Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2017

Waching daily Jan 2 2017

wait wait.

Me laughing lol

My phones batterys dead D:

He being AFK xD

For more infomation >> When BlubbAdubb is AFK - Duration: 2:34.


Pit bull mauls three people after he is put in a Christmas sweater - Duration: 2:04.

Pit bull mauls family who tried to put him in a Christmas sweater - and is only captured after being stabbed, Tasered, then shot with a tranquilizer dart AND a shotgun

A dog viciously attacked three members of a family after its owner tried to put a Christmas sweater on him.

Brenda Guerrero, 52, from Tampa, Florida, was in the backyard trying to put the pit bull mix, named Scarface, into a festive outfit when he attacked her, biting her on the arm.

PHOTO: A pit bull mix attacked three in Tampa, Florida, after owner Brenda Guerrero (right), 52, tried to put a Christmas sweater on him. The dog, called Scarface, was shot with a Taser and tranquilizer before it was caught

Her husband Ismael Guerrero, 46, tried to pull the dog off his wife but then the animal started to attack him, reported WTSP.

After the couple's son Antoine Harris, 22, stabbed the dog in the neck and head, all three were able to escape back into the house.

Tampa police and Hillsborough County Animal Control were called to the scene.

Police shot the pit bull with a tranquilizer dart - at which point it managed to get into the house where there were two young children. Police then used a bean bag gun and Taser to subdue the dog.

'Officers responding said the dog was pretty aggressive,' Eddy Durkin with Tampa Police said to WFTS.

PHOTO: Brenda Guerrero and her husband Ismael Guerrero, 46, were both taken to hospital for their injuries. Mrs Guerrero's injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening

'When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser.'

Both Guerreros were taken to hospital for their injuries and Brenda Guerrero's injuries are considered serious, but not life-threatening.

The dog is currently in the custody of animal control.

PHOTO: Hillsborough County Animal Control currently has the dog. Eddy Durkin with Tampa Police said: 'When they Tasered the dog, it was still pulling away and was able to release the prongs from the Taser'

For more infomation >> Pit bull mauls three people after he is put in a Christmas sweater - Duration: 2:04.


Le Puits et Le Pendule - Edgar Allen Poe - 1964 - Duration: 37:11.

I was sick.

Sick unto death with that long agony.

And when they at length unbound me for the judgment,

I felth that my strength were leaving me.

The sentence.

The terrible sentence of death

was the last phrase of distinct accentuation

to reach my ears.

After that,

the sound of the inquisitorial voices

seemed merged in one dreamy indeterminate hum.

And then

there stole into my fancy,

like a rich musical note,

the thought of what sweet rest must await us in the grave.

The though came


and stealthily.

And it seemed long

before it attained full appreciation.


just as my spirit came at length properly to feel

and entertain this thought...

the universe became no more than night,



I had swooned

but still I would not say that I had lost all consciousness.

In the deepest slumber...


In delirium...


In a swoon...


In death...


Even in the grave, all is not lost.

Else there is no immortality for man.

Arousing from the most profound of slumbers,

we may break the gossamer web...

of some dream.


in a second afterward,

so frail may that web have been,

we remember not what we have dreamed.

Amid frequent endeavors

and earnest struggles,

to regather some token of that state of seeming nothingness

into which my soul had lapsed,

there have been moments when I dreamed of success.

There have been brief,

very brief periods

when I have conjured up remembrances which the lucid reason

of a later epoch

assures me could have had reference only to that condition

where consciousness seems annihilated.

Until the moment when a hideous dizziness opressed me

at the mere idea of the interminableness

of the descent...

Then comes a sense of sudden motionlessness,

as if those who bore me

(a ghastly train!)

had outrun, in their descent, the limits of the limitless,

and paused, defeated

by the wearisomeness of their toil.

And then all is only madness,

the madness of a memory which busies itself among forbidden things.

Very suddenly there came back to my soul motion and sound,

the tumultuous motion of the heart and the sound of its beating.

Then the tought,

and a shuddering terror,

and earnest endeavor to comprehend my true state.


a fearful idea drove the blood in torrents upon my heart.

I proceded for many paces

but still all was blackness

and vacancy.

It seemed evident that mine was not, at least, the most hideous of fates,

To have been buried alive in my grave

was not the one that had been reserved for me.

I followed the wall up,

stepping with careful distrust.

This process, however, afforded me no means

of ascertaining the dimensions of my dungeon,

as I might make its circuit without being aware of the fact,

so perfectly uniform seemed the wall.

The death just avoided

was of that character which I had regarded

as fabulous and frivolous in the tales respecting the Inquisition.

To the victims of its tyranny, there were no other alternatives

than death with its direst physical agonies...

or death with its most hideous moral horrors.

I had therefore been reserved for the latter.

My nerves

had been unstrung by long suffering,

until I had become in every respect

a fitting subject for the species of torture which awaited me.

What boots it to tell of the long, long hours of horror

more than mortal,

during which I counted the rushing oscillations of the steel!

My cognizance of the pit had become known to the inquisitorial agents,

and I had thus been condemned to a different kind of destruction:

a milder one.


I half smiled in my agony

thinking of the singular application I had made of such a term.

Days passed,

it might have been that many days passed,

ere it swept so closely over me

as to fan me...

with its acrid breath.

I prayed to heaven,

I wearied it with my prayer,

to make the steel descend more speedily.

I grew mad. Frantic.

And then suddenly...

I fell into a deep calm

and lay smiling

at the glittering death,

as a child at some rare bubble.

All of a sudden!

A half-formed though of joy,

of hope,

rushed to my mind.


what business had I with hope?

It was a thought

only half-formed.

I felt that it was a thought of joy,

but I felt also that it perished in its formation.

The vibration of the pendulum

was at right angles to my length.

I saw that the crescent was designed

to cross the region of the heart.

It would tear the fabric of my shirt,

then it would return

and repeat its operation,

again -- and again.

Nothwithstanding its terrific vigor,

all that it would accomplish, for several minutes,

would be the tearing of my shirt's fabric.

To the right,

to the left,

and swinging far and wide,

further off,

further off,

and then it would return,

while I quivered in every nerve

as I thought how it would be sufficient for the machinery to descend slightly

to precipite upon my bosom that glistening axe.

It was hope,

the hope that triumphs even on the rack,

that whisperes into the ears of the death-condemned.

I saw that some ten or twelve vibrations

would bring the steel in actual contact with my clothes.

The bandage which enveloped me was unique.

The first stroke of the razor athwart any portion of the band,

would so detach it

that it might be unwound from me by means of my left hand.

The bandage enveloped me

entirely, in all directions,


in the path of the crescent...

Scarcely had I let my head fall back

when there flashed upon my mind

what I cannot better describe

than as the unformed half of that idea of deliverance,

and of which only a moiety had

floated indeterminately through my brain

when I had noticed the dish.

The whole idea was now present,


scarcely sane,

scarcely definite,

but still...


For the moment, at least, I was free.


and in the grasp of the Inquisition!

All of my movements were being watched.

I had but escaped death in one form of agony

to be delivered unto something worse.


Any death but that of the pit!


Might I not have known that into the pit I must go?

that into the pit was the object of the burning iron to urge me?

The walls rushed back!

The room regained its previous shape.

The French army had entered Toledo.

The Inquisition was in the hands of its enemies.

For more infomation >> Le Puits et Le Pendule - Edgar Allen Poe - 1964 - Duration: 37:11.


LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed - Duration: 2:46.

LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed

For more infomation >> LOOK THIS IS Can a Chrysler 200 Be Flat Towed - Duration: 2:46.


Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Comfort (Prijs is rijklaar incl. metall - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Honda HR-V 1.5 i-VTEC Comfort (Prijs is rijklaar incl. metall - Duration: 1:26.


Wilcock's YouTube Channel "Permanently Disabled" Due to Fake Copyright Strikes From One Individual - Duration: 10:04.

Wilcock�s YouTube Channel �Permanently Disabled� Due to Fake Copyright Strikes

From One Individual.

By David Wilcock.

David Wilcock�s only official YouTube channel has been �permanently disabled� after

four fake copyright strikes by a single individual, going by the name �Alec Theodore Wallace.�

Ever since December 21st, we have been writing multiple, detailed letters, to everyone we

knew �on the inside� at YouTube, with our Internet attorney in the To: field, and

got nothing.

Now an anonymous individual has managed to destroy David�s entire YouTube presence.

His stolen videos are still online and he is earning felony Grand Theft-level profits

from them.

This is punishable by up to three years in prison if he gets caught, particularly with

his other crimes factored in � as we will discuss.

Wild stuff.

What could possibly have allowed this to happen?

There is a much greater cosmic story going on here when we consider the content of the

deleted videos themselves, so read on.

If this could happen to David, it could happen to anyone else in this field as well.

And there are signs that it already is.

We need to hang together or we will hang separately.

Get the intriguing facts of this case � and find out how you can help us regain David�s


Please don�t attack YouTube�s staff about this � we need their help.


At the time of this writing, you can go ahead and click on any of these following links

and see the same message.

My four top videos were all killed off by a single person � the Honorable Sir Alec

Theodore Wallace:

David Wilcock | Corey Goode: Endgame II� The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue


David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key | Pt.

1 of the Full Video!

David Wilcock: Intro to The Synchronicity Key, Ver. 1 (ORIGINAL) Say what?

These were four of our most popular videos.

Together they had more than two million views.

Three out of four helped launch my published books.

The last two videos announced my book The Ascension Mysteries � well before it came

out in August 2013.

That�s right.

Over three and a half years ago.

Ascension Mysteries and Endgame II were my YouTube comeback videos for 2016 after a long

absence, as I finally picked up the author�s pen once more.

These videos were the beginning of a whole new push that was intended to ramp up big-time

in 2017.

Both were doing phenomenally well.

Ascension had over 350,000 views and Endgame II was pushing 150,000.

That�s half a million altogether � amazing numbers in today�s competitive market.

My channel had been online since August 2010 without a single copyright strike � because

I make my own videos with my own content.


Thankfully, Gaia is privately-owned, and all 300+ episodes I have on there are secure.

This includes my recent appearance on our new show, Buzzsaw with Sean Stone.

Everything I talk about in that episode is directly relevant to what is going on right


You can see everything for 99 cents in the first month with no penalty fees.

As explained in Endgame II, we have already been put on the �Fake News� kill list,

so your help is needed now more than ever.



So who the hell is Alec Theodore Wallace?

Let�s just make this loud and clear: I am not a robot.

My site is

My only official YouTube channel is/was

I make my own videos sometimes.

I get up in front of a camera and ad-lib my way through Keynote slides.

Most of my videos are in front of my audiences.

Copyright is automatically generated when a creator releases content into the public


Here it is from attorney Sara Hawkins:

Copyright attaches as soon as the original work is created, and applies to both published

and unpublished works.

As soon as you type words, click the shutter on your camera (or, for many of you, hit the

home button on your iPhone), apply paint to canvas or paper or lay down tracks for your

next hit, you�ve got a copyright�.

I hold the copyright for all of these videos.

Let me say it in plain English:

The thing is, is that, this should be obvious� since it�s, like, my face, my voice, my

information and stuff, ya know.



Every video we have ever made is now dead.

Nor can we post any more of them.

Our team has a mega-update to the deleted Endgame II video that is now dead in the water

until this clears up.

I also just bought a teleprompter so I can read the new articles I write and make videos

out of them.

That ain�t gonna happen until we get through this.

The last 45 minutes of the original Endgame II video did not have changing visuals, but

the final version now awaiting release in our hard drives absolutely does.

The /davidwilcock333 channel no longer exists, even though it was my only official YouTube


Unless we start committing fraud like Sir Wallace, I am not legally allowed to create

new channels either.

Those are the rules YouTube put in place.

I represent a whole team of people working in alliance.

In one utterly ridiculous series of events, we have been vanquished by a faceless attacker.

Well played, sir, well played.

Up until this ridiculous and lethal strike happened, I had never heard of this person.

We started to get inundated with your questions immediately.

All of my videos were either made by myself or with one or two trusted associates who

I have immediate access to.

My copyright attaches to the videos automatically.

The YouTube system held me guilty as charged, and gave me no recourse when this mysterious

individual stole and then destroyed my identity.

Every letter I wrote in was greeted with a robotic response.

Then when I finally did get a human being, he disappeared after promising an investigation.

Another robo-letter then said they �spoke to the team� and the case was closed.

We lose.

He wins.


The real guy did say the holidays were going to delay the team�s investigation, but this

has already been going on for over a week.

The next business day isn�t until January 2nd.

Alec Theodore Wallace.


Who the heck uses a full three-part name these days anyway?


his video used to be a one-hour-and-52-minute narration of our previous article, ENDGAME


I narrated it.

Corey Goode�s video guy added the images.

There was no �Pizzagate� content in it, so it can�t be from the alleged ban on that

topic either.

How does a random, anonymous individual come to think he can own my voice, my writing,

my narration and my content � jointly produced with Corey Goode and his team?

The other three links to my book-promoting videos also say the copyright claims were

made by �Alec Theodore Wallace,� as you can see for yourself.

Who�s name is on the cover of those books?

How many books has Alec Theodore Wallace written?

Has anyone ever even seen him?


I�m reaching a bit now, but come on.

Something is going on.

This just doesn�t smell right.

Let�s try to find out who this guy is � and how he came to believe that he owns my voice,

face and creative work.

Nothing whatsoever comes up in a Google search for this name except for pissed-off people,

myself included, wondering who the hell this guy is.

President Theodore Roosevelt was often referred to as �Teddy�, and had a popular children�s

toy named after him.

Therefore, our insider code-name for this fine fellow is the Teddy Bear.

You are now on a need-to-know basis.

Keep it secret.

Keep it safe.

Teddy just opened up a can of whoop-ass�.

For more infomation >> Wilcock's YouTube Channel "Permanently Disabled" Due to Fake Copyright Strikes From One Individual - Duration: 10:04.


Lexus IS 300h First Edition Sunroof, LED koplampen, Premium - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Lexus IS 300h First Edition Sunroof, LED koplampen, Premium - Duration: 1:38.


What is Contributory Negligence, and How Does It Affect a Car Accident Claim? - Duration: 1:06.

Contributory negligence is an archaic doctrine of the law.

Only a few states still recognize it but Maryland, D.C. and Virginia are three of the few states

that recognizes very archaic and outdated doctrine.

And what it says is, that even though the person, somebody may have caused harm to someone

else, if the person they cause harm to, in any way contributed to their harm, then the

person who was harmed recovers nothing, the wrongdoer gets away scott-free.

Other states have adopted what they call comparative negligence, we look at the negligence of the

defendant, we see what the plaintiff may have done wrong as well, they're balanced against

one another and then the jury is allowed to compare one fault against the other fault

and the plaintiff can still recover.

Under contributory negligence, when the jury finds a plaintiff to be in at fault in any

way that contributed to their accident, then the plaintiff recovers nothing.

For more information please go to our website

For more infomation >> What is Contributory Negligence, and How Does It Affect a Car Accident Claim? - Duration: 1:06.


PokéOrigins: What is Sigilyph? - Duration: 3:12.

Over these last twenty years we've come across numerous strange Pokémon.

From Girafarig who has two heads, to Koffing and Grimer who are basically sentinent waste,

think the Great and Mighty Poo.

Hell Chimecho is a freaking wind chime.

But one of those most bizarre Pokémon I've ever come across is Sigilyph.

While traversing the harsh Unovan deserts a trainer comes across it , but just what

is it?

I'm looking for Sandile and Scraggy when this weird ass bird pops up.

Whelp strap in!

That's the question we'll be answering today.

Possessing two cyan eyes, Sigilyph is a spherical Pokémon, with a third on a black appendage

on top of its head, honestly that thing kind of looks like Unown to me.

It is said that Sigilyph will use its psychic powers to attack anyone who invades its territory.

Due to it retaining memories from when it guarded an ancient city, it apparently flies

along the same route constantly.

A path it continues wondering even if the city is abandoned.

Its design screams Psychic-type to me anyway.

But why is it a flying type.

I've never seen a bird look like that before.

And if I did I would be like what was the license plate number of that truck that hit


Boy did you get hit with an ugly stick.

Who let you out of your cage?

Were your parents brother and sister?

Roasting aside I do wonder where it came from.

Okay I think this may spread some light onto things.

Sigilyph appears to have been inspired by the Nazca Lines of Peru, specifically the

hummingbird figure.

Based on that picture, yup its obvious that Sigilyph is based on these weird...I wanna

say crop circles.

Hundreds are simple lines and geometric shapes; more than seventy are zoomorphic designs of

animals, such as birds, fish, llamas, jaguars, and monkeys, or human figures.

Other designs include phytomorphic shapes, such as trees and flowers.

That is so freaky did people make these...or was it aliens?

Scholars differ in interpreting the purpose of the designs but, in general, they ascribe

religious significance to them.

But we ain't here for reasonable explanations.

The Nazca Lines have inspired fantastic explanations of all kinds from being a ceremony for ancient

gods, to be a landing strip for those returning aliens I mentioned earlier, or a celestial

calendar created by the ancient Nazca civilization.

Joking aside its great to see where Sigilyph comes from.

Sure I've heard of the Nazca Lines before but I would of never put two and two together.

Its kinda sad when a game of fictional creatures is the reason you learn about other cultures,

but that's just how I am.

If you enjoyed the video you should consider leaving a like.

And until next time...Peace!

For more infomation >> PokéOrigins: What is Sigilyph? - Duration: 3:12.



correct code is 0413.My mistake :)

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