Hi everybody, this is Dr. Dain!
Welcome to this installment of the Tour of Consciousness.
What a great pleasure it is to be with you!
Do you see that beautiful Christmas tree?
Isn't it amazing? It's like 15 feet high and there it is...
Just wanted to show it to you, it'll be gone in the next couple of days.
First, happy New Year!
Wow, what a year it's been!
If you look back at you
at the beginning of last year, or the end of last year
or the beginning of this year...
Yeah, the beginning of this year, the end of last year.
Have you noticed any changes?
Have you noticed that a lot of things you've been asking for
are actually showing up?
One of things that I'd suggest you do is
go back and write some of those down,
some of the things you asked for that have shown up.
Because when you start to acknowledge that,
you acknowledge you have that capacity.
So what's the tool for today?
Well it's my invitation to You.
We've just started a year-long challenge.
What if 2017 is the year of You, actually being you.
So we created a Facebook group around this and there'll be lots of support,
there'll be lots of contribution from a lot of amazing people,
including Being You Facilitators from around the world
and other people that are involved in this movement
that desire to contribute to you.
So consider yourself invited to that, first of all.
There will be these different challenges, different questions that get asked,
different things that are like, "Hey if you want to do this..."
Now, if you're like me,
joining groups and that kind of thing, that's not really my thing,
especially with how busy I am.
The way this group works is a little bit different.
It's like: come in when you want, be inspired.
Post when you want, don't post if you don't want to.
Don't worry about it... Let this group be a contribution to you.
Just your energy and you being there will be a contribution to it
and to all of us who are part of it.
I'm definitely part of it too and I will be sneaking in there
as often as possible to harass people,
I mean to contribute to people and write posts and that sort of thing.
So please consider yourself invited!
The very first challenge, the first question I want to present to you is:
"What is it that you would like to ask for in 2017,
that you're not asking for, because you see no way of creating it?"
Were starting off big.
What is it you like to ask for,
that you're not asking for, because you see no way of creating it?
Now the actual question on the challenge isn't even
what would you like to ask for?
It's: "What is it you're not asking for in 2017,
because you see no way of creating it?"
I modified it just slightly for this because
there are lots of things you probably desire.
The thing that really limits us the most
is thinking that we've got to go from point A to point B to get it,
or that we have no way to get it,
we have no way to know how it's going to show up.
The way it shows up is actually the universe's job
and that can sound like: "Oh well, it's easy for you to say!"
Except, what you don't realize is everything I have in my life
has been based on that.
I've been using that awareness to actually create my life
and I invite you to do the same.
The "how" it shows up, is the universe's job.
Your job is to ask and be willing to receive.
Just start with this one question.
You don't have to figure it all out.
Don't figure any of it out, please don't try!
Just go:
"What is it I'm not asking for, because I see no way of creating it in 2017?"
And then... maybe ask for it.
I adore you! Thank you so much for being in the world.
What a gift you are and I hope you've gotten lots of notes of gratitude
over this holiday season, you certainly deserve them.
Let me add to that,
truly you, being you, is a gift to this world
and I am so grateful you are here.
Thank you for being as different as you are.
Thank you for being so willing to explore as you are.
Thank you for being as weird as you are, as wacky as you are
and just thank you for being!
May 2017 be the best year so far.
Happy New Year my beautiful friends!
I so look forward to being with you next time,
and go check out the Facebook group!
Tour Of Consciousness With Dr Dain Heer
Tools To Change Your Life From Access Consciousness
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