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Puppy Dog Pals Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 148 - Blue Pig - Duration: 18:02.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Smells like sidewalk yep
I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold
But all of those tickets have been sold to well
That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one
Not even one seat
That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob can have a seat at the theater. Just like you wanted
So I guess we'll have to take Bob see to the theater with his E
Still on it come on sleeping hissy you comin on a mission, too
Which was a theater from here. It's probably this way unless it's that way
Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm
Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the fellow stuffing Factory
Then let's get five seats straight through it
To get to that theater here you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill
Okay the trucks all loaded
Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did the theater were there doing that boy?
Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?
This is what the people who play get ready to go out
Ah, please the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck. We need it thrown or we can't do the play
Citizens and don't sylvania before I sit on my
Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree
And as you take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob
Do you think you'll be coming back no we want a mission yeah should have guessed mission
Yeah clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater
Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?
Okay hold on just let me check my mail, and then the three of us can play together
What's this
Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of
As Queen of Dog Sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go
Thanks for letting us watch the show from here
I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too
Like monster to see yeah, you sure monster
I don't want to be a shark monster move for tending more sir first, and we need you to be the shark monster
Ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday
Hope you guys find something fun to do well. I'm not here
Did you hear what Bob said just barely that live floor really is noisy you and I are going on a mission
Take some dog biscuits with us for the airplane good thing Bobby's been to these towers for us to put stuff in
We're on our way to Hawaii I
Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my tongue. Oh Frank
Was talking about that thing around your neck. It's all a hand sores this oh boy
I hope I don't get sunburned because that hurt
And it's exactly what I need these crabs are
We need something big that flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work
Sam for bob's toes I changed everything that's crawling on the beach
We're both floating
Yeah, we four leggers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy
You two doggies won the surfing contest first place
Toes we should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits. I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do
Oh wait we have all the
There were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up from my nap
Or beg me to be a shark monster until I finally said okay
I've been looking forward to seeing you all day
Whoa, would you two get into?
Actually, it feels really good like what the beach must feel like in Hawaii
How was your flight a little bumpy and landing how
I wish I could be with you so I invented this to do the kinds of things I do if I was here
hi bingo, hi Roley I
call him ARF, which stands for auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all I
Even programmed him to clean up any mess that you make before I get home from work
No more mad
Hmm he looks friendly
Wanna meet ARF maybe later, I'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean, which means
Make a bet yeah make a mess so I'm gonna have fun
Cleaning it up. Wait a minute you want us to mess this place up
I can hardly see the floor oh
Wow if Bob came home from work and saw a mess like this
Bob also programmed ARF to beg, I don't think we have another listeners
Yeah, I either need a longer leg or shorter neck
Because Bob only program are to clean up after bingo and Roley not to clean up after busy and Harv
So I guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
poppy dogs died
It's not gonna be fun Roley it's going to be work
Just gotta wash these towels and our job is done. We're gonna do all their washing
Quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine?
Like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine huh, I guess my new invention really worked, huh?
Hey there pup stars I see you started breakfast, it's time for my breakfast -
Can't wait to make myself a couple of pieces of French stuff. Well that ruins this morning I
Love to imagine
Bingo Roli
I want Bob being a bob then we've got a fun what he needs to make
Okay our mission is to bring home the best time french toast making bread for Bob
Wish there was a French merry-go-round there so I can ride an up-and-down horsey
Hmm. I'm not sure what we're supposed to start looking for what we're supposed to be looking for
What's on the brain I am making more as quickly as I can
Are you puppies looking for French bread like everyone else
Cooling outside, but it's gone are there any clues about who might have taken it
I did see some tiny footprints leading away from where the bread used to be
None of those big feet would have left tiny footprints
Let's go
We've got you now you tiny footed bread takers
Please if they'll take any blood then. Why were you running away because we will be in chased by two Skelly looking dogs
That's another clue. Do you know what it means?
Yes, I know what the world clue means that's one of the first things they teach us at detective school
They're also wet
Another clue said anything about webbed feet that's because we didn't take anything then why are you learning away?
Because two scary looking dogs were chasing us oh
You if only there were glues I could actually follow
Did you hear that what we breadcrumbs, so there's one thing we have to do
The racism
Racism racism, I'm gonna get you gonna get you the races you're gonna capture the races
sneaky little bread hider
Still don't know who's been hiding it. Maybe she asked those pigeons were hiding it here hoping
They would feed us bad seed instead. Well. Why don't you snot eat the bread?
They were feeding you yeah, then people will feed your bird seat like you want yeah, that is one or really good
I don't know why everyone competing bread to these pigeons they like our Birds eat a whole lot more
Which means there's more bread for my Tumtum?
French toast you're scary bear face is even better than roly's this is my normal face. Oh
Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 189 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 17:32.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps Lucy Kemp channel!
Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 65 - Red Cat - Duration: 17:48.Thank you so much for watching!
Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 144 - Green Monkey - Duration: 16:10.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE My Video! Thank you very much!
I feel sorry for you princess my us
I used to hike to these mountains rooked Oh looks like he's having a bad day then
let's not make it worse okay hey how about we go through the waterfall this
oh yeah no one beats me in a funny face war no day into the stream carries the
red hot anger away stay home
oh sorry my sister built this new kind of chair but it's a little squeaky and
go on won by a majority of the entire Grand Council okay he means we have to
vote on what to do oh and I say we throw them on stir out about well since I'm on
Fuego only rumbles when sure oka is angry has anybody asked him why he's so
upset Tim there is no talking to a monster but
it only has a little squeak why not try and fix it exactly
I would never throw something up before trying to fix it first so why should we
throw out Taraka before trying to fix that problem
hmm I see no harm in trying unless a roast sir but if you want to give it a
try go for it it's a friendly visit Gabe not an invasion but your grandfather
said it was too dangerous to go there alone
he's booby-trapped the perimeter callback folder Gabe it's just a hole it
could be a booby trap disguised as a whole you can put that away
hello anybody home
signora I thought you were a chair so I look like a chair to you no no no let's
start over I'm princess I told you kids to stay
away okay okay
I had it all under control obviously we should throw him out of the kingdom
before someone else gets hurt I don't think he'd hurt anyone how do you know I
just have a feeling Elena feelings are important I understand how
you feel Alena but nobody attacks my familia and gets away with it
Charaka has to go you didn't even look at it I'm sorry it's just not a good
rate but where did you get that from one of my friends they're getting them from
the Mongol not the one with the angry rock monster that's the one nice knowing
the scholar can I have your nest when you're gone oh sorry princess I wish I
could help okay let's go thanks Elena I'm sorry I
voted against you it's okay Naomi I get it you had to do
what you thought was right that even if we don't always agree and as your friend
there is no way I am letting you go alone
Luna say what ah last thing I'm gonna do is go anywhere near you keep talking and
only one will come out
I've got more monster rocks things you do did he say you could take them he
didn't say we couldn't and he's a monster
well just because he's different doesn't make him a monster stay calm stay cool
Chaka he named his rocks that's what most people don't treat me with that
kind of respect well they should when people look at me all day see is a
monster but just because I made a run doesn't mean I don't have feelings so
you're not a bad guy after all you just have serious anger management
issues yes but I'm working on that you know breathing exercises I'm
gardening honest ain't meditating trying to help oh he's getting angry
I'll see if you princess
it's okay guys it's gonna be okay sorry they just make me so
this day's carving
I have an idea Your Majesty we can build a barricade to divert the lava away from
the school that should do it here it comes everybody back
my husband my friends we've got to help her oka how
feel better guys no
we can cool the lava down like I did you guys if I stay cool
uh we've still got a problem look we saved the school but the lava is
headed straight for the village we have to get more water there's no time
the law was coming everyone get back
I can stop this llama
stay cool you really did
haha there she is princess Elena disobeyed our vote and
took matters seemed to her up ah but sometimes the heart knows best Francisco
she has a point just saying I'll tell you what I Willa
next time I'll do with the council decides princess Elena I thought my only
friends in the world were my rocks but um looks like I was wrong
for a special princess rough on the outside but beautiful on the inside
just like you
can't you guess we're so excitable carissa but we all know the real reason
everybody is excited about the Peace Festival
again look at shark Rico really shot code running drills later when she's
done with us you might have to scrape us up later do it mama papa sorry I'm late
I had to take the princess to Ola ball practice Oh trophy it's a trophy right
trophy you know I actually work with the team Spiker striker is called a striker
run the bakery we've already been through this Papa
card now not a fake the name of this bakery is Nunez and son I'm noona your
nerves we lost the best player how could he do
this to me Leyla Rico's one with a sprained ankle
oh he'll be fine in a week but will endure he want to let you know I'm back
lieutenant how would you like to be on the Royal all of all team I'm in that's
my boy defending a valeurs glory well that's reflexes this one's called
the Roberto roundhouse
Teressa and our daughter Katharina Queen Theresa
and it's a pleasure to meet you Katerina you can call me cat everyone does oh you
have a day knees let the Peace Festival begin
wait were scape rare now let's race um
sorry I was already let's say that even to brilliant
Wow Gabe is terrible I'm still awful then why did you join the team look my
dad only cares about two things in this world baking and oh the ball and I'm no
Baker so
thank you for giving me a chance but I don't want to drag down the team I'm
afraid I must withdraw yes I mean you and that makes it important to me so
you'll see on the team if the coach still wants me abuela
the one-eyed Lotus looks like the ropes unwind from some kind of wouldn't almost
I'm getting really good at almost gone gay I've seen my dad do these moves a
zillion times those are your dad's moves they look
better when he doesn't huh well maybe you have to do take what you're good at
and use it to play your own way you're trying so hard to prove
I can barely control the ball how Michael some makeup move
you're a great real garden here comes the princess protect the princess Gabe
hit my old moves by own groove make my own name buy my own gaming
we should call that last move the two men it is the moment we've all been
waiting for the Peace Festival
very own
actually I've been practicing some new moves da you could do those later first
to the Roundhouse now go out there and win that trophy
what's sweet either wanna go discover a new species of lizard I've got a better
Gabe I don't remember practicing that move I know
let's just keep playing katisa
do the rundown
let's go back down already but we just got here okay let's go down
your way you're a royal guard remember now play like one
he's burned again hello to cabeza three
battle blast time's running out we have to control this tip-off so get the last
I already have a job being a rule guard so quit aye aye aye
papa when I try to play like you I was terrible I only got better when I
started playing like a royal guard you love baking and old ball and that's
hang on girls
all right you ready to do the dance of the voladores no it's okay I've got you
did you see I saw Oh Katarina ISA I'm sorry abuela you were
meant to be a royal guard I'm sorry it took me so long but now I see it
I see
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 694 - Duration: 16:15.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Lord of the rink
I'm not getting the hang of the flips or spins
James we told you this size of rink is for ice dancing class
Sorry you go hey
I never lose Derek
Hey Sofia this is our side of the Ring
Hey hey, I'll find a new place for the ice-dancing class you can have the ice for the rest of the day
I'll take the boys for a run work today win tomorrow. I always say
You'd probably just fall flat on your face
Not a chance. I'm the best skater on the hockey team then it'll be easy for you, okay fine
Oh, try it miss flora, can you give you go?
It's a triple fireball flip I've never seen a student do that Hugo is incredible?
But I loved it so much I did it anyway
So you'll be the only boy in the club if you really like ice dancing why not take the leap
And your knees won't stop shaking you can't find your breath
And take a leap
Oh boy you gotta take
Hugo miss Flores said to meet at the pond for ice dancing class today
Your Jess it meets at the same time right? I didn't think about that I
Know I'll tell him I got sick, but you're not sick. Oh. Yeah watch this. Hey guys I
Don't get it where are we supposed to skate right?
See me skating with all you girls, yes next Friday at 3:00. Oh good
It's the same time as hockey practice so the guys won't see me for the recital
That's pretty good, but why stop after one spit?
Can't believe it. I thought I never did that move thank you no prob Hugo dad. What are you doing out here?
Alright, see what you're up to jam
Playing ice hockey. I was showing Sophia some hockey moves
What are you doing with ice we only do rugged sports like flying Derby shove ball and ice hockey
How about I go get a pair of skates, and we all play a little hockey right now um
Sophia and I whoa that was a close call
Maybe you should just tell him that you really like ice dancing. No way you heard him. He said the boys in our family
Don't ice damn dad
Why are you here? I found a way we can have more father-son time
I asked her Henley if I could be the assistant hockey coach, and he said yes, I'll be right there dad. Don't worry
I'm gonna do both, but the classes meet at the same time. I'll just run back and forth
I don't think that's going to work. You haven't seen how fast I run
Sorry about that. I'll get it
How are you gonna find the puck in all that snow? Oh, you're right. It could take me a while
Especially if you keep talking okay?
We're going to begin with the Stargazer spin go right into the world round off
Then do a fireball flip if I can figure out how to do it then why don't you start practicing?
I'm never going to get the hang of that fireball flip let's do another move instead
Uh, uh, I'm not letting you give up try it again, but staying or tuck is second longer. I'll do it with you come on
Please I should keep working on my fireball clip. It's getting better, but try starting your flip sooner like this
Why would I be doing that huh somehow these enchanted skates got mixed up with mine
And then I got lost and thought the palm was the ice rink and did I mention I bumped my head I?
Just like ice dancing more. Go ahead make fun of me, okay
I'll go first hold on Derrick. I think it's great Hugo's ice dancing you do me too, huh?
Thanks guys, but listen. I can't let my dad find out well
You tell me I have to miss practice because I'm not feeling well. We'll tell him Hugo good luck
Oh, no way Sophia. You don't know my dad. He'll never be okay with it come on. Let's working around offs
I'm glad to see you're feeling better. We need you at the rink come on champ
Okay, dad Hugo. Tell him tell me what champ oh?
There you are Sofia where's Hugo he's not coming miss flora. He's playing a hockey
Why oh? Oh did I know you'll do just fine
Now let's warm up before our audience arrives just
Right Sofia what is it Hugo? He wouldn't give up on me, so I'm not going to give up on him
First princess Maya and Princess amber
This is ice hockey not
Dancing stop everyone's staring at you. I don't care. I love ice dancing
I'm not going to let anyone stop me from doing what I love
I like it more than hockey this can't Pete the men and our family. Don't ice dance
They do now there's an ice dancing recital, and I'm going
Oh good and Prince Hugo
Let's do an extra fireball flip a quick triple you can do it
Great job to go you to Sofia oh
That's what I thought until I saw how much fun you were having and how great you are at it come here champ
I'm proud of you. Thanks dad
Excuse me miss flora. I'm glad you got me to try ice dancing
And I'm glad you're still doing it my royal round-offs needs some work. Haha. They sure do
Princess Jing
Class I have an announcement
Today is are you telling me one of my friends from my old school is coming here for the whole day
Sophia can you believe one as much?
Enjoy your classes this morning Jade, then we'll all go to done. There's so much to show you
And that's our enchanted art room and this is the hull of Royals check this out Sophia
Hey, I miss going to school with you Jade
I wish you could come to where you'll prep with me every day wouldn't that be great me
princess it says
Frederica assembly, I I think I had a great great aunt Fredrika
I'll bet you aren't related to this princess I
Can't wait to tell everyone. Oh wait
By the way, which royal do you think went to the Dunwiddie school today?
I don't know, but I'll bet they're having just as much fun as we are
It's school swapped a cloud
Visited Dunwoody village their slice it right here amber. I will be your guide so if you need help just ask Oh
Collections don't you have rocks at Royal prep. Oh. Yes. I have rubies and diamonds and sapphires
These are a little different. We are going to learn rocks that act like magnets are called no stones now
Let's see how fast you can find your lodestone. How about you amber?
Okay, miss can do
Welcome to all our dear friends from Royal prep, and thank you dear friends at Dunwiddie for hosting lunch
Swap day greater than great
I learned how to turn a lime into an emerald and we raced in the flying Derby and
We made this gammon with a magic paper. I'm starting to think you're afraid afraid oh
When I see something I think I'll actually enjoy. I'll try it for example
I'll now try some of that Jade is related to real tea that means she can be a student up right you'll prep full time
No way, that's amazing
We're gonna make an announcement soon
Then you probably don't want to eat with us huh not when you can sit with your new classmates oh
I don't know, but I'm going to miss seeing all of them every day to
Know maybe leaving here to go to Royal prep is a big mistake
dear Dunwiddie I
sure, don't want to part but I
Know if I stay
Ruby I need your help
What's wrong? I don't think I want to go to Royal prep
Are you kidding you weren't magic and we're jewels is to just tell Sophia, but she's really excited about me going to her school
I'm afraid. I'll hurt her feelings. She's your friend she'll understand, but and now that we're going school together
We'll have even more heart-to-heart talks, so what's the matter Wow I um?
I'm really thirsty
But that's why the idea. I just had is so perfect
I know we decided to announce the news at lunch, but now I think we should wait yes
And tell everyone anything to make you feel a little at RPA. What are best friends for?
What can I say you can say yes?
Architecture Oh
Yesterday you all designed a clan dasyam today. You're going to fold it oh
I'll just watch nope this time you have to join us it's our last class of the day oh
You know I would but I never learned to build stuff at Royal prep, so
So I concurrency 28 different ways. I don't know anything about rocks or blowing glass but
What if I'm no good at it? What if I make a mistake and everyone laughs at me or?
What if you're great at it? What if maybe you even enjoy it?
We keep an extra dress here for emergencies just like this
Sing and sung and also a short presentation from each of our two schools swap ease
But before we begin, please
Take a moment to talk to someone you do
What did they tell you at that school? They taught me this?
How are you doing that without a wound I can do a lot more than that you seem distracted, are you still nervous
No, no, there's a stream back there it reminds me of the stream, but this isn't easy for me, but
What's that just something? I thought you'd like
My own tiara, it's just like the one I wear at my first ball deed you're going out there a village birth
But you're coming back a princess
Miss flora may I make an announcement why wasn't I notified without further ado may I?
Huh, where is she I knew there couldn't be a princess I've never heard of you haven't seen anything yet
Where could she be wait I know
Can't tell you your feelings will get hurt Hey, they won't okay?
Sorry, but I don't want to go to Royal. Oh I
didn't think of that I
Know I shouldn't have told you Jade. Wait a minute. Okay, I am
Disappointed, but I got used to it
I just don't think I could get used to being apart from all my other friends now
I understand you don't have to go to Royal prep if you don't want to
the Baker is a stone the more magnetic it is what a metal bowl a
little surfing tray
Hey Sophie's back
So where is this new princess? I'm sorry everyone but
There is no new princess Jade is the new princess oh I feel faint
The truth is I want to go to Dunwiddie because that's where my friends are most of them
Is that okay? I'm sorry Jade
She designed this whole school many years ago
That's why we keep her painting in the Hall of Royals to honor her
You know Jade what and we're really happy to have you back it
Dunwoody, Oh still a little dizzy you'll be okay amber
We just need to get you back into a royal gown two friends are the best
The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell
Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 303 - Rico Media - Duration: 18:36.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
The person and waffle
Tire captain Sandoval embodies a valeurs best values courage selflessness and honor
So we looked
You go blue good job on this salsa. Oh excuse me
The first two candidates to complete the course will face off again tomorrow to decide who will be the new captain of the guard
Anything to add captain
- I can't believe it
I'll be rooting for you as your friend as crown princess and may the best guard we did it
the captain of the Royal Guard has always been from a distinguished military family like me and
Never the son of a baker like you
regimental sergeant major Ilario Bigelow Bose
Gave what did your father pass down to you um a spatula? Oh?
Show us what you can do with it bake. Good boy. I will
regimental sergeant major boy
That that sounded snap you're in my head. Yes by my incredible
Fighting skills with this sword I am unstoppable
Is that clear perfectly clear all right then thanks Gabe
Smart move you don't need a good sword to the limo. I just hope I have what it takes
Thanks, but it won't be easy it feels like my whole life a much greater destiny
I tried my best then I worked real hard the captain of the girl
What if I borrow the sword just for the competition then I'll bring it right to the museum no harm in that, right
The captain of the guard casting up
That's more like every great soldier
Is no, no call me good have to sell to buy it
That's it ha ha ha ha Schuster sucks
That's where the help game what you made it to the next mountain
Well because the competition isn't over lieutenant Nunez
Of course I understand so now I will go clerk that is definitely not how a captain of the Royal Guard acts I
Need to talk to him
El Guapo so that's why I said all those terrible things I gotta get rid of this or
Yes of course right after I run a quick errand
I'm glad that's over. I feel like me again
You don't say that's why I kept insisting you not open it which I didn't open it even a little bit
The sword once belonged to a vein a great Jim the curse be broken well
If it can't nobody's figured out how that's why I wanted it sealed up in a special glass case in the museum
Aha so then I picked up the sword and became the most amazing warrior who ever lived because the sword is cursed and changed my
Personality who weren't better one help
Please try to forget. I even came to you mind your own business Guapo. Um can you two take it outside?
I need to concentrate. We'll be at I mean I will never drink that. Oh, yes, I will
Now remember if this potion works you can't pick up that sword again or the curse will repeat the choice is yours
Special delivery to Baker boy never compete on an empty stomach
Gabe finally I've been looking all over for you
The captain of my father's Royal Guard used to say the Royal Guard is a brotherhood and whenever one guard Falls
Another must pitched. Well you may want to try harder I
Look you have to understand why I haven't been acting like myself lately speak for yourself
But it's enchanted now. I'm cursed with the spirit of the general who wounded
the incomparable general Guapo
A sword doesn't make the soldier the soldier makes the sword hmm, you're right
What kind of nonsense is that?
No, no I won't let you do it
El Guapo I hear you're a great swordsman the best that ever lived you can cut that cretin huh of course
Quick freaking now, thanks Elena
Hmm.well is a spell broken. Yep. It's just me in here. Then we better hurry the competition's about to start
Captain's on the line. I hope your replacement shows the same honor and integrity that you do you're going to trip me like last time
What sad it was an accident?
You okay
We're crossing that finish line together
With an amazing display of camaraderie, but since you both crossed the finish line at the same time
Captain Sandoval, and I must discuss which way because that's the kind of man. He is a man of honor
And it would be our honor to serve under him
What do you think captain
Okay, then babe, I mean lieutenant Nunez, I present you with your captain's sword
This was not cursed Mateo tricked. Oh good boy and banana stuff
That's okay, because my first act as captain is to tell you to clean up those up there now that's lieutenant Villalobos
No, seriously clean it up
Gabe I'm really proud of you, thank you for reminding me that the sword doesn't make the soldier
Special gift that day a magical amulet. They said would always protect me from harm. I didn't think I'd ever need it
But one fateful day an evil power, huh?
But he needed time to cast it so I decided to face shiriki on my own
Eureka tried to strike me down
41 years but one
Magical day I was freed from the amulet
It was finally my time to take back my kingdom I was gonna be the new ruler
So as it turns out my adventure wasn't over
It was just beginning
First day of
The flesh strike a pose
Hey, let's go see if princess Elaine is a great idea ah
sorry if they woke you up princess woke me up I
Barely, slept last night I mean
How are you supposed to sleep the night before you become queen so when do you get to ground yeah? Oh No? Yeah? No yep?
But yeah um I couldn't see spirit animals unless now that you mention it you were trapped in there for a long time
Maybe when you got go to the amulet you took some of its magic with you, so I'm gonna be late for breakfast
That spirit was go on you. Don't want to get called out
Is about well since I'm getting a crown today, I wanted to get you something -
Yeah, you can use it to design all your inventions
The food is getting cold abuela. Oh, we can wait a little longer still
You're not becoming queen tonight, I was looking through the kingdoms, bylaws last night and discovered that you are too young to become queen
Too young I was trapped in it who must approve all your major decisions. I have to get permission to rule
Not exactly it is like having a group of advisors who can help grant counseling services
That's a kind offer Esteban, but I don't think I need a Grand Council
I'm ready to roll now
There are once was a king who had lost his new crown of he frantically searched for need all over town
How will I show them I can be as good a leader as you
The city of course
Today, I will meet I will take care of everything then what are we waiting for?
Good luck me huh, I'll be back in time for the ball. Let's go I
Am lieutenant Gabriel new news, but you and call me Gabe, okay game
this way Elena
What can I do for you this fine day
Actually, I came here to see what I can do for you
Is there anything you need to make the port run better anything? I need she should know what's going on. It's the third ship
That's been stolen today three ships and one day
We better start looking for them right away. I'll leave the search your help is not needed
Elena you said you wanted to meet with the leaders of the city and Dona Paloma is the most important leader of them all
We cannot keep her waiting
Sure uh Gabe could you stay with Isabel it would be my honor Thank You Esteban
This is so not how I wanted my first day to go
There's more, but we can discuss it tonight at the ball another ship was stolen
And your sister was on it Isabelle they took Isabelle
Is everything okay princess no my sister was taken no Isabelle
Just what I thought the kingdom was getting sick on one of those things hello
We are Jack wins national symbols you may have seen us on the flag
You're the only one who knows what the ship looks like you'll be fine
They were these weird purplish creatures and one of them was breathing huge gusts of wind
So they were magical looked like it you have any idea what they are no
But the wizard in training since when since always
I just had to keep it a secret before my grandfather Alec kisara wrote a book about all the magical creatures in the kingdom when
He was the Royal wizard they can transform into dogs and have the power to turn objects into gold wish I had that power
Look here it says the na blends live deep in the jungle and never stray far from home. I'm your wizard
I'm sorry, so
Not good, what's the turning down a side River the more twists and turns we make the harder it'll be for anyone to find us
There's something in the water, how dare they did your beautiful kingdom, it's a page from Isabelle's journal. She must be leaving us a trail
You've been waiting all day to say that haven't you man
You can't leave this vessel at once I will not let my novel ins be captured again again
I'm not going anywhere. It's my job to protect you and it's my job
Well I was trying to prove that I'm ready to rule now, and how's that working out for you not so well hmm
Did you ever stop and think why the knobblies?
But are you ready to learn cuz that's all that matters, just take your time, and you'll do great
And Princess Elena I am chiku leader of the novel ins chiku
I should have asked before but why are you taking our ships?
We are just trying to get home, but then one day the bars of our prison vanished
We were free but we were so far from home in a strange city
I have a royal decree to make chiku you can borrow our ships to take you home as long
as we get them back after
Thank you your majesty
And what was I supposed to do she just took off on the Jack win look it's a little
Princess Elena Castillo Flores do you swear to protect and defend the kingdom of avalor?
So with that in mind I am ready to appoint my grand council
Luisa my grandmother because you always find a way to look on them I could use your common sense and resolve on my Council
I'm on the grand council I
Am on the grand council. That's mine. I owe me and finally
my grandfather
Francisco the wisest person I know
Today you acted like a true queen
Is it supposed to do this it's never drilled like that before
Bad for your first day, but are you ready for day two?
Are you oh this is gonna be?
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 149 - Pink Pig - Duration: 17:43.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Right now our bingo and Roli playing with his we're trying
But his he doesn't want to play how about this lights activated?
Playing all I just don't play as much as I used you know
Hey, everybody. I found this lost kitten hiding in the bushes
I'd be so sad if what have you ever got lost so I'm sure this kittens owner is really worried, too
I'll make some calls at work today and trying to find her home
She's probably too young to know how to talk
Whiskers Micucci tail or Dino rocket blaster
Our visa snuggler and a cuddler Bob said he doesn't know where snowflakes homies and that her
Oh that must be sad that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where none of those things
Will be back as fast as we can okay
Just hurry. Please bye snowflake. Thanks, sissy
Oops punk snowflake. Oh right sorry
Do you have a plan how we're gonna find snowflake home sure do
Missy said she played a lot as a kid
So we need to think of things kittens like to play with and then go to the places at the right place
I'll check in here
No cat beds lots of yarn no oops
That's a little big for you
How did you even do that fine, I'll get you out just
hold still yes, this ting look easy are
Snow yes, oh yes marmots to play why you are playful
Well it looks like you have giddy sitting under wait till Blake
Wants to buttocks button is stuck cause any more trouble we're going outside will clean up inside
There wasn't anyone for a kid to play with in the park, so he had those two must be roller
She's looking for a lost kitty he did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives
So he can take her
Keep it down
But this is really high up
Also, I'm not sure how to get us both down oh
Don't worry earth can help
Well we're both trapped in a tree so things could be better we can help
Absolutely not. Don't worry
Doesn't really make me feel hmm better
It's okay just water Hey exactly its water
Snowflake get into the yard
No, we know where she lives
Come on kitty. Let's get you home. Oh, thank you
I looked everywhere for you
Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess tracing lights or get trapped in a tree
But if you do, I'll be around to help you out
It really is a good toy, Issy, oh, I know not that I play with it or anything
Kitty it's a leopard they're big cats with spots on their fur well. I can't wait to finish this puzzle
Oh, it's gonna be a beauty
Now well I'll see you pups when I get home
our feels bad for ruining your puzzle box
And I feel bad the bomber said Oh sir leopards live on the other side of the world in
Grasslands and forests we have a new mission find a leopard for Bob so we can finish this puzzle. I must warn you places
Like you should help us to see your only. Hope I
Don't know pretty, please please please. Okay, since you said oh, please oh, please oh, please
Wow this place is huge, huh hot?
Why do I bother I never loved will jet leaves very interesting
Roley this is the giraffe your acquaintance so you're not a leopard you're a giraffe
Yup since there is not luck word. I'm gonna plan that trillium
See if I can get a better view to search one we just got here and already you're a mess. Thank you
That's the way I like it
Sis you're not a leopard we need to get back to our leopard finding mission for MA. Oh oh
Look her there. It looks like a watering hole
If I were a leopard I would go there to bury the giraffe yeah, enjoy your tree leaves
Now - how do you get any of your missions done
Excuse me have you by any chance seen a leopard around here?
You know the times you find on the jigsaw is a pretty hard to find
If you wanna find the leopard just follow
Him in the bushes
Twig snap
Just try it we need to be quiet, just try it
We need to be quiet
Hmm, this is definitely leopard hair yep
Hey, my favorite cat toy. How did that get here?
I forgot I brought in case I felt the urge to play was it well
I know someone who has the urge to play with it. I don't even know why I just do
This does make a pretty funny noise right oh, oh if you squeeze it down lower. It sounds the upper
Please call me Titus whoa mr. Titus
Who are the mission to bring a leopard back to our owner Bob's house so we can look at it and finish the puzzle
Don't need me you've got your own little leopard right here look at his fur
It's so stained video come on guys. We gotta get back home so bots and finishes buzz Oh
Would you mind if I get your squeaky good of course not and thank you for helping us out on our mission
That Bob's newspaper where's my newspaper hmm?
I wanted to read today's news even chewed on my favorite captain dog action figure
I don't know what I'm gonna do with you yet chewy little chore
Well Jason could have been taken anywhere oh
That's a double big old shame. I hope somebody finds that thing the Mona Lisa is one of my favorite paintings
The Great Wall of China which many consider to be the greatest wall in the world
extends for thousands of miles through the countryside Bob said the Mona Lisa
Which was China going right what we need to do
By yourselves just like grown-ups, huh, let me know if you need any pillows I can bring you a couple of softies
We won't be needing pillows because we brought some ourselves
This wall is the perfect place to hang out painting of Bob's friend Mona yeah, I'll find it here for sure
Boy I didn't realize nope
And not there either anyone seen a picture of a lady anyone
Sweet huh I ended up in China
Really yeah, really really long, but we gotta keep up around oh, I love little braids
Do you have to like I said before a dog's how to chew
But we're on a mission to find that painting of Bob's friend Mona, so I need you to not shoot
I can't shoot that I mean
Do that good then let's sing anywhere me neither. Let's top off there and take a look you
See anything nope
And how
So we find that painting
How am I to thing that helped us find that painting so you can chew on whatever you want
The art community is overjoyed today with the news that the Mona Lisa has been recovered in China
Guys did you hear the news they found the Mona Lisa
Who stole that painting took it all the way to the Great Wall of China
But now it's back where it should be. Thanks to whoever was that found it there a
Picture of us it probably looked great
Bob's probably the best puzzle Porter together when I know I wish I knew how he does it Oh
Bob uses the picture on the puzzle box to help show him how to put it together, that's a strange-looking spotty kitty no
Time for work, I was really looking forward to framing this puzzle on hanging it up in my kitchen
I don't know what I'm gonna do now. Well. I'll see you pups when I get home so
All we need to do is find them a new Leopard easy
What our luck worthless? Oh?
leopards live on the other side of the world in grasslands and forests
And I do like to be alone and hide in high places and your cat like you should
Help us to see your only hope
I don't know look this has a mission college soon
Wow this place is huge huh and hot really hot?
very interesting
Rolly this is a giraffe not a leopard oh
You startled me howdy down there puppies. I'm Barry I
Can't move oh my you're stuck to the SAP. What's up, not much? What's tap with you?
Yeah, we need your Jeff skills to help with spot attack whoa, okay, don't yeah? Oh?
Look who are there it looks like a watering hole
Why of course you're sitting in one of his paw prints
Boy, is that a paw print indeed it is
Leopards are quite big cats. Do you know where the leopard is now? Oh my god Lippert?
Just try it then we try to talk with him, I'm just gonna have a little snack along the way
Hey my favorite cat toy, how did that get here?
I forgot I brought and kiss I feel the urge to close it. I is Ray. Oh, Oh these squeeze it down lower
It sounds even funnier
We really need a leopard right Rolly Rolly
You don't need me Oh
Would you mind if I maybe
Get your squeaky clean of course not and thank you for helping us out on our mission
But thank goodness you did because you look just like a little spotted leopard
Well now that I'm done. I better give you two of that. I'll go get the water started
Oh, I know Bob Davis house, but so she left her tour with Titus. Maybe we can share it
I don't know guys. I'm doing just
Let's Bob, gonna though. Let's took already. Yeah. What's your waiting for he's never going to throw the stick guys
Why else would you wave it around while she's getting ready to throw it Bob's using the stick to pretend like he's an orchestra conductor
Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 450 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 15:55.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Kiara Alice Channel
Hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew
Happy book day how much longer can I look okay?
Happy birthday to
Look Jake and his pirates a wasting perfectly good treasure by giving it to that squawky
Favor faced with betrayal mr.. Smee and
birthday presents
arms ratio
Hereby declare today to be happy hook day. Let us celebrate this glorious occasion with a party mr.. Smee. Oh
Will you help us get skully's presents back
Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons whenever we solve a pirate
Yoho, let's go
Welcome to my happy hook day
Sharky bones
Front and sweaty boys today's use your Happy Hooker presents captain
Would you get would you get let's see it's hard to pick which present to open
Running away with schoolies present the step lively boys
Will continue all birdbath Bluff nests straight on to shipwreck Rock
Yoho, let's go
I don't want to get bumped by a giant acorn
Hmm, maybe we can use a giant mushroom
We got through big tree forests, and we got two gold doubloons, let's grab them and go
Lasso knowing and more gold going mister, please
I've got an idea
We can hop over the geysers when the water stop ready one
So far so good now. Let's go. They'll never find us up here on shipwreck. Oh
Coconuts, we'll never reach him in time
Let me try I can fly out there
But you can't handle hook on your own ah but Scully you whoa this one of this one perhaps oh
This one. Holy those is funny-looking bird
Shit, this is disappear
Presents for you personally it's my birthday birthday
Thanks for helping us get skully's presents back mateys now, let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest
One two three, Oh hey Scully it's time token your friends finally I
Drew it myself
Crackers, it's crackers my favorite. Thanks me hearties
this is the best birthday birthday ever oh I
Don't have a single happy hook day present you see there captain. I've got just the thing
Mr.. Smee, I love it
Basketballs away
I missed again I
Know it'll help I'll sprinkle a pinch of Pixies for me timbers. I made a basket ah
Coconuts, what did I do now?
Nothing, cubby. It was me Bom the better you'll get in making baskets
Mr.. Smith keep a sharp lookout for it this round bouncy thing looks like something fun. It looks like
And now I have it
The round bouncy thing oh dear the basketball, it's washed up
Great remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons
Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear
Then we'll collect them and put them on Oskie ball is somewhere out there
Help us. Look for it when you spot it shout. Thar she blows
Thar she blows
Let's all point to the right and say Bucky turn right ready Bucky turn, right?
Got two gold doubloons, let's grab them and go
Again now what are we gonna do?
The round bouncy thing is mine again and this time
I shall never ever never ever let it leave
Oops on it now
There's only one way to get it back a play me and my crew in a thong
The winner of the game gets to keep the round bouncy thing
Captain Hook you're on
Go for it cubby
You made it Yoho way to go, but where'd the ball go?
When he ate too busy dropping a ball
And barnacles
Skits excellent teamwork mateys
Yoho way to go the basketball most hours again and
Game er DS the best now let's put those come on count with us
Practice really does help. Thanks for all your help today me I can get out of this all by myself
Well I only made a basket
Hi mateys do you want to join my pirate crew one more time
You're the best Joey know what about a game of hide-and-seek
You're on buddy my won't
boys find me a bird I
Told Aussie
If only we could find you a friend like Jake's mates cunt. That's it bring me
And that's
Toys cool the Jolly Roger hey, I've been hooked remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons
Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear then we'll collect them and put them in her Yoho. Let's go
And blindly assault into ever banana Grove we go
Once we lose them
Hey, that gives me an idea of how to slow hook down. Hi you monkey
Nope nothing down there. How about this pattern?
between now captain does it matter
Whichever way you go hook
We shall go this way
But you to sweep the sand and wipe away all footprints as we go these guys are good
What now my friends can follow my tail feathers shake a tail feather?
Without a trail of footprints to follow it's gonna be kind of hard to figure that out
To rescue scope
Welcome aboard and join our merry crew
Will a blasted bird join me, or you'll never see your friends again too late for that Captain Hook
Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island
Just one more thing before we go
Ladies thanks for rescuing me hey. We'll always be here for you Scully come on count with us
Hey Scully Polly want a cracker or should I say me want a cracker
Sky-bird Island is falling
You see for centuries the trees magic has kept our island floating without its sky-bird island
Our home will be destroyed unless we can stop hook. Don't worry. I know just who to call
Hurry skully will you help us save sky-bird Island?
Awesome remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons
Yo, ho mateys
They'll be treasure an event
Captain Hook, please don't take the leaves of our golden tree without them. We shall crash into the never sea
We think sky-bird Island Lily is starting to fall
We're on it princess Yoho. Let's go lucky
Now that we know where hook is hiding let's all fan away the clouds Ready Set
Let's grab them and go after him
Let's give hook a bath, that'll stop his whirly hook, but where are we gonna get water?
Come on. Everybody. Let's all turn the wheel when I say turn
We've been saved it's a miracle it is Oh
Leaves belong to the golden tree
Good thinking Bucky let's go
It's magic keeps our island floating over the see all
Of sky-bird island, thanks you
We were glad to help all hail jake and the neverland pirates
Now let's put our gold doubloons into the team treasure chest
One two three four five
It says greetings from princess winger. Thank you once again for all your help
Can you talk like a pirate says you says I I can I been talking this way since me birthday began
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 195 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:37.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Holiday in enchancia
Come on clover, it's my first was fairly on the castle, and I don't want to miss a second event
We'll be if I get that unicorn I've been asked, but here in the castle we do things differently let's show her
What's a
Where's dad he had to go out for Masseria. He said it was urgent Royal business, but don't worry
He'll be back in time for the party oh
Just as long as he's back
I'm sorry princess Sofia Oh
YUM, oh you're too nice to me hold it you're being way too nice to me what's going on what's the catch?
Thank you kind woman this is your urgent royal business, I wanted to get two children a few
Where where are the horses they ran off your majesty
Do you have any horses we could borrow
I only have one horse sire, and he's yours if you wanted
But he's too old and slow to reach the castle before the blizzard hits hmm
How much time do we have it'll be on Stu dangerous to ride through a blizzard, please?
Right lead the way
Constable miles, thank you for coming so quickly your highness
If the king should have been back hours ago
Why don't we all go we can take the flying sleigh and surprise the king it'll be fun
All right Wallis harness up the sleigh should have been home by now I
Hope he's okay
Your majesty
Mind your manners and happy wassailia to you too, and thank you for taking us in oh please you
It's going to be a cold night. Well at least the children will be safe and warm in the castle I
Knew there was a catch oh
How is one hor it's going to carry all of us minimus can do it, I'm
Not so sure about that. You'll be fine. It's really cold out here. If Sofia's dad's in trouble
I want to be there to get him out
Come on
Good bunny up
Don't see anything I don't either
There's the road the Kings should be on we need to turn around your highness we can't go back until we find dad
Something happened to him just a few more minutes constable. We must get you back to the castle. I'll go out and find him myself
What about dad
We'll find him after the storm clears Wallace white the lanterns
Constable, let's take out some extra blankets for the children right away your majesty
Minimus I know mom said dad will be okay, but we can't just sit here all night. We have to do something
Princess Aurora have you come to help us Oh Sofia times and so can you?
Robin Mia, what are you doing out here?
You can't help me find my dad
Hey seek out the other animals in the woods and tell them to spread the word the king is missing
If we can get all the creatures know, okay, okay?
Good luck we'll find him Sofia
Thank You Princess Aurora, yes what it's almost time to light the wassailia candle
This is the first time I've spent the holiday without Amber and Jane, I guess we shouldn't have come out here
Sofia Sofia I
Know you wish we could be with dad
I do too, and we will we'll all be together soon, but not now not tonight can it be?
It would be my pleasure
By the light of this candle we wish good tidings upon all enchancia
Mber Sophia James, I don't understand
Read how did you find me now? This is what the holidays are all about?
Loved ones and new friends having a great time
Yeah, no fear what are you doing? I already got what I wanted
Here this is for you happy with Syria
Now present the royal family from the kingdom of Khaldoun
Just so you know the tri-kingdom picnic is no ordinary picnic I'm starting to see that
Hi Sofia are you ready for the picnic games? I don't know I've never played them before you'll love them princess mine
I always have so much fun here catch
Every year, it's a tradition that our children play picnic games with neighborly spirit
They take the field Oh probably just tell them okay look at this wow it is amazing
It's the golden chalice all the kids at the picnic play a bunch of games and the kingdom that wins the most games
If we were thinking Sofia since you're like flowing Derby so much, maybe you'd like the picnic games, too
They sound really fun so
Guess you'll need some twirling lessons too. Oh
So much to learn
And I'm collied good to meet you young Majesties
Here are your horseshoes for the flying horseshoe toss why is it called the flying horseshoe toss?
Good try Jim
Someone tell my horseshoe it's not time for lunch
Well because the horseshoe will fly up on its own
Look at it go nice toss Sofia and Chauncey is gonna win the chalice this year?
All right we heard you come on Sofia. Let's go in the next game
What's with JP? Is there going to be a prize for our games Roland?
No, Queen Anya. It's just for fun. So what are we playing first musical Thrones?
Are you alright Emperor Quon yes first we glue on the jewels okay jab dad snap Jill Jill Jill
Hmm damn jewel jewel damn Joe the glue
On your mark get set
Sophia this is a race. There's no time to talk okay
But it's cloudy and my shoelaces were untied well, you should have tied them before the race then James well
I didn't it's not fair. We should do the race so now. It's time to add the glitter
I'm sure it is Queen Anya
But I'd rather watch maybe Emperor Quon doesn't want to play because he thinks he's too clumsy to have a good time well
It doesn't matter how well you play?
Cuz I'm a little rusty
Roley what are you doing? I think Emperor Quon should see that we can still have a good time oh?
whoops oh
We're not very good, but it sure is a fun game. You should give it a try in for a quant good
If it lands on your side the other team scores ready
Another point for in Chelsea
First your brother was a sore winner then a sore loser now. He's a sore winner again
You've got just us two if you want the chalice so badly James you can have it we quit
Sorry Sofia gin Sofia come back
You paints light soft strokes like so hmm now you try. What are you doing?
Here are the games over already I remember them taking forever
Everyone quit because James was being a poor sport
Hmm, it's hard to believe we're twins would and now
She's fabulous. Thank you. That's a good idea, but how can I show him we're not playing the games anymore, huh?
I'm such a good sister
Sofia what are you doing here? I want to show you something what just come with me
Okay, all right dad didn't knock over any pins, but look at him
Better luck next time. I hope Emperor Quon. You're up next see that's having fun
Rollie Kwan's having a good time now. You don't have to keep playing badly on purpose. I'm not playing badly on purpose
Oh, I'm really sorry you should be James
I was really looking forward to the games, so was I and we didn't even get to play in China Disqus
That's my favorite thinking
There's still plenty of time to play the rest of the games if we wanted to we can pick up where we left off with
enchanted discus I
Don't know James never catches the discus wins
But if the discus touches you and you don't catch it
Then you're out
Wei Ling wins great play guys way to go
Good job collie. Thanks a lot. That's our final game now
It's time to announce the winner of the golden chalice. I want to thank all the royalty y'all excuse me your highness
I believe the children would like to hear who won the golden chalice. Oh, yes of course now
I've added up all the scores and the winner of this year's golden ship
Thanks James yeah, thanks a lot two four six eight we appreciate
Who knows maybe next year we'll win the golden chalice teammates teammates
Dinotrux The Return Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Ewan Gray - Duration: 16:20.
Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 452 - Maya Graham - Duration: 17:31.♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Maya Graham Channel
I'll say the sharam have ever told you that square Dancing's my
Toby's Rob Peck that's what makes square dancing so much fun
My pleasure uncle, bun
There's always a way to turn a pesky problem into a super
Solution cuz if I practice day at night when the party starts, I'll do a right
Howdy fellas, how's it going? How about that?
Thanks, Siri
Sure knew just what to do and now our friends can see you Oh?
Fatal stain make lemonade why Sheriff that's just what I'll do
Everything's being set up fun so bow to your partner tip your hat Oh
Whiskers it's stuck. Don't you worry don't you me?
Have some look tell me okay Sparky use all your horsepower and pull
How about a tub of butternut. I'm not sure hope so or I won't be doing much twirling tonight
Okay fellas give it a poem I reckon
What you gonna do?
It won't come off, so what's your plan?
Tuffy this is a serious said you let's go give it a try, okay?
It's no use I can't dance with this on my foot
Mothers will face fair to the best of things all day
We know this can stop gold real dad, but can't you so now make it right
I'd like to fellas, but I don't see what
That was some fan tour. You just did it look like there wasn't a mess you
sweet sassafras
Maybe you can tell us. I just got me an idea
Now I'm gonna need your help and a lot of cans
Great job fellas now. Let's get hopping. It's tough, but that poor deer can't dance with that tail on her foot
Well howdy folks come on everyone, let's dance the cowgirl twirl
Or was I loved Wireless lemonade who wants a lemonade?
At least there's no sign of them folks we took these wagons from so far
But we'd best get to deadweed county where there ain't no Sheriff
Sorry Toby can't on account of I'm in charge well sheriff County's busy on official sheriff business you mean while she's drunk. I'll
Close up the wagons real tight so folks Cates
See what we stole is this my sad made-up story about a helpless old lady
with too sweet
Sweet buttermilk you folks apart. Have you come far
I would want to bore you with our increases our crops died and I fell down
So we set out in search of a better life
Indeed wheat County?
There we are
penniless and lost without a Hall of ever making it to
deadweed county
Are you sure you want to go there? Ma'am it's clear across the desert, and there's no sheriff around for miles
We know, but it's where this poor old widow and her little boy sure could use some adventure
oh, you're so nice and
Present boys, what do you say wins de Conde?
We'll make it on our goal. I won't hear of it bandits are robbing folks out on the Prairie
And you'll need protected helping you folks is the rap thing to do deadweed then stitcher its Taylor stop
I raised you boys ride
Smart Prairie schooners Fink the humdinger of a chuck wagon illa
All right wagons ho
We've been welcomed four days three buzzards stole our wagons, holy jalapeno
How much farther to deadweed Sheriff Oh
Something wrong I'm pretty sure these wagons don't belong to mom and her boys
What makes you think that I found this world? Oh? We're trapped in a busted wagon. What are we gonna do?
Time to chase some silly pony
Sob story like a silly pool you were just trying to do the right thing and help folks in need Ella
But how are we gonna get out of here? I?
I think oh that ridin around in a big circle took her tongue out Peck
But we got a say sheriff Callie and Ella from the bandits
Sure, wish I had a real East Prairie schooner into a desert sailboat
Well you did it Sheriff we're sailing home not yet to stop us
You wagon stealing buzzards are under arrest
Don't know about you folks when I think I've had enough excitement for a spell
You boys ready for your first cattle drive you're done guten what's gonna
Be real cowboys right pit and the other two will round up the cows on the other end
Can I go what patch he's my partner my partner
Hmm, I reckon that'll be alright. Yeah. We sure would won't drive cattle and duck
We wasn't able to see you ready to head out partner ready partner
I'm a cattle driving cowboy, and I'm good
That should be shiny yeah
Coming along soon we'll meet him at the top likely plans
Better taken fast Shelby, it's gettin black
Yeah, Jer Callie told us to stay on trail
Toby it's a shortcut meaning it'll be a lot faster. It's our only chance to get there on time
Guess we'll have to go around her yeah
Yes, maybe that wasn't the best idea I know
These flowers sure look tasty you can do it
There's nothing to hang on to
He didn't hear us something's wrong two Cowboys
Wait a kitty lick in seconds
Dónde own house Sheriff gonna find us now
Already did sheriff Callie
Good bossy
Come on Clementine Jim
Why to see you you're right welcome, but don't y'all end up way down there in the first place
It was those uncooperative coyotes and through I reckon y'all done learned your lesson about following directions
Figure it's time to retire old Mickey on account of a brother got a whole lot of shoveling to get done. Oh
Good news fellas you boys find gold not yet, but I reckon we will soon and we best get back to it
Come on big brother. There's to be done
There you go little brother a nice bucket of dirt to pour into our brand-new Monica
It already caught up a little
Why are his clothes all don't you remember dusty they were locked when a first bulletin. Oh, yeah
Stranger hey, it's me dirty
Dan handsome gentleman would take it I
Got me and a new nickname why this is fate news I can see the headline dirty turns party I
Better start digging without me brother. I might be a spell
Folks do make a fuss over the silliest things now pull up a rock and have some nice hot sauce
Hmm it. Does smell taste better. I
Well, I kind of like being clean, and how it feels I have folks that can still have fun together
Priscilla's invited me to a tea party and her little cookies are right yummy if and you gobble down enough of them
Clean up and come
So happy for us and
And I know how
This will make them remember all the filthy fun haze missing
That should do it mr.. Dillo, Toby on the milkshake oh?
Yeah, it's my automatic clean, man
There you go, Toby
Sounds like you really miss him huh huh the sound of one shovel digging is just so
Lonely there's got to be a better way to do Shirley do Sheriff but I'm gonna need a lot more Towson dirt
Reckon, I better help those brothers patch things up and fast
I'm gonna get me so much dirt the next time. I can't miss him
With the so kalkan course I mean it you're the best
Wait up big brother oh, he'll feel
Real birdie. There's a time to be clean and a time to be dirty
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 64 - Jade Lane - Duration: 18:56.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
Except I won't be able to see it
well that calls for
I need to come up with a new invent. I'm gonna miss it
Well, I'll see you guys after I invent something is it's too bad, you can't just see the parade from the house, holy
That's a great idea
You're gonna have to tell me what that great idea is so let's go
Wanna come with us you see we're gonna go find some noise and music and marching Bob. No, thanks my calendar is pretty full
We need to find something that marches and bring it to bop something that marches something that my shoes all right children line up
Could all of you maybe follow us back to our house
Come on children back in line
So we'll have to find something else that Bob likes about a parade you take that to him instead
Something that makes neither music or noise and I know where to find both
That one drums are super noisy except. I don't know I get noise to come out of one
Doesn't I think it makes me noise at all. What's this thing do
Sure come back tomorrow, I'm closing early to see the parade
Okay, what's something? We can bring Bob that marches it makes noise because that's what he likes about a parade
All that quack quack quack King makes it hard to do anything
These ducks could be your what for a bull
Bob's house
Watch me my wine. You can see you played today with you aren't we able punch
That'd be perfect feed
And best of all you have to go right in front of Bob's house to get this which means he can see you much. Oh
You got yourselves a deal. You show us the park and we'll be your parade you and I know how to make music yes
Let's make some I know
It's still in the crosswalk I need to make sure the cock
Get to the pet store asked kg the guinea pig which way to the park
you'll mark right past our sugar played right store exactly the same as your collar and
The whole thing has the same colors as you and me
We can see everything from up here that Park you're looking for is straight down there
There's a goes the one way well this pledge is gonna go the other
This looks like a nice place to watch the parade
Sure is we'll get to see the whole thing from here started with a shiny red firetruck
Which means they'll be going right past Bob stop into the direction of the parade yeah
Know you guys would love the doggy scuba gear I made wait only one box well
I had ordered to let me see if I can oh, it says it got lost at sea lost at sea
This box is useless without the second, box. I really hope they find it
Yes, but with our special scuba dog in here we can search the sea and find it
Sounds like we have our mission
Except we don't know we're going do we the delivery woman said the Box fell off the boat near the Great Barrier Reef
There are also beautiful green islands that boats sail past every day so the message box for Bob could be in a call race
We need a boat which we can find at the harbour
Now we just need a boat to get us to
Is it this Barrier Reef great freak? It looks like the ocean is having a party down there. Oh boy?
those must be dogfish fishies
Now remember sea pup Roley we're looking for a box with a paw print inside a bubble one bubble boxful got it
If you tell me some of the things you see around you then on all bottom getting close, okay, I'm in a
Beautiful orange coral cave I see the same, baby. I found you I found you
Did you see any boxes no me neither the delivery woman said it fell off a boat
Yeah, but it's under the water there was a box in it though
Maybe it's Bob's box. If you want to look just go straight down you can't miss it. Yeah. I'm right behind you bingo
Look hey you don't think this was a pirate ship do you I do now?
Maybe remember we're looking for a box with paw prints inside a bubble yeah
Well we searched this whole thing and didn't find the missing box for Bob
I know the only box around here is this one wait me neither, but I've said there were thousands of sea creatures around here
Maybe one of them saw the Box fall off the boat and let's go find a sea creature
Bingo are you swimming I thought I was are you I think so well then why are we moving anyway?
Sand on top of the water Roley, that's a beautiful green island
What are you doing here we're looking for a box, that's all all four well, then you've come to the right spot
What does the box look like well it looks like Bob's box. It's boxy and
Look it's a paw print instead of bubble. This is Bob's lost box. We found this what about that box?
This is a nice one
There that wants to see in this pause there was to see the ocean
It's my favorite deep-sea divers
Yeah, we've found a bomb Jonathan was sitting on it. Oh, this is so exciting
I can't wait for you to to see what I got you
There's special flippers just for dogs that can help you swim, even faster
Now those are pretty cool. Oh oh
This is Kitty
Sorry, but I'm right in the middle of an important map right now our bingo and Roli playing with Missy
We're trying but his he doesn't want to play
I'm not a baby kitten anymore. I still like to play at all. I just don't play as much as I used to yeah, so
The kid is gonna stay right here until we can find where she lives
Wait what now and you can play with my kitty? Will I'm done?
Is he talking about me? She's probably too young to know how to talk?
Whiskers Mik twitchy tail or Dino rocket blast that's perfect she loves it and she loves you
Okay, snowflake and then her all that must be said that she's lost and she's too young to tell us where she lives but baby
kittens like to run and jump and play and I
Want to do none of those things?
We'll be back
Do you have a plan for how we're gonna find snowflakes Holmes sure do Missy says she played a lot as a kid
And I think I know where to look first
Kids love playing with yarn. Maybe snowflake lives here. Let's see if we can find any cat stuff around
Oops I'll get those
That's a little big for you Darrin that much
We tried looking for something of kitten would play with but this place clearly isn't her own
Let's look for something once you play with maybe her home would be with them
Snowflake made hits. He jump I
Don't scare me like that. Why don't you go play with our for something? Yes? Oh yes, I love to play oh
why and if I fall asleep now I can still
Wants to buttocks button is stuck
Alright, so we haven't gotten any closer to finding your hold
Maybe we should find the lost cat on that poster and pastor she knows with snowflake lives
She did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives, so he can take
Oh time for a nap
Wait don't go. There's no place
You're okay, kiddo it's not like I mind being high up, but this is really high up
also, I'm not sure how to get us both down I
Can't hear me over his cleaning music. I can't wait to tell Hesse that we found snowflakes. Hold you did
We can help you. I'm gonna jump it
Not if we use my puppy parachute
It's okay just water water oh
Thank you, I looked everywhere for you my sweet snowflake. I knew your name was snowflake
Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess chasing lights or get trapped in a tree
But if you do
Sorry is she we know you don't want to play with us actually
Tossing around some yarn sounds like a pretty good time
Is huge you know
Cloud that's just Rolly
Know whatever you do don't
Why is very stick in my bed, it's a present for you, it's the first EP ever collected. Oh
Once again, I have saved Bart spill from the world's worst
Bad dog can anybody help this year. Oh
Sounds like that flower outside has a cost to
Rolling you don't have a Beaver's boat that beaver dam for captain dog you mean that thing you made if sticks that kept the captain
dog headquarters from floating away
Beavers amend beavers right so our mission is to find a beaver to teach us so we can protect the doghouse for blah
You betcha I'm a beaver and my name is busy. I fell trees so fast. It'll make you dizzy
That was amazing I'm great at splitting runs and chewing trees
I'll build a beaver any chance you can teach us we know you're really busy and all wait
I may be busy, but the beaver Creed is always that to help a friend in need so I've been working around the clock
This isn't just a stick collection party buddy. Why don't you guys knock down the treat? Well I got these knobs and things?
You know beavers have those big teeth yeah
We have to maybe if we can chew down a tree like busy I love Trudeau sticks
Me too how else can we knock down a tree?
Have a nice flight yeah, but we couldn't shoot down a tree after all no worries
The water is still leaking through right there see
Then we'll help you find a stick that's perfect
All dry thanks our
Yeah we
After it stops raining, what do you say we curl up on the couch and watch some captain dog?
Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 15 - Red Apply - Duration: 19:39.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Perhaps the pig cat is not
Understandings when you chew on my nostrils it tickles, and I mess up my dancing so away from the me
Mm-hmm safe place safe play whoo the metal safety capsule
Big cat, you must be staying out here in the low, hallways to wear those clothes the mode date is day be closed
You too late sing me
He goes every which way
Don't you touch that we promise not to touch a we got to get some outfits to match you shake his booty
Oh, yes, I did seeing the pig cat I put him in the metal safety capsule outside
So he could not say pull my nostrils wait. What see out there
Oh, oh, so that is where the trash goes where have you been putting it? Oh?
That's not a missing poster, that's a picture of you leaning against a hydrant. Yes, I knows if pig cat sees it
He will surely come home because he must
Here you are going now, we can be having many cats let us take them home right away
You joking right tip I am most definitely serious. We should be taking one of these cats
Things that could be happening to pig right now
That's an actual pig
Oh, you know we're looking for our cat right with the title of our pet being pig is this not an improvement
Oh because it's not our pet if you're a member of the family friend princess
What would I ever do without you
And I know that you do y'all should talk him to my partner
Oh, you can quit staring my beauty is out of controls. I know it oh
I gotta take this thing down
I found this little piece of water in a metal safety capsule, and you are wishing it was yours
But he is Apple trip, whatever his name is to my party. I got bounces for him
You ain't getting this I'll get into them
I said I am sorry what more do I need to do Oh?
zero risen
Pig I never should have treated you like garbage come back home. I am
Now that's gross
Hey got it good for you now you get out. I am so happy. You are home big cats
Big house giving me a gift that's not a gift
Tonight's gonna be so great mom will be home late, so I figured some scary movie. Oh
Do not be misgendering crunkle remember
There are seven booth genders boy girl boy girl girl boy boy boy boy boy
I remember him from the time. He saved your species
For oh you did it she said yes, I
Have to get ready to leaves you and go on a date
I don't think this girl is not the one you are just not understanding because she is very old fashioned
That is why she only speaks boov, and why I am wearing a date Bell sweaty
Yes, crunkle will ring the bell again, Daniel
And the most important part of the date begins what's that? I will know broccolis
Tim are you okay? Oh like this girl, and she's awful and mean, but he's crazy about her
And they're going on a date, and he hears funcles stupid farm where she grows a stupid pain
And it's all over sweaty, okay close
Dinner is crunkle allows me to make a toast
Excusing me one more ring from that horrible booth, and we'll lose Oh forever we end this now
Tim my mom, what are you doing here uh?
I don't know. What are you doing here? I am leaving crunkle up. Oh, no what have we done what have you done?
We didn't want you to leave us forever, so we lured quickl away into the woods you would do this on purpose
Mom please no one's gonna find anybody
And you like
What so what's gonna happen to crumpled, Shh?
By the naughty puppy candles agree
What no this stuff is garbage we just came here to laugh at it ironic
Manos Jun come on start garbage. Oh don't do it
My mom can taste it all
This was being the most exquisite gustatory experience of real my mom would be getting monetary values from her hard-working x'
You're right. We've gotta do something, but we got to be secretive about this oh
What I gave away free t-shirts made with excess strips of fabric lying around
There was a lot of confusion isn't swoop. Don't worry about what's different. Just we call them sense not flavors, honey
If you break this way oh
Honestly don't know with my mouth. You can't eat that in here. Oh, but the flavors are so tempted hey TIFF
How's everything going over there? So really great? Just dry it up sell it oh?
Here you going
Anyway being my fifth sponge bath today
Darkness needs your space
Gonna get a free tape for all that problem, please be having to seat
Dad you I don't want to know anyway, baby, this is the best we're gonna do this we gotta get organized
Really flying off the shelves I could really use some help no bag, please I'm having sit for here
They keep saying that what on earth whoo am I right?
Oh - it is being very full in the dining area
He must be confusing us with
Here's the table flour things
So going this three from way to lower after friend
Wait a minute not this time what's going on back here mom no
that's not why I do this I
Thinking on a different demographic
Humans were saying my mom's art was creepy and assault to the eyes
Infuriating to look at an abomination like walking into it passed down from generation to generation through long and ugly
Inheritance feuds. I just wanted someone to appreciate my stuff as
Alright you could taste the brains in this dreamcatcher
And what can I get for you - booth today? I'll have a googly boy with unicorn sparkle even
One googly boy with
Uh-huh hit a litter
Yes, that is so gross no you do not get it it is
Okay, here's what we gotta. Do we'll just go to moco get some more cake
They got kitty litter and boos land oh, yeah, we do the
Sawdust quiche and of course my favorite then follow paniolo
We're not getting more litter just so you can eat it
Smack disgraced former leader smack high looking for litter. Yeah, let me just check and see how much
Yeah, well you are one so
Oh, you ain't got a crime before you baby boom
Wait that is the camper oh, that's eyepatch, dude, where is that big?
That's me pork and there be pause it's important to be boards
Look at all those cats there must be litter in there look. There is eyepatch guy
About this
Who's Kyle I'm Leticia focus Oh, maybe get some winter keep that bartender busy
Nope light bulbs strawberry no crab eyelash wonton. Nope Eagle taco not banana diaper. Yep
really one banana diaper coming up wait I
knew there was something wrong with you guys don't get the number one boss I
Knew you come looking for litter what's your problem? Oh took from me the very thing I loved most
We're taking this litter and we're going home. Oh
Check it out, that's right Oh
What it's just litter buddy you can't love you back
That's the kid Billy it means I love you what my mom kisses what?
It is all my fault
I ate all the kitty litter and now you won't give me any more kisses
And guess what I love you anyway
Love you no matter what weird stuff you do
Would my mom love me if I do that No
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 293 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 17:30.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
And wait to see what prison said to brings in the morning merry Christmas to all and to my pets a good night
I think it fell out in that bumpy snowstorm outside
Bob's present is lost
Yes, and each present is just as special as the person who snacks later good idea Roley
Santa lead the way to your slick
Deck the halls' it's going to be hard to find bob's present business
Okay Bob's present is wrapped in red paper has a green bow on top and smells like candy cane
Santa well hello, Daisy - and Duke Merry Christmas
We'd love to share our Christmas treats with you tonight
Thank you Merry Christmas two on and two on a good bite I
Haven't seen Bob's present, but I did see a red. I put him up to bring some Christmas spirit to the junkyard, but they're broken
If you need some Christmas more than just colorful lights decorations
The storm is picking up again. We still got Bob's present to Frankie
According to Bulworth it should have landed somewhere around there
Merry Christmas
Cupcake your losses you must be confused because I was playing out here when I saw that present fall out of the sky for me
Hello cupcake hello Rufus
What's wrong you may not have been the nicest dog all year
but I know who you are deep down and you my sweet cupcake are a
Good tool now if we can't get my slave free. No one else will get their presents this year
Bob's present is fine
Well that was some Christmas Eve
I was exhausted as an exhausted puppy me too Christmas brother Merry Christmas brother
That's Christmas
Smoke opal a present for me. It's exactly what I wanted who smells like candy canes
Hey guys, let's take a picture of us with our Christmas present Merry Christmas
What are you singing about those float is like doing that collars were great next time we're at the beach
Can't wait to tell you all about it when I get back where it's a little more quiet
What am I supposed to be listening to some more singing back to me
And then things got really peaceful
Which I liked the singer showman kind of sad do we go find out?
What does your stand about so we can help them go on that's not so full of dog singing. I'm a
robot song
What did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell I guess for me to look around toys figure it out
Well here's a chance to see in front of an audience, I'm never gonna pass that up
Okay, Roley why should we look next? I don't know I haven't heard that singer singing for a pretty long time
Out here looking out bingo and Roley leave us alone cupcake want a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard singing
Have you been singing to me, yeah, I was the one singing
Whales right
After I swam and swam, I looked around for my family
But I couldn't find that so we're gonna have to figure out how to get you from here to there
And if we're gonna help, you well get anywhere. We should probably swim like a while while we're doing it
What are you two doggies doing going splashy splashy flashy like a whale?
Roly and bingo you to be the motors, and I'll be the captain
Let's try to make this voyage little less spinny
Wow I
Didn't come in this way
And I don't know how I'm gonna get out this way either
Because I haven't learned how to jump out of the water yet. That was something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip
Okay, let's make this happen. I know it's a little scary trying something
Can get you up there quick
Like you flew but without any wings let get you a little Wow
How did you where the big ocean is?
Bingo get back for sure
Like seeing those two being so happy yeah watching whales is fun, and here's a picture
I took of two whales jumping out of the water
You know next time I go whale watching I should take you guys with me
Like monster to see yeah, you sure monster
I don't want to be a shark monster will pretend ignore surfers, and we need you to be the shark monster
Ruff - you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday
Hope you guys find something fun to do while I'm not here
Did you hear what Bob said just barely that before really is noisy you and I are going on a mission
Bob's been to these towers for us to put stuff in
Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my Tom, Oh Frank
Was talking about that thing around your neck. It's all a hand sorceress. Oh boy
I hope I don't get sunburn cause that hurt
And it's exactly what I mean these crabs are
We need something big it flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work
Sam for Bob's toes I changed everything that's crawling on the beach
We're both floating
Yeah, we four leggers are gonna ride the next way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy
What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something to play
Gonna be so happy when he sees all the sand photos. We should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits. I put in our collars
Yeah, all we have to do
Roli wait we have all the sin we need
See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up from my nap
Or beg me to be a shark monster until I finally said okay
I've been looking forward to seeing you all day
Whoa, would you two get into Oh?
Actually that feels really good like what the beach must be like in Hawaii
Adventures and puppy-sitting
Morning sleepy snouts my friend. Just got a new puppy named, baby a
Puppy named baby. I
Told her that you two are so much fun
You'll be like the greatest puppy sitters ever yeah
I'm never going to get my naps in today you hear that Rollie Bob wants us to be the greatest puppy sitters every
Great puppy sitters like Bob's mom get full for the puppies, so let's give baby horn dish. You know help you feel at home
That'll fill it up
That's what you two goofballs used to do yeah, I love sleeping and loafie Bob's old lover shoo it was the comfiest cozy
not really
What kind of toys do little puppies like okay? First of all you're still puppies? We mean when we were little or puppies
We did that much when we were puppies you're still puppies the baby would like you to
Back on the days we did, what is it? Well you still look pretty little to me?
Still look pretty little to me
You guys have fun keeping baby company while I'm at work, okay
Yeah, we're gonna take good care of you wanna play with our toys boom
What a mess cleaning up messes makes ARFF happy
Yeah lets each baby some puppy tricks. Hey wait sit
Sit on your bottom, I throw the stick and Rolly brings it back
Never mind if we stay here baby might destroy the whole yard that I think really great
Puppy sitters would take a puppy to the dog park
The same amount of fast
You that was funsies
Over there, I wasn't really paying attention
Silly don't
Over Frank, I can't believe it because it happened
UAG yeah, but I can't see you through all the doggy slobber smeared on my window she ran off that way
That's the same direction as her house
Wonder where she's going Rolly. I think I figured it out
Thanks kg you're welcome
Taking somebody wipe off the window. I knew it she did well mr. Mouse
We're still a little bit little then get in this game there's room for two more your honor, baby
Wow the puppy really tuckered you out huh looks like you guys ended up being great puppy sinners
Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 129 - Molly King - Duration: 15:02.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You For Watching!
Uh-huh hit a litter
Yes, that is so gross no you do not get it it is whoa whoa don't cry buddy. We'll get it worked out
Okay, here's what we gotta. Do we'll just go to mope Oh get some more
They got kitty litter and boobs land oh, yeah, we do
The sawdust quiche and of course my favorite then follow Payne yo
We're not getting more litter just so you can eat it
Smack disgraced warmer later smack hi looking for litter. Yeah, let me just check and see how much
Yeah, well you are one so
For you baby boom
Wait that is the camper and that's eyepatch, dude, where is that big?
That's me pork and there be ports
It's important to be boards look at all those cats there must be litter in there look. There is eyepatch guy
Kyle I'm Leticia focus Oh
Keep that bartender busy
Nope light bulbs strawberry no crab eyelash wonton. No Eagle taco not banana diaper. Yep
Really one banana paper coming up do wait I
knew there was something wrong with you guys don't get the number one boss I
Knew you'd come looking for litter what's your problem? Oh took from me the very thing I love most
We're taking that litter and we're going home. Oh
Check it out, that's right Oh
It's just what everybody can't love you back
That's the kiss Billy it means I love
It is all my fault
I ate all the kitty litter and now you won't give me any more kisses and guess what I love you anyway
Love you no matter what weird stuff you do
Who would my mom love me if I do that No
The eyeshadow goes around the eye
that is sounding much less painful than what I tried I
Am the savior of your only child do I get the keys you're burning up with a fever like that you should be in bed
right now I
Know my body you just rest quietly while I obtaining my nursing degree online
According to my training. I am to employ wrist restraints four
Tattwas being a very good Shahrzad impression. No you are already sick
Now I know you are seeing things let me take a look I
know someone who with
We don't believe you you're just lucky. We don't call the fire department
Dinah County your pants being on the fire. What meet all the line
I don't think they even make wallets that small my instincts are never wrong
Aaron they don't believe me we're gonna believe me
Especially on you, so me like that
What you know for the cops
No tip called the police it is for you
Should really be calming down
Think I will just go ask Donnie if he did it he will say no who's tolosa nation
How well you can watch this video stream of me talking to Donnie, so you can be sure everything's is okay?
No, you can't go over there
What did you say
I said you are looking radiant today was a close one close Donnie
And I were a comfortable three feet apart. Don't go into Donnie's place. It's too dangerous
Do not worry, I will being
Okay, I am in
Nothing out of the ordinary
Unless you count this take whore
It seems to being taped to the wall the evidence must be in perfect condition
Your violin - don't let this people stop you and
Swindle various species out of money
What tip thinks you killed Shahrzad, but there was disagreement
I was behind on the cake order for one of sharzad events
I thought she would forgive me when she saw the beautiful cake I prepare for her
Not wanting to go to waste. I decide to start garbage smoothie business
To get rid of it, but to your home garbage
What about that threatening phone call you said I'd never see my chubby friend again. I meant me good job
Even Donnie the police would lock me up if they found me and that's strike three for my instincts excuse me
Tragedy victim coming through I dropped my phone throwing a hissy fit
On the garbage. I think we can all agree on that
No sponges
Hi disgraced former leader smack no. I was so sure that sponge trick would work. How was I supposed to know?
What snacks he likes what's all the beef with the little purple face?
Feel you mo Padre. I was once a glorious leader, but the art of oh
You know besito long books, so I only read the back cover big surprise it taught me to keep my friends close
But my aunt I got weak
And I failed
Of course you're an idiot and the regret haunts me every day like the collection notices on this overdue library book well
I will not fail like you
Disgraced former leader smack I was wondering if you'd like to become friends for no sneaky reason what's with it? Just you and me?
New friends spec we have so much funding to do yes. Yes, we do. What are your deepest darkest fears?
It's just my super secret diary journal nothing important forget about it. Okay. Here you are going
you are going to have to pay in advance what that's not how restaurant ah
I hate you do not talk to disgraced former leaders smack that way he may have made some terrible life choices
But he still deserves respect
Here you go
Thanking you I love Street tires. How much do you love street tires would it ruin your day if they cease to exist?
You should really eat something hey
Assistant head Ranger Julio don't be weak. You'll regret it forever
Fine letting me see
You're supposed to be my worst enemy, but you're turning into someone I might
What's wrong that I only tell my closest friends why would you say that?
Would you call me that word?
Frequencies interrupt like biological for this like my inside jelly is being trampled by a thousand clubs. Oh my
Radiation they're releasing jubilation
You are going to love this picnic
I has them with tip all the time and now you want to have one with me of course
What are you doing here what you should be doing sticking to the plan? I'm not gonna
Let a fellow Moe worker be weak like I was
I'm gonna make sure you take down that little purple gun and nothing is done
We should probably leave the park right now
Leave right now
Smack you has saved me again
You are truly a great friend
Is this your super super most talented artist there?
You are tormenting me with squirrels yes
But and Here I am in agony over smooth jazz frequencies you have perfectly cattle blood
But to my surprise I fulfilling friend with you and decided to call the whole thing off
No you have to believe me, I'm being so sorry come on
Let's forget it all happen finish our picnic oh
The pain he must be feeling quickly
That's it you won't get away with rejecting me next time. I won't just ruin your day
I'll ruin your the early evening too
Said make home miserable, not me
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