Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 6 2017

For more infomation >> Chico FSAE Electric: Karting Event Trailer #1 - Duration: 0:50.


The Price Is Right - Just In Time - Duration: 2:39.

>> DREW: Rachel, how you doing?

Yeah, that was almost $2,500.

Rachel, welcome to the show.

George, what have you got for her?

>> GEORGE: Rachel, we have designer sunglasses and a

collection of headphones.

( cheers and applause ) >> Nice, nice!

>> GEORGE: These five pairs of unisex shades are handmade with

high-quality acetate and metals.

From Raen.

( cheers and applause ) And second, these four pairs of

lightweight headphones deliver the punch you want from your


From Monster Products.

One 64-gig iPod touch included.

( cheers and applause ) And finally, Rachel, if you win

those prizes, as a bonus you'll also win a Panama Canal cruise!

( cheers and applause ) You and a guest will fly coach

from Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to embark

upon a 15-day journey, courtesy of Princess Cruises, offering a

full season of voyages through the Panama Canal.

Discover this remarkable man- made eighth wonder of the world

as you sail between two oceans en route back to Los Angeles!

( cheers and applause ) >> DREW: Thank you James,

thank you, Rachel.

Playing the Clock Game.

That's right, it's going to be you and me speaking together,

communicating, eye to eye, mind to mind.

We're going to mind meld so you can win this.

You have 30 seconds to give me the price of the sunglasses and


If you do, that's the only way to get the Panama Canal cruise.

I'm going to let you start giving me what you think is the

price of the five pairs of sunglasses and I'll tell you

whether to go higher or lower, got it?

>> Got it.

>> DREW: As soon as you start talking, the the clock starts.

>> $1,500.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $1,350.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $1,050.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $650.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $750.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $895.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $840.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $820.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $810.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $790, $760.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $770.

>> DREW: Yes!

( cheers and applause ) See how easy?

That was great.

>> Okay.

>> DREW: See you just go up and down, narrow it in.

Now, you still hive 16 seconds.

You didn't even use up half your time.

You probably thought the whole time was gone.

>> I'm not looking.

I'm just looking at you.

>> DREW: Look at me.

We can get this.

16 seconds, four pair of headphones.

You can start talking, the clock starts.

>> $1,100.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $1,000.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $900.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $800.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $850.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $840.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $830.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $820.

>> DREW: Lower.

>> $810, $815.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $817.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $818.

>> DREW: Higher.

>> $819.

>> DREW: Yes!

( cheers and applause ) You've got yourself a cruise!

For more infomation >> The Price Is Right - Just In Time - Duration: 2:39.


The Mystery of Israel - Duration: 27:22.

The Bible is a book about Israel.

Yet its message is a universal one for all nations.

Learn God's purpose for Israel, and discover how all mankind can become a part of this

unique nation, next, on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.

Greetings, everyone.

Did you know that the Bible is a book about Israel?

And yet Israel is a total MYSTERY to religions in this world.

That's a shocking statement, but it is true, and you need to also realize that you can't

even UNDERSTAND the purpose of man unless you understand the truth about Israel.

Now, you can prove that; I'm not making statements that can't be proved.

Also, you can't even reach your human potential, your Incredible Human Potential, if you don't

understand the truth about Israel.

So I'd like to encourage you to look into this more closely than you ever have before.

Did you ever wonder why God raised up Israel?

And He's not a respecter of persons.

Is He a respecter of nations?

Is He a Being that has a favorite?

Well, these are many questions that we need to answer.

And also, did you know that God didn't even OFFER salvation to ancient Israel, except

for the prophets?

He didn't even offer that to them.

And here's another shocker, the northern kingdom of Israel was not Jewish!

You can look at II Kings 16 and verse 6 and see that the first time the word "Jews" is

mentioned, they're at WAR with Israel!

Now, how do you explain that?

Well, I've been going through a series of programs on Mr. Armstrong's, Herbert W. Armstrong's

book, Mystery of the Ages, and the seven mysteries are: Who and What is God; that's a mystery

to this world.

And the Mystery of Angels and Evil Spirits, number two.

Number three, the Mystery of Man.

Number four, the Mystery of Civilization.

And number five, Mystery of Israel.

And number six, Mystery of the Church.

It is a mystery!

And the Mystery of the Kingdom of God.

Now, I want to talk about the Mystery of Israel today, that fifth mystery.

And I'll begin in talking about Abraham or Abram, as he was called before he was converted.

But he was called "the father of the faithful."

Now notice in Genesis 12, verses 1 and 2.

To this man, Abram, God commanded this: "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred,

and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee

a great nation," so God made this wonderful promise to Abraham.

He was going to make him a great nation.

And He started Israel with one single man, just like He started humanity with one single


But here Abraham was the patriarch of Israel.

That was the congregation or the Church of the Old Testament.

But the PHYSICAL congregation of Israel under the Old Testament is really only a TYPE of

the New Testament Israel, or the Church of God.

And you can find that principle of duality throughout the Bible.

The Old Testament is just a forerunner or a TYPE of the New Testament and what happens


In Isaiah 43 and verse 21 it says this: "This people have I formed for myself; they shall

shew forth my praise."

Now, that was God's PLAN for Israel, to really show forth His praise and show the world how

to obey God and receive a MULTITUDE of blessings that God promises if you do that.

And again, you'll find this duality here in Abraham, as we found it in the first Adam,

a material and carnal man, and the second Adam, Jesus Christ, the spiritual and divine.

And there's the Old Covenant and there's the New Covenant.

All this duality!

And there's duality in Abraham's, the two phases of the promises to him, and that is:

One was purely material and national; the other spiritual and individual.

Here he was the father of the faithful.

That includes Gentiles, Israelites, everybody if they have faith in God.

Spiritually, you see, all mankind is to become Israel, and that's something that many people

don't understand.

But the Apostle Paul was an apostle to the Gentiles; that's in Romans 11 and verse 13.

But look at verse 17; I'll quickly read that to you.

Verse 17: "And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou," Gentiles, "and thou,

being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them," that is, Israel, "and with them partakest

of the root and fatness of the olive tree;" so the Gentiles spiritually become a part

of Israel.

You can see, I'll just paraphrase this, but in Romans 2 and verses 28 and 29 it says:

"For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly;"

And you can find in the very last era of God's Church, in Revelation 3 and verse 7 it talks

about the Philadelphia Era, and then it goes on in verse 9 and says that there's some of

them that turned away from God's Church, "...the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews...

but do lie;" so the lesson there is that we all even become spiritual Jews when we become

converted to God's way of life.

But I want to go back to ancient Israel and show you something here.

Verse 5 of Exodus 19: "Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant,

then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is

mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.

These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel."

Now, they were to be a kingdom of priests.

They were to teach the world about God, if the world was inclined to receive that teaching.

But they were also a holy nation.

But this was all on a carnal level.

They didn't HAVE God's Holy Spirit, but it was by the letter of the law, and that was

a wonderful way to live, the best way you could possibly live if you DON'T have God's

Holy Spirit.

But it was DESIGNED, you see, to bring prosperity and a carnal level of peace to Israel.

But notice what happened.

I'll just quickly read this to you.

Exodus 19 and verse 8: "All that the LORD hath spoken we will do."

Now, that's what Israel told God, but well, did they do that?

Did they do it the way they SAID they would?

Well, no, they didn't.

Now then we'll look at Jeremiah 3 and verse 20 where it says: "Surely as a wife treacherously

departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel,

saith the LORD."

So look at that!

Now, they just simply didn't measure up to what God wanted them to, and what they said

they would.

But this nation of Israel was God's nation, and God was there and they could APPEAL to

God, and He gave them His Church.

It was all on a physical level.

They were not a spiritual nation.

Why did God go through all that?

What was the purpose of all that?

I want to show you because it's one of the most AMAZING TRUTHS in the Bible!

And yet, only a tiny few understand it, and you can prove that to yourself.

But just think about these people, who had all these spectacular MIRACLES that God showed

them, when the Red Sea parted and they walked across on dry land between these two walls

of water, and then when the Egyptian army followed behind them, those walls collapsed

and drowned the entire army.

Now, that's such a miracle you'd think, well, hey, they could do ANYTHING if they saw a

miracle like that!

But that wasn't the case!

They were grumbling shortly after that about certain things they didn't like.

And if you go on to Mount Sinai, look at what happened there.

The mountain was like on fire, and there was lightning and thunder, and the mountain was

shaking when the Ten Commandments were given, and the people were scared to death!

But what a MIRACLE that was!

The sun stood still in the time of Joshua!

What kind of a miracle is that?

And again and again they defeated their enemies by various means.

Sometimes God even sent hornets before them to take care of the enemy.

It is AMAZING when you think about all the miracles that God performed.

But let me read something to you here, and I hope you'll listen closely because it is

a FOUNDATIONAL TRUTH of the Bible that you need to understand if you're going to understand

why ancient Israel, why did God put them THROUGH all this?

Well, here's the reason.

A quote from the book, Mystery of the Ages: "God now decided to give them knowledge of

His law--His kind of government--His way of life!

He was going to PROVE to the world that without His Holy Spirit their minds were INCAPABLE

of receiving and utilizing such knowledge of the true ways of life.

He was going to DEMONSTRATE to them that the mind of man, with its one spirit," one human

spirit, "and without the addition of God's Holy Spirit, could not have spiritual discernment--could

not solve human problems, could not cure the EVILS that were besetting humanity.

The nation Israel would be His guinea pig to demonstrate that fact."

Do you want to know why man can't solve his problems?

Well, it tells you right there.

And these people had God directing them, if they would allow Him to.

But this was His nation, and He made a covenant with them, the Old Covenant, a marriage covenant!

You talk about intimacy!

He really had it with Israel, if they would only allow Him to have it.

God was their Husband, and they were MARRIED to Him, they had an Old Covenant marriage,

and STILL they FAILED!

How do you explain that?

UNLESS you understand that they didn't have the Holy Spirit of God, except the prophets.

They didn't have it!

God didn't offer them salvation.

He wanted to PROVE to the world what Mr. Armstrong says here.

And do we understand that?

If you just think about, it seems like all the conditions were perfect EXCEPT they didn't

have God's Holy Spirit.

Mr. Armstrong went around and met more world leaders perhaps than any other person when

he was alive, especially the last decade of his life.

And he said he met emperors and rulers and kings and people like that, and they admitted

to him that the problems they had facing them could not be solved by human beings.

Now, that's an astounding truth that we OUGHT to understand after ALL this history that

we've had.

But those problems are of a SPIRITUAL nature and can only be solved SPIRITUALLY!

That's what men don't understand.

One more quote from Mr. Armstrong here: "The many decades and centuries of ancient Israel

proved that!"

That the carnal mind can't solve their problems!

"To Israel, God gave his statutes and judgments, as well as his spiritual law.

But these perfect laws did not, without God's Holy Spirit, solve the nation's problems!

God could say: 'I am God.

Take my word for it.'

But God gave PROOF, through Israel, that without the Holy Spirit, man is helpless!"

Man is helpless!

"They even had God to APPEAL to."

And they STILL failed!

Now, there has to be a reason for that!

Is the fault God's?

No, it isn't.

God is perfect!

It's not God's fault!

But they proved by experience, that man, without the Holy Spirit in him, cannot be righteous,

and he's totally helpless!

And that's what we haven't learned today.

Look what we're facing!

Our number one problem is that of human survival, and man doesn't have a solution!

It's BEYOND man solving!

We ought to understand that.

Notice Genesis 12 and verse 1, and let me read this again with an added verse.

This is verse 1 of Genesis 12: "Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country,

and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

And I will make of thee a great nation," race, and then He says, "[A]nd in thee shall all

families of the earth be blessed."


Salvation to all humanity!

A promise that that would come through Abraham, as well.

Now, if you talk about a nation, you're talking about race.

But if you talk about ALL families of the Earth, well, then you're talking about GRACE

being given to them.

Genesis 22 and verse 18 says: "And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be

blessed;" that's talking about Christ and the salvation that comes through Christ.

It's also mentioned in Galatians 3, verses 8 and 16 if you'd like to read that.

See, that one great nation is certainly not one seed; that's talking about Jesus Christ

coming along, the second Adam, that IS going to eat from the tree of life and be perfect

and die for our sins and prepare us to receive the Holy Spirit of God IN us, and that's how

Christ lives IN us.

We're saved by His LIFE!

Christ living IN us through the Holy Spirit.

That's what Romans tells us.

But then later on you can see in Genesis 17 that he became, that is, Abraham became the

father of many nations, and that can't refer to one seed, either.

Now let me read to you from Deuteronomy 10 and verse 19 where God says to Israel: "Love

ye therefore the stranger: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt."

So they were told to love the strangers, those of other countries, the Gentiles.

And verse 20: "Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to him shalt

thou cleave, and swear by his name.

He is thy praise," He is your PRAISE.

You ought to be praising God to the whole world!

And Israel didn't do that, never did that.

They failed in that!

And that's what God wanted them to do, and that's what the Church has to do today.

That is the solution!

Notice I Peter 2 and verse 9.

Here we go from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant: "But ye are a chosen generation,"

but notice how similar these words are.

One was the Old Covenant on a physical level, and the New Covenant is on a SPIRITUAL level,

and notice almost the same words, but a much greater depth here in verse 9 of I Peter 2:

"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye

should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous

light:" See, here Peter is talking about a kingdom of priests, priests who could teach

the word of God to other people, and help them understand how to live the way of being

blessed ALWAYS before God.

But here it's called a ROYAL priesthood.


A spiritual, royal priesthood of people who have the Holy Spirit living IN them, or have

Christ living in them THROUGH the Holy Spirit.

It's still called a holy nation and certainly is that.

This time, spiritually!

But Israel didn't even make it holy on the LETTER of the law level, as they /SHOULD have.

So here we have God's Church.

You see, if we're doing OUR job before Jesus Christ gets here, we're showing forth the

praises of God!

We should have our lives FILLED with praise for God because of the wonderful blessings

He's given us and CONTINUES to give us REPEATEDLY, even before we receive salvation in the Family

of God and as the very Bride of Jesus Christ, if we heed God's message before the Second


Then we don't have to be resurrected to get to know God.

Now, see, God had that goal with ancient Israel on a physical level, or a letter of the law


Notice now what it says here in Hebrews 8 and verse 6: "But now hath he obtained a more

excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was

established upon better promises."

That is, you can get forgiveness for your sins!

That's a better promise!

You can receive eternal life!

That's a better promise!

You can now call out to God the Father, your Father, and pray to Him, and He will take

you into His Family forever, and you will be a God-being.

Now, that's what your Bible teaches throughout; it really is!

How WONDERFUL is that?

How INSPIRING and MOVING is that?

Notice, here's where Israel failed, and yet so many people don't understand this, and

I wish they would look more closely at these scriptures because they're so stirring and

moving and so uplifting.

Verse 7 of Hebrews 8: "For if that first covenant," the Old Covenant, "had been faultless, then

should no place have been sought for the second."

there's no need for a second if that first one is perfect.

But what's WRONG with the Old Covenant?

"For finding fault with THEM," with THEM!

The problem was with the PEOPLE!

Well, why do THEY have a problem?

Here they had the Old Covenant with a perfect law.

It's not God's law that was the fault, it's perfect, Psalms 19 and verse17 says.

And it says the fault is with them!

No Holy Spirit!

They couldn't deal with the problems they had, which are spiritual in nature.

They couldn't do that.

God was showing all Israel and the world that the fault is with US!

We're going to have to learn we must have another Spirit.

And then He says He's going to write those laws in our hearts, not on table of stone.

I want to just read to you or mention to you here at the end, well, in Genesis 49 it talks

about Jacob saying to Ephraim and Manasseh, "Let my name be named on them."

So prophetically, that is Britain and America, and they are Israel, the two birthright nations

of Israel in this end time, and the Jews are the scepter nation.

And God is going to punish them first if they don't repent of their sins because we are

just DELUGED with sins today.

Surely we can see that if we know anything about the Bible.

And if you read Mystery of the Ages and study it, you'll understand that in a very vivid

and stark way.

Let me tell you, you will.

But I did want to mention just this about Solomon, and he had a son, Rehoboam, and then

Jeroboam rebelled against his son and took the ten tribes of Israel with him.

They followed Jeroboam, and he was like a prime minister to Solomon, really a great

man with a lot of ability.

So he turned the ten tribes of Israel, they were not Jewish, the ten tribes of Israel

away from the Jews and away from Jerusalem, and away from David's throne.

Now I want to just tell you this.

There is a MODERN-DAY Jeroboam!

A modern-day Jeroboam that's mentioned in Amos 7, and he is going to come on the scene

in this end time, and we have just decided to totally do again The Great Again booklet

and add a chapter to it about who IS this Jeroboam and what is HE all about.

In this end time it's like the ANCIENT Jeroboam!

So we've changed this book in many, many ways and updated it, so we'd like to ask you to

go ahead if you'd like and order it again or request it again because it is now so much

more powerful and has a revelation about this modern-day Jeroboam that will ASTOUND you,

and I mean ASTOUND you!

And it's such a wonderful, wonderful truth!

So do write for this new booklet, and I'm telling you, you're going to be moved and

stirred by it.

Until next week, this is Gerald Flurry, goodbye, friends.

God called the ancient nation of Israel to be an example to the world.

Without God's Holy Spirit, Israel failed to accomplish its purpose.

Request Gerald Flurry's free booklet Great Again to learn how the modern descendants

of ancient Israel are also failing to be a shining light in a dark world.

The updated version of this booklet contains a new chapter about the modern-day Jeroboam.

Anciently, King Jeroboam led Israel into idolatry and changed the dates and observances of God's

holy days.

A modern type of Jeroboam is prophesied to sink America into an abominable display of

false religion in the end time.

Read Great Again to discover God's solution to America's rebellion.

Understand how America truly will become great again, in a way that most people would never


Ancient Israel broke its Old Covenant agreement with God.

Request Lesson 21 of the Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course to discover

why Israel failed, despite having every advantage.

Learn how God replaced Israel with His Church.

To understand what God expects from true Christians today, study Lesson 21: "Marriage Is a Covenant."

With your order, you will also receive a free Key of David DVD: "Who Is the Modern-Day Jeroboam?"

Learn how a type of the ancient king who destroyed Israel is here in America today.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you.

Request Great Again, "Marriage Is a Covenant," and "Who Is the Modern-Day Jeroboam?"

Order now!

For more infomation >> The Mystery of Israel - Duration: 27:22.


Florida Fishing: RELAX. Dont lose it. - Duration: 9:00.


It's jumping around...

(Don't horse it!--)

Alright everyone, so we are in Melbourne, Florida right now,

we've got Killian on the drone,

and he's really looking for some trails or paths that we can use to take to the water

um, we're going to be doing some wade fishing today

and it looks like we're in luck, because

we've found an abandoned dock that doesn't seem to be fished very often,

but it's going to be quite a journey to get there.

♫ ♫ ♫

This area provides habitat to alligators...

M'kay. I like that.

It feels really nice now! It's so warm!

(Killian: We're out of the wind.)

*Brendon coughing*

We're literally going through a jungle right now.

Ha ha!

(Killian: This is a hammock, an oak hammock.)

It's beautiful.

Literally travelling through a jungle right now. It's awesome.

Wading through this?



That's awesome.


A bunch of structure right here, and the dock around the corner.

Look at the beams of the dock? Yeah.

Off to adventure...

We had some people ask us to do some wade fishing

so, here we are trying out the wade fishing-- (Erin wails)

First time...

This is a good spot to start your dragging because they'll hang around right at the shore line.

Sting rays...

Oh yeah?

There's one right here, you can see him!

(*Erin squeals*)-- So, we're going to want to drag our feet the whole time

because-- don't step on a sting ray...

There's stuff jumping around everywhere!-- I know!

There's a warm spot- did you pee here?


There's a warm spot right here, did you pee?

*Erin scoffs* No!

Remember that time you did pee?

In the pool that one time?

What are you talking about---? It was disgusting---

Are you making this sh*t up for the camera?

No, I'm not!

Are you even recording?

You better drag your feet before you step on a sting ray!

Here you go.

Just sitting here. Where? Right here.

I like this.

It's fun just, like, exploring the flats

It's beautiful-- It just looks so wild here, like look at that.

And it's like, the water kind of blends into the sky... so pretty.

On eye level...

I like it.

The trick is to try to not get hung up on the dock.

When we hook on?

No- when we cast out, when we start fishing.

'Cause we've got this wind blowing this way

so, consider that when you cast so that you don't hang up on the dock on the first cast and have to re-rig.

--Mmhmm-- and stuff, you know, like---

We have to be very quiet and sneak around so that we don't scare any of the fish away.

We are throwing these hooks with live shrimp on it right by the pillars.

I got it.

Thank you.

Go right up to it and fish under all those pilings over there, they won't even hear you.

Haha, dude, this is awesome

Cast literally that close to yourself and you can catch a fish.

Like, this first one?

Yeah, like, I just cast it there and it's totally likely that you can catch a fish on those pillars closest to yourself

I think right under there is really good

No, you fish this, I'll fish here.



Blew it.

I'm gonna get it out.

This is actually an ideal set up for bobbers.

Yeah? I brought one.

Did you? Yeah. You might want to put it on.

Good idea.


It's jumping around...

(Erin: Don't horse it!)

(Nice grab!) Alright! Look at that!

Ha ha ha ha! My first drum ever...

That's a keeper...

That's a nice one.

Allow me if you would.

There you go.

Wow.... that's amazing.

Killian is the man to put you on some fish.

(Hahaha, thank you, thank you) Thank you!

You're very welcome.

This is amazing.

Wow, what an experience.

Wading for red drum, baby!

Live shrimp!

I never thought I would ever have this experience in my life.

Thank you, Killian.

(Let 'er rip.) Let's let it go.

Unless you want to eat it. (Nahh...)

No, let's just let it go, this is nice, this is a nice fish

Just say one more thing and then let it go.

(Heavy breathing) Uhh....

I'm feeling like my adrenaline is crazy, I don't even know what to say.

Beautiful fish?

That was a pretty quiet event, too, you know?

Just me vs. the fish.

Yeah, my first drum.

Uh, can we get a picture with this, with the GoPro?


Uhh, I took the advice of just calming down and letting the fish fight and not trying to horse it in

letting it fight out there, um, a guy from Australia, I don't remember your name...

but, uh....

It worked out pretty well...

(Quiet, so I can catch more!)

Thank you guys for watching our show, if you enjoyed it please like and subscribe.

Also, check us out on Facebook, we've got a good community going on there,

so check us out now!

To all of our current subscribers, thank you so much for supporting us,

thank you for watching, thank you for being here ever week when we release our new episodes,

we're grateful to have you!

For more infomation >> Florida Fishing: RELAX. Dont lose it. - Duration: 9:00.


UFOs and Aliens in Declassified U S Forest Service Reports - Duration: 2:50.


Although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people

all over the world, most people don�t ever consider or understand the spiritual consequences

of drinking alcohol.

Let�s begin by taking a look at the etymology of the Word alcohol.

Etymology means the root of the word� where it is derived from.

alternative medicine costa rica

The word �Alcohol� comes from the Arabic �al-kuhl� which means �BODY EATING SPIRIT�,

and gives root origins to the English term for �ghoul�.

In Middle Eastern folklore, a �ghoul� is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies,

either as stolen corpses or as children.

The words �alembic� and �alcohol�, both metaphors for aqua vitae or �life water�

and �spirit�, often refer to a distilled liquid that came from magical explorations

in Middle Eastern alchemy.

In the words of writer and health enthusiast, Jason Christoff � �In alchemy, alcohol

is used to extract the soul essence of an entity.

Hence its� use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical


By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul,

allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of

low frequencies (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages �SPIRITS?�).

That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering

what happened.

This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions

are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate.

The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected to a tether, and a dark entity takes

the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self-serving illogical


Our bodies are cars for spirits.

If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride.

Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other

ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.�

I became aware of this phenomenon years ago when I was given a spiritual vision.

In this vision, I was transported as an observer above a popular bar and nightclub.

Above the venue where a variety of ghoul-like entities.

Inside the bar were people drinking alcohol, socializing, dancing, and so on.

I watched as certain people became very drunk.

I saw their souls, while connected through a thread, exited the body.

I understood that the soul was leaving the body because of the great discomfort of being

in a body highly intoxicated with alcohol.

When the soul exited the body, other non-benevolent entities entered or latched on to their vacant


Once the entities took hold of the body, they used the body to play out all kinds of dark

acts, such as violence, low-level sexual encounters, destructive behaviors, rape, and more.

Years later, while reading a book called Mans Eternal Quest, by Paramahansa Yogananda, this

spiritual master clearly explained the exact same thing as I was shown in the vision.

I began to look back over my life and remember situations where I saw dark spirits hanging

around people who had become very drunk.

Let me elaborate a bit when I say I saw these entities � I have had the abilities of clairvoyance

(the ability to perceive things beyond the natural range of the senses � which can

include: ESP, extrasensory perception, sixth sense, psychic powers, second sight; telepathy,

and more) , clairaudience ( the ability to perceive sounds or words from outside sources

in the spirit world), and the experience of being a spiritual intuitive and empath since


I have the ability to see energies and spiritual manifestations that most people don�t see.

As I looked back over my life I could remember many incidents of encountering non-benevolent

spirits in the presence of intoxicated individuals.

I also have had experiences of looking into the eyes of a few people who were surely �possessed�

by dark energies that were not their own.

I also remember a psychology course I once took.

In part of this course, we studied advertising and the effects on humans.

We looked at the advertising for alcohol.

A master teacher of this subject illuminated the fact that most alcohol advertisements

are embedded with hidden messages and images � not typically perceivable to the common

sight, yet perceived through the subconscious.

Knowing how powerful the subconscious is in our decisi�n making, feelings, reactions,

beliefs, etc., the slick sales teams of alcohol (as well as tobacco and other products) used

this sinister technique to trick us into buying their products and joining the societal cult

of mental apathy and cultural obedience.

Many of these hidden messages and images were extremely sexual � working to influence

some of the basest urges and primal nature of humans.

Let this example bring you to a place of curiosity and questioning.

Why have the marketing teams felt the need to trick us and coerce us through subliminal

messages to buy products that are harmful to the human body and to our soul?

How many times have you or someone you know, after becoming quite intoxicated with alcohol,

behaved in a manner uncommon to them?

Perhaps you experienced the changing of voice, violence, sexual promiscuity, ingesting of

harmful substances, destruction to property, conflictual behavior, and other negative expressions.

Consider these experiences and ask yourself � is this the manifestation of light, love,

and positivity?

Do these occurrences represent a path of consciousness and health?

It is a known by many that ingesting alcohol depresses the nervous system, kills brain

cells, is toxic to the liver, weakens the immune system, and has many other harmful


We are taught that long-term alcohol use can lead to unwanted weight gain, diseases of

the liver, lowering of intelligence, and negative effects on hormones.

Drinking alcohol while pregnant can lead to birth defects, mental retardation, and deformities

in the developing fetus.

Yet still, it is mass promoted and supported by our mainstream culture.

Have you ever considered that alcohol is a slick tool of the supporters of the Matrix

(global mind control and oppression program) to keep people on a path of disempowerment

and sickness?

We have to ask why is alcohol legal throughout most of the world, yet in many countries,

and specifically the United States, psychedelics are illegal.

The conscious and safe use of psychedelics or �visionary medicines�are known to assist

in mind expansion, to initiate spiritual experiences where people have communed with the divine,

healed numerous physical and spiritual ailments, increase intelligence, help to re-pattern

the brain in a positive way, assist people in aligning with their soul�s purpose, and

have inspired many people to create great works of art and other innovative creations.

It seems that these substances would definitely be banned and discouraged if there truly is

an agenda seeking to oppress the human potential and keep us �in the dark� regarding who

we are as spiritual beings, our innate potential, and the path to empowerment.

As we strive to heal, awaken, and transform our world � I pray that we wise up to the

dirty trick played upon humanity in regards to alcohol.

Non-benevolent forces have wanted to keep us oppressed, disempowered, and asleep.

How many of us have seen families broken and lives lost because of alcohol and alcoholism?

Do you think it makes us smarter or healthier or overall better people?

It�s time to change things.

Let�s stand behind replacing the rampant abuse of alcohol with more health enhancing

practices and activities �

and learn how to live awakened and empowered lives!

Before I close this writing, I want to share a little more about the history of the word


There have been some people who look into the etymology and discover this explanation

�alcohol (n.) � 1540s (early 15c. as alcofol), �fine powder produced by sublimation,�

from Medieval Latin alcohol �powdered ore of antimony,� from Arabic al-kuhul �kohl,�

the fine metallic powder used to darken the eyelids, from kahala �to stain, paint.�

Paracelsus (1493-1541) used the word to refer to a fine powder but also a volatile liquid.

By 1670s it was being used in English for �any sublimated substance, the pure spirit

of anything,� including liquids.

Sense of �intoxicating ingredient in strong liquor� is first recorded 1753, short for

alcohol of wine, which was extended to �the intoxicating element in fermented liquors.�

In organic chemistry, the word was extended 1850 to the class of compounds of the same

type as this.�

drug addiction costa ricaUpon further research, we can find that in ancient Egypt, the eyes

of both men and women were lined top and bottom with a thick black powder known as kohl, kajal,

or mesdemet.

The outlined eye resembled the almond-shaped eye of the falcon god Horus observed in the

Eye of Horus glyph.

It was believed that this shape invoked the god�s protection and warded off evil spirits.

Yet if one were to dig deeper, as a true scientist, researcher, or truth seeker does, you will

also discover these interesting facts�

Dr. Rachel Hajar, an accomplished modern-day editor, author and medical advisor, while

researching an article on alcohol for her online medical journal, found additional meanings

in ancient Arabic texts; Al kol: Genie or spirit that takes on varied

shapes or a supernatural creature in Arabic mythology.

Al kol: Any drug or substance that takes away the mind or covers it.�

The word alcohol is also linked to the fixed star in astronomy known as Algol- also known

as �the Demon�s head.� The current Arabic name for alcohol (ethanol)

is ????? al-gawl � properly meaning �spirit� or �demon�.

It is not a coincidence that alcohol has often been referred to as spirits.

There is a deep history behind this intoxicating substance.

There are layers of information throughout our culture, sometimes we have to look below

the surface of things to find the fullness of truth.

I encourage you to deeply consider the information shared here, look at the effects of alcohol

in your life, in the lives of the people you know, and in society at large.

Make conscious, informed, and health enhancing decisions.

The more people who awaken to truth and seek health and liberation from mind control agendas,

the more likely we are to make positive changes and co-create a world we feel good about living


For more infomation >> UFOs and Aliens in Declassified U S Forest Service Reports - Duration: 2:50.


Lexus IS 300H Business Line Pro Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Lexus IS 300H Business Line Pro Navigatie - Duration: 1:02.


How Old Is The Universe - Duration: 7:11.

For more infomation >> How Old Is The Universe - Duration: 7:11.


A picat Demon Hunteru / Demon Hunter is DOWN - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> A picat Demon Hunteru / Demon Hunter is DOWN - Duration: 0:33.


Consult Don't Sell - Duration: 7:43.

Welcome to Network Marketing Pro.

My name is Eric Worre.

Today I want to talk to you about how to talk to prospects.

So many of you go out and you just want to give everybody every fact and figure.

"Let me tell you about the product.

Let me tell you about the compensation plan.

Let me tell you about the company."

And in my opinion most of the time you are jumping the gun.

Because what you need to do first, if you want to take someone who is focused someplace

else, and get them to potentially consider what you have, you have to get them to open

their mind a bit.

And part of opening their mind is getting them to imagine something different than what

they are currently doing.

Now I have heard about this used in lots of different techniques over the years, but the

best way I think about it is acting like a consultant.

If you act like a consultant instead of a salesperson you are going to build more trust,

and have a better conversation.

And what do you consultants do?

They ask questions to try and figure out the situation.

And one of the most important, I think, or a key at least, strategy, is to talk to people

about entrepreneurship.

Not about your product, not about freedom, not about your comp plan or your company,

or your team.

Talk to them about entrepreneurship.

Here's some questions you should ask people.

"Have you ever gone into business for yourself?"

And when you ask that question, what are you gonna get?

You are going to get no I haven't.

And if you get no I haven't, then you are going to say, "Why didn't you?"

And even if they are entrepreneurial but they don't really have a product, or an idea, or

a strategy, or the money, or the time.

Or they are not entrepreneurial, they are more employee minded, and that is a very important

thing for you to know, when you are talking to a person, an employee minded person.

That they are going to go through some pretty big struggles in this entrepreneurial environment

of network marketing.

And if you don't know that and you are trying to push an employee type person into entrepreneurial

thinking, you are going to create some stress, and drama, and friction.

So if they say "You know, no I haven't and here is why I haven't."

Because you are going to ask other questions, "Why didn't you?"

They are going to give you a list and here's the list of reasons why people didn't go into

business for themselves.

"I was too afraid.

I didn't know if I had the skills.

I didn't have a good product, or a good service.

I didn't have enough money.

I didn't have the time to do it.

I couldn't risk quitting my job in order to be able to make it happen, even though this

has been my dream my whole life."

And if they give you that list, what do we have, inside of the network marketing profession

to be able to take care of that list.

We have the friendliest environment for an entrepreneurial person who has the dream but

doesn't have the vehicle.

We have a way for those people, with very low risk, with flexible time, with the product

and idea already taken care of, all of the business aspects handled for them.

This huge safety net created for them, for them to give it a shot, that dream that they

have had forever, to give it a shot.

So if they say no they haven't and they give you a list of reasons why they haven't, then

you can give them a solution.

Or if they say, "Yes I have."

You can say how is it going.

"Ohmigosh, I tried it and it didn't work, it was a disaster."

"Why didn't it work?"

"Well it didn't work because I didn't have enough money, I didn't have enough time, I

wasn't good enough with this, the product wasn't good enough, my location wasn't good


And do you or do you not have solutions to all of those objections and challenges that,

that person went through?It's the same list of solutions that we have inside of the network

marketing profession.

Or they might say, "Yes I have started my own business, I am doing it right now.

And it's a disaster.

I don't own the business, the business owns me, I am a professional babysitter."

And they give you all of these lists of challenges that they have with the business.

Or you can ask them, "Is it challenging?"

And what do we have as a solution to a challenged entrepreneur?

The ability for somebody else to do all the heavy lifting.

The ability for the risk to be very very low.

Not to have to have employees.

Not to have personal guarantees, and offices, and overhead, and all these different things,

that are necessary for a traditional small business person, are not necessary for a network

marketing entrepreneur.

So what you could say is, "What if you could trade all that for a simpler path to get the

same result.

The result is working for yourself.

The result is having freedom.

The result is making a difference in people's lives.

The result is taking care of your family, and doing the things that you dream about.


So if you have this conversation about entrepreneurship, no matter where it goes, you have a solution.

If a person thinks that they are employee minded, then you could say, "Well have you

ever thought of maybe switching that instead of being employee minded, maybe being entrepreneurial


You could have a conversation about that.

And talk about how easy it might be to give it a try.

If that doesn't work, take them to a customer conversation, and that's fine, leave it there.

Second aspect is you can go into, a person says, "I haven't tried it and here's all reasons


And you can give them the solution.

Or the third is, they have tried it and it didn't work and you can give them the solution


Or they tried it and they are currently involved in it, but they have challenges, then you

have a solution for all of those challenges.

So talk to people about entrepreneurship, and then you have an easy entry to talk to

them about network marketing as a solution.

Your product, your company, your compensation plan, your team, your system, all of the great

stuff that you have to be able to help them as a consultant.

To help them from a bad situation to a better one, that's what we do.

Try that approach, give me your comments below.

And if you feel somebody else should hear what I am talking about today, and would get

value from it, please share this video, like comment, share tag, do all the things that

you do to spread the word.

Together we are doing important work.

Ladies and gentlemen my wish for all of you is that you decide to become a network marketing


That you decide to GoPro.

Because it is a stone cold fact, that we do have a better way.

Now let's go tell the world.

Everybody have an awesome day.

And I will see you tomorrow.

Take care bye bye.

Hey my name is Eric Worre and if you are involved in the network marketing profession, I want

to invite you to come to the Network Marketing Pro YouTube Channel.

Every week we put out content on how you can become a network marketing professional.

We have tips, ideas, strategies, interviews with million dollar earners in the profession,

interviews with global icons like Tony Robbins or Sir Richard Branson.

Lots of different things that we provide, they are absolutely free.

Do yourself a favor, click on the link, subscribe to the YouTube Channel, tell your friends

to do the same, and I can't wait to see you there.

For more infomation >> Consult Don't Sell - Duration: 7:43.


How To Plan A Successful YouTube Channel: In 4 Easy Steps - Duration: 6:17.

Hello, it's Jeff from Video Cashflow

here. In this week's video I'm going to

go through a plan on how to build a

YouTube channel but it's also a plan

that you can use for other forms of

content as well. So without further ado

let's head over to the computer and I'll

run through it with you there. See you in

a minute..... Hello welcome back. I'm at the

computer now so let's carry on with how

to plan for a new and successful YouTube

channel....or a book.... or a piece of music,

perhaps. But, before we get to the plan

itself we need to step back and just go

over a few basics such as determining

who is going to be your audience. In fact

is there an audience and what are they

looking for? What are their problems that

require solving? You will also need to

think about how your channel is going to

be different from other channels that

are on the same subject, so in other

words can you make your channel unique

in any way? What can you do to make it

stand out so that people are attracted

to it? And also can you hone in on a

specific problem that perhaps most

others aren't addressing or a specific

problem within an overall problem? So

anything you can do to be different i.e.

stand out, is to be encouraged. Now once

you've got those basic marketing

principles out the way now we can look

at the method behind the madness! As

you can see on the screen there that's: one year;

four seasons; thirteen weeks per season.

That's 52 weeks Jeff what's that all about? Okay,

so please bear with me on this bit -

number one is the subject matter - so it's

a subject for the book or for the

YouTube channel. Then within that subject

matter it's broken down into four parts

or sub-subjects: the start; a middle part;

the second middle part; and the ending.

And each of those sub-subjects is made

up of 13 parts. In the case of a book

that's the chapter headings. In the case of a

channel it could be playlists, and you end

up with 52 lots of quality content. That's

four x 13 = 52 lots of quality content.

So what

do you end up with in practical terms?

Well, following the 1-4-13-52 plan you end

up with one YouTube channel. Within that

channel there'll be 4 playlists. In each

playlist are 13 videos, and that's a total

of fifty-two great videos. And if you are

producing or knocking out one

video per week that's a year's worth of

content! Equally we can apply this

method or plan to books, so if you're thinking

about producing a book or writing a book

and you can produce one paperback book for

example. Or you can break that book down

into four constituent parts and each of

those parts could represent a kindle

book. Now within the overall paperback

book you could have thirteen chapters.

Now, don't focus too much on the thirteen

chapters. It could be 10, it could be

7, it could be six, depending on the type of book

that you're writing, but just to give you

an idea for planning purposes how this

all structures out and again if you're

pulling together, say, four Kindle books

each with, say, up to 13 chapters, that's 52

articles that you've produced again, over a

year. But the other good thing about this

as well is that you can produce quite a lot

of good quality content that you can

start sharing. You can use some of that

material for guest blogging, for example.

That'll be a great way to get your

youtube channel, your website, your own

brand getting a lot more exposure, and end up

collaborating with other internet

marketers and youtubers. So there is

method in the madness as I say and it's

just one of the, or a couple of the

benefits that could emanate for you from

following the plan. Now the other

benefits from following the plan is that

it keeps you focused and disciplined; it

makes you more creative (enabling you to come

up with new ideas; and also it keeps you

posting consistently. Now bearing in

mind that for YouTube, consistency is the

key. It's one of the main attributes in

having your channel, your videos ranked as

high as possible. So that is a massive

benefit from a YouTube perspective. In

addition, your mind becomes more

receptive to what's going on around

it and taking note or what's in the news,

but also at the end of the day you've got a

year's worth of original content. Now you

don't have to wait a year to use that

content but what I'm saying is as you go

through the year you're building up some

great content and as I said earlier you

can use it to.....for things like guest

blogging and what have you. Now obviously

you've probably got quite a bit of

content already in which case you can

turn those articles into videos; you can

turn those articles into books; you can

go from videos to books or from books to

videos It opens up a whole new area of

opportunities for you, and it's

interesting to note that there's a

fairly new thing that seems to

be doing the rounds now. There's a bit of a buzz-word.

It's called Booktube and this plan - this

1-4-13-52 plan seems to be ideally

suited for this new phenomenon called

booktube. So I hope those tips and plan ideas

have been useful. For more awesome

YouTube and business tips please

subscribe to the Video Cashflow channel.

You can find subscribe button below the

video here or along the bottom. In the

meantime if you wouldn't mind clicking

the Like button underneath the video;

feel free to share this video with friends,

family, business associates and

colleagues, and please leave a comment as

well. I'll be happy to answer any queries or

questions. In the meantime enjoy the rest

of the day. Look out for the next video.

See you soon. Bye bye now


For more infomation >> How To Plan A Successful YouTube Channel: In 4 Easy Steps - Duration: 6:17.


How to Determine if the Sale is Right for You: And How to Walk Away When it Isn't! - Duration: 7:08.

Hi this is Shawn Bradford with Breathe &

Work and Breathe & Sell, back to give you

another mindful selling tip to move your

business forward attract more clients

and grow your sales so today's tip you

will not believe it it's all about

walking away from the sale what I know a

lot of you are saying that right now

what well here's the deal you know those

prospects that you probably should have

never put any time into they're draining

your energy you need your precious

energy and your precious time and you

need to focus on the clients that you

are supposed to be working with that

appreciate your products that appreciate

your services and then appreciate you

all right without further delay let's

get into it here are seven times you

need to be honest with yourself and walk

away from that sale all right tip number

one when to walk away if a client is

being disrespectful they keep you

waiting for 30 minutes for a meeting

each and every time yes sometimes

there's emergencies but if it's a trend

mm-hmm they're never returning any of

your phone calls their yellers they

curse bottom line if you don't feel

respected walk away that's going to

drain your energy and you're not going

to need to be able to focus as well I'm

getting all those prospects that want to

work with you all right the second time

you should walk away from a sale is when

that prospect has no need now listen I

know you're saying I can sell anything

to anyone yes I know you can but you're

going to create problems for yourself

and you're going to eat up way more of

your time in the future if you sell your

product to people that really don't need

it alright walk away when you know

somebody doesn't eat it walk away go

find all of those prospects that truly

need you and your services all right tip

number three when to walk away if you

have a prospect asking you to do

something unethical illegal something

that's not honest don't think twice walk

away again

going to create so many more problems

for yourself not worth it I know some of

you are brand new and you're thinking I

just need clients but listen let's think

a year or two down the road you want to

build your base with clients at our

honest that appreciate you that you love

working with wouldn't you love to have a

base of clients where they're all

enjoyable they all give you energy they

all appreciate you that exists you just

have to know when to say now alright

let's keep moving this thing along you

have a super duper needy prospect now

there's a difference between having top

knots or top notch service excuse me and

always being there for somebody for your

client having great turnaround time or

totally unrealistic client that is

expecting you to return their phone call

at 10pm at night we have those needy

prospects that's how they're always

going to be if it's just zapping your

energy again walk away because you're

taking your time and energy away from

all these other people that want to work

with you that are going to find you soon

all right number five if you offer

multiple services multiple products and

you know because you're an expert that

your client needs this product yet they

want this product that's not right for

them you know they're not going to be

happy but no matter what you do you

can't get them to this product walk away

do not create an unhappy client okay you

know your product and you know this

prospect if you can't match them up come

back to them at a later date maybe but

don't push them in or don't let them

push you into a product or a service

that you know is not right for them

maybe budget but at some time you have

to put your foot down and go I know this

is going to create issues this is too

small of a product for them even though

it fits their budget so I'm going to

have to walk away don't create future

issues if it's not the right product

walk away all right next one you know

those prospects that are just nickel and

diming you and you get down to having

zero profit listen a healthy business is

built on healthy fair profit

if you have a client that is just nickel

and diming everything and taking all the

profit out one we got to go back to some

basics with you for how to hold your

value but to you're going to resent that

later that's not going to be the client

you want to work with and every single

product if it's a repeat client that you

sell them you're not going to have any

profit so again if they're nickel and

diming you they're taking all the profit

out you gotta walk away so let's say

you're in real estate and you have a

client that wants you to sell their home

for way less of a percentage than what

you're doing it for anybody else got to

really think about that are they going

to refer you other clients like that

they have future business and they're

always going to expect that value what

you do know that a healthy business has

to operate unhealthy profit all right

last one if they have no money this

one's a tough one because there's a lot

of nice people we want to work with out

there but let's say you spend three

months answering somebody's questions

revaluing proposals and you sell

high-end let's say equipment and you

never got a pre pre approval because

you're assuming they're going to qualify

get that pre-approval from the get-go

same thing let's say you're a real

estate agent are you showing people

homes without having a pre-approval and

without talking to their finance

mortgage officer if so value your time

make sure they will get approved all

right those are seven times that you

need to walk away from the sale in just

in summary the reason you have to walk

away is your time is precious you offer

an amazing service in an amazing product

and you've got to value what you offer

and if you're being drained by these

prospects over here there's all these

clients that are going to value you

they're going to appreciate what you

bring to the table that you don't have

time for because your energy is getting

drained over here so no one to walk away

get honest and get clear with yourself

so you have more of yourself to give to

the people the clients the prospects

that appreciate what you do all right

but it starts with you valuing yourself

if you like this video in this tip like

it below share

and leave a comment and I'll see you

here next time to give you another tip

to inhale more sales and exhale any

sales that are draining your energy and

are not with your time thanks so much



For more infomation >> How to Determine if the Sale is Right for You: And How to Walk Away When it Isn't! - Duration: 7:08.


Everything You Need To Know About Ashes of Creation - Duration: 11:03.

Ashes of creation is a next generation MMORPG coming soon to kickstarter and it's going

to be one doozy of a game.

To prepare you for it, here's everything you would need to know about the game and

why you should be excited.

Keep in mind that all footage in the background is pre-alpha and is subjected to change.

Also a special shout out to Frederik and Nivhawk on the discord and forum for compiling a giant,

detailed FAQ of everything. Seriously. You guys are awesome.

With that out of the way, let's hop to it.

First things first, let's talk about it's category.

The game leans more towards the living world type of MMO we've been steadily progressing

towards these past couple years such as Guild Wars 2, Archeage, and may it rest in peace

Everquest Next.

Expect consequences-to-your-actions type of events such as stabbing a slime in one area

causing a flood 5 zones away.

Okay, maybe a bit more contextual, but you get the idea.

Everything you do will have a purpose and contribute to the area you're in called

a node.

More on that later.

There will be plenty of PvE content in terms of dungeons, raids, world bosses, etc, as

well as plenty of PvP content such as guild sieges, arena ladders, open world PvP and

illegal fight clubs, I mean… uhh, legal sparring matches….


And plenty of lifestyle based things like gathering, crafting, raising animals, etc.

The interesting thing is that most actions in any of these categories will contribute

to building up the node in your area.

Hold that thought for now.

In terms of character customization, there are 6 races announced so far,

Human, Human, Elf, Elf, Dwarf and Orc, with 2 more

unannounced yet to come.

Your race will affect your stats as well as add unique flares to your skills.

They will not, howeverm lock you to class choices, so feel free to role play your Orcish Flower Picking Cleric

all you like.

Speaking of which, there are 8 classes announced so far, Mage, Summoner, Cleric, Bard, Fighter,

Tank, Ranger and Rogue.

Even more interestingly, you can also pick up a second class and that will augment your

primary class's skills.

The example they gave was that a fighter taking up a mage secondary class will be able to

augment their running charge skill, rush, into a blink tackle type of skill.

Each of these secondary classes will also have a class name associated with it, ie the

fighter/mage hybrid is called a spellsword and a tank/cleric hybrid is a paladin.

So in truth, there are actually 48 classes since yes, you can be a mage/mage purebred

if you want to.

The combat in the game is tab tar- Wait where are you going?

Yeah yeah, I know tab targetting has its stigma, but from what we can see in the footage, the

game is still fast paced with positional AoE skills and movable casting, so much more akin

to Guild Wars 2 than FF14 or WoW.

Much of the game's combat variety comes from augmentations that comes with your secondary

class and your race.

These augmentations change up your primary class's skills and playstyle.

Secondary classes can be swapped around on a character but your primary class is locked

in much like Guild Wars 1.

In addition to combat, many of the skills presented so far seem multi-functioned and

can also be used for exploration.

Such as your magic shield skill allowing you to hover a short while or a fireball that

can also light a brazier.

Every class will have unique ways to deal with unique environmental situations and utility

items are also available to circumvent them in the open world and dungeons.

Speaking of dungeons, in Ashes of Creation, dungeons can have both an instanced and an

open world section to capitalize on the benefits of both.

You may find yourself having to deal with open world PvP at times, so make some high

level friends so you can call em up and start a war.

Dungeons will often yield cool rewards, such as rarer nodes for gathering, and are sometimes

only available when that area's node reaches a certain level.

More on tha-


Okay okay, I get it.

Let's talk nodes.

So the best way to describe nodes is to imagine them as seeds for a city.

These seeds are all over the world, with multiple of them per region.

When players do anything in an area, the seed gets nourishment and grows.

With enough nourishment, it grows into an outpost.

Now, you'll start getting npcs cropping up in the area.

As you help these npcs and continually do things in the area, the area levels up, eventually

becoming a city, then a metropolis, unlocking more functions like housing, government, higher

level crafts and indoor plumbing.

That last one is not yet confirmed but I believe we finally have the technology.

This overall creates a dynamic system where cities will grow based on where people are

active like a living world should.

Running in counter to this development are the arrival of stronger creatures, discovery

of new dungeons and awakening of cataclysmic events.

These events give players a reason to band up and as the city grows larger, the people

need better organization to unite against bigger threats.

In addition to PvE threats, there are also the threat of PvP in the form of sieges.

Through a rare item, a guild can declare war on a node.

After a period of setup time, both sides duke it out in a huge scale siege.

Yes, there will be castles, yes, there will be multilayered mechanics such as killing

side camps to increase defender spawn time, yes, there will be siege weapons, buttsliding

unicorn horn launchers unconfirmed.

If the siege succeeds, you knock a node down a notch and everyone goes on their merry way.

If not, then the attackers just pretend it's a youtube prank gone wrong and no harm no


The defender will get immunity for a time after a siege though, so don't get any bright


Overall, between war and cataclysms, you'll find that cities will rise and fall overtime,

so logging in a month since you've last played may result in you waking up in the

middle of the desert fallout style.

Now that the meat of the game is nicely tenderized, let's go over some other features you may

be interested in.

This game has open world PvP with risks of item drops.

If you are getting ganked, at most, you'll losing some crafting materials, durability

on equips and exp.

If you attempt to fight back, you'll lose less, but the enemy won't be flagged red.

If they kill you without you fighting back, then you'll lose more, but the enemy is

now corrupt, meaning that when they die, they have a chance of dropping anything they have

equipped or is holding.

The game also has a caravan system that is required to transport large amounts of materials

between locations.

These caravans have an open PvP system around them so if you will really need to hide your

caravan paths or guard them well.

The game is based on Unreal Engine 4 and looks gorgeous.

The artstyle is best described as western high definition fantasy.

Something much more akin to Skyrim or Dragon Age Inquisition than full realism of Final

Fantasy 14 or Black desert online.

It has it's charm to it and is absolutely stunning in motion.

What adds to it more than anything though, is it's lighting and physics engines, both

looking to be in full swing for use in both combat and exploration.

Prepare to use your items and spells to light up dark caves just so you can see the dangers

lurking within or to watch falling rocks bounce right off your character when you put up a


In addition to just looking cool, these system are speculated to open up new avenues of combat

such as lights creating shimmer to reveal stealth or traps you need to pay attention

and creating a wall that is fully collidable to block and trap enemies.

Player driven economy is going to be a key component as massive material movement is

discouraged through caravanning and players are allowed to open their own shops in town.

A player's revenue also plays a large part in one of the four types of government.

Based on the type of zone it developed in, cities will also have different types of governance

and electoral systems.

Science, Divine, Economic and Military will each have a different way of picking a mayor

(By vote, by service, by revenue or by combat), so you don't have to worry if you are more

of a Gilgamesh than an Alexander the Great.

If you and your guild aren't looking to win a popularity contest, feel free to hike to

the next town over where they beat each each other's skulls in like real politicians


There are various guild slots for different guild sizes to contribute to the decision

making skills of the government, so you never have to zerg the big guilds to participate.

Okay, now let's talk about probably the most important thing when it comes to MMO's

nowadays: How short are the skirts in the game?

Oh, wait, this isn't an asian MMO, then let's talk about the second most important

thing: The Payment Model.

Ashes of Creation's funding is looking to be from three avenues at the moment.

Kickstarter, Monthly Subscription and a Cosmetic Cash Shop.

The kickstarter will likely fund the completion of the project and, depending on it's success,

what kind of features could possibly be implemented.

A monthly subscription will place the game at the top of the fridge, out of the hands

of most children and bots.

And a dedicated non-P2W cosmetic cash shop to sell you some costumes.

Of course, many games have sung us this sweet siren song before of "baby baby, trust me,

no P2W here, 100% good game", but few has lived up to it.

Only time will tell whether it's true or not, but so far the developers have been very

transparent and I'm inclined to give them a little faith.

That's most of the big, chunky information we got so far, but there's still some tiny

tidbits you may want to know about, so let's do a quick lightning round.

Is there Day/Night cycle?

Yes Does the Day/Night cycle affect spawn?

Yes Are there seasons?


Wait How detailed is the character creation?

They're aiming for it to be like Black Desert Online, so use that as a guidance..

Are there dyes?

Yes [But limited by achievements, crafting and cash shop]

Are there flying mounts?

Yes, but limited to metropolis mayors and very, very rare drops [dropped versions are

also time limited].

Is there housing?

Yes Can you kill NPCs?

Only during sieges.

Are there big raids?



How's Inventory?

Limited by craftable backpacks.

Will there be arenas?

Yes, both 1v1s and team-based, with ranking systems.

Will the game be solo friendly?

Yes Can I explore solo without, for example, a

mage's light spell?

Yes, you can use items.

Can I siege without being a part of a guild?

Yes, sieges are open.

Can I do dungeons solo?


Will there be minigames?

Being looked into.

How will mounts work?

Every race has a unique mount, there will be tamable mounts in the wild as well as quest

and epic mounts.


Okay okay, there are currently Pre-alpha keys being drawn randomly and chosen based on contribution

to the game via art and media.

Backing the kickstarter that's launching in a few weeks will grant you access to the

Alpha of the game.

Okay, that about sums it up for the game information.

As for my opinion, I'm very very hopeful for the game.

It has all the elements necessary to shake up the MMO genre and bring the genre back

from the dead.

The only three possible issues I can see at the moment that can cause it to fail is overpromising,

changing the business model or performance issues.

So far, it seems like it's on track to avoid all three, so only time will tell.

I hope this video has been informative.

If you guys enjoyed it, please hit that like button and subscribe for more Ashes of Creation

and other MMO content.

Thank you so much for watching and I'll see y'all next time.


For more infomation >> Everything You Need To Know About Ashes of Creation - Duration: 11:03.


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - How beliefs can disempower you and obstruct your inner-knowing - Duration: 10:58.

For more infomation >> KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - How beliefs can disempower you and obstruct your inner-knowing - Duration: 10:58.


Prosecutor to Hernandez jury: 'You know who the killer is' - Duration: 2:11.






















































["The commonwealth wants to say

to you, who are you gonna


us or your lying eyes. There's


proof that anyone spilled a

drink on

Aaron. To the contrary there's


of other things happening


All of this makes perfect sense,


reasonable. It's a reasonable


ladies and gentlemen."]



















["Here's a college educated,

obviously intelligent woman who

tells you she asks no questions,


knows her role, she cooks and

cleans. Did we do a time warp


to the 1950's, seriously.

The time for conspiracy theories


over. The time for

accountability is

right now. His time is right


Speak the truth through your

verdicts and find him guilty "]










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