Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 31 2017

Ufology and Theological Clarifications.

by Lac.

Corrado Balducci .

Summary: Finally I have obtained an English translation of the unprecedented paper Monsignor

Balducci gave me at our historic Meeting in Rome in December (2002).

In this seminal work, the Monsignor-theologian, (who is the Pope's choice as Chief Exorcist

for the Archdiocese of Rome/Vatican itself), not only makes an air-tight case for the reality

and acceptability of Star Visitor contacts with humans, but argues that these Visitors

are more highly intellectually and spiritually evolved than humans.


[[ Finally I have obtained an English translation of the unprecedented paper Monsignor Balducci

gave me at our historic Meeting in Rome in December (2002).

In this seminal work, the Monsignor-theologian, (who is the Pope's choice as Chief Exorcist

for the Archdiocese of Rome/Vatican itself), not only makes an air-tight case for the reality

and acceptability of Star Visitor contacts with humans, but argues that these Visitors

are more highly intellectually and spiritually evolved than humans.

The Monsignor gave me a copy of this Paper, and intends to share it with his Vatican colleagues.

It must also be the first document by a high-level churchman to mention Area 51, Nevada

Richard Boylan, Ph.D. ]]


(Monsignor Corrado Balducci - Pescara, June 8th. 2001)


Over the last 150 years it have appeared sequentially and with an increasing spreading and frequency

rate, two types of manifestations and phenomena, very different between them, but both so interesting,

controversial and fascinating to divide public opinion into two different aspects: or everything

is real, or well everything is false.

These are spiritualism and ufology.

It shouldn't surprise us this approach, because it's related only to the reactions and behaviour

of the public before these two phenomena and not to their contents, obviously quite different

between both of them

Regarding spiritualism, this is a practice for which there are testimonies across the

centuries; in 1847, with the sisters Fox in Hydesville (New York), it had a special remark

and spread rapidly in several countries.

Very soon there was an explanation for the phenomena connected to such practices, even

by the scientists: the souls of the disincarnated, better said of the dead people, are the cause

of this.

This was called the spiritualist hypothesis, against which theologians soon opposed to

the so called demonic hypothesis.

Only by the end of XIX century there were made the first attempts to look for a natural

explanation, and finally in 1922, with the thick book of the French scientist Charles

Richet, Trait� de M�tapsychique , it began officially the so called Metapsychics, nowadays

better known as Parapsychology.

When I began with my demonic and metapsychic studies back in 1950, I found myself in a

period when, since two decades ago, it was denied the existence of spiritualist phenomena

(and not only by some scientists, but also by a very wide public opinion), that represented

at that time the most abundant cases of Metapsychics.

The same is valid since some decades on regarding Ufology.

After this premise, we reach our subject, for which I have two very brief clarifications

to expose.

- The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), is used here in a wider sense, or even better,

including also the existence of living beings in other planets.

- The aim of my intervention is to underline that something real must exist in the phenomena,

and how this does not contrast at all with Christian religion, being considered positive

even among theologians.

Let's divide the speech in three points:


Something real must exist.


Theological considerations on the habitability of other planets.


Some testimonies favourable to it.

I - UFO: Something real must exist.

This is a statement coming out from basic considerations based upon common sense, human

rationalism and upon a normal and possible course of our lives, considering not only

individual and social aspects, but also religious.

In fact, today there is a great amount (still increasing) of testimonies regarding the so

called flying saucers or spaceships and the extraterrestrials; and among them there are

some coming from reliable persons, with a culture and initially non believers.

There are already hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses in the world that state to have

seen UFO's at least once.

There are so many, even in a smaller amount, the testimoniescoming from the so called contactees.

If we consider this, it seems impossible to deny at a rational level that something real

does exist A totally sceptic behaviour is not justified at all, because a priori seems

to be against to the elemental prudence suggested by the good sense.

It is also real that we could think rationally that so large average of testimonies could

be due to illusions, hallucinations and to states of intense suggestion.

In other cases it could be also due to particular light effects or well to atmospheric phenomena,

such as clouds that over the mountains may show a shape similar to the flying saucers;

we could use as an example the so called ball rays or well globular flashes of lighting.

Other times UFO's could be confused with certain types of round-shaped aeroplanes, that were

certainly built in USA since the so called Cold War (it is also certain that Russia built

some aeroplanes of this type).

This promoted in the period after World War II, the spreading of the idea that flying

saucers were nothing else but new inventions with warring aim, obviously kept secret.

But these are always inaccurate explanations and considerations to explain the number of

testimonies and the wideness of UFO phenomenon.

The most severe and hard criticism could reduce largely this number, but never will be able

to eliminate all of them.

We also have to remember that in several countries exist places, organisations and associations

that collect evidences and testimonies on tape, in order to make them examine and study

by experts and scientists as necessary; after that the whole set is catalogued in explainable

and non explainable phenomena.

It is not any longer a secret the existence of the so called Area 51 inthe United States,

within a zone in the hearth of the Nevada desert; an enormous land area that has a larger

construction underground than on the surface.

In France is famous the SEPRA association; in Italy there is the CUN, Centro Ufologico

Nazionale (National Ufological Centre), already on its 36th. year of existence, and with Dr.

Roberto Pinotti as President since long ago; also in Italy there is since 4 years until

now the CIFAS ( Council of International Federation of Advanced Studies ) dedicated to study the

relationships between man and extraterrestrial space, which President is still Gen. Salvatore


Regarding the existence of something real within UFO phenomenon, I must add another

consideration that was left for last to better underline its importance.

And this is, that a generalised, systematic and total incredulity finally would weaken

and destroy the value of human testimony, with serious and unforeseeable consequences,

because that is the base of life not only individual and social, but also religious.

In fact, testimony is a form of communication of our faith in our partner.

This is a widely spread way on daily life (when listening news, spending, buying, etc.).

Let's imagine what could happen on individual and social life if the value of human testimony

was weaken, with the logical decrease and disappearance of that faith many times is

essential for daily life

After this, I have extended such inconveniences to religious life; in fact, also Christian

religion is based upon human testimony, being the Divine Revelation an historical fact.

In 1937 Jesuit theologian Herbert Thurston wrote on purpose: From a logical point of

view, christians that accept miracles and other episodes related on the Gospel... they

cannot reject in an obstinate way the reiterated testimonies of modern and reliable witnesses,

that relate what their eyes have seen...

All our Apologetic system is based upon the belief in the Truth said in the Gospel ( Church

and Spiritualism ; Milan, 1937; p.p. 179).

For that: systematic demolition and discredit of humantestimonies regarding simple fact

data, seem to me contrary in principle to all belief on the historic seriousness of

Gospel, and indirectly, to every belief on Christian Revelation (Op.

Cit. p.p. 157).


Theological and biblical considerations on the habitability of other planets.

First of all a clarification: we should exclude that angels use spaceships, due to the fact

that they are merely spiritual beings, and that they are wherever they want to be, and

in the rare cases when they show themselves, they don't have any difficulty to assume a

visible form.

The very same we can say about dead people.

Holy Virgin, in the very few cases when she could consider to be in contact with human

people (very exceptional episodes and to be confirmed in their authenticity), continues

to choose other very different ways to transmit us her maternal affection, to manifest us

her urgencies, to communicate us her maternal claims or to give us her sweet reproaches.

Even keeping their angelic nature, we shouldn't think about the devils at all, because they

are connected in their liberty to God on their extraordinary activity, and in that way they

are disabled to express their terrible and malefic hate regarding us.

Let's remember St. August: If the devil by his own initiative could do anything, even

a single living being would not stay on Earth (ML 37, 1246); let's remember also to St.

Buenaventura: Is so large the demon's cruelty, that he would swallow us in every moment,

if Divine protection don't guard us ( Diaeta salutis , tit. 7 c.1, Verona 1748, p. 183).

Therefore, when speaking about extraterrestrials, we must think in beings like us, or well and

preferably in other types of living beings, that in their spiritual part they have associated

a material one; better said, a body in a better state than the one existing for us as humans.

There is not a scientific certainty yet about this problem, even if this seems to be closer

and closer, thanks to the progress of science and study.

Regarding the theological and biblical aspect of this matter, we can remark three points,

three affirmations in favour from the various considerations:


Before all, that exist other inhabited planets is something possible.

In the Bible there are not specific allusions to other living beings, but neither is excluded

this hypothesis, that for this stays as possible, if we think that God's omnipotence and wisdom

have no limits, being infinite.


Furthermore, the existence of other inhabited planets is something credible.

In fact, there is a great diversity between angels, merely spiritual beings and us, composed

by spirit and matter; better said, soul and flesh, but a soul that cannot act if don't

use the body as an instrument; a body that makes with its passions and capital vices

conditional the soul to the point of make human person so fragile, and more devoted

to evil than to goodness.

Therefore is credible that this enormous distance between us and the angels could be reduced

by the presence of beings that, having also a body (even if more perfect), their soul

is less conditioned on their intelligent and volitional acting.

If necessary, there is another confirmation upon the very ancient saying of Lucrezio Caro:

Natura non facit saltus ; a very famous phrase (that I found on the De rerum natura ) and

quoted - regarding that argument - also by some theologians.

Another consideration is taken for the aim of the creation, or well the Glory of God,

a concept that you can find several times on the Bible.

For instance, Psalm 18 begins by saying precisely: heavens sing the glory of God . But only human

person is able to give this glory to God in a conscious way , because it has intelligence

and free will.

Precisely for this, several theologians say, is not only possible but credible, that in

the spaces that are distant and inaccessible for men and his scientific instruments, do

exist other beings able to know God as their Creator, and also they give Him this Glory,

that for them and their worlds represent the aim of Creation.

Jesuit Father Domenico Grasso, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University

wrote on purpose: Why all the perfection God has spread so widely in the universe should

be kept hidden without singing the glory of God?

Wouldn't it be a discordance unsuitable for God?

Who writes a book knowing that it will never be read by anyone, or well who paints a painting

to hide it from anyone's sight?


He claims regarding the statements made by German theologian Joseph Pohle in one of his

books of 1904 (page 457): It seems to be accordingly with the aim of the world that inhabitable

celestial bodies are settled by creatures that recognise the glory of God in the physical

beauties of their worlds, in the same way man does with his smaller world ( Die Sternewelt

undihre Bewohner - The Stars of Universe and its Inhabitants ; K�ln 1904; pp. 457).

Finally Father Grasso concludes: we must think in the angels to know where God receives the

glory from these worlds from, because them, that are purely spiritual, are not able to

know the matter but indirectly, in the same way man does with the spirit (ib.).


Beyond to be something possible and credible, I would see desirable the inhabitability of

other planets.

In a future, even if very remote, these eventual inhabitants, superior to us, could be very

helpful to us, specially in our spiritual path.

In a non practical way, they could had been protecting and helping us since long time


If it is the case that they do really exist intelligent beings on other planets, it would

be easier to understand how to conciliate their existence with the redemption of Christ.

As St. Paul says (cfr.

Col. 1, 16-17), a real fact is that Christ is the centre and head of the creation of

the universe.

Therefore there are no worlds without a reference of Him.

From the Bible is possible to assure that Christ, as Incarnated Verb, has total influence

upon all the possible inhabited planets.

I quote what said by St. Paul to the Colossians: For by Him all things were created that are

in heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or

principalities or powers.

All things were created through Him and for Him.

And He is before all things and in Him all things consist...

For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell.

And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on earth or things

in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross (Col. 1, 16-20).

The Church celebrates the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year (before the Advent) as the

Feast of Christ, King of the universe, and in its liturgy the universality of His kingdom

is remembered, which is also expressed in the daily Mass.


Algunos testimonios a favor.

There exist several interesting statements on the inhabitability of other worlds by lay

scientists, theologians or servants of God which already qualified for a process of beatification

or canonisation.

Obviously I'll limit myself to quote just some of them.

Beginning with the laymen, let me quote the great French scientist Charles Richet (1850

- 1935), that was, among otherthings, a materialist.

In 1922, in his Trait� de M�tapsychique , he stated: Do we have any right to claim,

just because of our limited senses and our mistaken intelligence, that man is the only

intelligent being in this immense cosmos?...

That other intellectual forces, different from us, exist, is not only possible but extremely


It is even certain...

It is absurd to claim that we are the only intelligence in nature...

The existence of these beings cannot be proven, but the probability of their existence is

evident (loc. cit., Paris 1922, pp. 787-788).

I remember 5 theologians:


Cardinal Nicol� Cusano (1401 - 1464), philosopher and scientist that said: We are not authorised

to exclude that on another star beings do exist, even if they are completely different

from us .


The Jesuit Father and astronomer Fr. Angelo Secchi (1818 - 1876) wrote: It is absurd to

claim that the worlds surrounding us are large, uninhabited deserts and that the meaning of

the universe lies just in our small, inhabited planet.



The famous Dominican preacher Jacques-Marie-Louis Monsabre (1827 - 1907) referred to the principle

Natura non facit saltus when he claimed that other intelligent beings besides men and angels



The already quoted English Jesuit Father Herbert Thurston wrote: Who can claim that there are

no other intelligent beings besides these 3 categories of angels, demons and men in

the Universe of God?

I do not intend to confirm the possibility I indicated in my question as a fact, but

I ask: Who can be sure about it?


Cit., pp. 3).


German Theologian Giuseppe Pohle: Hypothesis of the plurality of inhabited worlds is totally

favourable to the glory of the Lord.

God creates for His glory, and any glory is possible without intelligent beings, able

to know the creation of the Lord . I remember two persons for whom there is already going

on their process of canonisation:


The Salesian Father and Servant of God Don Andrea Beltrami (1870 - 1897) who prayed also

for the possible inhabitants of other planets.

Of the 16 booklets he wrote, one seems to deal with this topic (and I say seems because

unfortunately I was not able to know the titles of his 16 publications).


The second (with whom I want to close this paper), is the already sanctified Padre Pio,

who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999 and canonised on June 16, 2002.

From St. Fr.

Pio, the following dialogue is documented and officially published by the Cappuchin

Order: Question: Father, some claim that there are creatures of God on other planets, too

. Answer: What else?

Do you think they don't exist and that God's omnipotence is limited to this small planet


What else?

Do you think there are no other beings who love the Lord?


Another question: Father, I think the Earth is nothing compared to other planets and stars

. Answer: Exactly Yes, and we Earthlings are nothing, too.

The Lord certainly did not limit His glory to this small Earth.

On other planets other beings exist who did not sin and fall as we did . (Don Nello Castello:

Cos� parl� Padre Pio ; Vicenza, 1974).

For more infomation >> Ufology and Theological Clarifications - Duration: 21:40.


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In the late 19th century, workers from the poverty-stricken countryside...

...were moving to the big cities hoping to find bread and money.

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All aboard.

Go see what your dad's up to.

Where is he? They're boarding.

- Don't get excited. - What's he doing?


Let's go, guys. Come on.

I'm Martin, sweetie.

It's nice and warm in here.

- Shipmaster... - Where are you going?

In the cabin.

You're not a payer. lnto the hold.

To the front. Move.

- Why doesn't he like you? - I don't know.

What's that? Let's see.

- Where did you get it? - I found it. He's mine.

Another mouth to feed.

- He would have died. - So what?


Where's Mina?

- Lord, she can't swim. - I'll have a look.

- I'll go. - She ran off.

Get off my sister, you beast.

Get lost, or you'll be next.

Rotten bitch! You, beat it too.

It wasn't my fault.

To hell with you. Go join your fucking sister.

Useless bitches!

He promised me some bread for it, with bacon.


- Thanks. - All the best to you.

Get rich quick.

Don't worry. We'll be fine.

Let's go, our new house is waiting.

A mansion, I bet.

What's that?

It's only a rat.

Welcome to our new home. What do you think?

We should have stayed in Friesland.

lmpossible to please her.

We'll find something better soon.

- What a pig sty. - I have to poo.

I'll help you.

You stay there.

Against the wall. Watch your toes.

These are for you and Mina.

Nice straw pallets.

- Come on. lnto the bunk bed. - Ready!

You're sleeping with me and dad.

He's so soft.

No dogs in bed. That animal has fleas.

Probably ours.

There. That's for you.

Drop it and go to sleep.

I'm putting out the lamp. Goodnight, children.

Goodnight, Dad. Goodnight, Mom.

- What brought this on? - How would I know? The cold.

Papa, I feel sick.

What is it?

I'm terribly cold.

There's nothing for a fire. Nothing!

If it were only warm for a moment...

Stop! That's all we have.

You were cold, right? Well, here's the wood.

- Now they can't go outside! - As if I care!

lt'll be warm soon.

Nice and warm, kids?

Feel good, Mother?

I wish it was always like this.

A good fire and food to eat.

Yeah...when we're rich.

Please, tell us how that is, being rich, mom.

At 8, I start off with some crisp bread.

And then, a baked apple...

...and at 1 0 o'clock an eel sandwich.

And hot chocolate.

And around 1 1 some pickles, and an egg...

And by nightfall I still haven't had a decent meal.

Shut up about those snacks.

- I want a real meal. - Why, if I happen to enjoy it?

Yeah, but it isn't filling. But some bratwurst with potatoes...

- That's your typical poor people's food. - You only like rich folk's finger foods...

Hey, why don't you shut up!

- You can't deal with money. - Well, there never is any.

- It's getting cold again. - It's all gone.

Water! Water everywhere!

That's all we need.

Here, you can help.

Me too, Pa!


Now stop that. Cut it out!

We're almost done. Then you can go out.

Fido... Where's Fido?

He'll be back.

What's that? Gosh, he drowned.

Look, here's Fido.

lnto the toilet.

You bitch!

Nasty bitch!

Leave that child alone.

You seem to be having a good time.

Very good.


- Are you in good health? - Yes, sir.

Do this...

Fine. Not bad.

I've got work for you. At a livery stable.

But off with moustache. The boss doesn't like them.

Who are you?

From charity.

I've got something for you too.

A fun job.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Good morning, she says.

Come in, ladies. Time to start.

Sleep well?

Yes, and no dreams about you ladies.

Funny guy.

Morning, sir.

- You're the new one, huh? - Yes, sir.

Come along.

- What's your name? - Katie Oldema, sir.

Can you write?

- Yes. - Of course she can.

Your name here.

Working hours are from 6am to 7:30pm with three half-hour breaks.

Gosh, that's long. Twelve hours.

- Is that how you feel? - Yeah.

Could be worse, my dear. Now come with me.

Show the new one what to do.

That'll cost me. I'm on piecework.

Just get on with it. Go along.

Hang on to the tip.

There. Let's go.

Come on.

Move over.

Look at that hair.

Washed her hair with bleach.

Little Miss La-di-da...

Bought that in a fancy store, I bet?

Or got it from from a sugar daddy.

Shut up and work. Take that.

Watch out ladies. Here it comes.

Watch out.

Watch your pretty hands, sweetie.

Can't play the piano now.

Blood on my nails.

- It always happens the first week. - But it's making stains.

If you ruin the wool, you get fined.

- Not easy, huh? - You look dead beat.

The afternoons are the worst.

Drop it. Who'll sing us a song? Come on.

Ladies and gentlemen...

I'm the Prologue.

The new one's got to sing.

It's the custom.

What shall I sing?

It doesn't matter. Sing!

I'll sing a song my father always sings.

Arise all men and be united

Up people. Join us and withstand

There is relief for all your suffering

The House of Orange The House of Orange

Long live William lll

The House of Orange...

We don't like agitators.

Or Reds.

T asty.

Give it back.


My meal for the day!

I'm blind! I'm blind!

The next one that starts fighting will be kicked out without pay.


Pay the new one and send her home.

That's not fair.

Go to the office.

What is it, my girl?

I won't be dismissed. They started it.

Come with me, little one. I'll look after you.

Don't be stupid. Don't go with him.

- Why not? - He's a pig...

-...he just wants your slit. - My what?

Your peepee. He's coming.

Come with me, little one.

Pig. Filthy pig.

Don't touch that.

Hi, guys. I'm back.

Stop that nonsense. Give me the dough.

Now I can get on with it.

Where'd you get that stinky thing?

From a customer.

You bought it with my money. That's not what my money's for.

When do we eat?

Get on with it. Clear that mess and get the plates.

- I wasn't expecting you until tonight. - It smells good in here.

Get another plate.

Yummy, bacon. Got a tip, Dad?

A tip? Sure. Not even a dime a day.

Dinner is ready.

Move over, everybody. I'm sitting by the stove.

What happened to you?


Wait for the drippings.

I was gonna get two slices.

Why does she get two?

Because. Right, Dad?

She has to go back to work.

Here, take some of mine.

Take that thing off.


Hurry up. I have to go.

- Why were you home early? - I quit.

Not good enough, I suppose.

I got into a fight with the women there.


You had to put your hands straight into lye.

You mustn't give up so soon, child.

- Look at my nails. - You get used to it.

You can get used to anything.

Dad, my shoes.

Where are you going?

I've found some nice work.

Hurry up, man!


We have to go. Madam told me not to be late.

Why don't you guys clear the table.

I'll be back soon.

Are you nuts?

The customers will get your lice.

Go sweep the floor.

Get on with it!

Look here.

Lots of choices.

This one's sweet.

- But aren't they too expensive? - Of course not.

But don't choose such a big one.

It hides your hair.

Good afternoon, miss, sir.

Are you out of your mind! Not when there are customers.

I beg your pardon. The staff these days...

- The jerk. - Careful, or I'll tell him.

Sure, nice man, always puts his hands right here.

Did you see that elegant customer?

Elegant? Cheap bum.

I bet he finds her the cheapest hat.


A light, sir?


The cheapest in the place.

Stay out of the store when there are customers.

Lisa told her to, sir.


How are the hats for the boarding school?

Boarding school...

Would you like to see them?

Very nice. What do you think?

They're pretty. We made them, didn't we?

- And you, little one? - I don't like that one.

- The ribbon spoils it. - I made that one.

It's prettier like this.

Please wait in the reception area.

Hurry up.

Hurry up.

Be careful.

Good afternoon.

Boarding school? This is a whorehouse.

We call it a boarding school.

- How does it look? - That the nicest one. It's mine.

I made that one.

I'm not paying 1 2 guilders for a hat made by an errand girl.

- But you liked it. - This girl is crazy.

Shut up or we won't sell anything.

You're not happy with her?

Too experienced. She's not innocent enough.

Show him something, girls.

They don't interest me. Do you have anything else?

- Yes, but what are you looking for? - I don't know.

Different, younger...

You, come here.

Katie, Katie.

He wants you.

That filthy old man. Are you crazy?

He pays. He pays you for it.

With him? Never!

Please, or they'll kick me out.

That's your problem.


Katie, please.

Do it for me. I'm your sister.

Why should l?

The money feeds us.

You'll do it.

Say you will, please.

He's too old for it anyway.

Come on.

Two sweet little sisters.

Lift your skirt, little one.

And me? What do I do?

Just play a little game. One I like.

Come closer, child.

Lift your skirt higher.





...3, 4, 5...

...6, 7, 8.

We sold all eight.

That's great! We'll have to drink to that.

How did you like the boarding school?

Dreamer, come and join us.


Have another, it helps. And you, Lisa?

- And you? - No, I'll get drunk.

Just the two of us then. To your health.

- And now we'll clean up. - They can do it.

I'm going home. See you tomorrow, sir.

Straighten up.

Corrie, why don't you go too?

Katie can finish by herself.

See you Monday then.


So, I was the first.

Who'd have thought.

- What's the matter? - I'm hungry.

Wait... Look, a nice flag.

I don't want a flag. I want to eat.



Wash yourself, child. The doctor is coming.

- Can you manage? - I'm a bit dizzy.

- What's wrong with you? - I think I got hit on the head.

I can't see anything.

Or feel anything.

- Good. - Shall I do it?

- Tar soap... - It prevents scabies.

- I'm Antoinette. - I'm Katie.

- And the rest? - What rest?

You must be clean for the doctor.

You're not allowed to undress.

- Then how can I wash? - Under the covers.

Nuns don't allow nudity.

What are you doing?

Have you seen the doctor yet?

- Is he nice? - Yeah, he's a nice guy.

Everybody in bed. In bed.

Good afternoon, ladies.

Well, my dear...

Put her by the window.

Bring the screen, sister.

Here's our new one.

Take a deep breath, my dear.

Listen to this.

A murmur. Maxime in lobo sinistro pulmones.


lnfectionem pulinonis. Forsitan tuberculosem.

- What are you saying? - That is Latin. La-tin.

Praecipue in parte sinistra.

Hoc loco et hic et hic.

We'll sketch it in detail.

lnfection dormitans. llli loci.

And now the front.

You're a nice little one.

Breathe in...

Yes, more of the same.

- Let's move on, gentlemen. - Cover up, cover up.

Lord, bless this food and drink. Amen.

Here you are.

Thank you.

They said you were here.

Hi, Mom.

- You seem to be enjoying it. - We had soup this afternoon.

- You're not sick at all. - I am sick.

- Nonsense, get up. We're going home. - Let go of me, I'm sick.

The doctor said so himself. In Latin, just ask him.

You'll be sorry if it's not true.

Well, you heard.

I've saved some for you.

No child, you must eat it.

Come and have a look, it's fun!

The three together. Dance.


Come on, let's dance.

She's dying.

If you worry about that you'll never have any fun.

Pain... Pain...

You're cold. Come into bed with me.

Just leave me alone.


- I know you. - From the factory.

The wild one.

The fighter.

The nurse said you wanted to see me.

Get undressed for an examination. No nonsense.

You're sick. Make no mistake.

And I'm your doctor.

- Ever taken any medicine? - No, never.

Where would I get the money?

Does the open window bother you?

We'll close it.

Have I got the same as that girl?

Not yet. You can still be helped.

There are very good medicines.

Come and sit down.

Is that it?

You're beautiful. And you'll become more so.

So many like you are dying. Needlessly.

- Is that my medication? - Yes.

How much does it cost?

Do you like me?

Does it matter?

Rags and bones.

A penny, ma'am? I haven't eaten.

Sir, sir! A penny for some bread?

I might give you a dime.

Come with me then?

Show me your peepee.

- Swine! - You bitch!

He promised me a dime, you bitch.

Drop dead!

- You're back. - Yes.

I'm better.

Bet you had a good doctor, huh?

How did you guess?

Don't you have to work?

I don't work any more. I'm free.

She got kicked out. She drank too much.

- And you? - Fired.

I saw Hein doing filthy things.

Can't you do something?

Why don't you?

Katie... Look, Katie...

For you.

Mina doesn't need it any more.

There's one coming.

Go on.

I'm scared.


There's another. Go on.

- What am I supposed to do? - Ask for a guilder.

What are you waiting for?

Is this the first time?

You don't have a disease, do you?

Open your legs.

Pretty little rose.

I feel so dirty.

What did he give you?

50 cents?

He said, I was no good.

Come, we'll pick up another one.

Give me a sausage.


- Can I come with you? - All right.

- It's one guilder. - All right.

And fifty cents.

Here's one guilder. The rest later.



What's that?

- You put your head in it. - Why? I won't.

It's so you don't move.

- I'm gonna take your picture. - That's not what I came for.

So you'd rather...

You're not exactly eager.

I need a model for a painting.

Do this.


Hold it.

Why take photographs, if you paint?

Keep still.

I always use them. Makes it easier. Ready.

Will you do it? Pose for me?

- Is it difficult? - No, not at all.

Come here tomorrow morning.

- And what I came for? - No.

I know how to.

Well then, you owe me 50 cents. You said so.

Katie, where were you?


- Look! - How did you get that?

- Come and get it. - Give them to me.

Come and get it.

- Are you bored? - Not at all.

- Sleepy or hungry? - Hungry.

Just a bit longer.

Anyone in?

- Am I one too many? - Of course.


Another Nightwatch. lt'll bankrupt you, Rembrandt.

All you know about an artist... if he's gone broke.

Your muse?


- Hello. - Andre!

It's been a while.

- I've been busy. - For the revolution I bet.

Look, he gets a handshake and I don't.

I guess you know who's paying.

- Paying what? - I'm asking you out to dinner.

That's great. Can she come too?

She's welcome. She can come.

Off with the outfit, come along. Uncle pays.

Very nice, sir.


Something for you? It's for sale.

- So that's what awaits the rich? - Yes, of course.

Well, Andre... You're rich!

Those laborers are good.

They have nobility, pride.

They have empty stomachs.

Me too.

Ladies and gentlemen...The money song "Stooping to Conquer".

The cash lies on the street!

Just stoop.

The cash lies on the street!


It lies where you walk.

Don't stand around.

Let the moralizers talk.

They're stretching their case.

There 's no point in starvation.


Stoop down for your vacation.

It's easy.

The nice things that life offers.

Need money in your suitcase.

If you want what it offers.

You stoop to conquer.

Copper, gold or silver.

Or bills.

As long as it's money.

That's number one.

Money makes all that's crooked perfectly straight.

Without cash everything goes wrong.

Andre, watch out, I'm going to get lit.

Go ahead, I'll have someone cart you home.

What's good here, guys? Fish... ?

Have you picked something?

I want this and this, and this looks good too.

Are you sure?

It's the wine list.

I don't speak French. You choose. I like everything.

The lady will have the petite marmite.



The gentleman will pay.

A real bandit.

What's that?

Clear vegetable soup.

- Bon appetit. - Enjoy.

What decency. And the church forbade us... !

The reverend would say day after day:

Be virtuous, pleasing to God.

He'll give you joy after you're dead.

Then on the street, a lady passed.

In velvet red. With at her throat.

A pretty jewel shimering bright red.

Then I did some serious thinking.

It seems that sin has its advantages.

It may offend some pious souls, but surely you'll have fun.

- What do you think of this place? - It's very beautiful.

- A bit mainstream, but nice. - Listen to him.

Have you been a model long?

Just started, he asked me.

Yes, I ran into her on the street.

Do you like posing?

- It's a little chilly in that outfit. - You can see what's underneath.

- Cheers boys, good fun. - Cheers.

What's wrong with stooping.

Then keep on stooping.

You stoop to conquer.

He's good, huh?

I'll take her home, Andre.



- You're OK? - I'm freezing.

We'll fix that.

Watch your feet.

- Lift your butt. - Don't burn me.

Is that better?

What a luxury.

You call that luxury.

A bit narrow.

I'm not set up for this.

You like it?

All gone.


Hurry up. I overslept.

Hurry, I'll be late for the office.

I didn't go with you for money.

I'm not paying you. It's a present.

For a nice dress.

What would I do with it? Nobody ever notices me.

Here we are.

If I buy something with it, will you come and see me?

- Is that necessary? - Then you can keep it.


All right. One o'clock at the pavilion.


Let's go.

Please check if it's all right.

- Nice and warm. - But it's boiling.

It's fine for me.

- You want to wash your hair? - Is it expensive?

25 cents with herbs.

And 25 cents for me to wash it.

You're beautiful. Has anyone ever told you?


I didn't recognize you.

- Very charming. - Me or the hat?

All your girlfriends get hats, don't they?

Yes, that's true.

- Well, me or the hat? - Both. But you more.

An ape's an ape, a varlet's a varlet...

...though they be clad in silk or scarlet.

- Do you know this man? - No.

I knew her when she still cost 50 cents.

Let me know when the gentlemen is finished.

Excuse me...

I believe you've made a mistake.


Are you coming home with me?

For another night?

If you want to, you can stay.


Until I've had enough of you.

Or I of you.

Settled then.

OK, guys, let's go inside.

Where have you been? Where did you get those clothes?

- They're a gift. - From whom?

Someone who loves me.

- What's this? - I'm leaving.

- Leaving? What do you mean? - For good.

- It's not true. - lsn't it?

What about the kids? Things were going so well.

They're your kids. You should've screwed less.

- You're not leaving! - Oh, really?

You're staying, you're staying!


Does she have your approval?

- She rides well. - A lot of lessons and talent.

Especially domestic.

- The grapes are sour, I believe. - Stop it.

- Not even a bit? - Definitely not.

I'll see you later.

I hate this weather.

Take my coat off.

- My pants are soaking wet. - Do you want another pair?

- Stay where you are. - Tea?

You should have taken a carriage.

Here, I stirred it already.

A bit on the sweet side.

I like it that way.

What a good life we have.

Worn out.


I couldn't even afford a carriage.

You call it the good life, but I don't.

Then what do you want?

Money. Lots of money.

All those store owners need money.

To expand, to buy stock or to renovate.

But they have to borrow the money from a bank.

Someone at the bank decides if they get it.

And that person is me.

They're lucky then, aren't they?

Come on.

The grocer, with steady customers.

A good risk.

The jeweller. No comment.

That one there is too old. Not a penny.

The woman next door... Too lazy. Not a penny.

Quality butchers... Always good.

The old widow...too risky. You lose if she dies.

I love you.

The poor old widow, crossed off.

- She won't get a loan? - No.

She'll go bankrupt.

There are hard times for all of us sometimes.

I was thinking that we might work together.

I stay at the bank, and you go to town, look around.

What do you mean?

See if those businesses are doing well.

It's easy for you. You look elegant.

They'll trust you right away.

I don't like the idea.

Do it... For me.

We'll make lots of money.

Hot chocolate, please.

Could I ask you something?

That corset shop... Is it doing well?

- How's your business doing? - Why?

The lady here wants to know.

There you are. Hot chocolate.

- Well now, little one... - Hello, ma'am...

You're probably thinking: what a horse.

- No, not at all. - Everyone does.

Want some?

What did you want to know?

It's because of some corsets from my brother in Germany.

- Corsets? - Yes.

- From Germany? - Yes.

- From your brother? - Yes.

Why not just say you've come to spy?


Over here.

I think you know her. She went bankrupt, thanks to you.

This is the little lady that works for the bank.

Sit down!


Ruining someone is nothing to you!

Dirty old bitch!

I'm not spying any more.

Why? What happened?

I got into a fight. It was horrible.

Let's go upstairs and talk it over.

I'm glad you're here.

What happened?

- Don't you like it? - It's horrible.

There are plenty of women who do like it.

- One, in any case. - Well I don't.

And who does like it?

The manager's daughter. She loves me, wants to marry me.

And you?

Do you love her?

It's a business arrangement. She's filthy rich.

But I come from a better family.

You're getting married.

Not immediately, but you can't stay here.

We agreed.

That's true.

Nothing has to change between us.

You can take our things. The bed too.

For when I stop by.

When you're married?

That's part of the game... a girlfriend.

Where are you going?

To the kitchen. We have to eat.


That makes sense...



Arise all men and be united

Up people. Join us and withstand.

There is relief for all your suffering.

The hour of freedom is at hand...


Move back!

Don't! Don't!

There ! In the alley.

Get inside!

He's been hit!

Take them to this address.

- Aren't you coming? - No. Bye, Cinderella.

- Where's Hugo? - I don't know.

He's going to marry a rich woman.

Money turns people into bastards.

- The young master. - Be careful.

Well, young lady, is everything to your liking?

- I'm looking for Andre, ma'am. - My son is upstairs.

We're preparing him for the doctor's arrival.

May I see him, ma'am?

Where did my son find you? In the gutter?

I'm Katie Oldema, ma'am.

I brought him home.

Very well then.

Are you in pain?

What a job to get me here.

I like you.

You're the first man that doesn't want anything from me.

If that's all that I have to offer.

You're rich, aren't you?

Very rich.

I must be a jerk, right?

You're bleeding again.

You must suck it. I always did as a child.

Now everything will be fine.

Support us and become VIP member to remove all ads from

For more infomation >> Keetje Tippel - 1975 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:46:14.





Yes, there are still many who would instantaneously think you�re completely bonkers for even

contemplating any truth to the title above, but that comes from a place of innocent ignorance.

It�s easy to dismiss something without properly investigating the subject for yourself, and

the thought of an idea like this still remaining in the category of a �fringe� type of

topic is unsettling.

The masses continue to ignore a tremendous amount of evidence that points to the fact

that we are not alone, and that we�ve actually been visited.

�Read the books, read the lore, and start to understand what has really been going on

here, because there is no doubt that we are being visited.� Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo


Why is this important?

Well, it has tremendous implications in all fields, from history to science to energy

and more.

Unfortunately we�ve been bombarded with the idea of alien invasions, little green

men and alien propaganda, which is probably a big reason as to why so many people have

such a hard time even considering it as a possibility.

Behind the scenes, high ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs.

But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown

flying objects are nonsense.� Former head of CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 1960.

Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire,

writes in a paper he made public in 2011:

�Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth.

They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et�s, etc�They are

visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking�

2011 is about the same time more and more recognized academics started to speak up.

Dr. Brian O�leary, Former Princeton Physics professor is a great example when he basically

said the same thing.

There are literally hundreds of these people, from academic to political and military backgrounds

all the way to astronauts that have been blowing the whistle for a very long time.

Scientific publications (many) have also been made throughout the years describing strange

and radar confirmed military sightings by military pilots.

According to Herman Oberth, one of the founding fathers of rocketry and astronautics, �flying

saucers are real and . . . they are space ships from another solar system.

I think that they possibly are manned by intelligent observers who are members of a race that may

have been investigating our Earth for centuries.� (Oberth, Hermann: �Flying Saucers Come from

a Distant World,� The American Weekly, October 24, 1954)

These programs exist and are known as Special Access Programs (SAP).

From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs.

These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist.

They are better known as �deep black programs.� A 1997 US Senate report described them as

�so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.�

Last but not least, we have officially released documents (previously classified) detailing

various encounter with UFOs.

Here is one out of many examples that we�ve covered in the past.

I just wanted to provide a little bit of background information about the �secret space� program

and what could be going on in it.

For a deeper look into the subject, below is a great lecture given by researcher Richard




best luxury sedan for the money - 2017 Volvo V60 - Duration: 4:06.

The Volvo V60 is a five-door wagon produced by Volvo Cars based on the S60 compact luxury sedan

his vehicle was only sold in the European market until 2014

best luxury sedan for the money 2017 volvo v 60

In Pure Mode the car runs only on its electric motor as much as possible

Hybrid Mode is the default mode whenever the car is started

top rated small suvs

best luxury midsize suv

In Power Mode, the hybrid system is optimised to give the car the best possible performance

The Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid was one of the top three finalists for the 2013 World Green Car of the Year

For more infomation >> best luxury sedan for the money - 2017 Volvo V60 - Duration: 4:06.


GUNS Aren't Enough. What Americans NEED Is... - Duration: 3:42.

While liberal cry-babies whine about their

civil rights and free speech, their own

bastion of California just past the

strictest gun restrictions this nation

has ever seen

I'm not sure how this happened since

more people vote for Trump in

California than the whole United States

combined, and he won the popular vote so

I'm still working that one out. But you

know what California? You're right. I

agree with you. Surprise! Guns aren't


there are still record numbers of mass

shootings even though all us good guys

own guns, but with our new president in

office, we conservatives will be able to

protect our loved ones better than ever


How? Because technically the Second

Amendment means every American has the

right to arm themselves with a personal

atomic bomb. In fact, I just picked one up

from Walmart. It was insanely easy. I got

a pink one because I'm a woman.

There's also one for men. It's blue and

fifty dollars cheaper.

I'm getting one for my dog too. Pick up

a Fox News-paper, snowflakes, times have

changed. Picture this. You're shopping at

downtown mall, when a radical jihadist

rushes in with a bomb strapped to his--

or her--chest. See that? I'm not an awful

person. I believe horrible Muslims can be

both male and female. But this Muslim

sets off their bomb and we're screwed.

However, if the man behind the counter set

off here atomic bomb, then we beat him to

the punch.

That's making America great again. Think

of how many lives we'll save by setting

off atomic bombs. But you never

thought of that,

did you, liberals? Picture this: you're

outside of school and you see a hooded

terrorists with hand in his pocket

it could be holding a candy bar but then

you realize he's black and it's probably,

maybe, definitely a gun. You, a private

citizen, can save that school. How?

Detonate your nuke. If America was really great,

every second grader would be packing a

personal nuclear warhead next to his

fruit roll-up just in case they see a

grizzly bear. If I leave my fav bar in

Dallas and some dude tries to grab

me, do you think I'm gonna make myself a

victim? No way in heck! I'm going to set

off my key-chain nuke and blow his brains

out. Along with the entire city block.

I win. Boohoo liberal cucks can cry all

they want about the lives of the

innocent but there are zero scientific

studies proving that private ownership

of nuclear warheads leads to more

deaths. Fact-check: nuclear warheads don't

kill people, people kill people.

The only thing that is going to stop a

terrorist with a nuke is a good guy

with a nuke. I know you're going to say

nuclear war is something we should avoid

for the sake of humanity but then

why did have wonderful president tweet:

"Why do we have them if we don't use them?"

let's all be a little more patriotic

like our president and start cultivating

our own nuclear stockpiles. Remember that's

your Second Amendment right. And if a

liberal tries to tell you otherwise, feel

free to pull on that sweet pink


That is my final final thought.

Check me out of next month's cover of

Bombs & Babes. Their staff keeps dying

horrible nuclear holocausts but their

subscriptions are soaring.

For more infomation >> GUNS Aren't Enough. What Americans NEED Is... - Duration: 3:42.


Ford Focus C-MAX 1.8-16V FUTURA AUTO IS EERSTE EIGENAAR. - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus C-MAX 1.8-16V FUTURA AUTO IS EERSTE EIGENAAR. - Duration: 1:24.


De vierde man - 1983 (english subtitles) - Duration: 1:38:37.

The Fourth Man

Old drunk.

I'm off. To give a talk in Vlissingen.

- Be back late. - Bye.

Can I... Give me the car keys.

It's my turn to have the car this week.

Then drive me to the station.

You've got healthy young legs, haven't you?

The paper, please.

What's with the magazine? Put it back.

Stuff it!

Coffee, rolls, beer, sherry!

Care for some beer or sherry, sir?

- Coffee... please. - Just coffee?

There's wine... red wine.

I said coffee, damn it!

Take it easy, it's coming.

One coffee, sir.

- That's just right. - Yes, so you don't have to think.

Can't you shut the damn door!

Oh, don't cry. Is my little darling teething...


Want Mom to peel you an apple?

Look at the pretty long peel.

Oh, no! The tomato juice!

The carton's bust... what a mess!

Hush, Mom will clean it up.

Easy, darling, it'll be alright.

Hello, my little man.

Good evening, I'm Gerard Reve. Have you come for me?

Come for you?! I doubt it, sir.

You still look pretty healthy.

This can hardly be you!

Hey, stop! Stop!

But it is me!

It says Gerard. My name's Gerard too.

That's me.

This one died in Spain, in Benidorn.

A beautiful way to die.

Is there such a thing as a beautiful death?

Dying in bed, that's what I call beautiful.

On top of some Senora that is.

It's like you were there.

A young fellow too, about your age.

Mr. Reve!

Luckily I know your face from TV!

I'm De Vries.

Sorry I'm late, they needed me.

You're here, that's the main thing.

My car's out there.

I thought they had come for me, to get me.

Do your thoughts often relate to death?


Thinking of death I cannot sleep and not sleeping I must think of death.

And life flees as it fled and all being was once created to unbe.

Bloem! 1887-1966.

You know your poets, don't you?

You're not addressing barbarians tonight.

Have you ever appeared for us in the past?

- Not that I recall. - You recall only pleasant things.

Well, our members are all very interested in literature.

Many old fraternity members, from Leiden largely.

Old?! And deaf? Will I have to speak up?

No, the hall has excellent sound equipment.

I've presented the odd thing there myself.

- A bit of a writer yourself? - Off and on.

For pleasure?

- I wrote for the alma mater annual. - And then you keep doing it, eh?

One is bound to reflect on life and death, especially in my profession.

Not as profoundly as a creative artist, of course.


Shall I take your coat?

I'll introduce you to the Board at intermission.

Can we start right away?


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our 6th presentation this season.

Tonight, we have a well-known and controversial author in our midst.

Gerard Reve.

Thank you for accepting our invitation, Mr. Reve.

It's going to be great.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give the floor to Gerard Reve.

When I arrived at Vlissingen Station tonight...

...they were unloading a coffin from the train.

A gigantic coffin.

So large that it didn't fit into a regular hearse...

... but had to be loaded on a truck.

There were some thirty dwarfs standing around it...

...they were no taller than this.

They were members of a circus act...

...who were going to bury their colleague, the world's tallest man.

A grotesque tragedy, don't you think?

But why am I telling you this?

What is so special about this story?

That there is no circus in town.

Exactly... I invented most of it.

Yes, there was a coffin, but an ordinary one.

Of a man who died in Benidorn of an overdose of...

... love.

No dwarfs, no giant, nothing.


.. if I tell the dwarf story often enough, I'll start to believe it myself.

And that, I think, is the essence of my writing.

I lie the truth.

Until I no longer know whether something did or did not happen.

That's when it gets exciting.

What you make of reality...

... is infinitely more interesting than reality itself.

The cards, ladies and gentlemen!

To note down your questions for after the intermission...

... so Mr. Reve can answer them one by one.

Have you had a drink yet?

No, not yet. Who is the lady that keeps filming me?

Oh, our treasurer. May I introduce you?

Christine Halslag.

She'll give you your fee afterwards.

Get Mr. Reve a drink, I've got to collect the cards!


You flatter me. All that film footage...

Yes, I thought: such a celebrity is not going to escape me.


...that doesn't buy you a square meal in Holland.

- Is it that bad? - Worse.

The 250 you're paying me for this is a windfall.

- Would you autograph your book? - Sure.

I'll get you a drink.

I loved your talk.

- Good. Buy my other books too. - I certainly will.

This is on the house.

Tomato juice?

A bloody Mary with lots of vodka. The bartender has a liberal hand.

But I'm not a drinker, the odd glass of wine...

- I'll get you a soft drink. - Leave it, I'll make do with this.

Are you going back to Amsterdam tonight?

Depends on the number of questions, if I can catch the train.

We've booked you into a hotel, just in case.

I hate hotel rooms, they're like torture chambers.

But it's the best hotel in town. Look.

There it is.

Anything wrong?

It's first class. VI P's always stay there.

A hotel to hang yourself in.

What else can you do there?

You can read the Bible of course...

... or jack yourself off, right?

As you like.

You could also stay with me.

Depends on the number of questions. If I can catch the train.


You always write in first person : I this... I that...

Are you at all interested in your fellow man?


Fellow men are so vague.

A writer, like anyone, is involved with only a few people.

Yet even them I can't encompass...

... and I project things into them that don't exist. Next question.

You always call yourself a Roman Catholic.

How can a sensible person in this day of modern technology be a Catholic?

How can you be sensible and not be a Catholic?

Catholic doesn't equate with stupid.

Being Catholic means having imagination.

Scientific discoveries are the product of imagination.

So all science is Catholic.

Next question.

Do you agree that every creative artist is basically a bit disturbed?

The questioner wonders if I'm a bit crazy?

Not me, I'm very normal.

My madness is limited to reading the paper.

For when it says "boom" I read "doom".

And for "flood" I read "blood" and for "red"... "dead".

Is that crazy? Just poor eyesight, that's all.

Next question.

That was the last question.



The sign's on the blink. Has been for a while.

They're slow at fixing things nowadays.

What is it?

I know nothing about perfume, but this is sublime.

- It's my own brand. - Delicious.

Life is great!


Look at the moon.

You can always see it beautifully from here.

Not it.

- She. - She?

Moon is feminine.

The moon is our mother. She protects us, guards over us.

You really believe that, Gerard?

- Whiskey? - Just a drop, with lots of water.


Shall we sleep together tonight?

Of course, Gerard.

Well... seem to have a thing about my bra.

Take off the robe.


- You look a bit like... - Like who?

The way you're standing there, you resemble...

Resemble what?

A very beautiful boy.

A boy?

So slim and delicate.

Do you think?

And these?

They're not a boy's, are they?


... but when I do this...

Then I'll have this.

Alright this way... or will I lie down?

No, stay where you are.

He slipped out...

I guess I'm a bit awkward.


Aren't you married?

I was, it didn't work out.

Is this okay though?

It's like skating, you never forget how.

...through Mary to Jesus...

What did you say just now?

That you're marvelous.

What's wrong?

Had a bad dream?

A nightmare.

What was it about?

I can't remember.

I was afraid.

Come here. No need to be afraid.



Sphinx Beauty Salon.


... if you come right now...

... it's a date.

Shall I do upstairs, Madam?

Forget about upstairs.

Do the bedroom next time around.

Good morning.

My sweet Christine...

Did you sleep well?

I had a wonderful night.

Guess why?

- What do you want for starters? - You.

Later. For dessert.

Look at your shirt!

Your collar is torn.

Have you got some super glue?

Super glue? Why?

To glue it... I always do.

We Dutch writers have to be thrifty.

Obviously you don't have a wife to take care of you.

Could you use some shirts?

I won't say no, there might be another war.

Try this.

If it fits, it's yours.

Very nice.

Suits your type.

My type? What's my type?

A writer who needs daily care.

I've got lots more. They're just wasting away.

Here, this one for odd jobs, one for casual wear...

... and this one for Sunday best.

Your husband's not short of clothes.

What's up? What is it?

I don't have a husband anymore.

He's dead...

... an accident.

I'm sorry, I always say the wrong thing.

Doesn't matter.

I'm going downstairs, if you want coffee...

Big shot.

- Good morning. - Good morning.

Old drunk! There's coffee!

Ah, coffee!

Good morning.

- Good morning. Sugar? - Two lumps, please. You're wonderful

I just love taking care of someone, Gerard.

You're making this into paradise for me.

For paradise, there needs to be two people.

But there is two of us.

For how long?

I'm not the right man for you, Christine.

Marriage and me don't mix.

The woman who wants me gets a lemon. It's been proven.

I know what to expect from you, don't l?

Do you?

You are so sweet.

Yes. But I'm going back to Amsterdam, all the same.

So we were just two small ships that passed in the night.

We had a nice collision, didn't we?

I'm wanted in the salon.

Come along and see the work I do.

Remind me to give you last night's fee.

Oh, later.

- What's up? - That lady is getting impatient.

Delilah, my own brand of cosmetics... a goldmine.

Another few minutes, Madam.

It's hot but it helps the skin to absorb the vitaminizing elements.

Are you comfortable?

What about my hair, Christine? They say it's very difficult.

Difficult hair doesn't exist, just bad hairdressers.

Could you cut a man's hair? Mine, for instance.

Sit down, Gerard. That's what you want, isn't it?

You have blessed hands, Christine.

You could cure people by laying on hands.

Don't make fun of it, Gerard. Those things do exist, you know.

Laying on hands, magic, hypnosis, it all exists. Telepathy, the lot.

Ah, Madam, what's the difference. There'll be a war on soon.

Have you ever had a mystical experience?

Yes, recently.

A girl in my ward is married to a jet pilot.

A great guy.

And for the first time in his life he has a real scary dream.

He gets frightened and reports sick.

One of his colleagues flies his plane that day.

And crashes.

Just like that, plop!


That's real telepathy for you.

Man is a frail vessel. It's not telepathy, though.

Whatever it is: when you're warned you must listen.

Yes you should, but where do you find people who listen nowadays?

What did this man dream about, Madam?

That's a curious story, actually.

He dreamt that something of his was cut...

- Sit down. I'll give you your fee. - Great.

A bit much, isn't it?

You shouldn't keep it at home, Christine.

There's so much riffraff out and about nowadays.

They'll beat your head in for a Mars Bar, half a Mars bar.

Come in.

The lady is leaving and wants to thank you.

I'll be right back.

"Your dearest Gerard"... ?

Oh no : "Herman".

So there's competition, called Herman.

"Dearest Christine... I long for you my little rabbit."

Christ almighty!

What a body...what a piece!

I've got to have you even if it kills me.

Where were we? Oh yes, your fee.

How much?

250 plus expenses.

1, 2, 3...

... 4, 5 hundred. Alright?

- That's too much. - Oh, but we're a very rich society.

I got a train ticket here. You'll have to account for this.

I don't have to account to anyone.

They trust me.

Why shouldn't they? Me, with all my money.

I inherited the salon and the brand name from my husband.

I'm rich, but...

... he's gone.

Money and being alone does not add up to happiness.

And when the last customer is gone...

... and you've gone home...

... and I'm all by myself again the whole long weekend...


My little Christine...

...what if I stayed?

You mean that?

I didn't want to burden you, but since you really want me to, I'll stay.

How sweet of you.

For you, Christine...

... as a human being.

Miserable bitch!

One ream of paper. Anything else?

Three pen holders.

There you are.

- Twelve dozen brass nibs. - Twelve dozen?

Yes, I've got a lot to write.

I'm going to write about you. About you're past.

I want to know about the men in your life, it's essential.

Why? It's all past.

Without the past you can't understand the present.

Nibs. They're not much in demand anymore.

Two small bottles of ink.

One bottle is for when the other breaks.

And a quarter pint of the same ink.

That's to fill up the small bottles.

And a receipt, please.

No, I'll pay.

Thank you.

- Then I'll dedicate my novel to you. - It's a deal.

- Come here! - Fuck off!

What's up?

- You scared me to death. - What's wrong?

- My husband was drowned. - But it was a joke!

It was a joke.

A joke...



I just need to write the best novel of all time now.

You're bound to succeed.

With you.


What an interesting palm you've got, Christine.

Can you read palms?

A bit.

This line here, for instance, means lots of love...

... but not every love is a happy love.


Tell me.

I don't know enough about it. I might frighten you.

Why? Is it scary... or dangerous?

I see more loves in your present life than just me.

There's someone else...

Tell me...

... I don't mind.


I see a young man.

He's beautiful.


He lives in...

I see letters.

K, and O with dots on top... Is that German?

Yes, Koln, or Cologne is where he lives.

You're really good at it.

If you want me to go on, I need something tangible of his.

Something tangible?

- A key or a lock of hair or... - A letter.

- Could work. You got one? - I'll get it.

- Here. - No, I don't want to read it.

Or you'll think it's all a trick.

Then I'll hold it. What do you see?

I sense something else.

A picture? His?

He's not wearing much. He's not into the sex industry, I hope?


I see him on the beach...

...waves and...

What's up? What did you see?

I drifted off, I think.

His name was there, letters.

H and E, HENK... HERBERT...



Gee, I didn't know you were so good at it. Look...

Is that him?

Well now...

You're going to tell me all about this Herman.

I've known Herman for years. From when I first met Johan.

Johan? Who's this Johan?

- My dead husband I told you about. - Oh, yes.

Herman wanted me, but I married Johan.

That's life.

Sure. But tell me about this Herman?

I'd rather not.

Why not?

Is it problematic?

Come on, Christine, we're both adults.

Herman is so... savage.

He doesn't beat you?

No, in bed I mean.

What does he do?

He just pounds away.

And he comes at once.

No wonder, that boy is crazy about you.

Yes, but there's nothing in it for me. Zilch!

Doesn't he repeat the exercise?

Falls right asleep.


Perhaps I can help you.


I'm psychic as you've noticed.

Get that boy down here.

I'll apply my gifts to see why he comes so quickly.

- I could possibly cure him. - That would be wonderful.

- Oh, but he's in Germany. - I'll go and get him...tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Good girl!

Up and at it!

You're lying on something sharp, look!

Didn't you feel it?

No, there's a numb spot on my back.


Clean sheets? Is that necessary?

Herman will see you've slept with me.

- Is he jealous? - You better believe it.

- And where'll I sleep from now on? - I'll show you.

He's staying all next week.

It'll give me lots of time for the treatment.

What'll you say about me?

That you're a writer in need of some peace.

He knows I'm a member of the Literature Club.

Isn't it a bit perverse, Christine...

...taking in two lovers at once?


You're going to help me with Herman?

You care about as much for Herman as for me : not at all.

A great deal.

Take the keys, so you can come and go as you like.

We'll be back late. Bye...

Give Herman my regards.

I will, and you start your novel!

Drive carefully!

Chapter One

When I arrived at V. yesterday...


I'm wearing your shirt, Johan!

Home movies?




Snip, snip, snip...

Do you take Christine to be your lawful wedded wife?

What is your reply?

I do!

I do!

All gone!

That's all... the next one!


That's for Gerrit of course!

A real clodhopper's name.

Damn it! Christine, my girl...

She's had...

She's been married twice!

She's been fucking married twice!

Why didn't you tell me?

What a god awful movie...

I don't like nature films...


I've had Ge...

I'll try Henk.

Hello Henky!

I'm the first talking goldfish.

Another one!

Another wedding?

She didn't tell me!

Why didn't you tell me?

Three times...

...why didn't you tell me?

Married three times...

What a mess!

I'd prefer porn!

I'm in there too...

Tiddle-dee, tiddle-door, who is number four?

Christine, darling...

What's this? What are you doing here?

Sorry, I thought you were Christine.

The back's the same.

How do you know what Christine looks like in the nude?

Because we went swimming and I was in my bikini.

This is Gerard, the writer I told you about. He's here to work.


Working with the whiskey bottle, by the smell of it.

Let's go to bed, I'm dead-tired.

Tomorrow morning...!

Look at it this way...

I n Germany they're in need of plumbers too.

So I set me up a business with Dutch labor.

Pour me some more.

And I got 5 chaps there now, all working black...

... and drawing welfare in Holland besides.

A lot of sugar, baby.

And they give me no trouble, 'cause if they did...

... I would report them to Labor Inspection.

Those ham and eggs are just the thing especially after last night.

Really, Herman.

I mean the long drive.

Don't be shy, Gerard's a writer.

- He's used to a thing or two. - Stop it.

Damn, it's empty. I'll get a fresh pack.

The world of Peter Stuyvesant...

... so much more to enjoy.

What do you think of him?

He's really got something.

How was it last night?

- Zilch. - Zilch?

We hadn't met in weeks... and oopla! He came and zonk! Fell asleep.


You'll find out what's wrong, won't you?

- You said you could. - Sure, my love.

And you've always got me, in case of need.

Or did you want us both?

No, I'm not like that. Not the one and the other.

- It's more either/or. - Either/or?

What are you two either/or-ing?

Gerard asked me about my morning, and I have to work.

It's either working, or neglecting the salon.

Working? Today?

I've taken the whole damned week off for you!

It's just this morning, sweetheart.

Monday mornings I have to see my salesmen. I'll be free this afternoon.

That's great! I'll be bored to tears meanwhile.

- Do something with Gerard. - He's here to work too!

So I don't work this morning.

Yes... show him around.

Or talk to him.

Perhaps he'll write about us.

Then we'll be in a book.

What's the use of being in a book?

You know what? Take the car.

I don't need it anyway.

Shall we?

I have to get to the meeting.

Leave the dishes, I'll have Adrienne clean up.

- They're here, Madam. - Ah, gentlemen!

I've seen you before. At Amsterdam Central.

That's possible.

Or someone else.

- I have an ordinary face. - It was you.

I don't forget a bod like you.

So we're going to tour around?

Whatever you like.

You wanted to, didn't you? For your work.

I don't have to tour for my work.


I wanted to have a chat with you. A long chat.

- Privately. - With me?

There's nothing I can tell you. I'm just an ordinary boy.

I always write about ordinary people.

As I said on TV, the ordinary man is my central theme.

All of him.


... and below the belt.

Yes... you've been on TV, haven't you?

And on the radio and in the papers, sure.

- Is it true what they write? - What?

- All the goings on in the studios? - What do you mean?

About everyone screwing everyone.

What you read in the tabloids.

It's even worse.

- I could tell you stories. - Tell me.

There's one bigwig when he throws a party...

...the neighbors secure their kids behind locks this big.

Kids six or seven years of age.

Girls, but boys too.

What do you think of that...

... little boys?

- Hello sir. Hi, Herman. - Adrienne...

Madam told me to clean up.

Won't you join us?

Funny bunny.

Tell me more, Gerard.

Later in the car.

- Coming? - Good morning.

- What the hell are you doing? - For later! You with a famous writer!

Who cares... Bye!

Now tell me, do these TV people go at it all the time?

They slow down in their 80's.

Can't we find a quiet place in the dunes? I'm a nature lover.

Ah, I like touring.

And are those showgirls an easy lay, too?

- You revel in such things, don't you? - I love sex.

Sure, but do you ever do anything about it?

I lay them by the dozen if need be. Don't you?

What do you think I did with Chrissy last night?

But Christine has often walked down the aisle.

Never had any luck. Take me to the studios some time.

Stupid bitch!

Wait... stop!


You got something going with her?!

I saw that woman in a dream!


Nothing, I guess.

Probably screwing on some tombstone.

I read about them : cemetery whores.

- Damn weather! - There!

We'll get soaked.

- That one's open! - I n that tomb?!

Dead men don't bite, only live ones do.

Do you want to get hit?

It wouldn't be the first time.

- But you won't. - Won't l?


Do you think I'll like it?

I'm gonna try...

Keep going, Gerard.

I saw you at the station...

... and your picture later on...

... such a beautiful boy.

I thought I've got to have him, even if it kills me.

I like your spiel...

... nobody's ever told me that before.

Spieling is my profession.

I kept lobbying with Christine... and hoping that you would come.

I like you going for me, Gerard.

I, dirty old man.


- My God! - Hey, what's up?

Three dead!

Look at those urns!

I'll be damned!

Chrissy's family grave.

She had all three of them cremated.

A fourth and they can play bridge.

- Did you know they were dead? - Of course.

The whole town knows, and even pities her.

Pities her? She let them die, and I know how!

- Oh, come off it! - She had one crash with a parachute

She fed one to the lions and sank the other at sea. Bet she didn't tell you!

Bullshit! One of them had to show off in the Safari Park...

...the second one's parachute didn't open and the third...

And who'll be the fourth?!

- Get your hands off me! - You or me! Get that?! One of us!

I don't get it. I'm stupid to get it Mr. Writer, sir.

I say be an ordinary plumber, but you, you're a raving lunatic!

That woman is deadly!

Three husbands, three dead bodies!

One of us will be the fourth, can't you see that?


You just want to scare me so I'll split!

So you'll have Chrissy for yourself and all her money! Forget it!

You can't rattle this boy, this boy's staying with Chrissy!

- You stay and you're dead! - Bullshit!

One of us will croak!


Fine! I'll read the headlines about your death!

Raving lunatic!

- Get in! - No!

I'm leaving for Amsterdam!

Get in and I'll take you to the station.

Just don't take me anywhere near that woman.

Okay. She's mine then.

- Can't you pass them? - Grouch!

You're driving beside your own funeral, Herman.

Watch out!

First him, doctor, first look at him.

Cover him, Ria.

Mr. de Vries... you're a doctor.

Mr. Reve! Calm down.

What a shame we have to meet here.

Tension gauge. Life takes strange turns.

I didn't know you were a doctor.

That's why matters of life and death interest me. Bloem!

Thinking of death I cannot sleep, remember?

How is he? How's Herman?

- He's in very bad shape. - Dead?


A friend of yours? A relative?

The fourth man!

I told him but he wouldn't believe me.

Doctor, the liver.

Now Herman can go into a vase too, he can...

- Enlarged but intact. - Normal reflexes.

- She's done it again. - You've had a lucky escape.

But she's done it again...

...the fourth man.

She takes him like a spider...

... a spider also fucks her mate and then devours him... dead!

Quite a shock for you. Keep on talking, it'll settle you down.

She's a spider, a witch. She leads men to ruin.

She seduced me with Herman's picture.

Who are you talking about?

About Christine, doctor.

Christine Halslag.

She's a witch.

Everything checks. She even has a numb spot on her back...

... like the witches in the middle ages.

It all connects.

Keep on talking... about witches.

She killed them all!

Don't scoff at the poor girl's misfortunes. I've known her for years.

Those were tragic accidents. Especially for her.

But these things happen!

Four accidents in a row is damn strange!

Use your head!

One plus one is still two!


Then let me tell you how a physician sees you.

You turn a dead tourist into a giant with 30 grieving dwarfs.

You're a compulsive liar.

You lie the truth! I heard you say so!

I diagnose an enlarged liver due to mild alcoholism...

... and you're in shock.

Otherwise you're as healthy as a horse!

No! She fucks you and finishes you off!

Okay, I'll go along with you.

He slept with her, you slept with her.

He is dead.

Why are you still alive?

- Because Mary helped me. - Mary?

Mary who?

Mary, the Mother of God.

She, in person...

... she helped me.

The woman in blue.

Mary helped you.

It all checks, it does.

She was on the train, with the blood on that picture.

She wanted to warn me.

And later in the Beauty Salon...

... she was lying beside me.

"When you're warned, you must listen... "

And she was at the cemetery this morning.

Mary is with me.

Mary is among us.

Mary is among us... in Vlissingen?

I'm a Catholic myself, Mr. Reve.

I've got six kids and my third name is Maria...

... but that Mary would be among us in Vlissingen... help you against Christine, beauty specialist and witch!

Lie down!

There she is! The Godforsaken witch!

Godforsaken witch!

I'll kill you!

Nurse! Injection! 10cc!


Easy, it'll be alright.


This one to the morgue, the other to neurology for now, Ria.

And your prognosis, doctor?

No alcohol, then prolonged psychiatric treatment.

I'll take him some time to collect his wits.

- Unless Mary helps him, of course. - Of course.

Rotten for you, Christine.

I got the fright of my life. Did you see him come after me?

Writers can do fine things...

... but when they crack up, they're a menace.

Here, dry your tears.

An emergency.

Sit down here, I'll phone you a cab.

I'll come back and tell you what Gerard said about you.

- Feeling sad? - Yes.

Where do you live?

Let me take you home, I'm going that way.

- No, they're getting me a cab. - That'll take ages. Come on.

- You wind surf? Any good at it? - Yes, out at sea and in the harbor.

- Among the big tankers. - Isn't that dangerous?

It's child's play. Want me to teach you?

No, it's not my sort of thing, but I'll come and film you some time.

Oh, any time.

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