Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 31 2018

Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian

The once relatively funny but now deeply emotionally disturbed has-been comedian, actor, and artist

Jim Carrey is once again in the limelight.

But this time it's not because he made his newest movie flop, but because he made a truly

disturbing painting of President Trump's adult sons, Donald Jr. and Eric.

And this is only the beginning.

Over the past few weeks since no one is knocking on the comedian's door to give him a roll

in movies anymore the In Living Color star has also tweeted paintings of a scowling White

House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, a hellbound Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner,

and a gross depiction of the President's alleged affair with a porn star.

As you can see below, he is quite the artist, in a kindergarten student sort of way.

Not unlike his acting and comedy routines.

As far as the president is concerned, he's fair game, but doesn't this make you wonder

what the media would have said if someone like Clint Eastwood would have painted a portrait

of Obama and all the corruption he brought to the White House?

Although I am not much for trophy hunting, why is it that Carrey needs to paint something

like this?

The president's sons are private citizens and they have done nothing to deserve a has

been star like Carrey portraying them as dead in a painting.

Especially coming from someone who had a questionable roll in the death of his girlfriend.One thing

is for certain Jimmy, these paintings are about as funny as all the movies you made

after The Mask.

But at least to see these paintings we don't have to shell out $12 and come out wishing

we could get our money back while pondering the sad fact that we will never get those

2 wasted hours of our lives back.

Here is more on Jim Carrey's left-wing activist paintings via The Guardian:The comic actor's

short film about his paintings is painful viewing, but he's not the first star who

has tried, and failed, to moonlight as an artist

This is not a scientific law, probably, and I cannot suggest what causes the phenomenon,

but the most embarrassing and talentless of all celebrities who try their hand at art

tend to be Hollywood actors.

Jim Carrey may or may not be a great comic actor.

He is an astonishingly bad painter and sculptor.

Carrey has released a video of his artistic efforts that makes for painful viewing.

Can he be serious?

Is this all a build-up to a film in which he plays a deluded character who thinks he's

an artist?

Val Kilmer: 'Lord, I'm never going to read this tripe!'

To be fair, Carrey took up art to get over a painful end to a relationship and preaches

it as therapy rather than claiming to be the new Picasso, or even the new Sylvester Stallone,

whose fatuous daubs have been exhibited in actual museums in France and Russia.

If his art helps and heals him, that's great.

He just should not be showing this stuff to anyone and expecting anything except derision.

Crudely coloured Jesus-like faces, lurish fluorescent portraits, random abstractions

and kitshch clay figures – this is a joke.

Please, say it's a joke.

The art Carrey has been filmed making would be turned down if he offered it to a Salvation

Army store.

It gives amateurs a bad name.

Some celebrity artists put on a perfectly decent performance.

Rock stars turn to painting without completely humiliating themselves.

Ronnie Wood's portraits of the Rolling Stones are a decent visual diary of the ageing rock

'n roll life and Bob Dylan's paintings give convincing visual form to the landscapes

of his songs.

But then he is a Nobel laureate.

Perhaps musicians are more well-rounded.

Maybe actors give so much in their roles they've got no more to give.

Whatever the reason, Carrey joins Hollywood's artistic walk of shame.James Franco knows

more than Carrey about the style and language of contemporary art, spicing up his efforts

as a painter with video, performance and suchlike fashionable stuff, but this just gives his

work a glib faux-sophistication.

His art is a shallow pose, from all his "ironically" bad paintings to a daft video he made with

greased models posing as Renaissance artworks.

Val Kilmer has a bit of the same pseudo-understanding of contemporary art that Franco exhibits in

such devastatingly crass overload.

Kilmer makes text-works in the style of Ed Ruscha as well as terrible pop images of his

roles as Batman and Jim Morrison.

Didn't he already do enough harm to Morrison, whose legend was turned to tack by the Oliver

Stone biopic in which he starred?

The superficiality and lack of soul of these actors' art is telling.

Los Angeles has a thriving art world and film-star dollars help it prosper.

Stars doubtless feel they "know" art because they've got a couple of Warhols and a Ruscha.

This is a horrible delusion that encourages the worst kind of unexpressive, oddly impersonal


By contrast, rock stars tend to be much less aware of artistic fashion, and so more honest

and heartfelt in their drawings and paintings.

A bit of homespun sincerity is better than lurid exhibitionism when it comes to amateur


It was not always this way.

Once Hollywood nurtured real art lovers and proper artists.

Vincent Price was a noted art expert in the 1950s.

The tough guy actor Edward G Robinson was such a sensitive collector that his paintings

were exhibited at The Museum of Modern Art.

Kirk Douglas made modern art real for the film public in his great performance as Van

Gogh in Lust for Life.

These stars had far too much taste to impose themselves as "artists" on a celebrity-addled


Instead they used their talent and wealth to support and popularise real art.

One star who did become a true artist was Dennis Hopper.

This legendary actor and director who moved between Hollywood and the avant garde took

photographs with genuine power and beauty that have become part of the American canon.

It's genuinely scary to look at what stars are doing now in the name of "art".

Is a work of art a window on the soul?

Let's hope not, for Jim Carrey's sake."

For more infomation >> Immigrant Actor Jim Carrey Saved Most Depraved Pic For Last Which Might Soon Be In Smithsonian - Duration: 6:37.


Natural Treatments for Fluid Retention - Australia 365 - Duration: 9:28.

Natural Treatments for Fluid Retention

Fluid retention occurs when fluids build up in your body's tissues.

It's most common in the legs, ankles, and feet, although it can also appear in other parts of your body.

In today's article we'll tell you about some natural treatments to reduce it.

What is fluid retention and why does it occur?.

Fluids naturally build up in your tissues to facilitate organ function.

The problem starts when you absorb more fluid than normal.

Due to gravity, this excess fluid is typically "retained" in your lower extremities.

This condition is typically known as edema.

The most common causes of fluid retention include the following:.

Excessive consumption of sodium or certain medications (such as oral contraceptives) Sunburn, or being sedentary for long periods of time Heart failure, or liver or kidney disease Pregnancy, menopause, or your period Problems with the lymph nodes.

Fluid retention can appear due to a variety of factors, such as a loss of blood pressure, an obstruction of the lymphatic system, or a change in your tissues' ability to process fluids.

There are different types of fluid retention.

It may be cold or hot to the touch, and the swelling could be generalized (all tissues and organs) or localized (in the legs or ankles, for example).

Tips for treating fluid retention.

It's important that you change some of your habits when you suffer from fluid retention.

As a first step, you should increase your water consumption.

Drinking at least two liters a day isn't an arbitrary amount or merely what's popular – it's what your body needs to process toxins and keep your lymph nodes functioning properly (among other things).

When your body doesn't get the amount of water it needs, it stores what's available in your tissues – especially in the legs.

Observe the color of your urine to find out when you're well hydrated.

If it's clear it means that you have cleaned out your urinary system completely (for that day, as it will start again tomorrow).

Secondly, it's a good idea to limit your sodium intake.

Sodium is one of the primary causes of fluid retention.

You can replace its use with other spices and herbs, and avoid eating any salty, processed, or fried foods.

Natural treatments for fluid retention.

Here are some home remedies that can be helpful when you suffer from fluid retention:.

Flaxseed. Cilantro.

This aromatic herb should always be present in your kitchen, because it adds a lot of flavor to the your dishes.

But it has some interesting medicinal properties, too.

Cilantro activates kidney function and helps cleanse the body, for example.

You can add fresh cilantro to your salads or vegetable dishes, or make a tea using the seeds of this plant.


1/2 tablespoon of coriander seeds (5 g) 1 cup of water (250 g).


Heat the water in a saucepan.

When it comes to a boil, add the coriander seeds.

Simmer for 10 minutes and remove from heat.

All it to steep for 10 minutes and strain off the liquid.

Drink this while it's as warm as possible (and best of all on an empty stomach).

Mustard oil.

This will help stimulate circulation and your lymphatic system, reducing any excess fluid stored in soft tissues.

This treatment is ideal when you get home from work after spending hours sitting in front of your computer.


This superfood should be in every kitchen thanks to its culinary and medicinal properties.

Garlic is a very effective diuretic to reduce fluid retention, especially in the legs and feet.

We recommend that you eat a clove of raw garlic every morning.

You don't have to chew it: you can break it into pieces and drink it with water as if it were a pill.

Another option is to add it to salads, casseroles, vegetables, and soups.



1 tablespoon of dandelion (10 grams) 1 cup of water (250 grams).


Heat the water in a saucepan until it boils.

Add the dandelion and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and let it steep for about 15 minutes.

Filter the liquid and consume.

You can add honey or lemon to reduce the bitter taste of the plant.

Apple cider vinegar.

This can be consumed as a daily tonic to prevent or reduce edema.

In addition to adding it to salads and other preparations, some people use apple cider vinegar to apply directly to the affected areas.

You just need to soak a cloth in vinegar and exert a little pressure on the legs.

The movement must be from the bottom up (that is, against gravity), to cause the fluids to be eliminated through your urine.

For more infomation >> Natural Treatments for Fluid Retention - Australia 365 - Duration: 9:28.


Card-making party held for restaurant owner recovering from attack - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Card-making party held for restaurant owner recovering from attack - Duration: 0:24.


Natural Treatments for Nail Problems - Australia 360 - Duration: 8:43.

Natural Treatments for Nail Problems

Many different things can cause nail problems.

However, all of them look pretty unpleasant.

Actually, the state of someone's nails can say a lot about their general health, too.

Nails are hard bits of skin that protect the fingers and toes.

Theyre formed by keratin, a fibrous and hard protein that forms layers in the nail.

When your nails look good, it's generally considered that everything is fine.

But if your nails are weak or have an abnormal color, you should pay attention.

When it comes to aesthetics, hygiene is crucial in every sense of the word.

Looking good is impacted by all factors that can be appreciated by sight.

Because of this, there are all kinds of beauty products and treatments.

Variety is the spice of life, right?.

The best thing we can advise is that if you want to take care of your beauty, opt for the natural before resorting to chemical products.

Moisturizer, nail polish, nail polish remover, and other personal care products that seem harmless to the naked eye can actually affect the quality of your nails.

In fact, they can cause the appearance of fungus, sores, spots, bad smells, ingrown toenails (due to bad cuts) and, sometimes, even nail loss.

In this article,we'll share the best natural treatments for different common nail problems.

Natural treatments for nail problems.

Treatment for fungus.

Fungus one of the most common nail problems.

It's an infection that changes the health of your nails.

It can be caused by bad hygiene, humidity, or very warm environments, and it feeds on keratin.

To fight this unpleasant agent naturally, it's best to use tea tree oil, which is a powerful antiseptic.

It's just as effective as laboratory antifungal creams and ointments.

What to do.

Apply it after the shower after you've dried yourself.

Apply a couple of drops on the affected nail and let it dry.

Repeat this every day, after showering, until you notice a significant improvement.

Treatment for brittle nails.

This is another common nail problem.

Cracking can be caused by many factors, from your overall health, to being constantly exposed to products that weaken the keratin.

If you want to treat them naturally, we recommend that you take care of your diet and consume more foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cheese and nuts.

Another way to strengthen them could be:.

Almond oil and lemon.

Mix the ingredients well, and apply on the nails for 2 minutes and then rinse with water.

Coconut oil.

Massage your nails with warm oil and leave it to act for 1 minute.

Argan oil.

Massage your nails with the oil as part of your manicure routine for 2 minutes.

Cracked nails.

Chemicals such as cleaning products, citrus, and some abrasive substances can deteriorate your nails.

They prevent them from growing strong, and they cause them to crack very often.

We know that nails are a part of the body that have contact with almost everything.

However, we need to take care of them.

Remember that it's an indicator of your overall health.

What to do. Wear gloves when cleaning.

From time to time we recommend that you apply a layer of shine to protect them.

Eat foods that encourage growth such as milk, eggs, avocado and spinach.

Maintain a manicure and pedicure routine each week.

This doesn't mean that it's mandatory, you just have to make sure that your nails are growing correctly and keep an eye on their condition.

Ingrown nails.

This is probably one of the most annoying nail problems there is.

Ingrown nails are often caused by inappropriate footwear, nail deformations, poor maintenance and cutting them badly.

It usually occurs with the nail of the big toe.

However, it can happen with any nail.

What to do.

Immerse the affected foot in hot water, leave it for a couple of minutes and then dry it well.

Gently massage the affected area with olive or almond oil.

Place a small piece of wet cotton under the nail.

When the area softens, cut the nail carefully, with a clean and sharp nail clipper.

Cut it straight, i.e., give it a square shape.

For more infomation >> Natural Treatments for Nail Problems - Australia 360 - Duration: 8:43.


STL@VGK: Karlsson beats Allen for breakaway SHG - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> STL@VGK: Karlsson beats Allen for breakaway SHG - Duration: 1:05.


Numbers Drawn For $521M Mega Millions Jackpot - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> Numbers Drawn For $521M Mega Millions Jackpot - Duration: 0:26.


Teachers in Kentucky, Arizona, Oklahoma take action for better pay - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Teachers in Kentucky, Arizona, Oklahoma take action for better pay - Duration: 2:46.


Army mulls tougher basic training for out of shape, undisciplined recruits - Duration: 2:42.

Army mulls tougher basic training for out-of-shape, undisciplined recruits

Citing a disturbing trend of new soldiers lacking both proper discipline and physical

fitness, senior U.S. Army leaders are calling for a tougher and longer basic training program

to prepare troops for combat over the next decade.

�We have every reason to get this right, and far fewer reasons not to,� Secretary

of the Army Mark Esper said at the Association of the United States Army's Global Force Symposium

in Alabama on Monday.

�That�s why we are considering several initiatives � from a new physical fitness

regime to reforming and extending basic training � in order to ensure our young men and women

are prepared for the rigors of high-intensity combat.�

While Esper didn�t divulge any details of what an extended Basic Combat Training (BCT)

might look like, the Army has already floated the idea of adding two weeks to its 10-week


A redesigned BCT is expected to be implemented by early summer.The current BCT involves a

three-stage process, the first of which is the �Red Phase.� Comprising the first

three weeks of training, it's where recruits begin to learn drills and ceremonies, the

seven �Army Core Values, unarmed combat and first aid.

Recruits are also introduced to standard-issue weapons like the M-16 assault rifle and M-4


In Phase 2, known as the �White Phase,� soldiers begin target practice with their

rifles, and become acquainted with other weapons like grenade launchers and machine guns.

The recruits also complete a timed obstacle course and learn to work alongside other soldiers.

The final phase, or �Blue Phase,� sees the soldiers complete the Army Physical Fitness

Test (APFT), learn nighttime combat operations and go on 10- and 15-kilometer field marches.

After passing all their tests, the recruits graduate from basic training and move on to

Advanced Individual Training, where they focus on specific skills in their field.

�The ultimate goal of the military is to strip a civilian of civilian status and to

put them in a military mindset,� Mike Volkin, an Iraq war veteran and author of �The Ultimate

Basic Training Guidebook,� told Fox News.

�So if you were to boil down the goal of basic training to its essence it would be

to conform.�

The new BCT will place an added focus on strict discipline and esprit de corps through a greater

emphasis on drills and ceremony, inspections and military history.

It will also concentrate heavily on crucial battlefield skills such as marksmanship, physical

fitness, first aid and communications.

Along with the new BCT regimen, U.S. Army brass is considering a tougher Combat Readiness

Test, which would replace the current three-event APFT with a six-event test Army leaders believe

better prepares recruits for the physical challenges of the service's Warrior Tasks

and Battle Drills � the key skills soldiers use to help them survive in combat.

source foxnews

For more infomation >> Army mulls tougher basic training for out of shape, undisciplined recruits - Duration: 2:42.


Waste Management hiring more drivers for seperate collections - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> Waste Management hiring more drivers for seperate collections - Duration: 1:46.


Retiring Boston firefighter arrested for 2nd OUI - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Retiring Boston firefighter arrested for 2nd OUI - Duration: 1:35.


RideAustin driver gets 11 years for sexually assaulting passenger - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> RideAustin driver gets 11 years for sexually assaulting passenger - Duration: 2:55.


Marlins, Cubs Host MSD Families For Special Pregame Ceremony - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Marlins, Cubs Host MSD Families For Special Pregame Ceremony - Duration: 2:46.


March for Our Lives - Youth are leading a conversation - Duration: 5:40.

I'm Anna and I'm in eighth grade

My name is Shawn and I am 16 years old

I am Darren and I'm 18

My name is Morgan and I'm 18

I'm Carolyn and students that are fed up of being attacked in their schools

we're fed up with the government, and we are marching for our rights to have a safe education

I'm Amelia Rose and I'm from Wilmington North Carolina.

I was in sixth grade when Sandy Hook happened.

My mom came home and she picked me up from school

she hugged me and I didn't know what was happening.

I'd never been exposed to that and it made me think that it's my life that

this can happen to. Change has to happen.

We can't have what's happening now. Something just has to change.

So my brother is currently a ninth grader in high school and it's just

really crazy to think that one day he can go to school and not come home.

It has been really heartfelt for me, having him as a ninth grader.

I have an eight-year-old sister who's going to be in high school pretty soon,

So I really wanted to make my mark

and make sure that there are some common-sense gun laws

that are passed to ensure that my siblings have the same opportunity

that any child should have to get a quality education without fear of being

shot and killed in school.

The Baltimore Mayor, Catherine Pugh sent over 3,000 students,

paid for over 60 buses so that black lives in urban areas

can be represented in the national gun violence debate.

As a high schooler, I feel like it's my civic duty to

demonstrate the cause that I support.

No other country on the planet has as many school shootings as we do

and when people violent video games or mental health

Canada, France, Great Britain, the UK, they all have that too.

We're the only one with it.

You can hear other people

explain it better: assault rifles, bump stocks, and all that but

simply put, something needs to be done.

Guns don't kill people but they do make it a hell of a lot easier.

The violence is like

a poison coursing through the veins of our country and our nerves have just

been numbed to it.

I'm gonna be voting next election and if you want my vote

you better do something about this.

The energy from young people who really are

able to bring a fresh voice to the conversation I think that's what's

important about this March is it's not the typical politicians

feeding for their own political advantage but its students

saying "enough is enough. We want change."

There have been too many countless and

senseless shootings and there are legislations we see in Australia in the

UK that a common sense gun reform law does change things and so it's time

that we actually stop talking and start doing.

We're not trying to take all guns

away we're just trying to make it safer and make more regulation so that guns

are in the right hands and Donald Trump just passed a ban on bump stocks

for rifles but Sandy Hook for example, the gun used in that school shooting

they didn't have a bump stock on the gun. Or the most recent shooting at Parkland

there was no bump stock on the rifle and he still killed 17 people so that is not

enough to make it safer. We need reform, we need a lot of change and

hopefully this opens the eyes to more people that are against that.

I think this is a really important cause

and I'm really proud of everybody that's shown up today.

With gun violence, there's a lot of things going on

A lot of lockdowns at school, and it puts a lot of stress on us as students.

We're the future, we should have a say in what happens.

If you feel that you are a young

person and that your voice can't be heard,

look behind me and see that that's not true.

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