Legally Free To Use Music - your guide to getting free of charge music and using it legally.
This music track is free to use in terms of Creative Commons License (see description for more information and for free download link)
FYI - Copyright Licenses Explained - Icons and Descriptions
C0 - Public Domain. This icon signifies that the specific music track may be used without limitations, and without attributions (credits) to the author
YTAL – YouTube Library In our channel, you will find this icon whenever
the specific music track may be used only within the YouTube platform.
Creative Commons. CC licenses let creators easily change their copyright terms from "all rights reserved"
to "some rights reserved". The CC licenses are irrevocable! This means that once you receive material
under a CC license, you will always have the right to use it under those license terms, even if the licensor changes
his or her mind and stops distributing under the CC license terms. CC consists of 4 rights (BY, SA, ND, NC)
BY - Attribution. You may only use it if you attribute the copyright owner. (as owner requested)
SA - ShareAlike. Any derivative material must be released under the same license.
ND - NoDerivatives. You may not edit the original work.
NC - NonCommercial You may use it, but only non-commercially.
These 4 rights are combined in 6 licenses (see images).
CC+ (CC Plus) is a protocol providing a simple way for users to get rights beyond the rights granted by a CC license.
Royalty-Free. RF is NOT equal to "free of charge". (it can be, but is not automatically equal to)
A recent common mistake is to represent creative works registered under the Creative Commons licenses
as Royalty-Free in the meaning of "free of charge". Certain creative work could be registered under:
• CC-BY (you need to credit the author) • Royalty-Free (one-time payment to the licensor) • Both CC-BY and Royalty-Free.
What are the differences between Creative Commons license and Royalty-Free license agreement:
CC provides 6 licenses, which are clearly defined. All CC licenses require an attribution to the author in the manner specified by the author.
RF - in accordance with the specific agreement for which you have paid the one-time fee,
you get partial rights for use (without attributions to the author to be required),
under specific conditions: per end product, for a limited time, for unlimited time, per frequency of use/views, etc.
For more information - take a look at our playlist "FYI Read More"
Copyrighted under "all rights reserved":
In terms of law, every creative work is automatically protected under "All rights reserved" copyright from the moment of its creation.
The author has the Exclusive Rights of copyrighting over the creative work, until the moment they waive partly or entirely those rights,
registering the creative work under one of the other copyrights licenses or conceding the right of its use under specific conditions,
for which the user of the work shall pay royalties or license fees for each use, or per volume sold, or some time period of use, or sales.
Brief Description (in one screen): C0 (PD); YTAL; CC (BY,SA,ND,NC); RF; C.
So called "NoCopyright Music" is not correct term, but is going popular, so we will use it in meaning of "No Copyright Issues"
Legally Free To Use Music channel will NOT provide music that may cause you copyright issues or any other limitations.
For your convenience this YouTube Channel will provide only FREE of charge and legally FREE to use
monetizable music (allowed to be used commercially), under following licenses:
CO (Public Domain), YTAL - YouTube Audio Library, Creative Commons CC-BY and CC-BY-ND
This music track might be suitable for: (see photo sequence)
(left part of the screen) You are allowed to : copy, distribute, share, monetize, commercial use
advice: If you want to use music which is copyrighted under CC-BY, but you don't want to (or you are unable)
to give attributions (credits) to the copyright owner, you may do the following:
• Ask the copyright owner for an explicit permission (CC Plus); • Buy a royalty-free license (if available to be purchased)
(left) You are allowed to : copy, distribute, share, monetize, use it commercially.
You need more free music? Check out our playlists: Cheerful Happy Upbeat Ukulele, Summer Sports Travel Surf Skate, Cute Sweet Kid Pet, Carefree FeelGood and more.
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