- In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
- [Congregation] Amen.
- Peace be with you.
- [Congregation] And with your spirit.
- Let us prepare to celebrate these sacred mysteries
by calling to mind our sins and failings
and trusting in the mercy and forgiveness
of our God, Father of all.
- Father of all families and peoples, Lord have mercy.
- [Congregation] Lord have mercy.
- Christ Jesus, light of God's salvation, Christ have mercy.
- [Congregation] Christ have mercy.
- Spirit that binds us in love as families and communities,
Lord have mercy.
- [Congregation] Lord have mercy.
- May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins,
and bring us to everlasting life.
- [Congregation] Amen.
♪ Let us pray ♪
♪ Oh God, who we're pleased to give us ♪
♪ The shining example of the Holy Family ♪
♪ Graciously grant that we may imitate them ♪
♪ In practicing the virtues of family life ♪
♪ And in the bonds of charity ♪
♪ So that in the joy of Your house ♪
♪ Delight one day in eternal rewards ♪
♪ To our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son ♪
♪ Who lives and reigns with you ♪
♪ In the unity of the Holy Spirit ♪
♪ One God, forever and ever ♪
♪ Amen ♪
- A reading from the book of Genesis.
The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying,
fear not Abram, I am your shield.
I will make your reward very great.
But Abram said, oh Lord God,
what good will Your gifts be if I keep on being childless
and have as my heir the steward of my house, Eliezer?
Abraham continued, see You have given me no offspring
and so one of my servants will be my heir.
Then the word of the Lord came to him.
No, that one shall not be your heir.
Your own issue shall be your heir.
The Lord took Abram outside and said,
Look up at the sky and count the stars if you can.
Just so, he added, shall your descendants be.
Abram put his faith in the Lord who credited it to him
as an act of righteousness.
The Lord took note of Sarah as He had said He would.
He did for her as He had promised.
Sarah became pregnant and bore Abraham a son in his old age
at the set time that God had stated.
Abraham gave the name Isaac to this son of his,
whom Sarah bore him.
The word of the Lord.
- [Congregation] Thanks be to God.
♪ The Lord remembers His covenant forever forever ♪
♪ The Lord remembers His covenant forever forever ♪
♪ Give thanks to the Lord, proclaim His name ♪
♪ Make known His deeds among the peoples ♪
♪ Oh sing to Him, sing his praise ♪
♪ Tell all His wonderful works ♪
♪ The Lord remembers His covenant forever forever ♪
- A reading from the Letter to the Hebrews.
Brothers and sisters,
By faith, Abraham obeyed when he was called
to go out to a place that he was to receive
as an inheritance.
He went out, not knowing where he was to go.
By faith, he received power to generate,
even though he was past the normal age
and Sarah herself was sterile.
For he thought that the one
who had made the promise was trustworthy.
So it was that there came forth from one man,
himself as good as dead,
descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky
and as countless as the sands on the seashore.
By faith, Abraham, when put to the test,
offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises
was ready to offer his only son of whom it was said,
through Isaac descendants shall bear your name.
He reasoned that God was able to raise even from the dead
and he received Isaac back as a symbol.
The word of the Lord.
- [Congregation] Thanks be to God.
- [Priest] Father, bless me.
- [Bishop] Vince, may the Lord cleanse your heart
and your lips, they may proclaim His gospel worthy and well.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
♪ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ♪
♪ Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia ♪
- A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke.
- [Congregation] Glory to you, oh Lord.
- When the days were completed for the purification,
according to the law of Moses, they took him up to Jerusalem
to present him to the Lord.
When they had filled all of the prescriptions
of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee
to their own town of Nazareth.
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom
and the favor of God was upon him.
The Gospel of the Lord.
- [Congregation] Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
- Again during this week, we wish all of you
a very pleasant and very peaceful enjoyable Christmas
with family and friends.
Certainly today, we're getting ready for New Years,
it's probably the shortest Advent that we have
in our seasons.
And so, tomorrow will be the first of January.
As we begin the celebration that takes us
to the whole idea of this time.
It really is a family time,
a time which people get together, visit,
return home many times.
And so it seems almost kind of part of the Church's message
that has some poignancy and some meaning
to celebrate the Holy Family.
When we reflect on the Holy Family,
we see in that small family
the two very, very striking characteristics
of piety and love.
Mary and Joseph saw their faith expressed
in the practice that they had in their Jewish religion.
They saw their faith as being recognized
and looking forward to a Messiah
and to a new age with the Messiah.
So therefore, their piety was built on a sense of ritual.
As we were reminded today,
they brought Jesus to the temple for presentation.
And the second reading that we offer news today,
is the finding in the temple.
So for Mary and Joseph,
it was a striking part of their lives
to recognize that they had this sense of ritual and life
in the Jewish community,
but also recognize that their son,
who had been given to them, had a very, very special
and poignant reason for being here.
And that was that he was to have a Messianic role.
And so they prepared him, educated him,
cared for him, and supported them in his youth,
in his infancy, in his adolescence,
and even in his young years as a worker, a carpenter.
And so, we see that Jesus when he began his ministry
had the authority to present and proclaim God's kingdom
because of his home life.
Mary and Joseph had a sense of love,
a deep love for one another, a respect for one another.
Mary says in her annunciation, I know not man.
And we find that Joseph respected her virginity
in that statement.
And then we find in the revelation to Joseph
of Mary's pregnancy that he took her as wife,
being respectful and loving of her
and understanding God's plan and message for him.
That love that they had for one another
was shared with Jesus, so that profoundly he was changed
in living with them.
And so we are told that he grew in wisdom, grace, and age.
Today, we ask that through the Holy Family's intercession
and through their example, that we may honor
and respect family life and have people recognize
the nobility and the goodness of their calling
as family members.
Let us now offer our prayers to God
for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
- For our church and parish community,
that Christ's peace might reign in our life together,
we pray to the Lord.
- [Congregation] Lord hear our prayer.
- For families in crisis, for families in mourning,
for families estranged and separated,
that Christ may be present to them in loving support
of neighbors and friends, we pray to the Lord.
- [Congregation] Lord hear our prayer.
- For the sick, the suffering, and the dying,
that they may know that peace and hope
of the newborn savior in our compassion and care,
we pray to the Lord.
- [Congregation] Lord hear our prayer.
- For our children and young people,
that they may learn and grow in wisdom and grace
within the glory and joy of a loving family,
we pray to the Lord.
- [Congregation] Lord hear our prayer.
- Hear the prayers of your family
gathered around your table.
As Jesus taught us to call You Father,
may we learn to respect and love one another
as brothers and sisters.
We offer these prayers to You
in the name of Your son, Jesus our Lord.
- Amen.
(gentle piano music)
- Pray my sisters and brothers
that my sacrifice and yours
may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.
- [Congregation] May the Lord accept the sacrifice
at your hands, for the praise and the glory of His name,
for our good and the good of all His Church.
- We offer you Lord, the sacrifice of conciliation,
humbly asking that through the intercession
of the Virgin Mother of God and Saint Joseph
we may establish our families firmly in Your grace
and in Your peace through Christ our Lord.
- [Congregation] Amen.
- The Lord be with you.
- [Congregation] And with your spirit.
- Lift up your hearts.
- [Congregation] We lift them up to the Lord.
- Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
- [Congregation] It is right and just.
♪ It is truly right and just ♪
♪ Our duty and our salvation ♪
♪ Always and everywhere to give You thanks ♪
♪ Lord Holy Father, Almighty and Eternal God ♪
♪ Through Christ our Lord ♪
♪ For on the feast of this awe-filled mystery ♪
♪ Though invisible in His own divine nature ♪
♪ He has appeared visile announce ♪
♪ And begotten before all ages ♪
♪ Has begun to exist in time ♪
♪ So that raising up in Himself all that was cast out ♪
♪ He might restore unity to all creation ♪
♪ And constrain humanity back to the heavenly kingdom ♪
♪ And so with angels we praise you ♪
♪ As in joyful celebration we acclaim ♪
♪ Holy holy holy Lord God of host ♪
♪ Heaven and earth are full of Your glory ♪
♪ Hosanna in the highest ♪
♪ Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord ♪
♪ Hosanna Hosanna in the highest ♪
♪ Hosanna Hosanna in the highest ♪
- You are indeed holy, oh Lord,
the fountain of all holiness.
Make holy, therefore, these gifts we pray
by sending down Your Spirit upon them like dew fall
so they may become for us the body and blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
At the time he was betrayed and entered willingly
into his Passion, he took bread
and giving thanks, broke it,
and gave it to his disciples saying,
take this all of you and eat of it
for this is my body, which will be given up for you.
In a similar way when supper was ended he took the chalice,
and once more giving thanks,
gave it to his disciples saying,
take this all of you and drink from it
for this is the chalice of my blood,
the blood of the new and eternal covenant
which will be poured out for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this in memory of me.
♪ A mystery of faith ♪
♪ We proclaim your death oh Lord ♪
♪ And profess your resurrection ♪
♪ Until you come again ♪
♪ Until you come again ♪
- Therefore as we celebrate the memorial
of his death and resurrection, we offer you Lord,
the bread of life and the chalice of salvation,
giving thanks that You have held us worthy
to be in Your presence and minister to You.
Humbly, we pray, that in partaking of the body
and blood of Christ, we may be gathered into one
by the Holy Spirit.
Remember Lord, Your Church spread throughout the world.
Bring her to the fullness of charity
with Francis our Pope, and me, your unworthy servant,
and all the clergy.
Remember our brothers and sisters who have fallen asleep
in the hope of the resurrection
and all who have died in Your mercy,
welcome them into the light of Your faith.
Have mercy on us all we pray,
that with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God
with Blessed Joseph, her spouse,
with the blessed apostles and all the saints
who have pleased You throughout the ages,
we may merit to be co-heirs to eternal life
and may praise and glorify You through Christ our Lord.
♪ Through Him and with Him and in Him ♪
♪ Oh God Almighty Father ♪
♪ In the unity of the Holy Spirit ♪
♪ All glory and honor is Yours ♪
♪ Forever and ever ♪
♪ Amen Amen Amen ♪
♪ Amen Amen Amen ♪
- At the sacred command and formed by divine teaching,
we dare to say...
- [All] Our Father who art in Heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us
and lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
- Deliver us Lord from every evil
and graciously grant peace in our days,
that by the help of Your mercy,
we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress
as we await the blessed hope
and coming of our savior, Jesus Christ.
- [Congregation] For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are Yours now and forever.
- Lord Jesus Christ, you said to your apostles,
peace I leave you, my peace I give you.
Look not on our sins but on the faith of Your Church
and graciously grant peace and unity
in accordance with Your will
to live and reign forever and ever.
- [Congregation] Amen.
- The peace of the Lord be with you always.
- [Congregation] And with your spirit.
- Let us offer peace to one another.
- Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy of us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.
- Behold, the lamb of God.
Behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the lamb.
- [Congregation] Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
♪ Wood of the cradle ♪
♪ Wood of the cross ♪
♪ Bearing a lifetime of joy and of loss ♪
♪ Who is your loved one ♪
♪ Who could he be ♪
♪ Born in a manger to die on a tree ♪
♪ This is, is Jesus the Lord ♪
♪ Here in the body and blood outpoured ♪
- Oh Lord, let us pray.
♪ Bring those you refresh with this heavenly sacrament ♪
♪ Most merciful Father to imitate constantly ♪
♪ The example of the Holy Family ♪
♪ So that after the trials of this world ♪
♪ We may share their company forever ♪
♪ Through Christ our Lord ♪
♪ Amen ♪
♪ The Lord be with you ♪
♪ And with your spirit ♪
♪ Blessed be the name of the Lord now and forever ♪
♪ Our help is in the name of the Lord ♪
♪ Who made Heaven and earth ♪
♪ And may Almighty God bless us ♪
♪ The Father ♪
♪ The Son ♪
♪ And the Holy Spirit ♪
♪ Amen ♪
♪ Go in peace and glorify the Lord by your life ♪
♪ Thanks be to God ♪
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