Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 18 2018

spiritual hospital beyond what medicine and science can offer

receive your healing and deliverance today






this is a place of love in the times of need

welcome to spiritual hospital

it is time to walk in Dominionship, join us for a

war room experience through prayer April the 21st 2018 at 6pm

1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16 Keele and Finch

for more information call us at 416-526-0763


no one can be related to this

no one ever gone through nothing

but you are looking at somebody that gone through some stuff

you are looking at somebody that if if hadn't for the Lord almighty at my side

tell me where would I be?

I have been through some stuff

church, if it hadn't been for God at my side

if it hadn't been for God at my side

I would have lost my mind

if it hadn't been for God at my side

I would be in a mental institution

right now

because I have been through some stuff as a Pastor

can I testify to somebody this morning

I have gone through some stuff

some difficult stuff

some depression that would have kill me

I have gone through some stuff

I am telling you, I have gone through some stuff this morning

I am here to testify to somebody

that if it hadn't been for God at my side

where would I be...

oh Glory to God

you see me dancing and shouting but you don't know what I've been through

because you haven't gone through anything

but I've gone through some stuff

and so when I shout and dance

I have a reason why I am shouting

I have a reason why I am praising

because if it hadn't been for God at my side

I don't know, where I would been

I would be in the hospital right now

when circumstances grasp me

when the financial situation seems difficult

where there is a cliff and I feel I will go over

if it hadn't been for God at my side

where would I be?

you don't know my story

but I am coming from a long way

and so I can testify to you this morning

if it hadn't been for God at my side

I don't know where I would be

I can testify as David, because David had gone through some stuff

and the very people that was beside him

I wouldn't feel this way

and I would fly away, oh Glory to God

if it hadn't been for God at my side

no one can relate to me this morning but I've been through the valley

I've been through the shall of death

I don't know where would I be this morning

if it hadn't been for God at my side

when I look at the circumstances

when I look all around me

but I cry out to Jesus

and he came and rescue me

and brought me to this lovely country

you don't know my life, I have some narrow escape

where I was put in some situation

but God came and rescued me!

so I can testify this morning

if it hadn't been for God at my side

where would I be?

I was abused by my family

family relatives, they abused me, beat me

and do all kind of things with me

when I was a very small age

but I hold on to Christ

and I said, if I perish, I perish, but I gonna serve you

and at that tender age, God rescued me

if it hadn't been for God at my side

where would I be?

I was in a narrow escape where I was walking in the country

and this dirty man

tried to rape me and I said oh God what should I do now?

and I stand still

nobody was around, but God came and rescued me

if it hadn't been for God at my side

where would I be church?

you don't know, but I've been through hell

and back and can stand today to tell you

if it hadn't been for God at my side

I don't know where I would be

you see, you have to go through a test

for you to have a testimony

the test of your life

the test that you are going through

it is a set for a testimony

I have many testimony that I can share with you because what I've been through

you have to go through a test, for you to have a testimony

circumstances want to grab me many times around, Oh glory to God I shere so many

testimonies if it had not been for God on my side... a couple of days

I think last week that I've gone through many dangers

how that song goes? many dangers tall and smear I've been there, oh glory to God

I'm here... you may be be seated for a moment I'm here to encourage somebody

that are going through some stuff, you are going through some stuff

but I'm here to tell you that because there is a God that is on your side

situation seems very difficult, oh yes some of us all of our situations they're

different some of them are very painful I look at my life and I said God why me

why do I have to go through all of those things

at times I was very angry with God I've been up the spirit of bitterness

spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun...

it's time to walk in

healing and deliverance

visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m. 1179 Finch

Avenue West unit 16 keele and finch area

for information call us at 416-526-0763

spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun

Canadian Christian ministries, CCM

CCM is a fellowship of ministers

we provide everything that one would

need to effectively operate a church or ministry in Canada

we provide mentorship

fellowship, spiritual moral and professional covering, training

credentials, government requirements if God has called you to ministry we will

affirm you, call us today 905-432-9855

once again 905-432-9855

it is time to walk in Dominionship, join us for a war room experience

through p[rayer, April 21st 2018 at 6pm 1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16

for information call us at 416-526-0763

but go back to the place

where I do truly know God, I'm not here playing Church and walking into

somebody's testimony and many things that have gone through I understand now that

is where God has taken me so it is for you, some of you because God is

taking you someplace and he wants you to go through the process for you to have

a testimony Oh glory to God and so I stayed in that little bush there in the

wilderness, no electricity, nothing, me and God alone through my despair, I can't even

go to the whole thing as I go along in the minister I will share with you but it

was not easy, it was not easy, it was not easy and I've gone through so much

and I said God, with tears falling on my eyes, going to church from a

young age as he was and I knew God then, so I said God please if you take

me out of this country Lord I will serve you I will go to Toronto and I'll get

crazy for you, I will jump and skip for you

I will embarrass myself for you

I told him that...

excuse me church, when I go crazy I am honouring my vow to God

what I respect I vow it

and I have to honour my vote, so excuse me

and he brought me through many things

but God made a way where there was no way

and allowed the government to override circumsntances

and here I am in this country

but the Lord overrided all of that

so he brought me to this country

for a divine purpose and mandate

so all this people criticising Deborah

i have a mission for the almighty God

and your opinion doesn't really matter

because I know who I worship

I know the God who I serve

oh glory to God, he is sweet, I know...

he is my healer, he is my deliverer

he is my all and all, he is my comforter

he is my reason, glory to God

sometimes it gets lonely, even with your own husband

but when I touch Jesus, all is alright

he comforts me

so is alright,... alright... alright...

oh glory to God

if it hadn't been for God at my side

i don't know where I would be

man wanted cut me off... but God

can i go back and bring memory

and give a glimpse of where God have brought me from...

and where I am today

60 Colville Road, when I was there

trying to help people, and put God aside

they laugh at me, they criticised me

and they though that Deborah now is dead

but look at me today, I am still going...

once there is a power of the living God

the same power that raised Jesus from dead

satan wanted to keep him in the grave

but the third day, he rose triumphantly

so some people think they can bury me

but they can't bury me, because something inside of me... it is resurrection power...

is power to raise, and deliver God's people

and set the captive free.. you haven't seen anything yet

what God is going to do to spiritual Hospital

something amazing is about to happen

man opinion doesn't matter

because if up to man, man would write me off, long time ago

but if it hadn't been for God at my side

all the witchcraft they are working

you dont know what is going on

against Deborah, against this ministry

powers of darkness against spiritual hospital... but God!

spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun

it's time to walk in healing and deliverance

visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m.

1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16 Keel and Finch area

for information call us at 416-526-0763

spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun

but God... but God...

I've been through some stuff church

through some situations church

if it hadnt been for the mercy of God at my side

you notice how I speak? Is not so canadian

it is a rough caribbean accent

according to some pastor

that told me that I am not eloquent enough to be on TV

not eloquent enough for a church

or to be a Pastor, as a matter of fact people underestimate Deborah

and look down on Deborah so they dont want to come to Spiritual Hospital

she can't be a pastor, but I have news for you this morning

but God... glory to God, God is on my side

he is going to do a work on my side despite man's opinion

despite people want to think

I am trying to make a point to the whole matter

they said you dont have the gift to really talk

you dont have the eloquence ability to talk

but something that I dont know

but the favour of God, override the intelectual ability

God takes the insignificant, like Deborah

and do the extraordinary with her

I am telling you... if it hadnt been for God at my side

because if up to man I wouldnt be here this morning

but there is something church about the favour of God

it overrides the whole system it overrides society

the very same person that said cannot speak

the very same person that said that I dont have the intelectual ability

I am using this illustration to tell you that if you have a situation

that you think that you are not adequate enough... God can use you!

God can turn you into something extraordinary

I am testifying to you this morning

so the very same person, who is not eloquent

that doesnt bother me by the way

at first it did, but now it doesnt bother me anymore

because my mission is not for man but for God

and all I want to hear is: Deborah, well done...

my good and faithful servant

so, as i told you before, my focus is not on man, but on God...

all your burden, all your situations, God said, put it at his feet

and he will deal with all your situations

He is God

can you see that?

I am changing, God is changing me...

because i am not my own... I am completely sold out to him

I am gonna done, I'm gonna finish, I am gonna finish, so can I testify

to you this morning I have so much testimony but when you're been through

some stuff you can testify that if it had not been for God on your side, you can

testify but do you know that gotta brought you some to some things and you

are standing because of God on your side you can testify that if it had not been

for God on your side, we are going through situation Church, we are going through

circumstances, for some people the testimony that I shared might be minut

it might be just a simple little testimony but that's what is what, that's what God

would allow me to testify because that's just the tip of

the iceberg I have gone through some stuff I have gone through some situation

but some situation you can't even utter it out of your mouth because that's what

happens, human being will start to judge me now and look down on me and

said she'd been there, because some people don't believe that pastors can

through some stuff and I gone through some situation but if I had not

been for God on my side and so because I've gone through those things a lot of

stuff, you don't know my life but I'm a work in progress where God wants me to go

He uses vessels and turn it around for His divine purpose

so I am broken vessel be mended by the Almighty God and so if you're going

through some stuff let me tell you this morning Church there's absolutely

nothing too hard for God for the Almighty God because he is in control of

everything, it can be the hardest of your circumstances

oh yes, he can beat the odds of your situation

I am just not telling you that because I've been there

many times around and God is faithful

and trust that he will deliver you for whatever you are going through

it might not be in your time but trust me if you trust him and hold on oh yes

he will come true for you that's how I prove him I told him many times that

I was about to go over the cliff that he grabs me and help me for

me to see that God is indeed a miracle worker God

we depend so much on our resources we depend so much on what is tangible what

we can see and what we can see our money and all of these things our

credits and all of these things but sometimes God will shift them to see if

they can still trust him not only if you can trust him but he wants you not

serve other gods, because our money our credits or all of these things sometimes become

gods because what we are relying upon them

we are trusting them and when their shift and move then all hope is gone now and

they start to get depressed and frustrated but God is saying although

all these things have moved around us can you still trust me and look upon me

and believe that I'm gonna make a way for you I've been there many times I

told you that they put a lock on my door to repossess after so many months of

not payment, but God... but God how many of us didnt have nothing to eat?

some of us lost our jobs in the past we have a mortgage and everything

no money, we put the pot in the fire

but God, he came through for us and I am telling you this morning,

because God came through for me so many times he is no respecter

of person and what he's done for me and others he can do just the same for you

and even more if you love Him with all your heart, your soul and strength

Oh glory to God, so let me leave this couple words with you don't matter the tests in

life no matter how difficult things are God can make a way where there seems to

be no God because He is the sovereign God of this universe is the creator and on

and on, he exists with full power, full authority, full capacity

no problem is too hard for him to solve, no situation or

circumstances too difficult for him, he does specializes in the impossible and

if we say that we are trust in God we are gonna put to the test

to prove that God is indeed a God that is able... stand with me church.

spiritual hospital with pastor Deborah Calqohoun

it's time to walk in healing and


visit our Sunday services at 11:30 a.m. 1179 Finch Avenue West

unit 16 Keele and finch area for information call us at 416-526-0763

spiritual hospital mission is to reach people with

the life-giving message of Jesus Christ your tithes and offerings enable us to

help and deliver more people with a powerful and life-changing relationship

with him but who am i and who are my people that

we should be able to give us generously as this, everything comes from you and we

have given you only what comes from your hand, first chronicles chapter 29 verse

14 your generous donation is making it possible for spiritual hospital

effectively brings healing to our diversified city please contact our

ministry by or call us on 416-526-0763

to make your contribution today

Canadian Christian ministries CCM

CCM is a fellowship of a ministers

we provide everything that one would need to effectively operate a church or

ministry in Canada we provide mentorship fellowship, spiritual moral and

professional covering,, training credentials, government requirements if

God has called you to ministry we will affirm you, call us today 905-432-9855


it is time to walk in dominionship, join us for a war room experience

through prayer April 21st 2018 at 6pm 1179 Finch Avenue West unit 16

for information call us at 416-526-0763


For more infomation >> "If it hadn't been for the Lord on my side" - Spiritual Hospital Season 2018 Show #10 - Duration: 28:31.


7 Herbs for Men's Sexual Health - Duration: 6:28.

Male sexual health is frequently overlooked when it comes to discussing ways to promote

sexual vitality and vigor.

While many news outlets are eager to spread the news about a recent nutritional finding

and how it can benefit women's sexual health, many don't realize that the research can

often be applied to certain aspects of the male department, often in a myriad of ways.

When it comes to herbs for men's sexual health, we're often looking for how certain

plant materials can support prostate health and sex drive.

Here are seven of the most potent, thoroughly-researched herbs and how they can support men's health.

Top Herbs for Men's Sexual Health These seven herbs have numerous benefits,

some of which can be attributed to prostate health and male vitality.

Although none of the following herbs are meant to substitute for conventional advice, some

of them might be powerful complementary tools that may provide benefit to the entire body.

Here are the top 7 herbs you should be incorporating into your daily regimen.

Pine Bark Pine bark has been used for centuries to support

good health, and recent research is discovering that the tree contains numerous bioactive

chemicals geared specifically toward protecting men.

Some research has shown pine bark to be effective for supporting the prostate in the presence

of prostate cancer cells, possibly by down-regulating the androgen response.

Pine bark has also been shown to be a helpful tool for improving sperm quality and quantity,

and some studies have also indicted that extracts of pine bark may support erectile response.

Further research is needed to determine its full effects on prostate health; yet, the

current data is more than promising.

Pumpkin Seed Pumpkin seeds contain a wide range of nutritive

components that have been positively linked to prostate health.

Zinc, potassium, and iron are nutrients essential for men's health on many levels, and some

research is showing that these nutrients–along with pumpkin seeds' antioxidant content–may

provide noticeable support for the prostate.

One study reported that pumpkin seed extract improved urine flow in men with benign prostate

hyperplasia, improving the overall quality of life for these individuals.

Pygeum Bark A number of placebo-controlled, double-blind

studies on pygeum bark have found that certain compounds inherent within the tree may encourage

a normal-sized prostate.

An enlarged prostate is often a common symptom of benign prostate hyperplasia, and finding

ways to discourage its continued growth is helpful for supporting proper urination.

Researchers are unsure as to how pygeum bark works, but studies do indicate powerful benefits,

especially when the bark is combined with conventional care.

Saw Palmetto Native Americans have used saw palmetto for

centuries, calling upon the plant for supporting urinary and reproductive health.

Research has shown that saw palmetto is effective for inhibiting a specific enzyme (5-alpha

reductase) associated with prostate enlargement.

The plant extract may also support testosterone levels, preventing the hormone's conversion

to dihydrotestosterone, an androgen responsible for male pattern baldness and benign prostate


Saw palmetto is one of the key ingredients found in Prostrex.

Smartweed Also known as Polygonum hydropiperoides, smartweed

is a plant native to North and South America, typically growing in wet and generally damp


Used traditionally as an approach to bacterial infections, smartweed is seeing an increased

interest by scientists in the health and nutrition-related fields.

Smartweed is high in antioxidants, compounds which contribute to the plant's protective


These antioxidants may support the entire body against free radical oxidation, helping

to protect glands, organs, and cells from damage and mutations.

Antioxidants are important for protecting the prostate, among other areas of the body.

Other research has found that smartweed imparts a soothing quality on tissues, possibly helping

in the reduction of swelling.

Stinging Nettle If you ever try to harvest stinging nettle,

you may want to wear long sleeves, pants, and gloves.

This plant protects itself by stinging the skin of those who come near it, an action

that protects the plant from complete destruction by potentially-harmful predators.

Despite its stinging quality, stinging nettle has a number of health benefits, many of which

involve supporting the health of the prostate.

Like saw palmetto, stinging nettle may support proper urinary function while encouraging

the reduction of prostate size.

Stinging nettle provides this support by inhibiting the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone,

an androgen hormone that promotes benign prostate hyperplasia and other male issues associated

with aging.

Turmeric Turmeric is a favorite spice in Indian cuisine

and is also the most heavily-researched spice in medical literature.

It is well known that turmeric is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds,

and research is beginning to reveal just how powerful it is for supporting prostate health.

Turmeric may provide a soothing quality to muscles and smooth tissue, easing the pain

and swelling often caused by irritation.

One placebo-controlled, double-blind study found that turmeric improved urinary ease

and frequency in patients with prostate issues.

The Take Home The prostate needs proper care, especially

as you get older.

In order to keep the organ running in good working order, doing all you can to keep its

health in check is important for maintaining wellbeing.

Taking the following herbs separately can be a hassle and quite expensive.

Finding a high-quality supplement that includes a blend of all of these herbs, like in Prostrex,

can be a helpful way to receive the protection these plant extracts may provide.

If dealing with prostate issues, speak with your doctor to see if these herbs are safe

to take with current medications.

– Dr. Edward F. Group III

For more infomation >> 7 Herbs for Men's Sexual Health - Duration: 6:28.


Watch: BTOB's Ilhoon Says "She's Gone" In MV For Solo Debut - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Watch: BTOB's Ilhoon Says "She's Gone" In MV For Solo Debut - Duration: 0:51.


Parents, We're Caring for Kids' Concussions All Wrong - Duration: 3:23.

Parents, We're Caring for Kids' Concussions All Wrong

we already know that a staggering number of kids suffer from concussions in each year that now a new survey finds most parents are

caring for this fight Homan head injury all wrong

the national survey

commissioned by Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical center

says parents are using outdated advice about how to treat concussions

including that 84% would restrict any physical activity for their child in the week following the injury

more than half would limit screen time on electronics

three out of four parents would wake their child throughout the night to check on symptoms

all admit these steps to seem pretty rational to me that in fact Dr. Christopher Chiesa a pediatric neurologist and director of the UCLA

Steve tisch brain sport program says caring for concussion in this matter may actually hinder recovery

in the past there was often a tendency to downplay the significance of concussions he said in a press release adding now some

parents go too far the other direction and despite their best intentions they can inadvertently complicate

their child's recovery

instead Dr. Geza and other UCLA experts recommend that kids who have been diagnosed with concussions to remain active

social and get loss of sleep

say forms of exercise include low impact activities like walking swimming laps

and jogging on a treadmill

according to Dr. Chiesa and it's even all pay for kids to engage in some screen time

so they don't feel isolated from social circles

that weight get this while many parents have been told that letting a kid to go to sleep with a concussion can result in brain swelling

yup heard that one if you're still waking a child up throughout the night more than a week post injury you're doing more harm than good

overall the best way to treat a concussion is to allow your child to rest at first

and you would most certainly want to protect your child from contact Chris but then it really is

advisable to ease them back into positive physical and social activity

parents died,

asked Dr. Geza what warning signs to look for that your child needs to slow down post concussion

doctors routinely evaluate things like headache dizziness

balance the mood memory and energy level to gauge how well a child is recovering from a concussion

he said but cautioned just like there's no single test to diagnose concussion

there's also no single test to monitor for concussion recovery

every child is different

but according to Dr. Chiesa most concussions symptoms will subside within 2 to 3 weeks

has stressed the idea is to give them initial rest that and start easing them back into activity

such as reading and thinking and eventually none contact physical activity

For more infomation >> Parents, We're Caring for Kids' Concussions All Wrong - Duration: 3:23.


Police search for "armed & dangerous" suspect - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Police search for "armed & dangerous" suspect - Duration: 1:25.


Jose Mourinho criticises Luke Shaw for Manchester United performance against Brighton - Duration: 2:08.

Jose Mourinho criticises Luke Shaw for Manchester United performance against Brighton after hauling him off at half-time

LUKE SHAW'S Manchester United career looks uncertain after he was blasted by Jose Mourinho after the 2-0 FA Cup win over Brighton.

The left-back was hauled off at half-time following a resurgence from Brighton down the right-hand side.

United were 1-0 up at the time but that still didn't stop Mourinho from taking action.

And the Special One has now laid bare his thoughts on Shaw's performance, with the England international most likely facing another spell out of the side as a result.

Mourinho ranted: "I wanted to defend better. I wanted more personality in the team, because many, many times I felt [Nemanja] Matic was an island.

"He was surrounded by a lack of personality, a lack of class and a lack of desire.

Mourinho was seen throughout most of the first-half barking orders at Shaw, who found it difficult getting up and down the pitch to support his midfielders and forwards.

It marks a bizarre U-turn from Mourinho, who earlier this year hailed Shaw as one of the best players in his position.

The Portuguese tactician said in January: "He's good, solid, physically much better, mentally much stronger, tactically understanding the game much better and what we need in different phases and circumstances.

"I'm really happy and [looking at the transfer market], I can say that in this moment I don't see many left-backs better than this Luke Shaw.

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