Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 7 2017

Harry Styles' "Sign of the Times" Is Finally Here: Listen Now

The wait is over. At midnight, Harry Styles released "Sign of the Times," his highly anticipated debut solo single

The 23-year-old singer—who's set to perform on The Graham Norton Show and Saturday Night Live in April—spoke to BBC Radio 1 host Nick Grimshaw about his new music Thursday

Said Styles, "In the least weird way possible, it's my favorite album to listen to at the moment."

"Sign of the Times" was produced by Jeff Bhasker and co-written by Styles, with additional production by Alex Salibian and Tyler Johnson

The music video will be revealed later this month. It was filmed in Scotland, around Isle of Skye, and it was directed by Yoann Lemoine

Since One Direction went on hiatus in 2016, fans have been eager for new music

In total, Styles wrote about 70 songs for the album. "We did 50 songs and ideas in Jamaica—and that's including, like, little ideas

Well, full songs—I say there are 30 songs, probably. One of the songs on the album, I wrote a few years ago," he revealed

Styles added that he had to delay the album once he was cast in Dunkirk, which was ultimately "good" for the writing process

"For a while before, all I thought about it was stressing about what it was going to be

It gave me a chance to completely step away from it for a bit and have a real break," he said

"By the end of the movie—because we were swimming so much—I just wanted to write songs."

Hence why he traveled to Jamaica. "I just wanted to not be somewhere that I'd get distracted," Styles explained, making it sound like musical boot camp

"You'd go home for dinner, write at the house then go back to the studio. I liked being away from everything and doing it like that."

"I was with the guys who I was writing it with," he said, "and we just wanted to make what we wanted to listen to. And that's been the most fun part for me about making the whole album."

Styles has tested a few songs for Ed Sheeran, who'd written "18," "Little Things," "Moments" and "Over Again" for One Direction. "I played him a few songs after the album was finished," Styles said. "He didn't say he didn't like any—but he did like one song that isn't on the album."

For more infomation >> Harry Styles Sign of the times Is Finally Here: Listen Now - Duration: 1:25.


What is Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil? - Duration: 3:40.

I've been to Jericho before but this time, I explored Jericho in a new way

by biking through it and taking part in the cultural activities.

It wasn't just exercise but it was cultural as well.

Because of the Israeli occupation and the settlements

I had no experience or knowledge of these areas

I was afraid to explore the countryside by myself.

but now, accompanied by a group of people and experts

who know which trails to take and which to avoid,

the situation is much better!

I was introduced to new people and new places.

Palestine is really beautiful!

we had a great time!

It is Spring now, what beautiful scenery we have!

Everything is so green and pretty.

But more important is the sense of freedom we feel.

When you're standing in the midst of such scenery, you really do feel free.

I used to work in one of the [Israeli] settlements near the Dead Sea.

I had a misunderstanding with my boss, so I had to leave my job.

Then an idea came to me,

to build a tent where I lived, so that I can host tourists.

Come and join us.

We have to learn more about our country and we will grow to love it more.

Our country needs us.

so , go out into nature, get to know and enjoy your country!

For more infomation >> What is Masar Ibrahim Al Khalil? - Duration: 3:40.


Dealing with Politics Online - Duration: 5:25.

So I was on Facebook the other day, and this happened.

People share the dumbest thing

they've ever heard someone else say.

I could use a laugh.

Oh! I wonder if people are sharing their own experiences in the comments...

And that's where I made my mistake.

<Irritating voice> "That Donald Trump would make a GOOD president."

<Semi manly skater voice> "That 'Killary' is a ROLE MODEL for young girls!"

<Similar attempt at manly voice> "I voted for Trump..."

<Condescending refined voice> "Trump will be so good for our country." <Audible eye role>

<Voice of disdainful confusion> "That Obama was the greatest president we've ever had!"

And I'm just over here like,


I thought we were all here to have a good time, share some laughs

But no.

I had unintentionally stumbled into a war zone.

I mean seriously?

We all know which side is obviously right about EVERYTHING anyway. Every single thing.

And clearly, the only way we can have peace in our news-feeds again

Is to convince the other side of how stupid they are. (Isn't it obvious?)

So, here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Step one. Go in with the proper mindset.

Realize politics aren't all that important to most people

So, a random comment from a stranger online

is obviously going to have a big impact on their view

and will probably change their mind. (I mean wouldn't you?)

You're stupid, and wrong. <message sent noise>

I never thought of it that way! You're right!


Step two. Don't stay silent.

(How non-confrontational would that be?)

You might be tempted to not comment on a post that disagrees with you

thinking it might not be worth your time,

but stay focused.

How will the other side know how foolish,

utterly misguided,

and a complete waste of oxygen they are,

if you don't kindly tell them?

(Such kindness knows no bounds)

<Battle drums and suspenseful strings>

(Oh, they were talking about how nice a day it was.)

(She's triggered. Not everyone might consider this nice.)

(Good thing that's cleared up.)

Step three. Stay strong.

Realize your opponents are crafty.

If you ACTUALLY LISTEN to the points they're trying to make

(Who does that anyway?)

Their trickery and wordplay

might somehow convince you

that YOU

were, maybe, wrong about SOMETHING.

(Impossible, I know, but still.)

We can not have this happening.

Thus, it is best to hold fast

to your own, personal,

preconceived ideas of what the other side thinks.

Do not expose yourself to the toxic rhetoric

of their actual position.

(Who knows their side better than you anyway?)

And that's why I think private school is better for kids.

<Scoffing laugh>

<Wheezes in air>

I can't believe you think child sacrifice is okay!!

And step four. Remember, they are the enemy!

They have had different experiences

which have shaped different views

which have lead to a different way of thinking

than you have.

Because of these views, you CANNOT


(Oh sorry did I yell there? I don't know why I get so worked up. Respect isn't all that important anyway.)

Realize that the only way

to convince them of their intrinsic wrongness

is to either copiously insult them because of their views,

or, condescendingly explain their folly to them.

Remember, these are lesser people

and CANNOT be

reasoned with like a rational adult.

<Comedic music>

(Can you believe she thought I'd lower myself to her level?)

(Silly person I don't respect)

If we all follow these steps, soon, everyone will agree!

And we can go back to enjoying lighthearted articles

that are supposed to be entertaining!

(Not an outlet for putting down our enemies? What?)

But until then, the war must be fought.

Bring up your angst concerning the political realm

in every possible situation

no matter how unrelated!

Focus on every negative caused because of politics

and ignore anything that could be construed as good

or pleasant happening in your life or around you.

Together, we will fix what is happening in politics

since the politicians will see us, and change their minds.

Now go out there, and change the world.

(Because who wouldn't want to live in that world?)

Okay, I'll calm down haha =)

In all seriousness,

massive levels of sarcasm and "snarkiness" aside,

there's nothing wrong with having strong political views.

It means you care about the country and you want things to go well.

And you have a specific view for how you think that will happen.

But I think we can all agree we can get a little bit ridiculous sometimes.

Let's not put ALL of our faith in the government.

Never a good plan.

The power isn't all in the hands of the politicians.

What people think and say and believe

can have a HUGE impact on the nation too.

So, if you really want to make change,

start with the people around you.

But don't make trying to change the entire political climate

your life's goal.

There's so much more to life,

and you should enjoy that while you've got the chance.

And sometimes, it's good to laugh at ourselves.

Thank you guys so much for watching!

If you liked this video let me know down below,

and subscribe to my channel! I make new videos every Friday!

(How can you resist such incentive?)

Comment down below if you have something political themed

you'd like us all to laugh at.

It's good to share the love instead of getting frustrated with each other,

so please don't start a flame war in the comments.

Again, thank you so much for watching,

and I'll see you guys next time!

(Love you all!)

For more infomation >> Dealing with Politics Online - Duration: 5:25.


10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth - Duration: 7:25.

10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth

Do you ever wish you had a magic wand? Personally, I�d like one that can poof away unpleasant

things, such as bills, anxiety, and cellulite. My ideal magic wand would also bestow metaphysical

superpowers and beam me onto friendly star ships. Though I have yet to find a magic wand

like in the storybooks, the crystal kingdom has a version that comes close�the Kyanite


Kyanite is a high vibration stone that has a striated structure, which means that it

has parallel grooves or recesses down the length of the stone. These striations act

as amplifying channels that transmit higher frequencies of light into the human auric

field. Kyanite literally acts like a wand that can deliver refined, spiritual energy

for clearing, healing, balance, activation, and upgrade. If you could only have one healing

crystal in your collection, Kyanite would be an excellent, versatile choice. Here are

ten reasons why:

1.Kyanite clears blockages and corrects misalignments in all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies.

If you want to be healthy, vital, and spiritually connected, it all starts with your bio-energetic

system. Blockages in the chakras and meridians can lead to health issues and stagnation on

all levels. Luckily, Kyanite is versatile and can be used over any chakra or meridian

point to clear it. Kyanite also moves the energy centers into proper alignment, as well

as the different layers of the auric field. Working with it can ensure that your entire

energy system is flowing and functioning properly.

2.Kyanite seals and protects your auric field. Energetic protection is especially important

right now, because a lot of negativity is coming up for humanity to face and heal. Kyanite

seals your aura, mending any cracks and fissures. This ensures that you are not leaking energy

or allowing in unwanted influences. Wearing Kyanite jewelry or keeping it nearby will

establish a strong protective field around you.

3.Kyanite can replenish your life-force energy or qi. A lot of people are feeling exhausted

and drained lately, due to the powerful ascension energies that keep increasing. You can work

with Kyanite over specific chakras that are depleted to quickly replenish the energy.

You could also experiment with placing Kyanite blades at the thyroid and adrenal glands to

give them a boost. Just keeping Kyanite in your energy field will help to restore your

general energy levels and stamina.

4.Kyanite helps you to release and heal deeply engrained emotional and mental patterns that

keep you stuck. Do you find yourself in a repeating loop of negative thoughts, emotions,

or beliefs? See if you can determine where they are located in your body, and work with

Kyanite there to initiate a deep energetic purification. After the clearing is accomplished,

Kyanite creates an energetic pathway to higher ways of thinking and feeling, so that you

create a positive, lasting shift. It helps to rewire your subtle energetic circuitry

so that you can maintain the new outlook and state of being.

5.Kyanite is a mechanism for higher dimensional connection and spiritual upgrade. Kyanite

is often described as a bridge to the higher realms. When you work with it above the head,

it creates a channel or pathway for higher frequencies and light codes to be delivered

into your bio-system. It is even known to expand your subtle energetic circuitry and

to strengthen the nervous system so that you can receive and integrate increasing levels

of light. Being able hold and process this light catalyzes an upgrade process for your

psychic senses and spiritual gifts.

6.Kyanite activates the third eye and crown chakras. It is perfect for awakening the higher

chakras and bringing your psychic senses to a greater level of functioning. Regular work

with Kyanite will increase your clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and telepathy. You

will have an easier time connecting with your spirit team and soul to receive guidance.

7.Kyanite is one of the best stones for meditation, because it activates the causal chakra. When

I was studying at Katrina Raphaell�s Crystal Academy for Advanced Healing Arts, we learned

that Kyanite was the best stone for activating the causal chakra. The causal chakra is located

right behind the crown chakra, at the place where your hair can create a spiral and where

a baby�s soft spot is located. This is the area where you receive higher mental impressions

from spiritual sources. When the causal chakra is fully activated, it is easier to move into

higher meditative states and to hold onto the fleeting visions and information you receive.

8.Kyanite has a calming and soothing effect on the emotions. Anxiety and stress are on

the rise lately, as the planetary energy and pace of life continues to accelerate. Kyanite

emits a peaceful energy that counteracts worry, panic, fear, and turbulent emotions. Stroking

Kyanite�s striations can send a calming transmission through your being, helping to

bring you back into a centered space.

9.Kyanite enhances dreamwork. It is a wonderful practice to sleep with Kyanite under your

pillow or on your bedside table. Not only will Kyanite help you fall asleep faster,

it can also stimulate productive dreams that bring in solutions to your problems. It also

assists you with lucid dreaming and astral travel. If you have problems remembering your

dreams, Kyanite will help you to hold onto them upon awakening.

10.Kyanite helps with channeling and communication. For those who channel spiritual messages and

healing energy, Kyanite can take your abilities to the next level. It can turn up the volume

on your radio to spirit so that you can hear, receive, and transmit more. Kyanite powerfully

activates the throat chakra, your center of communication. It promotes heart-felt communication

that helps to bridge different points of view.

As you can see, Kyanite is a multitasking stone that can help you on multiple levels

of the being. It�s a beautiful channel for the light, helping you to clear, heal, and

evolve yourself so that you can become the same�no magic wand required!

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons Why Kyanite Is An Essential Stone For Healing And Spiritual Growth - Duration: 7:25.


ENERGY UPDATE Ancient Wounding, Healing Energy Attacks - Duration: 5:07.

ENERGY UPDATE - Ancient Wounding, Healing - Energy Attacks

by Anastacia,

There has been some interesting things going on with dreams lately, clearing the old and

there has been some �attempts� of negative energies/entities on the astral/multi-dimensional

realms to (try) prevent us from moving forward � but to no avail.

As we are �breaking through� again in our new CHANGES as we continue to shine our

lights in all we are, first and foremost of our own spiritual growth.

Again to no avail, as we trust and stay true to ourselves in faith and trust of the Divine.

I will share that this is Ancient wounding that is coming through to be healed as there

is more to this for each of us as to �blocks� that we have, that we are needing to �break

through� with our CHANGES going on, as there are many.

When really, it is us blocking ourselves of old �fears�.

As many are feeling what has occurred in the past and then also go into the future � back

and forth, back and forth, and then the head can �kick in� in the middle.

Even if one comes from their heart, please know this is of the old that is surfacing

�in the middle�.

It is knowing the bigger picture that can make ALL the difference.

As those I have explained to, just what I am sharing right here and now, shifted straight


As they continue on in their �process� they are in right now.

Stop and take a breath and know this is NOT BIGGER THAN YOU.

This is the old, the Ancient old that is attempting to prevent us in moving forward, again TO


You who are reading this, have got this.

Just feel this, take this in and �know� this on some level.

Protection is very important now and at all times.

Doing the Wagon Wheel and Clock Removal Methods (or whatever you find �works� for you)

of negative energies/entities is important to help with this.

As we not only need to put protection in the human but also IN OUR SPIRIT AS WELL.

Both = above and below.

As there are many energy �attacks� on the astrals from others around or close to

us as well.

I have written about this many times before.

How someone can be �lovely and nice� in the human but above in Spirit that can be

a completely different �story�.

I see and feel all as I have two Souls, the human and Spirit, that is how I �know�

this, firsthand.

Many are in a �holding pattern� during this time of being in a �process�.

As I have shared (in Pts 1-7) in how I �advised� that at this time, to be amongst others but

keep in one�s own energy space and to keep �chats� limited during this time.

As when we �chat� this opens our energy up and then we can feel all the turmoil and

turbulence that is going on with others, as there is just so much change going on.

In this �holding pattern� what is also happening, is that what ever we have had �going

on for us� floating around, is then allowed the �space� for us to then �feel�

what is still around us, that we have �let go� of.

As when we STOP this energy also stops �floating around� and then �attempts� to place

itself back upon us.

And if we are not aware of this, we can then �take this on� and can feel very overwhelmed

by it all.

That is why I shared recently as well �Raise above it�.

You have grown so much and are �bigger than this� now.

You got this�you are not without power in any given moment.

Be aware of just what is occurring as has been shared in Pts 1-7.

Read and feel into the �bigger picture� at this time of what is going on in Real-Time.

Of both the Human and Spirit.

Remember to STOP and BREATHE.

Know the trail has been blazed, there is a new way �through� all of this.

As I share all I do from personal experience coming from a space of 6D embodiment.

How else would I �know� to share all I do.

So from one Ancient Soul to another, remember we are going through so many changes right

now and you are not who you �used to be� � you are SO MUCH MORE now.

And I love you and I am with you.

As we �hold hands and jump puddles together� � of the Divine.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth and Honesty

For more infomation >> ENERGY UPDATE Ancient Wounding, Healing Energy Attacks - Duration: 5:07.


Göring is a Soviet Fat Banger - Duration: 0:35.

Göring Are U A Soviet Fat Banger

Yes I Am A Soviet Fat Banger

I Made Porn Videos At The Age Of 4

I Love Ramming My Dick Into A Hole

Im A Soviet Fat Banger For Life

Who did u rape

Adolf Shitler

Dolfy Hitler


And Last Of All Strippers

Also I Love Gay People And Lesbians And We Are In A Parody Right Now

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