So I was on Facebook the other day, and this happened.
People share the dumbest thing
they've ever heard someone else say.
I could use a laugh.
Oh! I wonder if people are sharing their own experiences in the comments...
And that's where I made my mistake.
<Irritating voice> "That Donald Trump would make a GOOD president."
<Semi manly skater voice> "That 'Killary' is a ROLE MODEL for young girls!"
<Similar attempt at manly voice> "I voted for Trump..."
<Condescending refined voice> "Trump will be so good for our country." <Audible eye role>
<Voice of disdainful confusion> "That Obama was the greatest president we've ever had!"
And I'm just over here like,
I thought we were all here to have a good time, share some laughs
But no.
I had unintentionally stumbled into a war zone.
I mean seriously?
We all know which side is obviously right about EVERYTHING anyway. Every single thing.
And clearly, the only way we can have peace in our news-feeds again
Is to convince the other side of how stupid they are. (Isn't it obvious?)
So, here are a few tips to help you do just that.
Step one. Go in with the proper mindset.
Realize politics aren't all that important to most people
So, a random comment from a stranger online
is obviously going to have a big impact on their view
and will probably change their mind. (I mean wouldn't you?)
You're stupid, and wrong. <message sent noise>
I never thought of it that way! You're right!
Step two. Don't stay silent.
(How non-confrontational would that be?)
You might be tempted to not comment on a post that disagrees with you
thinking it might not be worth your time,
but stay focused.
How will the other side know how foolish,
utterly misguided,
and a complete waste of oxygen they are,
if you don't kindly tell them?
(Such kindness knows no bounds)
<Battle drums and suspenseful strings>
(Oh, they were talking about how nice a day it was.)
(She's triggered. Not everyone might consider this nice.)
(Good thing that's cleared up.)
Step three. Stay strong.
Realize your opponents are crafty.
If you ACTUALLY LISTEN to the points they're trying to make
(Who does that anyway?)
Their trickery and wordplay
might somehow convince you
that YOU
were, maybe, wrong about SOMETHING.
(Impossible, I know, but still.)
We can not have this happening.
Thus, it is best to hold fast
to your own, personal,
preconceived ideas of what the other side thinks.
Do not expose yourself to the toxic rhetoric
of their actual position.
(Who knows their side better than you anyway?)
And that's why I think private school is better for kids.
<Scoffing laugh>
<Wheezes in air>
I can't believe you think child sacrifice is okay!!
And step four. Remember, they are the enemy!
They have had different experiences
which have shaped different views
which have lead to a different way of thinking
than you have.
Because of these views, you CANNOT
(Oh sorry did I yell there? I don't know why I get so worked up. Respect isn't all that important anyway.)
Realize that the only way
to convince them of their intrinsic wrongness
is to either copiously insult them because of their views,
or, condescendingly explain their folly to them.
Remember, these are lesser people
and CANNOT be
reasoned with like a rational adult.
<Comedic music>
(Can you believe she thought I'd lower myself to her level?)
(Silly person I don't respect)
If we all follow these steps, soon, everyone will agree!
And we can go back to enjoying lighthearted articles
that are supposed to be entertaining!
(Not an outlet for putting down our enemies? What?)
But until then, the war must be fought.
Bring up your angst concerning the political realm
in every possible situation
no matter how unrelated!
Focus on every negative caused because of politics
and ignore anything that could be construed as good
or pleasant happening in your life or around you.
Together, we will fix what is happening in politics
since the politicians will see us, and change their minds.
Now go out there, and change the world.
(Because who wouldn't want to live in that world?)
Okay, I'll calm down haha =)
In all seriousness,
massive levels of sarcasm and "snarkiness" aside,
there's nothing wrong with having strong political views.
It means you care about the country and you want things to go well.
And you have a specific view for how you think that will happen.
But I think we can all agree we can get a little bit ridiculous sometimes.
Let's not put ALL of our faith in the government.
Never a good plan.
The power isn't all in the hands of the politicians.
What people think and say and believe
can have a HUGE impact on the nation too.
So, if you really want to make change,
start with the people around you.
But don't make trying to change the entire political climate
your life's goal.
There's so much more to life,
and you should enjoy that while you've got the chance.
And sometimes, it's good to laugh at ourselves.
Thank you guys so much for watching!
If you liked this video let me know down below,
and subscribe to my channel! I make new videos every Friday!
(How can you resist such incentive?)
Comment down below if you have something political themed
you'd like us all to laugh at.
It's good to share the love instead of getting frustrated with each other,
so please don't start a flame war in the comments.
Again, thank you so much for watching,
and I'll see you guys next time!
(Love you all!)
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