Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

In my study, what makes me happy is that

I don't know. Just

trying to make the world better

with your knowledge.

I mean this is science and


I call myself a future scientist so

I would like to say it's like;

when you do something

and then you see that it really works

that really is what makes me happy.

The performance was like really really good

and we

we put everything that we could into it,

So the moment right after

when you

when you're coming back to the stage

for the applause,

and you're completely, completely happy with your friends

and you know that you have done something

that made other people enjoy and

and, and celebrate the dance.

And I think that was, that was such a beautiful moment.

I'm really curious about stuff.

So I'm,

If something interests me I read a book about it, you know.

Or like

spiritual books and stuff.

It can help you like see different perspectives.

I think.

So like

I like people.

I like to

exchange ideas.

I think I'm one of the luckier guys

that found a job that makes me happy.


Does studying make me happy?

It does, when I'm interested in like what I'm doing very very much.

Like I could just sit and do this thing for like ten hours.

But when I'm not interested it's just like I'm doing anything else

It does make me happy.

Like, I just like learning.

So basically, I am happy in spite of

everything that's going on in Croatia so..

Well I think basically if you work hard and everything

And if you work smart most of all

then you can do something anywhere.

But you know

Croatia is just a lot harder than anywhere else I think.

Sometimes I can feel it.

When I'm in a concert and

there is a very passionate


And I feel when he gives me something

And I feel these good

emotions and

something more than

normal life.

I started skateboarding in Italy.

And a lot of people said to me: ''Go home and play with your barbies

because you're a girl and you can't skate''

And I moved to here.

It's another thing.

Not like, like in Italy.

And also my mother said it : ''Oh don't skate. And

it's shit. You're a girl.

Come on, don't be like a boy''.

And I said ''Ok, I'll move here'' and

I started a new life when I was seventeen.

Started working.


now I do what I want.

My passion.

is very close to writing.

It involves writing but not the writing itself.

I mean no one else should

should say what you should be doing

instead of you.

So yeah, you have to be brave

to make such a big decision

to move somewhere else because you are

maybe you're not meant to live

where you were born.

It's not a big thing.

Just move and find it.

You don't have to work in an office

until you go and retire.

I saw a study

that was made in Harvard University.

And it was like a longterm study about happiness.

It took them like 100 years.

And they were interviewing people

from a very young age until the old age.

And they had different backgrounds



different like

way of life.

And what they basically found out

is that relationships

are the most important thing in life.

When I

meet somebody

and I have a good time with him

and then we can split

for a couple of years

and then we meet again

and it's the same.

That's the

that's the real friendship.

I'm married. So.

Now I can tell that

my wife is also one of my best friends.

She's my best friend.

What do I miss?


I can't hear her voice.

I can.

I can call her of course.

But like,

I don't feel her.

I don't see


what her face looks like when she's talking.

Or something like that.

Her emotion.

You know.

So I miss this.

The only, the only person

Who knows about is is my girlfriend.

That I'm

That I'm afraid of

of losing my parents.

The strong relation between parents

I think, it is the

the really basic elementary

and the most important thing in family.

Because when you see your parents

They are for thirty years together

not with anyone else.

You also

you also want to be like them. You know.

So this is really,

really important.

You have to make compromises.


there is no one in the world

who is exactly the same as you.

If your friend can make you laugh

then that means that you're like on the same wave in life I think.

People make happiness.

I would say.

So if you want to be happy;

Be the people.

Be the friendship.

And have strong families

with strong relationships.

I don't live with my boyfriend right now.


He is in Denmark working and I am now here in Czech studying.




how do you say it

electronic life

we are almost all the time together.

Because you are chatting on the internet

or calling on the phone

so we are not

I'm not living now with my boyfriend

but actually

we are almost all the time together.

I guess, personally

I just think it's important to love yourself first.

Because you can't build a healthy relationship

if you're relying on someone constantly for validation and affirmation.

You need to really just stand on your own

and be independent while also being with someone else.

And I think that has always been really important to me.

I think that it's crucial not to need someone, but to want someone.

Love and happiness I see as the same thing.

So, two sides of one coin.

I can't think of any fear as strong as the one of

''Does anybody love me?''

And if the answer is ''no'' at that moment, it really hurts.

It's really lonely, really alienating.

I think that's a big downside.

If we can call that a downside.

Love contributes to my happiness in life because

well actually my husband has kind of given me purpose since I've been here.

At the time when I met him.

I was really in a bad place where I was, in New York.

I wasn't doing well.

I was really depressed and he kind of took me out of that

and put me in this beautiful place.

And since then I have had a stable career and

I feel home.

So, I have my dogs and everything.

I think he

well I don't know.

It's just,

again, my friends told me it's not true

but I feel that he could get a better girl than I am.

Which is a stupid feeling because no one should feel that way.

But I still do, I don't know.

Don't give up.

When you can not find love in your city move somewhere else.

Change your life, change your, maybe friends.

But don't change yourself

and be sure about what you are and what you want to do

and you will probably find somebody that will fit with you.

I think freedom is

There's thousand different, different definitons of freedom.

And it depends on yourself.

For me it's

trying to be as honest as I can with myself

and with the people I love.



and freedom always comes with pain

and suffering.

So in order to be free

you need to go through that

and accept that suffering is part of it.

I think

choice is a massive luxury that we have. I think

choice is a massive luxury that we have.

Some people don't.

Right now like refugees and stuff.

They don't have a choice.

They have to survive and that's it, you know.

So in a way it's a luxury.

It's a huge opening.

But at the same time of course

it brings massive anxiety and

It takes time to find your way.

Because there's so many things.

Just like in a fucking supermarket.

Like I just wanted cornflakes.

You know like.

There's thousand fucking cornflakes.

Which do..

So of course it demands you

to be much more sure about what you need

and what you want.

So yeah it's overwhelming.

Big time.

It means whatever like

I want to be free.

No one's gonna tell me to do this and do that.

And that's why I decided to be a dancer.

Because now I can be my own,


Even though my parents said: ''Okay hm...''

But I mean

It's my life.

As long as I'm healthy and

I'm free

I'm good.

Freedom is



or the


to choose

to pick on the choices.


depending on our many choices

and who decides the choices

we are more or less free.

But also sexually

I think Berlin has a sexual scene

which is

fucking amazing.

And for me

Berlin has made me free in my sexuality a lot.

A lot, a lot, a lot.

I went to a sex club which I would never do before.

And I realise that actually

it's a great place.

People are very respectful and

and it's about pleasure.

And it's about trying to find

what really makes you

you know.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

So Berlin allows you this.


there's also a lot of history in Berlin.

And a lot of revolution.

And people saying ''No!''

So you feel like you want to be part of this as well.


Berlin is special you know.

When you wake up in the morning and you ask yourself

and before going to work

before doing anything.

Am I helping

liberating people?

Am I helping

giving people freedom and happiness?

Because if I'm not I'm oppressing.

And I think

It's a

very needed question to ask ourselves.

It's not just about me as an individual.

It's about me as part of humanity.

Part of a world system.


We see happiness as a big long life thing.


Happiness is moments

of life.

Then If you start seeing it like this, then it's fine.

Because if you start seeing is as a big thing

that you have to be happy all the time then

it's utopic.

So ehm.

Freedom definitely brings happiness.


Of course.

These questions were actually

pretty hard to answer.

So we put a lot of thought in them ourselves.

What makes us happy?

Happiness means to me when

All the things we discussed are in line. So

You have a good love life, you have a good career and you have good friends.

And you just are so free that you don't care about all these things.

And I think that thats the moment when you are the most happy.

When I am the most happy.

Generation Y is a problem. Its like all the choices we have.

Searching for happiness and things like that.


we are thinking so much about it that we almost forget to just do it.

Just do it and see what happens.

Happiness is something

that's different for everybody.


hat some people get from love, from their friends.

Some people get it from money.

Some people get it when they're like

in balance with their body and their mind.

It doesn't matter what other people think.

It's about what you think.

And if you feel happy then that's the most important thing.

For more infomation >> The search for happinnes from Z to A - Duration: 24:10.


DAY 2 The Total Yoga Body Workout Challenge - Duration: 24:44.

For more infomation >> DAY 2 The Total Yoga Body Workout Challenge - Duration: 24:44.


LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed - Duration: 2:46.

LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed

For more infomation >> LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed - Duration: 2:46.


Can I Appeal My Personal Injury Case? - Duration: 1:25.

Not every case is worthy of pursuing on appeal, but every case is worthy of being reviewed

by an appellate lawyer, to determine whether it should be pursued on appeal.

I worked on a case some years ago where a very experienced medical malpractice lawyer

in DC lost at the trial court level and he referred the client to me.

The client was unhappy with the result, not with the lawyer, but with the result, and

the lawyer didn't think that the appeals court would change the result, but I reviewed it

I saw an angle that I thought was worth pursuing.

And I did pursue that unusual angle in the case involving a jury instruction and I was

able to persuade the court of appeals to adopt my point of view and to rule that the trial

judge did make a mistake, and to send the case back for a new trial, and at that point

the defendant decided to settle.

So the client eventually did get properly compensated.

For more information visit

For more infomation >> Can I Appeal My Personal Injury Case? - Duration: 1:25.


Lies Will Cost You. Big Lies Will Kill You - Duration: 1:58.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both lied.

Most politicians do.

But some lies are worse than others.

Bill Clinton survived lies about sex because his favorite pastime did not affect the daily

lives of the American people.

And adults routinely lie about the same subject.

When Donald Trump lied about how much he made, or had in the bank, or how many Caucasians

are annually killed by African-Americans, it didn't strike many as an immediate disqualification

from office.

Mrs. Clinton lied about the email accounts she used while Secretary of State.

Lied when she said that no classified information was ever sent from her personal email account.

Lied when she said she gave authorities copies of all her work related emails.

Lied when she said she had State Department approval to do what she did.

In the eyes of many, it was a disqualification.

And once she started lying, she never stopped.

Lesson for candidates running for office?

Life will be easier if you don't lie.

If you get caught in a big lie, come clean.


Take your medicine, do your mea culpa, hold your press conference, admit your mistake,

and answer questions until the press has run out of questions.

Voters will forgive mistakes and stupidity.

They are unforgiving of a pathological liar who won't stop.

This issue is just one of several topics I have covered in my new Ebook, "10 Timeless

Lessons from the 2016 election."

It's free.

If you'd like a copy, go to near the top of the home page, type in your

email address and it's yours.

I'm Jay Townsend

For more infomation >> Lies Will Cost You. Big Lies Will Kill You - Duration: 1:58.


Backing Up For Beginners: Stay Focused with Doug McKinlay - Duration: 3:24.

Hi I'm Doug McKinlay and you're watching

AdoramaTV. This episode it's all about storage.

Now for those of you've been

shooting for a long time you probably

already have your own backup method,

that's fantastic.

Let me just say that there are lots of

different ways of doing this, but as a

photographer your backup needs will

change as you change so for this episode

what we're looking at is mainly to

dealing with pictures from photographers

who might be new to the whole idea of

storage. Now there's nothing more

traumatic for photographer then losing a

bunch of pictures due to sloppy or lazy

backup regimes. I know this personally,

when I first came to digital I lost a

whole hard drive full of images when it

failed because I didn't back it up. I

was determined not to let that happen

again. As with all things photographic

backing your pictures up can be costly

but not initially so that's will look at

a safe method of backing your pictures

up, is to store your images on at least two

drives, even three.

Fortunately external drives and come

down in price in the last few years. I

use Western Digital but there are other

manufacturers out there. Now for a 4

terabyte Western Digital drive it's

about a hundred fourteen US dollars,

about 90 pounds. You can consider using

the Western Digital My Book Duo which is

basically a drive system that has two slots

for two separate drives. You can mirror

the drives and your images will be

copied onto both. Now this system holds

anywhere between 4 terabytes and 16

terabyte drives, a lot of space but that

begs the question what do I do once my

hard drives are full? The conventional

wisdom is that when doing backups use

the 3,2,1 method. We keep three copies of all

your files. One primary and two secondary.

You keep all those files on at least two

different methods of media but here

we're talking to different drives, you

keep at least one copy off-site. This

creates a really good method of

redundancy. The off-site is a backup in

case of theft of fire.

With this system you should be safe. As I

said earlier your backup needs will

change as you progress as a photographer,

so it's up to you keep abreast of new

technology and new methods of storage. The

clouds is one of the latest methods of

storage. On the surface it sounds like a


Upload your pictures to a server and

create the redundancy.

However if you're shooting thousands of

pictures the upload will be slow because

you need lots of bandwidth but if it's

just a few hundred pictures it's a good

way of creating redundancy. Some

providers even offer free storage if

you sign up for the service.

Ultimately what we want to do with the backups is

create a safe way to store pictures and

create redundancy. Whichever method you

choose it must work hand-in-hand with

your workflow, it just can't be an


It should be just as important as

getting those great pictures. After all

you'd hate to lose all those pictures to a

faulty backup regime. I'm Doug McKinlay

for AdoramaTV, thanks for watching. Don't

forget you can subscribe to AdoramaTV

for more great videos and please let us know what

you think. You can like, share, comment on this

video and please stop by the Adorama

Learning Center for more great tips and


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