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Would you like to build your own stuffed animal dress it up and take it home to play I would love that
You two look like you're having a good time
Tons of fun with the toys in this box, but it's time someone else got to have fun with them
Ribbit look what you
Did oh, did you guys just ruin for us?
We would who's what Bob in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff Babita
Just about everywhere he went with ruff ruff
Designer died today
This place is amazing
Bear hit one perfectly poufy Poots
Come on Roli let's take ruff ruff in there and make him perfectly poufy - ruff ruff Feeny just enough stuff step up, so
This puppy up
But we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe
Wow, that looks so good, and there's just one more thing to do with this doggie so follow me
When I go down you go up and when you go up, I'll go down I
Think we use too much bingo an early power sometimes bingo neroli powers gonna be a dangerous thing
And now it's time to get our doggie looking job tacular
First to get him clean
Then we give them some style
We might as well get ourselves looking good zu
Here comes the Queenie
In my eyes
We did it Rollie Bob's toy looks as good as ever day
Party everybody to the south doggie Oh
Rollie they think with toys yeah, but they dressed us up so nice for their party we should stick around just to be polite
For canned food. Let me tell you something that's no party and pretend tea
Look that's a party's over. Yep. Oh, No what if she takes pop story? What if we take it first?
Okay everybody have a good day
Yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the box
Hey guys
Give me a mat before I say hello, okay. I just need to put this stuff outside up. You're just giving this stuff away to
Anybody who wants it? I want it. Can I keep a mommy?
I'm glad I found someone to give ruff ruff to because I don't need to pretend doggy anymore. I have two of the best
There's only one dog who can save us now
Don't worry Roley captain dog isn't afraid of flying saucers
You know captain dog always saves the day
I wish I was tapping dog. He's so great. It's a big party for people and pets who love captain dog
Okay captain dog check out all the pet owners here, built this recreation of barks ville
Now for the surprise I was telling you about
There's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city oh, I really hope I win that Blue Ribbon
Make sure to protect my monorail. Oh, I hope I can win that contest
Did you hear that Roley Bob needs us to protect his super amazing monorail?
That sounds like a mission you bet it is. Let's just hope nothing out of the ordinary happens while he's gone
Great work today captain dog you saved us captain dog have you ever thought of running for mayor
I was a brave thing you did captain dog
Great work today captain dog
Bombs monorail is broken and it's all my fault. It's okay captain dog. We'll find a way to fix
The real Kath Naga may be brave I can fly
Parolees and brave and doesn't like flying saucers
I'm not cat and dog and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when I need him
Let's save barks villain
I'm ploy just like bingo said
Looks like you guys had fun and the monorail still working perfectly
this spectacular
model of the Bark's Ville monorail
Congratulations. Did you hear that boys?
Movie power only holding min stomach, it's not my paw. That's your paw is Oh. What is it Bob?
Hey, where'd the doggy go oh my computer oh darn?
It's broken, but at least I can look forward to seeing you two when I get home from work
Enjoy your nap hissy
Roly did you hear what he said?
Bob needs a pot of gold to fix his computer if we can find one at the end of the rainbow
That's just a legend. What is that at the end of every rainbow? There's a pot of gold?
It looks like the rain boys behind that Factory, but we know someone who does oh?
Sure I know that Factory I collect stuff other people throw away
And when this friend of mine found plans for that place in the trash?
See that ditch right there you want to crawl through that to the front door
Then when you're inside the factory you're gonna ride this conveyer belt through the Assembly Room
Stay out of trouble and that pot of gold will be yours don't worry boy worth. Nothing is gonna trip us up
These waters getting deeper or my legs getting shorter stay down, I'm gonna take a peek and see with our guard dogs
Yeah, and there's the front door so come on then next whoops do it come
This next one was called the Rapanui
These bubbles are wrapped around us so tight we can't walk and we're in troubles on the doggy
We did it Roley we did it yeah
I just wish there was more bubble around for us to pop because I can play with that stuff all day
Well then we're just gonna have to pop
The whole way without going pop pop pop pop we'll have to walk between the bubbles
Okay Willie your turn
And now the way in the back we should be able to see
The rainbow in the pot of gold well you bet you
Dogs other than me aren't allowed back
Mine too
your friend of bullish I am
Though that guy collects stuff. That's being thrown away so when I found the plans for this Factory in the trash. I gave them to
That gold home Bob. Take whatever you want. It's all gonna be thrown out anyway
Hey, I should give something Bulworth. We saw me into the rainbow and the pot of gold even though there wasn't a pot
But that was nothing the gold wait a minute you mean there actually was something there
Must have fallen out of my computer this morning, but I didn't see it
Haha, it works, but you know what there aren't any dogs. Who are more special than you
Sorry, but I'm right in the middle of an important map right now our bingo and Roli playing with hissing we're trying but
His he doesn't want to play
I'm not a baby kitten anymore. I still like to play at all. I just don't play as much as I used to yeah
So the kid is gonna stay right here until we can find where she lives
Wait what now and you can play with my kitty? Will I'm gone?
Is he talking about me? She's probably too young to know how to talk?
Whiskers Micucci tail or Dino rocket blaster that's perfect she loves it and she loves you
Okay, snowflake and then her all that must be sad that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where she lives but baby
kittens like to run and jump and play and I
Want to do none of those things we'll be back
Do you have a plan for how we're gonna find snowflakes home sir do piss. He says she played a lot as a kid
And I think I know where to look first
Kids love playing with yarn. Maybe snowflake lives here. Let's see if we can find any cat stuff around
Oops I'll get those
For you
That much
We tried looking for something of kitten would play with but this place clearly isn't her home
Let's look for something once you play with maybe her alone would be with them
Snowflake made hits each umph hi
Don't scare me like that. Why don't you go play with our for something? Yes? Oh yes our loves to play?
Why and if I fall asleep now I can still eyes
Turn the lights off arf-arf wants to buttocks button is stuck
All right, so we haven't gotten any closer to finding your home, maybe we should find the lost cat on that poster
Yes, if she knows what snowflake lives
She did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives, so he can take
You're okay, kiddo it's not like I mind being high up, but this is really high up
also, I'm not sure how to get us both down I
Can't hear me over his cleaning music. I can't wait to tell hisy that we found snowflakes. Hold you did
We can help you. I'm gonna jump in
Mad if we use my puppy parachute
It's okay just water oh
Thank you, I looked everywhere for you my sweet snowflake. I knew your name was snowflake
Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess chasing lights or get trapped in a tree
But if you do
Sorry is she we know you don't want to play with us actually tossing around some yarn sounds like a pretty good time
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