Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 30 2017

Over the past weekend Donald Trump made an unprecedented move by demoting and firing

members of the National Security Council and in their place promoting top advisor Steve

Bannon to essentially run the National Security Council.

Steve Bannon, a white nationalist, a man who has given a voice to white nationalists and

white supremacists all over this country, a man who sympathizes with people who believe

that being white means being better, is now essentially in charge of national security

for these United States.

If you don't see why that's a problem then you are beyond help at this point.

Steve Bannon hates people who are not white.

He hates people who do not subscribe to the same religion as him.

Donald Trump being the brain dead president that he is decided to give Bannon this ultimate


It makes you question who's really in charge here because it is clearly not Donald Trump.

If he really wanted to make America safe again he would have appointed a general, somebody

who has spent their entire lives in the military, who understands military policy and military

action and military restraint.

That's the kind of person he would have put there, not a guy who spent a couple years

in the navy and then went off to run one of the worst fake news organizations in this

country, because that's what Steve Bannon is.

In the past this position that Bannon now holds has been reserved for some of the best

generals and military officers in this country, not people like Steve Bannon.

Not people who think that you're not okay if you're not white.

That's what's setting the policy right now in the United States, both domestic and foreign,

a white nationalist.

It's not President Trump, it's President Bannon.

That's what we need to be concerned about.

Steve Bannon is an extremist in every sense of the word.

Not just on racial matters but on conservative matters.

He is as far to the right as you can get.

He believes in these made up conspiracy theories like Pizzagate.

Now he's in charge of our national security.

Steve Bannon is the guy that's going to keep us all safe.

I can tell you as somebody who is a part of the progressive media machine, I do not feel


In fact I feel more like a target today than I did last week.

Steve Bannon is a national security disaster waiting to happen.

A thermonuclear disaster waiting, because that's what we're looking at here now.

We've seen other countries this past weekend launch nuclear capable missiles as a show

of force.

No warheads on them but they're capable of holding nuclear warheads.

Just to show the United States that they're not playing around.

You think Steve Bannon is going to keep us safe from that?

When other countries are firing pretend nukes just to see if they can get us?

We have very real problems in this world right now, and a lot of them are because of Donald

Trump's actions.

Steve Bannon is not the kind of guy that's going to keep us safe.

He's not the kind of guy that's going to let us rest easy at night, knowing that we're

not going to wake up in a war zone.

In fact it's the exact opposite.

Steve Bannon is a danger to the United States and Donald Trump just can't stop from giving

him more power.

For more infomation >> A White Nationalist Is Now In Charge Of National Security - Duration: 4:11.


Cosmic Convergence 2012 and Beyond - Duration: 13:28.

Cosmic Convergence 2012 and Beyond.

There are no more options for the NWO ruling cabal!

Hear ye!

Hear ye!

Starting the hot phase of World War III, Triggering a worldwide Stock Market Collapse,

Engineering the Second Great Depression, Staging an Alien Invasion via Operation Blue

Beam, Manufacturing a global Pandemic and Depopulation,

Inducing a series of catastrophic Earth Changes, Geoengineering a Global Warming �Extinction

Level Event� Steering an Asteroid into Russia, etc., etc.,

etc., None of these harebrained schemes will work

anymore for the Illuminati and their omnipresent Axis

of Evil.

Just as Pizzagate is catching up with the U.S. Establishment, Pedogate will catch

up with the World Shadow Government

The Millennium Report

It ought to be clear to every resident of Planet Earth that the New World Order ruling

cabal has been thrown into complete disarray.

That the Illuminati plot to install an overt One World Government is in absolute chaos.

That their multi-century agenda to foist a state-sponsored One World Religion on humankind

has been thwarted.

And that their many conspiratorial plots to depopulate the world have failed dismally.

The bottom line is that those who populate the peak of the pinnacle of the planetary

power pyramid are clueless about how to proceed given the following state of affairs:

� Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be goaded into a World War III scenario�Period!

When the deployment of just one EMP can knock out grid USA, really what would even nuclear

war look like �without a functioning electrical grid.

The Kremlin also has access to Tesla-inspired, scalar-wave weaponry that has not even been

imagined by the Military-Industrial Complex.

� The stock market can be forced into a precipitous decline by way of a controlled

demolition similar to 2008; however, this time the guilty financial terrorists and economic

saboteurs will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

In other word, the whole world now knows that all financial crashes and economic collapses

have been meticulously fabricated by the banksters.

� The Second Great Depression has been ongoing since 2008 after having been triggered by

the 2000 collapse and the 9/11 War on Terror.

Hence, there�s no stopping the natural breakdown of the Global Economic & Financial System


Certainly the best financial engineers know this, as well as understand their utter impotence

to avert the final blow out.

All of the other �End Time� events highlighted above ought to be easily seen as practical

impossibilities for the Illuminati to implement, especially at this late date as their Global

Control Matrix literally self destructs in real time.

Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System

Now many will quickly protest that there is nothing from stopping the NWO cabal from executing

a total yet perfectly controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System.

And, they are right.

However, if the international banking crime syndicate (aka banksters) tries this little

move one more time, their whole monopoly game goes away forever.

In other words the people throughout the entire planetary civilization will never again permit

them to run their fatally flawed game on them.

After all, the banksters have been outed like never before and now await a fate similar

to the aristocracy during the worst years of the French Revolution.

How so?

The Internet has simply allowed for the dissemination of so much raw truth and hard facts about

the true workings of the GE&FS.

We all now know who they (banksters) are, what they have done in the past, and where

they live now.

We also watch their silly false flag operations flop every other day now.

Some of us actually predict their nefarious deeds before they carry them out.

Who is not familiar with the wreck and ruin wrought on the planet by the Rothschilds and

the Rockefellers?

By Big Pharma and Big Oil?

By Monsanto and Halliburton?

They are all known by their actions and can no longer hide, especially with so many interlocking

directorships which mutually incriminate them all.

With so much extremely damning evidence uploaded to the Internet since 1995, the folks who

own and operate the GE&FS are all exposed like never before in history.

Should they attempt to take down the GE&FS to their benefit yet, again, they will be

hunted down and hung from the nearest tree�for real.

The people want justice like never before.

When their pension plans, IRAs, Keoughs and other retirement accounts have been gutted�look


The current state of the economy, both national and global, is such that everyone�s thinking

about when the other shoe will drop.

In their fear and apprehension about what the future may bring, many common folk are

researching and investigating like there�s no tomorrow.

That�s because � on some level � they know that there may not be a tomorrow.

The product of their sleuthing has put the banksters in their crosshairs.

Who doesn�t know that behind the banksters stands many more clandestine operators who

are even more culpable of enslaving and harming humanity?

That covert, ubiquitous network is known as Deep State.

The Internet

More than any other thing in recorded human history, the Internet has created a much more

level playing field.

Of course, this is anathema to the Illuminati as they have always been on top and will never

tolerate anything but a tilted playing field.

In this fashion, they are always playing with our money and our time and our energy and

our real estate and our gold and other valuable assets.

Were the cabal�s financial engineers and economic architects to carry out a controlled

demolition, they would guarantee themselves a lifelong cell at Guantanamo.

Yes, things have really changed that much; it�s just that most don�t know it yet.

Which is why this piece is being written before the critical Inauguration Day of Donald Trump.

More than any other monumental event of 2016, the election of Donald Trump illustrates just

how much things have really changed.

Even BREXIT pales in comparison to The Donald�s improbable victory.

Therefore, the writing is on the wall which clearly messages the ruling elites that their

game of greed and money and power is over�forever!

Should they deign to be so stupid as to pull the plug on the GE&FS, forces will step in

to short-circuit their nefarious plans and maintain order.

More significantly, such a convicting pretext will have been presented to frogmarch the

perps out of their alpine hideaways and seaside villas and into the nearest prison cell.

It will again be the Internet that will empower the inhabitants of Earth to police the planet

so that the banksters never set foot in a bank again.

Just as a global citizens investigation has been underway regarding the Washington, D.C.

Pizzagate and global Pedogate scandals, people power is emerging in ways and places never

seen before.

The Pizzagate revelations, which are coming out fast and furiously because of the power

and pervasiveness of the Internet, is creating a very conducive environment for the powerless

to take back their power.

Pedogate has likewise created an international forum for victims everywhere to speak their

truth to power like never before.

Truly, Pizzagate / Pedogate will provide the lynchpin for the malevolent global power structure.

The Illuminati, the Neocons, the Zionists and Alien-Human Hybrid Controllers

The ultimate disposition of this criminally insane cabal of psychopaths is the only remaining

challenge for the global village to meet straightaway.

Where will the world be safe with the likes of these entities still on the loose?

Who would volunteer to house such a dangerous group of genocidal murderers, incorrigible

kleptomaniacs, war-profiteering warmongers, and serial producers of chaos and pandemonium?

This difficult question, then, is one that must be answered decisively and swiftly.

Many commentators have spoken of a negotiated truce with these monsters, as though the planet

is big enough for them and us to peacefully co-exist.

No, not quite!

In any event, now that they have no place to go once they have been stripped of their

ill-gotten gains and misappropriated wealth, their influence and power over the affairs

of men will be greatly diminished.

Nonetheless, the wheels of justice must be allowed to turn so that their billions of

victims can rest safely and soundly.

Perhaps an off-planet penitentiary can be found that is within the legendary waterless


Actually, they will probably find a way to wreck that realm as well.

Special Note: The critical point of this article is that

TPTB (those who run the Deep State) cannot crash the economy like they have always done,

timed according to the Shemitah calendar.

If they are so reckless and ignorant as to try to sabotage President Trump�s term in

office via a coordinated collapse, then they, too, will lose everything.

And, they will never get it back.

Once the financial institutions are destroyed and economic systems devastated, they, too,

will lose their age-old power and influence.

The United States will be compelled to consider a whole new paradigm, specifically one that

is free from the endemic corporate corruption and easily manipulated institutional arrangements.

The banksters should be refused participation and prosecuted for their endless financial

terrorism and economic devastation of nations large and small.

Then, there will be no place for economic hitmen and financial terrorists who are employed

by TPTB to take down countries rich and poor.


�Ding Dong!

The Witch is dead.�

With the ignominious defeat of Hillary Clinton, the Trump and BREXIT movements will grow into

a worldwide phenomenon as the globalists are forced to retreat everywhere.

As a healthy brand of nationalism spreads to the four corners of the planet, the sheer

power and momentum may be enough to keep the cabal in check until they are dealt with appropriately.

Perhaps the best thing that a President Trump can do as of his first day in office is to

shut down the treasonous Mainstream Media.

He must also remove the numerous traitors from Congress and intelligence agencies, as

well as from the many other departments which comprise the U.S. Federal Government.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: The True Enemy Of The People

The sooner that Trump takes these initiatives, the sooner the American people can take back

their government.

As an unrivaled change agent, his work will be largely dedicated to tearing down the highly

offensive Obamanation.

In that capacity Trump ought to bring his wrecking ball everywhere he goes until the

Obamanation has sufficiently fallen into its own footprint, so that the American Republic

can be rebuilt in the image of the Founding Fathers.

Every good builder knows that the better the demolition, the better the foundation for

the new edifice to be built upon.

With this crucial understanding, the first thing to go must be the present incarnation

of the GE&FS.

For the world has been transformed into a financial prison as it has an economic jailhouse

for most of humanity.

May the patriotic nationalists of the world rise up quickly to consolidate the gains that

have been thus far been made.

Only through a concerted effort will a complete emancipation from these warlords and wardens

be possible.

Deep State must be dismantled so that the New World Order can be terminated, once and

for all.

Were the people of good conscience to coalesce around the same Earth rehab plan, the serial

obstructionists wouldn�t have a chance to sow their seeds of discontent.

Why is it that the bad guys are always working together more efficiently than the good guys?

One would think that a righteous cause like saving Planet Earth would galvanize a movement

like no other in modern history.

For more infomation >> Cosmic Convergence 2012 and Beyond - Duration: 13:28.


Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall - Duration: 2:32.

Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called President Trump's proposed border wall

a "great idea" for preventing illegal immigration.

"President Trump is right," Neyanyahu tweeted Saturday.

"I built a wall along Israel's southern border.

It stopped all illegal immigration.

Great success.

Great idea."

Netanyahu's praise could appeal to Trump, who is under fire from international critics

over a series of immigration-related executive orders, including mandates to suspend refugee

resettlement in the United States and build the wall.

Trump cited Israel's wall throughout the presidential campaign to deflect criticism that a wall

on the U.S.-Mexico border wouldn't be prudent.

"Look the wall is necessary," Trump said Thursday on Fox News.

"That's not just politics, and yet it is good for the heart of the nation in a certain way

because people want protection.

And a wall protects.

All you have to do is ask Israel.

They were having a total disaster coming across, and they had a wall.

It's 99.9 percent stoppage."

The Israeli fencing hasn't been a perfect success at keeping illegal immigrants out

of the country.

"Depending on the season, up to 60,000 Palestinians without work permits sneak across the barrier

to work in construction, agriculture or service industries in Israel, either through gaps

in the route or by utilizing the services of local smugglers," according to the New

York Times.

"And occasionally, the system is defeated by Palestinians who carry out terrorist attacks."

The company that built the Israeli border fencing hopes to be involved in the U.S. project,

with the warning that walls are only effective in populated areas.

"If you're in an open spaces, which is more like a desert in a way, not a lot of vegetation,

and no nearby cities, then you know putting a fence for thousands of kilometers or miles

it just doesn't make sense," Hagai Katz, a spokesman for Magal Security Systems, told

the Intercept in August.

For more infomation >> Netanyahu 'Trump is right' about border wall - Duration: 2:32.


Its 2017 What Is Your Plan - Duration: 0:27.

Hey Everyone, Kent Burns Simply Driven

Executive Search. It is already 2017! Not

on the calendar, but it's 2017. What's

your plan?

Do you have a plan for 2017? How do you

know how you're going to get where you

want to go? Think about it,

2017 here; what's your plan?

For more infomation >> Its 2017 What Is Your Plan - Duration: 0:27.


'BBC is Garbage and Racist': Top Russian Anchor Slams BBC Again (Kiselyov) - Duration: 3:35.

Now let's talk about the BBC.

It is just mind-boggling how they keep destroying their own reputation.

Remember how Trump called CNN "fake news" during his first press-conference?

Right after that, he also slammed the BBC,

muttering, 'another beauty' when their journalist caught his eye.

Well, they lived up to their lousy reputation yet again this week,

when they accused us of being racist, no less,

in a press review which they send around the world.

'The controversial Russian TV host Dmitry Kiselyov again made racist remarks

about the former first family of the US on his show, 'Vesti Nedeli'.

'Discussing Melania Trump's fashion style at the inauguration,

Kiselyov was very rude about Michelle Obama.'

'At the inauguration,

in her short-sleeved dress, next to Melania,

Michelle looked like somebody's cleaning lady

who had just taken off her white apron, who appeared in the photo by accident'

- he informed his audience.'

'he is considered the chief propagandist of the Kremlin'.

Sure, this is a quote from last Sunday's program

But the only racism here is in the minds of the BBC journalists who write this stuff.

We were talking about the different fashion styles of the two first ladies.

A close-fitting, short-sleeved dress,

with a collar reaching to the neck,

in a color which hides stains,

struck me as an odd choice for an inauguration,

as if she had just removed a white service apron.

That is why Michelle looked like a cleaning lady,

especially next to Melania, who was exquisitely dressed for the occasion.

Why bring up racism?

We weren't suggesting anything else.

Here's the clip:

'Melania is replacing Michelle

This was her coming-out, and we have to say, it was a success...

Starting with the striking light-blue coat at the swearing-in...

Followed by the white, bare-shouldered ball gown

And finishing with the fitted black, double-breasted coat she wore to church...

We are reminded of the fashion designer of the outgoing mistress of the White House

Who, in a noisy statement of political protest

Refused to design anything for Melania...

That designer's name escapes me now,

But no one cares any more who it was...

Because at the inauguration, Michelle, in her short-sleeved dress...

Looked like Melania's cleaning lady, accidentally appearing in the photo

As if she had just removed her white apron...

Is there any other way to interpret these two styles?

So where's the racism here?

Or is the BBC suggesting that all blacks are maids, and all maids are black?

Now THAT is racist nonsense.

Typical BBC - they are total garbage, don't you think?

They even managed to drag the Kremlin into it…

For more infomation >> 'BBC is Garbage and Racist': Top Russian Anchor Slams BBC Again (Kiselyov) - Duration: 3:35.


Minecraft: Xbox One Edition Recording- IS IT POSSIBLE TO MINE 1 TUMBLE MAP BY YOURSELF? (9) - Duration: 5:21.

That intro music

So unfortunately, Xbox One cropped off the beginning of the match, but I had to hurry. I started immediately.

So take your guesses now, do you think it is possible? Remember, I get snowballs at Showdown.

Soul Sand did me no favors in this challenge.

And when you are always worrying about falling off, that doesn't help either.

Okay, Showdown, now I got snowballs. Really have to hurry now.

I took so long to get my momentum moving.

Also, for the record, snowballs have terrible accuracy.


Soul Sand, you are doing me no favors right now for this challenge. Seriously.







Aww, it was a draw. I didn't win either way. :(

Well...I feel defeated.

Sorry, (not sorry) I am just done. I was SO CLOSE.

Thanks for watching guys! I hope you enjoyed the video. As always, I am game with whatever you want me to keep doing. Later!

For more infomation >> Minecraft: Xbox One Edition Recording- IS IT POSSIBLE TO MINE 1 TUMBLE MAP BY YOURSELF? (9) - Duration: 5:21.


Terrorists think Quebec City is a Battlefield - Duration: 6:08.

Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon you

Verily all praise belongs to Allah, we Praise Him, we seek His divine help, and we ask for His Forgiveness

We seek His divine Help from the Evils within Ourselves, and from our Bad Deeds

Whomsoever Allah guides, is rightly guided, and whomsoever Allah lets astray is Lost.

And I bear witness that there is No God, except for Allah, and that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is His Noble Slave and Messenger

And from here

"Oh you who believe, fear your Lord..."

"Oh you who believe, Believe!"

For more infomation >> Terrorists think Quebec City is a Battlefield - Duration: 6:08.


Top 5 Dumbest Pokemon Evolutions | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 3:57.

Pokemon has created a lot of great evolutionary lines over the years, but some of them just

make you say, "What were they thinking?"

That's why today, I am going to be going over my Top 5 Dumbest Pokemon Evolutions.

If you enjoy this video, be sure to leave a like and subscribe to get more content like

this, and leave a comment letting me know what you think.

As always, I'm Pokemon Insider, and let's get started.


Lickitung has always been an odd Pokemon.

In the anime, Jessie's Lickitung does some really weird stuff to say the least, and its

overall design doesn't help it much.

But when Lickilicky was put into the games in generation 4, it all went downhill from


I can't think of a single Pokemon that got better by gaining a literal ton of weight,

and the derpy expression on Lickilicky's face makes it look really dumb.

It may have free WiFi, but if it means looking at Lickilicky, I don't think it's worth



The evolution method of Pokemon joining together is pretty common, with Pokemon like Magneton,

but everything went wrong with my number 4 choice, Klinklang.

I always try to give Pokemon designs the benefit of the doubt, but I think we can all agree

that Klinklang's design simply does not work.

Klink and Klang weren't the greatest designs to begin with, but combining them was a huge


Just imagine the conversation that would've had to go down for Klinklang to be created.

Hey Junichi, you know those gear Pokemon you love so much, Klink and Klang?

Well what if we COMBINE them?


You're hired!


When Pokemon X and Y hype was still a thing, I recall being incredibly excited to see what

Bunnelby would evolve into.

I saw so much potential in Bunnelby, and all I wanted was a cool Pokemon to add to my team.

Then we got this.

This abomination of a Pokemon that gives no justice to the Pokemon it evolves from.

Diggersby's smug expression on its face really does not help either.

It's like Gamefreak knew people would be disappointed in it, and they were just like,

"Yeah, we know you won't like it, but we'll give it to you anyway."


During development of the first Pokemon games, I can't even begin to wonder how on Earth

the creators thought a half dozen eggs should evolve into a coconut tree.

Exeggcute evolving into Exeggutor has always been one of the most puzzling evolutions in

my opinion, and it's based purely on their designs.

There is no connection between eggs and trees, and it just makes no sense.

Honestly though, if there an actual way to rationalize this evolution, I really want

to know.

1 . Octillery.

It must have evolved from a smaller Octopus Pokemon, or maybe a squid or jellyfish Pokemon,



Well, at least it has some sort of similarity, like color scheme or maybe it just doesn't

evolve at all, right?

Wait, Remoraid evolves into Octillery?

Now before the comment section goes crazy, I didn't actually forget this fact, but

it is the most confusing evolutionary line in all of Pokemon.

In what world can a fish become an octopus?

I guess it's the same world that can have eggs turn into a tree, but that's just Pokemon

I guess.

Well, that's it for my list.

Thank you for watching, and if you enjoyed, be sure to subscribe for more content like

this, and leave a like to support the video.

Thanks again for watching, and I'll see you with another video.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Dumbest Pokemon Evolutions | Pokemon Insider - Duration: 3:57.


SOFTWARE PATENTS: It's about the TECHNICAL contribution! - Duration: 1:17.

Hi there, it's me, Bastian Best, European

patent attorney specializing in software

patents in Europe and beyond - and in

this one-minute video clip I want to

share with you the one fundamental thing

you have to understand to navigate the

world of European software patents. And this

is essentially 40 years of case law

condensed into one single sentence:

The invention has to provide a non-obvious

technical contribution. Repeat after me:

A non-obvious technical contribution.

Now what does that mean? It means that

for example if the unique thing about the

invention is really in the business idea,

for example a novel way of selling

advertisements, and the technical

implementation of that idea in software

is trivial, you will not get a software patent

in Europe. On the other hand, if your

software for example runs more

efficiently, more secure, more scalable,

more robust, more user-friendly, and you do

that in a clever way, you're in pretty

good shape. So remember it's all about

the technical contribution. The software,

the invention has to provide a technical

advantage over the prior art.

That's it for now, thanks for watching! If

this was of any help for you, share this

video with all of your colleagues. And

now put away your smartphone, get back to

work and keep innovating! Bye bye!

For more infomation >> SOFTWARE PATENTS: It's about the TECHNICAL contribution! - Duration: 1:17.


Its 2017 Where Is Your Head - Duration: 0:24.

Hey Everyone, Kent Burns Simply Driven

Executive Search. Its 2017! What's done is


Maybe not on the calendar, but in the

minds of top performers they've already

moved on.

They're excited. They're energized and

they're putting plans in place to

dominate 2017. What about you?

For more infomation >> Its 2017 Where Is Your Head - Duration: 0:24.


EP-0005 - What is a Waste Knot? Away Knot cross-stitch tutorial x-stitch flosstube - Duration: 4:21.

Hello, and welcome to The Stitching Kitchn.

Welcome back to The Stitching Kitchn.

I'm so excited that you joined me again today.

We're going to take that thread that we took out of the skein, that we put into the needle

with the needle threader, and we did a knot on it last time, and I'm going to show you

how to put it on your fabric.

I like to teach counted thread, cross-stitch on linen or an evenweave.

Now there is a difference between linen and evenweave.

I'm going to put a piece of linen right here.

And I'm going to put a piece of evenweave right here.

This is linen.

I want you to look at the thin threads and thick threads.

And then I want you to look at the evenweave.

The reason it's called evenweave is the vertical threads and the horizontal threads are the

same size.

Now, you might be asking yourself "why would I ever stitch on something with all those bumps

and lumps on it"?

Well, let me tell you.

Once you get started stitching on linen, it has a romance to it.

You stitch on the thick ones.

And you stitch on the thin ones.

Eventually, your stitches all look the same size.

They don't look different.

It's ... right now you're looking at a very bumpy 18-count linen.

And this is a 25-count evenweave.

What does that mean?

Well, you join me in the next episode and I'm going to show you.

But, for today, I'm going to show you why you need a knot.

Most patterns ... they tell you to start in the middle. Let's pretend this is the middle.

Well, it's hard to cross-stitch up.

And my favorite thing is to start in the corner or right in the middle at the top.

What I want you to do is ... let's pretend we have a three-inch in and a three-inch down

and there's a border right here.

And, when we do our needle case, I'm going to show you how to do those stitches right

in the middle.

So, when you have, when you have your thread in the needle ... and, yea, it's a big needle,

but I'm the teacher.

I get the big stuff ... so ... a lot of people tend to go like this because they want a long

piece of ... they want a long piece of thread.

But, what happens is you're going to take that thread and you're going to be moving

it in and out of this fabric.

What's happening is you're wearing out the threads on the sides.

So, as little thread that you can get away with in the eye of the needle, the better

it is for your thread when you make your stitches.

It takes a while to get used to keeping your thumb and forefinger or your middle finger

on the eye to keep the threads from coming out.

Even an advanced stitcher such as myself ;-) ... no, seriously ... when we pull we can take that

needle away from the thread in an instant.

It gets caught on your clothes, it gets caught on a button, it gets caught on the cat.

So, whatever it gets caught on, it's good practice because then you can rethread your


So ... I like to have at least an inch and a half to two inches between me and the place

where I'm going to start.

So, there is what's called a waste knot or an away knot.

It's out of my way.

I will then come up here and find a vertical thread which will be our next class.

So, practice tying your knots and I'll see you next week.

So, today we are going to show you how to knot the end.

There are a lot of different philosophies out there about knots.

For more infomation >> EP-0005 - What is a Waste Knot? Away Knot cross-stitch tutorial x-stitch flosstube - Duration: 4:21.


Comedic phone call with Indian Dad - Duration: 1:44.

(Phone Rings) (Picks up the Phone)

hello sanjay beta

are you there?

answer me damn it hey dad what's up?

do you have any information to share with me?

uhhhhhhhh you called me

I should be asking you that

Still Do you have something to tell me?

uhh not that I can think of do you love me beta?

(crickets creek) (awkward silence) uhhhhh that was random

but yea have you been eating properly

you really excel in the art of conversation

don't you?

okay okay smart guy okay

so i have this friend that I want you to talk to

very good guy very smart guy

very good to know uh sure.

what's his name umm what's his name

uhh one second one second

let me uhh let me look him up on

Linkedin are you sure he's your friend

if he was your friend then you wouldn't forget his name

uhh you know him you know him

uhh you talked to him last month

about that uhhh vijay vijay

that's his name then why didn't you just say that in the first

place ayy buddy don't get tough

with me or i'll come over there

and i'll boot your as pshhh

you're too cheap to buy the ticket to come do that

ayyyy I'll show you

who is cheap You eeeediot


Hello?!?! ...

AYY How dare you

hang up on me love you dad, talk to you later

ayy shut up eeediot I don't need your fake love

(hangs up and dial tone goes off) Hello

Sanjay's dad here I hope you enjoyed the video

Uh if you did subscribe to my son's channel

make him think that he is doing something important

of course like the video cause a I am pretty funtaastik

and uhh maybe watch some other videos

they aren't as good though (sarcastic) just kitting

he's pretty good at this

but uh yea he shouldn't be doing this

with his time good bye

For more infomation >> Comedic phone call with Indian Dad - Duration: 1:44.


What is Artificial Intelligence? - Duration: 6:15.

Every day, a large portion of the population

is at the mercy of a rising technology,

yet few actually understand what it is.

Artificial intelligence. You know, HAL 9000

and Marvin the Paranoid Android?

Thanks to books and movies,

each generation has formed

its own fantasy of a world ruled

-- or at leased served -- by robots.

We've been conditioned to expect flying cars

that steer clear of traffic

and robotic maids whipping up our weekday dinner.

But if the age of AI is here,

why don't our lives look more like the Jetson's?

Well, for starters, that's a cartoon.

And really, if you've ever browsed Netflix movie suggestions

or told Alexa to order a pizza,

you're probably interacting with artificial intelligence

more than you realize.

And that's kind of the point.

AI is designed so you don't realize

there's a computer calling the shots.

But that also makes understanding what AI is,

and what it's not, a little complicated.

In basic terms, AI is a broad area of computer science

that makes machines seem

like they have human intelligence.

So it's not only programming a computer to drive a car

by obeying traffic signals, but it's when that program

also learns to exhibit signs of human-like road rage.

As intimidating as it may seem,

this technology isn't new.

Actually, for the past half-a-century,

it's been an idea ahead of its time.

The term "artificial intelligence" was first coined back in

1956 by Dartmouth professor John McCarthy.

He called together a group of computer scientists and mathematicians

to see if machines could learn like a young child does,

using trial and error to develop formal reasoning.

The project proposal says they'll figure out how to make machines

"use language, form abstractions and concepts,

solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans,

and improve themselves."

That was more than 60 years ago.

Since then, AI has remained for the most part

in university classrooms and super secret labs ...

But that's changing.

Like all exponential curves, it's hard to tell when a line

that's slowly ticking upwards is going to skyrocket.

But during the past few years, a couple of factors

have led to AI becoming the next "big" thing:

First, huge amounts of data are being

created every minute. In fact, 90% of the world's data

has been generated in the past two years.

And now thanks to advances in processing speeds,

computers can actually make sense

of all this information more quickly.

Because of this, tech giants and venture capitalists

have bought into AI and are infusing the market

with cash and new applications.

Very soon, AI will become a little less artificial,

and a lot more intelligent.

Now the question is: Should you brace yourself for yet

another Terminator movie, live on your city streets?

Not exactly. In fact, stop thinking of robots.

When it comes to AI, a robot is nothing more than

the shell concealing what's actually used

to power the technology.

That means AI can manifest itself in many

different ways. Let's break down the options.

First, you have your bots. They're text-based and

incredibly powerful, but they have limitations.

Ask a weather bot for the forecast, and it will tell you

it's partly cloudy with a high of 57.

But ask that same bot what time it is in Tokyo,

and it'll get a little confused.

That's because the bot's creator only programmed it to

give you the weather by pulling from a specific data source.

Natural language processing makes these bots

a bit more sophisticated.

When you ask Siri or Cortana

where the closest gas station is,

it's really just translating your voice into text,

feeding it to a search engine,

and reading the answer back in human syntax.

So in other words, you don't have to speak in code.

At the far end of the spectrum is machine learning,

and honestly, it's one of the most exciting areas of AI.

Like a human, a machine retains information

and becomes smarter over time.

But unlike a human, it's not susceptible to things like

short-term memory loss, information overload,

sleep deprivation, and distractions.

But how do these machines actually learn?

Well, while it may be easy for a human to know

the difference between a cat and a dog,

for a computer, not so much.

You see, when you're only considering

physical appearance, the difference between

cats and dogs can be a little gray.

You can say cats have pointed ears

and dogs have floppy ears,

but those rules aren't universal.

Between tail length, fur texture, and color,

there are a lot of options,

and that means a lot of tedious rules someone would

have to program manually to help a computer

spot the difference.

But remember -- machine learning is about making

machines learn like humans. And like any toddler,

that means they have to learn by experience.

With machine learning, programs analyze

thousands of examples to build an algorithm.

It then tweaks the algorithm

based on if it achieves its goal.

Over time, the program actually gets smarter.

That's how machines like IBM's Watson can

diagnose cancer, compose classical symphonies,

or crush Ken Jennings at Jeopardy.

Some programs even mimic the way

the human brain is structured,

complete with neural networks that help humans --

and now machines -- solve problems.

Generations have long imagined the ramifications of AI,

visualizing a society where machines seek revenge

and wreak havoc on human society.

However, the more logical and pressing question is:

How will AI affect your job?

Will it make your work obsolete?

Just like the Industrial Revolution,

it's not human versus machine.

It's human and machine versus problem.

The point is that artificial intelligence

helps you accomplish more in less time,

taking on the repetitive tasks of your job

while you master the strategy and relationships.

That way, humans can do what they do best … be human.

For more infomation >> What is Artificial Intelligence? - Duration: 6:15.


Soul of Farming - Dairy Moms - Duration: 2:13.

I definitely fell in love with farming the same time I fell in love with my husband,

so it's very easy to see the romance in farming.

When Tony and I first started dating, I watched him care for his calves

in a very nurturing and gentle way.

It's not always a respect and a love that you see in other professions,

and I could see that parallel over into how he would care for our children.

Women do need to tell their story no matter how visible they are on the farm.

When you're part of a farm you're always needed and you're always important.

When I got married to my husband and I started looking for what this role looked like,

what does it mean to be the wife of a dairy farmer, 'cause I really didn't know what that was.

I watched Tony's mom very closely,

"Alright, put it in there and then it's Patrick's turn,"

Women on the farm they do a little bit of everything, and it can be

anything from preparing a meal and bringing it out,

or getting kids to school or getting husbands to their trucks or to their fields.

Farming is busy and it's draining and exhausting.

I don't know where I'd be without a cell phone.

"Hi, hon,"

But that's the pretty typical woman on the farm, is the glue.

They're the glue, holding their family, their farms together.

We do make sacrifices as farmers,

but raising kids on a farm is just an incredible experience, especially an organic farm.

We believe that all people should have access to healthy food,

'an clean water and that carries over into farming

how we treat the land and how we care for our animals.

So what keeps me going is just knowing that this is one of the only jobs

I can think of where a husband and wife can work side by side with their kids.

I find that very inspiring.

Yeah, it's something that we feel very blessed to be a part of.

My name is Carrie O'Reilly and my husband and my family

and I are your Organic Valley farmers.

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