Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

This is Ahmed, Bettina and Charly.

Together they are the NVC network of

Little Whinging. They love the idea to sign

up to the virtual home.

That's the new social media platform for

the global NVC network. Like a

combination of facebook and skype and

everyone you meet has an NVC background.

They also like the vision, mission and

purpose of what we call the NVC Community.

The vision is basically that

we want to live in a world that works for all.

The full text in the notes below.

Nothing else is necessary to become what

we call a community weave. There are lots

of community weaves. For instance Ahmed is

certified trainer and he is part of a

community of certified trainers in his country.

Bettina is part of an initiative

to found an NVC school.

And more and more community weaves all interconnected

by people who are part of more than one weave.

Now Charly wants something else.

He wants to become a member of the new NVC organisation.

Because we haven't decided

on a name yet for now we call it NVC-O.

Charly gets to know Danielle.

Danielle already is a partner -

that's what we call the members

of the organization.

Danielle agrees to sponsor Charly.

Danielle's organizational weave - let's say

they have an online bookstore - also

agrees to sponsor Charly.

So Charly becomes a partner in training.

As an organizational weave they are also signed

up to the same virtual home as the

community weaves. They also commit to

a vision, mission and purpose.

The vision is the same as for the community,

You remember: a world that works for all.

Mission and purpose are a bit different.

For instance the mission also includes to

provide service for the community.

And as there are lots of community weaves,

there are also lots of organizational weaves

all interconnected by people who

are part of more than one weave

Charly learns a lot. For instance he learns that

organizational weaves consists of three

to 12 people. Larger weaves split into two.

He also finds out the decision-making is

not done in majority votes, but more consensual.

How exactly differs from weave to weave.

He learns that one person in each

weave focuses on aspects of access and

privilege, so that these topics are not forgotten.

And what he's really curious about

is that all organizational weaves

and all full partners have full

decision-making authority. They can do

what they want. That is the reason why

the sponsoring weave and Charly take

time to see whether he really fits into

this organisation. What they are looking

for in new partners is some level of NVC

integration, some understanding of how

the NVC-O works, and understanding and

commitment to follow the operational

agreements. Operational agreements are

high threshold requests on how things are

done in the NVC-O. That weaves consists of

three to 12 people is an example for an

operational agreement. If you choose to

break it, you are requested to provide

feedback to the organisation, so that

operational agreements can be adapted.

When everyone is happy, after a year or so,

Charlie becomes your partner.

Now you know about the basic structure.

There is a lot more to say on how certification is

done recognized roll weaves.

How organizational weaves are organized

into 9 theme clusters and that the global

Council is one of the organizational weaves.

And how we want to transition to

the new structure by doing pilot projects.

More information on

And thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Integrated Plan Part 1 - Basic Structure - Duration: 3:46.


How to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home - Duration: 3:22.

If you've ever cooked with turmeric powder, you probably had some yellow hands afterwards,

along with some very delicious food. Who would have thought that the spice that stains pretty

much anything can brighten and whiten yellow teeth?

It is not clear why this amazing fact is true, many people do swear by this tactic.

Turmeric is also effective for dental issues, such as tooth aches, gingivitis, and sensitive

teeth. Turmeric kills germs, fights infections and reduces swelling and pain. Turmeric has

been used as a medicine because of a chemical contained within it called curcumin.

To whiten teeth, turmeric is mixed with baking soda and coconut oil. Baking soda is effective

for cleaning pretty much anything. Scientists know baking soda as sodium bicarbonate. Baking

soda removes stains and plaque from your teeth by removing acids that are made by the bacteria

in your mouth. Plaque can cause dental problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Coconut oil is another wondrous ingredient, that can draw out bacteria from your mouth

and can treat toothaches, bad breath, tooth sensitivity and gum disease. People call this

activity oil pulling, because rinsing your mouth with coconut oil will pull out those

germs, but it also helps to whiten your teeth.

Things you will need:

- Turmeric powder - Baking soda

- Coconut oil - A bowl

- A mixing spoon - Measuring spoons

- A jar or container for storing the mixture


- Measure 4 tablespoons of dried, organic turmeric root powder into a bowl.

- Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda. - Add 2½ to 3 tablespoons of organic, virgin

coconut oil. - Mix thoroughly with a spoon or fork.

How to use:

- Spread 2 teaspoons of your turmeric teeth whitener on your toothbrush.

- Gently brush your teeth for 1 to 2 minutes. - Swish 1 teaspoon of melted coconut oil in

your mouth for another minute, then spit it out. (Do not swallow, as this mixture contains

all the germs in your mouth). - Rinse your mouth with water.

- Repeat several times a week for a couple of weeks, then reduce the frequency to once

or twice a week.

Please note that this mixture may stain the skin around your mouth. Therefore, use care

when brushing your teeth. To remove any yellow turmeric stains from your skin, apply milk

to the area for about 5 minutes and then wash off.


- Store the remaining mixture in the refrigerator for a few days.

- If you would rather make a smaller amount, ensure that you reduce all ingredients proportionately.

- This mixture is likely to stain your toothbrush bright orange! Keep a separate soft to medium

bristled toothbrush for this whitener alone. - Besides using this mixture, be sure to take

care of your oral health. - Use this method along with oil pulling with

coconut oil to remove all germs from your mouth.

If you like the video, give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends!

If you want more recipes and tips, subscribe to the channel!

For more infomation >> How to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home - Duration: 3:22.


LOOK THIS IS Aston Vantage Gt8 Lithonia Lighting Led Lights - Duration: 2:31.

LOOK THIS IS Aston Vantage Gt8 Lithonia Lighting Led Lights

For more infomation >> LOOK THIS IS Aston Vantage Gt8 Lithonia Lighting Led Lights - Duration: 2:31.


How to set the Coolest Flip Clock Screen Saver on your Mac! - Duration: 2:33.

Hello and Welcome!

Today we are going to learn "How to set the Coolest Flip Clock as a Screen Saver on

your Mac".

Lets just jump into it!

So first you want to go to the website I have in the description below.

"" It is a free screen saver, but you can donate

to the creator.

Also, depending on when you view this, the site may or may not look different.

But you do not want to just click download on whatever you see.

Notice the bottom right downloads a Zip Application called Ziprar.

You want to download the screensaver right?

Ok then, don't click that, but click the top right navigation button.

It will drop down a page.

Again, still not clicking the bright green download button, scroll down to the "Download

for Mac" button.

It will begin downloading immediately!

Once downloaded follow the steps to get it installed.

If for some reason depending on your mac's security setting it may be blocked.

This is because you are downloading an application not from the App Store.

So go to system preferences and select "Security and Privacy" and towards the bottom you

will see the app being blocked.

Go ahead and click allow.

Then click the Show All button and click Desktop & Screensaver.

Then Select Screen Saver.

You should see The "Fliqlo" screen saver at the bottom.

You have successfully downloaded it!

If you would like to password protect your mac and require a password when waking the

computer from screen saver, simply select the show all button, and then select "Security

& Privacy".

Then select "Require Password".

Then choose the timing you would like.

Please note that the timing you require for the password is after the screensaver starts.

I like setting my Screensaver to start after about 10 minutes.

Also I like to assign the screensaver to a Hot Corner.

I have a video explaining what that is aswell!

This is what the screensaver looks like!

Enjoy this video, Like and Subscribe!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How to set the Coolest Flip Clock Screen Saver on your Mac! - Duration: 2:33.



For more infomation >> THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON'T DRINK WATER ✔ - Duration: 6:52.


Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 9:59.

Most of the time, when herpes simplex virus or HSV infects a person, there are no symptoms.

In fact, it also usually moves from one person to another in the absence of symptoms, so

it can move through a population silently. Once in a while, however, it can cause symptoms,

and typically those are in the form of skin and mucus membrane lesions which can be divided

into infections "above the waist" - mostly involving the mouth and tongue, and those

"below the waist" - involving the genitals. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses

- HSV1 and HSV2 - both of which are part of a larger family of enveloped double-stranded

DNA viruses - the herpesviridae family. Generally speaking, HSV1 tends to cause infections above

the waist and HSV2 tends to cause infections below the waist, but there's a lot of crossover

because both viruses can cause both types of infections.

Although herpes is most contagious when there are virus-filled lesions present, it can also

spread by asymptomatic shedding which means that herpes viruses can be in saliva or genital

secretions even when there are no signs of a cold sore or genital lesion. Typically,

when herpes virus lands on a new host - a person that's never had herpes before, it

dives into small cracks in the skin or mucosa and binds to epithelial cell receptors, which

triggers those cells to internalize the virus.

Once inside, the virus starts up the lytic cycle - its DNA gets transcribed and translated

by cellular enzymes which help to form viral proteins which are packaged into new herpes

viruses which can leave to go off and infect neighbouring epithelial cells.

HSV1 and HSV2 also infect nearby sensory neurons, and travel up their axon to the neuron's

cell body to start up the latent cycle. The sensory neurons of the face have their cell

bodies in the trigeminal nuclei and those around the genitalia are located in the sacral


So that's ultimately where the herpes virus settles in - for life! You see, the sensory

neurons aren't destroyed, instead, they become a permanent home for the herpes virus,

and from time to time, the herpes virus makes a few viral copies of itself and sends those

virus particles back down the axon so they can get released and infect epithelial cells.

Since the trigeminal and sacral nuclei serve just one side of the face or body, herpes

vesicles and ulcers develop on the ipsilateral or same side as the affected nuclei.

This can happen over and over again throughout a person's lifetime - with classic triggers

being things like stress, skin damage, and viral illnesses. Recurrent episodes are usually

less severe than the primary infection, and sometimes there are no symptoms at all. When

there are symptoms, there may be a characteristic tingling or burning sensation, called a prodrome,

one or two days before the blisters appear.

In oral and genital herpes, the primary infection is most often asymptomatic. Having said that,

in oral herpes when it does cause symptoms it usually affects children and it causes

lesions on the palate, gums, tongue, lip, and facial area, as well as a fever and enlarged

lymph nodes. The lesions themselves are typically clusters of small, painful, fluid-filled blisters,

that ooze and ulcerate, and then eventually heal after a few weeks. In older children

and adults, a common symptom is pharyngitis. Most of the time, like primary infection,

reactivation doesn't cause any symptoms, but when it does, the most common pattern

is having a handful of blisters at the vermillion border - the border of the lip - on one side

of the face. Compared to a primary infection, these blisters are smaller and typically heal

over a week.

With genital herpes, primary infection can cause symptoms like ulcers and pustules which

form on the labia majora, labia minora, mons pubis, vaginal mucosa, and cervix in women

and on the shaft of the penis in men. Like oral herpes, most of the time reactivation

doesn't cause any symptoms at all, but when it does, the most common pattern is to have

a few blisters that resolve rapidly in about a week.

In addition to oral and genital infections, HSV can also affect other areas. When it affects

the fingertip or nail bed, it's called herpetic whitlow, and this might happen if the finger

rubs up against an active lesion around the mouth or genital area. Once it affects the

fingertip, it's also easy for it to get carried over to other areas on the body to

spread the infection - a process called autoinoculation.

HSV can sometimes involve the trunk, extremities, or head - a pattern that's common among

wrestlers because they have a lot of skin-to-skin contact; and is therefore called herpes gladiatorum.

Finally, individuals with burn injuries or with atopic dermatitis can have really serious

herpes infections in those areas, the latter even has a specific name - eczema herpeticum.

HSV can also affect the eye causing keratoconjunctivitis, which is inflammation of both the cornea and

conjunctiva. In addition to symptoms of conjunctivitis which are pain, redness, tearing, and sensitivity

to light, there can some classic signs of corneal involvement like blurry vision and

a branching dendritic lesion which looks a bit like the tree-like dendrites of a neuron

- on the cornea itself - a pattern that is classic for herpes infection.

In rare cases, herpes viruses can spread to the central nervous system and cause meningitis

or encephalitis - typically affecting the temporal lobe, in individuals of all ages.

These can happen from a primary infection, but more commonly happen during reactivation

when some of the virus can escape into the bloodstream and reach the brain. When there

is brain involvement, a lumbar puncture often has specific findings like an increase in

red blood cells, increase in white blood cells, and elevated protein levels. There are also

some CT, MRI, and EEG changes that can help to make the diagnosis.

HSV can also pass from a mother to a baby - rather than causing a congenital infection

while the fetus is in the uterus, most of the transmission happens at birth when the

baby passes through infected maternal vaginal secretions during delivery. Neonatal HSV causes

three different patterns of illness each occurring about ⅓ of the time. The first is skin/eye/mucous

membrane infection - where lesions pop up 1-2 weeks after delivery typically at sites

of damaged skin like the site where fetal scalp electrodes may have been attached. The

second is CNS infection which typically causes lethargy, irritability, and even seizures

2-3 weeks after delivery and can cause some of the same lumbar puncture, CT, MRI, and

EEG findings as that in older children and adults with HSV encephalitis. If not treated,

both the first and second type can transition into the third type which is disseminated

infection, where herpes virus causes sepsis and failure of various organs including the

heart and brain.

HSV can cause unique symptoms in immunocompromised individuals who tend to have more frequent

reactivation, more severe symptoms, and a wider range of symptoms - like lesions in

the esophagus or lungs.

Herpes can usually be diagnosed based on how the skin or mucous membrane lesions look,

and can be confirmed with tests looking for viral DNA, like polymerase chain reaction,

an antibody response to the virus, or by growing the virus with a viral culture. Although infections

typically resolve without treatment within a couple of weeks, there are antiviral drugs

such as acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir that can be used topically or systemically

to reduce pain and speed up healing. For recurring episodes, these treatments usually work best

if taken when the prodrome starts; in other words, before the blisters develop, and high-dose

intravenous antivirals may be given in more severe, or life threatening situations.

So, to recap – Most of the time, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 cause asymptomatic latent

infections that set up in the trigeminal and sacral nuclei for life, but sometimes they

can cause symptoms like recurrent oral and genital lesions. They can also cause more

severe infections like HSV keratoconjunctivitis, meningitis, and encephalitis, as well as neonatal

infections which typically get transmitted when a baby passes through infected vaginal


Thanks for watching, you can help support us by donating on patreon, or subscribing

to our channel, or telling your friends about us on social media.

For more infomation >> Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 9:59.


JTC 12 Miracles of God in Cuba HD CC - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> JTC 12 Miracles of God in Cuba HD CC - Duration: 28:31.


Trump is Now America's Arms Deal Negotiator - Duration: 7:24.

Trump is Now America�s Arms Deal Negotiator.


His meetings and bombshell tweets with the heads of America�s two largest weapon makers

show Trump will play a role in hammering out contracts.

UPDATE: This article was amended from its original version following President-elect

Donald Trump�s tweet calling for new pricing for the F/A-18 Super Hornet to compete with

the F-35 fighter jet.

Negotiations for the Pentagon�s next batch of 100 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters don�t

technically resume until next month, but they�re clearly under way.

If the last few weeks serve as a precedent, a new, powerful player � the president of

the United States � will replace Pentagon generals as the chief negotiator for multibillion

arms deals.

Trump fired off a bombshell tweet Thursday evening saying that �based on the tremendous

cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35� he as asked their competitor, Boeing,

to �price-out a comparable� F/A-18 Super Hornet. If his prior tweets about the F-35

and high cost of Air Force One sent ripples waves throughout the defense industry, this

one is a full-blown tsunami.

�We�ve never seen anything like this and have to admit there is a strong probability

that the president-elect will be a very hands on government buyer,� Roman Schweizer, an

analyst with Cowen, said in note to investors Wednesday evening after Trump met with some

Pentagon brass and the CEOs of Lockheed Martin and Boeing at his Mar-a-Lago compound in Palm

Beach, Florida.

Typically, in the case in the F-35, the general in charge of the project, Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan,

would negotiate with Jeff Babione, Lockheed Martin�s executive vice president and general

manager of the program.

The tweet also shows how Trump was negotiating with Marillyn Hewson, Lockheed chairman, president

and CEO, to talk about the F-35 and its high cost, which the president-elect called �out

of control� last week.

�It�s a dance, you know, it�s a little bit of a dance,� Trump said. �But we�re

going to get the costs down and we�re going to get it done beautifully.�

The Mar-a-Lago F-35 summit comes at a time of tense relations between the Pentagon and

Lockheed. Last month, Pentagon negotiations gave Lockheed a $6.1 billion take-it-or-leave-it

deal for 57 F-35s. Lockheed make no secret that it was unhappy with the deal and has

until February to accept or reject it.

The music for that dance referenced by Trump will speed up soon when the Pentagon and Lockheed

sit down in the middle of January to hammer out a deal for the next 100 F-35s. Earlier

this week, Bogdan said the negotiations shouldn�t finish by Jan. 20 when Trump takes the oath

of office, meaning he will be leading the dance.

�This raises the question of what kind of dance will play-out � something equivalent

to a limbo, where Trump pushes for lower and lower prices resulting in [Lockheed] and its

partners and subcontractors bending over backwards or something more akin to a waltz where the

DoD and industry work together get at root causes of program costs,� Byron Callan,

an analyst with Capital Alpha Partners wrote in a note to investors Thursday.

Hewson called the meeting with Trump �productive� and said she �appreciated the opportunity

to discuss the importance of the F-35 program and the progress we�ve made in bringing

the costs down.�

Regardless of how the negotiations shake out, the next order of F-35s is certain to come

in at a better deal than the Pentagon�s previous order simply due to economies of

scale. When you buy in bulk � just like shopping at a wholesale retailer like Costco

or BJ�s � the price goes down. The question that remains is how much? Regardless, Trump

will be able to claim victory in that he got a better deal for taxpayers.

�There�s a lot of ways to reduce cost,� Bogdan said on Monday. �I would advise the

next secretary of defense and the next Defense Department to look in other places than reducing


Bogdan himself has floated other ways to reduce the cost of each jet, including injecting

more competition within the plane�s sprawling supply chain, which touches 45 states, and

buying planes in bulk.

�If you have a single source supplier of a particular component on this airplane right

now and you�re not sure if that person can build you 3,000 airplanes worth of that, you

probably might want to open up a second source,� he said. �Once you open up a second source,

now you have natural competition. We should explore some of that.�

Trump�s tweet saying that he would seeking pricing from Boeing for a Super Hornet comparable

to the F-35 could give the Pentagon more leverage in its negotiations with Lockheed next month.

Lockheed declined to comment about Trump�s tweet. Boeing, on the other hand, tweeted

that it was �ready to work� with Trump.

�We have committed to working with the president elect and his administration to provide the

best capability, deliverability and affordability across all Boeing products and services to

meet our national security needs,� Todd Blecher, a spokesman for the firm�s military

business, said in an email.

TheF/A-18 Super Hornet is considered a competitor to F-35 in the international stage, but hasn�t

been considered a major threat in the U.S. for years. But delays in production of the

F-35 have lead the U.S. Navy to buy new Super Hornets to prevent a gap between the retirement

of the older fighter jets and combat-ready new F-35s. Just last month, Canada said it

would buy Super Hornets instead of F-35s.

Despite similarities, the two warplanes are not �comparable.� The F-35 is a stealth

fighter, meaning it is built to avoid radar detection. To stay low-profile, the F-35 carries

its bombs and missiles inside the jet, not outside on the wings like the Super Hornet.

The F-35 also has an advanced computer system that processes data from a host of cameras

and sensors.

But for all that it promises, the F-35 will not be fully battle ready to fight a diverse

range of missions until the end of the decade. As for the F/A-18, its design is stable and

Boeing can build them quickly. And Boeing has marketed an �advanced Super Hornet�

with high-tech equipment somewhat comparable to the F-35.

Despite the current cost of a Super Hornet�s price tag, which is about half the cost of

a $102 million F-35A, top military officials have argued the F-35 would be needed in any

future war against a major power, like China and Russia

For more infomation >> Trump is Now America's Arms Deal Negotiator - Duration: 7:24.


[HOT NEWS] AMAZING AGAIN? REVIEW 2018 LEXUS LC 500 NEW - Duration: 11:29.

this is it the headliner the main event

after years of Lex's promising to make

less boring cars and instead giving us

countless spindle grille facelift the

2018 LC 500 is here as the brand-new

northstar it's the official halo to mark

where toyota's luxury brand is hidden

this is the car that we hoped in

bringing an end to the relentless

mentions of foreign cars which are

themselves needlessly boring and beside

not boring is a terrible metric for


what lexus is really trying to do is

give its cars some spirit to transcend

the paint by number of stereotype that

made this brand new luxury juggernaut is

today by that yardstick the LC 500 is a

success simply based on how it looks

it's beautiful in a way that we couldn't

predict from the 2012 lf-lc concept that

foreshadowed it the kind of beauty where

instead of reflexively grabbing your

phone to take a picture you just stand

there and keep looking and pictures

don't do this car justice

anyway they soften the edges and reduce

the massive draw of the white shoulders

in person looking straight at the LC the

car looks like it's eighty percent

in the rest of the lineup the trademark

lexus girls execution ranges from

character your RC to watch note job LX

hear it pulls everything together from

every other angle the LC has some

feature that seems excessive in the best

way possible

the proportions of the LC give off a

distinctively functional vibe and it's


that was so long because the five dot 0

litre v8 center-of-mass three-and-a-half

inches behind the front axle the extra

space up front is mostly empty lexus

uses high-strength steel cross braces to

shore up torsional rigidity instead of

adding structure ahead of the front

wheels and the battery sits under the

trunk floor for all the visual

excitement the LC is still a

conventional vehicle

aside from some advancements in the LC

500 words hybrid powertrain the

innovation here is that the iterative

type it's interesting in that lexus is

betting on emotional appeal and driving

character at a time when the future

relevance of both is up for debate if

anything the LC is a car for the current

automotive world not the one to come and

despite extensive use of aluminum and

sheet molded carbon dlc 500 weighs in at

a hefty 4280 pounds that's right in line

with the BMW 6-series and a good deal

below the bailey s mercedes-benz s-class

coupe 4700 pounds

but the benz is all-wheel drive and the

porsche carrera by comparison weighs

1,000 pounds less but did we mention the

LC 500 and beautiful

yes this car looks so good it can get

away with some extra weight it can get

away with a lot of things actually there

is raw emotional appeal to the LC and

that's what lexus and toyota has been

missing so we give the LC 500 pass on

the wide or silly low seating position

that make ingress and egress slightly

challenging to do for the shift lever

which mimics the pattern of the Creoles

and take some learning at least you'll

be comfortable while you bus with

putting the car into drive

Alexis went through more than 50 c

designs to arrive at the two available

but conversions adjustment is limited to

six directions plus four-way lumbar


that's all you need here just a few

simple movements for maximum comfort we

prefer the extra bolstering the optional

sports seats but both are as close to

perfect as you can find today

Alexis went so far as to variable entity

of the phone that different points in

the side bolster with resonance service

that had stiffness right where you need

extra bracing it's those kinds of

details that make the interior equally

as lovely as the outside take the door

pulls at another example in most cars

there is some kind of housing around the

handle hiding the way the mechanism

slots in through the trim panel in the

LC that handles its naked like a lone

tree in the field of Alcantara all of

the trim is stitched by hand all of the

leather is soft and none of the joints

or mating surfaces inside the LC reveal

the method of assembly

it's the kind of fine-tuning the sets

apart established luxury brands and

calls out the aspiring one with the LC

interior lexus is showing craftsmanship

that belongs in the upper tier

lexus wants the LC to be a driver's car

and so the cockpit is focused on the

instrument cluster which is just as well

because that allows you to ignore the

fussy touchpad interface for the

infotainment system

seriously we barely used it on our test

drive the essential functions radio and

climate control are operated by hard

buttons adaptive cruise control and

collision mitigation our standard so

there's a safety net should you attempt

operating at force-feedback touchpad

while trying to do anything else such as

driving in front of the steering wheel

sits a single digital dial flanked by

temperature and fuel display like in

other lectures models the color and

design changes with the driving mode but

going back to the driver centric meet

the drive modes are selected by an

object juts out of the right side of the

gauge cluster housing right at hand

level twist toward you to toggle between

comfort and eco twist the way for sport

s and sport s plus or push the button on

the end for normal in custom settings in

identical knob on the Left adjust the

stability control but has so few options

it seems like a wasted opportunity the

headlights which could have gone there

and allowed for a skinnier turn signal

stalk as things are like to smooth the

head light turn signal stock higher on

the steering column for easier use as

some point we have to mention that the

LC 500 has two rear seats they look

comfortable but are not our five foot

nine inch frame won't fit under the low

Ruth without serious contortions the

back then is best left for the unlikely

child seat for extra storage reporting

duty fulfilled

we'd rather tell you what the LC 500 is

like to drive

first the good which centers around the

v8 it's largely the same unit found in

the GSF in RC F but some specifics weeks

resulting 471 horsepower and 398

pound-feet of torque

this engine is why we questioned

turbocharging and downsizing because

horsepower and low RPM torque don't give

you goosebumps big displacements roaring

towards redline do the else he has a

resonator two-bit transmit the intake

sounds straight into the cabin to make

sure you can hear that roar + electric

exhaust flaps to help anyone outside the

car it's loud within a frontline lexus

like way rather than the borderline and

the social how the jaguar f-type if only

the throttle and transmission had the

same balance of aggressiveness and

manners here

lexus went to step too far in an effort

to be sporty the ten-speed automatic

moves the lock-up clutch inside the

transmission housing instead of

packaging it in the torque converter

which allows for a stronger multipla

design and faster shifts but they're a

little too fast and hard in the sport

year drive mode then there's the lack of

smoothness into throttle which comes on

with a suddenness that makes the car

lurched it was less of a problem during

our laps at circuito montemagno than on

the roads surrounding nearby seville

spain the safety margin of driving fast

on the street often means you enter a

corner slower and dial and throttle as

you go but even on the track the abrupt

nature of the gas pedal upset and

otherwise balanced and smooth car our

time on this circuit was a great way to

explore the LC 500 limits but this is

not really a car for the track anymore

than the other members of the large poop

fraternity are the LC is more of a

gentleman's sports car a vehicle best

suited to speeding along a favored road

that said the brakes hold up to track

abuse and the balanced chassis lets you

control the backhand with the throttle

the staring and linear and accurate but

in line with the modern paradigm for

feedback very little

don't mistake gentlemen for slow the LC

500 gets to 60 miles per hour from a

standstill in 4.4 seconds and it has a

linear acceleration feel well into

triple digit speed years 2 through 9 are

almost evenly spaced which means you

never get stuck at a bad point in the

rev range

none of the performance related options

on the LC 500 changed the suspension

setup or the engine power available

stuff includes a limited-slip

differential 21-inch wheels with

aggressive summer tires variable ratio

steering with rear-wheel steering a

carbon fiber roof and a spoiler that

extends from the trunk with alexis is

still working on this specific packages

and options ahead of the main 2017

on-sale date

the test car we drove had the variable

steering which we can praise for the

fact that we didn't notice it was there

still we doubt much is lost in the

experience without this feature the rest

of the purchase specifics are just as

murky lexus will only commit to a

starting price under a hundred grand and

you believe a fully-loaded LC 500 will

top out around 120,000 dollars only

about 400 units are expected to come to

the United States a month for an annual

rate of 4800 cars Alexis says about

eighty-five percent of those will be a

test the rest will be LC 500 hours


at such low volume dlc isnt going to

redefine lexus the way the original LS

shock the automotive world but this car

is hugely significant for another reason

it shows that Lexus can create an object

of irrational desire to put it another


this is a car you want not a car you

need and we lost after the LC 500 not

because it checks all the boxes but

because it's more than the sum of its

specifications it does most everything

well it has some flaws but more than

anything it has character

welcome to the new Lexus

For more infomation >> [HOT NEWS] AMAZING AGAIN? REVIEW 2018 LEXUS LC 500 NEW - Duration: 11:29.


Is Texting While Driving a Problem in Washington DC? - Duration: 1:11.

By nature, I think that in any urban City you're going to have a lot of drivers and

we have a lot of professionals in D.C. and that's actually where we see more distracted

driving than anywhere else.

Because there are people who are constantly accessible via their smartphones or tablets,

whatever it may be, and they're always accessing email or trying to do telephone conferences

in there vehicle while they're getting to and from work.

So distracted driving in D.C. is absolutely something that we see on a frequent basis.

For example, I've had cases where we've had people who were struck, mostly as pedestrians

by distracted drivers who aren't paying attention as they're making turns, that's

the biggest thing we see in D.C.

And these injuries can be completely catastrophic and can be life ruining to the person who's


And I think if more people realize that, or realized that by texting and driving or by

checking your email and driving, you could really truly ruin someone's life, I think

that they would consider doing that for they pick up their phone or tablet and make that


For more information please go to our website

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