I'm not gonna sit inside of a corporation for 20 years
the time is now, the time is now to express and for people to believe in themselves
the time is now for it to be okay to be great
people in this world shun people for being great
for being a bright color for standing out
but the time is now to be okay to be the greatest you
Many of you as I have been
as I am, are where you are in your life based upon what you believe and it's not
just what you think you believe on the surface it's also your shadow beliefs
that are holding you back from moving into the life that you believe you
deserve what I know is if you're not looking at the shadows if you're not
looking at what is subconsciously running through the tape in your mind
telling yourself you're not good enough you're not worthy enough you're not
smart enough you're not enough which is a tape that's playing for a lot of
people if you're not conscious of that then you end up acting out of that
belief system and not out of what you know to be the truest or want to be the
truest for yourself you don't become what you want because so much of wanting
is about living in the space of what you don't have that's why Jim Carrey's story
is so powerful because he started to act as though he'd already had it he would
go up to Mohall and and Drive he would drive thinking I already have those
things I just haven't accessed them as yet
I believe those things are going to come to me I'm going to act like they are so
i'm going to move forward in my life in order to draw that to myself
in such a way that my actions are in alignment with what I say I believe so
if you start to think about that really why are you where you are in your life
the choices that you have made have been because of what you believe to be true for yourself
People often want to call me the exception like oh my god you're
the exception no I'm not the exception I'm an average ordinary woman who chose
every day to make one more extraordinary decision I'm an average ordinary mom who
said I want to drastically transform my son's future that he deserves to have
every option that every other child would have regardless of what he was
born into I just was crazy enough to believe that, that it doesn't matter the
color of my skin doesn't matter my religious background doesn't matter my
origin it doesn't matter my mom's bank account my dad's been gone when I was born
none of that means my future that's just the circumstance that I came from
that's not what defines my future I just believe that not a lot validated it but
faith is believing in the unseen anyway so I had enough faith to go I know like
I know like I know like I know I don't necessarily have to see it yet
Whatever the truth is your perception on how you see that truth outweighs it 10 to 1
so it's a motivation and why you're doing it
In a journey of getting in shape it's a long long run right
But the person who's standing at the end with their hand raised isn't the
person with all the genetics it isn't the person with the most potential it's a
person that has the greatest perseverance it's always willing to get
out the difference between a champion and a loser is that they both fail
It's just that the loser allows the failure to stand for life with a
champion even though he gets knocked on his ass, he finds something to support to and to stand
back up, reface that endeavor until it comes to his favour until he wins
That's the difference, champions get back up and do it again
and the difference between someone who is successful here
and someone who is a spectator here is that the person who is successful you know they
believe in themselves so much and their belief overrides any crowds disbelief.
I always felt like I could do anything that's the main thing, people are
controlled by thoughts, their perception of themselves
they're slowed down by
their perception of themselves if you're taught you can't do anything you won't
do anything. I was taught I could do everything. you will believe in yourself
I'm just the expresso I'm just a shot in the morning to get you going to make you
believe that you can overcome that situation that you're dealing with all the time
When I look around I always learn
something and that is to be always yourself and to express yourself
To have faith in yourself
Anything and everything can be done if you can visualize it and if you
believe in yourself. it was the same thing again when I ran for governor you
can imagine when I went on the tonight show and I announced that I'm gonna run
for governor of the great state of California people came to me afterwards
and said you're crazy you don't announce something like this on the tonight's show
you have an official press conference at the State capital plus you don't start
with governorship you go start first with mayor or with state senator and I
said I don't want to be senator I don't want to be mayor I want to be governor
don't you understand that
Well the rest is history, I won in 2003 and I won also in 2006
let me tell you you're going to find the naysayers in every turn that
you make don't listen just visualize your core know exactly
where you want to go trust yourself get out there and work like hell and break
some of the rules and never ever be afraid of failure
I believe in putting a rocket of desire out into the universe
and you get it when you believe it you get it when you believe you have it and
that's the key is like people sit around going when's it gonna come
and that's the
wrong way you're you're facing the wrong way you're facing away from it you have
to go it's here it's here it's here
take a step back right now and think
about who we all admire in the world right they're all people that punted the
system they're people that practiced singing since they were five they are
people that shot ten thousand basketballs every morning it's always
that it's always that 99% of people right now that are listening to this are
playing in the middle they're playing in a game that was structured for them
they're risk averse, they fear and most importantly they fear what other people
think I didn't care what other people said and it's not because I didn't
respect it I actually I get feedback all the time that might be negative this I
respect it I listen to it but at the end of the day I'm just not built to have it
dictate my one at-bat at life
Number one way to start to believe in yourself is momentum
Now I know off the bat, if you really hate yourself right now you're
like thanks Brendan I got no momentum that's why I hate myself so hold on I'll
get to that mindset stuff, ill get to the emotional stuff but sometimes believing
in yourself is just tactically winning a little bit each day you know just a
little bit of a win can give you that dopamine that says oh good job reward I
feel better it can be a very simple neurological
payoff of just achieving a couple small goals and as you heard me say anytime
you're dealing with difficulty it can be just simple things but it's got to be momentum
so whatever you're doing in your life
maybe if you got a job think about what small things can I do tomorrow to move ahead
if you're dealing with a difficulty in a
relationship what would be a simple win a simple moment of appreciation just
something they could say or you could say to put some more pop and energy back
into that relationship just one smile one kiss, one good day can change the
game for you also if it's just something simple you can do in your own health
sometimes going to the gym and leaving you feel a little better
just a little bit of movement has been proven to change people's states of
minds and their emotions too so just get in the gym or get a little bit of small
goal-setting get a little bit of momentum forward into any area of your
life that's at least the beginning and then do it again the next day
don't just go and crush it tomorrow and then be a jerk and do nothing in watch
seven seasons of Netflix on the next day momentum is daily little things
every single day adds up to greatness
integration my friend, integration, people don't believe in themselves
it's not that there hasn't been evidence that they shouldn't believe in themselves
they've had some wins they've had some
goals that came true they made the magic happen but they never integrated
the win, they never had a good thing happen and they sat there at the end of
the night thinking about that good thing to happen and allowing it to come into
their heart allowing whatever they did to give themselves credit for it
Permission to feel good about it, say you know what I did this today
it went well today that worked today and to integrate
that win, integrate that success, integrate that moment into their heart into their
identity as a human being what happens is most of us we can knock off the
checklist did it, did it, did it, did it did it, did it and five years later after
all these did it, did it, did it, made it happen, made it happen, crushed it
crushed it, crushed it five years later we feel the same about ourselves
the same level of confidence the same level of belief in ourselves because we
didn't allow those things to enter our psyche enter our spirit as strengths
we didn't, we had momentum externally but we didn't have any
momentum internally building our character our strength we never achieved
that sense of pride or ownership of what we did we didn't own it that we did it
so we never got stronger that means you need an integration practice at the end
of the day just sit down at the end of the day what worked today what did i
do today what little thing should I allow myself a little bit of credit for
what did I say that was nice what did I send a way that I got done
what did I finish, what goal did I move a little closer to, and just at the end of the day
to allow that to come in this isn't about just helping ourselves up and
saying I'm awesome, I'm awesome, I'm awesome, with no evidence.
I'm saying, you got some momentum integrate that now own that
you did the work today you fought the good fight you finished the day
you're still alive you know what you need to go do tomorrow integrate that
success give yourself that credit you'll develop that strength of spirit that's
so important if you don't believe in yourself after all that
get some feedback you know most people fear this, when you don't believe in yourself
you don't want any feedback because they might say you're stupid or
you suck, you're ugly and you know if they do that you're getting feedback
from the wrong people, sometimes it's necessary to get feedback from the
people that we love feedback from people we know like and trust and just say
hey can I ask you a question what am i doing that you're seeing that seems
right because right now I don't feel like I'm doing anything right and
they'll say what you're talking about No, you're smart, you're good,
you've been doing this sometimes people can give us feedback and help us see that we
are doing better than we think because maybe you're perfectionist or maybe you
grew up with somebody who pushed so hard on you you never integrated any
successes and sometimes you need somebody pushing hard at you saying
good job kid, you're doing all right proud of you I see that you working hard
here, I see that you're trying so sometimes
it's about getting around a new social circle of people who are strivers who
are also struggling who are fighting hard who can give you that feedback and
say good job keep at it and if you do get negative feedback over and over and
over assess is it real do you need to change and shift and get better and if
you do don't hate that don't get mad at that take that as a challenge instead of
taking things as a insult and crying over people's comments go huh you know
what that's kind of if you have some basis in reality I'm gonna take that as
a challenge I'm gonna develop myself not to prove them wrong but to get better
allow yourself that allow, that feeling to come from the feedback next up
I love this one is so simple it's just priming the emotions that we want to experience
in our life what does that mean it means doing something in advance so we can
feel it and here's what I mean by that in the morning every single day you see
I want to be motivated and driven I want to feel grateful for life
I want to have a sense of passion about the day but you know what some days
I wake up and I feel like crap so what am I to do go through the day and just
allow my impulsive feelings to tell me to feel like crap all day and lose
multiple days no I'm gonna say okay I recognize I feel like crap why I didn't
sleep well or or why I got this bad attitude right now I'm gonna change it
in the morning I do an affirmation practice and visualization practice where
I grab a little, just a couple of paragraphs maybe I read from
my Bible maybe I read from one of my books or another book, a passage
I have a bunch of passages in it my notes section my phone too if I'm on the road
and I'll just read it out loud pretending that I'm like in my most
passionate happy place in my life so I'll be reading out loud some
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, I'll be reading out loud to Martin Luther King, I'll be
reading out loud some Napoleon Hill or reading out loud some Earl Nightingale
as loud as I can and that voice activates a power which activates an
emotion which activates my day so you just got a prime emotion or sometimes
I'll be in the shower and I'll say what can I do today or what I'm going to do
day that would bring a laugh what can I do today that I'm excited for and I'll
just get my energy up like don't wait to have good energy in life remember as I
always say the power plant doesn't have energy it generates it you don't have
happiness you generate it so choose to prime the emotions you want experience
like cultivate it summon your energy versus hoping a good one lands on you
and you'll start to feel better about yourself and about life and the last big
one you knew I was going to go there
You already know the thing about love yourself and maybe in some ways
you've never allowed that you've never noticed the beautiful things you've done
in your life so you never allowed yourself to love yourself but at some
point you've got to recognize that there's a love that's beyond you and
beyond me and beyond your actions and that love is whatever brought us here
alive today some would say it's God's will and God's love for some people it's the
randomness of the universe some people its nature or some people it's whatever
but there is something way beyond us and there's a way to access that and a way
to honor that and the way to honour that is to
recognize that you are unique about
7 billion people no one is like you specifically and at least take that as a
moment of saying ok I am meant to live my uniqueness, I'm supposed to love
the things that make me odd and weird I'm supposed to love the things that
make me strong, I was made this way so let me honor
what's good about that and what's not good about that let me work on that let me
set a schedule to get better at that so that I can not only honor what I've been
given but I can give something back to by getting better and that aspect of
doing that, that brings in so much joy and so much strength in our life is love
loving ourselves, loving the process and of course the greatest way to believe in
ourselves is to love other people that they become so grateful for us
that they give us some of that feedback
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