Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 7 2017

How To Strengthen Your Aura And Protect Yourself From Being Emotionally Drained


How To Strengthen Your Aura And Protect Yourself From Being Emotionally DrainedDo you end every

day feeling like you�ve run a marathon even if you�ve just spent it talking to people?

You�re not alone!

Your energy is a limited resource and will only get you so far as it depletes throughout

the day.

Use these techniques, and follow the advice about what might cause a drain on your energy,

to ensure that you optimize the energy you do have, and keep a happy, healthy aura.

What Causes Aura Drain?

There are plenty of common mistakes people in modern society make every day, which weakens

their aura.

Here is a list of all the things that might be weakening your aura.

It may also give you an idea of some the things you should be avoiding!

Lack of exercise Poor diet

Use of alcohol, drugs, or tobacco Lack of fresh air

Stress Not getting enough rest

To know more about the condition of your Aura you should take this AURA TEST!

As a start, you should try and get into better habits surrounding all of the above.

If you struggle to find the motivation to follow these healthy habits, think about their

impact not just on your physical body, but on your body�s energies too.

That should help kick-start that motivation!

What Can You Do To Maintain a Healthy Aura?

Technique #1: Prevent Yourself From Being Drained

If you find that talking to certain people leaves you feeling utterly drained and lacking

in energy, it might be that these people are, often unintentionally, stealing your aura�s


In many cases, these people are using others� energy to supplement their own, rather than

creating it for themselves.

If people ever tell you they feel better after having spoken with you, it is often because

they are using your energy in this way.

You can be, and should be, in complete control where your energy is concerned.

To stop other people from latching onto your auric energy and sapping it away, you need

to close your energy circuit.

Currents of energy flow within and around you in your auric field.

If you leave your circuit open, other people can all too easily feed off of it.

How to do it

When you are talking with someone who often drains your energy, cross your ankles, and

bring your hands together touching the thumbs and fingers to one another.

This will create a closed circuit.

The energy flows within and around you but won�t leech into others.

After practicing this for a while, you may find that some people tell you something about

you has changed, or that they don�t feel you refresh them in the way you used to.

This is simply because they are no longer feeding off your aura�s energy.

You will certainly feel a lot more energized at the end of each day if you practice this


Technique #2: Energy Breathing Technique

Your breath is essential for revitalizing your energy stores and topping up your auric


One of the leading causes of weakness in auric energy that we mentioned earlier is a lack

of fresh air.

However, the way in which you breathe is just as important.

Breathing through the nose not only warms the air before it enters the lungs, reducing

the risk of inflammation of the respiratory organs, it also �filters� the air entering

the body.

Your nostrils capture and remove a lot of the dirt and pollution in the air that surrounds

us, promoting much cleaner breathing.

Your energy has polarity, positive and negative, male and female, sun and moon.

The balance of these is called Sushumna.

This breathing technique energizes the aura and balances the polarity of the body.

How to do it

Begin by placing your dominant hand on your nose with your thumb on one side and fingers

on the other.

Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth, but remain relaxed.

Using your thumb to close the nostril on that side of the face (right hand, right nostril)

inhale for a slow count of four.

Then, close the other nostril using your fingers (so both are now closed) and hold for a count

of 16.

If this is too long a time to start off, work towards increasing whatever you can manage

over time.

Once completed, release the thumb (but keep the fingers closing the other nostril) and

slowly exhale for a count of eight.

Now, you can breathe back in again through this open nostril, alternating as you go,

for around five or six breaths in total.

Technique #3: The Cleansing Vortex

This technique is a powerful visualization procedure and is fantastic for sweeping out

and cleansing any energy detritus that may have accumulated over the course of the day.

It is particularly useful if you spend your days interacting with a lot of people.

They might be filling you up with some negative energies!

How to do it

Find a comfortable, seated position, and if you want to, perform Technique #2 to relax

and ready you.

Next, visualize a small whirlwind of crystalline white fire around 20 feet above your head.

Then visualize the small end of the funnel entering through the crown of your head and

going down through your body.

It should be rotating clockwise, and as it touches your aura, you should see all the

detritus being sucked in and burned away.

As it moves through you, more and more of the negative energies will be swept away,

until it exits through your feet and into the ground.

Give Them a Try

The next time you feel like the day has taken its toll on you, try some of these techniques.

You may find that you were victim to an �aura vampire,� that you just needed a moment

to breathe, or that you have been filled with energy debris.

Simply by taking some time to correct and refill your aura�s energy, you may find

a second wind, a new lease of life, and go on

to have a happy, healthy aura.

For more infomation >> How To Strengthen Your Aura And Protect Yourself From Being Emotionally Drained - Duration: 7:03.


Letter N song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners - Duration: 2:00.

Letter N song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners

For more infomation >> Letter N song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners - Duration: 2:00.


Letter M song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners - Duration: 2:21.

Letter M song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners

For more infomation >> Letter M song for kids (music video) - english alphabet song for children, beginners - Duration: 2:21.


How Much Money Youtube Paying for Per 10000 Views after recent ad boycott? - Duration: 2:43.

hey what is up guys this is roy and welcome to

another brand new video on this channel so

today in this video I just want to talk

with about the current scenario of

YouTube so if you don't know guys so

many company and about more than 200 big

big company like pepsi coka cola

WallMart starbucks johnson & johnson

AT&T so many big big company they pull

out their ad so either going to

loosening about a billion $

per year may be more than that because of

this main main thing is that the

traditional media losing advertisement

because of YouTube and other internet

media and they just on their

advertisement back and they are doing all

of this shit because of this and now I'm

going to show you how this thing affect

me my youtube channel and I made

a eco-park videos as just normal type video

and this video I getting only

point nine dollars even out of three

thousand seven hundred views and I same

same type of video i uploaded so this

technical guruji video so the

technical guru meetup video i uploaded

on April second and it has near about

10,000 views right now and go to revenue

matrix which views so 8442 views my

estimate revenue is 0.79

dollar so near about a dollar 10,000

so this video i get near about a

dollar for 4,000 views not bad the show

the ad impression so this video is near

4,000 views and 1000 ad impression so

every four views youtube display an ad

on this video but look at this video

look at this video go to my tree more an

impression so this video is narrower

night counted views at ad impression is

379 if you calculate it so part 22 views

on ads shown for 22 views i get an ad

shown on this video that is the main

reason guys the ad revenue is really

really low and this thing going to effect

every youtuber in this planet so I'm losing

near about thirty to forty percent ad

revenue from same amount of views and

that that insane guys and so many

YouTube always started right now it's

really really hard for them for making

money any kind of money from YouTube so

guys that's before today I hope you like

this video if you liked it make sure

it's like a big thumbs up on this video

meet with you on my next video till then

bye-bye data peace

For more infomation >> How Much Money Youtube Paying for Per 10000 Views after recent ad boycott? - Duration: 2:43.


Erica: Man Made - Duration: 14:21.

For more infomation >> Erica: Man Made - Duration: 14:21.


Smoothing Average Expert Advisor - VertexFX22 - Duration: 3:53.

Hello, My name is Christy from OmSaiTech, a leading software development company known

for programming trading robots and indicators for VertexFX trading terminal. In This Video

I am going to discuss about a new Expert Advisor called Smoothing Average in detail along with

its various components on which it works. In addition I am going to explain in details

about how to download and install the EA on your local VertexFX trading terminal.

Smoothing Average is a client-side VTL expert advisor based on the Simple Moving Average

also called as SMA indicator. SMA is widely used in various Forex trading analysis strategies.

So, it becomes very important to understand what a simple moving average is and how it

is calculated. SMA means Simple Moving Aveage. SMA is calulated

with the deviding the sum of set of price by all the total number of prices found in

the set.

A Simple Moving Average is a useful indicator that provides feedback about the trend and

its direction. A rising Simple Moving Average implies a bullish trend, whereas a falling

Moving Average implies a bearish trend.

Speaking of Smoothing Average Expert Advisor, You can download this E A from website,

after downloading you have to install it in Vertex FX Trading Terminal and then attach

it to the price chart of the pair in which you want to trade with the help of EA; Now

you must be confused and might not be aware how to do that ?? but do not worry even if

you do not know how to do that, at the end of the tutorial I am going to explain how

to install any EA or Indicator on VertexFX trading terminal in details.

Now coming back to Smoothing Average expert advisor it uses the trending characteristics

of the SMA to identify a trading range and direction, and then place trades when the

price is trading in a band defined by the SMA. The expert advisor expects the price

to trade within a range defined the Smoothing user parameter of the SMA.

It identifies a trading band of Smoothing points above and below the current price for

example if the value of smoothing point is set to 50 pips then it will calculate the

trading band of 50 pips above and bellow the each SMA prices. Once its done it places reversal

trades when the price reaches outside this band.

If there is no open trade, and the price is below the SMA plus Smoothing points level,

a SELL trade is opened for the specified lots. On the contrary if the price is above the

SMA minus Smoothing points, a BUY trade is opened for the specified lots.

This expert advisor uses identical exit management whereby a SELL trade is closed if the price

reaches above the SMA plus Smoothing points, or, closing a BUY trade when the price falls

below SMA minus Smoothing points.

As previously mentioned , after downloading the Indicator or Expert Advisor, save it to

the Local VTL Scripts Folder of VertexFX Trading Terminal, The Local VTL Scripts Folder

location is displayed on the screen. After downloading, the Expert will be available

at VTL local scripts node, or you can install it directly from the VertexFX trading terminal's

from v store TAB. Thanks for watching this Video. Subscribe

to our channel Om Sai Tech for more VTL Indicators and Expert Advisors. Have a nice


For more infomation >> Smoothing Average Expert Advisor - VertexFX22 - Duration: 3:53.


The weather word of the day is W-I-N-D-Y! - Duration: 3:31.














6.8 FEET






























































































For more infomation >> The weather word of the day is W-I-N-D-Y! - Duration: 3:31.


Jo Bole So Nihaal Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movies | Sunny Deol Full Movies - Duration: 2:04:31.

Romeo did a real great job by breaching the security..

..and kidnapping the son of Nepal King.

Everything that Romeo does is perfect.

But the job now may involve the lives of a 50-100 people.

If the price is right, forget a few hundred..

..even a thousand lives matter nothing to Romeo.

Ok. Arrange a meeting of ours with Romeo.

No one can meet Romeo.

Consider meeting me as meeting Romeo.

Pay and your work will be done.

Confess son, what sin have you committed.

What mistake did you commit?

Father the bomb blasts in Karachi..

..which killed 35 people was my handiwork.

Yours? - Yes, father.

I want to be absolved of my sins.

Son, you have asked for the God's pardon..

..and the Lord has absolved you or your sins.

Go and surrender!

Father, I know that I will absolved with my confess.

Many people died because of me today..

..for which I confessed before God and He absolved me.

And what about taking the Father's life?

I will confess that the next Sunday.

That means you will have to search for a Church in Punjab..

..for that confession. - Punjab?

Yeah, your next mission is in Punjab.

There is no water.

'Father, I committed a heinous crime today morning..'

'..which resulted in brutal killing of many innocent..'

', women and children.' - What?

And I also killed a priest. - You killed a priest?

Father I have come here to confess my sins.

Is this your vehicle? - Yes.

Is this your bag? - Yes.

You idiot! Does one leave his bag in an open jeep?

What if some crook flicked it?

What's the date today?


Had it been the 16th, Nihal Singh wouldn't be..

..performing his 'petroleum' over here..

..and this bag would've been definitely flicked.

Sorry, Sir, made a mistake in my rush to visit the Church.

It is like this, Sir, come what may..

..I visit the Church every Sunday to make my confession.

What.. what? Con.. what? - To confess! - Means.

Means, accepting one's committed sins and mistakes.. front of the God and seek his pardon.

I take your leave, now.

Okay, God bless you.

Hey, wait! You committed another mistake.

Well? - Just see the smoke that your vehicle is emanating.

Do you have the PUC papers? - I will get them.

Get them? You should have got them.

Got the registration papers?

I will keep them along, henceforth.

Keep them along, henceforth!? Nothing doing.. come out. C'mon.

Do you have the pistol license?

You think you are too smart, huh? No papers for the pistol..

..or the vehicle either. No PUC even.

Come along!


Trying to flee!? Don't want to go the police station?

Get up!

Hey.. funny! There isn't any thumb in this!

You try to tease us Punjabis!? Wait till..

Didn't matter that you didn't have the PUC!

Didn't matter even if you didn't carry the registration papers.

Even not having the pistol license would've been fine!

But the moment you dare raise your hand on the police.. are behind bars.. for two.. five..

..ten.. may be hundred years!

Go inside.

Sir.. just don't mind it. Here, keep this.

Hey, you're trying to bribe Nihal Singh!?

Here, keep this as well.

Hey.. so much money!?

From where did you bring it?

From where? - I am telling you.. wait!

Sir, I robbed the Bank of Amritsar.

Robbed the Bank of Amritsar?

Even I hold an account there!

Couldn't you find another bank?

I committed this robbery to save my daughter's life.

Daughter's life?

I've a three year old daughter Suffering from cancer.

A three year old girl..

..and she has cancer!?

Yeah, I didn't have the money for her treatment.

Otherwise, will this Romeo ever do such deeds? Never!

You felt no shame! You deserve a tight one.

What else could I do than to rob?

Who is talking of the robbery?

The money that you stole for your daughter's treatment.. left even that in the open jeep?

What if some crook flicked it?

What would've been your Daughter's fate then?

Leave the sympathies.

Before some crook the police got hold of it.

Sheer bad luck!

Sir, don't take me to the police station.

If you wish, pump a bullet in me.

A daughter will die while her father is still alive..!

Rosy! If only.. but..

Cut this 'if and but' of yours or else this Jatt won't be.. to hold back his tears.

Sir, save my daughter. Rosy!

Hey, you are crying again. What happened?

Sir, please take the vehicle from those fields. -Why?

That's my house there.

My daughter Rosy must be waiting at the window..

..for her daddy to return.

If she happens to see me in this condition..

..she is certain to die..

You are such a stonehearted man!

Won't you meet your daughter before reaching the jail?

Come, let's go. To hell with my duty! Go and meet you daughter.

Sir, I won't go home.

Take me police station.

Why? What happened now?

If my daughter happens to see me like this..

What if I am wearing the uniform? I too am human.

Go, meet your daughter and come back. I will wait here.

Who are you?

Stop there!



What's the truth, Nihal?

Sir, so many times I've said that I fell for his words.

He appeared to be a truthful and devoted guy.

He was coming out of the church..

- The priest was killed in the same church.

What? Sir, had the BSF men not stopped me..

..I would've nabbed him across the border.

I am still asking you to let me go.

I will nab him and bring him back.

This is the money which you took from Romeo.. help his cross the border.

This is the money which Romeo robbed from Bank of Amritsar.

No robbery has been reported from Bank of Amritsar.

Sir, this is the map of the border and the master plan..

..of the bomb blast that occurred at the commander's place.

Nihal Singh, you betrayed the police department?

I ain't a betrayer!

I am no traitor!

Under oath of the Waheguru! I am not a betrayer.

Nihal Singh, you are lucky that the IG has only ordered for an..

..inquiry and you are merely suspended.

Had you been charged under POTA you would've rotted in the jail.

Give me that uniform and get lost from here.

Don't ever commit the mistake of seeing me ever, you betrayer!

Stop it, Daulatiya! I am a Jatt and you suspect my integrity?

In our community, the moment a child is born..

..he thinks of sacrificing his life for the motherland.

And while dying, he has his eyes fixed on..

..the national tricolour thinking all the while..

.. of being born for this country again.

Forget the uniform! You peel our skins off..

..but you won't find a traitor among us!


Don't cry.

Everything fine, Nihal?

Yeah, mother! Everything is fine. Come.

Nihal! What's this that you've done?

We commanded such respect in this village.

Nobody dared question us on anything till now.

And now? I am needed to explain to one and all.

Father, trust me. He said his daughter was dying of cancer.

And my heart gave way. He fooled me.

Who all are you going to narrate this tale to? Who all?

The whole of village calls Balwant Singh's son a traitor.

Balwant Singh!

Come here, Balwant. Just listen.

Rajinder Singh, why are you standing outside? Do come in.

Who will step inside a traitor's House? - Yeah, very true.

It is my humble submission if my son turns..

.. out to be a traitor, I'd leave this village forever.

Do that later! First leave the Village Head 's post.

Rajinder Singh will hold the Village Head 's.. henceforth. - Yes.

Hey Balwant, how will a Traitor's father handle..

..the reins of the village? - Hey! You dare to cuss my father!

Manjeet, my daughter is to be wedded in your family.

You are to be my relative. - Not anymore, Balwant. Not anymore.

I don't wish to marry my son in your family.

Who knows which all terrorists one has to give company to!?

For God's sake, don't break this alliance.

Leave it. I don't want to marry in a family..

..which holds such an opinion for my brother.

Get lost of here! Enough of the drama!

Get lost! What are you watching! Get out.

We're going. - Come on, come on.

It see that we don't understand any language.

Father, I am speaking the truth. I am not a traitor.

Yes, I did commit a mistake.

Nihal, be it that you are a traitor or you committed..

..a mistake your deeds turned us to living corpses.

Brother, father is upset. He would understand after a few days

No, Satnam, the village folks and..

..father won't understand so simply.

They will understand only when I will drag..

..Romeo to this village and he will scream and..

.. tell everyone that Nihal Singh isn't a traitor.

He is not a traitor!

Romeo, hide wherever you wish to.

Escape to the place where you intend to and do as you like.

But remember, Nihal Singh will dig you out.

From wherever you are!

Nice church! Let's go.

What are you doing?

Lisa, America has brought memories of my mother. - What?

Every child tells his mother that he would..

..grow up to become a doctor or an engineer and go to..

..America to earn lots of wealth and fame. I too used to say..

..the same that I'd go to America to earn lots of wealth.

As regards fame that I don't want!

Ok, tell me what is my name here?


Your passport and the social security card bear this name.

And are the owner of a restaurant in New York.

Very nice. - You'll have to be very careful in America.

Hi, Lisa. - Hi Steven, he's the new boss here; Sikandar.


After the incident of 9/11 the FBI has become very suspicious.

They keep strict vigil on one and all.

They try to keep tab on everyone.

Relax Lisa! I have only one record.

That I don't have any record anywhere.

The mountains of Afghan, the lanes of Karachi..

..Bosnia, France, Germany, India.

Is there any place left untouched from my feats?

The Interpol, the Scotland Yard or the French police..

..none could touch me even.

You guys have the intelligence report presentation to be made..

..before the arrival of the President on the 4th of July.

Whoever engineered the blast in New York seems to..

.. be an expert in breaching security and to my..

.. mind it seems very likely that the Gun Moby..

..would hire him to kill the President.


Wishing that this could not happen.

He is protected by the First Security Wing.

From the police to the national guard to the FBI.. the secret services.

And what if some people from these agencies..

..get involved in this conspiracy.

It has happened before. Put a crack team on this case.

Find the man before any likely conspirators could get to him.

Agent Andrew!

I want to know, who's responsible for this blast?

I have a crack team on it. I am following every possible lead.

I want all the information, all of it right now. - Yes.

What brings the FBI officials to the Indian Embassy?

Sir, it's about the last week's blast in New York.

We have spoken to many informants but..

..we failed to find the person responsible for it.

Sir, there has been a pattern.

Pattern. What kind of pattern?

In the few years there have been..

..similar blasts in other countries.

And after that a church priest is found dead.

In the past couple of years it has been the same pattern.

France, Germany Israel, Pakistan, India and Nepal.

This means that the same group..

..or person is responsible for the blasts.

Yes, sir.

So what does the FBI want from the Indian government.

"Recite the real name, the real name.."

"Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru.."

"Recite the real name, the real name.."

"Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru.."

So mother, I have offered prayers to the Waheguru as well. What now?

All your sorrows will vanish now.

Remember, the name of Guru Nanak is akin to a ship.

It sails you through.

Nihal, they are from the American Embassy.

And FBI, which is the secret services of America..

..believes that Romeo is in America.

Romeo.. is in America? - Yes

Mother! Romeo has been traced!

All because of the Waheguru!

'Victory is always certain to the ..

..faithful ones of the Waheguru!'

Nihal, the home ministry wants you to help them.

Because only you can recognize him.

Do you remember his face?

Hey, I can never forget him.

He remembers Romeo's face. - Great.

Nihal, detail his features to them so that they can..

.. draw a computer sketch and trace him in America.

Oh, now it becomes clear. I should narrate them his..

..features so that they can nab him in America..

..while I sit here waiting like a fool!?

You think me to be a madcap? Listen carefully..

.. if you want to nab Romeo I would like to go to America.

Nihal, it isn't possible. - I'll go to America.

What is he saying?

He says you will have to take him to USA.

Are you mad?

Hey, don't call me mad.

Have you been trahi by Romeo?

Do the village folks term you as a traitor?

Has your father been humiliated?

You are talking like this.

Mother, pack my bags! I am off to America.

I'll accompany too. Sir, I too have my passport ready.

I had been to America once for Manjeet's wedding.

Mother, this is a secret mission, full of dangers.

What are you going to do in it?

After all I would bring Romeo here, won't I?

Sir, I have one more condition. Now that I am going on duty..

..I want my uniform back.

Give him his uniform back.

Nihal, you'll have to leave for America today.

Ok, sir.

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk.."

"..they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

Come Nihal Singh, I am FBI agent Manoj Bhadrakar.

Welcome to America.

Hey, you are an Indian?

And she is agent Joana. - Welcome.


And he's agent Tyson. - Nice to meet you.

Take this..

Let's go. - Come

When we are going to trap Romeo?

We will talk about Romeo at the FBI office.

Can't you see I am eating ice-cream here?

What's your problem? - Oh, sorry!

Are you blind or something? Well you don't look blind to me.

If you are blind, where is your walking stick?

Watch your mouth.

What can't afford one; want me to buy you one?

Now I know why America is progressing so much.

Even the kids speak English here.

Now what are you trying to say?

I am Nihal Singh.

What's your name, kid? - Romeo!


'English rap song'

'English rap song'

Manoj. He is not there. - What? Where is Nihal Singh?

Hey! - There he is.

Come inside. - What are you doing?

He wants to talk. - What?

What happened? Let's go, Nihal.

Who can recognize Romeo? - You.

Whom are you seeing now? - You.

So who's the leader?

You are.

Don't you have the courtesy to not follow your leader? Come on in.

He wants us to go inside. - But why?

Just come inside.

Come.. follow him.

Andrew, Alex, this is Nihal Singh.

Nihal Singh, he is Andrew, our group leader.

No, I am the leader. Follow me.

Let's just follow him.

Nihal, have you reached properly?

Yes mother, I have reached properly.

Mama, this hotel room is bigger than..

..the whole villa of the Village Head.

It has so many rooms and every room has a bathroom attached.

Even a kitchen is there! And such a huge TV and a girl as well.

'A girl?'

'A girl?'

What happened mother?

Nihal says his hotel room has one room connected from..

.. the other and then a third room and a girl in that room!

Is he in America?

Hi, I am Suzanne!

I think it's the wrong room.

This is Nihal Singh's room

I know Nihal, I have been sent for you.

For my..

I am not that type of a guy, I am a decent chap. Please, go.

Nihal, you don't seem to understand.

I understand everything. Just go.

If I don't stay here.. - If..

But try to understand.. - But..

No 'ifs or buts' only 'Jatt.' And you leave this room right now

Behave yourself.

Do you have the gun licence?

I am an FBI officer.

A policewoman!?

I am special agent Satinder Kaur.

What happened, mother?

Satnam, I feel Nihal is in grave danger.

Yes. Okay.

Nihal, be careful.

What careful? Everyone out here drive on the wrong side.

Nihal, here the cars are driven on the right hand side.

Your right is wrong.

Nihal, what's the matter?

Nihal, let's go from here.

He is a boy.

Nihal, FBI thinks that Romeo is in New York.

What if he is not in New York?

Suzanne, are you crazy? If the Waheguru didn't want me.. be here, why would have He sent me? - What does that mean?

You have forgotten your roots! Don't you have brains?

Waheguru! The God!

If I didn't have any reason to come here, would He send me here?

Had it been only for a vacation? He would have sent me to Shimla.

You trust the Lord so much?

Before coming here my mother said something to me.


"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk..

..they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who never gives up reaches the destination!"

"These faithful of the Guru always keep their word!"

"The one who never gives up reaches the destination!"

"These faithful of the Guru always keep their word!"

"Time favours those fearless, who defy the bindings of fate."

"The sons of Punjab do what they say."

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"One is match for a lakh and quarter by..

..the blessings of the lord. "

"Wherever I go I come victorious and.. called your proud devotee."

"One is match for a lakh and quarter by..

..the blessings of the lord. "

"Wherever I go I come victorious and.. called your proud devotee."

"Time is witness to the fact that we've broken shackles.."

"A human being is capable to create his own destiny."

"The moment a question is raised..

..we are ready to provide it with a fitting reply."

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk..

..they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

I knew one doesn't get onions in America.

So I brought a few along.

Listen Nihal Singh, with your help we'll create a sketch of..

..Romeo and make posters out of it.. be circulated all over America.

Romeo is very cunning!

This exercise will only make him cautious.

One who could fool constable Nihal Singh..

..isn't a fool himself. Ask me why.

He wants us to ask him 'why'?

Why? - 'Z'

What is he saying?

I have studied English. I have studied till the middle class.




Now tell me why Romeo is not illiterate.

Q? - What's Q?

Hey, its Q R S T U V.. - Nihal Singh.

It's not like that, it is said like this. Nasally.

Now try saying it!


Because he doesn't have his left thumb.

Why is he laughing?

He says that Romeo doesn't have a thumb on he left hand.

So, what's funny about that?

He made a joke out of it.

Oh, God!

Yes God. Romeo believes in God and visits the..

.. Church every Sunday to make a confession.

So we will nab him this Sunday when he visits the Church. Easy!

But there are 56 churches here in New York.

So we will keep a vigil on all the 56 Churches.

After all this is America.

Everyone says that Romeo do his job with perfection?

Everything that Romeo does is perfect.

Everybody wants his job done by Romeo.

Now listen.. The next target.

On 19th January in New York's Grand Hyatt..

..there is a women conference.

And US secretary of defense's wife is the guest.

There will be one blast and finished!

Done! This is our offshore bank account number.

Transfer the funds by tomorrow.

Romeo doesn't work without an advance.

Romeo is an interesting man, but why doesn't he meet in person?

The jobs that you get Romeo to do..

..why don't you do them yourselves?

But tell me, is Romeo a real person or not?

Have you ever seen air? - No.

But it's still there.

Have you ever seen lightening?

No. - But it's still there.

Have you ever seen God?

No. - But it's still there.

Similarly no one has seen Romeo, but he is a reality.

It is time for us to leave, now. If we miss our mainland ship..

..we will have to wait in Bahamas for three days.

Why don't you wait? It would be good for business.

If Romeo comes to know of this, he'd kill you.

And killing someone free isn't good for our business!

Good bye.

Hey tin, It contains ten thousand microns, wow!

Lisa, you will go to the hotel and leave this bag there.

Once you are out, I will press the button on the remote.

And Martha Stewart is dead. Boom!

Romeo, but what about others?

They too will die along with Martha!

Satwinder Kaur, is it? - My name is Suzanne.


People here in America aren't able to pronounce Satwinder.

So they call me Suzanne since childhood.

Had Nihal Singh come in America during childhood..

..people would have called me Nihang?

Just Keep quite, Suzanne, Nihang.

This is my sister Manjeet Kaur.

I need her address.

Okay, we'll go there later.

You stay here. I will be back from the parlour in some time.

Don't move! - What!?

Don't move! Stay here! - Why do you scream?

Hello, your bag please. - Thank you.

Ma'am, you okay? - Are you alright?

Ma'am. Oh my God!

Ma'am.. are you okay?

Ma'am. Hey what's happening here?

Are you alright?

I think I'll call 4911. - No! No! I'm okay.

I'm fine. I'm fine. Thanks.

Thank you. Thank you.

Madam, that thing.. - Was an asthma attack.

No, it was 'Damaa' (Indian term for Asthma).

And 'Damaa' can only treated with 'Dum' (might). - Okay, okay

And if you want to recover from it.. this onion everyday morning.

I always keep it with me.

Who knows when I might get affected by a sunstroke.

Okay, okay.

Saffora Rashid.

Ma'am, may I've your registration card please?

I think I left it in the car.

I'll be back. - Okay.


Bye. - Bye.

Sorry! You can't come in here.

Madam, bag, madam! Woman! - Sick!

Bag, madam!

Nihal.. - I am come but return this bag.

Nihal stop it.

Where has she gone? - Nihal!

What you doing here? Didn't I tell you to wait for me?

That madam forgot her bag. I came here to return it.

I don't care. C'mon. - But.. - C'mon!

Let's go! C'mon.

I'm not new here.

Romeo.. what are you doing here?

We were supposed to meet in the parking.

Just thinking.. if the bomb explodes..

..will the whole building? - Please, stop it Romeo.

Did you place the bag? - Yes.

When She is arriving? - She must be there at any time.

Romeo, Martha must have reached the conference room?

This bag.. is it yours?

The bomb's in it.

Bomb! - Bomb!

How come this bag was in the car?! - I don't know!

How come this bag..

I am going to bank. Wait for me. - Fine.

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!

Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk, they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The Lord has been gracious! The Lord has showered His blessings!"

"The Lord has been gracious! The Lord has showered His blessings!"

"The Lord has been gracious!"

"The obstacles have been removed!" "The Lord has been gracious!"

"The Lord has been gracious! The Lord has showered His blessings!"

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk, they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"


The President arrives on the 4th of July.

What do you mean he's nowhere?

He has vanished. The guy's mad.

Call this shit! How do we find him?

I'm sure he'll come back. - Oh, yeah? Where is he gone?

You don't worry, guys.

The child will be perfect, healthy and will be coming out.

No tensions! No worries. - Manjeet!

Nihal!? Where are you? Greetings! - Greetings!

Where were you?! Nowhere to be found?

Is this right? Have a seat.

Where's brother-in-law?

The doctor's operating upon their child.

What happened?

It's a very sad story.

The child is suffering from cancer.

Operation is successful!

Successful! Successful! - Nihal has come.

How are you, Brother-in-law?


Yes, 'Brother-in-law? Is everything fine at home?

Manjeet.. what's brother-in-law talking about?

Nihal.. doctor's suffering from an ailment.

He pronounces 'S' as 'S'.

Pronounces 'S' as 'S'!?

If not 'S' as 'S'.. will he then pronounce it as 'B?'

I'm telling the same! The same!

Brother-in-law has got it.

Don't worry! - Enough! Enough! I've got it all.

You pronounce 'S' as 'F' and you pronounce 'F' as 'S.'

First class.

The child's recovered.

But, it's a puppy? - So then, am I a Vet?

Tell me what brings you to America?

Well, a terrorist named Romeo has ruined my life.

I've come to America to search him. Today I sighted him.

I was about to catch him..

And I am unable to find the way to hotel.

Nihal.. which hotel are you staying?

The one whose building is very tall.

But.. what's the hotel's name?

Don't know the name, but the building is tall.

Every building is tall in New York.

Any landmark nearby?

Yeah, the building next to it is taller than it..

..and the building on the other side is taller than the both.

Taller!? - Oh! Forget about this taller and shorter thing.

Go and find out Nihal's hotel.

Till then I'll do 'Sex' (Wants to say 'Fax).

Don't you have any shame?!

Nihal.. in America.. before initiating anything..'s very necessary to do 'Sex' (Wants to say 'Fax').

But, you're no American!

You forgot!

She pronounces 'F' as 'S'

In fact, she's faxing.

Got it? C'mon.. let's search for the hotel.

This is another tall building of New York.

Is this the building?

Didn't I say that the building next to it is taller than it..

..and the one on the other side is taller than the both?

It's very tall than other buildings.

I forgot. Go and bring the mobile.

Hello! - Is Tayyab Ali there?

Who is it? - Sikandar.

Sikandar!? The one who defeated Porus?

Shut up!

Give the phone to Tayyab Ali.

Brother-in-law, some Sikandar.

Oh! Fikander, sir (Wants to say 'Sikandar)!

Hello, Fikander sir (Wants to say 'Sikandar)!

Doctor, I think my dove's not well.

Come fast to my place.

I'll come, right away.

C'mon, sit in the car. - Brother-in-law, my hotel..

We shall see that later. He is a big shot.

We'll have to go there, right away.

"The dawn was unlike the night."

"A burglar robbed me all."

"The dawn was unlike the night."

"A burglar robbed me all."

"Goodness.. why I took so long to get up?"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"The dawn was unlike the night."

"A burglar robbed me all."

"Goodness.. why I took so long to get up?"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"Thought he was some holy man."

"He cast an evil spell on me."

"Thought he was some holy man."

"He cast an evil spell on me."

"The spell had its effect."

"My heart began swaying."

"The spell had its effect."

"My heart began swaying."

"A moon-lit night and I went wild."

"A moon-lit night and I went wild."

''Dawn brought its own shock with it."

"Goodness.. why I took so long to get up?"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"He went away by the morning train!"

Enjoying the dance, isn't it? C'mon, we'll sit there.

Such a cosy place, brother-in - law. - Make yourself comfortable.

I'll meet Sikandar sir and be back.

Doctor, something's wrong with my dove. - Really?

Sikandar sir.

"His eyes expressed something which..

..ignited a spark within my heart!"

"His eyes expressed something which..

..ignited a spark within my heart!"

"The heart went afire."

"Burning like a kiln."

"The heart went afire.. burning like a kiln!"

"Treated me like a fairy during the night."

"Treated me like a fairy during the night."

"But came morning and my pride was shattered."

"Goodness.. why I took so long to get up?"

"He went away by the morning train!"

"He went away by the morning train!"

Madam, madam! You don't know me..

..but I know your twin sister. She is asthmatic.

That was me.

You have done a miracle in one single day..

..Started to dance even.

Did you get your bag? - Bag!?

That day you forget the bag in the hotel.

I picked and left it in your car.

So, you kept the bag in my car near Grand Hyatt hotel?

What name did you say? - Grand Hyatt.

Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt!

I'll be back in a minute! - Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt!

Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt! - Nihal!

C'mon, let's go! - Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt!

Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt!

Grand Hyatt! Grand Hyatt!

What 'Grand Hyatt' are you blabbering?

My hotel's name. - Is it? - C'mon, let's go there fast.

That Sardar told me that he kept that bag in my car.

Was even smiling while talking to me.

Something's fishy, Romeo. - Relax, sweetheart.

These Sardar are very simple.

Even I came across a Sardar.

He wept seeing me cry.

And, I laughingly escaped right before his eyes.

It on the second laval. Hold it.

Any news from Mr. Singh? - No.

Yes sir, it will be open, Thank you.

'Regional song'

'Regional song'

Nihal, why are you dancing?

I have spotted Romeo.

Romeo! - I have spotted Romeo.

He's dancing in joy.. but why are you all dancing?

Since our Sardar brother is happy so we're happy as well.

The Sardar brother is dancing so we're dancing as well.

And, if all of us are dancing joyously..

..then what's your problem, girl?

'Regional song'

'Regional song'

Greetings! How are you? - Greetings.

Rajinder Singh, I want to make a call to America.

Want to call Romeo? - Rascal, I will give you a tight one!

Nihal hasn't called for a long time now.

Give me. Give me Manjeet's number.

One minute! One minute!

It's somebody's call!

Hello, who is it? - Hello!

I'm Nihal here! - Romeo.. how are you?

May your father be Romeo!

May your whole family be Romeo! Got it?

Give the phone to my mother! - Yes, your mother is here. Wait.

Get aside! - Have patience.


Regards, mother. - Bless you.

Are you fine? - I'm okay. Are you fine?

I'm perfectly alright.. by the grace of the Almighty.

Mother.. today's Sunday.. and I'll catch that Romeo today.

Don't worry. The Lord's with you.

Mother.. how is father and Satnam? - Fine.

Okay, mother. I've to go somewhere. I call you later.


Wow, brother! Wow!

My son is returning victorious.

And, this time around during the Baisakhi when everyone's..

..face will glow with joy you will have black paint on your face!

Miss Suzanne, greetings. - Good morning, Nihal.

'Hore (So) Ki Haal Hai' (So, how are you)?

What did you say!?

And, how are you? - You called me a whore!?


A whore?! - 'Hore!'

O' God, Nihal..are you mad or something?!

You don't understand or what?! - Why are you getting angry?

I just asked you..'Hore Ki Haal Hai' (So, how are you)?

I'm not a whore! - Not 'Hore' (So)!?

What other word should I use for 'Hore' (So)!?

Oh God, Nihal! A whore is a woman.. who sells her body!

Body? - Body.

Body! - Yes!

Body! - Body!

Body! - Body!


Now, do you understand?!

Did you get it now?!

Lord..take care of Nihal!

He seems to be in some big trouble.

This is FBI's base area.

We will operate from here.

We've installed cameras near all the churches of New York.

And, our teams are outside every church.

You can see Romeo from here if he comes at some church.

The moment you give a signal we will arrest him right there.

Good. Good. Good.

Romeo will be found today.

Book mine and Romeo's India bound ticket for today.


How can we travel to India in a plane other than that?

Will you take Romeo to India?

So? Will I leave him behind for you?


You cannot take Romeo to India.

He's most wanted in America.

He's most wanted in my village as well.

Manoj, what is he saying?

He says that he's gonna take Romeo back to India.

You're not gonna take him anywhere!

Don't scream.

Better go and find him for yourself.'ll have to identify Romeo.

If I identify him..then he'll come along with me to India.

You've been brought here to identify Romeo.

And, you'll have to do that.

You don't know what all I've gone through because of Romeo.

I'll definitely identify Romeo..

..and then I'll take him to India.

Later on you Americans can..

I think he sees Romeo in one of those monitors.

Tell us which is Romeo? - Do you see Romeo.

Nihal tell us.

Your security is spread over every church? - Yes!

Send them in fast or else many people will die!

What's he saying?! - Send them fast!

Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Right? - Come on.

Come on, come on.

The place is secure. The church is clear. No one suspicious out there.

Get out of that vehicle now. - Oh no.

You know because of you many people could have died?!

And because of you Romeo slipped away!

It's because of me that people were saved.

And, it was because of you that Romeo slipped away!

And, if you don't shun your obstinacy..

..then Romeo might keep killing innocent Americans.

Nihal Singh! - Don't scream!

Because if I scream..then you'll lose your power of speech!

Nihal..we've brought you here to help out FBI.

Not help..rather you've called me for your selfish motives.

You people are very selfish.

Just think about your own self.

Since you're self-centered.

How will you understand the fact that..

..I've lost everything because of Romeo.

My job..

My father's honour..

Moreover my sister's dignity too.

You're unworthy to understand that.

What does he say?

He's refusing to identify Romeo.

If he's not cooperating then he's going back to India.

Nihal, if you don't cooperate with us..

..then we'll pack you off to India.

I want you!

Keep off that finger!

Americans can make the world dance to their tunes..

..but they cannot compel Indians to do that!

My Lord has brought me here.

And, I swear by my Lord..

..I'll catch Romeo and take him back to my village..

..and you will not be able to do anything.

Where's he going?!

He's going away. Stop him! - Hey!

What happened?! - Get in!

But, what happened?!

FBI was in the church. - What?! FBI?!

Did you confess?!

I need to confess.

I need to confess!

Suzanne, keep Nihal Singh in the handcuffs.

Do not let him out of your sight.

You'll have to convince him within a week.. identify Romeo on the next Sunday.

How? How do I convince this idiot?

I'm sure you'll find some way.

Use your charm on him. - Shut up.


..we've to get Romeo. It's very, very important.


O' God!

O' God! - What happened, mother?!

My Nihal is in some grave problem!

O' God, save my Nihal!

Nihal, the ones who deceive FBI are brought in this warehouse.

Take my word..identify Romeo.

The whole world knows that FBI is a heartless organisation.

To seek the information.. we can go to any extent.

Come, Nihal.

Earlier this man gave us information about a terrorist cell.

But, now he's not cooperating.

Looking at his plight?

C'mon, man, speak up.

Tell us you know the truth.

Okay. Okay.

Get up.


You call this a third degree method?

The school headmaster at our place.. the kids more severely than this.

I'll give you a right demo of third degree!

Hey stop him!

Enough! Enough! He's an FBI agent!

A cop betraying the department?! Get away!

Nihal..he's not a traitor. - He works for us.

So this was a farce?!

Listen carefully!

Romeo will go to India!

With Nihal Singh! - Shut up, you bloody Indian!

A punch..and you'll be grounded!

Nihal..let him go! - Shut up!

FBI stooge! - Shut up!

The FBI is the best security agency in the world!

What best?!

The terrorist landed in your America.

They got the training for you!

They stole your own planes and they crashed your buildings!

What did you do?! Just kept on watching!


'Fully Bevakuf Insaan!' (Fully Dumb People)

Watch your language! If you go.. - No 'If!' No 'But!'

Only 'Jat!'

Hello! - Who is it?

I'm Nihal here. - So, Romeo, how are you?

Shut up!

Tell me something..

..what's a traitor called in the American language?

A traitor is called 'Village Head (Village Head)' in America!

You.. - Get aside!

Strange!? It's your traitor son's phone! are you? -, cool!

The cold has indeed reduced. didn't understand.

I'm worried since you didn't come for Baisakhi (festival).

Mother..the Lord is taking my trial.

But, I haven't lost hope.

By next Sunday..I'll anyhow catch Romeo..

..and bring him back to the village.

The Lord's with you.

Mother. - Tell me.

Where's our Satnam? - Here.

Hello, brother! - Satnam..

How are you? - I'm fine, brother.

What's that said in English?

Love you.

Satnam.. - Yes, brother?

Now, you've to take care of mum and dad.

Yeah. - Yes.

Yes. - I'll call you again.

Take care of yourself, brother.

Okay, brother. Bye.

Nihal..come here!

This girl doesn't even let me cry.

Tell me?

Nihal, come here.

Huh! Seems you're quite romantic today?

Nihal, I'm going to the health club..- What's this?!

I'll be back in a while.

You are more evil than the Village Head (Village Head)

Don't shout!


Witch! Witch!

Witch! Witch! - Bye!

Witch! Witch!

Till what time will the health club be open?

I really don't know, ma'am. Maybe in an hour.

Okay! And the Jacuzzi?

They are also there.

Hey! I'm searching you since so long in the lobby!

And, you're hiding in here!?

It's Suzanne. - Su..

I want to take away a man by unlawful means to India.


That terrorist..Romeo!

Romeo! - Yes!

It's necessary for me to take him along.

Such a possible only for Mr. Fikander (Sikandar).

You mean Sikandar?

Yeah, I'll call Mr. Fikander (Wants to say Sikandar).

Hello! - Hello!

Mr. Sikandar? - Yes?

I'm Tayyab here.

My brother-in-law needs your help.

What help? - Better talk to him.

Hello! - Hello.

Sikandar, sir..- Yes?

I want to take away a man by unlawful means to India.

You'll have take him through Buffalo.

Buffalo? - Buffalo is the name of a place.

From there you'll be able to take him easily to Canada.

And from there to India.

I'll get a forged passport for you and that man.

Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Get that man to me. - God bless you.

Thank you.

Finally, this has been taken care of. - Then, let's go.

Brother-in-law..not from the front let's go from the back side.


Who's this Suzanne? - An FBI agent.

FBI! What are you up to?!

Brother-in-law, I'll tell you all that at home.

Let's first make a quick exit from here.

Hold it, Nihal!

Stop or I'll shot!

Nihal, why don't you understand?

Your life's in danger.

Shun the insistence of taking Romeo back to India!

It's Sunday the day after tomorrow.

Identify Romeo..and finish this chapter forever.

What if something happens to you?

Just identify Romeo.

For my sake.


Nihal..Nihal, are you okay?

Nihal, what are you doing?

Nihal, stop it.

Are you okay?

Nihal, what's the matter with you?

Nihal, stop it or else I'll call the police.

Stop it, Nihal!

Stop it!

I say stop it, Nihal!


Balwant, today I'm very happy!

I think Nihal also has been redeemed in America.

Miss Suzanne..thank you.

Nihal..please identify Romeo the day after tomorrow.

Yes! - O, thank you!

Miss Suzanne..should I tell you something? - Tell me.

I won't identify Romeo the day after tomorrow.

What?! Just now you said that you'll identify him?!

April fool! April fool!

April fool! April fool!

You! In New York!?

Lisa, The Grand Hyatt job wasn't accomplished.

But I can explain!

The way Romeo doesn't work for free.. the same way I don't give my money for free.

Romeo will return your money!

No doubt I'll get the money back.

But more than the money.. I need Romeo.

Lisa, reach Bahamas along with Romeo the next week.

I'll be waiting.

C'mon, guys..we've to convince Nihal.

But the President's gonna be here on the 4th of July.

We've to get him before then.

Listen, guys..I think I'm going to let Nihal go.

Let him go!? - What?!

Isn't she crazy?

Suzanne, if you let him go then we shall never reach Romeo.

Manoj..Nihal has resolved to take Romeo anyhow to India.

I'll let him go..but I won't let his trail.

And, I'm sure..Nihal will anyhow catch Romeo.

The moment he catches him.. we'll get our Romeo.

Romeo, today they had almost killed me.

I told them they shall get their money back.

But, they didn't agree.

They want me to bring you to Bahamas.

And, if we go there..

..they will kill you then.

And, if we don't..

..they will kill me then.

I just don't understand anything.

It seems we should be running away from this city.

Romeo and run away?


The Grand Hyatt's job wasn't accomplished..

..that's because of that foolish Sardar.

The one who placed that bag again in your car.

The thing is..there's no cure for foolhardy..

..but it definitely has a punishment.

Where can I find that Sardar?

What are you doing?

Nihal, in fact I wanted to let you go long before.

You're free now.

Go and catch Romeo. Take him along to India.

For the dignity and prestige of Your family and your village.

Hey! Don't be silly.

I too fell for Romeo's tears and I'm crying till date.

If you let me go, you'll lose your job and your provident fund

And the Americans will call you Nihal Singh and not Suzanne.

Do you have any sister? - No.

Had you got a sister then her engagement might have broken.

Stop it, Nihal. Go away from here.

Hey! Silly!

"Buddy, I'm a Punjabi Jatt!"

"And, I'll fit all your nuts!"

"Buddy, I'm a Punjabi Jatt!"

"And, I'll fit all your nuts!"

"Buddy, you're a Punjabi Jatt!"

"Don't touch me..get back!"

"Don't bombard me with English language."

"But, I simply know my local language."

"I know not an 'If', nor a 'But'!"

"Buddy, I'm a Punjabi Jatt!"

"Don't touch me..get back!"

"I'm your culprit if you're the Jailor."

"Verily I would love to see your might."

"I prefer dying rather going dumb."

"But, you're already crazy."

"You're an American and I'm a Punjabi."

"You're an American and I'm a Punjabi."

"Better don't say 'Cut'!"

"Buddy, I'm a Punjabi Jatt!"

"And, I'll fit all your nuts!"

"Buddy, you're a Punjabi Jatt!" - O' Baby!

"Don't touch me..get back!"

"Don't bombard me with English language."

"But, I simply know my local language."

"I know not an 'If', nor a 'But'!"

Nihal Singh!


You fooled me a lot!

My life was ruined because of you!

You've given me a lot of pains!

Now, I won't fall for your tricks!

I'll take you to my village! C'mon!

Nihal can harm me in no way.

The American police won't let me go.

Cut the crap.

And, listen to me!

My brother in law has got a friend called Mr. Sikandar!


Scared at Mr. Sikandar's name?

He has told me to take you to Buffalo from here..

..and Canada from there and straight to the village..

..with a forged passport from Canada.


Hand over Romeo to me!

Suzanne!? - Give him to me!

Nihal, give him to me or I'll shoot!

Hold it, Nihal! Hold it!

Hold it, Nihal or else I'll shoot! - In the name of Lord!

Nihal, what did you do?!

Now listen to what I say in English!

Whore, how are you?!

He's jumped in the water! Don't let him go!

Why did you let him go?!

Stop this crap of yours!

I had told you that I'll take Romeo along!

You cannot take Romeo anywhere..

..because you will never find Romeo again!

I'll find Romeo!

Because my Lord's with me!

Lord's Nothing to your help.


'The Lord's warrior fights for the Lord's victory!'

'Blessed is the one who says..'

..Sat Sri Akaal."

C'mon, guys. Let's go.

Let's go, Nihal.


Come. Oh come on, Don't get scared.

Come here. Come here! Come.

You didn't come to the Bahamas so I'd to come New York again.

Actually we..

Try understanding, Lisa.


..neither I've seen the wind..

..nor I've seen the lightning..

..neither God...nor Romeo.

Wind, lightning, God..

I won't be able to see All these things.

But, I'll certainly see Romeo now.

If you reach Bahamas by the Thursday cruise along with Romeo.

..then do ponder over your fate!

They said to come to the Bahamas tomorrow along with Romeo.

But I've somehow asked for a week's time.

Romeo..I think we should go away from America.

Or else they won't spare you.

Romeo, I'm very serious.

Call Tayyab Ali and tell him to come here right away.

Nihal Singh!? I haven't found him myself.

He's chasing that Romeo like Juliet! - Hey!

Because of your brother in law Romeo is chasing me!

He's chasing you?

He's after my brother-in-law as well!

I don't think he's a terrorist!

Rather he's a homosexual! Chases men!

Shut up!

Sikander sir..didn't I tell you.. shouldn't be rearing a snake? has eaten your thumb. - Shut up!

I want Nihal Singh in twenty four hours!

And, if I don't get Nihal Singh.. then you're dead!

Now get out!

Romeo, what did you do?

Why did you show him that hand with no thumb?

Now, he'll get to know that Sikandar is Romeo.

I want the same.

Nihal Singh will get the news.. and he'll come after me..

And then I'll kill him!

Nihal..why did you let Romeo go?

Oh, Manjeet, don't worry. I'll catch him again. - Fine.

Nihal Singh, we're placing you under arrest. - For what?

For abetting terrorists.

Suzanne, put the handcuffs on him.

Nihal Singh, you've the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can or will be used in a court.

I'll catch him and take along and you wouldn't even get the hint.

You have a right to an attorney. - Just wait and watch!

I'll take him along. -Nihal, don't ask anything else.

Everything will be alright.

Do you understand you right.

Do you have anything else say.

Yeah he is. He's a corporate.

Open the door on the next turn.

Door? - Yes!

Tell me what you're Talking about?

Nothing. I'm just telling that What he's done is wrong.

And he should apologize for it. - Yeah!

Look, just try to co-operate, Everything will be fine.

Nihal open the door on the next turn and jump. - You're right.


Okay guys let's face it. Suzanne has ditched us.

Tell the news. Nihal Singh runs off with Suzanne is hostage.

I think we should keep a watch on Tayyab Ali's house.

It isn't breaking!

What are you looking at?

I'm staring at your heart that's in your eyes.

That's the reason you betrayed the FBI?

It had been betrayal had I not sided with truth.

Suzanne, you've won over me today.

Are you still outside Tayyab Ali's place? - Yes sir!

Any sight of Nihal?

Suzanne, brother in law will..

..will take us to Mr. Sikander. - Nihal, but..

What happened? - FBI!

It's getting late.

Do you expect us to stay here whole night?

Let's sneak in from the back door.

That Sikander will definitely kill me!

Manjeet, after I die.. get married again.

With such a man..

..who doesn't uses F instead S..

..and similar things.

Don't worry about that.

I'll find someone or the other.

After all how can I lead a lonely life?

Why did you come from back?

Brother Tayyab, the FBI agents are holed up in front. - FBI!

What are you up to after all? - What happened, brother in law?

Because you did something.. the FBI is in front..

..and Mr. Sikander is after me.

And, that Romeo is after Mr. Sikander!


Yes. Because of you Romeo has threatened to kill Mr. Sikander.

And fearful of him.. Mr. Sikander tried to kill me!

He tried to strangle me!

By God's grace.. he doesn't have a thumb!

Or else I would have died!

Go to him or else he'll kill me!

I won't go anywhere till that Nihal Singh doesn't dies!

The Romeo who has terrorized the whole world..

..won't run away like a rat!

Relax, Romeo. Relax.

Just try to understand.. our lives are in danger in the U S.

Please wear this wig.

And I need your photograph for a fake passport.

Sikander! Come out!

Come out, Sikander!

I know that you're Romeo!

See.. my Lord somehow found you out!

Today I'll take you back to my village!

Are you mad!?

There's a girl with him! And, she's FBI!

Use your brains. You might be having a gun.

Come out or else I'll break your pub! Come out, traitor!

Come out! - Who are you?!

And why are you abusing my son?!

You're Romeo's father? - Yes.

You're an unfortunate father.

You know.. that your son is a brute!

Romeo is the biggest terrorist in the world!

My Romeo! Terrorist!

My Romeo! Terrorist! No!


My Romeo! Terrorist! No!

Oh god!

He played with toy guns while a child..

..and said that he'll become a terrorist on growing up..

..I never knew growing up..

..he would really turn into a terrorist!

..or else I would have killed him!

The same face.

The same voice.

The same way of seeking pardon.

But heart is so different.

Uncle.. I can understand the pain of a father.

Just think.. what is my father feels when..

..the villagers taunt him that his son's a traitor?

You're right.

He's crossed the limits.

Romeo is going to Bahamas on a cruise from Miami.

I think he's into something dangerous.

Son, try to reach on the cruise. And, try to stop him.

Wipe out Romeo! Take this gun!

Uncle, got the license for this gun?

I had.. but Romeo lost it.

I don't want to kill Romeo. Rather I want to catch him alive

It's just.. I need your blessings.

Go, son. My shadow will always follow you.

Suzanne, where's this Mami?

It's Miami. - Yes, the same.

We'll go right away and arrange for the trip.

I don't understand.. why did you sent Nihal on that cruise?

Because we'll also be on that cruise. - What?!

Are you mad?! If we go on that cruise then Al-Fatah will kill us

Lisa.. nobody knows the face of Romeo except for you.

You got to present Nihal Singh as Romeo for Al-Fatah.

And, we'll see Nihal Singh's death's live telecast.. the middle of the ocean.

According to the latest news..

Nihal Singh has fled from New York.

Shame! Shame! A traitor is a traitor after all.

A couple of cops will have to be stationed at your place.

And, when that traitor comes back..

You'll have to agree to what I say.

No, I won't. I'm not a robber. Rather I'm a policeman.

Nihal, try to understand.

If you don't change your appearance..

..then Romeo will identify you..

..and he won't ever come to your hands. - You're right.


Hello! Yes, grandma..

The FBI has issued an all points bulletin for Nihal Singh..

..who has escaped from their custody.

Nihal was brought to the US to assist the agency.. America for a major terrorist ring.

Suzanne.. grandma's coming to America!

May I help you? - Once slice pepperoni.

Excuse me, sir. Do you've the time, sir?

But, Romeo, why this get-up?

You didn't get the idea, Lisa.

A Sardar very soon befriends another Sardar.

I'll present Nihal Singh to Al-Fatah..

..not in the garb of my foe but a friend.

Wow! The scheme's great!

But.. what if Nihal Singh recognises you?

Lisa.. nobody can recognize me.

Nobody can recognize Nihal Singh. Nobody!

Isn't it, grandma? - Yes, son.

I'm fully confident that nobody will be able to recognize you.

But who are you?

Grandma, you talk anything.

He's none other than Nihal Singh.

How won't the people recognize him?

Who am I? - Nihal.

No. who am I?

Nihal. - No. who am I?

Nihal! - Man, who am I?

Nihal Singh! - No.

Who am I? - I don't know.

Did you see, Grandma? She didn't recognize me.

How can she?

When Nihal Singh's himself denying his identity..

..then how can the people identify him?

Lisa.. if Nihal Singh sees you with me..

..then he'll get the idea that I'm Romeo.

Better if we search him separately.

Go that way.

And I'll go this way. - Fine.

Mr. Nihal Singh!

Mr. Nihal Singh please come at the reception!

Grandma, Nihal hasn't come yet. - He won't come.

No, Grandma, he'll come. He'll come. - Will he?

Listen.. excuse me. - Yes?

Brother, announce Nihal Singh's name a couple of more times.

What Nihal Singh? - It's important for me to meet him.

Just forget it.

Grandma, we'll find Nihal.

Brother.. is there anybody called Sikander on board?

What Sikander? - Sikander. Is he onboard?

What Sikander? - 'Sikander's ambition was no doubt great.'

'But, he departed the world all empty-handed.'

'Empty-handed! Empty-handed!'

I'll let you know about Sikander.

Why are you shouting?

Nihal Singh is searching for Nihal Singh!?

They aren't up here as well.

Just don't know where they have disappeared!

She's coming! She's coming! I'll talk later!

Okay, one minute.

Excuse me.

Nihal! - Nihal Singh!

You know Nihal Singh?

You aren't Nihal Singh?!

I'm Nihal Singh's elder bro Behal Singh. - What?!


Son! Did you find that Romeo or not?! O' God!

Gran.. gran.. gran..

Gran.. gran.. gran..

Why are you bleating like a goat? Are you alright, Nihal?

Nihal Singh!

But you said that you're.. - Behal! Behal Singh!

Behal! Behal!

Behal! Yes!

Actually I was got fooled.

I've two grandsons.

One is Nihal Singh and the other Behal Singh.

Both are identical.

With the same wisdom. And the same stature.

Greetings! I'm Tony Singh.

Greetings. I'm not Nihal Singh but Behal Singh.

I saw you both at the reception..

..were you searching your twin brother over there?

He's not elder. I'm elder and he's younger.

But just now you said that they are identical..

..same wisdom, same..

I'll explain to you. - Explain him.

Listen to her.

Well it is that.. the difference between both is of 28 hours.

Ask why? - Why?

My son went to America..

..and he came back to Delhi from there.

So the distance took around 20 hours.

Then he went to the village from Delhi.

That took him another 6 hours. Isn't that 26 hours?

And the remaining 2 hours.. calculate it for yourself.

Isn't it 28 hours?

Behal.. Nihal is on this cruise..

..and you're unable to find him?

Had I found him then why would I've searched for him now?

But.. why is he hiding?

A terrorist called Romeo is hounding Nihal.

And, that Romeo is also aboard this cruise.

To save his skin from Romeo.. Nihal is hiding on this ship.

I got it.

Behal.. don't worry.

I'll help you in finding your brother.

If we don't find Romeo we're up shit's street.

What do you think we're doing?

Just get him arrested and let him stay in the jail.

What a great picture!

Do you like to purchase one?

I can sell it to you for three dollars.

Lisa.. - Okay.

Find out where's the Chapel on the cruise?

I want to make a confession. And tomorrow's Sunday.

Lisa is going to Bahamas along with Romeo.

But, the poor Romeo will never reach Bahamas.

But why?

Before the enemy reaches his destination..

..we must send him to the ultimate destination.

The cruise reaches Bahamas..

..before that I'll waylay the cruise.

Good morning, father. - Yes!

Is the chapel open?

The chapel is open but I'll come after one hour.

Okay! - Okay!

Nihal, the chapel is open but nobody's over there.

Son, now just find that Romeo! - All the best.

Father, I want to confess.

Last night I killed a man.





Tell me your name!

Nihal Singh? - Not mine but yours..


O God! Before going to the Bahamas Nihal Singh..

Come fast! I did find Nihal Singh! - What?

Why didn't you catch him?!

Don't tell me what to do and what not to do!

Did you see anybody running from here?


Nihal! Nihal!

Al-Fateh has come on the cruise!

Now, what should we do? We didn't find Nihal Singh.

So, what should I do?! What should I do? - Fine!

Now, I'll have to do something!

Where is Nihal Singh?


Go get her.

Nihal, Lisa had come to me enquiring about you.

All of a sudden a few men arrived.

She panicked upon seeing them and fled from there.

Romeo, they have spotted me and will find me out.

And then they will torture me to no end in order.. extract information about you.

I love you a lot.

But what if I happen to disclose about you .failing to stand their torture.

Please do something, Romeo.

I too am a woman. I may fail to bear their tortures.



Just kill him.

"The one who calls Him is blessed!"

Hey.. what's happening?

Don't touch! Do not touch! I too am from the Punjab police.

What happened? - Some guys were hitting Tony.

While I tried to save him, these guys came in..

..and started to blabber in English. Make them understand.

What's your problem? - Nihal! You all right?

Yeah, don't worry, mother.

I was so worried. Now you stop pretending like Behal Singh.

Come home with me.

Son, are you all right? Now stop pretending to be Behal Singh.

Come home with me.

Come home with me. - No, I won't go.

Nihal Singh is lost and without Nihal Singh we can't find Romeo.

We are only a few weeks away from 4th of July.

We can't risk an attempt on the President's life.

In the next five days, you guys don't find Romeo.. are losing your jobs. Am I clear?

If I can't get the results from you, you are off the case.

Please, sir. This case is very important to me.

I assure you, we will find Romeo by 4th of July.

Nihal! Pal, you saved my life today.

And I believe that when a person dodges death..

..there is always some hidden divine meaning behind it.

The divine meaning is for both the saved and the saviour!

Well said! How about a drink on something so well said?

I've an idea.

Why not go on the deck upstairs and make an announcement that..

..Nihal Singh is caught.

Nihal Singh will surely appear upon hearing this.

Good idea! Good idea!

How about one more on this? - Sure.

Hey, Tony! Even Romeo would arrive on hearing it.

Yeah, it didn't cross my mind.

Romeo will come.

Let's go upstairs and finish all the jobs today.

Wow! Great!

How about another one? - Sure.

Behal it was a pleasure drinking with you.

I've known everything about you by spending a few days with you.

Well Tony, few days are sufficient to know a person.

Just the way I've come to know everything about you.

Is it? - Yes.

What have you come to know?

I know that you are..


You thought you can inebriate a Sardar with a few pegs?

Nihal! How could you guess that?

When I came to save your life, I called out..

'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

But you didn't give an answer to my called.

Had you been a true Sikh, you would've surely responded.

What answer could I have given?

You call this out, 'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

Speak up! Say, 'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

'The one who calls Him is blessed!' - Say it aloud!

'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

'God only is the eternal truth!'

Hello! - Hello, brother-in-law.

Whose call is it? - Devil's. Yes?

Yes, brother in law. Come to Miami by tomorrow morning flight.


Andrew, this is Johanna.

I just intercepted Nihal's call to Tayyab Ali.

Nihal is in Miami.

So you made my boy run around so much.

Had he done the same running for the Olympics..

..he would've secured a gold medal for it.

Mother, Manjeet and brother-in - law will take you back home.

And him? I will bring him along.

Who are they? - FBI.


Romeo, you are dead.

Had you come to India along with me.. would've been sentenced to life at the most.

Would've been acquitted even.

But they are going to trounce and thrash you so much..

..that you'd die writhing in pain.

My Lord! What will happen of Sikander!?

What will happen!

I can explain.. - You hold her.

Listen, you have got to believe this.

Please try to understand. I can explain it to you.

Is he Romeo? - No, no! I am not Romeo. I am Sikandar.

Then why have you kept him tied?

He had taken money from me.. tell me the way Romeo slipped out of here.

And now he is trying to go back on his promise.

I was about to subject him to third degree when you came by.

So do you know where he is?

Yes. - Tell me where Romeo is?

I am fed up! Better shoot me.

My death will mean freedom to all you guys, Romeo and myself.

C'mon shoot! Shoot, please.

We don't want to kill you.

We want to kill the President of the United States.

Kill? President?

Look Nihal Singh. We know Romeo is an expert.. breaching the tightest of securities.

The President of America is scheduled..

..for a public meeting in the coming four days.

We want Romeo to break his security and kill him.

Give Romeo to us only for four days.

We promise to return Romeo to you the moment our work is over.

Mother, they are far more dangerous than Romeo.

Officer! - What?

Will you release me if your work is done? - Of course.

Release me.

I'll take you to Romeo.

He says he can take us to Romeo.

Guys, unlock his handcuffs. - Yes sir!

Son, what will you do now?

Mother, let me think.

I am Romeo. - You? Romeo?

Hey, but you are Sikander.

I am Romeo, and you know that. - I know that you are Sikander.

I have seen Romeo. Anyone can claim to be Romeo.

But I am Romeo.

Shut up! I am Romeo! - You? Romeo?


Did you see? I am Romeo, you are Romeo

Romeo! - Romeo!

Romeo! - Keep quiet.

You know that Romeo does not have a thumb. See, see this.

Stupid! So many people don't have their thumbs.

Does that mean they are all Romeos?

I am totally confused.

Why are you confusing him?

But he's the one confusing you. I am Romeo.

See I am Romeo.

Sir, I've come. Hey, Mr. Sikander you are here too!

Greetings! - Bless you, dear.

Greetings! - Bless you, dear.

Mr. Sikander, I have made all the arrangements for Romeo.. be sent to India along with brother-in-law.

You know it very well, I am not Sikander, I am Romeo! Romeo!

Romeo! Sir, I think your memory has deserted you.

You are not Romeo but Sikandar.

I am Sikander? - Yes.

Sikander? - Yes.

I am Romeo! Romeo!

I am not Sikandar. I am Romeo!

He's crying. He's insisting on being Romeo.

Is he Romeo or is he Sikandar?

He's Sikander and I have the evidence.

There's one spy in India, whom I had spoken to as Romeo.

Give me the phone.

If he's Romeo then he'll recognize his voice. Come here.


Hello. - Hello who's speaking?

Romeo. - Shut up, who's speaking?

Not Romeo, not Romeo! He's Sikander. I'll speak to him now.


Hello. - Oh Romeo! How are you?

I am fine. - Tell me where in America.. have placed the bombs, Romeo!

It's strange Nihal Singh hasn't arrested you yet?

Did you see he's not Romeo?

Yes, I am Sikandar, Sikandar!

Kill me, I am Romeo! Come on, shoot.

If I die you will never be able to kill your President.

Have you all gone crazy; put your guns down.

He's right.

Just think, how will you take Romeo to your..

..village if this Sikander dies?

You won't be able to clear the blot on you.

Laugh now.

They will drive your father crazy.. calling him to be a traitor's father.

C'mon, laugh on me now.

Tell me how will your sister get married?

When a girl doesn't get married..

..she either commits suicide or lands up at a brothel..


Brothers, please come in a line.

Hit him, hit him properly.

Hit him!

Hey, Village Head .

So? I am a traitor!? - No.

A terrorist? - No.

And I am Romeo? - No, Nihal, no.

Hey girl, what are you doing?

What are you doing? Please stop, stop.

Nihal Singh don't you understand..

..I always knew that one can't find an honest and gallant..

..chap like you in the whole of country.

You see I was trying to inspire you so that you'd go..

..and bring this bloody terrorist here..

..and save the world from getting ruined.


Do you understand now.. were caught because of this idiot?

So, you are the reason for me being here?

Yes, I am responsible for this condition of your.

Hey.. help! Save me!

Okay come on make a queue again.


'The one who calls Him is blessed!'

'God only is the eternal truth!'

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk, they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"They always uphold the teachings of the Supreme Master!"

"Forever ready to lay their lives!"

"Capable to make a bird fight a hawk, they are the real brave hearts!"

"These are the amazing qualities Punjabis are known for."

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

"The one who calls Him is blessed! God only is the eternal truth!"

For more infomation >> Jo Bole So Nihaal Full Movie | Hindi Movies 2017 Full Movie | Hindi Movies | Sunny Deol Full Movies - Duration: 2:04:31.


The Stakes Couldn't Be Higher Trump, Xi Navigate Minefield At First Summit - Duration: 10:28.

The Stakes Couldn't Be Higher Trump, Xi Navigate Minefield At First Summit

by Tyler Durden

Today�s China-U.S. summit meeting is an event that could also have enormous implications

- in both directions.

As Bloomberg's Richard Breslow notes, one can't help but be intrigued by the fact that

while everyone is looking at the S&P 500, this morning the Shanghai composite traded

at its highest level of the year.

Notably, the Dollar relationship to China's currency relative to the rest of the world's

relationship to the Yuan is following a very similar pattern to last year's 'Shanghai Accord'

- stronger Yuan vs USD as China weakens its basket against all majors.

Fooling Trump et al. that China is 'not' devaluing?

There doesn't appear to be any scheduled press conferences just yet but, as Deutsche Bank's

Jim Reid notes, it�s worth keeping an eye on the headlines as the next two days progress.

Clearly North Korea will be a subject near to the top of the agenda.

Importantly though the meeting is the start of a new China-US bilateral relationship so

the rhetoric which follows from the leaders will be closely scrutinised and debated one

would imagine.

The stage is set for a carefully choreographed dinners with family and displays of bonhomie,

but beneath the facade runs a wary, almost palpable, anxiety -- as the men face a make

or break moment.

As AFP reports, Xi is arriving at the resort with a gift-basket of "tweetable deliverables",

sources say, peace offerings on Trump's signature issues -- trade and jobs -- that he hopes

will smooth over a relationship that began on shaky ground following disagreements over


In return, he hopes to get assurances from Trump on American sales of arms to the island,

as well as trade.

But what Trump wants is less clear.

Although his comments during a Fox New interview this morning offer some visibility:



So, what's at stake as President Trump sits down with China�s Xi?

Greg Wright (via The Conversation) explains...

The U.S. and China together account for one-third of global economic output, so there is a lot

at stake as President Donald Trump meets with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, not least

the fate of the world economy over the next few years.

And it is precisely the magnitude of the stakes involved that has led some observers to assume

that both countries will play it safe and focus on the areas of the relationship that

are �win-win� relative to the areas that are more likely to produce conflict.

But there is no guarantee that this will happen.

In fact, Trump may have already dealt himself a poor hand thanks to his past rhetoric on

trade, which has heightened the political risk that he faces in negotiating with Xi.

Perhaps more worryingly, Trump�s focus on achieving short-term victories could also

tip the balance against the U.S.

At the end of the day the two countries not only drive the world economy but also rely

critically on one another, a fact that should moderate the decisions of these two strong-willed


In fact, my research (with fellow economists Giovanni Peri and Gianmarco Ottaviano) has

highlighted the economic risks of miscalculating on trade deals, particularly those with developing


National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn, right, argues trade is important to economic


A tricky trade balance

Trump has a difficult political balancing act to maintain.

On the one hand, 85 percent of Republicans believe that trade has cost more U.S. jobs

than it has created.

This group will presumably expect results in raising barriers to U.S. imports, particularly

those from China.

In fact, there is perhaps no other issue more salient to Trump�s base than the perceived

harm done to U.S. workers due to international trade, and Trump has been unequivocal in his

promises to scale back trade agreements, from NAFTA to the now-rejected Trans-Pacific Partnership.

On the other hand, Trump�s more moderate advisers, such as Gary Cohn, head of the National

Economic Council, have likely cautioned him that trade is ultimately good for economic


And any disruption would be bad both for the U.S. and for Trump�s political future.

Having repeatedly (and unrealistically) promised at least 4 percent to 5 percent annual economic

growth, Trump must be careful not to inadvertently push the economy into a ditch by abandoning

the free trade principles that have made the U.S. one of the richest countries in the world.

Who will �win�?

Another potential pitfall for Trump is that the search for a perceived �victory� in

the negotiations � something the president typically prizes above all else � is actually

more likely to favor Xi.

This is because Xi�s grip on power is such that he does not need headline-grabbing wins

to the extent that Trump does.

Instead, he can try to extract more substantive concessions behind the scenes.

This suggests that a possible outcome is that the status quo will be effectively maintained.

For instance, Xi may be able to walk away with a win by simply avoiding a trade war

while also obtaining an implicit promise that the U.S. will look the other way on human

rights issues and Chinese regional expansion.

This isn�t to say that Trump does not have leverage � his campaign promise to raise

import tariffs on China to 45 percent would be a serious blow to the Chinese economy.

And of course the U.S. can always flex its political and military strength in opposition

to Chinese interests.

But perhaps most unnerving for the Chinese is Trump�s unpredictability which, despite

its downsides, keeps his counterparts off balance.

The concern is that Trump may use his leverage in order to obtain �tweetable� victories

that do not amount to much.

For instance, a likely outcome is that Trump obtains promises of future investments in

the U.S. of several billions of dollars.

In fact, Chinese and U.S. commentators have suggested that these investments may come

as part of a larger U.S. infrastructure program.

However, as with other investments that Trump has taken credit for, most of these would

be made in any case (China invested $45 billion in the U.S. last year) and so come at little

cost to the Chinese.

National Trade Council adviser Peter Navarro, right, views trade deficits as a key economic


A misguided focus on trade deficits

But as with the imposition of trade barriers, Chinese investments do not come without political


In this case, it is the Trump administration�s obsession with the trade deficit in goods

as the key metric by which it views success or failure on trade that will make life harder.

The trade deficit with China � US$347 billion in 2016 � is simply the difference between

U.S. exports to China and U.S. imports from China, and this value fluctuates for a variety

of reasons.

When the U.S. runs a trade deficit it means that, on net, the U.S. is sending dollars

to China in exchange for Chinese goods.

As a simple fact of accounting, those dollars must then end up back in the U.S. as investments

in U.S. assets.

So investments in U.S. assets are the flip side of a trade deficit.

As a result, inviting greater Chinese investment in U.S. assets will necessarily increase the

trade deficit with China.

While most economists believe that the trade deficit is a poor measure of the success of

a country in the world economy, National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro has repeatedly

pressed the case for trade deficits as a proxy for the overall health of the U.S. economy,

as has Trump.

And so, however inadvisable it may be to focus on the trade deficit, Trump is sure to pay

a political price if it were to grow over the course of his tenure.

Forging a bond before the clashes ahead

In the end, the most consequential outcome of Xi�s visit may be the extent to which

a bond is forged between the two leaders.

This is because Trump tends to personalize policy choices, and many of the most important

issues on which the U.S. and China will need to find common ground will arise over the

next few months.

For instance, although Trump has not yet formally labeled China as a currency manipulator (which

he promised to do on �day one�), later in the spring the Treasury Department will

publish its analysis of international currencies and may choose to place that label on China.

While the Chinese would likely simply ignore such a designation, it would require the U.S.

to take some form of punitive action if negotiations with China did not resolve the dispute.

But, of course, this may be small beer compared with the more pressing geopolitical issues

that will be in play.

These include dealing with North Korea, whether or not to confront internal repression within

China and the threat of Chinese regional expansion.

It would not be surprising to find that American cooperation on these fronts comes with a price

tag denominated in U.S. jobs.

Finally, it is worth noting that reducing the level of trade with China will do little

to help U.S. workers.

This is something that nearly all economists agree on, but that politicians rarely embrace.

This is because while the economy can be easily cured of a proliferation of trade agreements

by simply withdrawing from, or rewriting, those accords, there is no easy cure for the

proliferation of new technologies, which are the real culprits in the decline of U.S. industrial


And so, since trade is a policy lever that can be easily pulled, politicians inevitably

rush to do so.

For more infomation >> The Stakes Couldn't Be Higher Trump, Xi Navigate Minefield At First Summit - Duration: 10:28.


HE IS GONNA KILL ME...... ( Plz open subtitles ) - Duration: 3:05.

Today we are GONNA prank him (>A<)

By changing the Subscriber button

Changing 14 into 14000 (not real......)

Success !!!!!!!!!

Now we are gonna message him

For more infomation >> HE IS GONNA KILL ME...... ( Plz open subtitles ) - Duration: 3:05.


Violin Episode - 3 | Alankars in Thaat Bilawal | Sangeet Pravah World - Duration: 18:45.

For more infomation >> Violin Episode - 3 | Alankars in Thaat Bilawal | Sangeet Pravah World - Duration: 18:45.


Sri Rosyana's VLOG - Duration: 13:21.

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Hello everyone!

My name is Sri Rosyana

And, I will make some vlog today

About my time goes to Taman Labirin (Labirin Park) with my friend

This vlog is for my Speaking assignment

Truthfully, this is my first time to make a vlog

so, i hope it will turn out well

so, let's check it out

I will take my shoes first

The weather is so good and i ready to go

I already bring my bag

Let's go

First, i will meet my friend

and then go to the destination

I go back to my home

because i forgot to bring my helmet

I'm so careless

Hello everyone! (P.S : what's wrong with my expression? xp )

I already in front of UIN

Let's see


I'm waiting for my friend to come here

Actually, we are very late right now

Hello everyone! Meet my friend

Najla <font color="#ffff00"></font> N : annyyeong!

so, we are already in Balai Kota

(Najla told me to made the stick longer)

We headed to-- is it long enough?

- is it enough?

N : why my face is circle? (lol)

your face is circle?

exactly!! It's round (lol)

Round face

so, we are already in Balai Kota

and we are headed to Taman Labirin

actually, this is not as our expectation

what is the interest 'thing' -- in here? N : idk

not interesting N : for sure

oh my god, i feel so dizzy in here

here we are,

my friend will donating blood here

so, how do you feel?

N : so-so

N : yes, i feel so-so

you're such an angel

so sad that i can't donating blood because my weight isn't enough N : underweight

underweight. you're right.


(P.S : i was made the chair overturn) (lol)

(you need to wash your hand first before you enter the room)

haha, get ready

N : showtime

(first, set the blood pressure to make your arm stiff)

(P.S : there will be more babbling)

how do you feel?

N : i'm good

is it hurt?

N : not much

explain your feeling!

N : 'nyut-nyutan' (lol, it's sundanese)

what is 'nyut-nyutan' in english?

N : idk

your blood is alrady that much?

(this is a blood bag that will be keep in refrigeration)

(P.S : there was one part missing from this video, it's about releasing the needle)



this is the advantage of donating blood

it's look delicious

is it hurt? N : hu-um

because of Labirin Park is out from our expectation

so we are decided to take a lunch first

we are in.... what is it?

N : Marugame It's Marugame Udon

There is a halal sign (P.S : It's a must for Muslim)

woaah, just look at this!

we have two portion here

our drink not come yet

we are still waiting

should we eat now? N : Ya

so.. we are get ready to go home

N : annyeoonng (it's korean, lol)

thank you for watching us

see you in next vlog

bye, assalamu'alaikum wr wb N : bye bye

For more infomation >> Sri Rosyana's VLOG - Duration: 13:21.


Mary - Stobhill Breast Clinical Nurse Specialist - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> Mary - Stobhill Breast Clinical Nurse Specialist - Duration: 2:15.


Mooji - Je všechno předurčeno? (Is Everything Predetermined) - Duration: 26:30.

For more infomation >> Mooji - Je všechno předurčeno? (Is Everything Predetermined) - Duration: 26:30.


Political Thoughts: Racism is like Communism - Duration: 6:16.

I mention that racism is just the redistribution of wealth from people of color and to whites.

I made this description purposely sound like communism.

I knew that the phrase "redistribution of wealth" would probably make people think of

communism and socialism, which are so often vilified.

And I wanted people, especially in the United States, to understand that no matter how much

we vilify these socialism and communism, we cannot deny that the racism on which our country

is built is strikingly similar.

In the beginning, the state used its coercive power to decide who were slaves and who were


The slaves, black people, built our country in a very literal sense.

They built the actual physical structures.

Their labor and their pain enriched the country and especially the elites who today we call

Founding Fathers.

The wealth they gave to this country let that elite have the leisure time to pursue politics.

Even when slavery was abolished, the federal government still restricted benefits away

from blacks.

Blacks were denied loans given to whites that allowed whites to buy homes which today are

worth so much more money.

This process of redlining led to generational, real estate wealth built up in the hands of

whites, while blacks lacked that same opportunity and were funneled into urban areas.

Blacks never had the full benefit of G.I.

Bill, so even though they fought and died for this country in World War II, they didn't

get access to to college through the GI Bill and again they didn't have access to loans

for mortgages like white veterans.

When Black Wall Street, an area in Tulsa, Oklahoma which was home to successful black

businessmen who had overcome even these obstacles and built possibly the wealthiest black community

in the country, when in 1921 that community after a series of racial conflicts, was destroyed,

burned to the ground by a white mob that proceeded to detain black people around the area in

an extrajudicial condemnation of the crime of being black, what was the response of the

U.S. government?

Troops suppressed the violence, but there's something to be said about how much time they

took to do it.

Did they investigate white officials in the area for what had happened?

Besides one police chief, no.

Did the government help rebuild the area destroyed by what was basically a lawless band of white



Instead, local white political elites tried to make the area too expensive for blacks

to buy and tried to change it to a commercial district instead of a residential district,

and it was only because the black community opposed this through the legal system that

it never came to be.

In 1996, 75 years after the fact, there was an attempt at reparations with a committee

investigating the damage and making reccomendations like scholarships to the descendants of the

the residents and economic development in the area, but the state legislature never

acted on it.

When reparations were sought in court two years later, judges hid behind the statute

of limitations and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

Allow me to be clear: the statute of limitations means too much time has passed between the

crime and the case being brought.

But the only reason so much time passed was because of a racist lack of action on the

part of a country that did not care about the loss of black wealth.

Our country's response to the victims of horrible violence was to ignore it, and when finally

it could be ignored no longer, our country said that too much time had passed to do anything.

Our country said: "Our inaction in the past, motivated by racism, is why we cannot do anything

in the present."

Can you imagine the same cynical reaction on the part of the government to a white community,

especially a white community burned to the ground and its white residents rounded up

by black people?

If you do, I don't think we see the same history happening.

So what is this, if not a form of government enforcing, both through direct action and

through strategic inaction, the poverty of people of color and ensuring the wealth of

white people?

Is this not historically a government where most of the officials were and are white choosing

who could be wealthy, and choosing other whites at the expense of people of color?

Is this not a country where historically the government has allowed the people it likes

get to be wealthy while suppressing the people it doesn't like?

So yes, I do see striking similarities between our historical treatment of people of color

and how communist regimes have tended divide up wealth among a small elite and oppress

those they dislike to perpetuate their own staying in power.

You can argue that communist regimes tend to silence violently people who say things

against the regime, and here I am saying what my country has done wrong and face no similar


But I would argue that that has not always been the case.

Lynching and killing black people in horribly painful ways at times while white people watched

and took pictures as though it were a happy pastime, was a historical response toward

black people who did or said things the white community did not like, and local governments

historically ignored that.

I'm a light skinned Latina and I look incredibly Anglo, so I would probably wouldn't have been

lynched even if I lived back then and said these same things back then.

But there's no denying that there was a mechanism for silencing black people, and if the government

knowingly did nothing to stop it, I say it makes no difference if the government claimed

not to endorse it.

And even if prominent black people could avoid lynching in some cases they were subject to

violence and then to having no legal recourse after being harmed from a government that

did not consider their pain equal to the pain of whites.

So what does freedom of speech mean, when its application has so often been limited

to whites?

Isn't that exactly what communist regimes do: let who they like talk and violently suppress

those who don't like?

Maybe today racism is a little less like a communist regime, since lynching isn't what

it used to be, (though black people are still being killed and their deaths are still being

ignored by the government).

But I don't see where the United States has the moral high ground to say anything to any

other country on this ground.

In this piece I haven't even mentioned the deaths the United States is responsible for

when it attacks people in other countries it doesn't like, because even looking only

at the domestic sphere, we are often just as bad as other countries our media loves

to criticize.

Possibly we are worse, if only because we have the hypocrisy to do horrible things and

then turn around act like we're some bastion of freedom.

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