Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 18 2018


JERRY: Hello, everyone. I'm Jerry Savelle. Thank you for

joining me today. What a pleasure it is to have you watch

our broadcast. Let me just say that all of you that write to us

and share your testimonies, thank you for taking the time

and doing that. Also, those of you that send in your prayer

requests, we appreciate your confidence and we stand in faith

with you in believing God for the miracle that you're

believing for. Let me just say this to you. You can always

depend upon God. God is faithful. Amen. Say that with me

right now. My God is a faithful God. Keep that in the forefront

of your thinking at all times, that God is faithful. This week,

we're going to continue talking about God is always working

behind the scenes. We began talking about this last week. If

you missed that broadcast, let me just reiterate some of the

things that I mentioned, especially Ephesians chapter

three and verse nine from the Message Translation. The apostle

Paul says this, "My task is to bring out in the open what God,

who created all this in the first place, has been doing in

secret and behind the scenes all along." That's where I got that

phrase. God is working behind the scenes. God is always

working behind the scenes. Even though it may not look as though

anything's happening don't ever say again, "Nothing's

happening." Yes, it is. The moment you pray, according to

Mark the 11th chapter and the 24th verse, Jesus said, "What

things soever you desire, when you pray, believe you receive

them, and you shall have them." Kenneth Hagin taught us many,

many years ago that the moment you start believing you receive

is the moment you pray. When you say amen to that prayer, that

means so be it. As far as you're concerned, something began to

happen in the spirit realm. If you'll hold fast to your

confidence and hold fast to your faith then, praise God, what's

already happening in the spirit realm will eventually manifest

in the natural. Now, you know, if all of our prayer manifested

in the natural in the next few moments, that would be great,

but that's not the case. It doesn't happen that way all the

time. I've had it happen sometimes, but most of the time,

I began doing what I learned from the apostle Paul in

Ephesians chapter six, "Having done all to stand, stand there

for it." In other words, I may have to stand for a time, I may

have to stand all day, all week, all month, and sometimes all

year, but the truth is if you determine that giving up and

quitting is not an option, then eventually it will come to pass.

"Brother Jerry, you mean I have to wait a year?" No, I didn't

say you have to wait a year, but sometimes it could take a year

for what you're believing for to come to pass, not always, but

just be prepared to stand. I like what Kenneth Hagin used to

say, "If you'll prepare to stand forever, then it won't take very

long." Praise God. Just make up your mind the moment you pray

and ask God to meet a need in your life, then prepare to stand

and believe that God is working behind the scenes. Now, at the

close of last week's broadcast, I was getting into 1 Kings

chapter 17. If you have your Bibles handy, I want you to turn

there with me. 1 Kings chapter 17, excuse me, and verse one,

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of

Gilead, said unto Ahab, 'As the Lord God of Israel liveth,

before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years,

but according to my Word.' And the Word of the Lord came unto

him, saying, 'Get thee hence, turn thee eastward, and hide

thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And it

shall be, that thou shalt drink of the brook; and I have

commanded the ravens to feed you there.'" Now, notice this. God

says, "Go down to the brook Cherith." Now, remember, Elijah

had already said there's going to be a drought. There won't be

any rain according to the Word of the Lord. God tells Elijah to

go down to the brook Cherith and there he has commanded the

ravens to sustain him. Now, notice, "I have commanded."

That's past tense. That means before Elijah ever got to the

brook, God was already working behind the scenes. He had

already commanded the ravens to sustain him. The Bible says, "So

he went and did according unto the Word of the Lord: for he

went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan.

And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and

bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank from the brook."

Notice God was already working behind the scenes. When the

prophet had arrived there, he had already prepared to meet

that need in his life. Then, if you keep reading, in verse seven

it says, "And it came to pass after a while, that the brook

dried up, because there had been no rain in the land. And the

Word of the Lord came unto him, saying, 'Arise, get thee to

Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold,

I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee.'" Notice

once again, after the brook dried up, God hath already

commanded a widow woman to sustain the prophet. God was

already working behind the scenes. Notice once again, "I

have commanded." That's past tense. Before the prophet ever

got to Zidon, God had already been working behind the scenes,

had already prepared to meet the need of his prophet. That

proves, once again, that God is always working behind the

scenes. Now, what your part is, dare to believe he's doing it

for you. Don't ever say again after you pray, "Nothing's

happening. Nothing's working." No, that's not true because the

moment you prayed and you said amen, once again, amen doesn't

mean the end. Amen means so be it. In other words, what you

prayed, you are declaring so be it. It will be just as I've

prayed. Now, in order for it to come to pass, you're going to

have to start believing that God went to work in your behalf the

moment you said amen. Get out of your vocabulary, get out of your

thinking, "Nothing's happening." Don't say that because the

moment you say, "Nothing's happening," it's almost like you

put the brakes on and everything stopped working in the spirit

realm. You have to guard your vocabulary. Watch what you say

after you pray. If you've asked God to meet your need

financially, then don't say in a few moments, "Well, I guess God

didn't hear me. I guess my prayers didn't get any higher

than the ceiling. It looks like God never does anything for me."

Quit talking like that. You know, the Bible says in Psalm 78

that they limited the Holy One of Israel. The way they limited

him, if you'll read that entire Psalm, they limited God when

their small thinking and their negative talking. Quit. I almost

said be quiet. That's a good thing anyway. Be quiet. If you

can't talk the Word, shut up. Don't even talk if you can't

talk the Word. Just be quiet, but also be quick to speak the

Word of God. No matter what's happening around you, no matter

how impossible it may seem, be sure to keep speaking the Word.

If somebody should ask you, "I heard you prayed the other day

for that financial need in your life. Is anything happening?"

Well, you could say, and it wouldn't be a lie, it wouldn't

be exaggerating. You could say, "I believe I received when I

prayed. Even though I don't see anything happening, my God is

working behind the scenes." That's what you need to say.

That's not a lie. That's not exaggerating because the Bible

says, "God calleth things that be not as though they were."

That's what you're doing. You have the faith of God and that's

the way his faith operates. After you get through praying,

don't say, "Nothing's working. God never does things for me."

Quit talking like that. Begin to say, "God, you're working behind

the scenes. I believe you're working in my behalf even now.

Even though I may not see anything happening, even though

it looks just as impossible after I prayed as it did before

I prayed," you just keep saying that God is working behind the

scenes. I like to call it this: giving God something to work

with. That's what you do. You speak the Word and God promises

that his Word will not return void. Notice if God worked in

behalf of his prophet Elijah, he was working behind the scenes,

then why wouldn't he do so for you? You know, Elijah was not

even born again. He wasn't filled with the Holy Spirit, but

God worked in his behalf and you are born again. You are filled

with the Holy Spirit. If you're not, well, we

can settle that right now. Just simply confess

Jesus as the Lord of your life. Believe that He heard

you, and believe that you'll receive the answer to your

prayer. And praise God, ask Him to fill you with the Holy

Spirit, He will do it. Now that you're born again and filled

with the Holy Spirit, why wouldn't He work on your behalf,

just like He did Elijah's? So, these are just basic principle

of living a life of faith. Believe you receive when you

pray. And dare to believe that God is working behind the

scenes. Now, I've shared this testimony with you in times

past, but I want to share it with you again because not all

of you may have seen that broadcast. Years ago when I

first start out in the ministry, the Lord said tome that I'll not

be able to fulfill what I'm called to do without airplanes

in my ministry. He said, "I want you to believe me for airplanes,

and I want you to believe for them debt free." He said, "I

don't want you flying airplanes with debt on them. Believe for

airplanes debt free." Well in the natural, that was impossible

looking. I'd never owned a car up to that time that was debt

free. Now God's talking airplanes. And so, in spite of

it looking utterly impossible, I began to pray and I said, "Lord,

I'm asking you for the airplane that I need to fulfill what

you've called me to do." Now, it didn't come to pass right away.

In fact, it didn't come to pass in a week, I didn't come to pass

in a month, it didn't come to a pass in a year. In fact, it was

several years before it actually came to pass. Now, in the

meantime, I'm confessing that I have an airplane for this

ministry. The Bible says that we are to call things that are not

as though they were, just like God operates. We have the same

spirit of faith. So, I began saying, "I have the airplane

that I need to fulfill what God's called me to do." I

believe I received when I pray. Now if you were to ask me, "has

it manifested yet?" Well, in the natural no it hasn't. But, I

believed I received. And so, I just stood on the Word of God.

Now, not one person came up to me during that time and said,

"Brother Jerry, I was praying the other day and the Lord told

me that you needed an airplane. I want to sow into that

project." Not one person did that. And I'm talking about

months had gone by, even years had gone by. Now, I didn't bring

it up in meetings, I didn't talk about it, I didn't walk up to

people and say, "I'm believing for an airplane. Is God speaking

to you?" No, I didn't do that. I just kept it to myself and

believed God, that He was working behind the scenes. Now,

sometime later, many years later, I'm in Andrews, Texas.

Excuse me, let me drink to that. I'm in Andrews, Texas and I'm

preaching in a laundry mat, and abandoned laundry mat because

the church that had invited me to come, when they found out I

was not ordained through their organization, they wouldn't let

me in the church. And so, a man found this abandoned laundry mat

that we could hold our meeting in. And so, I'm preaching and

there's just a handful of people. There couldn't have been

over 12, 15 people showed up in that meeting. The last afternoon

there was a man that walked in that building and he walked

right up to me. He didn't take a seat, he just kind of

interrupted the service and he said, "My name is Oop."

And Oop if you're watching this broadcast, you

and Patsy will never, ever realize how blessed I

was to meet you that day and what a great blessing

you were to me. Oop walked up to me, his

name was Oop and he said, "God sent me here

today." He said, "I was out riding my tractor, God spoke to

me and told me that there's a young man in Andrews, Texas

that's preaching in the laundry mat and I want you to help him

buy an airplane." He's telling me this story, then he gave me

money. Then he got ready to leave and he said, "If you ever

see me again, it'll be because God told me." He said, "I want

you to understand, I don't have a education." He said, "I never

learned to read nor write, but I did learn to follow the

leadership of the Holy Spirit. God spoke to me and told me to

do this, I'm doing it, and now I'm leaving." Then he got in his

truck and he drove off, and we're all standing there with

our mouths open. I asked my wife, I said, "Did that really

happen?" She said, "Yes, look at the money that he just gave

you." That was the first time in all these years that somebody

walked up to me and said God spoke to them and told them to

sow into my airplane. Now, it was not enough to buy an

airplane, but it gave me the confidence that God did hear me,

that God was working behind the scenes, and no matter what it

looks like, don't ever say again, nothing's happening.

Something was happening and now it's beginning to manifest. And

then a few weeks later, I'm up in Omaha, Nebraska, and Fred

Price, Pastor Fred Price from California, he and I were doing

a faith seminar together. Our wives were there with us, and

when the meeting was over with, we started out to the airport.

When we got to the airport, we said our goodbyes. Fred and

Betty went to their gate to fly back to Los Angeles, we went to

our gate to fly to DFW. When we landed, my office manager said,

"There's somebody that wants you to call them. They'd like to

take you to dinner tonight in Dallas." This is back in the

days in 1976. There were no cellphones, so you'd have to

find a payphone. We stopped at a payphone and we called these

people and they said, "Would you meet us in Dallas tonight at

this particular restaurant?" So, we agreed to meet. We were

almost there anyway, so we went over to Dallas. When we walked

in, we saw the couple, and this couple was Charles and Peggy

Capps and Vicki and Wes Jamison. And so, we're sitting

there having a nice dinner and having a wonderful conversation.

Vicki spoke up and said, "Jerry, the reason why we asked you to

come tonight is because God spoke to us some time back to

give you our airplane," and said, "We've been believing God

to pay if off because God told us to give it to you debt free."

Now, praise God. Man, this is music to my ears. They said, "We

were believing God to have it paid for so that we could give

it to you because we knew you needed it in your ministry. But

once again, God said, 'Don't give it to him until you have it

paid for'" and so, Charles and Peggy came to town and they were

visiting us. We just asked them to set themselves and agreement

with us for the money that was needed to pay the balance.

Charles asked, "Well, how much is it?" They told him and he

said, "Well, we can do that." And so, Charles and Peggy Capps

gave them the money that they needed to pay the airplane off

and they said, "Tomorrow we want to come to Fort Worth and

deliver your airplane because it's now paid for and we can

hardly wait to get it into your hands. And so, they came over to

Meacham Field, Fort Worth, Texas praise God. I already had my

hanger ready. And when that Cessna 310 pulled up in front of

my hanger, I'm telling you, I was shouting. You see, God was

working behind the scenes. Now remember, you remember the story

about Elijah, God had commanded? God had commanded Vicki and Wes

Jamison to pay this airplane off and give it to us. God was

already working behind the scenes. And then Charles and

Peggy Capps came along and they were part of the miracle in

producing that airplane debt free. Let me tell you this, that

was nine debt free airplanes ago. God has always been working

behind the scenes. He always will work behind the scenes, and

I want to encourage you with that testimony that God is

working behind the scenes for you right now. Once again, get

out of your thinking nothing's happening. Get out of your

vocabulary, nothing's happening. Yes it is. Something's happening

in the spirit realm. Even though you can't see it, but

something's happening. The angels are at work for you, God

is working for you, the Holy Spirit's working for you. God

has already commanded this to be done in your behalf, and so you

stay in faith. Don't ever, ever give up. Quitting is no longer

an option in your life. Can you say that? Quitting is no longer

an option in my life. You just keep in the forefront of your

thinking that God is working behind the scenes. Let me read

Hebrews 10:23: let us hold fast the profession of our faith,

without wavering. Without wavering, for He is faithful

that promise. What does it mean without wavering? Wavering means

that some days you get up and you're talking faith, some days

you get up and you're talking doubt. Some days you get up and

your back talking faith, some days you get up and you're back

talking doubt. That's wavering. Don't do that. Stay in faith.

The Bible says, let us hold fast the profession or the confession

of our faith, without wavering. Why? Because, he is faithful

that promised. The Message translation says, let us keep a

firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always

keeps his Word. Keep a firm grip on the promises that

keep you going, why? Because he always keeps his Word. Then

verse 35 and 36, of Hebrews chapter 10 says this, "Cast not

away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of

reward. For you have need of patience that after you've done

the will of God, you might receive the promise." Say it

with me, I refuse to cast away my confidence. Confidence is

just another word for faith. Say it this way, I refuse to cast

away my faith. Why? Because it has a great recompense of

reward. In other words, if you won't throw away your faith, if

you won't give up on the Word, then God promises that your

faith will be rewarded. Then he says you have need of patience,

what does patience mean? It means being constant,

consistent, never changing regardless of the circumstances.

Practice patience, don't give up, don't throw in the towel so

to speak. The Bible says, "After you've done the will of God,

then you will receive the promise." The Message

translation says, "So don't throw it all away now. You need

to stick it out. Staying with God's plan so you'll be there

for the promise completion." Isn't that what you want? A

promised completion. So how do you get there? The secret is

this, and it's really not a secret, it's all over the Bible,

but most people don't know it, so the secret is this, stay in

faith, don't cast away your confidence, don't waver.

Believe, dare to believe that the moment you pray, that's when

God went into motion. That's when the angels went to work.

That's when the Holy Spirit went to work. Praise God, something's

happening behind the scenes, and if you'll just stay in faith,

it's going to manifest in the natural. God is not a man that

he should lie. If God said it, that settles it. I've had this

attitude ever since I came to the Lord in 1969. If God didn't

intend to bring this to pass, he shouldn't have put it in my copy

of the book, because once I see it, then I'm going for it, and I

refuse to give up until it happens, praise God. Did you

receive today? I trust, praise God, your faith has

gone to another level. I want you to watch this

special announcement, then we'll be back in just a few moments.


ANNOUNCER: Why settle for ordinary when

you can have the extraordinary? Break free from unseen

limits holding you back with this special resource

package. In the faith filled book, No Boundaries, Jerry

Savelle reveals how boundaries that have kept you enslaved can

be broken. As you read, you will learn how to recognize

boundaries and how to break free from them. In the powerful

two-CD teaching, How to Get from Amen, to There It Is, Jerry

shares a step-by-step guide to help you stay focused on getting

the very thing you prayed for. Don't settle for unanswered

prayers. Discover how to get results in your life. Don't wait

anymore. Call, or go online to, and request

the God is Working Behind The Scenes package featuring the

book No Boundaries, and the two-CD teaching, How To Get From

Amen, To There It Is. God has an extraordinary life plan for you,

a life without limits, and it's time that

you start living it. You can begin living a no

boundaries life and see your prayers answered today.

JERRY: Thank you again for watching the broadcast today.

I trust you were blessed. I trust your faith was inspired.

Let me give you this one last scripture before

we close, Psalm 84 verse 11, "No good thing does he withhold from

those who walk uprightly." God is not in the business of

holding out. God is in the business of getting it to you.

So dare to believe you receive when you pray. Dare to believe

that God is working behind the scenes, because God wants to do

some good things in your life. No good thing will he withhold

from those who walk uprightly. Let me share some testimonies

with you before we leave the air today; this is one from Lynn,

and it goes right along with what I was teaching you today,

"I had been working on a children's book series that was

not being picked up by any publishers. After years that it

seemed lying dormant, I stayed in faith, believing that my

series would get picked up and, praise God, a publisher called

out of the blue, offering to publish the first book. I'm

working now on the next one, I expect to see even greater

things happen this year. Glory to God." Notice, God was working

behind the scenes, even though she had written this book for

children, and it looked like nothing was happening. See?

Don't ever say that, "Nothing's happening." Something was

happening, she just couldn't see it yet, but eventually, praise

God, a publisher picked up her book, and began to want to

publish it, and now she's already working on the next one.

Praise God. Thank you Lynn for sharing that testimony. Here's

one from Paul, he said, "I received a $12,000 raise at

work. It was totally unexpected, and no one else in my department

received any increase in their pay. After asking my boss about

it, he stated that they gave me a raise because they noticed the

excellent job that I had been doing, and I know this

definitely is the favor of God on my life." Paul, we rejoice

with you, and praise God, and I believe there's even more in

store. Praise God. Once again, don't ever give up on God. Order

this special book today, No Boundaries. Don't limit God.

Don't think that God is limited in any way. He is totally

unlimited. He does above and beyond all that we can ask or

think. Great book, and I know it's faith inspiring. Here's a

series that goes right along with what we were teaching

today, How To Go From Amen, To There It Is, what do you do

after you say Amen? What do you do when you're standing in

faith, and believing? What happens between Amen, and there

it is? You're going to enjoy this series, so I encourage you

to get it right now. Order it while it's fresh on your mind.

Don't forget to ask for our magazine Adventures In Faith, we

want to send it to you free, no charge. It'll be a blessing to

you. It will continue to minister to you. Thanks again

for joining us today. I want to encourage you to join me again

next week as we continue talking about how that you can be a

winner in life. Amen. Until then, Jerry Savelle reminding

you that your faith will overcome the world.

ANNOUNCER: Next week. JERRIANN: Proverbs 14:12 tells

us, "There's a way that seems right. There's

a way that seems right to men, but the weight thereof

is death." It could be death to your dream. If Satan can get you

distracted, and discouraged, and detoured from your dream,

then you'll never fulfill God's destiny for your life.


For more infomation >> God is Working Behind the Scenes, Part 2 - Duration: 28:35.


MAPPED: Russia's nuke targets in Britain – is your town safe? - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> MAPPED: Russia's nuke targets in Britain – is your town safe? - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 5:26.


A Haiku man is struck and killed while walking on Hana Highway - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> A Haiku man is struck and killed while walking on Hana Highway - Duration: 0:29.


BIGBANG's Seungri Is Goo Hara's Choice For "Seoulmate" Co-Host(News) - Duration: 2:01.

BIGBANG's Seungri Is Goo Hara's Choice For "Seoulmate" Co-Host

On the latest episode of tvNs Seoulmate, Goo Hara chose BIGBANGs Seungri as someone she thought would make a great host!.

Seoulmate is a reality show in which celebrities host foreign visitors at their homes and introduce them to Korean culture by acting as their tour guides.

Goo Hara is one of the regular hosts on the program, along with comedians Kim Sook and Kim Joon Ho. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

During the March 17 broadcast of the show, Kim Sook remarked, Ever since the program started gaining more popularity, there have been a lot of people interested in becoming a host.

She then asked her fellow hosts, Out of the people you know, is there anyone you want to recommend [as a potential host]?.

Goo Hara responded by lavishing praise on her good friend Seungri. She replied, I think Seungri would do a really good job on Seoulmate. Hes good at foreign languages.

He knows Chinese, Japanese, and English. I think hed even be able to handle 10 visitors at once..

The former KARA member previously made a video call to Seungri on the show in February, when one of her guests mentioned that she was a fan of BIGBANG.

Would you like to see Seungri as a host on Seoulmate? Leave your thoughts below!.

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