Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 3 2017

According to the census bureau, New York state has a population of nearly twenty million,

two thirds of which reside in the metropolitan New York city area,

making New York the most populated city in the United States.

Shungnak, Alaska is a village with two-hundred fifty-six, spread through fifty-six

households and fifty-one families.

The state of New York people covers fifty-four thousand, five hundred fifty-five square miles,

making it the 27th largest state in the United States.

The village of Shungnak has a total area of 9.6 square miles, 8.4 square miles are land and

1.3 square miles are made up of water.

Some say New York City is known as the world's most economically powerful city in the world.

It is a cultural capital as well as an important hub for international diplomacy.

Shungnak's name is associated with the Eskimo term issing-yak, meaning Jade,

a stone abundantly found in the area.

Two places contrasting in every detail, two locations that are totally different.

What if I told you these places are very similar – how can such dis-similar locations be the


We're here in incredible Alaska, it's one of the last frontiers, it's the largest state in the

United States and yet it has the smallest percentage of

population per square mile.

Shungnak is part of the

Northwest artic region, a very remote area completely

disconnected from any roads to neighboring villages.

Meet Anthony Sherman, his wife Irene and their son Hezekiah – Tony moved to Shungnak to take a

mission position that the Alaskan conference had been looking to fill.

My wife and I came to Shungnak because this is where God was

calling us to, we

had been doing vacation bible

school here for some time and we

believe that it was time for

someone to move here and it was on our hearts to do so.

When the Sherman family moved to Shungnak, they did not have any running water and only a wood

stove to heat their home.

For the first three weeks they lived in the small church and then moved into the parsonage

right next to the church.

Well the challenge is being out in the middle of nowhere.

When you don't know anybody, I mean you know the people out here but when you don't have

friends and when you just can't get out whenever you want to, or when I want to see my family in

the Philippines I can't really do that because it costs so much money to travel.

Some of the challenges that we deal with are the logistics, the climate,

the different struggles that are present in the village.

But, I have my husband, my son and I have God with me, so.

It has been a positive experience for us as well because we are in the center of

God's will and to be in the center of God's will is a

no other place to be.

Tony works at the local clinic as a healthcare provider, along with his colleagues he is the

first to address all the health problems and concerns of the locals in the village.

Tony and his team respond to emergencies that range from suicides to snowmobile


If any emergency is beyond what the local clinic can manage, he uses a medivac plane to

transport patients 160 miles to Kotzebue, through his position, Tony is able to gain the

communities trust and respect and he does not waste any opportunities to connect with


Well besides our work at the clinic, besides what I do for my profession here,

we spend a fair amount of time with kids as well as – mostly elders.

During the week on Mondays, we have a youth group that we do for kids that are 8 years and

older and they come to our house.

On Tuesday's and Wednesday evenings, we try to get out to people's houses,

Wednesday night we have bible studies with the family, Thursday nights,

usually on that particular night we'll take our musical instruments and we'll go and do

some singing, usually elderly people that are in our village.

What are other things that we do?

Sabbath we'll have Saturday school, Sabbath school for kids, we will try to hold adult


Saturday night we'll make a trip out to another elders house, you know.

We try to be in people's homes as much as possible.

The church and parsonage were built in the 1970s but have not had an active mission post since

the late 1980s.

For a few years, the building has been used for vacation bible school,

by the Delta Junction Adventist Church.

Tony and Irene have been holding bible studies in their house since the church is not suitable

for any fellowship during the winter months.

Our dream for this church is that someday there will be people in it.

Right now it's not really fit for services in the winter, really or the summer.

It needs a lot of work and right now we have no membership, we have no attendance.

But our dream and hope and confidence is that God will provide us with a fellowship


This is a major concern for the couple since they have become well received by the community,

the need to congregate somewhere has grown.

Villagers have told them that if the church was up and running people would come.

We're refurbishing the church and fixing it up and putting lots of time and effort and

money into it because we believe that God will supply the souls - that God will bring people and

He will open up doors and the time will come that we will have a fellowship here;

we will have a church family.

The work needs to be done patiently and prayers for opportunities are made every


Although God is guiding the Sherman's mission work, the cold weather,

difficult circumstances and distance from loved one's are discouraging.

Sometimes my wife and I are discouraged when we are here alone.

You know, we sometimes feel that we're just kind of out here by ourselves and we are tempted to

feel like we are not making the impact and no one is really with us,

and no one is really supporting us; and there's been times that we felt like it would be nice to

maybe move and join a different type of mission field where there's people who are working

together more as a team.

I'm kind of like seeing like what are my weaknesses, you know,

and it kind of helps me to know at the same time that God is kind of helping me to work with


I'm very impatient, I want things to happen, if I want it to happen - I want it to happen

but living out here, I've learned that things doesn't happen when you want it to


One thing that has always given us hope is knowing that we're doing what God has asked us to

do and we've had comfort in that.

To be a missionary is like leaving what you have behind and go somewhere different and

getting out of your comfort zone.

You know the coldness of the water, the coldness of the icebergs,

kind of reminds me of the coldness that can come in the heart when you feel lonely,

separated from God and yet the warmth of God's love and of His people can bring into your life

a wonderful connection that will help you not to feel alone.

The things that inspire Irene and I are, there's a few different things,

but God will often times provide opportunities, He will open doors,

He will actually cause things to happen that give us glimpses of what He's doing,

you know.

We'll start a new study or someone will say something to us that will give us encouragement,

we'll see some fruit of the relationships we're building with kids as well as with people

in the community.

You know, God will do something to help us see that His work is being accomplished through us

and that our faithfulness is pleasing to Him.

The courage and faithfulness Tony and Irene have is contagious.

Their determination to fulfil the mission is inspiring.

God and His angels comfort them, and motivate them to move ahead despite challenges,

the faces, the sounds, the people, the landscapes.

Besides being so small and completely isolated, Shungnak is still a huge priority for


The Sherman's example is a beautiful testimony of selflessness to revive the


They might be alone but they are never by themselves.

Jesus is everything.

I mean, Jesus is the reason why I'm here.

If I don't, I mean, if not for Him I won't be able to make it.

I won't be able to live here for 4 years.

Jesus, for me, He is Everything.

He's my friend, He is my encouragement, He is my strength,

He is the one I go to when I'm hurt, when I maybe can't talk to my own family,

He is the one I can speak to about every single problem I have and He is the One who is

changing me from the inside out.

Just look at this grandeur, the glacier, the icebergs, the water,

the mountains.

You could feel very much alone here, maybe kind of like New York but very different.

We're here in Times Square, what a contrast between Alaska and New York.

So many colors, sparkling lights, millions of people, the glamor,

the fame, the buzz.

New York is a city drastically different from Shungnak.

At first glance, it seems that everybody has something to do, places to go,

everyone is ready to enjoy life.

It doesn't matter how busy people seem to be, how entertained people think they

are, the bottom line is that if we don't experience Jesus in our lives we have an empty void


We feel lonely, even in a crowd, that emptiness can only be filled by Christ.

In that matter, New York is exactly the same Shungnak, the outside may be busier but on the

inside we are all the same - humans in desperate need of a Savior.

That was the challenge the North American Division faced, how do we reach people so dear to

Christ's heart in a place as isolated as Shungnak and how do we reach people in a place as

busy and overflowing with action as New York City.

The whole issue of reaching the cities is an issue that now has become preeminent in the world

church, and New York City is a symbol of not only huge cities but it's also,

when you read the writings of Ellen White, it was a focus and she basically was saying that

New York should be worked and how it should be worked.

And so New York was chosen jointly by the General Conference and the North

American Division as kind of a place where the urban center evangelism around the world

would be initiated.

To realize the dream and address the challenges, NY13 was created,

a comprehensive urban evangelistic initiative designed to involve each church

administrator, department director, pastor and church member in the greater

metropolitan New York City area.

It produced more than 400 evangelistic campaigns in one year.

To achieve such synergy, the church leadership planned every detail,

discussed ideas, formed radical prayer groups, focused on intercessory prayer,

conducted training programs and also a first of it's kind, world field school of evangelism.

We are seeing pastor's excited, the lay people are excited, churches are excited and for

what is happening this is just a phenomenon situation here and I believe that God is here working

with us and working with the people.

I had the chance to participate in a number of events and saw how members filled the autorium

at Hunter College for the NY13 evangelism rally, hosted by speaker Mark Finley.

There are multiple ways you can be involved, one of the ways, of course is go with your local

pastor and say, "Pastor, we want to be sure that our church is involved in NY13."

Ernestine Finley conducted a lay training seminar called, "Light Your World for God,"

with nearly 600

lay people in attendance who are excited to learn effective principles of soul winning.

We are already on the verge of the kingdom waiting to be gathered in and we're looking

for them, we're trying to find them.

Who are they?

Lay people were deeply committed to Christ and their passion to witness made the difference in

New York City.

I want to see thousands of new disciples serving the Lord here in the city.

I want to see the Church regenerated, revived.

I want to see a new life in the Adventist community of New York.

For the first time ever, an international field school of evangelism was organized with

specialized teachers from different Adventist universities and institutions.

The initiative was held at the Luso Brazilian church in Queens and consisted of practical

classes and seminars exploring the biblical principles of comprehensive urban evangelism

in the context of the world's major cities, as well at the needed tools to launch a

comprehensive urban evangelistic approach in their respective territories.

The classes happened in the morning for several days, in the evenings most of the

participants held evangelistic series in the metropolitan, New York and New Jersey area


I had the honor of going back to where I started my ministry at the historic Manhattan

Seventh-day Adventist church to conduct a three-week evangelistic series called,

"Revelation of Hope" as part of mission to the cities NY13 series.

Mark Finley was the host of the meetings and Robert Costa translated the messages into


Seventy people were baptized as a result of the series and 7 churches were involved.

Youth from the "One Year in Mission" initiative developed a creative method of evangelism,

extending its community outreach to teach English as a second language.

The whole team put the project together because we saw the community is mostly Dominican

and they don't speak English at all.

So we came up with the idea to help them with something that they really need,

so that's why we designed ESL classes to reach the community.

The class is very good to me.

I'm so happy, [to] have class in my community - helping me a lot to speak correct English.

Most of the people are immigrants and you can actually understand the reason why most

of them are here and the challenges that they have in terms of communicating in

English with the people around them, it's a drawback.

So having to help them out with that, it's actually a blessing.

The class actually over today, it's the last one and tomorrow is starting the evangelistic

crusade downtown in 11th street.

So we actually invited all of them, officially to the evangelistic crusade saying,

basically putting it as practical English classes since the crusade will be in English

and Spanish – translated.

So we invited all of them to come to have special reserved seats,

and to basically practice English.

The North American Division Health Ministries department also held a health summit,

which provide the opportunity for church leaders to be trained on principles of health and how

to conduct various health outreach programs within the church's and communities around

New York City.

Praise God for the tremendous resources that this summit has brought to our people.

They have come from all over, they are here from as far away as California,

they are here from different states of the United States and of course our own brothers and

sisters, men and women, visitors, guests here in New York City.

The NY13 leadership decided to meet the communities needs and provide hope for common health


"Let's Move Day" was an event where churches, schools and health care institutions were

encourage to host runs, walks or other active events for kids, youth and families.

The whole point of Let's Move Day in the NY13 context was to mingle with people,

extend kindness, make friends and share a message of health, hope and wholeness.

The world is full of inconsistencies and that's not a way a person should – I don't

want to live my life with inconsistencies so I found by building a relationship with God

that I will find consistency by the way I should live my life.

The joint camp meeting at the Nassau Veteran's Memorial Coliseum was one for the record

books - close to 13,000 attended the Sabbath services.

About 135 people were baptized following the worship services.

I look into my life and there is an empty, empty space that cannot be filled with anything

and I've tried and I've tried and I cannot find that peace that keeps you – just God.

Even with nothing to eat, but you have that peace and you are happy.

And only with my God I feel that I can restore my life and become a better person,

a better mom and do a little bit more in this world and I feel happy.

According to reports from the NY13 steering committee, there have been at least 5,200

baptisms as a result of NY13.

God loves people, it doesn't matter where they are, it doesn't matter what their

situation is, they can be isolated in a far-away land, they can be isolated in a crowd.

God is interested in filling the void, bringing fulfillment and purpose to a lonely soul.

>From the heat of a big city to the cold of a seemingly forgotten village,

God is willing to provide hope and especially companionship - it doesn't matter the need.

Our task is to open our hearts to Him and surrender our lives to His service.

It can be the job of an individual or it can involve thousands of people.

God will fill in the blanks and make his message known.

We just have to be willing.

Here at the mouth of a glacier you feel the incredible power of God's presence,

it's an amazing place where nature takes it's turn in showing the fingerprints of God.

It's an amazing setting and a feeling that helps you to know that God is real,

His marvelous works are incredible.

I think of Psalm 105, the first four verses, "O give thanks unto the Lord;

call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.

Glory ye in His holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord.

Seek the Lord, and His strength: seek His face evermore." In a quiet,

solitary place like this, God's presence is felt but it doesn't matter if you're in the middle

of a big city, out in the country side or wherever you are,

you can seek God's presence and He is there.

Subtitles by the community

For more infomation >> Revival for Mission : North American Division "Contrasting Equalities" - Duration: 28:33.


2015-2017 Mustang (V6, EcoBoost) Whiteline Lowering Springs Review & Install - Duration: 5:09.

Hey, guys.

Stephanie with here with these Whiteline Lowering Springs for 2015

and up S550, V6, and EcoBoost Mustangs.

We're gonna be talking about a few different things with these springs, but mostly we'll

talk about what you can expect from these springs in both the performance and looks


And we're also gonna talk about the install as well.

I'll talk more about the install later, but you're looking at a two out of three wrenches

on the difficulty meter.

The Whiteline Lowering Springs are gonna be a good option for those of you out there that

are looking for a lowering spring for a daily-driven car, or a street car that's gonna give a good

drop but that's designed to be used with the factory shocks and struts.

These springs were made to provide balance with both the OEM and aftermarket shock and

strut setups.

While lot of other springs out there function better with aftermarket setups, these springs

offer a drop of 1.3 inches in the front of the car, and 1.7 inches in the rear.

Now, this is what I consider more in the standard side in the world of lowering springs for

the S550.

Currently, you tend to see that the majority of springs offer a standard 1-inch drop, and

the largest drop that you'll find in the spring for an S550 is just over 1 inch.

These springs offer that in the front and even more than that in the rear.

Of course, a lowering spring is gonna lower the center of gravity to provide some handling

improvements like reducing squatting body rolling corners, and eliminating nosedive

under hard braking.

A 1.3 to 1.7-inch drop is enough of a drop to eliminate the gap between the tire in the

fender and it's gonna leave the car sitting just above the wheels and tires.

Now, keep in mind that the drop will look a little bit different depending on your wheel

and tire setup.

And these are gonna be compatible with both the factory and aftermarket wheel and tire


The plus side of the S550 is looking so good and responding so well to a little bit of

lowering, is it even create a functional low.

By that, I mean it's low enough to look good but not low enough to cause issues either

on the tire or under the car.

It's gonna leave you with a very streetable car still.

Getting back to the drop on an S550, the majority of springs out there are only offering a 1-inch


The S550 chassis doesn't need a huge drop to obtain better looks or an improvement in


The S550 responds well to what some of the older generation Mustangs would consider a

very small change in ride height.

You'd be surprised at how well the S550 chassis responds to just a 1-inch drop in both the

functional and looks categories, and these springs are even more aggressive.

You guys saw the before and after shots.

The other thing to consider when you're shopping for springs besides the drop, is ride quality.

These springs do have a performance design so they are made for street and race applications,

but they do it without compromising ride quality which means that they're a good option for

a street car.

They don't have a harsh ride quality but they are a firm spring.

When it comes to ride quality, sometimes you can get a rough ride quality when you start

lowering the car more.

But I wouldn't really say that that's the case at all with these springs.

The ride is more stiff and you do notice more road noise.

Other than that, you'll just notice the car having less body roll and be more planted


Overall, these springs are intended for street and occasional track use, so they do get a

stiffer than factory ride quality, but they're made to not be harsh.

So, they're still gonna be comfortable but also able to perform when you want them to.

They are progressive rate springs which means they'll be more forgiving on the street than,

say, a linear spring would be.

As far as price, these springs are gonna cost between $200 and $300, which is right where

the majority of other springs are falling as well.

Of course, there are some springs that are either less expensive or more expensive than

that, and of course, springs that are all across that price range.

So, the install here is gonna take about four hours.

I'm gonna call it a solid two out of three wrenches on the scale because you will need

some knowledge to complete the install.

So, I'd recommend having a knowledge of a helping hand or taking this to a shop for

the install if you haven't done this before, especially since there's always a good idea

to get alignment after the install anyways.

This install can be done on jack stands if you don't have access to a lift, and as usual

a lift would be your best bet.

You're gonna need a few tools including a spring compressor, so make sure you have that

before you start the install.

You're gonna make sure you get down to the spring and struts assembly so everything like

the wheels, breaks, and ABS lines will need to be moved out of the way, so you can pull

the assemblies out of the car.

The spring compressor will help you remove the spring from the strut and install the

new front springs which are compressed and installed the same way.

The strut assemblies go back the same way they came out, and the install is the same

for both sides.

The rear is where things are a little bit different, but nothing crazy here.

Essentially the IRS subframe will be dropped along with the rear shock mount, so you can

slide the rear springs out.

Just like the front, the rear springs are installed the same way they were uninstalled.

There's no surprises.

New bump stops go over the shocks, followed by the factory dust boots.

Your new springs can be installed and the IRS subframe can be bolted back up.

And that's about all it's gonna take.

Like I mentioned earlier, a fresh alignment after the install isn't a bad idea.

Wrapping things up here, the Whiteline Lowering Springs offer a 1.3 and 1.7-inch drop in the

front and rear respectively.

And they are performance-based spring, designed for street and occasional track use.

As always, I suggest you check these out more online for yourself.

And for all things Mustang, keep it right here at

For more infomation >> 2015-2017 Mustang (V6, EcoBoost) Whiteline Lowering Springs Review & Install - Duration: 5:09.


Trump effect: US President-elect's business partner to run for Indonesian presidency - Duration: 2:12.

Trump effect: US President-elect's business partner to run for Indonesian presidency

Inspired by his business partner and the United States President-elect Donald Trump's meteoric political rise,

an Indonesian businessman may run for the presidency of his country during next elections.

While speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Hary Tanoesoedibjo

said that he is planning to get in the Indonesian president race in 2019.

Hary, 51, who is building two Trump Organization projects, said he is considering it for the sake of his country.

"If there is no one I can believe who can fix the problems of the country, I may try to run for president," the billionaire said.

"We need a leader with integrity who can bring a solution for the country," he added.

However, it is not a sudden shift of gear for Hary as he had prolonged political ambitions.

In 2014, he failed to win nomination as a vice-presidential candidate. Post the loss, he started his own party, United Indonesia.

One of the Trump projects he is working on is in Jakarta and the other is on the resort island of Bali. Both are in the early stages.

For more infomation >> Trump effect: US President-elect's business partner to run for Indonesian presidency - Duration: 2:12.


Manhunt continues for escaped inmate from RI facility - Duration: 2:36.







































































Just asking questions and


the house and making sure

everything is fine.

I guess he came here and knocked

on someone's door here.





































































"The Police Chief and myself


been in constant communication

with the Marshals and the

administration at Wyatt. They


been very good about keeping us


the loop. We hope that this


resolved very quickly and we can


down all together and look at


issues we need to address so


this doesn't happen again."











For more infomation >> Manhunt continues for escaped inmate from RI facility - Duration: 2:36.


Three Ways to Blend Calligraphy Inks for Ombre Effect - Duration: 6:20.

hi it's Sarah from Today I'm

going to show you how to blend inks in

calligraphy, first we're going to

use the parallel pen, you have to have

two parallel pens to be able to do this

i have one with black ink and one with a

kind of yellow mustard color ink

I'm just creating some lines first to get

the ink flowing and then I'm going to

grab the two pens and touch the nibs

together so that the ink is distributed

to the other pen, you can do this for

few seconds so that you get a

good amount of ink on the other pen

I'm just using the smaller pen first

and it is the lighter ink pen but you

can see that I added a lot of the black

to this so it started out black and as I

go it's blending more and more into the

mustard color

i added the inks to each other one more

time and this time i think that the

smaller pen with the lighter ink didn't

get as much of the darker color so it

mostly stayed its natural color but then

i went in with the larger pen which is

the black ink and it had more of the

yellow mixed in with it so it was a more

of a darker mustard color instead of

black you, can see by the second stroke

it got even darker and closer to the

black color

the next one we're gonna try is a brush

marker pen, i'm just going to use a

plate, you could use the

back of the CD or a piece of cardboard

covered in that glossy packing tape

but a plate works as well

you need something that's non porous so

the ink will just repel off of it

I'm adding more of the dark ink to the

plate and then i'm using the lighter pen

to bring in some of the darker color to

the lighter colored marker and you can

see now when I'm creating my strokes

that there's a little bit of that darker paint

which is now kind of purple because

it's mixed with the blue

I'm just going to go in and add

even more of the darker color and now

you're able to see that it is more of

that purple and then the more you write

the more comes off and then it turns

back into the natural color

ok so the last one we're going to do is a

traditional calligraphy nib pen, i'm just

using some water color inks - enough water

so that it's a good consistency so it won't

get stuck in the pen, I first added the

orange to the tip and then I added

purple, some of the purple got

mixed in so it might change to purple

pretty quickly. You can see here it

starts with an orange and then the

purple starts to come in and now it's kind

of mixed, you can see a little bit of the

orange and a lot of the purple

Thanks for watching I would love to see your

creations, hash tag me on instagram with

sarah types. I hope you learned something

new, subscribe for more tutorials

For more infomation >> Three Ways to Blend Calligraphy Inks for Ombre Effect - Duration: 6:20.


Vlog #14: Important Dates and Deadlines for January - Duration: 3:01.

Happy new year everybody!

Welcome back so my name is Vanessa Demello and I am the VP University Affairs and Academics

of your students union, as i said Happy 2017!!!

We are now in the month of January, and I come to you with the vlog for the important

dates and deadlines for this wonderful month so lets get started, take out your agenda,

your pen and paper, alright.

So most of the stuff begins on January 15th so that is for students that are paying course

fees: Last day to drop an S course (jan-april) on ACORN and receive 100% course fee refund

back, as long as you are still registered in other courses for this session so that

is jan 15.

Also on Jan 15th, For students paying deregulated program fees it is the Last day to drop from

a full- to part-time status and receive 50% program fee refund.

After this date, if these students drop from full- to part-time, there is no refund is

received for your folks, so make sure that you get on that.

Also the course waiting list close, and last day to add or change a section for S courses

on Jan 15th, ok?

So then on January 22, for students paying course fees it is the Last day to drop an

S course and receive a 75% course fee refund so that's if you're not sure about a course

yet, you still get 75% of your course fee back.

On Jan 22 as well, it is the Last day to confirm or withdraw June 2017 graduation request on

ACORN so if you're planning to graduate make sure you check out ACORN for that.

On Jan 31, For students that are registered in the Fall/Winter session or just the winter

session, it is the : Deadline to pay fees for Winter term to avoid any service charges.

So thats pretty much it for the important dates and deadlines for the month of January,

but as for UTMSU related things, make sure you check out the latest Squad TV episode,

I'll have the link down below, it has alot of information on some really amazing things

that are going on with UTMSU like the Welcome Back Pub that is in collaboration with ICCIT

council and Rhythm, we also have a talent show coming up so make sure you get some more

info on that if you want to participate.

We also have the muliticultural week happening in January, and if you are interested in the

Montreal Reading Week trip, that is going to be happening in february, we'll have some

information for you down there as well.

So make sure you check that out.

That's all from me, so if you have any questions for us you can always drop by the office,

we're like always here, or you can send us an email at and if you have

any questions for me personally you can email me at

Alright, thanks everyone, have a wonderful january and enjoy your classes!


For more infomation >> Vlog #14: Important Dates and Deadlines for January - Duration: 3:01.


Fanatical Support for AWS Explained in Less Than a Minute - Duration: 0:55.

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That's fanatical support for AWS.







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For more infomation >> Fanatical Support for AWS Explained in Less Than a Minute - Duration: 0:55.


My new show! • Wheeper - Duration: 6:02.

yo welcome to the information video

for my new show



the show's name is "Designer's Best Of"

in this show, which is coming once in a month

probably at the end of each month or beginning of the next

and there i will

for each month

take the best designs

which can be anything

starting from intros

to banner, illustrations, animations


and so on

every type can be featured

then I will take all of them

and then put everything together in one showreel

with music and some editing

and there will be three people every month

which are getting placed

in first so third place

and they will

be presented seperatly

at the end of the video

the showreel is supposed to be a section

like a recap of the last month

I'll take submissions too

it doesn't have to be your own work

just send me designs you think they're good

of course I'll have to ask all the designer

but that'll work out somehow

that's why I'm positive that this is going to be pretty good

and if you're sending me stuff

(link for all submissions is in the description)

you have to watch that the design

was made in the month of the current Designer's Best Of

you can't send me designs that are like 5 months old

that would be pointless

but otherwise everything in that month is okay

I'll take submissions until the 25th of the month

maybe one or two days later

depending on when I'm editing the video

I'll try to upload the episode every end of the month or beginning of the next one

we'll see how it goes

that was everything important for my new show

oh yea I've made an intro

for this show

it'll be played

at the end of the pre-intro

and after this is coming the showreel

and at the end the three places

so, you can watch the intro now

and if you have any questions let me know in the comments

everything important is in the video description

as always

so let's see how the first month is going down

how many designs I get together and how it goes

we'll hear us in another video

see you

For more infomation >> My new show! • Wheeper - Duration: 6:02.


Baar Baar (2016) Hindi Dubbed Movie | South Movie Dubbed in Hindi | Movie Part 1 - Duration: 15:55.

Subscribe our Channel for new Movies

For more infomation >> Baar Baar (2016) Hindi Dubbed Movie | South Movie Dubbed in Hindi | Movie Part 1 - Duration: 15:55.


Unboxing Surprise egg Minions Toy for Kids KinderBiggest - Duration: 4:04.

Minions surprise egg

opening surprise egg

open egg

minions toy

Masha and the Bear surprise egg

unboxing Masha and the Bear surprise egg

toy Masha and the Bear

surprise egg in play doh

chupa chups peppa pig

toy peppa pig

For more infomation >> Unboxing Surprise egg Minions Toy for Kids KinderBiggest - Duration: 4:04.


Baby Boomer Dating Tips!!! Online Dating Websites for Boomers - Duration: 6:16.

So you've decided to put yourself out

there and give online dating a shot? Well,

stay tuned and find out how to get

started on the right foot!

Thanks so much for tuning into 2nd Act TV. Real happy to introduce you to

Sandy Weiner today.

Sandy is the founder of last first date

dot com, and THE dating coach for women over

40, 50 and beyond. Sandy, welcome to the program.

Thanks so much,

great to be here. Well, today Sandy what

we want to talk about is

those people who have chosen, you know to

put themselves out there and give online

dating a try, but don't quite know how to

get started.

Obviously the first decision is what

site do you choose. You know, given that we

wanted to attract, as you say, a lasting

healthy relationship,

how do you steer us in what direction?

Well I think it's important to

be on at least two sites.

I recommend a large site like or

even OurTime. A lot of my clients enjoy

that site, and and then to go on a

boutique II kind of site like JDate if

you're Jewish or Christian Mingle if you're

Christian. And people have joined Date My Pet,

there is a site for everything. If you

have a Mac and you love Apple products

there's a site for you!

So find the sites that that you enjoy,

you know, so I also recommend that

if you're going to go on a paid site like

that you should have at least a

six-month subscription, because what

happens to most people they get online


often they join for free, they go, you

know, all the scammers and jerks have

contacted me and I'm getting off, and

they haven't given it a chance, and they

haven't taken initiative to contact the

people that they like. I also recommend

at least one dating app, and I know for

people over 50, 60 sometimes they're not

so great with technology but your phone

is a great tool it's a computer it is

the the easiest thing to do is to join a

dating app and I recommend Bumble. Bumble

Bee um, like the Bumble

Bee, and they actually have really cute

little messages when you get a, when you

get a match. It says there's a new Bee in

your Hive, and it's it's really cute. And

so all you do is you sign up, and it

connects to your Facebook account so you

have to have Facebook, which a lot of

people are afraid of. That's for the app, the app.

All the dating apps

pretty much connect with your Facebook

account, and then the women make the

first move in Bumble, they have to! And so

it's fun, it's less stress

yeah, so I like it. Well and by having

to go first I guess that that takes that

pressure off you know thinking that

we're being forward or something if we

if we make the first move like on Match,

interesting. I don't think that

women are forward or chasing if they

make the first move, I think they're

flirting. And I think many women are

passive in dating and they're not

passive in their lives at all! These

women who are like so strong and tough

and then it comes to dating they're like

he's gonna have to chase me,

yeah i'm not writing him first, and I'm

like, are you kidding me like, especially

men who are older,

so their testosterone is waning, our

estrogen is waning,

we're actually becoming more equal

hormonally, you know we're getting sort of

more balanced. I see a lot of women in

midlife or who are finding their second

act! Who, you know have their second career

and they are incredibly energetic and a

lot of the men are kind of waning, they're,

they're everything's waning, they're

ramping down, they're ramping down, we're

ramping, we're ramping up! So a lot of men

are tired of chasing, they've been

chasing their whole lives, and they're

not lazy

they're just they're tired of rejection!

They've been rejected over and over

they've made the first move both you

know sexually, they've gotten rejected when

they flirted you know so many times

rejection, rejection, rejection. It gives

you so much power as a woman. I don't,

just don't ask him out!

You're not aggressive, you're

assertive! That is such a great,

I've never thought of it in that way, that

it's a really really good point. So yeah,

I mean just think of all the rejection

they've gone through, now you know a lot

of them are back on the dating scene

after a long-term marriage and, yeah that's

a great point, thank you for making

that! Sure. So really, the

message then is you know don't be

intimidated to test the different sites,

you can go on there for free. Have

you found a benefit or, or any not paid,

paid if there's no skin in it, is one

you know, the quality a little better

than the other or not? You know people

find love on every single site all day

long and so some people believe if you

make more of a commitment with money

that you are going to be more serious,

and and sometimes that's a little more

true, but OK cupid and Plenty of Fish are

sites that people have a lot of luck in

and they're both free. But you know,

just because a guy's not paying doesn't

mean he doesn't have money. I mean I just

went out with a guy who I met on Bumble who

drove up in a red Ferrari convertible,

and he paid nothing for the

app, so you know be careful not to judge.

Well, and I want to get into more detail on

that with you on another segment. In fact

let's hold you over for another

segment, we will be linking to Sandy's

contact information if you want to

contact Sandy directly, in the video

description on our YouTube channel.

Sandy thank you and we'll be back for

another segment! Thank you!

Thanks again for watching! As always, if you liked this information please hit

the subscribe button right here! Or if

you're on a mobile device there's a link

below to subscribe.

Thanks so much for your support!

For more infomation >> Baby Boomer Dating Tips!!! Online Dating Websites for Boomers - Duration: 6:16.


How to check for a leak if you have a water meter - Duration: 3:33.

Hi there, my name is Jason and I work

for South West Water and i'm here today to

talk to you about the simple process to check for leaks

Before you start the test make sure you don't need to

use any water, make sure all the appliances that

use water switched off and make sure

that all the taps are switched off too

Your internal stop is normally located under

your kitchen or under your bathroom sink

you need to be able to turn that valve off and on

to complete all of the checks on your water supply

Turn off the internal stop tap

They usually close in a clockwise direction

and then turn the cold tap on to check that it's isolated

If the stop tap is working correctly the water flow

will stop within a few seconds

If not you need to get your stop tap repaired

in order to progress further with the leak test

Your water meter is normally located at

the bottom of your garden or in the

footpath closest to your property

You probably also need a screwdriver to lift

the lid and a cloth to wipe the meter

remove any protective material and

you'll need a cloth to wipe away the

face of the meter to ensure you get an

accurate reading

to find out if the meter you're looking at is yours

you need to check the serial number on the meter

when you read the meter make sure

you make note of all the numbers on the dials

Small leaks will only be indicated

on the dials and not the numbers

Wait 30 minutes and then take another meter reading

if the numbers are the same you probably don't have

a leak and there's nothing to worry about

It could be that your consumption

is high and you may need to speak to us

there's a lot more information on


It is important then that you check all the numbers on the dials

Small leaks will only indicate on

the dials not the numbers. If you do

notice a change between the two readings

this may suggest you have a leak on your

supply pipe. The next step then is to

find out if that leak is outside or

inside your property

so switch off your internal stop and

take another meter reading noting all of

the numbers. Wait 30 minutes and then

take another reading, if the numbers have

changed then you possibly have a leak

between your meter and your internal

stop tap. If the numbers haven't moved it may

indicate you have a problem after the internal

stop tap, it isn't sealing, or you may not

have a leak. If carrying out the meter

reading does not indicate that you have a leak

and there's no obvious explanation for your high water consumption

the small center dial on the

meter will indicate very small leaks and

it may not have indicated in the

30-minute check you did earlier. Carry out the

internal and external meter readings

again and look for that very slight movement

on the dial then follow the solution steps

depending on the location of the leak if

you do discover an internal or external

leak, you do need to get it repaired within

30 days and you need to tell

South West Water. You can find a list of

industry approved plumbers on the water safe website


We may be able to offer a

contribution towards the cost of repair

or a renewal and if your on a meter you may be able to claim

a leak allowance, contact us on 0344 346 1010

For more infomation >> How to check for a leak if you have a water meter - Duration: 3:33.


Health Benefits of Dates Palm The Healthiest Fruit for Diabetes, Weight Loss - Duration: 11:16.

Health Benefits of Dates Palm The Healthiest Fruit for Diabetes. By

Dates are undoubtedly one of the healthiest fruits on the planet and they offer numerous

health benefits, including:

Control Sugar Cravings Dates are a great choice for a person with

diabetes as they can help control sugar cravings, and they are low on the glycemic index, according

to NBC News. The carbohydrates in dates provide instant energy, and the high fiber contained

in dates is good for digestion.

Dates improve digestion Dates are rich in fibers and thus help digestion,

but they are also high in numerous other nutrients, and treat various ailments. They treat heart

issues, prevent strokes, regulate cholesterol levels, and prevent cancer. Also, they suppress

appetite, n the sugar they contain can be a substitute for white sugar.

They are a rich source of iron and thus treat anemia. 100 g dates provide 0.90 g iron or

11% of the recommended daily intake. Iron also improves the oxygen flow to the brain.

Prevent strokes The high potassium content protects the nervous

system, and in sufficient levels, it lowers the stroke risk by 40%.

Brain food Dates are rich in phosphorus which supports

the function of the brain. Treat diarrhea

Dates are high in calcium, which refreshes the gut flora, creates gut bacteria in the

gut, and treats diarrhea. Treat constipation

Dates detoxify the body, help digestion, and treat constipation as well. In the evening,

leave a few dates n some water to soak until the morning, and they will release juices

that act as laxatives. Eat the dates to support intestine health and accelerate metabolism

and digestion. Improved libido

To improve your sex life and drive, soak some dates in goat milk and in the morning, add

honey and cardamom to the mixture. This will boost your energy and potential.

Strengthen heart You should soak dates in water, and blend

them in the morning. Drink the smoothie to support heart health.

Weight loss Dates regulate appetite and provide nutrients

which help you lose extra pounds. Yet, note that they are high in sugar and consume them

in moderate amounts. Reduce high blood pressure

Only 5-6 dates provide 80 mg magnesium which dilates blood vessels. Studies have shown

that you need 370 mg magnesium on a daily basis to lower high blood pressure and keep

it regulated. Support eye health

Dates contain vitamins that boost eye health, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial

for the eye retina and macula. They improve eyesight and prevent damage of the macula

due to aging. Help delivery

A team of scientists at the Jordan University of Science and Technology found that the regular

consumption of dates for 4 weeks soothes the pain and reduces bleeding before the due date

and ease the delivery. Moreover, it prevents postpartum depression

signs and provides more milk in the mother's breasts.

You are watching: Health Benefits of Dates Palm The Healthiest Fruit for Diabetes. By Please Like and Share this video to friends and family to help people

live healthy and prevent diseases. And Subscribe our channel for more daily videos. Share with

us your knowledge and what you think about this video. Thank you for watching.

Amazing Matcha Green Tea Health Benefits for Weight Loss, Detox & Much More. By

A long standing tradition of Japanese culture, Matcha Green Tea is the highest quality powdered

green tea available. Made from the nutrient-rich young leaves picked from the tips of shade-grown

Camellia sinensis plants, Matcha Green Tea is steamed, stemmed, and de-vined before being

stone-ground into very fine powder. Matcha Green Tea powder is then stored away from

light and oxygen in order to preserve its brilliant green color and antioxidant properties.

This miracle elixir has been consumed for over a millennium in the Far East, and is

now considered to be one of the most powerful super foods on the market today.

Here we give you ten great reasons to enjoy a cup of Matcha Green Tea as part of your

daily routine.

1. High in Antioxidants We've all read this word before. Antioxidants

are the magical nutrients and enzymes responsible for fighting against the negative effects

of UV radiation, giving us younger-looking skin, and preventing a number of life-threatening

maladies. Antioxidants are something that all health-conscious individuals seek from

such foods as raw fruits, green veggies, and (let's not forget) dark chocolate. The first

amazing benefit of Matcha Green Tea is that just one bowl provides over 5 times as many

antioxidants as any other food – the highest rated by the ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance

capacity) method.

2. Loaded with Catechin, EGCg You may have already heard that not all antioxidants

are created equal. Green tea contains a specific set of organic compounds known as catechins.

Among antioxidants, catechins are the most potent and beneficial. One specific catechin

called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) makes up 60% of the catechins in Matcha Green Tea.

Out of all the antioxidants, EGCg is the most widely recognized for its cancer fighting

properties. Scientists have found that Matcha Green Tea contains over 100 times more EGCg

than any other tea on the market.

3. Enhances Calm For over a millennium, Matcha Green Tea has

been used by Chinese Daoists and Japanese Zen Buddhist monks as a means to relax and

meditate while remaining alert. Now we know that this higher state of consciousness is

due to the amino acid L-Theanine contained in the leaves used to make Matcha. L-Theanine

promotes the production of alpha waves in the brain which induces relaxation without

the inherent drowsiness caused by other "downers."

4. Boosts Memory and Concentration Another side-effect of L-Theanine is the production

of dopamine and serotonin. These two chemicals serve to enhance mood, improve memory, and

promote better concentration – something that can benefit everyone!

5. Increases Energy Levels and Endurance Samurai, the noble warriors of medieval and

early-modern Japan, drank Matcha Green Tea before going into battle due to the tea's

energizing properties. While all green tea naturally contains caffeine, the energy boost

received from Matcha is largely due to its unique combination of other nutrients. The

increased endurance from a bowl of Matcha Green Tea can last up to 6 hours and because

of the effects of L-Theanine, Matcha drinkers experience none of the usual side-effects

of stimulants such as nervousness and hypertension. It's good, clean energy.

6. Burns Calories Drinking Matcha Green Tea has also been shown

to increase metabolism and help the body burn fat about four times faster than average.

Again, unlike many diet aides currently on the market, Matcha causes no negative side-effects

such as increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

7. Detoxifies the Body During the last three weeks before tea leaves

are harvested to be made into Matcha, Camellia sinensis are covered to deprive them of sunlight.

This causes a tremendous increase in chlorophyll production in the new growth of these plants.

The resulting high levels of chlorophyll in Matcha Green Tea not only give this tea its

beautiful vibrant green color. Matcha is also a powerful detoxifier capable of naturally

removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body.

8. Fortifies the Immune System The catechins in Matcha Green Tea have been

shown to have antibiotic properties which promote overall health. Additionally, just

one bowl of Matcha Green Tea provides substantial quantities of Potassium, Vitamins A & C, Iron,

Protein, and Calcium. Further studies have even suggested that the nutrients in Matcha

may have the ability to inhibit the attacks of HIV on human T-cells.

9. Improves Cholesterol Researchers aren't entirely certain how

Matcha Green Tea has such a positive effect on cholesterol, however studies of different

populations have show that people who drink Matcha Green Tea on a regular basis have lower

levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol while at the same time displaying higher levels of HDL

(good) cholesterol. Men who drink Matcha Green Tea are about 11% less likely to develop heart

disease than those who don't drink Matcha.

Finally, the tenth and final benefit of drinking Matcha Green Tea…

10. Amazing Flavor Drinking something just because it's healthy

can be a lot like swallowing medicine. It's unpleasant and you dread it, but you feel

obligated to do it. After all, it's good for you… right? Sure, but wouldn't you

rather look forward to improving your overall well-being? Of course you would!

Fortunately, unlike a lot of other teas which require sugar, milk, or lemon to make them

palatable to the average consumer, Matcha is absolutely wonderful all by itself. It's

crisp vegetative notes are complimented by the savory taste of the L-Theanine amino acid

making Matcha a tea that is truly unique in every way. So sit back, relax, and enjoy a

delicious bowl of hot Matcha.

You are watching: Amazing Matcha Green Tea Health Benefits for Weight Loss, Detox & Much

More. By Please Like and Share this video to friends and family to

help people live healthy and prevent diseases. And Subscribe our channel for more daily videos.

Share with us your knowledge and what you think about this video. Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Health Benefits of Dates Palm The Healthiest Fruit for Diabetes, Weight Loss - Duration: 11:16.


Underfloor heating - Heating for people with allergies / floor heating system - Duration: 2:14.

I've got a letter from Mr. John Madeup.

I mean – Mr. John's surname is not "Madeup". I've simply made him up!

Well, Mr. John is an allergy sufferer.

And he writes to me that he is building a house and is wondering which type of heating to choose so that his allergy will not develop.

The source of heat that is directly in our surrounding has a direct effect on allergy sufferer's health.

That is why we actually have two solutions to choose from:


and floor heating.

A radiator, as opposed to floor heating, is a point source of warmth.

That means it is located only in several places and has to be heated to the higher temperature in order to obtain comparable warmth in the room.

Those both things force air circulation in the room. What does it mean?

Well... yes... unfortunately... all dust accumulated in our house rises dynamically and continuously.

And we

continuously and deeply breathe it in.

In the case of floor heating,

this problem does not exist.

The second issue. Equally important!

Burning the dust.

Radiators heated to the temperature above 60 degrees – namely almost all the time in winter –

burn the dust.

Research has proven – and I haven't done it, but scholars, American ones!

- that there is no better environment for mites to develop and reproduce than burned dust!

Hence, the case is completely obvious!

Radiators are not wort a ... penny!

Mr. John Madeup may have a made up allergy.

But, if you and your family suffer from real one – do not risk with radiators.

The solution is simple – floor heating!

For more infomation >> Underfloor heating - Heating for people with allergies / floor heating system - Duration: 2:14.


Dr Brett Boltons Amazing Hair Restoration For Men Results too Good for Hair Transplant - Duration: 4:04.

Plz Subscribe My Channel and Support Me.....

For more infomation >> Dr Brett Boltons Amazing Hair Restoration For Men Results too Good for Hair Transplant - Duration: 4:04.


Writing an Essay for International Exams - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Writing an Essay for International Exams - Duration: 2:17.


Finger Family | Shapes Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 5:50.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Finger Family | Shapes Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes For Children - Duration: 5:50.


Hermès petit h - It's showtime for petit h - Duration: 4:22.

[meanwhile at petit h]

[n°5 it's showtime for petit h]

[Geneva, two days before the show]

[Pascale Mussard artistic director]

Oh! It's me!

It's magnificent. Oh Mélie!

It's superb.

I'm as nervous as you are, you know?

A dream come true!

Finally we've done it. Well, not quite.

It's not over yet!

We must unpack the boxes.

Take everything out. With the label!

The planisphere? The mirror?

It needs to be moved by 30 centimetres.

Wouldn't it be better a little higher?

The highlight of the show!

[Only a day to go…]

This is when we try to tell stories,

to bring out the colours.

Or, on the contrary, to create contrasts.

This is when we try to capture

the designer's ideas: mixing up materials.

This is when things happen.

In any case,

we must be ready by this evening.

That's really good.

The Christians go here.

Yes, they'll be all together.

We can put the other bags over there.

The bags go here.

We could add a little something,

put a little note here.

That's good.

I will have to find some glasses to put here.

Wow, it's really soft, too!

[The day has arrived !]

I want to share with you today, my emotion,

[Thierry Outin, general manager at Hermès Suisse]

my joy, and it is truly an honour

to host the temporary exhibition

of petit h objects in Geneva.

Petit h is a research lab.

We wanted to show you,

to shout out our love for this profession,

a profession that is being handed down

from one generation to the next.

All of the products you will see

have a story to tell.

All of these materials tell a story.

By working on them, we transmit their story.

Here it is!

Clever, that way you know where your keys are!

Yes, right!

It can also be worn as a visor.

We can change this

and put this one in its place.

You can make yourself disappear.

It's not a closed loop.

On the contrary, it's an open-ended loop…

like a family that is growing.

It's showtime for petit h

Petit h, the studio of doodlers and dreamers

For more infomation >> Hermès petit h - It's showtime for petit h - Duration: 4:22.


Free Burger King Coupons 2017 - Duration: 0:40.

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