart Jannssen, and Willie Adams

Here is the chart showing you why getting the premium membership matters at InfinityPush

You can join for ten dollars and make up to 500k by leveraging your team and promoting

This is not a get rich quick scheme, rev share or gifting program. It is an Income/Advertising Community

If you are in My Paying Ads, Zukul Ad Network, Powerhouse Feeder or Power Feeder, then you will love it here at InfinityPush

For more infomation >> The Power of InfinityPush's Compensation Plan by Tammy Jones - Duration: 26:34.


Episode 1: Unique Places to Workout in Richardson - Barre3 - Duration: 1:40.

Hi! I'm Angela Fry and I'm the owner/operator of barre3 Richardson.

We just opened in January of 2017.

Barre3 is a 60-minute workout where you'll get a deep muscle burn.

It's lengthening and strengthening.

We also hope you leave with a centered mind,

and we also are teaching you to be your own best teacher.

So, at barre3, yes Barre is in our name

but we are so much than that.

We are absolutely influenced by Barre,

but really our main goal is to help you find balance in your body

So we work with Yoga specialists and anatomy specialists,

so that we can help make you stronger for outside of the studio.

It's all low impact, but it's lengthening, strengthening and toning

We're always making sure you're in proper alignment

to help prevent injury and build strength

so you're stronger where ever you go.

So a really great feature that we offer at barre3 is childcare.

So we offer play lounge three times a day,

so parents parents can feel worry free

and make it that much easier for them

to get into our studio and take care of themselves.

For more infomation >> Episode 1: Unique Places to Workout in Richardson - Barre3 - Duration: 1:40.


How It's Made: Raffia from Madagascar - Duration: 1:24.

15 years ago, my first project was doing straw bags for the company and I said "well we need

to make bags in Madagascar, because it's most amazing country on Earth, because

they have this raffia that's amazing quality and they have all this capacity to do hand-crafted

work that really very few other countries have."

And so , fortunately, a couple of years ago, we finally found a manufacturer there and

we're super excited to launch our second season of straw bags.

Crotchet is something unique, something very specific, because it's completely done by hand.

For that, we need very, very skilled women.

That means women we employ are not women we can find everywhere.

The end crotchet needs around 30-35 hours just for that.

And then we have to sew, the leather to make the handles, to make the lacing, the lining.

So as we are able, we make a product that takes maybe 40- 45 hours.

This product has a story.

A real story and we hope that people understand this story, sees that there is something different,

and they can wear something that other brands are not able to do.

For more infomation >> How It's Made: Raffia from Madagascar - Duration: 1:24.


Ib - Part 4 - THIS IS TOO SCARY!! - Duration: 23:32.

Hello everybody! Whitemouse is in the house!

And welcome back to the world of Ib!

In the last episode, we found a companion and made a couple happy by founding their wedding ring! Yayyy~~!

And today we will continue

I don't want to continue at all

I mean...look at this!!

I don't want to walk between those mannequin's heads at all!

And the picture on the wall, just look at it!

But, I will continue~~

For you guys!

to hear me scream like a girl

I know you guys want that

Nothing bad happened though

Are those mannequin heads for here?

These are headless. So...

Actually, it is kind of funny if I imagine those heads on...


Many ladies in different colors here

What is this?

Why would someone consider this art?

It looks horrifying

There is something on his shirt

I read 6 because this is The Hanged Man so it must be reversed

So it will be

Maybe a code for something 6295

I will remember that

Ok, so, it will be used for something

Many rooms here

I got the password already!

2 rooms

Was that the sound of glass breaking

No, this is not the vase for healing

the flower

Let's go on the other side to read the note

Oh great

Ok, 10. Was it?

Paintings of women, not the mannequins so, ok!


Is there 1 more somewhere?

Oh here. OHHHHH MY GOD!!


Ok, I'm in

This is just not good for my heart

Wait, is this the guests's writing or something else's?

Ok, this is a water vase so...

But I don't want to heal now

I don't know what to do with these 2 rooms

Maybe the picture there will tell me something

Maybe try to push it here

Nothing happens

Ok, I will figure it out soon

Those ladies are much more slower here

This one is locked too

What am I supposed to do??

Let's save the game first

I remember...yes, that room. Let's try it, it can have the answer

Nooo!! It's locked too??

Then what do I have to do?

What now?

I'm stuck guys.I'm stuck

Help me!!

This is so weird

Maybe try interact with the ladies

Maybe a key somewhere

On the floor? Please? No

I'm hoping that one of these ladies will drop a key, the same as the red area but no luck

So, I have to solve the puzzle in this room

I don't know how

Then what now?


Ok, I just found out that there are some dots on the floor that fits the table's legs so

I try to put it there and it actually works

Not clear enough to see

Now, one of the doors must be unlocked

Not this one

I have to find it then enter it!

I wasted too much time

Glass breaking sound again

And a mirror

Ok, this looks normal

Not normal at all!

Now I can't go out

I don't know

I don't want to know. Wow!!!, I don't think we should kick or break anything in here

Break this may give some very bad results

Now, a key, but this one is much more faster than the rest

I will have to...yes yes, come near me


Now she will follow me and I can get the key

The gray...Waaaaa!! Noooo!!

Omg! I'm cornered!! HELP MEEE!!!

Omg! What is that?

Enter the room enter the room

(me kneeing down, collecting my soul back)

Ok, this room...a sofa

Well, perfect for me to rest

Isn't that...are they...

Oh my god. No!!

Not the time for that Garry!!

Well...resting here is a bad idea, something may happen while I'm sleeping

Ok, maybe try...

Ok, I don't have...I don't see anything happen

Uh oh

Omg. what?

Let me out!!

Oh no...

I'm trapped...OMG!! What the!


Oh nononononono

I may get out from...WAA!!

nonononon please!!!

Ohhhh noooo...

Ok, so i'm back inside the room again

The pictures will cause a hole on the wall

Here, so I have to run there as soon as I can

Maybe too tough for her own good

Ok, now here we go

Ok, now...

This looks like...


Ok, now i have to RUN!

Good! Oh everything is moving!!!

Everything!! Where do I have to go??

They are everywhere

That door is now open but

Ahh...last one, last one for me

This maybe my end. OH!!! There is an opening!!!


Not good at all

I'm not controlling guys, she collapsed

Now that is normal

Actually, that is normal

Ok, where am I now?

Is this something in my mind?

Yep, a nightmare

Well, I'm a tough kid so...


And the opening music of the game is playing

I can't even make out what is that painting about

That last one is surely creepy

Still have no idea why my parents bring me here though

I mean I'm 9

I don't even know what art means

Ok, that is kind of funny

She just fainted man

I want to find out more about this guy so I"m talking

But, doesn't seem much

Yeah, I just look at the paint ing and everyone just gone

Yeah, agreed

It is out of water already

Ok, it seems I'm done

I should've asked something else

I mean...maybe stare intensely

and make it awkward a little

Ok, I will end today's episode here

Thank you everyone so much for watching

And if you like the video, smash the like button down there and subscribe for more

Whitemouse's out!

For more infomation >> Ib - Part 4 - THIS IS TOO SCARY!! - Duration: 23:32.


Lat Stretch Elbows Propped - Duration: 2:22.

Welcome back to Foundation's YouTube Channel today we're going to show you a lat stretch.

The latissimus dorsi is a muscle that goes from kind of back here in the arms and it

comes around to your lower back and kind of ties into something called your thoracolumbar

fascia which is an area here in your lumbar spine.

When it's tight you'll have difficulty with raising your arms overhead cleanly.

A lot of times when you raise your arms overhead it'll make you arch your back.

That's the other area it will affect is if you have some hyperlordotic or you feel

like you really have this big arch in your back and you feel like you're always in

this position and you get great relief from just kind of stretching your back this way

then this may help.

So to get right to it you need something that's about chair height.

This is roughly about 20 inches high most chairs are about 18 inches high.

This will work just fine.

You're going to get on your knees and you're going to prop your elbows about shoulder width


So what you're going to do is sit back until you feel a little stretch.

Big thing is to make sure that you're still not arched in here.

This should be relatively flat.

And then you're just going to hang here.

That in itself may feel like a stretch.

Areas where people commonly compensate is that they'll let these elbows come out like

this and then they don't feel much of a stretch.

So you've got to make sure those elbows stay about shoulder width apart.

You can hang down here.

That's level one okay.

To progress to level 2 if you feel like you're not getting much of a stretch out of this

or you're ready to progress to a more aggressive stretch what you do is you keep those elbows

propped there and attempt to separate those hands without changing your posture.

You're going to feel your upper back muscles kind of kick in a lot plus you'll feel an

even bigger stretch in the lats from this area going all the way down.

So thats kind of a basic lat stretch.

It does get a lot of other small kind of intricate muscles but its something that we've had

a lot of success with our overhead athletes so its something easy and you should try.

If this helps you please like and share it.

I also urge you to subscribe to the channel we're attempting to put out great content

every time.

We remind you that movement is a gift and we hope you enjoy it.

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