spiritual hospital beyond what medicine and science can offer
receive your healing and deliverance today
this is a place of love in the times of need
welcome to spiritual hospital
it is time to walk in Dominionship, join us for a
war room experience through prayer April the 21st 2018 at 6pm
1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16 Keele and Finch
for more information call us at 416-526-0763
no one can be related to this
no one ever gone through nothing
but you are looking at somebody that gone through some stuff
you are looking at somebody that if if hadn't for the Lord almighty at my side
tell me where would I be?
I have been through some stuff
church, if it hadn't been for God at my side
if it hadn't been for God at my side
I would have lost my mind
if it hadn't been for God at my side
I would be in a mental institution
right now
because I have been through some stuff as a Pastor
can I testify to somebody this morning
I have gone through some stuff
some difficult stuff
some depression that would have kill me
I have gone through some stuff
I am telling you, I have gone through some stuff this morning
I am here to testify to somebody
that if it hadn't been for God at my side
where would I be...
oh Glory to God
you see me dancing and shouting but you don't know what I've been through
because you haven't gone through anything
but I've gone through some stuff
and so when I shout and dance
I have a reason why I am shouting
I have a reason why I am praising
because if it hadn't been for God at my side
I don't know, where I would been
I would be in the hospital right now
when circumstances grasp me
when the financial situation seems difficult
where there is a cliff and I feel I will go over
if it hadn't been for God at my side
where would I be?
you don't know my story
but I am coming from a long way
and so I can testify to you this morning
if it hadn't been for God at my side
I don't know where I would be
I can testify as David, because David had gone through some stuff
and the very people that was beside him
I wouldn't feel this way
and I would fly away, oh Glory to God
if it hadn't been for God at my side
no one can relate to me this morning but I've been through the valley
I've been through the shall of death
I don't know where would I be this morning
if it hadn't been for God at my side
when I look at the circumstances
when I look all around me
but I cry out to Jesus
and he came and rescue me
and brought me to this lovely country
you don't know my life, I have some narrow escape
where I was put in some situation
but God came and rescued me!
so I can testify this morning
if it hadn't been for God at my side
where would I be?
I was abused by my family
family relatives, they abused me, beat me
and do all kind of things with me
when I was a very small age
but I hold on to Christ
and I said, if I perish, I perish, but I gonna serve you
and at that tender age, God rescued me
if it hadn't been for God at my side
where would I be?
I was in a narrow escape where I was walking in the country
and this dirty man
tried to rape me and I said oh God what should I do now?
and I stand still
nobody was around, but God came and rescued me
if it hadn't been for God at my side
where would I be church?
you don't know, but I've been through hell
and back and can stand today to tell you
if it hadn't been for God at my side
I don't know where I would be
you see, you have to go through a test
for you to have a testimony
the test of your life
the test that you are going through
it is a set for a testimony
I have many testimony that I can share with you because what I've been through
you have to go through a test, for you to have a testimony
circumstances want to grab me many times around, Oh glory to God I shere so many
testimonies if it had not been for God on my side... a couple of days
I think last week that I've gone through many dangers
how that song goes? many dangers tall and smear I've been there, oh glory to God
I'm here... you may be be seated for a moment I'm here to encourage somebody
that are going through some stuff, you are going through some stuff
but I'm here to tell you that because there is a God that is on your side
situation seems very difficult, oh yes some of us all of our situations they're
different some of them are very painful I look at my life and I said God why me
why do I have to go through all of those things
at times I was very angry with God I've been up the spirit of bitterness
spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun...
it's time to walk in
healing and deliverance
visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m. 1179 Finch
Avenue West unit 16 keele and finch area
for information call us at 416-526-0763
spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun
Canadian Christian ministries, CCM
CCM is a fellowship of ministers
we provide everything that one would
need to effectively operate a church or ministry in Canada
we provide mentorship
fellowship, spiritual moral and professional covering, training
credentials, government requirements if God has called you to ministry we will
affirm you, call us today 905-432-9855
once again 905-432-9855
it is time to walk in Dominionship, join us for a war room experience
through p[rayer, April 21st 2018 at 6pm 1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16
for information call us at 416-526-0763
but go back to the place
where I do truly know God, I'm not here playing Church and walking into
somebody's testimony and many things that have gone through I understand now that
is where God has taken me so it is for you, some of you because God is
taking you someplace and he wants you to go through the process for you to have
a testimony Oh glory to God and so I stayed in that little bush there in the
wilderness, no electricity, nothing, me and God alone through my despair, I can't even
go to the whole thing as I go along in the minister I will share with you but it
was not easy, it was not easy, it was not easy and I've gone through so much
and I said God, with tears falling on my eyes, going to church from a
young age as he was and I knew God then, so I said God please if you take
me out of this country Lord I will serve you I will go to Toronto and I'll get
crazy for you, I will jump and skip for you
I will embarrass myself for you
I told him that...
excuse me church, when I go crazy I am honouring my vow to God
what I respect I vow it
and I have to honour my vote, so excuse me
and he brought me through many things
but God made a way where there was no way
and allowed the government to override circumsntances
and here I am in this country
but the Lord overrided all of that
so he brought me to this country
for a divine purpose and mandate
so all this people criticising Deborah
i have a mission for the almighty God
and your opinion doesn't really matter
because I know who I worship
I know the God who I serve
oh glory to God, he is sweet, I know...
he is my healer, he is my deliverer
he is my all and all, he is my comforter
he is my reason, glory to God
sometimes it gets lonely, even with your own husband
but when I touch Jesus, all is alright
he comforts me
so is alright,... alright... alright...
oh glory to God
if it hadn't been for God at my side
i don't know where I would be
man wanted cut me off... but God
can i go back and bring memory
and give a glimpse of where God have brought me from...
and where I am today
60 Colville Road, when I was there
trying to help people, and put God aside
they laugh at me, they criticised me
and they though that Deborah now is dead
but look at me today, I am still going...
once there is a power of the living God
the same power that raised Jesus from dead
satan wanted to keep him in the grave
but the third day, he rose triumphantly
so some people think they can bury me
but they can't bury me, because something inside of me... it is resurrection power...
is power to raise, and deliver God's people
and set the captive free.. you haven't seen anything yet
what God is going to do to spiritual Hospital
something amazing is about to happen
man opinion doesn't matter
because if up to man, man would write me off, long time ago
but if it hadn't been for God at my side
all the witchcraft they are working
you dont know what is going on
against Deborah, against this ministry
powers of darkness against spiritual hospital... but God!
spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun
it's time to walk in healing and deliverance
visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m.
1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16 Keel and Finch area
for information call us at 416-526-0763
spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun
but God... but God...
I've been through some stuff church
through some situations church
if it hadnt been for the mercy of God at my side
you notice how I speak? Is not so canadian
it is a rough caribbean accent
according to some pastor
that told me that I am not eloquent enough to be on TV
not eloquent enough for a church
or to be a Pastor, as a matter of fact people underestimate Deborah
and look down on Deborah so they dont want to come to Spiritual Hospital
she can't be a pastor, but I have news for you this morning
but God... glory to God, God is on my side
he is going to do a work on my side despite man's opinion
despite people want to think
I am trying to make a point to the whole matter
they said you dont have the gift to really talk
you dont have the eloquence ability to talk
but something that I dont know
but the favour of God, override the intelectual ability
God takes the insignificant, like Deborah
and do the extraordinary with her
I am telling you... if it hadnt been for God at my side
because if up to man I wouldnt be here this morning
but there is something church about the favour of God
it overrides the whole system it overrides society
the very same person that said cannot speak
the very same person that said that I dont have the intelectual ability
I am using this illustration to tell you that if you have a situation
that you think that you are not adequate enough... God can use you!
God can turn you into something extraordinary
I am testifying to you this morning
so the very same person, who is not eloquent
that doesnt bother me by the way
at first it did, but now it doesnt bother me anymore
because my mission is not for man but for God
and all I want to hear is: Deborah, well done...
my good and faithful servant
so, as i told you before, my focus is not on man, but on God...
all your burden, all your situations, God said, put it at his feet
and he will deal with all your situations
He is God
can you see that?
I am changing, God is changing me...
because i am not my own... I am completely sold out to him
I am gonna done, I'm gonna finish, I am gonna finish, so can I testify
to you this morning I have so much testimony but when you're been through
some stuff you can testify that if it had not been for God on your side, you can
testify but do you know that gotta brought you some to some things and you
are standing because of God on your side you can testify that if it had not been
for God on your side, we are going through situation Church, we are going through
circumstances, for some people the testimony that I shared might be minut
it might be just a simple little testimony but that's what is what, that's what God
would allow me to testify because that's just the tip of
the iceberg I have gone through some stuff I have gone through some situation
but some situation you can't even utter it out of your mouth because that's what
happens, human being will start to judge me now and look down on me and
said she'd been there, because some people don't believe that pastors can
through some stuff and I gone through some situation but if I had not
been for God on my side and so because I've gone through those things a lot of
stuff, you don't know my life but I'm a work in progress where God wants me to go
He uses vessels and turn it around for His divine purpose
so I am broken vessel be mended by the Almighty God and so if you're going
through some stuff let me tell you this morning Church there's absolutely
nothing too hard for God for the Almighty God because he is in control of
everything, it can be the hardest of your circumstances
oh yes, he can beat the odds of your situation
I am just not telling you that because I've been there
many times around and God is faithful
and trust that he will deliver you for whatever you are going through
it might not be in your time but trust me if you trust him and hold on oh yes
he will come true for you that's how I prove him I told him many times that
I was about to go over the cliff that he grabs me and help me for
me to see that God is indeed a miracle worker God
we depend so much on our resources we depend so much on what is tangible what
we can see and what we can see our money and all of these things our
credits and all of these things but sometimes God will shift them to see if
they can still trust him not only if you can trust him but he wants you not
serve other gods, because our money our credits or all of these things sometimes become
gods because what we are relying upon them
we are trusting them and when their shift and move then all hope is gone now and
they start to get depressed and frustrated but God is saying although
all these things have moved around us can you still trust me and look upon me
and believe that I'm gonna make a way for you I've been there many times I
told you that they put a lock on my door to repossess after so many months of
not payment, but God... but God how many of us didnt have nothing to eat?
some of us lost our jobs in the past we have a mortgage and everything
no money, we put the pot in the fire
but God, he came through for us and I am telling you this morning,
because God came through for me so many times he is no respecter
of person and what he's done for me and others he can do just the same for you
and even more if you love Him with all your heart, your soul and strength
Oh glory to God, so let me leave this couple words with you don't matter the tests in
life no matter how difficult things are God can make a way where there seems to
be no God because He is the sovereign God of this universe is the creator and on
and on, he exists with full power, full authority, full capacity
no problem is too hard for him to solve, no situation or
circumstances too difficult for him, he does specializes in the impossible and
if we say that we are trust in God we are gonna put to the test
to prove that God is indeed a God that is able... stand with me church.
spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun
it's time to walk in healing and
visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m. 1179 Finch Avenue West
unit 16 Keele and finch area for information call us at 416-526-0763
spiritual hospital mission is to reach people with
the life-giving message of Jesus Christ your tithes and offerings enable us to
help and deliver more people with a powerful and life-changing relationship
with him but who am i and who are my people that
we should be able to give us generously as this, everything comes from you and we
have given you only what comes from your hand, first chronicles chapter 29 verse
14 your generous donation is making it possible for spiritual hospital
effectively brings healing to our diversified city please contact our
ministry by info@spiritualhospital.ca or call us on 416-526-0763
to make your contribution today
Canadian Christian ministries CCM
CCM is a fellowship of a ministers
we provide everything that one would need to effectively operate a church or
ministry in Canada we provide mentorship fellowship, spiritual moral and
professional covering,, training credentials, government requirements if
God has called you to ministry we will affirm you, call us today 905-432-9855
it is time to walk in dominionship, join us for a war room experience
through prayer April 21st 2018 at 6pm 1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16
for information call us at 416-526-0763
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