what's going on YouTube happy holidays we're going through the gentleman's box
for December I'm pretty excited hotter months always like these packages during
the holiday months still has that holiday theme of a box but let's get
right into it $25 a month Santos five will save you five dollars off if you
haven't already tried gift ideas right here dad's boyfriends husbands uncles
any man you know this is a great box because $25 you know a nice gift for
under you know thirty to fifty dollars you're looking at gentleman's box
getting some good quality stuff in here so let's just get right into this
package let's open it up and see where we I'm hoping that since it's Christmas
you know the Christmas months that we get a little extra
we're already get enough value but maybe maybe we'll get a little bit extra so
let's get right into it every month you're looking at a theme as you already
know if you seen any of my other videos if not you have a theme for every month
alright how to be a true gentleman look good feel good be good like that I like
that this one is the eccentric inventor so in here is gonna be themes
I mean items based upon that theme and in this magazine I've mentioned it
before I call this the instruction guide to all the items in the box it tells you
how to wear them be colors to where they put all the items together to you know
to help you out so I'm already looking at this stuff you know it has some of
the social media things on here and it also has the price values and I mean
things like recipes and just like a little a quote little magazine it even
has something about the Toys for Tots like it's it it's a cool it's a cool
little magazine that they put unlike any other box this is one of my favorite
men's boxes and they definitely go above and beyond because you're also getting I
think a year's worth of GQ magazine when you're when you're subscribe so I get GQ
magazine in the mail and all that is for 25 dollars a month but let's get into
this box I'll refer to this you guys can know the different you know
the different one of my charms name I'll refer to this for the different prices
of all the items first thing we have here is a coupon for 50% off of carved
so it's different cases different wooden products it's looking like different
wooden products so this readies a coupon from card which is cool alright so look
at that inventor they have that that's the whole
look on the front I think right the pipe you got an inventor and right here we
have a pretty cool looking tie bar so this is from soul tie it is like a pipe
I think it's pretty cool is I don't have anything like it this isn't an everyday
piece but this is definitely a once in a while extra flashy extra fun type of
type of outfit so that is pretty cool and I'm sure I'm against the price of
that is gonna be around 20 all right 15 alright next product we have is an Allen
young tide I like the way it feels the colors like a grey with a brown polka
dot let's see what the price value of this tie is in the magazine we're
looking at $29 tie it shows you like I said complimentary colors all the
different ways to wear it and this is by Alan Young the next product we have is
ozone socks I will tell you off the fact these are they feel good
ozone design we got 76 percent cotton 23 percent nylon 1% spandex just a stripe a
grain of brown stripe matching with their tie so these items look like
they're gonna go together and these socks are by than $18 most socks are
around I always say to 12 to 14 dollar mark so these are actually priced a
little bit higher let's see what else we
have perfect perfect so it is by at least
where I'm located on the East Coast it is freezing so we have a scarf we have a
nice scarf and I can see the brand is G ot n which is gentleman of the north
actually - take this out because it looks like I
could just throw this thing on I can't even hear me it looks like I can just
throw this thing all right now so a nice scarf is this blue and this scarf is
valued had $35 they also have a coupon in here for any other products you know
if you there's a code that you could put in and go on the gentleman on the
North's website and get a coupon so nice this is a nice little scarf right here
where you guys think I like it I like it what are we looking at here what's the
material of this and probably some acrylic and polyester so a nice little
couple of strings falling off over here huh alright so a nice little love scarf
I mean I can't complain I like it it's cold outside there's stuff I make you
warm it looks good a little accessory you know you can accessorize with
different outfits so that is $35 and then we have one more item
the last item we're looking at some earbuds I'll write some ace of spades
earbuds now not sure the quality of them I'm actually gonna open them up right
now they're ace of spades earbuds and the retail value is $65 um that's pretty
good I mean that's not that's not Beats or Bose or anything but this is not no
you know corner store writing you know ten dollar headphones
overall this box has a lot of value obviously because these headphones are
$65 so $35 scarves $65 earbuds you also have the tie bar the tie in the sock so
that's one two three four five items in this box well over the price of the back
of the box so you can probably go get this boxes and this will be a great gift
because headphones alone I mean the scarf could tie a lot of good items in
this month's box so this is December the eccentric inventor see if I can get
eccentric inventor I'm loaded with stuff I mean this is a great gift idea
so Santos five will save you five dollars but this is a great gift idea
guys happy holidays man everybody have to go on
certains is too small my this has been the brand
and your brother's lies and already
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