Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 31 2018



If you want to pass the exam you must prepare or study for the exam! You must believe in hard work, positive attitude, and always remember that for every success to others.

Exam papers have different questions and different answers too.

Each person is completely different from others, that is why we need to focus on our abilities

to be in the right path at all levels.

We must work to make ourselves in the next day better than how we were in the previous

We need to discover who we are in life. When we find our passion, we find our purpose. When we find our purpose, then we must TAKE ACTION!

Every step you take is a step away from where you used to be. Nothing ever really goes away until it teaches us what we need to know. Sometimes we have to know the darkness before we can appreciate the light.

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. What is your gift?

If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path. How others see you are not important. How you see yourself means everything.




For more infomation >> AN ORIGINAL IS ALWAYS WORTH MORE THAN A COPY (JUST BE YOURSELF) - Duration: 1:32.


Alice Cooper + Fp Jones | The say love is pain | Falice | +2x17 - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Alice Cooper + Fp Jones | The say love is pain | Falice | +2x17 - Duration: 1:53.


Sessions' DOJ Makes Shock Arrest! Trump is SATISFIED! - Duration: 14:51.

Sessions' DOJ Makes Shock Arrest! Trump is SATISFIED!

Jeff Sessions ought to be saluted for moving reestablished power in the US Department of


This week, the DOJ has indeed secured the American individuals by uncovering a gigantic

Internet trick.

On Monday, the Justice Department influenced the conviction of a California man named Artashes

Darbinyan, 37, for running a multi-year trick worth $1.66 million.

As per an official statement, Darbinyan has been condemned to 96 months in jail and had

a $1,557,979 fine exacted against him.

Accessories named Orbel Hakobyan and Albert Yagubyan additionally got two years and year

and a half in jail, individually.

Darbinyan conceded that between September 2013 and September 2015, he worked two shell

organizations called Trademark Compliance Center (TCC) and Trademark Compliance Office


These two organizations focused on independent companies that had as of late connected for

trademarks with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Utilizing a mass mailing trick, Darbinyan and his partners would erroneously offer focused

on organizations the opportunity to track their applications and trademarks.

TCC and TCO guaranteed that they were in correspondence with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

and had the ability to track copyright encroachments.

These fake requesting more often than not requested a charge of $385 dollars for copyright

security administrations.

This plan was a piece of a more extensive web of mail extortion and protected innovation


In 2005, copyright misrepresentation and Internet robbery cost the American economy as much

as $200 billion.

Quick forward 10 years after the fact, unlicensed programming in the United States still cost

the economy $9.1 billion.

A standout amongst the most horrifying guilty parties with regards to copyright burglary

is the socialist nation of China.

America loses $600 billion a year in licensed innovation robbery cases, a greater part of

which radiate from China.

Sessions and President Trump have focused in on this illicit system, and a current reminder

marked by the president will open up a government examination concerning China's inclusion

in protected innovation burglary.

The objective of this examination is to reduce such unlawful practices, as well as spare

those American employments and American organizations that are hurt by licensed innovation robbery


One of the all the more aggravating realities about the DOJ's fruitful body of evidence

against the Darbinyan ring is that the crooks intentionally focused on independent ventures,

which are more helpless against misrepresentation.

In 2014, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners' (ACFE) found that American organizations

lose by and large a middle of five-percent of their yearly income to misrepresentation.

Three years previously, 40 percent of every single private company in America detailed

that they had been the casualties of misrepresentation.

This is clearly a significant issue in the United States.

Despite the fact that not particularly specified in the DOJ's official statement, it merits

specifying that the greater part of the wrongdoers, for this situation, are of Armenian extraction.

The Southern California-based road group Armenian Power have a past filled with running false

tricks, taking part in racketeering, and coercion.

Other road packs, from MS-13 to the Crips, have spread out into the universes of bank

and mail extortion, and additionally data fraud.

Lawyer General Sessions ought to genuinely think about utilizing the energy of the Federal

government to research the fake exercises


these associations.

For more infomation >> Sessions' DOJ Makes Shock Arrest! Trump is SATISFIED! - Duration: 14:51.


Dennis Kucinich: Southern border wall is a waste of money - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Dennis Kucinich: Southern border wall is a waste of money - Duration: 4:33.


First Roseanne, Now Another Major Pro-Trump Actor Is Infuriating Libs With Huge New Show! - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> First Roseanne, Now Another Major Pro-Trump Actor Is Infuriating Libs With Huge New Show! - Duration: 5:12.


What is femininity? - Duration: 10:51.

Hello everyone! What a beautiful day. It's gorgeous,

the sun is shining, is blue, blue, blue outside in Southern California. Yeah, it's

just a great day. But I wanted to talk about something that I'm confused about,

maybe you can help me. I'd like to talk about femininity.

Because I don't know what it is. I really don't. There was an article posted a few

weeks ago about the science community but specifically the females in science

community and specifically on Instagram. I'll put that article in

the description below and there's been a lot of like backlash on it especially from

females in the field because the article talked about these women who are posting

their pictures on Instagram and they're taking selfies and they're posting their

cute outfits and brandishing a smile. And it kind of was upset with those, with

those women and.... I like, I understood the article. I understood where this person

was coming from because they were talking about how there's this like

narrow group of femininity showcase for females in STEM and I like, I get that.

But my question was like, maybe they weren't looking, you know, in a lot of

other places. but I don't even know like what femininity is, like I'm

still trying to figure that out for myself.

Because for a very long time I was like "oh I'm not a real girl because like I

don't do makeup and I don't do my hair. I don't really like doing that stuff.

and like I don't really have a great fashion sense." I kind of you know put

things together the way that I like them. My fashion sense has gotten a lot better

but it's actually gotten a lot better with the help of my boyfriend because he

has a very good eye for that stuff and he knows what looks good on me and he he

wants me to look good and he doesn't want me to be a frumpy mess. Which is, you

know, kind of how I prefer to dress but I don't also like feel the best when I

when I dress that way. Like it may be comfortable for me but it also may, you

know, it's not necessarily the most flattering. I want to look good, I

think I'm pretty and I'm not afraid to show it. My mom when I'm filming she's

like "you need to wear more makeup, you need to put lipstick on." So I have

lipstick on today and I have mascara on. And though, when I film I usually try to

put those things on just because I know that if you want to see me on camera

that those things need, need to be done. It's just it's just another tool to make

sure that you actually show up on camera. But then she looked at me and she's like

"Are you wearing lipstick? Are you wearing mascara?" And I was like yeah. So obviously,

I did it wrong because I don't know what I'm doing. and I'm and I'm learning and

I'm trying to figure that out. And I I'm trying to dress better. I like dresses

now, so I wear dresses. But I hated them for a very long time and I only wore

shorts and like Razorback T-shirts and then for a while. I hated shorts so I

only wore pants. And I dressed more masculine for a while. And the reason I

did that is because I wanted to be swimming in those clothes because I

didn't feel... because I wanted to be invisible for a long time. And that was

when I was suffering from depression and the more that I've come out of that the

more that I've experimented with the way that I dress. Like how I feel

comfortable, because I didn't know how I felt comfortable any

more. So it was deciding for myself, do I want to wear gym shorts and a baggy tee

to school? Do I literally want to shop in the men's clothing department anymore?

And for me I found the answer became "no." Those, for me, I would rather wear as like

pajamas or like when I'm at home but that doesn't mean that if you do wear

them that you aren't still a girl or that you are you can't still identify as

a girl, that you can't still, you know, be feminine. Just because I have no interest in

doing my hair, or and really putting on makeup because when I say makeup I'm

literally referring to mascara and maybe eye shadow because that's what I'm

comfortable in. Doesn't mean that I don't also appreciate those girls who put on a

full face of makeup and I'm like "hey good for you, like you know, I wish I

could do that stuff, like that's awesome. When I see girls eyebrows like amazing

and like just defined lips... like I have no lips. very tiny, but I still love them. And

I still appreciate those girls who know how to do that and who are excited about

you know, sharing their story and you know, doing makeup when I was wearing you

know, pants and or you know, baggy shorts. It wasn't like I didn't you know, like

when girls wore dresses. Now that I wear dresses it's not that I'm like

putting girls down for not wearing them like... So I guess I have a problem with

like what femininity is, is because I don't really think that it's a real... that

it just, but it's one thing. It's a real thing. I don't think that there's one

thing. I think that you can be on a spectrum of femininity and I think we

all have feminine and masculine energies within us.

And I think that that's beautiful and I think that we should embrace them. We all

have testosterone in us, we all have estrogen in us, in male and female and I

don't, I don't think that it's, you know, all about being like "oh I'm a girly girl

or I'm a tomboy or I'm I'm alpha male or I'm FEM ," or you

know whatever the lingo is like my whole thing is I don't, I don't like labels.

Which is like so cliche and like sounds really weird and I don't like them

because I don't understand them because like I'm me, I'm just me. And so on some

days I'm gonna wear like my cardigan and like my nice pink t-shirt that I

recently got from Target, and other days I'm gonna wear my... what does it say... like

my makers shirt where my pants have stains on them because that's because I'm

making things that day, you know, I just I dress how I feel and I wear makeup, how I

feel and I look how I feel and my hair is done how I feel. That hair flip was on

purpose because I know I'd do it involuntary. I'm

sorry. I'm working on the whole touching my hair while being on camera. Yeah so

maybe if you understand a little bit more about femininity and masculinity

you can put in the comments below and explain that a little bit more to me. But

what I would also like to suggest to you is like, who cares what you are?

Only you

should care what you are, how you dress, how you look and you should be the one

who dictates that. And that is beautiful, I you know, I was talking earlier about I

think how my boyfriend understands what looks good on my body

and I love him and he's always right so I listen. My mom, I listen

to her, because I know she's right. I know that I'm not showing up on camera as

well as I as I could be .She was like "you're a beautiful woman. I just want

people to see that," and I love her for that. That's amazing because she's like "I

want you to be successful and I want you to to put your best self forward." And if

that's putting on a little mascara or putting on a little bit of lipstick,

putting on a little blush. Whatever just so you can see my features, then that's

amazing. She's not wrong and she was also telling me you don't have to do that on

on your day to day, just you know, when you're on camera. And and I agree with

her. And so we're, we're gonna start doing that. Uh, just because it's just so you

can see me you know? I'm not changing myself because of it. And right now I'm

starting to get a little bit more into makeup. I think it's really interesting. I

kind of want to see that art form. I kind of want to delve into that but I've it's...

I'm not doing it because I feel like I'm less than a girl or I'm not doing it

because I want to change myself for my YouTube presence or for my podcast

presence. It's, it's a new stage in my life and I think that that's cool and

I'm gonna share that with you guys. I

don't think that it's changing me. I think that it's, I think that I'm just

playing around and experimenting because I'm a scientist and I experiment and I

take data points and then I make a decision because, as I said in the

"Follow Your Instincts" video I'm not very spontaneous. So yeah I just wanted to

share that with you, and kind of my thoughts and just get your thoughts on

it as well. So let's talk in the comments below. I'd love love to hear from you

guys. Yeah okay, have great day friends!

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