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After 2 hours
After 20 minutes
What's Holding the Arab World Back? - Duration: 5:35.In the judo competition of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, an Israeli heavyweight judo fighter
named Or Sasson defeated his Egyptian opponent, Islam El Shehaby, in a first-round match.
The Egyptian then refused to shake the Israeli's extended hand, earning boos from the crowd.
If you want the short answer for why the Arab world is sliding into the abyss, look no further
than this little incident.
It illustrates how hatred of Israel and Jews corrupts every element of Arab society.
You won't find this explanation for the Arab world's decline among journalists and academics.
They reflexively blame the usual suspects: the legacy of colonialism, unemployed youth,
the Sunni-Shia sectarian divide, and every other politically correct excuse they can think of.
For them, hatred of Israel is treated like sand in Arabia -- just part of the landscape.
Yet the fact remains that over the past 70 years the Arab world expelled virtually all
of its Jews, some 900,000 people, while holding on to its hatred of them.
Over time the result proved fatal: a combination of lost human capital, expensive wars against
Israel, and an intellectual life perverted by conspiracy theories and a perpetual search
for scapegoats.
The Arab world's problems are a problem of the Arab mindset, and the name of that problem
is anti-Semitism.
As a historical phenomenon, this is not unique.
Historian Paul Johnson has noted that wherever anti-Semitism took hold, social and political
decline almost inevitably followed.
Just a few examples:
Spain expelled its Jews in 1492.
The effect, Johnson noted, "was to deprive Spain (and its colonies) of a class already
notable for the astute handling of finance."
In czarist Russia, the adoption of numerous anti-Semitic laws ultimately weakened
and corrupted the entire Russian government.
These laws also led to mass Jewish emigration, resulting in a breathtaking loss of intellectual
and human capital.
Germany might well have won the race for an atomic bomb if Hitler hadn't sent Jewish scientists
like Albert Einstein and Edward Teller into exile in the U.S.
These patterns were replicated in the Arab world.
Contrary to myth, the cause was not the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
There were bloody anti-Jewish pogroms in Palestine in 1929, Iraq in 1941, and Libya in 1945.
Nor is it accurate to blame Israel for fueling anti-Semitism by refusing to trade land for peace.
Among Egyptians, hatred of Israel barely abated after Prime Minister Menachem Begin
returned the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
And among Palestinians, anti-Semitism became markedly worse during the years
of the Oslo peace process.
Johnson calls anti-Semitism a "highly infectious" disease capable of overwhelming intellectuals
and simpletons alike.
Its potency, he noted, lies in transforming a personal and instinctive irrationalism
into a political and systematic one.
For the Jew-hater, every crime has the same culprit and every problem has the same solution.
Anti-Semitism makes the world seem simple.
In doing so, it condemns the anti-Semite to a permanent darkness.
Today there is no great university in the Arab world, no serious scientific research,
a stunted literary culture.
In 2015 the U.S. Patent Office reported 3,804 patents from Israel, as compared with 30 from
Egypt, the largest Arab country.
Hatred of Israel and Jews has also deprived the Arab world of both the resources
and the example of its neighbor.
Israel quietly supplies water to Jordan, helping to ease the burden of Syrian refugees,
and quietly provides surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities to Egypt
to fight ISIS in the Sinai.
But this is largely unknown among Arabs, for whom the only permissible image of Israel
is an Israeli soldier in riot gear, abusing a Palestinian.
Successful nations make a point of trying to learn from their neighbors.
The Arab world has been taught over generations only to hate theirs.
This may be starting to change.
Recently, the Arab world has been forced to face up to its own failings in ways it cannot
easily blame on Israel.
The change can be seen in the budding rapprochement between Jerusalem and Cairo,
Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.
But that's not enough.
So long as an Arab athlete can't pay his Israeli opposite the courtesy of a handshake,
the disease of the Arab mind and the misfortunes of its world will continue.
For Israel, this is a pity.
For the Arabs, it's a calamity.
I'm Bret Stephens.
Soul Exists Scientific Proof Of Reincarnation - Duration: 12:20.Soul Exists Scientific Proof Of Reincarnation.
By Dylan Harper.
A lot of people are resistant to the idea of a soul because of how this term has gotten
wrapped up in religious superstition and dogma.
Some people think it is outright silly.
But the concept of consciousness being able to detach from the body offers a lot of explanatory
power when it comes to phenomenon such as Near Death Experiences, Out-Of-Body Experiences,
astral projections, and even reincarnation.
In fact, the evidence for reincarnation is the best hard scientific evidence we have
for the existence of a soul.
This is a bold claim, but the evidence for reincarnation is undeniable and cannot collectively
be attributed to chance or any other physical explanation.
If reincarnation exists, the soul exists.
Let�s take a look!
Before we explore the evidence, it�s helpful to remember that we do not need hard PROOF
in order to be justified in believing in something.
If the weatherman says there is a 70% chance of showers, I don�t need proof that it�s
going to rain before I am justified in bringing an umbrella with me.
I don�t have to be certain that a meteor isn�t going to fall on my head before I
go outside.
I don�t need hard scientific proof of extra-terrestrial life in order to be justified in believing
that life exists on other planets, because there are so many good reasons that, when
taken together cumulatively, provide a plausible account for belief in life on other planets.
This is known as �abductive reasoning� and is the kind of reasoning we use most in
our every day lives.
Reincarnation is not something you can objectively measure in the same way you can measure a
chemical reaction, so it may even be in principle non-provable using the scientific method.
Science is the empirical measurement of the natural world, and the soul is something which
would exist beyond the natural world.
So the question is, �Are there enough solid pieces of evidence that, when taken together,
provide a compelling case for reincarnation?� I think the answer is a resounding yes.
The scientific evidence for reincarnation
Dr. Ian Stevenson, Ph.D., former Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia
School of Medicine, spent 40 years researching reincarnation stories within children.
This former chairman of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology investigated over
3000 independent stories of children who claimed to have memories and know people from their
alleged past lives.
According to Stevenson, the number of cases that are worth considering is so high that
it exceeds the ability of him and his team to investigate them all.
Birth Marks
Facial recognition software confirmed that there was in fact a facial resemblance to
their alleged prior incarnation.
Some had birth marks on places where they allegedly suffered fatal wounds from in their
past life.
They were often dramatic and sometimes bizarre lesions, such as malformed digits or missing
limbs, misshapen heads, and odd markings.
As Dr. Stevenson writes in his paper �Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds
on Deceased Persons� in the peer-reviewed Journal of Scientific Exploration:
�About 35% of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth
defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child
The cases of 210 such children have been investigated.
The birthmarks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin; some were areas of little or
no pigmentation (hypopigmented macules); others were areas of increased pigmentation (hyperpigmented
The birth defects were nearly always of rare types.
In cases in which a deceased person was identified the details of whose life unmistakably matched
the child�s statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks
and/or birth defects on the child and the wounds on the deceased person.
In 43 of 49 cases in which a medical document (usually a postmortem report) was obtained,
it confirmed the correspondence between wounds and birthmarks (or birth defects).�
Verifiable memories of past lives
The memories the children recalled were far too specific to be chalked up to chance.
In an article where 3 cases were looked at in great detail by Dr. Stevenson, he reported
that each of the 3 children made roughly 30-40 claims regarding memories that had of their
past lives, 82-92% of which were both verifiable and correct.
The particularities and specific details that were given by the children ranged from anything
from the names, personalities, and occupations of their former parents and siblings to the
precise layouts of the houses they lived in.
It was not uncommon for Stevenson to encounter a child who could go into a town he had never
been in before and give him the details of the village, former personal belongings, the
neighbourhood in which he lived in a past life, and the people who he use to associate
As he concludes: �It was possible in each case to find a family that had lost a member
whose life corresponded to the subject�s statements.
The statements of the subject, taken as a group, were sufficiently specific so that
they could not have corresponded to the life of any other person.
We believe we have excluded normal transmission of the correct information to the subjects
and that they obtained the correct information they showed about the concerned deceased person
by some paranormal process.�
Phobias from past-life traumas
Something which interested Dr. Stevenson was the phobias that were developed from past-life
As Dr. Jim Tucker writes:
�Another area that interested Ian was the behavior of these children.
He wrote a paper about phobias that many of the children showed, usually related to the
mode of death from the life they claimed to remember (Stevenson, 1990a).
He reported that 36% of the children in a series of 387 cases showed such fears.
They occurred when the children were very young, sometimes before they had made their
claims about the previous life.
For example, he described a girl in Sri Lanka who as a baby resisted baths so much that
three adults had to hold her down to give her one.
By the age of six months, she also showed a marked phobia of buses and then later described
the life of a girl in another village who had been walking along a narrow road between
flooded paddy fields when she stepped back to avoid a bus going by, fell into the flood
water, and drowned.� The original journal article these findings were published can
be found here.
Recognition from the scientific community
What seems to be more than mere chance is that children were able to accurately identify
former acquaintances and relationships they had with people in their prior lives.
Most impressively was a Lebanese girl who was able to remember and identify 25 different
people from her past life and the interpersonal relationships she had with them.
His best findings were put together in a book called Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation.
For further reading, this book would really be your best bet.
The American Journal of Psychiatry reviewed these cases and said there were ��cases
recorded in such full detail as to persuade the open mind that reincarnation is a tenable
hypothesis to explain them��.
He had several other books and papers published and widely accepted in the mainstream community.
As a review in the Journal of the American Medical Association stated ��In regard
to reincarnation he has painstakingly and unemotionally collected a detailed series
of cases from India, cases in which the evidence is difficult to explain on any other grounds.��
The reviewer added: ��He has placed on record a large amount of data that cannot
be ignored��.
His one paper called ��The Explanatory Value of the Idea of Reincarnation�� had
thousands of requests for reprints by scientists all over the world.
His findings were also published in peer reviewed journals the Journal of Nervous and Mental
Disease, and the International Journal of Comparative Sociology.
During a presentation at Penn State University in 2005, Dr. Jim B. Tucker, a child psychiatrist
at the University of Virginia, described how a mother was leaning over the changing table
to change her son�s diaper.
Her young toddler unexpectedly said, �When I was your age, I used to change your diapers.�
Sam Taylor, of Vermont, was born 18 months following his grandfather�s death.
When he made this comment, he was only a few years old.
When he was four and a half years old, however, Taylor was able to pick out his grandfather
from a class picture of about 20 people and identify his grandfather�s first car from
a photograph.
Here is video of a young boys reincarnation story covered by ABC news to provide you a
glimpse into the nature of these cases.
It�s important to note that this case is American, so the parents are not influencing
or encouraging the boy to believe in reincarnation in the name of culture or religion:
This is just a small fraction of the amount of evidence that exists for reincarnation.
Upon coming to a conclusion about all his findings and his publications, we have to
ask ourselves �What is the best explanation that can accommodate all of this evidence?�
Why would there be so many cases of children who claim to have been other people, who know
the specific names and interpersonal relationships of the person they recall being, who have
similar behavior and personalities as the people they claimed to be, who have birthmarks
and abnormalities where they claimed to have suffered wounds in their past lives, and who
have specific phobias linked back to alleged past life traumas if reincarnation did not
When we consider that there is no naturalistic explanation that can account for all of data,
and when we consider the explanatory power of reincarnation, we are more than justified
in subscribing to reincarnation for scientific reasons.
The accounts are far too precise to be chalked up as chance, and all other explanations are
impoverished in trying to explain such a wide array of data.
Reincarnation can no longer be looked at as some woo-woo, pseudoscientific, religiously
dogmatic New Age fantasy, and neither can the soul.
We can infer the reality of the soul because it is the best explanation for all of the
given data.
There must be a non-physical part of us (consciousness itself, perhaps) that contains memories that
leaves our body and then enters into a new body.
This is a hypothesis which has gotten serious attention in the mainstream academic community,
and is still ripe with investigation to this day.
When we take all the evidence together and look at it without religious or scientific
bias getting in the way, it seems as though we are not only justified in believing in
reincarnation, but it also may be the best of all explanations
for the strongest cases.
Dinosaurs For Kids Most Amazing Wild Animals Attacks Dinosaur Vs Lion King Fights Dinosaurs 3D Movie - Duration: 13:41.Dinosaurs For Kids Most Amazing Wild Animals Attacks Dinosaur Vs Lion King Fights Dinosaurs 3D Movie
Lexus Short Films: A Filmmaker's Journey Part 4 – Designing for emotion - Duration: 1:20.-------------------------------------------
Animals Finger Family Rhymes Videos Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Wild Animals Cartoons For Children - Duration: 13:41.Animals Finger Family Rhymes Videos Dinosaurs Finger Family Songs Wild Animals Cartoons For Children
Wild Animals Fight Videos Dinosaur Vs Bear Epic Fights Animals Cartoons For Children Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 13:41.Wild Animals Fight Videos Dinosaur Vs Bear Epic Fights Animals Cartoons For Children Nursery Rhymes
ICCS PhD spotlight: Thomas Stocks - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
A New Test for Life on Other Planets - Duration: 5:07.A New Test for Life on Other Planets.
A simple chemistry method could vastly enhance how scientists search for signs of life on
other planets.
The test uses a liquid-based technique known as capillary electrophoresis to separate a
mixture of organic molecules into its components.
It was designed specifically to analyze for amino acids, the structural building blocks
of all life on Earth.
The method is 10,000 times more sensitive than current methods employed by spacecraft
like NASA�s Mars Curiosity rover, according to a new study published in Analytical Chemistry.
The study was carried out by researchers from NASA�s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena,
One of the key advantages of the authors� new way of using capillary electrophoresis
is that the process is relatively simple and easy to automate for liquid samples expected
on ocean world missions: it involves combining a liquid sample with a liquid reagent, followed
by chemical analysis under conditions determined by the team.
By shining a laser across the mixture � a process known as laser-induced fluorescence
detection � specific molecules can be observed moving at different speeds.
They get separated based on how quickly they respond to electric fields.
Mono Lake, California, with salt pillars known as �tufas� visible.
JPL scientists tested new methods for detecting chemical signatures of life in the salty waters
here, believing them to be analogs for water on Mars or ocean worlds like Europa.
B4INREMOTE-aHR0cHM6Ly8zLmJwLmJsb2dzcG90LmNvbS8tU0JPcEdQc0dzU00vV0lyLUtEamNYLUkvQUFBQUFBQUJUTEkvVUp6TzE0SDlhd1lVb2k0ajZVQzJNYWxFVFFPUkkxQzJRQ0xjQi9zNjQwL2NoZW1pc3RyeV9tYWluLmpwZw== Credits: Mono County Tourism
While capillary electrophoresis has been around since the early 1980s, this is the first time
it has been tailored specifically to detect extraterrestrial life on an ocean world, said
lead author Jessica Creamer, a postdoctoral scholar at JPL.
�Our method improves on previous attempts by increasing the number of amino acids that
can be detected in a single run,� Creamer said.
�Additionally, it allows us to detect these amino acids at very low concentrations, even
in highly salty samples, with a very simple �mix and analyze� process.�
The researchers used the technique to analyze amino acids present in the salt-rich waters
of Mono Lake in California.
The lake�s exceptionally high alkaline content makes it a challenging habitat for life, and
an excellent stand-in for salty waters believed to be on Mars, or the ocean worlds of Saturn�s
moon Enceladus and Jupiter�s moon Europa.
The researchers were able to simultaneously analyze 17 different amino acids, which they
are calling �the Signature 17 standard.� These amino acids were chosen for study because
they are the most commonly found on Earth or elsewhere.
�Using our method, we are able to tell the difference between amino acids that come from
non-living sources like meteorites versus amino acids that come from living organisms,�
said the project�s principal investigator, Peter Willis of JPL.
Key to detecting amino acids related to life is an aspect known as �chirality.� Chiral
molecules such as amino acids come in two forms that are mirror images of one another.
Although amino acids from non-living sources contain approximately equal amounts of the
�left� and �right�-handed forms, amino acids from living organisms on Earth are almost
exclusively the �left-handed� form.
It is expected that amino acid life elsewhere would also need to �choose� one of the
two forms in order to create the structures of life.
For this reason, chirality of amino acids is considered one of the most powerful signatures
of life.
�One of NASA�s highest-level objectives is the search for life in the universe,�
Willis said.
�Our best chance of finding life is by using powerful liquid-based analyses like this one
on ocean worlds.�
Caltech in Pasadena, California, manages JPL for NASA.
Contacts and sources: Andrew Good
Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
[ENGSUB] ASTRO25 "A Private Meeting for the Contents!" - Episode 2 - Duration: 7:34.//ASTRO's 1st self-making contents for their own show!//
JJ: Earlier, we all already received the staff pass after our employment~
JJ: We'll self-making our own contents here~
JJ: We will do it all!
//Including scripts, shooting & acting!!//
SH: What will we do?
EW: How about we do a one-shot story? (?)
EW: Since we 6 are actors before~
//We need an actress too!//
AST: How about SuA? (Moonbin's lil sis) MB: SuA?
MB: She's very busy now! Very busy!
AST: Do we have any other choices? JJ: Doyeon-ie~
MB: Doyeon-ie?
JJ: I.O.I's Doyeon-ie~ (why so cuteeeee XD)
AST: She'll not answer it, trust me~ AST: She'll not pick up~
//Right now the phone is...//
//Did Doyeon-ie already changed her number?//
//This is the fun part! XD//
JJ: Doyeon-ah!!
MJ: I have one!
AST: Who?
MJ: Nara-noona!
SH: Dae--
//Signal lost~//
MJ: What? Why suddenly the signal is offline?
//Signal lost~//
//The one who enjoying way too much XD//
AST: You gonna call Yeoreum? How about call her? EW: I'll call her now!
EW: I think she won't pick up!
AST: Oh! She picked up!
EW: Hello?
YR: Oh! EW: Noona!
YR: Oh, Eunwoo-yah!
JJ: Hello, we're ASTRO! YR: Oh, ASTRO are there too!
EW: Have you eaten, Noona?
EW: How's preparing for comeback?
EW: We actually has something fun to do for GS25, YR: Really? That's cool!
EW: Can't Noona help us right now?
YR: Actually...we have a comeback on January...
AST: That's right~
YR: I think I will be busy for the comeback...It's very upsetting!
AST: Why do we feel upset, noona?
//Diplomatic Failed//
MB: How about our Sanha? SH: M-me? MB: Why?
SH: I only met her once! MB: Who?
SH: I.B.I's Suhyun-noona!
JJ: You really know? How do you know?
SH: I'll call her now...
SY: Hello?
SH: Hello!
SH: Suhyun-noona, It's been a long time!!
SY: What is it~
SH: I have something to ask you over the phone,
SH: Actually, we have a sh-sh-shooting now...
MJ *snorted XDDD* JJ: We're sorry for calling you in the middle of our shooting....
SH: Actually, ASTRO's corner "GS25 Fun Video" needs an actress!
SY: Ah, wait a sec!
MB: This is like playing hard-to-get~
SH: Can you do it?
SY: If I go there to be an actress, is it okay?
MB: It's okay if you come now~
SH: Please come here right now!
SY: Will you responsible for this? SH: Yeah! We will!
SY: Okay! I'll go there now~
//Congrats! Got an actress, SUCCESS!//
MB: Come here quickly! SH: We'll wait for you!
//At the end, Maknae got it on the 1st try!//
SH: Casting, SUCCESS!
JJ: Firstly, who wants to be the main lead?
JJ: 1, 2, 3!
//As expected, prepared idols ASTRO~//
MJ: We all have that greed, right?
MB: Frankly, the one who is lacking...please put down your hand!
MJ: Okay, the one who is truthfully wants~
AST: 1,2,3!
MB: Put your hands down! MJ: Get off me!!
JJ: Who wants to be the director? 1, 2, 3!
JJ: The one who wants to write the script...1, 2, 3!
//If it like this...this won't be over...//
JJ: So like that, we need 1 person only for one category! So....
JJ: We'll be playing a game to choose!
(To choose the Director & Co-director) //6 of them will choose a ramyun out of 6 diff flavors// //Who eats the fastest will got 3 pts, 2nd place 2 pts and 3rd place 1 pts//
JJ: 1st round is Director and Co-director~
JJ: The director must have a good sense and sensitive~
JJ: So, to choose who'll take the position, we'll play this game!
EW: What is it? JJ: Sensitive with these kinds of Ramyun!
MJ: I understood it! JJ: Understood?
JJ: Oh, the one who eats the fastest will win this game!
//Their eyes are glancing wildly//
JJ: For me...
MJ: I really want to eat this!
//Done selecting Ramyun!//
EW: I really can't eat spicy...what do you have there?
JJ: So, do you want to trade?
SH: Rock-Paper-Scissors!
MJ: You obtained this ramyun! EW: That's good~
JJ: Ready? Start!
//1ROUND <Eats Cup Ramyun Quickly> START!//
MJ: This is good!
SH: Bin-hyung already finished!!
//Stars...please show us your faces...// (Astro's nickname is Stars)
//Moonbin already finished eating!//
MJ: I ate it deliciously! MJ done!
EW: Rocky finished it too!
//The result~// 1st place: Moonbin | 2nd place: MJ | 3rd place: Rocky
JJ: 1st is Moonbin, 2nd is MJ-hyung and 3rd is Rocky~
//<Eats Cup Ramyun Quickly!> Game Ended!!//
JJ: It's upsetting...
PD: We have something prepared for you!
//Previously, the PD team already interviewed passerbys and asked them their favorite Ramyun between 6 ramyuns ASTRO picked! The Ramyun will get many votes got 5 pts, 2nd place got 3 pts and 3rd place got 1 pts!//
//Interview 100 random citizen start!!//
//What is Korea citizen favorite Cup Ramyun?//
PD: Do you often eat cup ramyun? Guy: Yeah!
PD: What is your favorite Ramyun among all?
Guy: Teumsae Ramyun!
Girl: For me, I like Omori Kimchi Stew Ramyun!
Guy: I like GongHwaChun Black noodles!
Girl: I like Omori Kimchi Stew Ramyun!
//Omori Kimchi Stew Ramyun is very popular!//
Guy: I like Cheese! I go for Cheese Fire Noodles!
(Sanha XDD)
//Which Cup Ramyun is the most popular?//
EW: 5 pts, 3 pts and 1 pts!
JJ: So, like that I'm the 1st place among you guys!
MB: 2nd place! EW: 3rd place!
JJ: The director and... MB: the co-director!
JJ: We'll work hard for this!
Jinjin: Director Moonbin: Co-director
//Please anticipate for ASTRO25 next episode!//
The flu shot has often be said to be one of the greatest scams in medical history.
While this can be up for debate, let�s shed some light on why people feel that way based
on the research available � there�s no shortage of it.
Before we get to that, in an interview with Opie and Anthony on Sirius XM, Trump shared
his opinion about flu shots and stated he feels they are �totally ineffective.�
�I�ve never had one.
And thus far I�ve never had the flu.
I don�t like the idea of injecting bad stuff into your body.
And that�s basically what they do.
And this one (latest flu vaccine) has not been very effective to start off with�.
I have friends that religiously get the flu shot and then they get the flu.
You know, that helps my thinking.
I�ve seen a lot of reports that the last flu shot is virtually totally ineffective.�
Trump is right in this case � flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in history.
They are full of �bad stuff� including formaldehyde and mercury � two powerful
neurotoxins � and the vaccine industry even admits that laboratory tests prove the popular
jab does not work.
Multiple studies found that flu vaccinations can cause harm to your heart, infant and fetus.
The CDC recommends that all infants six months or older should receive flu vaccinations on
top of a highly questionable vaccination schedule.
You can check out the entire vaccination schedule here.
A study published in the journal Vaccine found that flu vaccines can cause a measurable increase
in inflammation in pregnant women.
This can increase the risk of preeclampsia which can result in high blood pressure and
an increased amount of protein in the urine.
Preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, which are life threatening seizers pregnant women
can have during birth.
Another study published in the Journal of Paediatrics, found that 85 percent of newborn
infants experienced abnormal elevations of CRP when given multiple vaccines and up to
70 percent in those given a single vaccine.
CRP is a protein found in the blood, a rise in this protein is a response to inflammation.
Overall, 16 percent of infants were reported to experience vaccine-associated cardiorespiratory
events within 48 hours of immunization.
Last but not least, a study published in the International Journal of Medicine revealed
something that you don�t hear to often.
That flu vaccines results in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased
risk for serious heart-related events, like a heart attack.
Together with an inflammatory reaction, influenza A vaccine induced platelet activation and
sympathovagal imbalance towards adrenergic predominance.
Significant correlations were found between CRP levels and HRV (heart rate variability)
parameters, suggesting a pathophysiological link between inflammation and cardiac autonomic
The vaccine-related platelet activation and cardiac autonomic dysfunction may transiently
increase the risk of cardiovascular events.
More people are choosing to opt our of their yearly flu vaccination due to new information
surfacing that shows they can be harmful to your health.
Instances like children in Europe developing Narcolepsy after the H1N1 pandemrix vaccine
adds to the new decisions as well.doesn�t help either.
Periodic infectious challenges are natures way of strengthening the immune system, but
with such a rigid vaccine schedule from the onset of birth, our immune system becomes
reliant and weak instead of strong and more developed.
In fact, during the global pandemic that was declared by the World Health Organization
in 2009, Canadians actually increased the rate of medically attended pandemic H1N1 infection.
Vaccines, therefore, may actually decrease the resistance to viral infection via their
immunosuppressive actions.
The study was published in the US National Library of Medicine.
Over 200 viruses cause influenza and influenza-like illness which produce the same symptoms (fever,
headache, aches and pains, cough and runny noses).
Without laboratory tests, doctors cannot tell the two illnesses apart.
Both last for days and rarely lead to death or serious illness.
At best, vaccines might be effective against only influenza A and B, which represent about
10% of all circulating viruses (source)
Hopefully this information inspires you to further investigate before receiving your
flu shots.
We are often pushed and encouraged by health organizations and mass media to take the flu
shot without taking a look at the evidence that supports it, and the evidence that works
against it.
Having a broad range of information is always better than having no information at all.
I personally choose not to be vaccinated, I am a strong believer that our immune systems
are capable of overcoming any type of illness especially when we take care of our health
and have the right mentally in place.
I also recommend taking a look at the ingredients within the vaccine you are considering, and
researching the potential effects those can have on your body.
It is said that the seasonal flu kills between 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide, a number
that to some reading might sound incredibly high.[1] Perhaps this is why the flu vaccine
is so heavily offered?
The key question that is creating a great amount of controversy is whether or not the
numbers we read about the amount of flu deaths are actually accurate?
When winter time rolls around we start hearing the term �flu season.� As a result, we
are offered the flu vaccine as a means to protect ourselves from the flu.
I was just reading a public health flyer the other day that stated the best way to protect
yourself from the flu is to take the vaccine.
It seemed odd that the whole public health flyer seemed focused on making sure people
knew the flu vaccine was a must have.
I could understand that, if the death stats were actually accurate.
What Are The Stats Based On?
The World Health Organization is the source of the death count annually that is seen above.
The CDC states that about 36,000 people in the US die each year from the flu.
Although to some these sources seem credible, where they are getting their information from
could be much more of a PR move than a legitimate stat.
According to the National Vital Statistics System in the U.S., annual flu deaths in 2010
were only 500 for the year.
Ulcers, pregnancy, childbirth and hernias were all around double or more compared to
the flu.
This of course didn�t even compare to things like heart disease or cancer which ranged
somewhere in the 500,000 range.
The story is the same in Canada.
Interestingly, the CDC released a data paper in 2010 that shows how they categorize flu
The stat is grouped with Pneumonia deaths.
If one were to look, it states that 50,097 deaths were attributed to flu and pneumonia,
but when that number is broken down, pneumonia is responsible for 49,597 and the flu only
[3] The CDC itself acknowledges and admits that there is only a slim relationship, stating
�only a small proportion of deaths� only 8.5 per cent of all pneumonia and influenza
deaths [are] influenza-related.�
In Canada the numbers are approximately the same, reported deaths of the flu have never
surpassed 350 during a flu season.
Some years were as little as 150 or so.
Furthermore, hospitalizations from the flu never surpassed 7000 for the entire country
in some of the worst recorded years.
The interesting thing about the WHO is that in their estimations they show no measure
of how they arrived at their numbers.
This is why controversy is so heavy when it comes to actual flu numbers.
This is perhaps also why many point to the numbers as a PR stunt to sell more vaccinations.
Multiple Sources Agree
To take it even further, the American Journal of Public Health and the British Medical Journal
feel the number of 500 deaths in the US could even be too high.
They state that only about 15-20 per cent of people who come down with flu-like symptoms
actually have the influenza virus.
It is believed that the other 80-85 per cent actually caught rhinovirus or other germs
that are indistinguishable from the true flu without laboratory tests, which are rarely
�U.S. data on influenza deaths are a mess,� states a 2005 article in the British Medical
Journal entitled �Are U.S. flu death figures more PR than science?� The article points
to the fact that the claimed 36,000 yearly flu-death figure commonly claimed is overstated
and incorrect.
This makes calling pneumonia/influenza as the 7th leading cause of death incorrect as
Is The Vaccine Even Effective?
The former Chief Vaccine Office at the FDA, Dr. Anthony Morris states: �there is no
evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating
any attack of influenza.�
Of course this statement has been attacked by many �science� blogs stating he isn�t
an expert on the flu and that his opinion shouldn�t be trusted.
A classic move by opposers where an attack is set out on statements made using emotional
arguments attempting to make others feel unintelligent for questioning something.
Yet the opposers often provide no evidence to state the research or opinion is incorrect.
This is perhaps one of the most dangerous aspects of parts of the scientific community.
To think of how many things are ignored or shot down out of arrogance and fear of overturning
old ideas is astonishing.
The prestigious Cochrane Library released a review in 2009 stating �There is not enough
evidence to decide whether routine vaccination to prevent influenza in healthy adults effective.�
Given the ineffectiveness of the vaccine and the potential side effects that go along with
the vaccine, why put yourself at risk?
The influenza does not appear to show any moderate risk of hospitalization or death
and avoiding the flu can be done very easily with natural means.
Perhaps it�s finally time to end the hype and stop supporting the vaccine all together?
Sadly the CDC has created a mass market for the flu vaccine and enlisted doctors and the
media to fear many into taking it.
Since very few have questioned the efficacy of such a vaccine, the hysteria continues
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Choi refuses to appear for questioning over bribery allegations - Duration: 2:12.Turning our focus to the prosecutorial team continuing its probe of the power abuse case
that engulfed the nation.
The team unsuccessfully tried to re-summon the woman at the very heart of the scandal.
Hwang Hojun has the updates from the independent counsel office.
The special investigation team led by independent counsel Park Young-soo plans to seek another
short-term arrest warrant for Choi Soon-sil, the jailed confidante of President Park Geun-hye,
and the woman at the heart of the scandal.
Choi rejected the team's summons to undergo questioning Monday morning over the bribery
allegations against her, criticizing the investigation as coercive.
Choi was not legally obligated to comply with the latest summons, but another warrant could
allow the team to compel her to appear.
"The independent counsel summoned Choi Soon-sil to question her on charges of acceptance of
a bribe for good offices, but she didn't respond and gave no justifiable reason.
We are planning to request a short-term arrest warrant under the same charges within a day
or two."
Choi is alleged to have extorted money and favors from large conglomerates, using her
personal relationship with the president.
"Acceptance of a bribe for good offices" is yet another charge recently uncovered by the
team... in addition to abuse of authority, coercion and bribery.
Some suspect the charge is related to the K-Town project in Myanmar, an official development
assistance program implemented last year; Choi Soon-sil allegedly acquired personal
gains during the process.
The independent counsel summoned the Korean ambassador to Myanmar, Yoo Jae-kyung, on Monday...
to find out what he knows about the allegations.
Meanwhile, the special probe team agained summoned former Culture Minister Cho Yoon-sun
and former presidential chief of staff Kim Ki-choon over allegations that the presidential
office directed the creation and management of a blacklist of cultural figures deemed
critical of the government.
"With the Seollal holiday coming to an end, and the first investigation period end-date
now coming up in a month -- February 28th to be exact -- the team appears to be accelerating
its probe into the influence-peddling scandal.
Hwang Hojun, Arirang News."
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