Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 7 2017

Another Bendy and the Ink Machine Theory?

You betcha!

Heyo Prodigies, ProdCharles here, and in this video, I will be sharing with you a Bendy

and the Ink Machine Conspiracy Theory.

This one will explain why Bendy may be Joey Drew.

If you would like more Horror Game theories, remember to Subscribe and #TapThatBell, as

on top of the many theories I have already made, there will be more to come!

Just before we begin, if you think that this video is too long for you, remember to tap

"Add to" and select "Watch Later" to save your progress.

Let's start with what we know:

- We know that the main character, Henry, was invited to the old cartoon studio, supposedly

by Joey Drew.

- We also know that in order to fix the Ink Machine, 6 offerings had to be given up, and

we learned that Joey Drew said that these offerings are there to "appease the gods"

- When we fix the ink machine and switch the ink pressure on, a 3D Bendy appears to jumpscare


- And at the end of Chapter one, Henry is standing in front of a pentagram drawn on

the floor as 3D Bendy appears

Got all those facts?

Now let's bring it all together:

- At the beginning of Bendy Chapter One, it looks like Henry was invited by Joey Drew

to see something back at the cartoon studio they used to work at 30 years


- As we progress through the game, Henry says "so this is what you wanted me to see" as

he enters the ink machine room

- This means that Joey may have invited Henry to come and see the Ink Machine to repair

it, as we have established in our What Happened to Boris the Wolf theory

- However, we have already mentioned that the letter might not have been sent by Joey,

but rather Bendy.

This is because the letter has a stamp from the older days that's fashioned in the Bendy

theme, but Bendy as a cartoon had pretty much flopped by this time, so why would this stamp

be used or even exist?

The cartoonists were not making deadlines, and it looked as if Joey was keeping up the

studio purely to continue making "offerings" to the "gods" If you want to learn more about

this, check out my Is Joey Drew Dead theory.

- With that said, let us turn our attention to the Ink Machine for a moment.

3D Bendy will only appear when the Ink machine is fixed and the ink flow is returned to normal.

We know that Henry goes to the cartoon studio to see the ink machine, so it is possible

that the real purpose for Henry seeing the ink machine is to fix it.

If our predictions on Henry being some kind of genius is correct, he would have been invited

to the studio for his curious mind and knack for fixing things.

In other words, Henry might have been tricked into fixing the ink machine.

- This brings our attention back to Joey.

At the end of Chapter one, 3D Bendy slowly emerges from the shadows and has a human-shape

- wearing a bow tie and, possibly, some shoes.

- This seems very different from the short and chibi-like stature that Bendy has in the

posters, so what is up with this?

- Many Prodigies have pointed out that Joey might be Bendy, and I'm starting to think

this may be the case, too.

- We can see many references to classical alchemy in some scenes of the game, especially

the pentagram at the end of Chapter One and the decagram at one part of the Chapter Two


- This may all hint towards Joey Drew going out of his way to transmute himself into 3D


- As well as gathering all of the items needed to "appease the gods" or, in other words,

get the ink machine started to perform the alchemic reaction, Joey Drew may have also

collected other things to help start and complete the process.

The two most popular things that the Prodigies pointed out on my Chapter Two Trailer analysis

was Boris' heart and Bendy Bacon.

- Joey's strong obsession with keeping the Ink Machine on may suggest that a steady flow

of Ink was needed to sustain the alchemic process.

Some think that this is there as a kind of blood that helps keep the cartoons alive in

their 3D forms.

- With all of the supernatural phenomena happening at the studio, it might have even been Joey

Drew's spirit guiding Henry around to fix the Ink machine in order to reanimate his

3D Bendy form.

Could this also be the cause of the light turning off when we explore the facility?

- If this is the case, this may explain why the letter was written in Joey's handwriting

and contained the Bendy stamp at the end.

It just raises the question of how the letter was sent.

Was it sent by the Joey/Bendy hybrid just as he was losing his form?

Was it sent by Joey just before successfully completing the alchemic reaction?

In either case, who stopped the reaction?

The answer may have something to do with Boris the Wolf's death.

- What do you think?

- Remember to subscribe and #TapThatBell for more interesting horror game theories and


- If you love horror game theories, be sure to check the description for a link to all

of the theories and secrets, and

- Prodigies, I really hope that these theories help you to expand on how you think so it

can help you with how you go about your thinking in your daily lives.


- Prodigies: I realise that Bendy and the Ink Machine is only in its early stages and

many things will change from now until the final version, including chapter one, itself.

I only made this theory because many of the Prodigies wanted to hear my perspective on

what is actually going on in the game and, the future chapters changing everything aside,

even chapter one, itself, could possibly change everything.

How do we know how the Ink Machine even broke in the first place?

What do the other characters that we will inevitably meet affect the plot?

We'll have to wait and see future chapters to find out.

Remember to Subscribe and #TapThatBell for more cool and interesting horror game theories.

For more infomation >> Bendy and the Ink Machine Theories: Is Joey Drew Bendy? 😱 - Duration: 5:07.


God Vs Existence: God created Humans or Humans created God? - Duration: 1:41.

Existence is that which is, and God is that which is not.

Existence is a reality, God is a fiction.

Existence is available only to people who live in the present.

Existence is not your production, but – God is.

That is why there is only one existence, but thousands of gods.

Each according to his needs, each according to his suffering, each according to his expectations,

creates a god or accepts an old belief about God.

God is the greatest lie you can ever find, because on that lie thousands of other lies


It was people's need; people needed a protector.

In the immensity of the universe, a man feels so alone, so small.

The vastness creates trembling in him.

What is your existence?

For more infomation >> God Vs Existence: God created Humans or Humans created God? - Duration: 1:41.


Russia to send the world's largest submarine to the Baltic - Duration: 5:12.

Russia to send the world's largest submarine to the Baltic: Monster sub armed with 20 nuclear missiles to sail into NATOs 'swimming pool' as Putin flexes his muscles

Russia has flexed its nuclear muscles once again by sending the world's largest submarine with an arsenal of 200 weapons on board including 20 nuclear missiles to the Baltic Sea.

PHOTO: Two Naval officers can be seen on Russia's monstrous Dmitry Donskoy Typhoon-class submarine as it emerges from the sea. The massive Typhoon-class sub is to leave the White Sea and travel around Norway and Denmark into what Putin's officials are calling NATO's swimming pool.

The massive Typhoon-class sub called Dmitry Donskoy is to leave the White Sea and travel around Norway and Denmark into what Putin's officials are calling NATO's swimming pool. Measuring 574-foot in length and equipped with a total of 200 deadly weapons, it is one of the most feared vessels of the Cold War era.

The Kremlin is scheduled to parade the submarine in St Petersburg, but is set to serve as a chilling reminder to the rest of the world about Russia's nuclear prowess.

Eerily, the Dmitry Donskoy - named after the Prince of Moscow who reigned from 1359 to 1389 - can stay submerged for periods of up to 120 days and is fitted with six torpedo tubes. Typhoon-class submarines feature multiple pressure hulls that simplify internal design while making the vessel much wider than a normal submarine.

In the main body of the sub, two long pressure hulls lie parallel with a third, smaller pressure hull above them which protrudes just below the sail, and two other pressure hulls for torpedoes and steering gear. This design greatly increases their chances of survival — even if one pressure hull is breached, the crew members in the other are safe and there is less potential for flooding. It is big enough to hold a crew of 160 on board.

PHOTO: Monstrous 574-foot nuclear sub is equipped with a total of 200 deadly weapons and is one of the Cold War's fiercest vessels. Twenty of the ballistic missiles on board have a range of more than 5,000 miles, which is more than capable of reaching the US from the seas surrounding Russia

It was deployed by the Soviet Army in the 1980s after being developed under Project 941 as the Russian Akula class, which translates to shark. The reason for building the enormous fighting machine was to counter the American equivalent Ohio-class submarines, which were capable of carrying 192 warheads.

PHOTO: A Russian Navy officer on the phone with a pen in his hand ready to take orders while a colleague checks the signals and dials behind him. It was deployed by the Soviet Army in the 1980s after being developed under Project 941 as the Russian Akula class, which translates to shark

Typically, the Russian model - of which six were build - was bigger and heavier than its US counterpart. The Dmitriy Donskoy is the only one still in active service with the Russian Navy, but its operational duties have now been scaled back to serve as a test platform for the Bulava missile. It appears the presence of the sub in the Baltic Sea is purely for show due to the shallowness of the water.

PHOTO: The Typhoon-class, which remains the world's largest, heaves ahead in the Barents Sea at Russia's Arctic Coast in this September 2001 photo. The reason for building the enormous fighting machine was to counter the American equivalent Ohio-class submarines, which were capable of carrying 192 warheads. Typically, the Russian model - of which six were build - was bigger and heavier than its US counterpart

Typhoons were built to hide in the world's deepest oceans and stay there undetected for months, whereas the stretch of water separating Scandinavia and northern mainland Europe has an average depth of just 180 feet. This will mean it will be forced to surface to avoid scraping along the sea bed, giving enthusiasts the chance to catch a glimpse of the beast.

PHOTO: The Kremlin is scheduled to parade the submarine in St Petersburg, but is set to serve as a chilling reminder to the rest of the world about Russia's nuclear prowess. Eerily, the Dmitry Donskoy - named after the Prince of Moscow who reigned from 1359 to 1389 - can stay submerged for periods of up to 120 days and is fitted with six torpedo tubes.

Just two days ago, Lithuania warned NATO that Russia has the capability to attack the Baltic states with as little as 24 hours' notice according to intelligence sources. Such a sneak attack would force NATO to respond with just the small number of military assets in place, the Lithuanian intelligence service claimed

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, annexed by the Soviet Union in the 1940s but now part of both NATO and the European Union, have been increasingly nervous since the Russian takeover of Crimea in 2014.

PHOTO: Typhoon-class submarines like the Dmitry Donskoy (pictured) feature multiple pressure hulls that simplify internal design while making the vessel much wider than a normal submarine. In the main body of the sub, two long pressure hulls lie parallel with a third, smaller pressure hull above them which protrudes just below the sail, and two other pressure hulls for torpedoes and steering gear. This design greatly increases their chances of survival — even if one pressure hull is breached, the crew members in the other are safe and there is less potential for flooding

The Lithuanian intelligence service said in its annual threat assessment that Russia had upgraded its military in the Kaliningrad region last year, reducing lead times for any attack and potentially preventing NATO reinforcements. The Russian upgrade included Su-30 fighter aircraft and missile systems allowing ships to be targeted almost anywhere in the Baltic Sea.

Lithuanian Defence Minister Raimundas Karoblis said: 'This is a signal to NATO to improve its decision speed. NATO's reaction time is not as fast as we would like it to be.' Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissed the concerns as a display of anti-Russian sentiment. He replied: 'There is total Russophobia, hysterical Russophobia going on. Moscow has always supported good relations with the Baltic states.'

This year NATO is deploying a force of about 1,000 soldiers in each of the Baltic states and Poland, in addition to smaller contingents of U.S. troops already in the region. Karoblis continued: 'The force is adequate in the short-term, but in the medium-term perspective we would like more capability, and not only land troops but also air defences and capabilities to counter any blockade.'

Russia is monitoring and suppressing radio frequencies used by NATO pilots over the Baltic Sea and is using commercial and scientific ships for surveillance, the report said. The intelligence service said there was also the risk of 'deliberate or accidental incidents' involving Russian and Belarusian troops who are taking part in military exercises planned for March.

The Baltic states have previously said they would press the United States and NATO to take additional security measures in the region ahead of the exercises. Intelligence officers said disinformation aimed at discrediting NATO soldiers stationed in Lithuania, such as a recent false report of a rape by German soldiers, was likely to persist.

Head of Lithuanian military counter intelligence Remigijus Baltrenas added: 'Provocations against NATO units in Lithuania will continue and will get bigger.'

PHOTO: The Dmitry Donskoy is pictured here at a docking station with its enormous propellers spitting water backwards. Members of the crew can be seen on top of the beast. The sizeable frame of the sub means it's capable of carrying a crew of up to 160 on board

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