hey guys welcome back to smarter trader
and a very very happy new year for each
and everyone watching this video and I
hope we all have profitable trading this
year's to and let's all grow together
guys so stay tuned and please do
subscribe like and comment and tell what
do you feel okay so if you're a new
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videos in my channel so that you get an
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up-to-date so if you do like it was
subscribe for more videos so without
wasting time guys let's start off the
Prophet grading rose
so first of all why should we have those
guys is it important
yes smartest says yes we need rules
ok so that it be any situation you need
a rule if you do not have a rule what's
the point of even creating why I say
that is without even a proper plan or
structure why do you even want to trade
what is the reason why you want to trade
so therefore we should have a rules guys
it's a discipline
ok so without wasting time first our
rule for profit trading is plan so guys
you need to plan it's a business just
the way you see other business how they
plan how they create their backup plans
how they do all other strategies in the
plant same way you should have your own
plan this is your own business
this is your own capital your
hard-earned money
ok so you are the player here you need
to drive your business so in order to do
that you need to create a framework a
background or foundation planning so how
much you want to do for example how much
you want to do
parte de three-person but we can make
seven to ten thousand for a month let me
make forty percent of fifty percent of
my capital so what are you doing with
that what is my end result what I'm
going to do with the money i'm going to
get from it and I'm going to enjoy it
i'm going to save it I'm going to create
a red bag i'm going to investment so
always have a plan so that you don't
deviate any point of the day you will
know where you are and what's happening
with you so you should have a proper
plan guys
so it's all about a business
planning method so next as stop loss so
stop loss so how much our expert you are
a beginner you are you should know this
thing in a star plus bigness yes you
should keep a stoploss when you enter
into what grade so that by any chance
for any by any bad situation the stock
falls very badly you will be saved with
certain percentage keep take stop-loss
aspera orders as per your capacity so
that you can regain it that into
three-day guys don't keep it more than
that you need to regain the money into 2
33 days so you should have a stoploss
based on your capacity so you need to
plant water capacity how much you can
handle how much of how many days you
take to recover so plan accordingly
increase stop-loss there are experts who
do not keep stop loss but yes they will
be constantly watching the video though
I mean when I say we do I mean the
screen so we'll be watching constantly
the screen and every single moment they
keep constantly watching as in the stock
fault they have a stop loss in your mind
guys and they will immediately exhibited
great when they see for example in their
mind thousand is my stop loss when when
the enterprise comes are the minus
negative 809 under once it to thousands
they automatically sell it off in the
market level and they have a stop loss
in mind for beginners who do not know to
do you know instant rating to constantly
what charts and technical analysis i
will just set and keep a stoploss so
that it will see a lot of your money
because guys that people have seen when
runs the price comes down using ok my
money when so much let me wait a little
more and more fifty percent of capital
goes just make guys 1 250 person capital
goes the next day you had just have half
of your money and the Prophet to get on
a half of money the margin is very very
low which is to get before it'll take
double the month to recover that money
trust me guys so always accept stop-loss
yes today I lost and positive my capital
i will begin this in three days to three
days everything you should have such
terrible strong strategy is to always
set stop loss in your system for exports
keep a stoploss in mind
do not deviate from it so next guy's
always go with 10 guys if the market is
green go to its long if market is red go
to a shot why i say this is any day any
point of the time if you enter a stock
or if you pick the wrong stock which
doesn't have a proper growth the proper
moment at least planned by fluke will
give you our target at least when the
market goes up your stock will go up and
you get by chance so always stick to the
trend in case if your strategy is not
working or if you are you feel choose
the wrong stop actually the market will
help you go there rather than going in
the opposite direction market goes
opposite your strategies good tool it's
not happening to always stick to the
trend guys will be ready very very
flexible so when market is green be
ready to buy any stock when the market
is rare
maybe they just sell any stocks will be
very flexible in that and keep that in
your mind friend
ok so the fourth rule is don't trade if
you are not confident guys do not trade
just for the sake of creating get up in
the morning
look at the market okay i need to trade
today by a stock sell stock no do not do
that if you have a certain strategy if
only sort of strategy if the time is
exact and you feel if your hundred
percent confident yes I'm gonna buy here
that only by guys if we have a doubt do
not even by ok because if you do not if
you if you think if you do not trade
today your capital is going to remain
the same hundred percent capital and but
if you are not confident and if you're
trading guys you will lose if you lose
the money whole day will be disappointed
thinking I first of all I made a mistake
that I didn't follow my rule of static
today and I can enter the trade and they
lost money so always if you're not leave
it for the day every day that we have
millions millions of days waiting for
his guys what do you wanna feel bad that
i'm not going to click today do not make
it a habit I don't make it it'll be a
bad habit if you it's like you want to
trade great don't get addicted if
everything looks good that entered
played if everything doesn't look good
it's an experience wasn't market how
market when everything went be it's a
lesson for you for tomorrow that I
should follow my rules
I should get up in the morning I should
wait for my ten o'clock strategy
actually from eleven o'clock strategy so
follow the strategy accordingly
so don't trade if you are not confident
so this is one of the Prophet trading
rules to be a smart trade next one built
back up capital i know most of them do
not say this type of rule but this is
what i have found our build a backup
capital guys have seen many people start
reading they'll get 5,000 10,000 one
lakh profit everything okay i'm getting
one lakh profit date a lot of
commitments in your mind let me buy a
let me buy a car with emi am getting so
much monthly do not do that guys anyone
of the hundred percent capital will go
off and you will go and soup you end up
taking loans and other stuffs so please
do not enjoy when you get your money in
the stock okay rather than think
differently thinks Marquis struggling to
start enjoy later guys
so what I would say is SN venue for
example if your capital is 10,000 make
2000-3000 profit every week see the
money for one month to month make 10,000
again save this capital everybody take
out the money water getting the Prophet
do not add on to the Capitol put this
money in your savings account create one
more 10,000 is a capital
ok so what happens any day you'll have
that confidence anything if i lose my
money Howard more backup money just for
my trading and do not remove this money
guys keep it just for trading like a
fixed deposit get that just wear it
trading it's a business guide is the
back of money like insurance for
ok so if you ask me personally have
three backups done for my capital
already because your holier if I even
think if i have i'm going to get the
last I'm not even afraid because i have
three capitals created just from my
profit guys so you can also eat up on
you guys you want to get one back up and
then enjoy your money i have created
three backup so I want to be ready ready
ready safe and smart trade up so I can
whatever money comes I just enjoy with
that I investor different things so you
can also plan your money best capital
first then do whatever go enjoy your
life guys that's it so build back up
capital for-profit trading then be
updated so this rule is very important
guys there are many people follow the
same strategy throughout the lifetime
and they
end up going in Los know be smart guys
ninety percent of the people make laws
because they follow the market trend of
people saying do the strategy to the
strategy yes follow the strategy but we
get somewhere and I say seven three
percent strategy to get somewhere people
use strategies for making one posit from
that I not stop at least we'll go 0.5
person because of your strategy minimum
I'm gonna hit at the point and exit that
it yet they suffer and do whatever they
so you need to tweak people strategy and
create a strategy which ninety percent
people are not doing they follow a you
need to do the opposite be so create a
difference in your trading that's why I
10-percent people make profit 90 persons
didn't make loss so you should be a
little smarter way or whatever you do
things smartly make it don't think like
the way this thing whatever other thing
use it as a base and create your own
plan always and keep updating a plant
keep updating your rules rules will
change certain rules one of the world
you will have losses because i feel it
still will have rules you'll have losses
change the rules change everything be
riveted any point of the day anything
changes Saturday change of plan do
whatever so but be updated guys please
update yourself last but not the least
follow your rules the discipline guys
this is what I wanted to each and every
one of you guys you will create plants
you will create rules we have this is
not just a few words which I have told
you that millions of rules created
millions of people certain things work
for me some things work for you but if
you do not follow these rules gymnastic
you need to follow blindly these rules
are else there is no point guys you
won't be successful
I'm telling you so whatever rules you
are created for yourself
follow that first step by step followed
that and see what is the improvements
certain things are not working or strike
it out put a new rule over there created
update the rule read the rule
ok so follow the rule discipline is very
important in trading it's a business
it's a most most of the skiers to
business in this world and it's the most
highest profitable biz
this is this world so if you want to be
the most most person doing this then you
should have a discipline to be into the
10-person profitable traders so guys
this ad the few profit trading rules
which make you a smart trader so hope
this helped you guys that are many other
rules which you can follow use this
rules just as a base if you want create
your new rules Esper the way i have
given you the tips are rules what I told
you now create your own things planned
backup create an excel sheet creative
money capital plans everything put in
its a business spending time over there
and yes please do not feel bad if you
have loss because social life is also
important guys creating three o'clock
after the updating is that whatever time
you're trading is done for the day rest
will enjoy they be normal with the
people around you next seven o'clock
market opens be a trade at it
ok so enjoy your life keep creating be
positive if you think you're always
doing losses watch all videos on YouTube
get motivated go by discipline what not
just my channel watch everyone's channel
understand what you're trying to tell
from that learn from others mistakes
learn from other strategies and ideas
and developing yourself so thank you so
much guys if you liked this video please
do like subscribe comment and thank you
so much for your love
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