Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 29 2017

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Would you like to build your own stuffed animal dress it up and take it home to play I would love that

You two look like you're having a good time

Tons of fun with the toys in this box, but it's time someone else got to have fun with them

Ribbit look what you

Did oh, did you guys just ruin for us?

We would who's what Bob in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff Babita

Just about everywhere he went with ruff ruff


Designer died today

This place is amazing

Bear hit one perfectly poufy Poots

Come on Roli let's take ruff ruff in there and make him perfectly poufy - ruff ruff Feeny just enough stuff step up, so

This puppy up

But we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe

Wow, that looks so good, and there's just one more thing to do with this doggie so follow me

When I go down you go up and when you go up, I'll go down I

Think we use too much bingo an early power sometimes bingo neroli powers gonna be a dangerous thing

And now it's time to get our doggie looking job tacular

First to get him clean

Then we give them some style

We might as well get ourselves looking good zu

Here comes the Queenie

In my eyes

We did it Rollie Bob's toy looks as good as ever day

Party everybody to the south doggie Oh

Rollie they think with toys yeah, but they dressed us up so nice for their party we should stick around just to be polite

For canned food. Let me tell you something that's no party and pretend tea

Look that's a party's over. Yep. Oh, No what if she takes pop story? What if we take it first?

Okay everybody have a good day

Yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the box

Hey guys

Give me a mat before I say hello, okay. I just need to put this stuff outside up. You're just giving this stuff away to

Anybody who wants it? I want it. Can I keep a mommy?

I'm glad I found someone to give ruff ruff to because I don't need to pretend doggy anymore. I have two of the best

There's only one dog who can save us now

Don't worry Roley captain dog isn't afraid of flying saucers

You know captain dog always saves the day

I wish I was tapping dog. He's so great. It's a big party for people and pets who love captain dog

Okay captain dog check out all the pet owners here, built this recreation of barks ville

Now for the surprise I was telling you about

There's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city oh, I really hope I win that Blue Ribbon

Make sure to protect my monorail. Oh, I hope I can win that contest

Did you hear that Roley Bob needs us to protect his super amazing monorail?

That sounds like a mission you bet it is. Let's just hope nothing out of the ordinary happens while he's gone

Great work today captain dog you saved us captain dog have you ever thought of running for mayor

I was a brave thing you did captain dog

Great work today captain dog

Bombs monorail is broken and it's all my fault. It's okay captain dog. We'll find a way to fix

The real Kath Naga may be brave I can fly

Parolees and brave and doesn't like flying saucers

I'm not cat and dog and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when I need him

Let's save barks villain

I'm ploy just like bingo said

Looks like you guys had fun and the monorail still working perfectly

this spectacular

model of the Bark's Ville monorail

Congratulations. Did you hear that boys?


Movie power only holding min stomach, it's not my paw. That's your paw is Oh. What is it Bob?

Hey, where'd the doggy go oh my computer oh darn?

It's broken, but at least I can look forward to seeing you two when I get home from work

Enjoy your nap hissy

Roly did you hear what he said?

Bob needs a pot of gold to fix his computer if we can find one at the end of the rainbow

That's just a legend. What is that at the end of every rainbow? There's a pot of gold?

It looks like the rain boys behind that Factory, but we know someone who does oh?

Sure I know that Factory I collect stuff other people throw away

And when this friend of mine found plans for that place in the trash?

See that ditch right there you want to crawl through that to the front door

Then when you're inside the factory you're gonna ride this conveyer belt through the Assembly Room

Stay out of trouble and that pot of gold will be yours don't worry boy worth. Nothing is gonna trip us up

These waters getting deeper or my legs getting shorter stay down, I'm gonna take a peek and see with our guard dogs

Yeah, and there's the front door so come on then next whoops do it come

This next one was called the Rapanui

These bubbles are wrapped around us so tight we can't walk and we're in troubles on the doggy

We did it Roley we did it yeah

I just wish there was more bubble around for us to pop because I can play with that stuff all day

Well then we're just gonna have to pop

The whole way without going pop pop pop pop we'll have to walk between the bubbles

Okay Willie your turn

And now the way in the back we should be able to see

The rainbow in the pot of gold well you bet you

Dogs other than me aren't allowed back

Mine too

your friend of bullish I am

Though that guy collects stuff. That's being thrown away so when I found the plans for this Factory in the trash. I gave them to

That gold home Bob. Take whatever you want. It's all gonna be thrown out anyway

Hey, I should give something Bulworth. We saw me into the rainbow and the pot of gold even though there wasn't a pot

But that was nothing the gold wait a minute you mean there actually was something there

Must have fallen out of my computer this morning, but I didn't see it

Haha, it works, but you know what there aren't any dogs. Who are more special than you

Sorry, but I'm right in the middle of an important map right now our bingo and Roli playing with hissing we're trying but

His he doesn't want to play

I'm not a baby kitten anymore. I still like to play at all. I just don't play as much as I used to yeah

So the kid is gonna stay right here until we can find where she lives

Wait what now and you can play with my kitty? Will I'm gone?

Is he talking about me? She's probably too young to know how to talk?

Whiskers Micucci tail or Dino rocket blaster that's perfect she loves it and she loves you

Okay, snowflake and then her all that must be sad that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where she lives but baby

kittens like to run and jump and play and I

Want to do none of those things we'll be back

Do you have a plan for how we're gonna find snowflakes home sir do piss. He says she played a lot as a kid

And I think I know where to look first

Kids love playing with yarn. Maybe snowflake lives here. Let's see if we can find any cat stuff around

Oops I'll get those

For you

That much

We tried looking for something of kitten would play with but this place clearly isn't her home

Let's look for something once you play with maybe her alone would be with them

Snowflake made hits each umph hi

Don't scare me like that. Why don't you go play with our for something? Yes? Oh yes our loves to play?

Why and if I fall asleep now I can still eyes

Turn the lights off arf-arf wants to buttocks button is stuck

All right, so we haven't gotten any closer to finding your home, maybe we should find the lost cat on that poster

Yes, if she knows what snowflake lives

She did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives, so he can take

You're okay, kiddo it's not like I mind being high up, but this is really high up

also, I'm not sure how to get us both down I

Can't hear me over his cleaning music. I can't wait to tell hisy that we found snowflakes. Hold you did

We can help you. I'm gonna jump in

Mad if we use my puppy parachute

It's okay just water oh

Thank you, I looked everywhere for you my sweet snowflake. I knew your name was snowflake

Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess chasing lights or get trapped in a tree

But if you do

Sorry is she we know you don't want to play with us actually tossing around some yarn sounds like a pretty good time


For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 284 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:43.


Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 180 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 17:57.

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For more infomation >> Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 180 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 17:57.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 184 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:06.

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Holiday in enchancia

Come on clover, it's my first was fairly on the castle, and I don't want to miss a second event

We'll be if I get that unicorn I've been asked, but here in the castle we do things differently let's show her

What's a

Where's dad he had to go out for Masseria. He said it was urgent Royal business, but don't worry

He'll be back in time for the party oh

Just as long as he's back

I'm sorry princess Sofia Oh

YUM, oh you're too nice to me hold it you're being way too nice to me what's going on what's the catch?

Thank you kind woman this is your urgent royal business, I wanted to get two children a few


Where where are the horses they ran off your majesty

Do you have any horses we could borrow

I only have one horse sire, and he's yours if you wanted

But he's too old and slow to reach the castle before the blizzard hits hmm

How much time do we have it'll be on Stu dangerous to ride through a blizzard, please?

Right lead the way

Constable miles, thank you for coming so quickly your highness

If the king should have been back hours ago

Why don't we all go we can take the flying sleigh and surprise the king it'll be fun

All right Wallis harness up the sleigh should have been home by now I

Hope he's okay

Your majesty

Mind your manners and happy wassailia to you too, and thank you for taking us in oh please you

It's going to be a cold night. Well at least the children will be safe and warm in the castle I

Knew there was a catch oh

How is one hor it's going to carry all of us minimus can do it, I'm

Not so sure about that. You'll be fine. It's really cold out here. If Sofia's dad's in trouble

I want to be there to get him out

Come on

Good bunny up


Don't see anything I don't either

There's the road the Kings should be on we need to turn around your highness we can't go back until we find dad

Something happened to him just a few more minutes constable. We must get you back to the castle. I'll go out and find him myself

What about dad

We'll find him after the storm clears Wallace white the lanterns

Constable, let's take out some extra blankets for the children right away your majesty

Minimus I know mom said dad will be okay, but we can't just sit here all night. We have to do something

Princess Aurora have you come to help us Oh Sofia times and so can you?


Robin Mia, what are you doing out here?

You can't help me find my dad

Hey seek out the other animals in the woods and tell them to spread the word the king is missing

If we can get all the creatures know, okay, okay?

Good luck we'll find him Sofia

Thank You Princess Aurora, yes what it's almost time to light the wassailia candle

This is the first time I've spent the holiday without Amber and Jane, I guess we shouldn't have come out here

Sofia Sofia I

Know you wish we could be with dad

I do too, and we will we'll all be together soon, but not now not tonight can it be?

It would be my pleasure

By the light of this candle we wish good tidings upon all enchancia

Mber Sophia James, I don't understand

Read how did you find me now? This is what the holidays are all about?

Loved ones and new friends having a great time

Yeah, no fear what are you doing? I already got what I wanted

Here this is for you happy with Syria


The little witch except on my birthday you

Came to the castle and she's always playing tricks on us

Last week she put a hex on my dolls and turned them into mice

And she melted my crayons together see come on. Let's go hand out these beautiful invitations

It's my birthday, and I'm having a party at my house

What's that it's a tail silly

I'll be right back. I hope so

Who are you I'm

Sophia why are you dressed like that are you some kind of princess? I am a princess

Have any friends yeah friends don't have them

Don't need them or their silly parties that I'm not invited to wait just leave me alone

Princess or I'll hex you now Lucinda. That's no way to make friends. Which is what you want, right?

Why do you act so mean, I don't know how else to act what

Hexing is all. I know how to do my parents are witches my

Grandparents are witches so we have a hard time getting along with regular people I understand how you feel

You don't get along with regular people either


Everyone in the village then the first thing you should do is apologize to everyone in the village. Oh, I'm not good at apologies

Pranks I can do all you have to do is say. I'm sorry do it

Come on

Okay, we'll work on it on the way okay. Oh, and she has something she wants to say yeah, right Lucinda

Jade I'm

twice yeah twice

But she's sorry. I bet she's just pretending to be sorry so she can surprise us with something extra mean. I'll never invite you

They're all better right not all better how about now oh?

Joy oh

No a witch trap

This is hopeless Jade's never going to be friends with me none of those kids will

Are you okay, you saved me so you can be a good witch if you want to I guess that's why the kids

So if I were you here's what I do

Little way

Hop on let's walk

Hello everybody its Lucinda Ron. I knew you could do it Lucinda

I just want you to know if I could I would invite you to Jade's party

Really, yeah?

But it's not up to me. I hexed her a lot you could start by fixing her garden

I can do that perfect then she can have her party outside again. She'll be so happy. Let's take my broom to Jace

We'll get there faster. No. Thanks. Come on. It'll be fun

It wasn't so fun last time. That's cause your support



Did you hear something uh no well I did

I told you I really really think she's trying to be good now. I mean he's for you

Go away, no one wants you here. I knew you would never forgive me. Oh


I try to tell you

Wait please

Stop what I was wrong, I'm sorry I should have given you a second chance

It doesn't have to be ruined, what do you mean?

One new-and-improved birthday party coming right up. Let's stuck with these decorations



Get so uh want see some party tricks

Don't worry. They're nice tricks

You're the best which each, thank you

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 184 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 14:06.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:46.

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The Amulet of avalor

Wait wait one more thing

There now you're all ready for the ball

Well if I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it yeah come meet me in the hall, and I'll show you

See you later all right, but if a surprise happens

And every single one would look great on me. Well. I'm glad you feel that way because as a special treat

You can each pick out a jewel to wear to tonight's ball

What are those the Griffins I've never seen one before

That's because they stay up here in the jewel room guarding the castle treasure whoa

Pretty cool. Oh, thank you. Did you just thank the Griffon no?

No, I uh I was uh thank you. Yes constable Myles of course come along girls

It looks really nice on you amber, and I love this bracelet I

Have an idea what let's try on each other's new jewels. I don't know

Just one itsy-bitsy little minute oh

Okay, but just for a minute

Okay now let's change back

My amulet where'd it go can't let Dad see I lost it. I'll go get someone help us look

Clover me out Robin

Now that the amulets gone so is the power if I can't talk to you anymore, I don't know what I'll do I

Just have to find my amulet yes, sir

I like what is it? What's all this screaming about

I heard it from the other side of the castle the Queen ah your amulets missing. Yes, James, try to keep up

What is all the commotion the golden goblets? Hip go missing and so has Sophia's amulet?


I'll help me too. Okay. I'll check upstairs you check downstairs, and I'll look outside. Thanks you guys

It's going to be mine soon and with the power of that amulet in Sancia will be mine soon, okay?


Finally host I gotta be around here someplace I

Think I smell something it's not in the flower vase not the cupboard clover you see something

Safran Swami when I driven sees this sparkling diamond they won't be able to resist himself you'll try to snatch it

He's coming

No amulet thief here oh not here either

You are all about to see why I always win when we play charades when do we play charades?

I don't understand what you're trying to say

But don't worry. I'll find my amulet soon. I promise

Sir birds have feathers and claws they can scratch

Could a bird be taking everything where everything what else is missing. Oh good. There. You are, Miranda

You and amber mind going to greet them. I'd like to talk to Sophia of course I

Know I promised you. I'd never take it off. It's okay Sophia


And I was just about to pick it up when I caught something glowing out of the corner of my eye

when I looked I

Saw your amulet and remembered the stories my mother used to tell me into I'm sure it'll make its way back to you again

So there's no need to worry you're not mad. No. I'm furious and whoever took your amulet, but not you

Not the only one who can feel

You cut out join me forever Sudan will have that

I've got you in my sights

Don't worry we'll find your amulet oh

I can explain. Oh Mike Lee's story guards seize him no

Claws and feathers in fur - you also said Griffin's love shiny things and Ultima Singh things were shiny

Well you really got to get better at charades kid we were trying to tell you all about the Griffin little over

I miss you all so much. I have an idea let's talk over dinner

I'm sure dad won't mind a few extra guests


Here's mouth wet

Well why did you say so hey what not some do I help

No baileywick, I want the berries arranged by color and size

Color and size amber. I picked some blueberries for you. Oh Thank You Sofia

That was a pretty fun party and mine will be even better

I'm having a quadruple layer very Theory cake a band of live musicians and

Laughs I think I'll get in some fencing practice

Yes, let's leave amber to her planning shall we she certainly doesn't need our help speaking of fairies

What should I do with these? Oh?

Where would you like us to put this princess up there as high up as you can get it?

Sorry about that princess Sofia

I've never seen the sponge like that before that's because I just invented it you're an inventor. Oh no no, I'm just a kitchen maid

Now I can scrub twice as many pots in half the time

We certainly hope this was not the result of one of your silly gizmos Gwen

I'll clean it up and please put that pencil away. You should be working in the kitchen

I've made a special place to work on my kiss Mouse right through here Sofia

Just twist the top of this teapot and it opens the door

Here we are. I just put in some built-in Baker cupcake maker mix and

Wait about this one. It's my dream to be a real inventor someday that Papa says I just embarrassed myself

He says in a kitchen maid and that should be good enough for me

But you're so great at inventing Papa was so embarrassed so that's why he doesn't like me making gizmos. He's afraid

I'll just embarrass myself

Like he did

I don't know use other bowls do our other goals have a one-of-a-kind berry design on them

Without my berry bowls like banquette won't be perfect

And if it can't I can't make a gizmo that paints new bowls in time for the banquet a gizmo. Oh Sophia

What is she talking about when is an inventor? I thought you were a kitchen maid oh, I am

All right, I'll give it a go and please hurry. There's not much time

I can give you a hand if you like I think I'm going to need it

There this is what the machine will look like

That's fast, that's what we do. Thanks guys it's done

Should we try it out go ahead

Friend of yours uh-huh you all right. Oh you can

What is a blackberry doing in the raspberries see what this his mouth can do Glenn?

Save my party it is Papa Oh Quinn

Okay, back to the kitchen with you. Sorry princess Sofia

But now you know why I did not want you to invent gizmos

I did not want to see you fail as I did

I know papa you see it is okay to have big dreams when you're asleep I

Feel so bad for Gwen yeah, that was one messed-up machine

Alright no more mr.. Nice red

Stop the ride, I want to get off you are off

You fell down and this screw was right there

You thought it was an acorn you tried to eat it

One look this girl fell out of your bull painting his mouse

You can fix everything now. No, I can't papa was right. I'm no inventor

When you drop it in

But then

It really was just one missing screw. Well. We'll just have to make sure you don't get loose again

Are you sure about this Sofia?

Great, what are you doing? Please? Tell me that it's not one of your keys mouse. It's my dream papa. I have to try

It's beautiful this room is still a mess the cake is ruined and the instruments are covered in pain

And there's no time to fix everything


This should make up the cake

Wow you really found a way to put my gizmos to good use

What a beautiful banquet amber and these remarkable contraption

It's bad Gwen has to work in the kitchen all day when she's so good at inventing


Maybe there's something I can do about that may. I cop I

am so proud of you Gwen chef Andre I seem to recall that you used to invent things -

that reminds me and


Well done

Alright, then none of this would have happened if it wasn't for you

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:46.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 443 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:09.

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To clear Sparky you'll just get faster every day

What's this I bet I know what you want to do next take a ride in your favorite place big box canyon


He sure is shiny and I'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind

Because he can stop teasing boy

That's a mighty fancy iron horse you got there

Thank You sheriff my horse is the future horses are the past?

Hands up their horse

Hey there Peck a petty thought a lot the Iron Horse better than him I gotta find him and set things straight

Oh yeah Sparky

Nope we didn't eat any oats

And a cowgirl than a horse

I love to rather you

Miss you, so

I could replace you

Race to back to me

You oh

I'm sorry. I hurt your feelings Sparky. I couldn't do without you. You know that right?

Yep, there's nobody closer than a cowgirl


That was the best ride through big bucks candy. We've ever had

Come on Sparky don't give up show that old iron

Can we step on the way back, I dropped my parasol

Do you remember that Sparky iron or not, you're the

Oh hello, Toby he's a paper ready, too. I wrote that story last week


Toby a front-page story must be new and exciting well that gives me an idea

Since I don't have a real story. Well. I'll make one up let's see

Popcorn trees, and I can report those trees can grow so very tall and some are rather short a

Rainbow ridges ever raised it's the place. You've gotta see yeah place. You've only dream could be

Brings to imagine seeing all that the new a plane sounds like the best place there

I'll let sheriff know about our whereabouts

Howdy fellas


What in whiskers up into vanilla Plains lots of Tom's have never seen any of those things in fact as I recall?

That place is kind of do you wrote for today's paper?

Reckon, you won't mind me asking you if it's true

Well between you and me you Sheriff. No. It's not true. I signed your loyal hard-working deputy Peck

sweet sassafras

That's how folks could get into trouble

vanilla Plains can be dangerous

The paper didn't say anything about real trouble does

Hey plumb out of it that can't be it

Did you see a woodpecker

Don't get it

That story about vanilla Plains wasn't true

I'm sorry. I didn't know that I was gonna get somebody in trouble when I wrote that story

Well you can bet I won't Abigail's in trouble, too

faster Sparky

Don't worry

Big scoop that's newspaper talk for extra big story, that's right

And I'm gonna write all about how sheriff Callie rescued I said vanilla Plains. I'll end up stuck in mud

And I can't reach the top of this new tree I can

Maybe I'd better do the balloons

That looks pretty real done it I made it out of iron. I can tell hey fellas oh

You've already picked a seer corn

The corn is gone yeah

Footprints and a blue feather

Looks like someone took your corn farmer stinky you made. Yep great up manager

Randy the deputy

Uh-oh my ears are a-twitchin in my paws god niching I

Hear someone coming quiet now y'all


They're gettin away

Don't worry farmer sticks bandits and get your corn back

I'll come with you after all it's my card, and I'm real angry

You are oh, yeah

Toby deputy Peck y'all stay here and guard the last of the corn stinking

I don't see a sheriff Hospit. We're going the wrong way. No we're not

The corn bandits are behind yonder Rob

Do you say your feather or some footbridge nope I see their house and all your corn

They'll just steal the corn again, but don't worry. We're gonna Surprise them

We do not so fast

But it hasn't rained on this side of the mountain in months without water

I'll Cortile dried up and went away way. I'm awful sorry fellas

Sorry farmer stinky. Sorry sheriff. We didn't know we'll give your corn back right away wait, okay, Kay

Thank you kindly Sheriff farmer stinky we got card

our pleasure fellas

Now let's get your corn back to town for the big corn part. It's bigger than ever this year

Thanks to the extra corn from JJ. And Ray J our corn pickin day king

She told us and asking for help is a whole heap better and stealing and it's a whole heap tastier, too

Now the leader said keeping the roads clear is part of my deputy duties meaning we gotta move this feller out of the way

I guess we're not strong enough to move that rock huh pick now swamp someone came along and fell into our trap

Oh true true

Asphalt would you remember we're gonna trick them into buying

Not very budgie Rock

Looks like you could use some extra muscle

Lucky for you I happen to come along yes

Siree you see I like yessiree now wait one corn poppin minute

How could a shirt make a strong?

I know it's hard to believe but with my guaranteed make you strong shirts cuter swirl

Why there's a puny squirrel right now? Hey there mr. Puny squirrel. Do you think you could lift this Boulder off the road no

Just the punic give it a try now my good squirrel. Whoa. I sure do feel


You could use some muscles if you won again and quick I've got a shirt right here

That's guaranteed to do the trick you go from weak to strong

It's the only shirt you'll ever wanna wear because it'll make you stronger as a big stereo

This shirt will make you strong

I give you a deal cuz you guys love me nice this which one of yous smart and

heroic-looking fellas wants to try out my make your strong shirt

You toss that Boulder like it was light as the balloon I must be super speed super strong -

Yes, siree. It's cuz of those make you strong shirts. You're wearing wait'll sheriff callie's sees how strong we are

Will you take traits I got a real nice Golden Horseshoe trophy?

Hmm, I do like gold trophies. I could trade my Pig you boys got yourselves a dick

What in whiskers are you doing this I'm looking for norm shirts, so we can move boulders and wagons and such

Sweet sassafras

I've never seen anything quite like it. Do you mind if I take a look at that there Boyer?

Ah, you must be the sheriff in town

Don't worry about the shirts my dear. She's keen with stars, and here's my Golden Horseshoe trophy

Now hold on a minute here you two sure you want to trade your prize positions for them sure

Watch me lift Ella's milk wagon


You mean tricky Travis tricked us

Looks like his to

Get bolder cuz he was a big strong bear not because of the shirt

What do you gotta say about that

Those no-good two-timing tricky tricksters, no you oughta be ashamed of yourself mr. Tricky Travis

We never should have come here, I thought we had such a good trick well

You know what they say if it seems too. Good to be true. It probably is

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 443 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:09.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 294 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:28.

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Spirit monkey business

You ready if I had a seat I'd be on the edge of it um. I was talking to Elena zuzo ready

Hey blue princess Thanks not bad the more I practice

Yeah, and it hasn't been pretty hey you blasted that planter. I was aiming for the armor

That's because you're all tense and worried you gotta be calm be confident. Don't worry

I'm all right Elena. That's the last time I try that power. I can't let you quit princess nope not gonna happen

You said I'd hit the target again

Wait you're a spirit guide to other people

Oh, yeah

but most people don't get to talk to their China rules like you do more like wizards do when they conjure us up I

Wonder what animal your channel is probably something quick and strong like a Jaguar

in Luminara tail

So you're my spirit guide who me


Please get back to me. It's very powerful so this it's a magic. Oh magic spirit corn

Just do it

I'm pleased to report that the cookies are safe well

He did say he wasn't exactly a spirit guide his name was Bobo Bobo's here

That's impossible without spirit guide stripes, and he doesn't have those does he oh hi love to princess

But only spirits belong in the spirit world. Oh, I couldn't stop Bobo with my scepter, but I froze up

I have to get Mateo back. I've gotta warn ya

You can open your eyes now

Does that tree participate you better avoid that part of the tree she holds a grudge up there you got ancestors

Our branch our own school our own special magic

Not anyone can be a spirit guide here. Let me break it down for you

Aren't we supposed to be looking for Mateo? That's what we're doing

This is where Mateos spirit guide lives and spirit guides know where their people are at all times

Without be some of Kaka watches people have been having trouble lately, and he always blames themselves oh

I see you brought company well misery loves and what happened to you. Well. I caught Bobo lurking near the Mazak

Oh stalks the next thing I knew he zapped me tied me up and use the Moscow there without my stripes

I have no spirit guide powers oh

I can fix that be right back

This is just the latest there you go you have your magic back feel better not at all

But you can tell us where Mateo is now right unless I messed that up too, but okay here

Go you must be very powerful if you crossed over look. He's wearing a crown. Let's make them our king

Yeah, where am I who are you you're in the loop and we're this Amy

Come on. We need you buddy

Mateo was better off without me you two go ahead

Why do you out of your mind?

You've got your stripes back so all you have to do is grab Elena and Mateos hands and bring them home simple as that

But Mateos at the loop, and I'll see you on the other side

We're on it. We're do


Know try jumping on him. I don't really give it a good whack I know. I'll jump on it great minds think alike

Hey, are you here to see all the look, that's the old me this is the new and improved Bobo

Oh wait'll you see all the good advice I've given that'll prove. I've earned my stripes

You thought a bull in the castle was a good idea why okay?

If they think he's their king

That's near him

Can you move fast exuse? Oh yeah, but not if I'm carrying you and I need to hold hmm

Okay, here's the plan I'll shoot my earring at Mateo to get his attention when he sees me you swooped down scoop him up


Where are they taking him into the shadow tunnels and once they're inside

They could pop out anywhere or be lost forever. I care about Mateo

Oh, I love the kids and be his spirit guide. Help me save him, but what if I blow it again?

What if you don't you?


Can get us over there quicker princess, and I think I have a plan that isn't a complete waste of time I?

Am Elena

Queen of the zany's Queen we don't have a queen you do now isn't that right King Matteo?

Right after we introduce you to the shadows spirits


Elena watch what you're doing with that thing my cousin worst I've seen

You know what though, I think there's something else you might be very good at

Well that's all taken care of multi-world crisis averted if it wasn't for you, I would have given up

Oh you helped her, too

You know I did you weren't the only one who needed to keep trying till you got it right you know

What suzhou i'm actually looking forward to it. That's the spirit see what I did there

Thanks for coming after me Elena anytime Matteo

Gift that day a magical amulet, they said would always protect me from harm. I didn't think I'd ever need it

But one fateful day an evil power hub

But he needed time to cast it so I decided to face shiriki on my own

Yurika tried to strike me down

41 years but one magical day I was freed from the amulet

It was finally my time to take back my kingdom I was gonna be the new ruler

So as it turns out my adventure wasn't over

It was just beginning


First day of

Hey, let's go see if princess Elaine is a great idea ah

sorry if they woke you up princess woke me up I

Barely, slept last night I mean

How are you supposed to sleep the night before you become queen so when do you get your crown? Ya?

Know ya know

But yeah, I couldn't see spirit animals unless now that you mention it you were trapped in there for a long time

Maybe you and you got go to the amulet you took some of its magic with you, so I'm mad. I'll be late for breakfast

Is it bad well since I'm getting a crown today, I wanted to get you something -

Yeah, you can use it to design all your inventions

The food is getting cold abuela. Oh, we can wait a little longer still

You're not becoming Queen tonight, I was looking through the kingdoms, bylaws last night and discovered that you are too young to become Queen

Too young I was trapped in it who must approve all your major decisions. I have to get permission to rule

Not exactly it is like having a group of advisors who can help grant counseling services

A kind offer a Stefan, but I don't think I need a Grand Council. I'm ready to roll now

There are once was a king who had lost his new crown at the frantically searched for need all over town

How will I show them I can be as good a leader as you

The city of course today, I will meet I will take care of everything then what are we waiting for

Let's go I

Am lieutenant Gabriel new news, but you can call me Gabe, okay, Gabe

This way Elena how many ships there are now?

What can I do for you this fine day? Actually I came here to see what I can do for you

Is there anything you need to make the port run better anything? I need she should know what's going on. It's the third ship

That's been stolen today three ships in one day. Well. We better start looking for them right away

I'll leave the search your help is not needed

Elena you said you wanted to meet with the leaders of the city and Dona Paloma is the most important leader of them all

We cannot keep her waiting

Sure uh Gabe could you stay with Isabel it would be my honor Thank You Esteban


This is so not how I wanted my first day to go


There's more, but we can discuss it tonight at the ball another ship was stolen

And your sister was on it Isabelle they took Isabelle

Is everything okay princess no my sister was taken no Isabelle

Just what I thought the kingdom was getting sick on one of those things hello

We are Jack wins national symbols you may have seen us on the flag

You're the only one who knows what the ship looks like you'll be fine

They were these weird purplish creatures and one of them was breathing huge gusts of wind

So they were magical looked like it

Do you have any idea what they are no, but a wizard in training since when since always?

I just had to keep it a secret before

My grandfather Alec kisara wrote a book about all the magical creatures in the kingdom when he was the Royal wizard they can transform into

Dogs and have the power to turn objects into gold

Who wish I had that power look here? It says the na blends live deep in the jungle and never stray far from home

I'm your wizard

I'm sorry Susan

Hurry well that's actually part of the advice. This is not good

What's the turning down a side River the more twists and turns we make the harder it'll be for anyone to find us

There's something in the water, how dare they did you our beautiful Kingdom?

It's a page from Isabelle's journal. She must be leaving us a trail

You've been waiting all day to say that haven't you men

You can leave this vessel at once I will not let my novel ins be captured again again

I'm not going anywhere. It's my job to protect you and it's my job

Well I was trying to prove that I'm ready to rule now, and how's that working out for you not so well hmm

Did you ever stop and think why the knobblies?

But are you ready to learn cuz that's all that matters, just take your time, and you'll do great

And Princess Elena I am chiku leader of the novel ins chiku

I should have asked before but why are you taking our ships?

We are just trying to get home, but then one day the bars of our prison vanished

We were free but we were so far from home in a strange city

I have a royal decree to make chiku you can borrow our ships to take you home as long

as we get them back after

Thank you your majesty

And what was I supposed to do? She just took off on the Jack win look it's a little

Princess Elena Castillo Flores do you swear to protect and defend the kingdom of avalor?

So with that in mind I am ready to appoint my grand council

Luisa my grandmother because you always find a way to look on them I could use your common sense and resolve on my council

I'm on the Grand Council

Hi, come on the grand council. That's mine. I owe me and finally

my grandfather

Francisco the wisest person I know

Today you acted like a jewel queen

Is it supposed to do this it's never grown like that before

Bad for your first day, but are you ready for day two?

Are you oh this is gonna be?

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 294 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:28.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 671 - Duration: 15:26.

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Right kingdom picnic I

Now present the royal family from the kingdom of Khaldoun

Just so you know the tri-kingdom picnic is no ordinary picnic I'm starting to see that

Hi Sofia are you ready for the picnic games? I don't know I've never played them before you'll love them princess mine

I always have so much fun here catch

Every year, it's a tradition that our children play picnic games with neighborly spirit

They take the field Oh probably just tell them okay look at this Wow it is amazing

What is it?

It's the golden chalice all the kids at the picnic play a bunch of games and the kingdom that wins the most games

If we were thinking Sofia since you're like flowing Derby so much, maybe you'd like the picnic games, too

They sound really fun so

teammates oh


Guess you'll need some drilling lessons, too

So much to learn

And I'm collied good to meet you young Majesties

Here are your horseshoes for the flying horseshoe toss why is it called the flying horseshoe toss?

Good try Jim

Someone tell my horseshoe it's not time for lunch

Well because the horseshoe will fly up on its own

Look at it go nice toss Sofia and Chauncey is gonna win the chalice this year?

All right we heard you come on Sofia. Let's go in the next game

What's with Jade is there going to be a prize for our games Roland?

No, Queen Anya. It's just for fun. So what are we playing first?

musical Thrones

Are you all right Emperor Quon yes first we glue on the jewels okay dab dab dab jewel jewel jewel

Hmm damn jewel jewel damn Joe the glue

On your mark get set

This is a race. There's no time to talk okay

But it's cloudy and my shoelaces were untied well, you should have tied them before the race then James well

I didn't it's not fair. We should do the race so now. It's time to add the glitter

I'm sure it is Queen Anya

But I'd rather watch maybe Emperor Quon doesn't want to play because he thinks he's too clumsy to have a good time well

It doesn't matter how well you play?

Cuz I'm a little rusty

Roley what are you doing? I think Emperor Quon should see that we can still have a good time oh?

whoops oh

We're not very good, but it sure is a fun game. You should give it a triumph or a quant good

If it lands on your side the other team scores ready

Another point for enchancia

First your brother was a sore winner then a sore loser now. He's a sore winner again

You've got just us two if you want the chalice so badly James you can have it we quit

Sorry Sofia gin. Oh Sofia come back

You paints light soft strokes like so hmm now you try. What are you doing here?

If the game's over already I remember them taking forever

Everyone quit because James was being a poor sport

Hmm, it's hard to believe we're twins with and now she's fabulous. Thank you

That's a good idea, but how can I show him we're not playing the games anymore, huh?

I'm such a good sister


Sofia what are you doing here? I want to show you something what just come with me

Okay, all right dad didn't knock over any pigs, but look at him

Better luck next time. I hope Emperor Quon. You're up next see that's having fun

Rollie Kwan's having a good time now. You don't have to keep playing badly on purpose. I'm not playing badly on purpose

Oh, I'm really sorry you should be James

I was really looking forward to the games, so was I and we didn't even get to play in China discus

That's my favorite thinking

There's still plenty of time to play the rest of the games if we wanted to we can pick up where we left off or

than chanted discus I

Don't know James how clever catches the discus wins

But if the discus touches you and you don't catch it

Then you're out

Wei Ling wins great play guys Witek oh

Good job colleague. Thanks a lot

That's our final game. Now. It's time to announce the winner of the golden chalice

I want to thank all the royalty y'all excuse me your highness

I believe the children would like to hear who won the golden chalice. Oh, yes of course now

I've added up all the scores in the winner of this year's golden ship

Thanks James yeah, thanks a lot two four six eight who do we appreciate?

Who knows maybe next year we'll win the golden chalice teammates teammates


You are mine and soon the kingdom of hakalo will be two

Men the princess has fallen in the ocean and the Admiralty is gone. Don't worry my sweet girl

Look at that that's a fancy looking key. I maybe we can check when we get back. Oh time to go

Yeah, but how will I get it back? Oh?

1001 Tiaras the ultimate guide to be a classic emeralds key of hakalo

Kingdom of hakalo is a hidden island only the Emerald key can unlock the passage to this island kingdom

Where is the princess right here?

I'm princess leilani of hakalo, but everyone calls me Lani without that key my family and I can never get home

It's okay, Lani. We found your key. Oh, you don't know how happy that makes me

She's trying to steal my key, just like that awful woman last night. You're the one who's lying. It's my key

I needed to get home you have to give it to me

You can I'll send messengers out to sea to look for the king and queen of akahl

Oh, they must be worried sick about their daughter. Who do you think's the real princess? It's Leilani?

We have decided that the best way to determine which of you is the true princess you mean Mikey

And I'm happy to do whatever you require. Thank you your majesty the first challenge will take place in the ballroom. Please follow me

Leilani is waltzing wonderfully I

Like it Lani. What is that dance? It's called the swaying blossom

It's the first dance everyone learns in hakalo unless you're princess not as graceful as Leilani's waltz Leilani wins this challenge

Wonderful baileywick, let's move on to the next challenge to the throne room everyone. Oh, how nice of you to give me such a wonderful


Thank you um

Excuse me everyone

I believe I misspoke earlier when I called the snail hideous. I meant to say

Adorable, and I thank you free my apologies

Here let me help Thank You m'lady

Now girls

Hey there little fella, did you get stuck in there looking for a snack don't worry, I'll find you one

Are you okay? Not really no one believes. I'm the real princess do they well

We're just not sure yet if I don't get the emerald key back. Don't know your ways or what I should do

far from home

I'm feeling lost at sea


Look for a loan and make it rise

That's exactly how a princess should act and it's the way you've been acting all day with violet and clover

What you means you are the real princess, so you believe me?

It's from


I'm so glad you believe me now. I just need to convince the rest of your family

Oh, you will this will be your room, but let's get you some pajamas first. I know just the thing

My magic moon

Rise and shine everyone you too, Lonnie

What time is it almost time for the last challenge are you okay? No?

really tired Oh

Barely a princess must be smart as well as nimble

Therefore your next challenge is a race through this maze. Good luck and may the true princess win

on your mark

Lonny didn't sleep well last night. I think we need another challenge

No, we don't the test had three challenges and my Lonnie did better on two of them

I am pleased to return to you your emerald key

Again your majesty one of the messages

Did I win where's Leilani where's the key I'm sorry Leilani made it out of the maze first we had to give her the key

Monni sorry, that's why I couldn't sleep last night excuses excuses oh

It feels awful. No true princess could ever sleep on knit well

I know one thing a true princess would never cheat if Leilani cheated then

You are the real princess hello people I could have told you that yesterday you

Can this thing go any faster stop that coach at once yes, and now your key is mine

Okay, y'all got an idea tell every woman creature in the forest to stop that creepy lady here

You'll have to get past me first

And my family speaking of your family. I say we head back to the castle and meet them

It means until we meet again until we meet again

The farmer in the Dell I the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 671 - Duration: 15:26.


Playmobil Animals Zoo Building Playset - Fun Animal Toys For Kids - Duration: 7:21.

Welcome To RaceToyTime

Hi guys, it's RaceToyTime

Today, we're going to build another Playmobil zoo.

Here's the zoo

Now, let's set it up

Let's put table

and chairs

on the rooftop

some plants


and flowers

Then, let's place the accessories down here

for the zookeepers and the animals

And here's the booth

Then, let's get the enclosures ready for the animals

Now, let's put the animals in the zoo

Here are the tigers

Here comes the zebras

Here comes the baby elephant

Here's the momma elephant

Here comes the giraffe

Now let's feed the animals

Okay, I hope you guys enjoy that video.

And if you, please subscribe to RaceToyTime Channel

And also click on those links above to watch more fun videos here in this channel

Thank you for watching.

Stay Tuned

Bye bye

For more infomation >> Playmobil Animals Zoo Building Playset - Fun Animal Toys For Kids - Duration: 7:21.


Chinese ship bound for North Korea SEIZED amid fears of war - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:10.

Chinese ship bound for North Korea SEIZED amid fears of war

A CHINESE ship suspected of carrying out illegal trades with North Korea has been seized by

the South amid growing fears of war.

South Korea have scooped up the vessel – called Lighthouse Winmore – accused of breaking

UN sanctions on trading with Kim Jong-un.

The Chinese vessel is accused of transferring oil to a North Korean ship in international

waters in late October.

UN-ratified sanctions have restricted trading with the North in a bid to curb its nuclear

programme – which is marched on unhampered throughout 2017.

Yesterday, Donald Trump claimed China had been caught "red-handed" over under-the-table

dealing with North Korea.

Taking to Twitter, Trump wrote: "Very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North


"There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues

to happen."

Lighthouse Winmore had been on a US list of proposed vessels to blacklist – which had

been presented to the UN Security Council.

The ship's seizure comes after spy satellite images revealed secret Chinese trades with

North Korea had been going on for the past three-months.

China has been targeted by the US this year to do more to tackle their old ally Kim and

help to curb his quest for nuclear ICBMs.

Trump has tied the White House's future relationship with China to its cooperation

in tackling North Korea.

He said: "If they're helping me with North Korea, I can look at trade a little bit differently,

at least for a period of time.

"And that's what I've been doing.

But when oil is going in, I'm not happy about that."

Yesterday, China today denied any UN sanction breaking oil sales by Chinese vessels to Kim.

"The situation you have mentioned absolutely does not exist," a Chinese defence ministry

spokesman said, without elaborating.

But pictures proving trades between the two countries emerged just weeks after the UN

banned all ship-to-ship trades with North Korea.

War fears loom as it is believed North Korea are racing to test one more missile before

the end of 2017.

Kim is believed to be preparing a launch as part of his space programme, but this could

be an attempt to conceal a missile test.

Russia warned of devastating war between North Korea and the US that would be worse than

anything seen before in human history.

For more infomation >> Chinese ship bound for North Korea SEIZED amid fears of war - DAILY NEWS - Duration: 3:10.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 441 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:34.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 441 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:34.


Moto g5s plus unboxing and review | Best Value For Money Budget Smartphone under Rs 15,000 Jan 2018 - Duration: 13:25.

For more infomation >> Moto g5s plus unboxing and review | Best Value For Money Budget Smartphone under Rs 15,000 Jan 2018 - Duration: 13:25.


30 Most important English sentences for daily use |30 short English sentences for spoken English - Duration: 4:43.

30 Most important English sentences for daily use |30 short English sentences for spoken English

For more infomation >> 30 Most important English sentences for daily use |30 short English sentences for spoken English - Duration: 4:43.


Hoover, Alabaster search for identity theft suspects - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Hoover, Alabaster search for identity theft suspects - Duration: 1:04.


Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 308 - Amber Morgan - Duration: 18:15.

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You wanna join us in our cool pool?

Thanks, but I'm gonna stick with this dry shade

Gears when I get back from work. I need to find the perfect place to get cool -

Hmm I gotta polish cool, but isn't big enough for gob and hissy shade is cool too, but so many shoe size

Maybe ours can take us dirty rocks name

Sure I got plenty of ideas for places to get cool

Well this fan is broken we are in a junkyard after all

Well of course to be near ice you have to have ice and that brings me to my last idea

Being in front of an ice cold sprinkler. Sorry pups. I never said I have the actual places to stay cool

Did it look like this could be perfect for all the fans


Do you take us to a place that has ice searching

Let's just like them, and it sure is cold

I think we've found our spot

Yay Park and here's an extra scoop of ice cream for you

Well we made it to the park now, where are they

That was here just a second ago

That's okay

We'll save you

Thank sir, yeah whoo, thanks arf-arf is happy art good health good

day next ice was to crash and stick and this place is way too unpredictable and

way too hot

Can you think of any other places with vodka cool yet, not yet, it is still hot out here

But I'm glad to see you guys have been keeping cool today. Even hiss he's managed to stay cool

I've been wanting to find the best place to get cool all day and the best place was in my own backyard

The golem retriever

Well it looks like you two are in the mood for a fetch build day

But I've got something better than a drippy old stick. I invented it just for you

I've already started over on several versions of this invention because they weren't working right. I hope this is the one that finally works

Somebody needs to bring it back

That's to land somewhere, but you can't get it there it goes again now watch it come right back

See you later doggie dooz

Too bad about that stick it seemed real nice fur stick I wonder why I didn't come back

Rowley Bob said he needed to start over with a new version of his invention so maybe we should help him by getting rid of

this one for

We're trying to get rid of you

Bob says we're always leaving our toys here, so this is the perfect place to get rid of the stick

That's perfect place to get rid of what we must alone cupcake oh

This is a weird game that stick likes to play keeps wanting to come back to us because that's what Bob made it to do

See you later stick I mean we don't want to see you later stick yeah, you've been grounded

You get hole digger only it just keeps wanting to play with us two more

Okay, if that stick is gonna keep coming at us

That stick won't be able to find us if we hide in there

We're not sick just cool boring any boring boring boring in here, and then we'll have to run away again

What's this sound

Did you just please stop trying to come back to us sticky situation

Me neither, but at least we did well Bob wanted us to do

Yeah, we want to get rid of something we get him gotten loose

Listen are you two having a doggie day

That was your flight a little bumpy and landing how I wish I could be with you

So I invented this to do the kinds of things I do if I was here hi bingo. Hi Roley I

call him ARF, which stands for Auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all I

Even programmed him to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work

No more mad

Hmm he looks friendly

Wanna meet arf maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means

Make a bet yeah make a hat, so I'm gonna have fun

Cleaning it up. Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up

Nice job, I can hardly see the floor at all

Okay Wow if Bob came home from work and saw miss like this

Bob also programmed our to beg, I don't think we have another listeners

Yeah, I either need a longer leg or shorter neck

Excuse our

Because Bob only program are to clean up after bingo and Roley not to clean up after his e and ours

So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves

puppy dogs die

It's not gonna be fun Roley it's going to be work

Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. We're gonna do all their washing

Quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine?

Like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine, I guess my new invention really worked, huh?

Would you like to dress it up and take it home to play I would love that

You two look like you're having a good time

Had tons of fun with the toys in this box, but it's time someone else got to have fun with them

Ribbit look what you

Did oh, did you guys just ruin war us ruin?

Who's what Bob in his room with ruff ruff Bob at the beach with ruff ruff Babita

Just about everywhere he went with ruff ruff


Designer died today

This place is amazing

There one perfectly poufy Poots

Come on Roli let's take ruff-ruff in there make him perfectly poufy -

Roof Rossini just enough stuff step up Zoe stuff. That's a lot of

Time just so this puppy up

But we're gonna need some kid power to do it Chloe

wow, that looks so

Good, and there's just one more thing to do with this doggie so follow me

When I go down you go up and when you go up, I'll go down I

Think we used too much bingo nerely power sometimes bingo the only power is gonna be a dangerous thing

And now it's time to get our doggie looking da tacular

first began clean

Then we give them some style

We might as well get ourselves looking good soon

Here comes the cleaning

In my eyes

We did it Rollie bobs toy looks as good as it ever did

Everybody choose a stuffed doggy Oh

Roley I think with toys yeah, but they dress this up so nice for their party we should stick around just to be polite for

Canned food let me tell you something that's no party and pretend to be


Looks like the party's over yep, Oh No what if he takes pops toy? What if we take it first?

Yep Bob won't even know we took it out of the box

Hey guys. I give me a minute before I say hello, okay. I just need to put this stuff outside up

You're just giving this stuff away

Jenny buddy who wants it huh? I want it can I keep a mommy please?

I'm glad I found someone to give ruff ruff to

Because I don't need to pretend doggy anymore. I have two of the best

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Cute Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 308 - Amber Morgan - Duration: 18:15.


Chinese Skyscraper Available For Sale Online - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Chinese Skyscraper Available For Sale Online - Duration: 0:31.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 302 - Duration: 17:11.

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Great to start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho

One more time from captain Flynn Oh boys and lovers I be looking for able-bodied

Buccaneers who want to try out to be gone sand pirates

Great keep a lookout for gold doubloons

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest Oh

little Buccaneers

Who's come to see if they has what it takes to be a sand pirate me?

Wow it was really nice of Captain Hook to let you try out for this oh well you know

The captain always has my best interests at heart

Why would anyone want to leave me the mighty captain look the old crew is the finest band of Buccaneers?

Ever to sail will never see

Listen boys. Here's what you gotta do to be one of me sand pirates

You gotta get a camel to jump across the trickiest trails all those sand party things to do sound hard

that's for sure, but don't worry bones if we team up we can do this together I

Sure, hope they pass the sand pirate test. Oh

That'll be fine

As long as they keep their eyes open for troubles the path is blocked by all those prickly plants. How will we get past?

Well captain Flynn said sand Pirates have to get a camel to jump across the trickiest trail

Come on Camille you don't do this I won't get to be a sand pirate you got two gold doubloons

Let's grab them and go find a giant sand castle and then we'll be sand pirates ooh sounds not fun

Captain flynn said that sand pirates need to surf the sandiest sand dunes

And that's what you just did let's grab them and go

We're one step closer to being real sand pirate

We've got to find the castle first or we won't get to be sand pirates say it ain't so

It's me captain, but what about you looks like you need a little water?

Wanting to be a sand pirate

That's just a part-time thing

Doesn't matter now you were supposed to find a giant sand castle a sand pilot

Well done you both passed the test

Mazie a

Pardon me captain, Flynn, but I've heard tell this sandcastle is filled with golden treasure

easy to

Fool the treasure of the giant sandcastle will be mine


Hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew

The golden Twilight treasure

Crackers I see seashells here you go mister. Let's find out

Yoho follow that glow uh

You gotta go without me. I'm a Never Land Firefly. He's dee-lightful


Where is that golden Twilight treasure?

Read our map white you say. I found just what we need to find our way to the golden Twilight treasure

Lanta oh

Come along little Firefly darker around here. Will you help us rescue brightly?

Thanks remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we can use it

Hurry as long as we see brightly's glow we know where to find him mr.. Smee

Captain I command you to give me more light at once

Snapdragons, and we got three gold doubloons

Let's grab them and go oh

There's Brittany's glow


Stumbled onto the road these rolling hills move like waves in the never sea, how are you gonna get across?

Balance like this come on put your arm faintly

Blast I

Can't see a thing

This Lantern's light is as dim as the murky deep. Oh honey. That's where we'll find the cave of the golden Twilight treasure

Whoa, it's fading fast

And if he stops blowing we won't know where to find him looks like this is an emergency

We've got a kitchen total now. Be careful captain. I'm a tad worried. We'll bump into big bugs

this being big bug Valley and all

Yo-ho firefight glow III

Firefly fly

Yoho Firefly glow

It's working wait a glow we helped make Riley. Happy again, and we got five more gold doubloons

Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island

Twilight treasure barnacles, where's the treasure?

You might wanna hold back on this soon

Thanks for helping us rescue brightly mateys now, let's put up come on count with us 1

Thanks again for helping us rescue brightly he's really happy now, and he wants to be my Never Land nightlight whoa

I think at last we've lost those buggy bugs Smee, but just in case Rosa


Hook on ice

Mateys Yoho look at the snow

Let's take some pictures of us and send them to Peter he'd love to see us with our new stuff

I'll go get my camera. There's a blue glow over Neverland, sir

That's the telltale sign of the snow day treasure captain with a snow day


Slightly things too bad Peter Pan didn't give us a sled for us for popinjays to share

It's a Never Land snow day miracle

Captain Hook Oh

Someone's here to steal our stuff not today

I come the spirit of pirate will need your

slip-sliding things

Sure, you're welcome to share our stuff

Splendid chair will you help us all find the snow day treasure

Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons never we solve a pirate problem together

We can use this big piece of

We saved hook and Smee and we got three gold doubloons

Lively everyone we must get across the ice bridge


I'll distract the ice ogre so Captain Hook can get away

Let's grab the rail and cross the bridge

Go step lively everyone

Hmm why in the world would I share my treasure well Captain Hook

We did share all our snow stuff with let us open the ice chest and share its treasure

I'll help you Captain Hook

Well popinjays, it's been a great pleasure sharing with you pixie dust away

Come on count with us 1

2 3

4 5. I found something cool if you keep it in good one cubby

This ice will keep our treasure from melting so we can enjoy for a long time to come


Smee what just happened to me it was that bopping captain


And when he stopped playing them hook stopped remember what Peter said these bongos will help you keep the beat

But silly pirates won't ever duties. Will you help us get our bongos back?

Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we solve a pirate problem, too

The monkey's boppity-bopping again

Where are we

On your other leg and go over these three leads

I'll go ask him for the bongos. You wait here hold on Jake this is skullenbones rock. There's a trick to getting

Across all the wrong stepping stones

So remember Jake to go up the stone safely you have to do the skullenbones stomp

But we don't have them

But you really should never take someone else's things

Maybe we can share the bongos how would you like to come back with us to belong to my crew?

We're sharing them with our new friend

Hey, mr. Monkey how about playing the skullenbones stomp for King you got it Jake come on cubby help me


I'm sure we'll meet again

Yay-hey we saved the monkey and we got you hang on captain

I'll be right up right after I do the skullenbones stomp

Come on count with us

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 302 - Duration: 17:11.


'Hwayugi' staff apologizes for controversies, to take a break for a week - Duration: 3:00.

'Hwayugi' staff apologizes for controversies, to take a break for a week

The staff of currently airing tvN drama Hwayugi have released an official statement of apology for the recent controversies, including the latest which alleged that filming came to a halt due to actor Cha Seung Wons request.

According to tvN, the staff has ultimately decided to cancel broadcasts this weekend on December 30 and 31, in order to regroup and reassess the filming set conditions.

On December 29, representatives from MBCs art department as well as officials from the labor union reported to the filming set of Hwayugi in order to inspect the location.

Read tvNs statement below:.

We announce unfortunate news once again to the viewers who are watching Hwayugi.

tvN has decided to push back episode 3 of Hwayugi, which was set to air on December 30 (Saturday), by one week, in order to assess the filming set in detail.

We would like to bow our heads in apology for causing controversies and inflicting worries to viewers after filming halted back on December 24, due to a staff members injury as well as issues with the editing process.

Currently, we are reinforcing manpower to improve the sets standards and carrying out additional safety inspections to regroup in all aspects, including staffs working conditions and schedules.

This is so that we can maintain adequate working conditions and so that we can assure no more accidents occur; please understand.

Once again, we would like to apologize to all who give Hwayugi their attention, and we will repay you with high quality programming after thorough reassessment and restructuring.

We hope all issues become resolved in a safe and appropriate manner.

For more infomation >> 'Hwayugi' staff apologizes for controversies, to take a break for a week - Duration: 3:00.


Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 258 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 18:58.

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The golden rings

Golde all right

Only some way to change that

Hmm I wonder if maybe the magic

You say, this is Goldie yes, can you turn the back please well, I turned an evil queen into a zucchini

It's time for my sorry bear

Back to the magic show before bear things I really did turn into a cabbage

Well Goldie, but there's nothing wrong with being a cabbage just be the best cabbage you can be so beautiful

She was so smart


Thought you were gonna be a cabbage forever. Oh there was never actually a cabbage. It was just a trick I

Didn't need to really trick you

Sorry I worried you bear, I'm just glad you're back you never know how much you like having somebody around until they turn into a


You save the kingdom

That's amazing right

Odie save troll. Thank you, but I don't need saving

Bear was just playing mm-hmm. This is just freaky

No bear nothing at rolling around with us could come in handy, yeah

He thought he was saving me from a wonder how old this is hmm

Okay stand over there, and it's just a game, so you don't have to save me from anything

You scared him look I know you're

There you guys want to play some Buttercup ball with me and agent

Hey, they worked I

Hope you brought your A game

We were just playing a game troll remember well, can you help Humpty down?

Control nun maestro

Careful kids porridge is still kind of hot hey he followed us

What we know someone who does

The great cruelty mur to the rescue. Thanks mama bear say these are the rules that all trolls live by


When a troll being the party of the first part is saved from danger said troll is there

And no need to save me, I'm just walking over there, I'll pick up the balls troll you wanna help me

Fairy godmother gets grounded

The king's men decreed that every

Magical person like the gnome or wits or fairy we all have to be tested to make sure we're doing our man

What's the magic ingredient in magical pie that makes you fly a smidge of?

Pixy powder all right now. Ask me one way. No. I'm not sure I don't know if you're aware of this but

Sometimes I get my riding spells room want us to test you that will be what turn this room into a jar

I can't make a mistake like that


You have passed your fish

Sleep done why stop there?

Let's give this a go


Well then please turn this Apple into a mango I'd be delighted

Here you go oh, yeah, mm I'm afraid flying is awesome magic. Oh dear

Fairy godmother, I can't believe the king's men took away your wand. I can't believe it either

Oh, you just helped that very fly without magic boy did didn't I?

Of course you did you don't need magic to help people my kites up in a tree, and I can't wriggle it free

Well, maybe you can find a better plan hands here. It's easy if you try

You don't need


Toss it you understand, it's the job to love supreme on the ground

Is not necessary magic, maybe let's find someone who could use a little help


Love me

Maybe fairy godmother can help I'd love to help but none magically though

Could you drive the hater market for me? I'd be

Doing kids you're a natural hate. You know I wasn't sure about oldest

I'm so sorry jack. Maybe I want to find someone else I can help

Maybe for granny yeah, we sure could use a helping hand like to helping happens

You always figured out how to do it right and in the end you help folks that's different, that's

Magic that's not different go

And the door works, too


Like it me too. You have passed Tooth Fairy

She gets it right kid you give her another try I see no rule saying we can't repair someone

She deserves another try well. I then let's see

let's see drop soup lingo plan go stop these squirrels from doing the

DMV test

Thank you

When they figure it out they say the nose on my face

And solve the mystery

So let's let's footprints that's a clue if I ever saw one

We've got ourselves a real live mystery

Here's another wet foot

There hey you don't seem too happy to see me

It's just we're looking for a mystery to solve. Let's go

Look at that bear oh

No, never leaves his door open like that hmm very suspicious

Well ended up with stink berries instead

pee you

Know mystery there P Q is right my kids

They're over here

Look it's that sure is that thing sneaky isn't he no question about it

What's he wait by robbery? That's definitely suspicious

I can't wait to see the looks on their faces

Well wait here and when he comes out we'll follow him

There he is hmm

He's been in Jack's barn for a while. What do you think he's up to?

What could big bad a found in here that he could have used in a pipe robbery

No, ho let's hear his cow is some hay oh

Of course it's as plain as the nose on my face

Let's go

Hi Betty came to swipe that pie

He didn't even look at it. I was just as surprised and you'll never guess what he wanted hi

Strangely, no. He is but why would big bad need a ball of yarn

Good stars he's even got the pigs helping him hey Bailey

He's even more clever than I suspected

Yeah, he managed to completely fool the pigs who ayats as plain as the nose on my face

I mean he can't possibly be anything else. Okay, so what do we do while we put a stop to it right now?

We bake dad's good brother Phil isn't on this - he's gone bad power

Detective skills don't lie bear

You sure about this. We don't want to jump to any conclusions. Oh sure alright

No doubt in our minds oh?

Hi robbery

And all about your pie robbing device now all we need to know is who your victim was gonna

Be was it granny big bad. You ought to be ashamed of yourself shame. Yes, oh, I'm

Sushi, what what is going on here? Sorry Phil your brother already like?


I've been playing with these

Or what this book II thought I'd like it

But this is the one dirty get meow meow meow a beginner's guide to kitty cat care

Pretty girl up in here cuz it's so nice. It goes e-40

So that's why he took hay from Jack's barn

I guess you two jump to some pretty big pinches turned out to be a different one than we thought and boy

I never would have guessed that you like kittens

Tell anyone please my big bed rip your tea house would make a great buy Swiper

For more infomation >> Goldie and Bear Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 258 - Lauren Baker - Duration: 18:58.


Doc McStuffins Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 314 - Blue Elephant - Duration: 17:01.

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Gulam medicine

Hayami how are you feeling huh, okay? I just hope I can get back to gymnastics soon

I named her Tundra

cute I love her style I

Knew you would

Maybe we can play with Tundra and nurse Hallie at the docs are in

Hi everybody I'd like you to meet Tundra well, it's a good thing

we have an extra hand today because you have two patients waiting doc raised leg is loose and

Yes my squeaky all mitosis has come back again makes perfect sense up

Great Holly, can you prepare for two patients and two doctors?

Here's robot Ray's chart

We should probably fix his leg before we bandage him up uh


Just wanted to UM

You're not

No, but I want to be it's just that I'm a new bear right off the shelf

I don't know anything yet

I'll take care of Ray


Hospitals have interns students who study medicine and learn from doctors even my mom was an intern before she was a doctor

Tundra so many diagnoses as uh people couples the clinic's always busy

It's kind of overwhelming but stick with me. I'll show you how to get real good and healthy



Great because I think you're ready for the advanced stuff

Or if I had twisted kala ptosis I'd go like this

Come on Tundra this is perfect practice for an intern

Hi surfer, girl. This is my intern Tundra

How can we help I was writing this awesome with excellent tweezers. Please I

Almost forgot Tundra what me in charge of the clinic?

Aren't you rushing things a bit? I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think you were ready. Yep me

in charge

Relax sugar you've been learning from the best toy doctor in the business you're right. I'm sure everything will be fine

Stuffy your nose ah

You need a checkup. I think you have

inside-out snout syndrome, but I want to do an x-ray just to be sure I

Think selfies inside outs now chin has given her my complication

The sneezies

Stuffy Christine over doc. We've got an emergency

Stuffy has a case of inside out snot syndrome to hand the sneezies. What should I do?

Ready first that's on the side stuffy's nose

Then push on the top, but not too hard, oh wow they were stable

Stuffy you're in perfect shape


Congratulations. I'm so

Proud of you, it's all because of you doc now. I'm the bear I've always wanted to be Oh

Wait'll I go home to any?

the super amazing ultra hoppers

What are you making Donny, I'm building super amazing ultra hoppers

The super amazing ultra hoppers can hop to the hop till they drop

Cheery and now my friends watch

Of course we're super amazing ultra hoppers watch as we perform the triple cable flipper

You know what I think I'll leave the hopping to them what's matter Mamma Mia

We can't be hoppers together if we can't all jump to the ceiling. Oh, let's say we give it another go

But a cuddle does feel nice you should let doc take a look. Oh, I don't need a dr. Esser

Okay dr. Esser I fear something most grave is wrong with me something must be wrong

Maybe if I look at you guys it'll help me figure out. What's different on dalorto

Yeah happier than a herd of hyenas with the hiccups

Okay, hoppers, please stop hopping so I can see how tall you are now hoppers

Please stand up straight, so I can see how tall you are

That's interesting of course it's our catchy phrase oh, I need a catchphrase - yeah

The x-ray machine well let me get a better look at all the bricks that make up your body

Yes, Oh, what could be done to cure my brick hey Mia, we need to find your missing bricks

Is better than an elf or something like that uh help me out with my catchphrase for Hallie

Uh-oh sugar you own your own

Not yet unless you do this

We're a team we can to be pop burst together who without the usual

Dalorto you just need to be patient. Ah doc. You just need to wait for Donnie to get home

I'm sure he'll know where your missing bricks are but I want to be taller

I know don't worry little brother will always

So I guess the only thing to do really is to

Hi guys Donnie, I've given your hoppers a checkup, and it looks like the war -

The blue one is missing some bricks in his legs

There we go

Thank you so much

Now we're hopping together better than ever that's great. I'm happy I mean

Little egghead feels the heat whoo hey that little egghead wants to stop you okay?

Let's see if he can ask me something. I can't answer

Way to go dad thanks, Donny, and thank you little egghead mom and up can I play with your little egghead game sure


Professor hootsburgh

We meet again

Indeed we do ready for a rematch, or are you worried that?

She'll of yours. That is not true. Well it's kind of true

Electronic toys can break when they fall so just be contestants she loved crossword puzzles story time have long walks in the library

welcome professor wrote

Smoke the first one to squeak in gets to answer the question before you play you two shake hands, right?

You squeeze squeakers whenever I wink like this

uh-huh whenever you wink all over that so who's got a question for our contestant I

Knew that one stuffy when I wink you have to squeak in

Saturn of course and that's not all I know those rings are mostly made of ice

It's cold in space unlike your backyard is easy

Why didn't

Everyone knows an owl goes oh

I said it right now

Um eggy. I don't think Moo is exactly the right answer

But I've never been wrong before oh, it's kinda weird


Think you're a little scrambled I mean

Eggy you do seem a little scram a dog. I don't know if you're aware, but his answers are not correct

Yeah, I know. They aren't it isn't like a years old

I better give you a checkup

Your heart is beating kind of fast in

Hmm you've been out in the Sun too long now. You're way too hot

Wait a minute too hot

Somebody get me inside the clinic

Good thinking to the clinic hang in there mr.. Dickhead

It would really ruffle my feathers if your spots got fried. Thank you

Who'd see you're gonna feel a whole lot cooler in here promise?

I hope so doc because I've never felt so Honolulu. I think he means hot night

It's called overheating it can be pretty serious. If you don't stop it in time

I hope the hot Sun didn't short out your circuits

Oh, no, no sound, but doc the professor and I were playing up guacamole, yeah

Yeah, oh, did. I just say guacamole. I met game. I need to get back to playing it

Thanks professor. Why anything to help a fellow level of knowledge and a friend

Chapter one he's really more if that's what you mean whew I feel cool and refreshed

Let's check and see for sure

Yo, Iggy, it's your turn to spread your wings

So you can answer all the questions by yourself, then Aggie. What's the largest living annum dipping?

Sorry Aggie and sorry squeakers, I'm ready to go back to Donny now Aggie. I bet he's missing you

your pinecones really taste

It looks like I may have to clear up a thing or two

Let's see

How about we play rescue I make a terrific ambulance

EMT is hope rosy during a rescue I

Don't know what to do

We're at a construction site now. Who are we rescuing hi sir Kirby?

Volunteered to pretend to be hunt

after building

Pretending to have an accident all right. It's a game

Really man, it's important to become just

You sure do know your stuff Oh

That's not very quiet sir Kirby

Real carefully take the blocks

Thank You friends I think I can taste placed my feet

Thanks for lunch mom I'm gonna go play see you later

When I think I'm going oh yeah, and the other way around as well, yeah

Rosie I need you to drive sir Kirby to the clinic oh no mommy

Say this is most confusing what happened well, I went to look for my shield you see and

accidentally knock down the building

Or is it the other way around I have a diagnosis sounds like a case for the big book of boo-boos

Sir, Kirby you have a case of the forward stuffins. You are most welcome kind, sir

Oh boy, sir, Kirby's okay now. Can we play rescue again um?

No Rosie I can take you back to Alma's but first do you wouldn't tell me what's wrong

I'm just not feeling so hot right now you Rosie. What happened out there

I couldn't handle the pressure in a real emergency doc

Everything I ever know about rescuing just went out of my head and my siren. What a new paint job

I could be an ice cream truck

Panic-itis doesn't mean you have to give a rescuing. It's just sometimes under pressure Tinka

It wasn't a hard operation, but I panicked and couldn't move Holley reminded me

I knew what I had to do do it. You know what you gotta do

And breathe out

You some Tigers went away to read

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 314 - Blue Elephant - Duration: 17:01.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 311 - Duration: 18:41.

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Know you guys would love the doggy scuba gear I made wait only one box well

I had ordered to let me see if I can oh, it says it got lost if see last it see

This box is useless without the second box oh

I really hope they find it bingo. The delivery woman said it fell off the boat and into the sea yes

But with our special scuba diving here, we can search the sea and find it

Sounds like we have our mission

Except we don't know where we're going do we the delivery woman said the Box fell off the boat near the Great Barrier Reef

There are also beautiful green islands that boats sail past every day so the missing box for Bob could be in a khole race

We need a boat which we can find at the harbour

Now we just need a boat to get us to

Is it this barrier reef great work? It looks like the ocean is having a party down there? Oh boy?

those must be dogfish fishies

Now remember sea pup Roley we're looking for a box with a paw print inside a book one bubble box filled up got it

If you tell me some of the things you see around you, then I'm all bottom getting close, okay, I'm in a

Beautiful orange coral cave I see the same thing

I found you did you see any boxes no me neither the delivery woman said it fell off a boat

Yeah, but it's under the water there was a box in it though

Maybe it's bob's box. If you want to look just go straight down you can't miss it

I'm right behind you bingo

Look hey you don't think this was a pirate ship do you I do now?

Remember we're looking for a box with paw prints inside a bubble yeah

Look at me Roli hello legendary pirate captain Lee baby. You'll be air and Roli

Well we searched this whole thing and didn't find the missing box for Bob

I know the only box around here is this one wait me neither, but I've said there were thousands of sea creatures around here

Maybe one of them saw the Box fall off the boat and let's go find a sea creature

Bingo are you swimming I thought I was are you I think so well then why are we moving anyway?

And on top of the water Roley, that's a beautiful green island

What are you doing here well we're looking for a box, that's a law school well, then you've come to the right spot

What does the box look like well it looks like Bob's box. It's boxy and

Look it's a poodle said a bubble. This is Bob's lost box. We found this but about that box

This is a nice one

Now don't miss to see in this pause there was to see in the ocean

It's my favorite deep-sea divers

Yeah, we found a bomb Jonathan was sitting on it. Oh, this is so exciting

I can't wait for you to see what I got you

There's special flippers just for dogs that can help you swim, even faster now. Those are pretty cool

Monster yeah, you sure monster. I don't want to be a shark monster pretending. We're surfers and we need you to be the shark monster

Ruff do you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday

Hope you guys find something fun to do while I'm not here

Jus here will Bob said just barely that leaves Laura really is noisy you and I are going on a mission

Bob's been to these towers for us to put stuff in

Hope whoever's fly in this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my time Oh

I was talking about that thing around your neck. It's a lay hand so is this

Probably, I hope I don't get sunburned because that hurts

And it's exactly what I need his clubs are

We need something big but flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work


Came here to get Sam for bob's toes. I chased everything that's crawling on the beach

We're both floating

Yeah, we four leggers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something replacing

I'm gonna find you

It's gonna be so happy when he sees all the Sanford's toes we should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits

I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do

Roli wait we have all this and we eat shit, but not to Bob Tito

See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a

Shark monster until I finally said okay

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day

Whoa what you to get into? Oh?

Actually that feels really good like what the beach must feel like in Hawaii

Get me out bid me dry me off

Cuteness and bark bark barks to all remember captain dog as always just a phone call away

This sounds important the Great Pyramids of Egypt have mysteriously disappeared

Oh, no the pyramids shown here before they disappeared

Those giant pyramids have just disappeared. No one has any idea how the pair of it's disappeared uh

Try to stay dry today, I'll see you when I get home from work

Well we're gonna make sure upside up smile lands there instead kiss me Rami

And I are going on a mission to find the pyramids for Bob. That's the way to like in Egypt

Welcome to sunny and dry Egypt, I guess we'll have to change that on all the posters and brochures

Whose ancient Egyptians knew how to treat a kitty right

Looks like the guys out to Oliver's body weapon ba grab my foot after I snapped my beef except. You kept going

That takes us where the pyramids used to be yes, it is all aboard you

Coming with the sissy nah you can go on without me while I'm napping here without you

We get to ride a camel cuz away we

Well she didn't do a very good job there nowhere in sight

Looks like this Big Daddy's nose fell off. Maybe you fell in

Look at these cool drawings all over the walls look at this one

Roley That's not me

If we find them first there's a one thing we can do

We still haven't found the missing pyramids to see some

Kolo you mean we came all the way up this mountain you should slide down it yep

It's a good thing I brought my bottom with me to help out not sure what that means, but thank

Fully I did it's the right shape just like those hats Bob made for us, but bigger and in Egypt

They were here all the time

Luke'll Rolly found hissy

Fizzy the triangle II things were discovered in the exact spot, they had always been in

Now I'll be able to go to Egypt someday and see the pyramids

On your part let me wish to vote take this doctor wha I'll go along with that

They're doggery knows you're looking for someone to throw that stick

I wish I had time, but I'm heading out to buy stuff for the big game. That's on TV

Who else besides is 52 who could put this machine Bob said whatever we want

Wait a minute why are you guys doing with Bob special baseball Bob special?

You and I play

Okay, Rolly Rolly know our mission is to get Bob's baseball before

That buck is on my list

Leave us alone cupcake we're on a mission yeah, I'll fetch you Bob's baseball well

I wouldn't want to get in your way, which is why I'll have Rufus get in you wait for me

Okay got some chips in my fruit smoothies for the game just need to make a quick stop

This is got to be the hardest game of fetch we have ever played

This is bad that drain could lead anywhere

If only we knew someone who knew where that drain drains out to Rolly we do

Okay, so if we follow this drain through this pipe up back and around

That baseball you're looking for should be coming out right about

Hello, baseball fans and welcome to teddy peppercorn Dayne and now let's give a big welcome to our special guest Teddy



Hey there well looks like you've been having fun with that fetch machine

Is that my special baseball I can see why you'd want to play with that it's so Rolly

Well I guess I never turned this thing all the way around before to see that it was there

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