Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017


United States is Still a British Colony.

by Pao Chang.

The United States is Still a British Colony is an excellent book that explores the forbidden

history of the United States and reveals evidence showing that the American people have never

been free from the British Crown. If you have read many of my articles about freedom and

the legal system, you should know I am a supporter of the fact that the Constitution was a deceptive

document from the beginning and that most of the so-called Founding Fathers betrayed

the American people. Furthermore, you should know that Rome still rules the world. After

reading this book thoroughly, you will most likely agree with me.


(The Book 607 pages)

America Is Still A British Colony

Illuminati III Murdered by The Monarchs



August 17, 1996

An introduction by the �Informer�

This is the latest from a man who visits me quite often. He and another man researched

my theory that we have never been free from the British Crown. This disc shows the results.

I have states that we will never win in their courts. This shows conclusively why. We have

the hard copy of the treaties that are the footnotes. This predates Schroder�s material,

my research of the 1861 stats by Lincoln that put us under the War Powers confiscation acts,

and John Nelson�s material. All our material supports that the real Principal, the King

of England, still rules this country through the bankers and why we own no property in

allodium. This is why it is so important to start OUR courts of God�s natural (common)

Law and break away from all the crap they have handed us. This is one reason Virginia

had a law to hang all lawyers but was somehow, by someone, (the King) set aside to let them

operate again. Some good people put in the original 13th amendment so that without the

lawyers the King could not continue his strangle hold on us. James shows how that was quashed

by the King. I am happy that James� research of six months bears out my theory, that most

people would not listen to me, that we are still citizen/subjects under the kings of

England. My article called �Reality� published in the American Bulletin and the article of

mine on the �Atocha case,� wherein Florida in 1981 used it�s sovereignty under the

British crown to try to take away the gold from the wreck found in Florida waters supports

this premise. James makes mention of the Law dictionaries being England�s Law Dict. you

will not is lists the reign of all the Kings of England. It never mentions the reign of

the Presidents of this country. Ever wonder Why? Get this out to as many people as you


The Informer.

The United States is still a British Colony

The trouble with history is, we weren�t there when it took place and it can be changed

to fit someones belief and/or traditions, or it can be taught in the public schools

to favor a political agenda, and withhold many facts. I know you have been taught that

we won the Revolutionary War and defeated the British, but I can prove to the contrary.

I want you to read this paper with an open mind, and allow yourself to be instructed

with the following verifiable facts. You be the judge and don�t let prior conclusions

on your part or incorrect teaching, keep you from the truth.

I too was always taught in school and in studying our history books that our freedom came from

the Declaration of Independence and was secured by our winning the Revolutionary War. I�m

going to discuss a few documents that are included at the end of this paper, in the

footnotes. The first document is the first Charter of Virginia in 1606 (footnote #1).

In the first paragraph, the king of England granted our fore fathers license to settle

and colonize America. The definition for license is as follows.

�In Government Regulation. Authority to do some act or carry on some trade or business,

in its nature lawful but prohibited by statute, except with the permission of the civil authority

or which would otherwise be unlawful.� Bouvier�s Law Dictionary, 1914.

Keep in mind those that came to America from England were British subjects. So you can

better understand what I�m going to tell you, here are the definitions for subject

and citizen.

�In monarchical governments, by subject is meant one who owes permanent allegiance

to the monarch.� Bouvier�s Law Dictionary, 1914.

�Constitutional Law. One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws.

The natives of Great Britain are subjects of the British government. Men in free governments

are subjects as well as citizens; as citizens they enjoy rights and franchises; as subjects

they are bound to obey the laws. The term is little used, in this sense, in countries

enjoying a republican form of government.� Swiss Nat. Ins. Co. v. Miller, 267 U.S. 42,

45 S. Ct. 213, 214, 69 L.Ed. 504. Blacks fifth Ed.

I chose to give the definition for subject first, so you could better understand what

definition of citizen is really being used in American law. Below is the definition of

citizen from Roman law.

�The term citizen was used in Rome to indicate the possession of private civil rights, including

those accruing under the Roman family and inheritance law and the Roman contract and

property law. All other subjects were peregrines. But in the beginning of the 3d century the

distinction was abolished and all subjects were citizens; 1 sel. Essays in Anglo-Amer.

L. H. 578.� Bouvier�s Law Dictionary, 1914.

The king was making a commercial venture when he sent his subjects to America, and used

his money and resources to do so. I think you would admit the king had a lawful right

to receive gain and prosper from his venture. In the Virginia Charter he declares his sovereignty

over the land and his subjects and in paragraph 9 he declares the amount of gold, silver and

copper he is to receive if any is found by his subjects. There could have just as easily

been none, or his subjects could have been killed by the Indians. This is why this was

a valid right of the king (Jure Coronae, �In right of the crown,� Black�s forth Ed.),

the king expended his resources with the risk of total loss.

If you�ll notice in paragraph 9 the king declares that all his heirs and successors

were to also receive the same amount of gold, silver and copper that he claimed with this

Charter. The gold that remained in the colonies was also the kings. He provided the remainder

as a benefit for his subjects, which amounted to further use of his capital. You will see

in this paper that not only is this valid, but it is still in effect today. If you will

read the rest of the Virginia Charter you will see that the king declared the right

and exercised the power to regulate every aspect of commerce in his new colony. A license

had to be granted for travel connected with transfer of goods (commerce) right down to

the furniture they sat on. A great deal of the king�s declared property was ceded to

America in the Treaty of 1783. I want you to stay focused on the money and the commerce

which was not ceded to America.

This brings us to the Declaration of Independence. Our freedom was declared because the king

did not fulfill his end of the covenant between king and subject. The main complaint was taxation

without representation, which was reaffirmed in the early 1606 Charter granted by the king.

It was not a revolt over being subject to the king of England, most wanted the protection

and benefits provided by the king. Because of the kings refusal to hear their demands

and grant relief, separation from England became the lesser of two evils. The cry of

freedom and self determination became the rallying cry for the colonist. The slogan

�Don�t Tread On Me� was the standard borne by the militias.

The Revolutionary War was fought and concluded when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington

at Yorktown. As Americans we have been taught that we defeated the king and won our freedom.

The next document I will use is the Treaty of 1783, which will totally contradict our

having won the Revolutionary War. (footnote 2).

I want you to notice in the first paragraph that the king refers to himself as prince

of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States. You know from this that the United

States did not negotiate this Treaty of peace in a position of strength and victory, but

it is obvious that Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams negotiated a Treaty of

further granted privileges from the king of England. Keep this in mind as you study these

documents. You also need to understand the players of those that negotiated this Treaty.

For the Americans it was Benjamin Franklin Esgr., a great patriot and standard bearer

of freedom. Or was he? His title includes Esquire.

An Esquire in the above usage was a granted rank and Title of nobility by the king, which

is below Knight and above a yeoman, common man. An Esquire is someone that does not do

manual labor as signified by this status, see the below definitions.

�Esquires by virtue of their offices; as justices of the peace, and others who bear

any office of trust under the crown�.for whosever studieth the laws of the realm, who

studieth in the universities, who professeth the liberal sciences, and who can live idly,

and without manual labor, and will bear the port, charge, and countenance of a gentleman,

he shall be called master, and shall be taken for a gentleman.� Blackstone Commentaries

p. 561-562

�Esquire � In English Law. A title of dignity next above gentleman, and below knight.

Also a title of office given to sheriffs, serjeants, and barristers at law, justices

of the peace, and others.� Blacks Law Dictionary fourth ed. p. 641

Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay as you can read in the Treaty were all Esquires

and were the signers of this Treaty and the only negotiators of the Treaty. The representative

of the king was David Hartley Esqr..

Benjamin Franklin was the main negotiator for the terms of the Treaty, he spent most

of the War traveling between England and France. The use of Esquire declared his and the others

British subjection and loyalty to the crown.

In the first article of the Treaty most of the kings claims to America are relinquished,

except for his claim to continue receiving gold, silver and copper as gain for his business

venture. Article 3 gives Americans the right to fish the waters around the United States

and its rivers. In article 4 the United States agreed to pay all bona fide debts. If you

will read my other papers on money you will understand that the financiers were working

with the king. Why else would he protect their interest with this Treaty?

I wonder if you have seen the main and obvious point? This Treaty was signed in 1783, the

war was over in 1781. If the United States defeated England, how is the king granting

rights to America, when we were now his equal in status? We supposedly defeated him in the

Revolutionary War! So why would these supposed patriot Americans sign such a Treaty, when

they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence

and the Revolutionary War? If we had won the Revolutionary War, the king granting us our

land would not be necessary, it would have been ours by his loss of the Revolutionary

War. To not dictate the terms of a peace treaty in a position of strength after winning a

war; means the war was never won. Think of other wars we have won, such as when we defeated

Japan. Did McArther allow Japan to dictate to him the terms for surrender? No way! All

these men did is gain status and privilege granted by the king and insure the subjection

of future unaware generations. Worst of all, they sold out those that gave their lives

and property for the chance to be free.

When Cornwallis surrendered to Washington he surrendered the battle, not the war. Read

the Article of Capitulation signed by Cornwallis at Yorktown (footnote 3)

Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to

Washington during his surrender that �a holy war will now begin on America, and when

it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will

unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.��.�in less than two hundred years the whole nation

will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine

will be the British Empire.�

All the Treaty did was remove the United States as a liability and obligation of the king.

He no longer had to ship material and money to support his subjects and colonies. At the

same time he retained financial subjection through debt owed after the Treaty, which

is still being created today; millions of dollars a day. And his heirs and successors

are still reaping the benefit of the kings original venture. If you will read the following

quote from Title 26, you will see just one situation where the king is still collecting

a tax from those that receive a benefit from him, on property which is purchased with the

money the king supplies, at almost the same percentage:


26 USC Sec. 1491


Sec. 1491. Imposition of tax


There is hereby imposed on the transfer of property by a citizen or resident of the United

States, or by a domestic corporation or partnership, or by an estate or trust which is not a foreign

estate or trust, to a foreign corporation as paid-in surplus or as a contribution to

capital, or to a foreign estate or trust, or to a foreign partnership, an excise tax

equal to 35 percent of the excess of �

(1) the fair market value of the property so transferred, over

(2) the sum of �

(A) the adjusted basis (for determining gain) of such property in the hands of the transferor,


(B) the amount of the gain recognized to the transferor at the time of the transfer.


(Aug. 16, 1954, ch. 736, 68A Stat. 365; Oct. 4, 1976, Pub. L. 94-455, title X, Sec. 1015(a),

90 Stat. 1617; Nov. 6, 1978, Pub. L. 95-600, title VII, Sec. 701(u)(14)(A), 92 Stat. 2919.)



1978 � Pub. L. 95-600 substituted �estate or trust� for �trust� wherever appearing.

1976 � Pub. L. 94-455 substituted in provisions preceding par.

(1) �property� for �stocks and securities� and �35 percent� for �27 1/2 percent�

and in par.

(1) �fair market value� for �value� and �property� for �stocks and securities�

and in par.

(2) designated existing provisions as subpar. (A) and added subpar. (B).


Section 701(u)(14)(C) of Pub. L. 95-600 provided that: �The amendments made by this paragraph

(amending this section and section 1492 of this title) shall apply to transfers after

October 2, 1975.�


Section 1015(d) of Pub. L. 94-455 provided that: �The amendments made by this section

(enacting section 1057 of this title, amending this section and section 1492 of this title,

and renumbering former section 1057 as 1058 of this title) shall apply to transfers of

property after October 2, 1975.�

A new war was declared when the Treaty was signed. The king wanted his land back and

he knew he would be able to regain his property for his heirs with the help of his world financiers.

Here is a quote from the king speaking to Parliament after the Revolutionary War had


(Six weeks after) the capitulation of Yorktown, the king of Great Britain, in his speech to

Parliament (Nov. 27, 1781), declared �That he should not answer the trust committed to

the sovereign of a free people, if he consented to sacrifice either to his own desire of peace,

or to their temporary ease and relief, those essential rights and permanent interests,

upon the maintenance and preservation of which the future strength and security of the country

must forever depend.� The determined language of this speech, pointing to the continuance

of the American war, was echoed back by a majority of both Lords and Commons.

In a few days after (Dec. 12), it was moved in the House of Commons that a resolution

should be adopted declaring it to be their opinion �That all farther attempts to reduce

the Americans to obedience by force would be ineffectual, and injurious to the true

interests of Great Britain.� The rest of the debate can be found in (footnote 4). What

were the true interests of the king? The gold, silver and copper.

The new war was to be fought without Americans being aware that a war was even being waged,

it was to be fought by subterfuge and key personnel being placed in key positions. The

first two parts of �A Country Defeated In Victory,� go into detail about how this

was done and exposes some of the main players.

Every time you pay a tax you are transferring your labor to the king, and his heirs and

successors are still receiving interest from the original American Charters.

The following is the definition of tribute (tax). �A contribution which is raised by

a prince or sovereign from his subjects to sustain the expenses of the state. A sum of

money paid by an inferior sovereign or state to a superior potentate, to secure the friendship

or protection of the latter.� Blacks Law Dictionary forth ed. p. 1677

As further evidence, not that any is needed, a percentage of taxes that are paid are to

enrich the king/queen of England. For those that study Title 26 you will recognize IMF,

which means Individual Master File, all tax payers have one. To read one you have to be

able to break their codes using file 6209, which is about 467 pages. On your IMF you

will find a blocking series, which tells you what type of tax you are paying. You will

probably find a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 says is reserved. You then look up the

BMF 300-399, which is the Business Master File in 6209. You would have seen prior to

1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. Meaning everyone is considered a business

and involved in commerce and you are being held liable for a tax via a treaty between

the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K.. The form that is supposed to be used for this

is form 8288, FIRPTA � Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account, you won�t find

many people using this form, just the 1040 form. The 8288 form can be found in the Law

Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. If you will check the OMB�s paper � Office

of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information Collections,

Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act, you will find this form under OMB number 1545-0902,

which says U.S. withholding tax-return for dispositions by foreign persons of U.S. real

property interests-statement of withholding on dispositions, by foreign persons, of U.S.

Form #8288 #8288a

These codes have since been changed to read as follows; IMF 300-309, Barred Assement,

CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reserved,

the BMF 300-309 reads the same as IMF 300-309. BMF 390-399 reads U.S./U.K. Tax Treaty Claims.

The long and short of it is nothing changed, the government just made it plainer, the 1040

is the payment of a foreign tax to the king/queen of England. We have been in financial servitude

since the Treaty of 1783.

Another Treaty between England and the United States was Jay�s Treaty of 1794 (footnote

5). If you will remember from the Paris Treaty of 1783, John Jay Esqr. was one of the negotiators

of the Treaty. In 1794 he negotiated another Treaty with Britain. There was great controversy

among the American people about this Treaty.

In Article 2 you will see the king is still on land that was supposed to be ceded to the

United States at the Paris Treaty. This is 13 years after America supposedly won the

Revolutionary War. I guess someone forgot to tell the king of England. In Article 6,

the king is still dictating terms to the United States concerning the collection of debt and

damages, the British government and World Bankers claimed we owe. In Article 12 we find

the king dictating terms again, this time concerning where and with who the United States

could trade. In Article 18 the United States agrees to a wide variety of material that

would be subject to confiscation if Britain found said material going to its enemies ports.

Who won the Revolutionary War?

That�s right, we were conned by some of our early fore fathers into believing that

we are free and sovereign people, when in fact we had the same status as before the

Revolutionary War. I say had, because our status is far worse now than then. I�ll


Early on in our history the king was satisfied with the interest made by the Bank of the

United States. But when the Bank Charter was canceled in 1811 it was time to gain control

of the government, in order to shape government policy and public policy. Have you never asked

yourself why the British, after burning the White House and all our early records during

the War of 1812, left and did not take over the government. The reason they did, was to

remove the greatest barrier to their plans for this country. That barrier was the newly

adopted 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The purpose for this Amendment

was to stop anyone from serving in the government who was receiving a Title of nobility or honor.

It was and is obvious that these government employees would be loyal to the granter of

the Title of nobility or honor.

The War of 1812 served several purposes. It delayed the passage of the 13th Amendment

by Virginia, allowed the British to destroy the evidence of the first 12 states ratification

of this Amendment, and it increased the national debt, which would coerce the Congress to reestablish

the Bank Charter in 1816 after the Treaty of Ghent was ratified by the Senate in 1815.

Forgotten Amendment

The Articles of Confederation, Article VI states: �nor shall the united States in

Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any Title of nobility.�

The Constitution for the united States, in Article, I Section 9, clause 8 states: �No

Title of nobility shall be granted by the united States; and no Person holding any Office

or Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any

present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign


Also, Section 10, clause 1 states, �No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or

Confederation; grant Letters of Marque or Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit;

make any Thing but Gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill

of Attainder, ex post facto of Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any

Title of nobility.�

There was however, no measurable penalty for violation of the above Sections, Congress

saw this as a great threat to the freedom of Americans, and our Republican form of government.

In January 1810 Senator Reed proposed the Thirteenth Amendment, and on April 26, 1810

was passed by the Senate 26 to 1 (1st-2nd session, p. 670) and by the House 87 to 3

on May 1, 1810 (2nd session, p. 2050) and submitted to the seventeen states for ratification.

The Amendment reads as follows:

�If any citizen of the United States shall Accept, claim, receive or retain any title

of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any

present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince

or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and

shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.�

From An �American Dictionary of the English Language, 1st Edition,� Noah Webster, (1828)

defines nobility as: �3. The qualities which constitute distinction of rank in civil society,

according to the customs or laws of the country; that eminence or dignity which a man derives

from birth or title conferred, and which places him in an order above common men.�; and,

�4. The persons collectively who enjoy rank above commoners; the peerage.�

The fore-mentioned Sections in the Constitution for the united States, and the above proposed

Thirteenth Amendment sought to prohibit the above definition, which would give any advantage

or privilege to some citizens an unequal opportunity to achieve or exercise political power. Thirteen

of the seventeen states listed below understood the importance of this Amendment.

For more infomation >> The United States is Still a British Colony - Duration: 29:01.


Soy Luna Who is Who Malena vs Delfi [Tłumaczenie] - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna Who is Who Malena vs Delfi [Tłumaczenie] - Duration: 3:28.


To Be Hero 11 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.

I still don't know, really...

What exactly is my superpower?

My turn!

Your attacks don't work on me—

Min-chan, it's dangerous!



He's the strongest boss in the whole universe!

He'll just tear you in half if you try! Understand?

I've already died once.

Even if I died, I wouldn't give a farty-face.


Holy water...?

It's the fake me...

There is a toilet, after all!

Lucky me! Maybe I still can get back!

Nope, never mind.

Underestimating one's foe is the greatest insult one can give to a warrior.

You are the first and last person to humiliate me so!

Show me...

...your full power, Earth Hero!

You would still underestimate me?

You think you can fuck with me, asshole?


My stupid son's pissing on me!

I'm sick of hearing your sexy moans.

Father, forgive me!

Don't kill me! Please!

I don't want to die yet!

What are you going to do?

I'll do anything!

I'll be anyone!

Turn to dust!

Wh-What happened?

See? I'm strong!

Fight for real!

But do I actually even

have any superpowers?

All the enemies just died without me doing anything so far...

I never had superpowers,

and I was never a superhero!


Can you say that in the dialogue font,

not the monologue font? Dialogue!

I'm no hero...

You're the hero of this world!

You're the only one who can beat him!

Min-chan, no!

Get away from here!

Good to see she's a lively one!



Who's Yamada?

That was so cool, Yamada-san! You're stronger than me!

Is it the power of the meat he ate?! Damn!

I'm super-macho, thanks to my honey!

They say to never let your guard down, and never shave your balls!


Who the hell is Yamada, anyway?

I've seen through your tricks, Yamada—

It stinks!

You're in the way, Yamada-

From behind, too? Goddamn it!

Are they your helper?

And what is this indescribable scent?

Father, do what you will with the Earth,

but I won't let you hurt Min-chan!

Min-chan, I'll protect you if it costs me my life!

Is that golden stuff what I think it is?

Don't say it...

You would throw aside your claim to the throne,

and fight me for the sake of that girl?

Are you serious?

Fate! Fate!

This is all fate!

I've had enough of your shit, in more ways than one!

Shi! Ri! Metsu! Retsu!

Kan! Zen! Mu! Ketsu!

Great King Kick!

No need for love!

No need for pity!

Crush! Destroy!


Death! Death!


Mister Yamada!

Please, save Yamada-san!

Now then, Yamada...

By the way, who are you?

No! No! No!

Time for you to die!


Is it all my fault?

I see.

He was a dataling?

Earthlings, what did you do to him?

Why does he not fear?

Why does he fight?

I possess the most information in the universe,

and Earthlings are the one thing I don't understand.

My son...

Are you going to leave me, too?

I'm done.

I'm going to Hell and taking this place with me.

W-Wait, Yamada-san,

don't be hasty!

Who cares?

Worst he'll get from jumping at this height is some broken bones.

And once he can't move he won't be

able to enjoy the happiness that waits for him.


What kind of happiness is

there for a guy like me?

Hell if I know,

but as long as you're alive, anything can happen, right?

That's what makes it fun, right?

Oh, I found this out-of-print issue of Teen Girls in School Swimsuits.

Teen Girls in School Swimsuits Oh, I found this out-of-print issue of Teen Girls in School Swimsuits.

Details Here! Teen Girls in School Swimsuits Oh, I found this out-of-print issue of Teen Girls in School Swimsuits.

Teen Girls in School Swimsuits You want? Details Here!

Teen Girls in School Swimsuits Stupid dad! Details Here!

Teen Girls in School Swimsuits Stupid dad!

Teen Girls in School Swimsuits Are you trying to save him or kill him?

I found scenes like this in their memory information.

The logical circuitry they're using is completely foreign to me.

But they're always emitting warm signals,

bringing me peace,

and driving me wild!

Then I shall release you from that dream!

Stop it! Stop!

Farewell... Ya...mada...

Wait! Don't go!

Mister Yamada!

Give the two of them back!

Do you want to die, too?


I don't want to lose anyone else...

Mister Yamada...

You're going to beat me, right?

All this chaos is my fault.

If my dying will fix it all,

kill me!

So the brave hero of Earth

falls to his knees and begs to surrender?

I told you, I'm no hero,

and I have no superpowers.

I was imagining the whole thing.

All your men died because of me.

If you want revenge, take it out on me.

Very well.

Yell "I am a loser.

Please let me die." three times.

Then I shall kill you and leave this planet.

I swear on my name as king.

Keep your promise.

11th Day as a Hero: Keep your promise.

11th Day as a Hero:

I am a loser. Please let me die. 11th Day as a Hero:

"I am a loser. Please let me die." I am a loser. Please let me die. 11th Day as a Hero:

"I am a loser. Please let me die." 11th Day as a Hero:

No! "I am a loser. Please let me die." 11th Day as a Hero:

"I am a loser. Please let me die." 11th Day as a Hero:

No, don't say that! "I am a loser. Please let me die." 11th Day as a Hero:

You're a hero!

You're the only one who can save the world!

I'm a loser! Please let me die!

If you die, the world will really end!

You're the one who told me the story

about the hero beating the evil King!

Did you forget all that?

Wake up!

Father, stop!

Shut up, woman!

Shut up and die!

For more infomation >> To Be Hero 11 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.



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of every other indy 500 crash zips

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garbage main straight as marvel's kicked

up from the car had pink pain pain off

the GTRs long long hood the lateral geez

first press me into the prominent

bolsters of the optional AMG race seats

and then into their impacts it's

invigorating but then comes the deep

guttural nasty fellow of the hand-built

for dot 0 litre v8 massage done to 585

horsepower courtesy new turbochargers

with a higher boost pressure plus a

modified compression ratio sharpen

throttle mapping and a modified exhaust

including an additional center mount

port Mercedes says the entire combustion

process has been returned and the grand

total is 82 more horsepower than in the

AMG GTS yet the resulting acceleration

advantages in just a matter of extra

power 0 to 60 run is estimated at 3.5

seconds versus 3.7 of the GTS few areas

of the GTR have avoided the weights /


this includes the wider front fenders

group torque tube driveshaft and

multiple structural braces made of

carbon fiber plus forged wheels and

composite materials taking the place of

several metal parts Mercedes had most of

these components on hand at all garbage

to let us waste them ourselves and the

way difference is obvious

lifting the nine pound driveshaft makes

you look like the rock and it's easy to

see how all of it together shaves off

about 200 pounds versus the GTS is

curved way a further 37 pounds can be

cut by opting for the carbon ceramic

disc brakes which provides fade-free

mammoth stopping power as the main

straight dips down hill before leading

into a sharp right turn

they are the definition of confidence

inspiring despite the very mercede

low-effort pedal it makes for perfectly

Pleasant real world driving really the

it's the gentleman in lab coats manning

the wind machine that have made the

biggest difference

it all begins upfront those 15 chrome

slats that boldly differentiate the are

from its GT siblings and evoke the

original 1950s l race cars actually

disguise the fact that girl has been

tilted forward for improved aerodynamics

beneath that is the active air

management system or a white box filled

with vertical slat they automatically

open one additional cooling is needed

but mostly stay close to reduce drag and

direct air down under the car to the

next bit of engineering wizardry the

exclusive new active aerodynamics

profile when the cars and race mode as

speeds higher than 50 miles per hour a

carbon-fiber blade lowers by 1.6 inches

and significantly changes airflow this

reduces front axle lift by essentially

something the car to the ground and

leads to improved high-speed steering

and stability there wasn't a GTS on

hands to compare to this improved bit

but there certainly is never a reduction

in confidence from the GTR steering

which lets you sharply and fluidly turn

into corners but more on that shortly

as the air moves under the GTR its

channel to the special rear diffuser

were up to the air outlets between the

taillights shared with the one run lower

gtc these help the rear of the car

remained planted as does the carbon

fiber wing that can be manually adjusted

to match the downforce requirements of a

particular track or dry and electric

adjustment would have added weight and

all the downforce continues to be

appreciated as any audio drama continues

to throw curves at the GTR particularly

those cresting a series of blind hills

that perpetually left me wondering which

way do i turn again handling the rebound

of such track elevation changes and

real-world pavement irregularities is

the new coilover suspension special to

the GTR most elements are constructed of

forged aluminum to reduce unsprung

Matt's a thicker anti-roll bar is

applied at the rear and the adjustable

coilovers allow you to alter the ride

height of needed they also combined with

mg ride control the continuously

variable and adaptive damping system

that works within three ranges comfort

were all street driving sport for

undulating racetracks like The Green

Hell of the Nurburgring for which that

snazzy AMG Greenhow magnet paint job is

named and Sport+ for Christine modern

grand prix circuits like Hong Garza now

out in the real world

comfort is certainly a relative term the

GTR won't beat you up as much as other

track-focused cars or that other GTR

what bad roads are still during and

being mindful of road undulations is an

absolute must to keep the aerodynamic

underbody on crunch

yet the real world is provide a better

chance to showcase another advancement

for the GTR AMG's first application of

rear-wheel steering it's frankly a bit

difficult to tell that it's doing its

job on the track but on a tight

technical mountain road filled with

hairpins and switchbacks its ability to

turn the rear wheels up to 1.5 degrees

improve agility and reduces steering

effort it also aids stability at higher

speeds up front

however the staring also differs ended

its electromechanical versus the

hydraulic power sterring found on the

GTS again one of those wasn't on hand so

it's tough to confirm the assumption

that some feel is lost in favor of

increased response either way there was

no reason to complain about what's

present indeed there's brushes little to

complain about with the GTR perhaps the

long hood can make the car hard to place

in the optional fixed back race seats

definitely won't fit everyone there's

also the matter of how it compares to

other track going grades we compare it

to the porsche 911 gt3 RS says the

violence lowers AMG's chairman of the

management board and one certifiably

confident guy who's been kicking around

the in-house tuner since 1994 but we are


always keep your claims that has a

banging the gavel

sadly that's a challenge to be confirmed

another day and indeed this one is

coming to an end as the light drizzle

foreshadowed by rainbow in the distance

you can see it in our 316 car video

drifts on to the audio drama a perfect

opportunity then to try out the GTRs

final edition the nine mode adjustable

traction control system when stability

control has been deactivated the special

yellow knob located within easy reach on

the dash

it's cheekily on mercedes and its

singular purpose and afterthought

placement is turned right for additional

traction control interference or left to

dial it back until shut completely off

on level nine

it really is a brilliant way to let you

dial in the car to match your skill

preferences and current road conditions

and to easily do so while driving

extremely fast at the same time however

you don't have to turn stability control

off to enjoy the GTR as there is more

than enough leeway available and Sport+

to make you feel in control even when

skipping across these Marvel's the

system was more than happy to let me

deal with the situation perhaps that the

lasting impression of the GTR despite

that stem to stern enhancements over

lesser AMG GT it remains inaccessible

high-performance machine that can serve

and flatter a diverse range of talents

it's also not wholly inappropriate for

places other than a track thanks to its

reasonably livable suspension in one

hundred percent mercedes-benz interior

it's certainly an emphatic message to

the world that Affalterbach can do a lot

more than just bigger engines loud

exhausts and fancy wheels

For more infomation >> [AWESOME CAR] NEW PERFORMANCE? 2018 MERCEDES BENZ AMG GT-R - Duration: 10:29.


To Be Hero 10 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.

Wait. Are you going to abandon Min-chan and me?

I've had enough of having my life

being dictated by you and our child!

I'm sick of it!

I've got things I want to do, too!

Is Mom never coming back?

That's not it.

She's just going on a long trip.

Did she abandon me?

No, she'll be back soon.

With plenty of souvenirs for you—


I heard everything!

Mom abandoned me because of you!

You lied about protecting Mom and me!

Give Mom back!


I want to see Mom!

You wanna go, transfer student?

Super annoying.

Get her!

Let's go!


What'd you come here for?

Sensei called me to school.

Said it was urgent.

Did something happen?

Another fight?

Leave me alone.

I can look out for myself.

Is this the Earthling that seduced my son?

A-Are you an alien?

At least she's female.

But I have no interest in women anymore.

All the women who got involved

with me ended up in misfortune.

You'll vanish from this world before long, too—



Horrifically lacking!

Don't die just yet.

You have to see how I massacre all the Earthlings.

I'll take my time killing you after that.

Man, my head hurts.

This planet's booze is some crazy shit.

Just one sip made me blank out.

I drank too much.


What's wrong, Min-chan?!


Morning Yamada!

Min-chan! Min-chan!


Hang in there, Min-chan!

Min-chan! Min-chan!

Hang in there!


You still can't come home?

Can't say I appreciate checking your phone during a business dinner. You still can't come home?

Min-chan has a seafood allergy! Can't say I appreciate checking your phone during a business dinner. You still can't come home?

She's in a lot of pain. Min-chan has a seafood allergy! Can't say I appreciate checking your phone during a business dinner. You still can't come home?

Can't say I appreciate checking your phone during a business dinner.

I apologize.

You have it good for someone so young.

Calls and texts... You're more popular than us.

Wife calling

I'm really sorry! Wife calling

Wife calling It's one of those Nigerian prince scam callers. I'll switch it off right away.

It's your wife, right?

Maybe it's urgent.

Take the call.

Hello? I'm working, damn it!


What? Is she that sick?!


Hey, stop!


Why can't I get through to the taxi company?!

You knew about Min-chan's allergy!

Why'd you feed her chirimenjako!

It's got prawns in it!



Hang in there, Min-chan! You can't die!

If you do, I die with you!

I won't die, damn it!

You're alive? Thank goodness!

Who was it? Beatles was it?!

Who made my waifu—

That was a good one, Moemoe.


W-What are you doing here?

Come back already, you useless brats.

Give me another chance, Father!

My plan is one step away from fruition.

My disguise skill is perfect!

Nobody has noticed who I am.

I can completely erase this planet's superhero.

Perfect, my ass.

The moment the "Shit, Shit, Come Out" spell didn't work on you,

it was obvious you weren't an Earthling!


My rubrub transformation ability is flawless.

I can look like anyone I want!

Father knows!

He remembers all those lonely nights he called me to his room,

made me transform into all sorts of women,

and stay with him all night!

Even if you were just trying to get ahead, that's fucked up.

That's right. I am flawless perfection—

SHADDUP! That's right. I am flawless perfection—


Don't reveal that!

Moemoe, too.

Your horsing around ends here.

We're leaving at once.

No. I'm staying here with Min-chan.


Your little brother is dead, and your older brother is useless and a crossdresser.

You must inherit the throne and

conquer the entire universe in the near future!

For the sake of the universe and mine.

Sorry, Min-chan.

I've got sudden plans.

Let's go to the beach some other time.

It's all for the company's sake.

For the sake of themselves, companies, and universes...

Everyone's so selfish.


I don't care about the throne.

I'd rather stay with Min-chan.

This place is tiny, but warm.

When I met Min-chan, I found out about this warmth and came to love them both.

This is the home I seek!

Hey, wake up already! It's showtime!

Huh? Time for the last train already?

Well said!

You've become a man, son.

Then take responsibility for the future yourself.

Father! Thank you for understanding!

The danger has passed, Min-chan!

Now Earth is totally safe!

Moemoe, were you listening to what I said?

I said take responsibility yourself!

If you like this place so much,

fertilize its soil with your corpse!

Oh, no! It's all coming down!

Wait, he's still over there!

You can't! Fatty will be fine!

No! Don't touch me! You can't! Fatty will be fine!

You can't! Fatty will be fine!

Down we go!

I'm on it!

What would a brat like you know?

Earthlings have short lifespans.

You will have to endure limitless sorrow when you're left behind.

Control Center!

Warp us to the ship!

And bring this planet to ruin!

No way! A light speed EM cannon?!

And the story's entering the climax!

This is bad!

It's the perfect scene for the superhero to make his belated entrance.

I take a nap, and I feel like I've been beaten black and blue.

And the apartment complex is gone.

Wow, did I fall from the third floor? Being immortal is crazy.

Hey you, the big asshole!

Who are you?

That doesn't matter.

How dare you do this to my home? There's nothing left!

You'll pay!

Your ass is grass, and I'm gonna smoke it!

Your ass is grass, and I'm gonna smoke it! Your ass is grass, and I'm gonna smoke it!

Oh, wow. Are you an ass man, superhero?

You even broke my toilet!

This is but the beginning.

What I want to destroy is this entire planet!

Dude, don't tell me...

Your wife cucked you and had another man's child, and now you're mad?

Wife Cucked You Your wife cucked you and had another man's child, and now you're mad?

Another Man's Child Wife Cucked You Your wife cucked you and had another man's child, and now you're mad?

Mad Another Man's Child Wife Cucked You Your wife cucked you and had another man's child, and now you're mad?

Mad Another Man's Child Wife Cucked You N-Now that you know my secret,

N-Now that you know my secret,

I'll have to erase you, leaving not a speck behind!

Wow, bull's-eye?

Tenth Day as a Superhero "This Episode Is Low on Laughs and Salt Content"

This episode is low on comedy and salt content. Tenth Day as a Superhero "This Episode Is Low on Laughs and Salt Content"

Tenth Day as a Superhero "This Episode Is Low on Laughs and Salt Content"

Taking a closer look, your face really pisses me off.

Show me what you've got, superhero!

Piss off already!

W-What just happened?

My all-out hit bore no fruit. He didn't even pant.

Fruit panties?

Wearable and edible?

Man, I still don't really get it.

Just what is my superpower?

For more infomation >> To Be Hero 10 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.


C -130J Super Hercules carrying Ammunition & Equipment- MILITARY TECHNOLOGY - Duration: 5:02.

C -130J Super Hercules carrying Ammunition & Equipment- MILITARY TECHNOLOGY

C -130J Super Hercules carrying Ammunition & Equipment- MILITARY TECHNOLOGY

For more infomation >> C -130J Super Hercules carrying Ammunition & Equipment- MILITARY TECHNOLOGY - Duration: 5:02.


To Be Hero 12 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.


What's this?

No one will interrupt us now. Rejoice.

I'll give you the death you wished for.

You still dare defy me?!

This book is...

You came, Daddy?

Am I still alive?

You silly goose. I'm always by your side.

Hello? Sorry for leaving in the middle.

Huh? A marketing presentation tomorrow?

The doctor said

you should rest up at home for a while.

What will we play today, Daddy?

You see, Daddy draws pictures for work.

And today, I'll draw a picture book for you.

What'll the story be?

Let's see... I think I'll write a superhero story.

A superhero?

The superhero... takes out cockroaches!

He takes out cockroaches, The superhero... takes out cockroaches!

Makes the shrimps you hate so much go away!

makes the shrimps you hate so much go away. Makes the shrimps you hate so much go away!

makes the shrimps you hate so much go away.

The superhero will chase away

I'm scared! The superhero will chase away

The superhero will chase away

everything you're afraid of or hate.

He'll beat them up.

Everything in this universe belongs to me!

None may stand in my way!

Now, then.

I'll give you the death you've been waiting for.

Nah, I can't die.


What was that?

I haven't resolved

a problem I created yet.

Did you draw this, Min-chan?

Who is this?

Bad Daddy.

Hey, hey. I'm the bad guy?

Ta-da! To celebrate my new work success in advance,

a special present to my family!

A two-seater? What's wrong with you?

Are you stupid?

What's wrong with fulfilling my dreams as a man with the money I earn myself?

That's only if things go well with your work!

What about the debts we're yet to repay?

Besides, I've got stuff I want—

Shut up! Besides, I've got stuff I want—

Don't stand between a man and his dreams, you dumb broad!

This is Daddy as an evil king.

What happens to me, then?

I want the good Daddy to defeat the evil Daddy.

You are me.

The bad me lurking beside me!

Then what will you do, Superhero?

He might've had a stroke!

Hurry up and get the OR ready!

Don't fret, Min-chan.

The doctors said there's still hope.

It's not certain that he'll never wake up again.

Yeah, but why did this happen?

Your daddy worked too hard.

Working eight part-time jobs

at once was clearly too much.

Part-time jobs?

He said he was president of his own company.

He couldn't bring himself to tell you the truth, huh?

I'm sorry.

Thanks for filling in for me on that presentation.

We'll figure something out here, so stay by your family's side.

As long as we have the documents...

I'm counting on you.

Your daddy had a huge project stolen by someone.

Once he realized, he did all he could

to convince people it was his idea,

but his cruel co-workers made him out to be the bad guy

and chased him out of the toilet seat business.

And so, he lost his job and all his money.

That's how it went, I'm told.

He was doing everything he could to get his job back.

Even going door-to-door to sell toilet seats.

He did his best and went to places nobody else wanted to go...

Even Russia and Africa.

After your mother left, he started working even harder.

Looking at him, my struggles felt trivial,

like they meant nothing at all.

But, you know, shouldn't you clear up

Min-chan's misunderstanding?

Don't just shoulder everything yourself. Tell her the truth.

I don't mind being criticized or hated.

Besides, the superhero in Min-chan's heart

cannot give up and lose so easily.

That's my pride as a father.

<b>Pride That's my pride as a father.</b>

<b>as a father Pride That's my pride as a father.</b>

<b>as a father Pride</b>

Hello, mister!

I love Min-chan, and we're seeing—

Get lost right now. Or I'll make you.

This is why I said we shouldn't tell him.

I want to impress him with my sincerity!

Don't go spouting crap about sincerity or impressing me!

You were happily eating your own snot until recently!

Even if he's in a coma, try talking to him as much as you can.

He might have some sensation left in his brain.

"The Great Emperor's three sons,

Rash, Greed, and Pride were defeated by the superhero.

The Great Emperor looked

to destroy the world in a fit of rage.

The superhero took him on in a decisive battle,

but the Great Emperor was so strong,

the superhero's counterattacks didn't work.

And... And then...

You stupid old man!

I finally get why you didn't tell me how the story ended.

This world doesn't have any

superheroes who never lose!

I don't need

any invincible superheroes.

Just stay with me, Daddy!

If you do, I won't have anything to be afraid of!

We couldn't go to the beach before, so let's go now.

Let's play that game we once got hooked on again.

Let's go that farm, too.

And let's stay together until you're old.

Please wake up!

Open your eyes!

Watch me grow up!

You rotten old man!

When I grow up, I want to be

your superhero and protect you!

Twelfth Day as a Superhero "Stay With Me, Daddy!"

Where did that rotten old man go?


We're out of toilet paper!

Keep it down!

Don't scream just because there's no toilet paper.

Are you telling me to wipe with my hand?

And wash my face with that very hand? I'll do it, you know?

Please don't! Here, toilet paper.

And how long have you been stuck in there, anyway?

The doctor told you not to push too hard in the toilet, right?

"Or you'll collapse due to high blood pressure again," he said.

Well, I went to buy fried bread for you this morning.

But I was in a rush, so I ended up taking into the toilet with me.

Fried Bread But I was in a rush, so I ended up taking into the toilet with me.

But I was in a rush, so I ended up taking into the toilet with me.

Don't take food into the toilet!

And lay off the oily stuff!

But the doctor told me to eat nutritious food once I got discharged.

You're eating too much, you pig!

How long are you gonna sleep?

I'll kill you. I'll make you poop.

Wait, this was all a delusion from when I was in a coma...

Wait, why are you alive?

This is no dream or flashback. It's reality.

What? But you died, too!

Quit whining and take a dump!

Shit! Don't make me poop without my permission!

Space Peace Republic Alliance Hero Committee Shit! Don't make me poop without my permission!

Space Peace Republic Alliance Hero Committee Hey, you're the only one in the world taking a dump again.

Hey, you're the only one in the world taking a dump again.

Go to whichever world you want.

All these worlds you thought were fictional

actually existed as part of a multiverse.

You won't end this on a "it was all a dream" punchline!

I want a girlfriend this time for sure.

I'll defeat you, and...

Quit spouting crap, my evil alter-ego!

Oh, was this reality, too? I deserve an Oscar for my performance.

Invite us all to a Kamen Girls concert, then!

Technical Magic My Compact! Technical Magic My Compact!

I want a mask.

Which world do you like best?


That goes without saying!

The one where I'm together with Min-chan!

Gross! Creepy!

Eat this! Totsushindou!

Totsushindou Eat this! Totsushindou!

Thank you very much!

The End.

For more infomation >> To Be Hero 12 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.


BREAKING Israel Just DESTROYED John Kerry with Just 5 Words! - Duration: 1:58.

BREAKING: Israel Just DESTROYED John Kerry with Just 5 Words!

By Danny Gold.

Israel is FURIOUS after the UN banned together, under Obama, to shut down Israeli settlements

in favor of Palestine.

Then, to add insult to injury, John Kerry gave a �Peace talk� essentially saying

Israel is bad they don�t understand the world.

Uhhhhh�.Look in a mirror, A$$HOLE!

Israel gets the world just fine.

Plus now Israeli Leaders have given a new title to Secretary of State Kerry,


Those are some pretty HUGE boots to live up to, especially considering his predecessor

was Hillary Clinton.

Still, they have a point.

Under John Kerry we have seen an attack on Israel, a failure to curb ISIS, nuclear tensions

rise with Russia, and, of course, the HORRIBLE Iranian Nuclear deal which gives them ALL

the power.

This is just another example of what Saddam Hussein warned us before his death coming

true: The United States is doomed to fail in the Middle East because we does not understand

the Arab Mind.

Israel, on the other hand, understands Arab mindsets and politics all too well.

So while I�m sure they LOVE being lectured by a bunch of Islamic leaders and Europeans

who gladly sent them off to the gas chambers a few years ago, I think they will take a

PASS on this deal.

If you stand with Israel, share this with 4 Facebook friends and let our voices be heard!!

For more infomation >> BREAKING Israel Just DESTROYED John Kerry with Just 5 Words! - Duration: 1:58.


To Be Hero 4 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.

"Eight Different Types of Screams" Fourth Day as a Superhero

Superhero or not, "Eight Different Types of Screams" Fourth Day as a Superhero

Superhero or not,

you're still a creature made of flesh and blood.

This is what happens when you run into me.

Sure-Kill Fist: Thousand-Year-Love!! Piercing Enema.

Sure-Kill Fist: "Thousand-Year-Love!! Piercing Ass Stab" Sure-Kill Fist: Thousand-Year-Love!! Piercing Enema.

Sure-Kill Fist: Thousand-Year-Love!! Piercing Enema.

Nobody can stop my conquest of Earth now.

One lick is enough to tell me

how mediocre the cells that make up your bodies are.

Even if I didn't kill you today,

Sorry to rain on your parade, you wouldn't even have lived

Sorry to rain on your parade, till you were 235. Pathetic.

till you were 235. Pathetic. but could you not interrupt me while I'm picking my nose?

but could you not interrupt me while I'm picking my nose?

Huh? Didn't I just stick my hand in you?

Dude! That sounds lewd!

It'd be embarrassing if people heard!

Not that I mind.

How are you still alive?

I thought I stuck it deep inside you!

Whoa, it's getting lewder by the second.

I'm sure I stuck it smack-dab inside you from behind!

Why are you making it worse!?

Look at all this blood.

You shouldn't be standing after having your body pierced this hard!

Okay, gotcha.

I'll smack you with my sandal and make it clear

who's dom and who's sub.


How about this, then?

Ultimate Secret Move!

Ultimate Secret Move! Ultimate Secret Move!

"Two-Handed Vice Grip Pluck" Ultimate Secret Move! Ultimate Secret Move!

Ultimate Secret Move! Two-Handed Vice Grip Pluck. "Two-Handed Vice Grip Pluck"

Two-Handed Vice Grip Pluck.

What? Wh-Why?

Oh, no. What? Wh-Why?

Not to mention, this looks kinda sexy?

No! Stab to kill!

Super Secret Move!

Super Secret Move!! "Thousand-Year Ten-Thousand-Year You Killer" Super Secret Move!

Super Secret Move!! "Thousand-Year Ten-Thousand-Year You Killer" Thousand-Year Ten-Thousand-Year You Killer!

Thousand-Year Ten-Thousand-Year You Killer!

Stab! Stab! Stab!

Why can't I dig this out? Stab! Stab! Stab!

Stab! Stab! Stab! I feel like I'm almost there.

Stab! Stab! Stab! Is it stuck in some hair?

The impact warps time and space,

and it stabs you so sharply, you'll shit your pants!

Damn it. Isn't this cheating?

How come he gets to be invincible?

I'm the second prince of the universe's most powerful empire,

Planet Tenaricent, Moemoe.

Second Prince Tenaricent Planet Tenaricent, Moemoe. Moemoe

Second Prince Tenaricent My glorious family has defeated countless planets across the universe Moemoe

My glorious family has defeated countless planets across the universe

and made them their own, so why?


It's finally out!


Could it be that he was

more bothered by this tiny substance than me?

Huh? You're still here? You want me that badly?

Don't tell me...

Hey! Don't pick it up!

But didn't you drop it? I'll return it.

Stop, don't! Disgusting!

So this is your weakness!

I bet this substance is your natural enemy.

That is why you placed the highest priority

on getting it out of your body.

If I intake this,

I can decipher its molecular structure and physical traits in a flash.

Don't do it! Seriously! Hey! I can decipher its molecular structure and physical traits in a flash.

Don't do it! Seriously! Hey!

I already ate it! You're not getting it back!

Well, you know...

Maybe it has a unique feel and texture...

Thanks for the food!

You can fly?

Earth's gravity is basically like a fart to me.

Then why'd you run down the stairs earlier?

I hereby begin my conquest of Earth!

Get back here! You're getting the sandal smack after all! I hereby begin my conquest of Earth!

Get back here! You're getting the sandal smack after all!

It's too late.

I have already completely absorbed that "Kryptoninite" substance.

Kryptoninite I have already completely absorbed that "Kryptoninite" substance.

I have already completely absorbed that "Kryptoninite" substance.

My body is now nearly full of

that substance you fear so much!

That Substance that substance you fear so much!

that substance you fear so much!

Father, the wait is almost over.

He's so excited about eating that crap. He should seek help. Father, the wait is almost over.

He's so excited about eating that crap. He should seek help. I have taken over Earth!

He's so excited about eating that crap. He should seek help.

What is he, eight?

Huh? Did I catch a cold?

A snot fairy?!

Come to me, that thing of Earthlings!

What? What's going on?

Lala-chan, I love you.

I can't make up my mind yet!

Is he planning on destroying Earth for real?!

Nothing can stop me now!

Say your prayers!

Don't tell me it's made up of <i>that</i>.

If he does this with such a massive pile of that,

the whole city will be in deep shit.

Eat shit!

Oh, so "like subordinates, like leader," huh?

Well, let's say all of mankind worked together to repel the invaders.

Good job.

Wait, no way!

It's surprisingly heavy, so I messed up earlier.

But it's all right.

Its weight guarantees that it'll crush you.

Stop that! You should stop!

Why don't you stop?

Just stop!

I'll protect my home and my precious daughter with this sandal!

Nice. I like that love and passion.

Superhero, I'll at least let you give me your name before you die!

I'm Min-chan's daddy!

That's a rather amusing name.

Then, "Daddy,"

turn to dust with your beloved family!

Only Min-chan can call me Daddy!

That makes me want to call you that even more.





Min-chan, isn't the moon big and round tonight?

Though it's made up of you-know-what.

What's wrong, Daddy? Who is that?!

Sorry, the battle's on hold! Timeout!

You damned pig! Sorry, the battle's on hold! Timeout!

You damned pig!

Didn't I tell you stop existing forever?

But here you are in front of my house, and with your nipples showing, no less!

And did you have to yell "Daddy" over and over again?!

I'm depressed that my father's not coming home, you know!

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Stop it, you female glober! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

Stop it, you female glober!

That guy is my prey!

Shut up and piss off!

When I was a kid,

my Mother beat me that way, too.

Every single move of hers brings back

memories of my childhood.

Back then, I physically felt the

endless depth of Mother's love.

Beaten up and yelled at every day,

I accepted her love with my body.

I was so happy...

I love her.

All of her punches hit me right in the heart.

It hurts. It really hurts.

It hurts so much, it's so hard to take,

and it's irresistible.

This planet has a woman as beautiful as Mother.

I want to marry her!

I don't mind offering every last bit of my heart to her!

It's... It's my fault.

Lady glober.

Ignore him.

If you kiss the back of my hand,

I shall take you as my wife.

I'll give you the chance to hit me every day.

And I promise to satisfy you with

eight different types of screams.

Damn. I've had my heart stolen by her.

Oh, what have I done?

How could I forget to offer a gift to my future queen?

What could I need to seize the heart of a female glober?

Prince! Analyzing all our data has shown that

the gift most likely to succeed is an "apartment."

All right! Then buy all the apartments in this building!

Nico Nico Real Estate


Why does such a tiny apartment have so many zeroes in its price?

Looks like we can't buy them all.

Thanks for having us.

How'd it go? Think we can buy one apartment, at least?

It's impossible, Prince.

After calculating the Galactic Exchange Rate,

we found that our entire expedition war chest

can only buy a single 4.5 tatami mat room.

No! I can't live with my queen there!

How about that "loan" thing, then?

We asked a broking firm for a five-hundred-year loan,

but they told us we were "off our rockers"!


Do they think we can't live for a mere five hundred years?

Prince, we do have a last resort, for what it's worth...

Spit it out quick! What is it?

Whatcha gonna do? Sell or not?

I-I'll sell.

Okay, we have a deal.

P-Prince! Please reconsider!

Shut up.

You guys are dismissed! Go home!

How are we supposed to go home without a ship,


Was Min-chan seriously trying to kill me?

I'm an immortal superhero, but the wounds Min-chan gave me just won't heal.

My, you poor thing. I'll heal you with my kisses.

Stop! Don't touch me!

Get any closer, and I'll seriously punch your lights out!

Huh? Who is it?

Oh, it's a visitor for me!

At this hour?

More like, it's a new flatmate.

You rented out the room next to mine?

Here's the rent for one year.

My, you're young and a hunk.

Come in, come in.

Fatty, you come here, too.

Huh? There's someone else living here?

That's right. It's a long story.

Now, introduce yourselves.

For more infomation >> To Be Hero 4 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.


What is occupational therapy? - Duration: 2:11.

Occupational therapy is a therapy

provided for patients who have had an

injury or illness that has affected the

way they perform their activities of

daily living, which may be their

self-care could be their work or leisure

or all. You know, usually you have an

illness, that is going to affect the way

you perform your activities of daily

living throughout every aspect of your life.

So, what occupational therapy is all

about is helping a person restore

function through purposeful activities

to maximize their functional independence

and get back to those daily activities

as independently as possible. So there's

a variety of situations that may come up

to offer the need for occupational

therapy, but really the bottom line is

getting back to independence in their

daily life. I would see a lot of

orthopedic injuries,

meaning maybe you've had carpal tunnel,

tennis elbow, maybe you've had a fracture

of your shoulder or your hand. We also

work with neurological patients here as

well and may see someone who's had a stroke.

We have a wonderful new program with

Parkinson's and we do a lot of

Parkinson's patients and with the

program called LSVT and that is

something to help them again just

maximize their functional ability in their

daily life. It's not only getting that...

you know, we can't always get

somebody back to one hundred percent

recovery. We try to. However, sometimes

it's about adapting their environment or

adapting the way they do things and

that's another specialty of occupational

therapy. We really help modify activities

and help give them alternative ways of

doing things so they can still be independent.

For more infomation >> What is occupational therapy? - Duration: 2:11.


To Be Hero 8 [Auto Sub - Full HD] - Duration: 11:09.

Foolish Moe.

How is that a "perfect plan"?

Please wait, Great Emperor.

Prince Moe is the only one of the three who has his shit together.

I believe he watched TV series to study women.

Earthlings are so strange.

Cruel mother-in-laws and money-minded mothers,

wild wives and useless fathers.

How amusing.

Have you even gone to work lately, you stupid old man?

Earthlings are truly strange.

They worry when you're home and when you're not.

If you have nothing to do, cut that watermelon.

Guess I'll show off my ability.

What? Is this...

Yes, the detox soup that had all of America trembling.

I call it, "Sacred Watermelon Juice: Agonizingly Swaying Wild Bloom."

Detox Soup That Had All of America Trembling Holy Watermelon Juice: Agonizingly Swaying Wild Bloom I call it, "Sacred Watermelon Juice: Agonizingly Swaying Wild Bloom."

Detox Soup That Had All of America Trembling Holy Watermelon Juice: Agonizingly Swaying Wild Bloom That title's too long! And what're you gonna do about this?!

That title's too long! And what're you gonna do about this?!

The table's all wet! You'd better clean it up—

Shh. Take in the taste.

My sacred love...

...will detox even your withered heart.

I swallowed it.

This sweet and refreshing fruit juice...

My heart was full of complaints, but they vanished in a flash.

It's like a whole different world.

As I stand on a ground that the sun's blazing down on,

the moment I think the hot breeze will burn my lungs,

a dazzling illusion overcomes me!

What're you spacing out for?

Direct sunlight is bad for your skin.

Melon Sporty Guy Direct sunlight is bad for your skin.

Here. Feels nice and cool, doesn't it?

<i>What is this feeling?</i>

<i>The impulse to punch him turned into a lovely je t'aime, and I'm falling in love!</i>

Melon Shota

Stay by my side forever and ever, Min-neechan! Melon Shota

Melon Shota If you do, I'll do whatever you want!

If you do, I'll do whatever you want!

Melon Punk

Hang on tight! Melon Punk

Melon Punk But there's watermelon juice leaking from your head!

But there's watermelon juice leaking from your head!

Melon Enigma But there's watermelon juice leaking from your head!

Melon Enigma Don't try to act tough.

Melon Enigma We're the only ones here.

Melon Enigma Even if you yell, nobody will hear you.

Melon Enigma This juicy kabedon is making me go "hng!"

This juicy kabedon is making me go "hng!"

Melon Princes

Sowing the seeds of love and hope all over the world, Melon Princes

Melon Princes we are the lively teen idol group:

we are the lively teen idol group:

Melon Princes!

Sow the seeds! Make them bloom! Pluck the buds!

Stick it in! Dig it up! Sow the seeds! Make them bloom! Pluck the buds!

Why am I feeling such emotion

just from a mouthful of watermelon?

Isn't it perfect? In the era to come, gourmet food will make people happy.

Holy shit! Prince Moe is nuts!

He conquered the female glober in a second!

Instead of fertilizer, he used something else!

Enough! Turn that off!

I don't want to watch this farce!


Why is the Great Emperor so irritated?

Watch your mouth! Did you forget why he wants to take over the universe?

He's trying to wipe out half-baked feelings and emotions!

Watch the flashback!

You moron!

We are one of the most prestigious noble families in the universe!

Why was a good-for-nothing like you born into our family?

We are leaving the house and going far, far away.

Don't be depressed, Great-niisama.

I know you are a kind person at heart.

I will support and protect you!

I'm glad I have a childhood friend like you.

I know! I'll stay over at your place tonight and make you some yummy curry!

See you later!

Please don't go!

If you die, who will protect me?!

Damn, she's not as cute without her ears.

Hey, the kid over there. Lick my high heels.

You want to hum-heel-iate me?!

Talk back to me one more time, and I'll stick my used pan***s in your mouth!

God, no. But I'm getting excited. What do I do?

Write your address in here. I'll come punish you at night.

God, no! But I'm getting excited!

That's too many glasses.

Caught you red-handed!

If you want my underwear, go to my website.


Advertising an online shop now? How tenacious! It's

Advertising an online shop now? How tenacious! I've written everything on there!

I've written everything on there! But I'm getting excited!

I've written everything on there!

What're you spacing out for, Great?

If you don't hurry, you'll be late for school. Tsuntsun.

That's a relief! Finally, an orthodox heroine has shown up!

Why are you staring?

You don't think I'll be with you, do you?


Sorry, Great.

I wanted to talk to you more but didn't have the courage,

so I pretended to be mad at you to hide that I cared.

She came to my place, didn't she?

How could this be?

I was the one who was cursed!

Cursed I was the one who was cursed!


Why? Why is this anime so different from others?!

I'm just like the other useless, good-natured, and perverted protagonists! Want... Want...

I'm just like the other useless, good-natured, and perverted protagonists!

I want multiple girlfriends at once! I'm just like the other useless, good-natured, and perverted protagonists!

Eighth Day as a Superhero: "I Want Multiple Girlfriends at Once!" I want multiple girlfriends at once! I'm just like the other useless, good-natured, and perverted protagonists!

Eighth Day as a Superhero: "I Want Multiple Girlfriends at Once!" I want multiple girlfriends at once!

Eighth Day as a Superhero: "I Want Multiple Girlfriends at Once!"

How old do you think you are? Eighth Day as a Superhero: "I Want Multiple Girlfriends at Once!"

How old do you think you are?

I can't believe you're still straddling hug pillows as you sleep!

We've arranged a marriage

with the princess of the most powerful race in the universe.

Prince Great, with the princess of the most powerful race in the universe.

will you be true to her in good times and in bad,

in sickness and in health,

until death do you part?

You'd better say "I do"!

You may now kiss the bride.

No... No... You may now kiss the bride.

No... No...


Hey, Great.

We've been married for ages, so why don't we have any children?

You're blaming me?

Don't you think there's something wrong with you?

I mean, I understand your plight.

Being with a princess like me,

I'm sure you feel immense pressure.

Pressure, huh?

Yeah, having children with you would be...

Space Clinic My mother found us a doctor, so let's have him check you out.

Space Clinic

The test results show there aren't any problems with your body.

Where's your wife?

What is it?

Oh, the test results were on the other side.

It'll be hard for you to have children, sir.

But rest assured.

We have the universe's best child vending machine,

Child Vending Machine "Baby Capsule" "Baby Capsule."

Child Vending Machine "Baby Capsule"

Insert a coin here and turn this handle.

If you had this, why didn't you say so sooner?!

Were you messing with me with all those painful tests?!

Wow, how cute.

Look at this, Great.

I want this complete set!

After that, the Great Emperor was blessed with three sons.

First Prince Second Prince Third Prince Moe Moemoe Moemoemoe After that, the Great Emperor was blessed with three sons.

First Prince Second Prince Third Prince Moe Moemoe Moemoemoe They each had "rubrub," "eateat," and "fastfast" special abilities respectively,

Rubrub Eateat Fastfast First Prince Second Prince Third Prince Moe Moemoe Moemoemoe They each had "rubrub," "eateat," and "fastfast" special abilities respectively,

First Prince Second Prince Third Prince Moe Moemoe Moemoemoe and the family lived in happiness. Rubrub Eateat Fastfast

and the family lived in happiness.

But that happiness didn't last long.

As the princes grew up,

the empress fell sick and passed away.

Just before she died, she left some

earth-shattering words for the Great Emperor.

Great, I pretended to be a good wife,

but when you weren't watching,

I abused our kids in all sorts of ways, punching, kicking, and twisting them!

I met with the man next door thrice a week in secret, and even had a child with him.

But, if you remarry, this will be leaked to gossip sites.

By the way, I never loved you, not even a little!

After that, the Great Emperor,

saddened by the loss of his beloved wife,

became unable to believe in love and affection!

He cast aside his feelings and decided to conquer the universe!

Wherever he went, he brought death to couples!

The strong need no emotions.

Feelings are a virus that make people weaker.

I will wipe them out from this universe.

The princes were useless.

I shall go myself!

All right, I'm going back to my world!

Are you ready?

I'll take care of you-know-what.

I'm less worried about shit and more about what comes after.

I'll definitely succeed my father.

My kid brother died, and Nii-san's just a drag queen.

I can't think of anyone else getting the throne.

I won't let anyone invade Earth!

But if I have to marry Min-chan and live on Earth, I'll have to pay rent...

I'm not letting a broke guy have my daughter.

Don't worry, I'm here.

We can all have a house share!

And put on a lame home comedy?

Okay, commence operation! Our goal: the toilet next door!

Aye aye, sir!

Wow, what happened here?

It's like it was renovated while I was out shopping!

Isn't it perfect?

Oh, no wonder there were so many boxes outside.

Did you clean up my room, too?

Hey, what's with these new clothes?

All women are weak to the new and shiny, as well as money.

This is common knowledge in soap operas.

Oh? Is Min-chan moving?

No way. The home loan isn't paid off yet.

This is...

What'd you do with the box under my bed, you rotten old man?

It was covered in dust, so I threw it out.

Don't move my stuff without asking!


This is...

You stupid old man! That box had...

Oh, these are Min-chan's old panties.

Such a nice smell. Oh, these are Min-chan's old panties.

Such a nice smell. White and blue stripes are the best!

White and blue stripes are the best!

H-Hear me out, Min-chan.

Neighbors are esteemed guests.

Let's treat them to dinner.

The food's ready, too.

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