Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017

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Pencils check sketchbooks check protractor mobile science good morning

Hi, Ella nice eat that are you excited for your first day of school? Oh?

Yeah, I mean being Castle schooled was fun and all but

I will what is it?

Class class can I have princess Isabelle hi

You can just call me Isabelle okay, Isabelle you'll be sitting with kike and Amaro Kiki Amara hocus-pocus

Let's all vote yes. Good now before we get started safety first. Please put on your goggles

And juice from new vines can anyone tell me where these plants grow

Isabel the crystal caverns exactly oh


First using your measuring cylinder pour equal amounts of SAP and choose into a bigger

Hmm see yourselves

next stir the ingredients well then turn over your beaker and

super bouncy rubber

What's this game called feed the jack, would you get five balls every time you throw one I could make a suggestion

You have a good throwing arm, but if you change the angle of your throw you would hit your mark. What do you mean?

I'll show you

Who does mad during recess anyway, actually it's physics. Sorry smartypants

I mean

smarty gown

So do you like your teacher yes?

Um you want to tell me what happened at school today

You know before anymore bags get hurt Phil make friends soon whoo

I won't Quique doesn't like me and if TK doesn't like you none of the kids like you he's like the boss of everybody

Things will get better

Because the Isabel I know can fix anything

Thanks Elena, I know just what to do. I knew you would

Like a club takes NIT edges cliques

Why aren't you wearing your royal gown royal gowns aren't my thing anymore our thing. That's why she's acting this way

Crown Princess Elena Princess Isabel forgot her satchel oh

I'll take you to her myself

This will give me an excuse to see what's going on with Isabel me Isabel I expected more from a princess

That was so cool really I mean I don't want it are

You sure don't you need your sketchbook science kit protractor. I'm sure okay

Sorry for the interruption. It's no problem princess Elaine

I'd like to welcome you all to one of the most wondrous spots in the whole kingdom

The crystal caverns you mean princess no fun

ISA can I talk to you for a second oh okay, you know better than to be this rude, okay, okay?

the Sun crystals illuminate the caverns

But what makes them extra special is that their light has the same effect on plants as the Sun?

That's how those moon vines and elastica trees over there can

Crystals in every color of the rainbow and a few more. What do they come?

Isabelle we should head back. This doesn't look stable. It's fine


Who's next GK your it's only a couple of feet okay?

All right

But I'm gonna need my girl back, okay, we'll have to jump in and swim for it

I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused Selena

Maybe friends can be hard sometimes, but you're great


I'm sorry. It was my idea, but I'll never do it again

Me neither. I'm sure you won't and do you know why because the three of you are going?

I think I have a way to make it fun

Sure Isabelle, can you help me with my throat sure

While retreat

No, thanks that way low

You mind keeping it down. I'm trying to take a nap over here. Oh, sorry Skylar

this is my first time at kinga Isabel I

Think I'm ready, thank you

Okay, I know all the kings I've read up on their kingdoms. I have my royal gifts

It's but you have a vacation to get to come on Skylar. What about my vacation?

She'll be fine Francis school

Okay, just remember. We're doing this


Well king Joaquin of carissa I'm so glad you could join us

I am King Louis from Mars Rick, and I am King Raja of Nepal now

It's an honor to be at the end of the retreat

Last year he gave us a summer castle and the year before that we got our very own private island

I wonder what you'll give us this year wooden

Works every time he did that to all of us on our first time at the retreat the joke never gets old

Sure doesn't Roger lar feast was he calling a beast Schuyler is not a beast he's a jack one

Yeah, I know. I got a zoo full of them. No just daddy if you're gonna be a pirate Rita ladies are schools. Oh

Why would I build a school?

I graduated years ago as far as you know how about giving us a tour of the island Hector hey?

It is even more beautiful than I remember Mike hopefully nice, okay, stop worrying Francisco

Let me know oh well, I can't let such a cozy chair go to waste

Now is good

And this little look I like to copy there oh, sorry

Marzipan you sit there oh

There's my throne well, we must have forgotten to set one out for you Elena, Oh bring her another chair

Princess, but see royal gifts are not distributed until the end of the retreat. Oh, I'm sorry

I didn't know your Majesties the buffet is served

Ball that's what I thought until he gave me a private island

That's what you get when you follow King Hector's lead if you want to be in Hector's

It's gotta be this

Is the best The Perks can't be beat

You'll get what you need if you Polly

Who is up for another round of skeet shooting yes, we are I guess I am too

That come quick


Doesn't make any sense my family, and I saw a whole pod on the voyage here

But they were friendly does that look friendly to you. We should think this to Hampton also

Let me get it straight what you're saying is you don't want my new sea blast your ship

Let's start planning that attack glad you agree


Over there

See those cracks except except when when the female Mar pose it comes to shore to lay her eggs

It's actually the baby ruffles get very upset. They're separated from their mother pen after it hatched

You're gonna babies with it's night, it's happy like that one. Oh

Sir kings, it's just a baby

Oh, No did you see the margosa?

Can't you turn wait Oh

Back so soon you have to stop yet Liza pan. Do you think I'm wrong of course not Raj Nader

You've never been wrong about anything


Not yet

Maybe we should go back the other way wait

There she's trapped in those roads that would explain why the babies alone?

Okay boot I am forced to use the most powerful weapon at my disposal your claws my mouth


It's um yeah, this will make it that much easier to capture for my aquarium, so he's supported uh dragonette

What are they doing

I'm sorry princess up

Doesn't matter we're too late

I'll get us to shore I

Should have listened to you from the beginning early

Perhaps I've spent so much time following Hector's lead. I forgot that true

Leadership is about standing up for what you believe is right do after they fail. What's that try again?

I'll need your help

There Godfrey look at that whoa, I thought the sea blaster was indestructible. I have a plan

Got about the creature man patch up my ship at once

What do you think you're doing freeing them up poster get away from that crash

Em you might want to get off your ship to its sea


I'm glad we don't have to listen of one very good who would like some a valoran chocolate

I know you do well. I certainly do

Thank you

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 298 - Rico Media - Duration: 16:06.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 288 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:15.

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Adventures in puppy-sitting

Morning sleepy snouts my friend. Just got a new puppy named baby a puppy named, baby. I

Told her the you two are so much fun

You'll be like the greatest puppy sitters ever yeah

I'm never going to get my naps in today you hear that Rollie Bob wants us to be the greatest puppy sitters ever

Great puppy sitters like Bob's mom get foo for the puppies, so let's give baby their own dish

You know help you feel at home. That'll fill it up

That's what you two goofballs used to do yeah little I love sleeping in loafie Bob's old love for shoe it was the comfiest cozies

Not really

What kind of toys do little puppies like okay? First of all you're still puppies? We mean when we were littler puppies

Did that much when we were puppies you're still puppies the baby would like to do

Then you're back on the dais we did, what is it? Well you still look pretty little to me

Still look pretty little to me

You guys have fun keeping baby company while I'm at work, okay

Cleaning up messes makes ARFF happy

Yeah, let's eat, baby some puppy tricks. Hey wait sit

Sit on your bottom, I throw the stick and Roli brings it back

The holy to the dog

Can't believe it does it happened

Yeah, but I can't see you through all the doggy slobber smeared on my window she ran off that way

That's the same direction as her house

Wonder where she's going Rowley. I think I figured it out


You're welcome

Taking somebody wipe off the window

We're still a little bit little then get this game there's room for two more you're on baby

Wow, the puppy really tuckered you out huh looks like you guys ended up being great puppy sinners

Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold too well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob can have a seat at the theater. Just like you wanted

So I guess we'll have to take Bob's seat to the theater with hissy still on it come on sleeping hissy you coming on a

mission, too

Which way is that theater from here? It's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get five seats straight through it

To get to that theater you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you date these things to the theater where they're doing that play did this year to where they're doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out Bob beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck

We need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizens of don't sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree teddy

Oh, and as you take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Know what a mission ya should have guessed mission


Yeah, clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater

Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?

Hold on just let me check my mail, and then the three of us can play together

What's this

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As queen of sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too


Like master to see yeah, you sure monster, I don't want to be a shark monster

Pretending we're surfers, and we need you to be the shark monster

Ruff do you guys - I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday

Hope you guys find something fun to do while I'm not here

You hear what Bob said just barely that before really is noisy you and I are going on a mission

Into these towers for us to put stuff in


Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops cuz that hurts my tongue. Oh Frank


Was talking about that thing around your neck. It's all a hand sores this

Boy, I hope I don't get sunburned because that hurt

And it's exactly what I need these crabs are

We need something big that flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work

We need

We came here to get Sam for bob's toes I changed everything that's crawling on the beach

We're both floating

Yeah, we poor Lakers are gonna ride the negs way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

You two doggies won the surfing contest first place

Toes we should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits. I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do

Roli wait we have all this and we need to Bob Tito

See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a

Shark monster until I finally said okay

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day

Whoa, would you two get into Oh?

Actually that feels really good like what the beach must be like in Hawaii

Chrissy's big day. It was nicer Bob put this out here, so I can see the outside. Yeah

What's wrong Oh

Then this happened

Bonnie stopped running, but that was your favorite toy. We forgot to tell you

Bob put a treadmill there you can still left there if you want

Just got even more no good

You see stay calm hissy ARP, we'll have you out in a jiffy

I've got your hissy I

Hope your day ends up better than it started

Did you hear that Roley Bob one sitting to have a better day than when it started?

Today our mission is to make sure his he has the best day ever

He'd love that

down in the dumps everybody

Occasionally gets a case of the grumpies


Does sound pretty nice, and we're here. Yep. It's a place that we love them. We figured that you love it here, too

You don't love it you too

Looks like you guys want to run off and play with your friends

This seems like it might be kind of fun to crawl through

You're a friend of bingo and Roley. I'm kind of like their big sister

Maybe she went that way, so we'll go this way, but we think you'll like this place for sure

And they let people bring pets in here to pick out what they want

You want to play hide-and-seek with me and Roley, I don't know I think I've got it

Like however many minutes I spend taking a good long nap I found a good one, too

Yeah, that was pretty good. I don't know how much this bed is

Your owner is gonna be so happy to see you and take you home to the Python farming

I think maybe this he can't find us how can he?

Hear, let's go see where she is what are you doing in there thinking about life on the farm with all those Python what?

It's trial work, then I'm doing a front

Excellent view noting that the sounds of nature

Seeing the trees the flowers the hizzy stuck on the tracks

Just as they didn't end up like we wanted it to frizzy except. I mean it wasn't all bad I

Found out I could run faster than those dogs at the park

Hmm dad wake me up and when I was on the roof of that train

I felt like I was queen of the world up there

Which made me feel kind of special

You are special. Yeah, you are Kiki big sister

I see I know you had a bad morning, but this'll cheer you up I fixed your toy at work to make it

Which means there's no way you can catch it before I do


For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 288 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:15.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 447 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:08.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Maya Graham Channel


Figure it's time to retire old nicky on account of the brother got a, whole lot of shoveling to get done, oh

Good news fellas you boys find gold not yet but i reckon, we will soon, oh and we best get back to it

Come on big brother, there's to be done

There you go little brother a nice bucket of dirt to pour into our brand-new mining

It already, calling nugget careful little


- why are his clothes on

Don't you remember dusty they, were white when i first ballin, oh yeah?

stranger hey it's me

some gentleman, would get i

got me an ending new nick knight, why this, is fate news i can see the headline, dirty turns party i

Better start digging without, me brother i might be a spell

Folks, do make a, fuss over their silliest things, snap pull up a rock, and have some nice hot sauce

mmm it does smell taste better i


Well i kind of like being clean and how it feels to have folks can, still have fun together

priscilla's invited me to a

Tea party and her little cookies are right yummy if and you gobble down enough of them clean up and come

Don't clean, bendall his pie remembered

Happy for us and our but her

and i know how

Pound is purdy right clothes this will make them remember all the filthy fun he's missing

That should, do it mr. Dillo toby on the milkshake, oh?

You're, here it's my automatic. Clean man dirty

There you go toby


Sounds like you really, miss him, uh-huh the sound of one shovel digging, is just so


There's gotta, be a better way to do shirley, do sheriff but i'm gonna need a lot more towson dirt

Reckon i better help, those brothers patch things up and fast

I'm gonna get me so much dirt the next time

you're, the

Big brother

mighty, delicious to

Saddle up deputy just got news, that kick cactus is on the loose get cactus

That's right he busted out of river tap then, he can't do my popcorn trick, wanna

See, sheriff i'd love to toby but peck and i gotta get going kick cactus is always on the move looking to make trouble

Breaking out of jail sure made me thirsty

You're, just the cactus i've been waiting for toby

Since you're, my best customer

You get to be this month's milkshake but, well tell me you're being

Awfully rude i'm the milkshake buckaroo are ya, and give me extra cherries too

But these apples right here

me thirsty one milkshake please

Well you have, some nerve toby, after the, mess you, made i'm not giving you a single drop, what me

Do, is the thing that i do best i take what i want from all over the wet?

Alibi, a life the perfect, town, for me to strike

Oh, yeah, they're, so me i'll, do my thing wow

It's alright

Anything you ate an apple from my store without asking yeah i saw

You, take all those tapes, what has gotten into you toby

Here's where kit cactus escaped but to where

Look, sheriff kids footprints stop here yep

Well hello there toby, what can i do for you you can, get back around, these parts dangerous bandit on the loose

Whoa all right he needs really time to go now

When i hear somebody say tommy stealing gun, oh big story

nice and friendly corners

But i'd never steal anything

Why, doesn't anybody put a beauty

This ain't good

What are you doing all the way out of here toby it could be dangerous with a bandit on the list

You're, not sparky i think pepsin, trouble

What in whiskers?

Holy, jalapenos what's tobey doing on a wanted poster heck it's not tobey it's kit cactus

Pretending to be dobby sure made me reach

That deputy, again, with the sheriff you

Are not toby

That is the question because one of you is surely lying if only there was a test to see who's telling the truth?

What's my name?

deputy peck of course

If you're, toby then, what's my name, oh?

Dead beauty man yeah, what, did you call it the paw patrol let's say it

Which, means, your kit cactus, and they're going to jail

He's the real toby

This contraption the hot air balloon you've been talking, about maybe it is all this much-anticipated

Airship will soon be soaring skyward

Short ride up and down, like this see and once i read the doc but first we're. Gonna have, some fun on the midway


do you really know that

You're, my hero your hero, oh, why, thank you toby you can, have the first ride in my balloon

All right toby i suppose a quick up and balance should be no problem for optimum piloting prowess

Now, let's see how to go?

No, this book, tells all, about the site's

Slowest and fool how. You down

too, steep

I reckon i'll give it a try

It must have gotten untied ducks balloon hook i bet he still doesn't know. How, to fly it

really, flying

it's really pointy

We can't let him hit 20 people a storm's a-brewin

don't you know what

You said i was here here on toby

Sure wish toby, was up here with, me to see it happen


That was a humdinger of a wild rat he too had what happened i let, my pride cloud

my thinking and he was

rot away deputy

Nice list for sure

That's the idea, gotta, make, sure you know, who knows how, nice i am before

Ii scooches down, my chimney tonight's my clementine is the best mule in the west

Sure wish i had a critter up and ride like you and sheriff callie

Can't believe is faster its trainer for one already did i wrote him and asked for my very own

madden christmas

Your, tree sure young sheriff um rosner stuck santa's reindeer

all eight of them playin presence dead

This, way?

Get ready to get e up sparky, we fight stovic as fast as i can

Without rut and critter

all i want for christmas i can love it

christmas whatever, santa, brings me

Whoa, what's this?

Hoof prints, and slight racks looks like, we picked up the reindeer wrestlers trail but if santa's reindeer can

Oh, would you giddyup, fuck come on you, say it all still christmas morning

You're, the best arriving critter

Our nation finally count seven reindeer one must have got away, you're right heck i wonder where that runaway way

They've got freckles on their heads just like you

come on

mister i think, they know, you're on the naughty list yeah

Trust me okay, whoa?

Gee call, me lucky thank you lou for me

In choice but to make the reindeer fly

Toby's gone to the naughty side i don't think so pecs

You, and santa deliver presents and i just never want this not to hand?

But it's thought you and mary

the brand-spanking-new christmas darn, bowl, santa knows them to see what i got


merry christmas everybody

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 447 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:08.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 678 - Duration: 22:46.

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The Mystic Isles, oh isn't this fun there's only one thing I love more than decorating

Stairs leading under the castle

Sophia what are you doing here? You need to go back, but what is all this? What are you up to down here?

I can't say

So see ya have to get somewhere and you have to go back is that so

What are you doing?

You don't actually think I'm leaving now that I'm in this amazing secret passageway and your amulet summoning magic gondolas

Do you so your amulet clothes and leads you here to this secret library?

Which is filled with stories that you need to finish? I don't know why it just happens

The tale of the crystal masters

Flute the legendary mystic Isles mr. Cetera told me about the mystic Isles

She said that all magic comes from there

The mystic Isle is crystal masters on the Isle of crystals have peacefully grown magic crystals for wizards

Everywhere to use in the scepters ones and amulets I wonder if you always came from me. Where's the rest of the story?

Remember, it's my job as story keeper to finish it

I have to go to the mystic Isles to stop that crystal master and give the story a happy ending is that it I?

Didn't say that. It's just

It could be dangerous. I can't let you go fine. I'll go back to my plain old very safe life Sofia

Oh, well right you can come this one time oh

Thank you as long as you remember. We're going to the mystic Isles wait. What is this thing? It's the enchanted elevator

How does this thing go usually it takes me to the fair, that's funny, we're landing why the book said that mr.

Girls are up not down

What are we even supposed to be looking for I'm not sure maybe a flying coach or a magical creature

You see I'm a crystal master at least I was once

What do you mean once my terribly unkind sister Azorean took my crystal powers away you think so oh?

Do let me come with you then if I get my powers back. I can help you stop as erine well

We could always use another hand short unicorns

Yes to come fly me back to the Isles, but now your amulet can summon them

You simply must ask it really it can summon unicorns

Who summons the unicorns of the mystic Isles quickly girls

We're not there yet we must climb even higher oh

How wonderful it is to be back so on all your story keeper adventures your amulets been leading you to places like this

I've never seen any place like this

It rhymes with hey, maybe after we stop as rain right of course. Oh, let's ride a unicorn there, yeah

Are you okay fear not kind maiden I was merely testing my new wings new wings

You're really stuck

Princess Sofia and serve you as your loyal and eternally devoted helper now and forever

We're heading to the Isle of crystals

Perhaps feast your eyes as we explore the magic of the mystic Isles

Come with me right this way

Let's walk no let's run from Griffin to Nome take it

This is where

So did the dragons and mermaids in our world come from here or their parents? Did you see my princess?

If not for the magic here there would be no magic anywhere, okay?

What's next all we have to do is cross this Isle

Then we shall get to the Isle of crystals

onward through the Isle of dancing deserts these wondrous magic sounds will show you

Anything you want them - allow me to demonstrate

Good sands show me a dragon


Didn't get to ask the sands for anything and show me a magic jewel

So sparkly eye

Sees amber we must be going okay?

Who are you?

What are you and where do I get a magic bracelet like that my name is Orion?

I am a wind Walker and a protector of the mist that is a shatter sturm

If you strike something with it three times this powerful rock will magically shatter it

But I found it in the sand looking so harmless and deafening

Our room that's what we of the Isles called your world

We are bound for the Isle of crystals my good man to search for this villain

I have just come from that Isle and did not find her there my sister is cunning

She must have hidden from Orion or tricked him somehow. I'm sure she's on the Isle of crystals. We must hurry claw but wait

That looks really far away and deep I

Am ever so sorry big fellows, but we have to leave immediately

It's true. We're on a really important journey

We forgot to say once you put the ground on you become a queen you're clean

We must attempt, no not really not one clue

Because you're doing well

We don't mean to bash and smash so much miss it's true look

How's your queen I can help you but you must follow our royal plan

Steph wanna borrow your plan


I'm a gentle giant now. Thanks to my

Queen is needed

Thank you, I guess it's goodbye then

There's a serines farm

But where's the wicked crystal master all I see is a farmer

That's a zareen my sister may look, Sweden, and then how can we get past her to get it?

I shall fetch the Terra crystal for my princess

Then I can fly to the silo to get the Terra crystal oh how clever

I just knew your amulet would save the day Thank You Sofia an eternity of thank you

She comes

Sophia is in grave danger from my wicked sister amber. I can protect her if you quickly fetch my Terra crystal

I wish to be myself again

It feels so wonderful so powerful to make crystals again

know the magic of the mystic Isles will all be



Chair and I'll tell you all about it Chris

Petaling has praised all across the eyes, but people said mine was subpar

Like crystals I

Lose the magic of the aisles to make new crystals grow

and if some and

And before I forget here's that amulet I promised you amber after all I owe this all to you I

Wish to be myself

Sir I made an honest mistake Sophia

I thought was our friend, and so did you I told you not to give her the crystal

But you just had to get a magic amulet for yourself portent. Yes getting it back from her no getting out of here

Sophia the three of us can't possibly stop Prisma. We have to try I'm mr.

A keeper and I'd like that man we met the one with the wings you mean Orion

Yes, isn't he supposed to take care of problems like this your friend amber

We have to tell a Ryan the prismacolor terror crystal back

We need you I am normally quite brave, but I require assistance at this particular moment


And now I have lost my wings before I even learn how to use them

It was easy because she's so small and now I will put him down

She got here at Crystal back, and she must have grown crystals on your Isle

Just as I feared but the protectors can stop her right our only chance is to destroy her Tara

They have wagons that control you faster than your teeny tiny legs

Thank you friend. I am indebted to you once again wait mr.. Ryan

We want to help see Sofia the protectors. Don't even want our help

We should just go home and stop worrying about the mystic Isles

I'm sure everything will be fine from now on I shall protect you my princesses

This is a price we can't let prism I do this to our friends

a sister who thinks only of herself a unicorn who can't fly a

Giant who's downright tiny huh? I almost feel sorry for Sofia

Wait Sofia going back to face Prisma is not a good idea

Amber look at her run can't you see how unhappy he is don't you want to help him of course I do

It's just I'm starting to think there's a reason why you get to be story keeper and have a special amulet, and I don't

Everyday that's not true amber. There are so many times

I've seen you do the right thing you have yes

You've rescued dad and James from the Jade Jaguar guess there were times when I put others first yes

You do have it in you amber

You're the one

So you'll stay, I will I'm going to help our friends, and I promise this time

I won't get distracted by amulets or magical stone eyelid girl break again, then I would regain my wings sky

Which way to the Isle of dancing deserts ah follow me my princess

And even if we could find the stones the crystals probably took there not chick - wait

I just remembered the crystals may have drained magic from this aisle, but Orion told us the shatters

She's right, you know, I know I know I just can't remember what aisle those shatter stones came from

Can you break the crystal

Problem is taking camera up back to the fun stuff like growing crystal charms

Wait kid you don't I will be able to give this story a happy ending, but Sofia you always find a way oh

Just a minute Sofia this story is finished

Sand or close to the shatter stones aren't Li if you have any magic left, I wish to be small

Now we can get Prisma, I told you this story wasn't over

Way to go. What was that sister do you have something to tell me no?

No, that's so sweet of you to say see how well we get along when I'm in charge, right?

This is a particularly gorgeous bench. Maybe one of you can distract Prisma while I sneak inside

I humbly volunteer my services by lady. No Skye. I caused this mess come on oh

Don't Wizards will be so impressed with these magic ring. I know I am ah

The supposedly best crystal master in the land amber. How did you get here?

I have some complaints about this amulet you made now's our chance. I'm going to free a serene write them

Huh, I must admit, I thought if anyone could escape my crystal trap, but because you can't oh

because you're not talented enough I

Am the most talented crystal master there ever was prove it

Settle down. I was just getting warmed up

There I know how much you care about your appearance so now you oh, maybe I should talk to your sister over there

I'm sure she can do better

Don't be silly I can do much more than a serene watch

That was impressive dear sister let me freeze this moment so we can remember it forever

Oopsies looks like you lost your little rock my hunch was right

Amber I've already tapped her Tara Krystal twice just once more and it'll shatter

for magic than your sisters don't listen to her amber think of the pumpkins the

Unicorns all our friends and the mystic Isles our sisters are always telling us to think of others

But now I must take you to the protectors gathering please, I'm sorry prismo

No, I got away from you once before and I can

We are gaining on the evildoer

Hi princess, I must inform you that we are not alone

Ever lived that's debatable, but what is certain is you will never again harm the Mystic Isles take her away

Sir Fearne's and the skill you have

Demonstrated here today. We would like to invite you to join our ranks and become a protector me

The protector of the ever realm that is if you accept

It would be my honor GERD now return to your congratulations my princess I suggest we celebrate with some I

Don't miss it not the way harrumph would have missed being a rock in or sky would have missed his wings

I knew you had it in you amber now. I know it too. Thanks Sofia

you will always be my queen queen and my


Crack, that's my heart breaking

This way my princesses take the scenic route

Splendid idea we can stop by the Isle of fairies. Oh, oh and the Isle of wishes oh, and I must show you

The derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 678 - Duration: 22:46.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 445 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:02.

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Never no never to a neverland pirates

You can't say that about Bucky omok my work lad you'll never beat the Jolly Roger

And I know the best place to put on the show it's near Neverland and it's called pirate rock

Awesome it even looks like a guitar

Whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Yoho, let's go fireman hey

Crackers that's loud

Just right for singing and rock it out whoa

I mean, it's awfully loud. I must say it's awful

It's loud, and I never want to hear it again. Look at mr.. Smith

And I'm going to start by getting rid of that loud thingy thing


Soon the sinking shall be mine, and I'll never hear the puny pirates music again

I don't hear any loud singing do yo o

Coconut, and I will Yoho let's go get the microphone back

Let's make the stinkbug shake off the microphone by getting it to dance together we can weather any weather

Yoho way to go we got the microphone back


Incoming coconut

Shiver me timbers he saved my drones, and we got four more gold doubloons. Let's grab them

I'll do all the rocking and rolling around here

Enough of these musical Sunday Hannigan's Oh?

Take it away

You want me to take the singing thing take it away that means sing it sing it Captain Hook?

We saved the show

Let's grab them and go back to Pirate Island

You're leaving

I'll be backing you up all the way sir rock and roll forever says I am white why thank you?

Thank You Jake fellow pirate rocker

Now let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest


One two three four five six seven

Now let's fire it rock

Resin test what's your route?

What are we looking for again what else mr. Smee? Oh?

My thunder who put a treasure chest beneath my

Time for Lookout duty

Crackers look steak in our team treasure chest


are in that chest

Matey's will you help get our team treasure chest back?

Great remember to keep a lookout for gold Oh

Me treasure cave there's four enough lads those puny pirates will never fool

Flocked with a lock yes, what blocks can be peaked

Stand back

Let me see oh yes

bro come them popping geez

Wait Jake and his crew can show us how to open the chest quick

They'll try to open it aye

Then we'll spy on them and learn how to open the real chests come on worse

Let's sing the team treasure chest song and see if it opens everybody sing with us


And now how did that song go?

Which trail should we follow to find them?

Yoho crew we need to figure out, which trail to follow everybody listen with me is it the trail to the lip?

Good listening mateys the minute exactly white kitten all that you or the rhythm

Oh, hi there, Captain Hook that just belongs to us may. We have it back, please

Do you see something big enough to protect us from the mushrooms

You know I can see our ship from here boys pay attention. We've gone far for scattered treasure

We'll take ours just now, but it's my treasure now

I snagged it fair and square look. Are you sure you want us to teach you the song?

Absolutely positive. I want the treasure

All right come on you

Time to go mateys but our team treasure chest is way too heavy

Maybe someday you have a treasure chest of your own

Now we can put all our gold doubloons in come on count with us

Thanks for helping us get our treasure chest opens with a special song hit it Sharky

Treasure for Captain Hook sing Yoho and take a look poor lad you're certain there

That didn't go as planned yo show game

Way to add it to my seashell collection

What have we here those puny pirates have themselves a flea collection it is it's about to get even lovelier Smee

Set sail for Pirate Island

Okay thought of seashell, it's truly a place how to make off with your treasure

Hook is prettier than an eight-armed octopus. Don't worry. Izzy. We'll get to them and put them in our team treasure chest

Feast your eyes on that mr.. Smee it certainly is some swell sir

Wreckers hook can't hear you. You have to make your voice louder. I have an idea

I'll roll my map into a tube and you can shout through it

Did you hear that Smee

Three gold doubloons, let's grab them and go get Izzy's sea shell back from Captain Hook run

Aground Rock mr.. Smee the Jolly Roger will never fit between those rocks

Good sailing Bucky ah coconuts. He'll take forever to sail around these rocks

Yay-hey no way

We can't let hook get my shell we gotta catch up to him if you paddle with us

we'll go faster, then maybe we can get to the

Shells gone step aside lad

Here you go is

Mr.. Smee my sea cells, please

Go where'd it go now wherever it went we gotta find

The one I found back on Pirate Island

Nope they're covered with polka dots like myself, but they're the wrong shape how about these you show?

Every one of them

Let's take him back to Pirate Island

Seashells and hermit crabs

So do gold doubloon come on count with us

One two three four star swells swashbuckling CEO searchers

Is this one got back nope

Yeah Merle coconut I

Can't wait to find the Emerald coconut

Will find us to enjoy it's not supposed to be taken once I snap a picture of it

I'm gonna put it in my collection. I've got pictures of all the awesome coconuts. I see Bay from ok

No, booby trap of Peter Pan's will stop Captain Hook from getting banned a little coconut


I'm gonna take a closer look

Hold up, cubby

Remember there are pirate booby traps all around out of me way but might set off a pirate booby trap

Don't be silly

The seep up to the tree that'll lift this cage and set me and is he free why should I?

Now you can't stop me from taking the emerald hill cannot all

See maybe he'll - right

What can I do you can go get the Emerald coconut from hook and free us from this trap?

I can't whenever we solve a pirate problem together. They'll appear

Then we'll collect them and put them in our team treasure chest

Yoho, let's donate to a fuse here

you would try to find a shortcut I

Bet these big slippery leaves will get us down to the beach quick

Come shipwreck beach and we got three gold doubloons

Let's grab them

Which I really need that emerald coconut Captain Hook it will let easy and Jake out of the trap no you listen

Thanks Captain Hook, maybe you're not as bad as everyone says

Why thank you what?

I'll never mind

I've gotta get aboard the Jolly Roger and get that coconut back, but how

Hmm, what would he do I?

Could bounce off it and fly over to bullshit

Bounce with me up on your feet everyone, let's grab him go find that emerald coconut

We don't have to look far

Wow hook has a whole coconut collection this one. How about this one?

Of course don't you think you should I don't know?

Protect them protect them protect them how with the pirate booby trap of course

My coconut is safe and sound just try to take it

My friends are counting on me to free them

We can do it he won't let us down

Now that we saved Izzy and Jake let's put all our gold doubloons into our team come on count with us


Be careful captain remember the pirate booby-traps. Hi. It's me. I require concentration. Oh

Blast and barnacles Smee get me out of here. You know we fill the bar and save you

For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 445 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 17:02.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 190 - Green Elephant - Duration: 13:46.

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Hebert suman

they're, choosing the host of the tea party

Today, today's the day i wonder who it's glenda theme i hope our ode teacups on blankets

Oh, sophia, these tea parties are a much bigger deal the whole class goes

Even the fairies good times

As you know only students, who haven't had a chance to host a party should submit their names

Sorry i'll cross, my fingers for you, sophia and the host of the next royal prep tea party will be ah

Princess sofia, and have fun you're, going to have to do better than borrowed teacups

sophia much better i

Think it's a pretty good idea i'll show. You when, we get home?

Here we are?

What is that, well amber everyone will get to decorate their?

Own teacup brilliant sounds fun right, hmm, that's not the word i'd use to describe it what word would you use

Hmm so i guess i need, to come up with the bigger idea then

Oh, sophia that's what i've been trying to tell you do i need, to sing the song again, no

cookies and cakes sounds lovely and

definitely more

Maybe, we could get mr. Ceedric to make the tables and chairs float in the air but are you sure you

Want to do so much she has to baileywick

It's true all the students and teachers will

Be there it needs to be a great party and it will be that sounds pretty important, we can

Come back another time, no no i could, use a break maybe a little snack sounds good to me and i know the perfect spot


Beautiful look at all the butterflies

This reminds me of a but i have a lot left to do

Oh, come on one more teeny teeny weenie weenie biscuit, okay?

But just one more or need it's too small too plain and too simple you need something like this, oh?

Really, isn't it a bit tiny of course that's the idea it looks more like a feast than a tea party

Oh, sophia you can never have too much of a

Good thing you could, say that again, james did you thought this, was sofia's party amber, oh?

it, is i'm just helping, sofia what kind of cookies would you like, well

Again, what's next?

um the floating tables

He will have a spell that can, make things float do i have a spell that can, make things float

Do i have a spell the connect things float

This, high off the ground. Oh wouldn't. You know, it i'm afraid i already have plans huh i thought

The real, sorcerer that won't be necessary

what i said i had plans i met plans to make your party special as can be

Hmm, that's more like it thank you


What next i have to do this one myself but i'll catch up with. You later, okay i'll go check on the decorations

Not the best idea, you're going to let, sofia throw. Her, own party know, what i'm going to make, sophia's party even bigger, oh?

Boy, what can i do for you princess sofia what you need i'm hosting a

Tea party for my school and i was hoping you could perform a water ballet ballet hello with

i mean, uh we'd love to write heads up ones are, we all in

it would be our pleasure

Princess sofia, oh hi mom baileywick told me all about your party, oh?

Is everything, okay? Yes i've just been really, busy it's so big i can't believe, we didn't think of it before

ready, and ice

I'm strong you can't throw. A swan party without an, ice swan everyone expects a nice one ice swan it is

So, yeah, did you check the tables yes the tables look great and we have enough teapots more than enough what

About the cookies and cakes here they come now


Wait until you see the ice one wait

Where, is the ice one it's on its way, amber i'm going to go check on the real swans be right back

Maybe bigger is better princess sofia your royal sorcerer has arrived

That's great?

No it was the swans fault silly birds should watch, where they're flying

ruins, no i'm sorry, honey what am i going to do everyone's have, had to show up, well

You'll just have to come up with a, new, plan something a little simpler i guess but fun

Like the parties i had with ruby and jade, well now's your chance to throw

The party you, want to throw, not the one everyone expects. You to it won't be very big but it'll be fun

And i know just, where to have it yeah at, my favorite spot in the whole castle, hmm, we'll see how fun

I see the next one let's go in and find out a

secret garden

welcome to my tea party

But there's just one thing, what, yes what plain, white tea cups they, won't be playing for long

everyone gets to make their, own

I like small parties but, both are just as good i believe this might be the most charming tea party we've ever attended


It's the goldenwing, circus the grandest most enchanted circus in all the world

You know it's coming, when the wagons appear, that crazy

Collages, oh the, new, stained-glass window

Looks, outstanding baileywick, can't wait to show it to queen miranda the goldenwing circus is in town can, we go dad can

We please please james you know the rule no playing ball inside the castle there are too many things that could break

Like the new, stained-glass window. It's very pretty of course it is sofia great it's as easy as one two


It doesn't matter whether, we tell him he's going to see the window, when he comes back

Not if we hide it oh come on amber i do it for you he'd do it for you all right fine

great thank you

come on help me push

Just a few more steps and?

Hi, daddy i have a surprise and let's go to the music room ah

That was close now let's finish moving the armor alright, oh?

That wasn't part of the plan that

Was called, song for my beloved parents number one?

Well done amber that was lovely. Oh thank you?

so amber if you'll excuse us i

have to show, you my

New, tiara pretty please, oh i'll

Always, make time for you so it settles you'll see, my tiara it's in my room come on we can, take the long, way

It's all cracked

Maybe mr. Ceedric can fix the window, with magic great idea let's go, ask him

Oh, yes i called if i didn't have a thousand more important things to do you have a thousand things to do

Little do they know, that this potion will not fix their broken window

It gets pulled right into my hands

lucky, for me

Sofia's amulet is nice and small egg once i have the amulet of avalor i can, use its magic

I really hope, this, works me too

Opal, tiara, no here my, new, tiara um amber you've seen that one already

we gave it to you for your birthday


Could use magic to fix everything but you're not a sorcerer how

Hard can it be i'll just find a spell in cedric's book, wade this wand around i really don't think

We should, do this there i've been working on my yodeling

Sapir, send sam for zoo free our friend and fix the window. Too

There was a stained-glass window here of the entire family that

Was what happened here mom dad?

What happened was i broke it it was my fault james whoa i was playing ball in the house you did this

Sofia i understand all right everyone time to leave for the circus

The window, sofia played ball in the castle

Sofia, the window, when it was really me because i didn't want you to get in trouble but now?

You're, in trouble james i know how. Much you love the circus i wanted to make sure you got to go

coachman to the circus

James on the other hand if you, did take the blame for him, that was very kind of you but a lie is a lie

Even if you're, trying to help someone


Hear the jesters are your favorite james yeah is something wrong um

It's just i have something to tell you, sophia didn't break the window. Maybe

Yes it's true i think it's time, we all went home?

Families need to be honest and not keep secrets from each other so next time something

Like, this happens just tell the truth right from the start i promise to do that from now on we'll be right back

In that case my friends and i would be happy to give you a special performance right now. Okay hmm

What do you think miranda?

But dragon, isn't it lovely

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 190 - Green Elephant - Duration: 13:46.


BREAKING NEWS !! Liverpool win race for Goretzka - Duration: 2:32.

according to build Liverpool have won the race to sign Shaka for midfielder

Lian Gorelick Scout on a free transfer at the end of the twenty 17-18 campaign

what's the story Gor it's is regarded as one of the best midfielders in the

Bundesliga but Jacques will lose him on a free transfer at the end of the

current season Arsenal Tottenham Hotspur and Bayern Munich have all been linked

with the 22 year old who has scored four goals in 11 Bundesliga appearances this

term however according to bill Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp has convinced the

Germany international to make the move to Anfield and he will sign the pre

contract in January before linking up with his new team meets once his

contract at Jacques has expired Joel might've left shocked for Liverpool

in similar circumstances 18 months ago and an announcement for gorlovka who is

valued at 36 million pounds by transfer mark co-ack is expected to occur within

the next few days what role gort's can bring to Liverpool should Liverpool

complete the deal they will be signing a player that has made 130 first-team

appearances for Jacques over the last five seasons an energetic midfielder

with an eye for goal gore Ezio netted eight times in all competitions last

season and has been among the goals this term scoring for an 11 League fixtures

he has also managed six goals in 12 caps for Germany and on the market would more

than likely cost in the region of 40 million pounds it would be some cool for

Liverpool if they managed to beat the likes of Bayern Arsenal and Tottenham to

his signature and it does appear that the presence of club has an field has

played a key role in Gore xcos decision Liverpool recently announced the capture

of urgell van di JK as they bit to sort out their defensive issues and a similar

announcement for Gorica in the coming days would set pulses racing at Anfield

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS !! Liverpool win race for Goretzka - Duration: 2:32.


Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 184 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 18:00.

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For more infomation >> Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 184 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 18:00.


Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 270 - Duration: 14:24.

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Buttercup amber I

Saw shooting star, let me see let me see

Actually, you might that reminds me when I was a boy we use star stones to turn the ceiling of my bedroom into a planetarium

That sounds amazing

What are star stones dad me hike no. Thanks. I'm more of an indoor princess, but amber. It'll be fun

Trudging through the wilderness is not my idea of fun. Oh amber happens. You can sing songs around the campfire with the trill roast marshmallows

Imagine lying in bed and looking up at a ceiling full of stars. Oh

Buttercups, I'm ready

I thought mom told you to dress for the outdoors. I did and all new buttercups get one and I'm not a buttercup

I'm just coming along for the star stones. Well suit yourself, but it's a long trip. Oh, don't worry

I've got everything I need violets camping gear. This is an overnight trip. Oh right. Well. I'll just add a few essentials

Perfume just because the wilderness smells bad doesn't mean I have to oh I've got to make some room ahh what is this thing?

They're all set

Keep a look out Ruby sir, that's because it's just a legend. No one's ever proven. He's real

Not yet, but we're gonna chat them down in John's picture till pudding. I can help you with that princess

really mm-hmm

Try these instead oh, no princesses don't wear, but what if I get lost out here here you go take a trouble whistle

if you ever have an emergency

Just blow it as a loud as you can and the buttercups will come running

This new town isn't any easier to hiking in the old one how long before we get to the star stones

Oh, not until tomorrow. We're camping out tonight caveat is that that's funny the tracks just paint

Round up buttercups I

Want to try me - aren't you coming in ver you want me to climb a tree tree well at least try a blow fruit

Trust me it'll help

Hey, I smell pretty good, it's a sweet skunk their scent smells

You know maybe there's Buttercup stuff isn't so bad after all

Hold up buttercups, this is the perfect spot for our campsite everyone get out your tents and set up camp

What are you doing? We're sleeping here tonight. I'll help you pitch your tent. It'll be nice and cozy. You'll love it

Well I do have a lot of gals in here and some hair pins sounds like you've got everything you need to make a tent

When you discover you don't have

So shimmery, and it smells like flowers nope sweets good congratulations

Oh, thank you. I'll put it on later

Just like you wanted you're right amber knows all about the stars freely

That's ambarina major the star I discovered

Well you seem to have some keep a lookout for Massey, this is the swamp monsters natural habitat

This is it buttercups

Swamp, Rock Hill. It's so rocky none over here

Where are they waiting for you to find them spread out buttercups and keep looking don't tell me I came all this way for nothing

That's not a monster, that's my sister, they look like a monster. I am NOT a buttercup

I hate the outdoors. I hate everything about it. This is the worst trip

I've ever been on but you are having a good time last night. Well. I'm not now you can't just leave well watch me

Amber was wrong she doesn't look anything like the swamp monster. What's why did he go this way, I think?

Like getting stuck in a bog. It's just lip reading climb back up looks like we're going to need some help

It's nothing

He's blocking the trail. I've gotta find a way to make him move you me all right. What's your plan well?

There's only one thing that could scare off the swamp monster. What's that? It's even bigger swamp monster

Why is he crying?

Please don't see

bruises easily

People frightened mossy most terribly they're always chasing mossy

But we only came to help our friends a find some mossy is never even seen a tiara before


It really brings out the sparkle in your eyes

Hmm, that's far too slippery to climb

There here you go

OSI has never looked better

You can keep it we only need one find star stones

They are just like stars all right gather up your star stones buttercups. We'll have to head back

Nice outfit amber well, I figured since I'm a buttercup now. I might as well dress like one

Bye bossy see you later. Thanks for everything

I guess you were right Sophia

See for two minute

They're choosing the host of the Tea Party today. Today's the day I wonder who it's going to be I hope they take me

These tea parties are a much bigger deal the whole class goes

Even the fairies see for yourself Sofia Cleo's head ponies Hildy's party had a merry-go-round

Amber's party was my favorite

okay, and

Only submit row name once please and now for the drawing

This is so exciting at your castle this weekend

You can throw any kind of party you like this is your chance to show us who you are

Express yourself and have fun

What are you going to do for your Sofia? I have one idea it better be spectacular. I'll show you when we get home

Really oh don't worry Sofia your party is going to be fabulous. No because you have a secret weapon

Sod that cake I took one look and said there must be some mistake

I'm going to have a swan themed tea party

we'll set up the tables right beside the Swan fountain and we'll have swans eat cookies and cakes sounds lovely and

Maybe we can get the Sun to put on a little show Princess Sophia this all sounds delightful

But are you sure you want to do so much she has to baileywick

Perfect it looks just like a swan Ruby Jade

My secret garden

Look at all the butterflies

This reminds me of the tea parties we had in the village it is nice

I wish I could stay longer

But I have a lot left to do oh come on one more teeny teeny weenie weenie biscuit

What's wrong with it. Yeah, it looks all right to me

Well it isn't it's too small too plain and too simple you need something like this oh


Amber are you sure this isn't too much. It looks more like a feast than a tea party. Oh Sophia

You can never have too much of a good thing. Oh that won't do they need to be at least a big

Probably picker. I thought this was Sofia's party amber

Do I have a spell the connect things flow freely, I guess

The real sorcerer was supposed to do whatever the King commands

Yes, I do. What the King commands uh-huh then perhaps

I should go get daddy some I like it Thank You mr.. Ceedric. See you at the party

It's Adric and you are most certainly not welcome

But I'll catch up with you later. Okay. I'll go check on the decorations

of course

Listen I'd love to chat more, but there's so much to do

I have to make sure we have enough streamers Grady back to ice hold on

Crumbs we fly

We do not dance honey, I think she means she wants us to fly and swim as though we were dance

Let's see did the plates cookies mr.. Ceedric



It's dress. I have to go see you at the party

Is everything okay

Yes, I've just been really busy like those sweet little tea parties used to have with Ruby and Jade by the lake. I don't know

Yes the tables look great, and we have enough teapots more than enough what about the cookies and cakes here they come now

What's up, I just wanted to make sure you're ready for your performance well, hi mr.

Ceedric shall we get this party floating floating tables, right?

Maybe we should wait until I just want to get it over with and be on my way. Thank you

Was the Swans fault silly birds should watch where they're flying

I'm sorry, honey. What am I going to do?

Everyone's about to show up like the parties I had with Ruby and Jade well

Now's your chance to throw the party you want to throw not the one everyone expects you to throw

But what will the other kids say it doesn't matter

My favorite spot in the whole castle hmm. Where's that? It's a secret

Princess amber which way to the party. I'm not sure

I see the next one

Here it is yes a

Secret garden

Welcome to my tea party

Everyone gets to beat their own ticket. I think it spawns on mine. I'm gonna paint a forward on mine boom goes the kid

Let's raise our teacups to our hostess princess Sofia

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Cute Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 270 - Duration: 14:24.


Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 188 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 16:46.

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The horses on and

There's no much for a good teamplay is all

We're going to the champions I

Just love this cheered baby, bro

I remember all the whole school used to sing it for me whenever I flew third-best remember

Sofia and James beat you in the tryout race. They got lucky. I'm sure someday

You'll be just as big a derby star as I was

Counting on you Sofia don't mess this up James well

I hope it can win, but we're going to be racing against the junior Knights Academy are they good

Are you okay ow?

my wrist

Well I'm afraid

I must deliver some bad news you in Sofia right for Royal prep in the championships alright

See you two in practice first thing tomorrow yes sir Gillian

Listen it's you. I'm so fast Sofia

We don't need any team plays all we need is me flying across that finish line all right

But I'll try oh that's the spirit see your practice

Assistant coach James. I like it

She's so perfect. It's to tear terrifying

Morning you go Sofia. Good morning riders listen up. That's right listen up

I'm gonna be your new coach

Assistant coach James. That's great as you know

James maybe you can go set up the practice poles over there you got it

Sir Gilliam, there's a new team player. I think we should learn Brian be a good jint and step on over for a sec

Okay in midair the riders have to line up side by Sun that is what happens if you do everything exactly

Right there. You go, Brian

Now I'm gonna show you what happens if you do it wrong oops


I'll be right back

So do you want to try the flying slingshot? I told you Sofia. I don't care about team plays

James maybe assistant coach isn't the right job for you after all, but I want to help the team

I know let's just find something else for you today

Royal prep finally has a chance to win the flying crown you can't let Hugo ruin it I won't

They're here, who's here Squire Vons?

Huh, they don't look so tough me

I'll just go practice I bet I am ten times faster than you I bet I'm a number you can't even count to

Faster I can count all the way to 100 to see who's faster how about that?

On your mark get set go

It was way too easy, you just got lucky not lucky. Where's your school spirit?

huzzah huzzah for Royal prep for the red and green Ambu

Hugo wait what look I know your father was on the flying derby team when he went to Royal prep and my brother my uncle

My grandfather, so what for you?

Okay, I'll try it great. Oh, it's getting late. Let's practice first thing in the morning

Everyone's clean Jones yes sir, Oh

James I don't think groom is the job for you either, but the mascot just wears a costume and act silly exactly

It's the perfect job for you the mascot inspires the crowd to cheer for our team and root them on to victory

Since you're bigger and stronger you should sing me whoa

Wait a second then you'll cross the finish line first

Right, but only one of us has to cross the line for both of us to win


Come on. You. Go. You gotta get ready for the big race the whole family's gonna be here, so you better win

Or don't come home. Just kidding baby, bro. I

Can't believe he just up and quit if only I spoke human. I would give him a talking-to

Me too. You're on our side of course


Sofia shouldn't you be saddled up? I need your help

But I'm just a mascot exactly you've got to help me inspire huge flying crown

Defending champions Squires paws advance Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo


They're so slow. They can't even make it to the starting line. You've got to get back out there. What's the point?

We can't win, maybe we can't, but we have to try

They're singing for us, but they only sing when you win

I mean James is willing to do anything to be part of this

Brolo Watson

Royal prep is trying that harvester pasture

But not to denied plot an early double derbies were leaving royal from in the Derby dust we can't get around him

That's the junior Knights

I'll sling you you will it's the only way or did kid win. She's it's about time

He figured that out, so what are we waiting for let's do this?

It goes wrong it could be a totem pole Shrek

How did they do that

Very impressive work out there. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me Electra. That's the first nice thing

I've ever said to you true

But it won't be the last so we're you we couldn't have won without you one opposed the crown sure


Kluber time Oh

Sophie look look that cloud looks like

He wants come inside no I better hop back to my rabbit hole before I have to swim back. Okay. See you tomorrow

You know it

And what second most important?

But why just tonight we always have so much mom and you sleep over and who knows when the rain will stop

You should just move in we can be roommates. That's the you make me

You make me wanna sing

all day long

- oh we better pick that up ha ha

Chari over I was just darling yeah, do you think you could guard a little quieter? I'll try I

Don't care if it's yeah, or well. You go back to sleep

Kids we have some exciting news

Bryce twig Lee is coming to paint pictures of our Castle, so

Everyone will see what our rooms look like mm-hmm. When's he coming in two days?

Oh, it's just enough time to completely redecorate my room. I hope you have enough glitter don't forget

Thank you for breakfast Soph

Wasn't your bed over there? We've got to make it look as nice as possible, so will you help me clean up?

Yeah, sure, but can we do it later I'd rather do something more fun right now. Oh

Good point great, then let's start cleaning up okay

I'm going to paint some flowers, and I'm gonna paint the things I love most in the world sorry about that

Clover now. We're going to have to clean up everything again

But I have a room to finish decorating of course princess amberle my grand theory of the universe

Can wait now let's see

just take a peek through the telescope and

Master Erwin, I think the cover is still on the telescope. Oh yes the

Correa's let me look

It's just past the tip of the unicorn horn

Bye Joan I have to check all these charts well everyone

But if it turns out you've discovered the star you my dear princess get to leave it

Over here now the Sun moves the bed moves, and now you know clovers secret the great clever

Good night princess

But you how's it going not, so well there's an artist coming to paint my room the day after tomorrow

And there's carrots feathers in fern everywhere

Robin runs a tight nest good idea. Thanks guys now you should get some sleep

I'll try I could be the first person in enchancia to find a new star since Griffin major was discovered

Princess amber your gown fitting is in a few minutes

Oh can it wait

Who says I'll just take the charts back to my room so I can redecorate right after I finish my celestial epic

Lover I have something for you rule number two no carats on the bed rule number three no carats anywhere

Wait a minute stuff. Let me see this thing

Rule number four no cannonballs on the bed

This don't do that what am I supposed to do so free loves parties, and you're invited oh?

Wait talk whatnot you really get me

Positive if you need a snap, but leave some cashews for Sofia she loves those. It's a surprise

Where is the dance floor party animals it's time to break out my shimmer. I really think there's

No better one


You're not so easy to live with yourself you wake up too early

You gargle too loudly, and you make way too many rules

maybe becoming

Thanks, buddy

All right

I supposed to sleep oh

I guess this is better than nothing

King Roland n' oh my this is princess embers room

It's time for mr. Twig Lee to paint your room you love the stars don't you Princess amber, I too

I really do

And I'm gonna capture that love on canvas

It's getting everywhere

Just like my fur was

Sophie yeah, good morning. It's fun to cannonball on - Sophia does cannonballs oh?

I see I'm not the only artist here. Oh my friend made that right back

Are you in here


It was a lot of mess I should have been cleaner and I could have been nicer

Ha ha guess being roommates was harder than we thought huh, but we're such good


Really oh

I suppose I should move back. Well. I guess we do need better friends than roommates

Oh that reminds me. I have something for you

We can do it in the morning

There's my star. I picked all the books and the star isn't charted anywhere, which means I discovered it so Walter

Me too princess

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 188 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 16:46.


Games for Kids Learn Colors with Talking Tom Gold Run vs Minions Rush. Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoon - Duration: 7:20.

Games for Kids Learn Colors with Talking Tom Gold Run vs Minions Rush. Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoons

For more infomation >> Games for Kids Learn Colors with Talking Tom Gold Run vs Minions Rush. Kids Video iGame Kids Cartoon - Duration: 7:20.


Learn Colors Lessons for Children | Learning the Color Black | Color Collection for Kids - Duration: 11:17.

hello there! welcome to tea time with Tayla that's me I've been learning all

about my basic colors and today I'm learning about the color black like my

black bow and my black vest would you like to learn about the color black with

me all right let's do it hey who turned off the lights I'm

surrounded by the color black that's better

BL a c k that's how you spell black now there are a lot of things that can be

black when I'm coloring I like to start by using my black crayon I like to use

my black crayon to draw a black cat

that's a scaredy cat I can think of two animals that can be black and they can

fly can you think of two black flying animals go ahead take a guess

good guesses I was thinking of a black bird and a black bat both of these can

be black and they can fly there are also some musical instruments

that can be black a clarinet is black and the piano is black hey there's some

Black Keys on the piano let's play on the black piano keys

here are some other things that are the color black gorilla top hat licorice

eight-ball tire and spider well we have learned about so many things that can be

and are the color black and I couldn't have learned this much about the color

black without your help so thank you Vinnie

hey bananas what color is my hair that's right it's purple P you are P L e that

spells purple there are lots of different shades of purple like violet

and magenta and indigo my hair is dark purple like the shade indigo and look at

my flowers they're light purple like the shade violet

mmm they smell so good I gathered some of my favorite purple items to put in my

purple purse like my purple notebook ah and a purple candle I have a purple

scarf a purple headband and

a frog frogs are not purple crazy frog I also have a pair of purple scissors

there no everything's in my purple purse huh I have an idea what if I put my

purple purse and my purple backpack let's see if it fits perfect now I'm

ready for a purple day I think I'm gonna go have a snack I'm going to make a

peanut butter and jelly sandwich and do you know what kinda jelly I'm gonna use

grape jelly

just like my pink parasol pink is my favorite color my hair bows my bracelet

my top skirt socks and carpet are all pink I really love the color pink can

you stand on one foot and balance now we're standing like a flamingo flamingos

are pink can you turn around like a ballerina

make sure you stay up on your toes

ballerinas wear pink tutus and pink ballet slippers can you make a piggy

face like oink oink piggies are pink let's shake our pink piggy tails there

are lots of yummy foods I like to eat that are pink like cotton candy and

strawberry ice cream wait a second you know eat bubble gum you chew it and

blow really big bubbles with it P I in Kay that spells pink and I love the

color pink

Lenin and I were just in the kitchen and he picked out his favorite vegetable

carrots and I picked out one of my favorite fruits clementines hey carrots

and clementines aren't both orange oh are a in g/e that spells orange

it's erupting look the llama is orange cool

basketballs and pumpkins are both orange and they're both round you can bounce a

basketball but dole bounce a pumpkin or it'll go splat hey there's a famous fish

that's orange he gets lost and his dad has to come and find him do you know

what famous fish is orange he has his own movie that's right it's Nemo Nemo's

a clownfish and clownfish are orange Wow we learned so many things that are

orange carrots clementines loved-up

basketballs pumpkins and a clownfish like Nemo yes Leonard you can eat your

carrots now

hi tea time friends welcome to my show I was practicing my colours and learning

all about the color white whit984 teeth are white cheese make sure you brush

them to keep on that way a polar bear polar bears are white cool hey I want to

wear my white necklace can you help me find which necklace is white

it can't be this one that necklace is red and this necklace is blue so it must

be this one this necklace is white it's pearls pearls are found under the ocean

in oyster shells and they're white

there now I feel beautiful here are some other things that are white snow eggs

igloos doves the White House hey that's where the President of the United States

lives in a big white house be on the lookout for things that are white it's

such a neat color bye hey kids thanks for watching tea time with Tayla be sure

to subscribe and click the bell to be notified with brand new videos and

parents visit tea time with Tayla calm to learn how Kayla can help celebrate

your child's birthday

For more infomation >> Learn Colors Lessons for Children | Learning the Color Black | Color Collection for Kids - Duration: 11:17.


Block B's P.O Thanks Fans For His Popularity Award At 2017 MBC Entertainment Awards - Duration: 2:25.

Block B's P.O Thanks Fans For His Popularity Award At 2017 MBC Entertainment Awards

On December 29, P. O received the Popularity Award at the 2017 MBC Entertainment Awards for appearing on MBCs variety show Living Together In An Empty Room.

P.O thanked his fans by saying, I came to just enjoy [the awards], so thank you so much for giving me such a great prize.

The singer continued, This year, I often heard that I seem like a person who grew up receiving lots of love. So I want to thank my parents for raising me to hear such beautiful words.

As a person who received lots of love, I will try my best to give love to others too..

Through his agency Seven Seasons, P.O additionally stated, I was so nervous that I forgot to mention [Block Bs] members, our CEO, agency staff, and fans. Im so grateful and I will keep on being more grateful as I work.

Lets keep it up! Thank you.. P.O had received attention for appearing on Living Together In An Empty Room with comedian Kim Shin Young and singer Hong Jin Young.

The singer was also nominated for the Best Couple Award with Sandara Park for showing romantic chemistry on the show.

P.O. is currently busy with preparations as Block B will be releasing their repackaged album Re-Montage on January 8, and will hold their exclusive concert Block B 2018 BLOCKBUSTER MONTAGE at Seouls Jamsil Gymnastics Stadium from January 27 to 28.

O for winning the Popularity Award!.

For more infomation >> Block B's P.O Thanks Fans For His Popularity Award At 2017 MBC Entertainment Awards - Duration: 2:25.


how to download paid apps of google play store for free on android without root - Duration: 4:11.

hey sister there are some apps which I want to install in my phone but those

apps are paid apps and I don't have enough money to buy them so is there any

way to get those paid apps for free? yes, you can get some of them for free. really?

but how? hello everyone, today, in this video, I will tell you, how to download

and install paid apps for free in your Android device and before I start this

video tutorial, I want to tell you that this trick will not work for all the

Android apps. this trick will work for only few Android applications, so keep

that in your mind, so without wasting any time, let's get started. first open your

favourite browser then go to then this web page will open then you

will see here, "install Aptoide". simply touch on install Aptoide then one

application will be installed in your Android device. simply install this

application and I have already installed this Aptodide application in my Android

device so I will not install this application again and now I will give

you an example, how to use this application and now to get these free

apps. I will show you one example in which, I will install one paid

application, which is paid on Play Store but I will down the application for free

in my Android device. let me show you. I will just open my Play Store. now I will

search for any paid application. need for speed most wanted.

as you can see, this application is paid application. Need for

Speed Most Wanted. I will install this application in my device for free. let me

copy this title

now I'm going to open Aptoide. Network error!! let me turn ON my network

connection. let's click on retry. I will simply search for that application.

let's go. as you can see, it is showing your first result "NFS Most Wanted". I will

simply touch on this application. now I will click on install. as you can

see, it started downloading. our tutorial ends here. now it's time to beg

for likes and subscribers. I hope, you found this video helpful and if you did

then give me big thumbs up and if you don't like this video then don't forget to give me

dislikes and of course you can share this video with your friends so your friends

can also watch this boring video and if you want to watch more videos like this

then you check out my channel and watch other videos on my channel and if you

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questions and suggestion then write anything. thanks for wasting your time. I will waste

your time again in my next one.

For more infomation >> how to download paid apps of google play store for free on android without root - Duration: 4:11.


What i got for Christmas - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> What i got for Christmas - Duration: 3:55.


Dino Jungle Adventure - Fun Dinosaurs Toys For Kids - Duration: 4:51.

Welcome to RaceToyTime

Here comes some dinosaurs

Let's check them out

We have here a Torosaurus

Here's Parasaurolophus

We have here Saichania

And Stegosaurus

Here comes some more dinosaurs

Here's Pachycephalosaurus

Here's Styracosaurus

Here's Triceratops

And Kentrosaurus

Here's Brachiosaurus

Here's Apatosaurus

We have a velociraptor

A Utahraptor

And the Oviraptor

Here's a Carnotaurus

And Allosaurus

We have here a T-rex

And lastly, we have Giganotosaurus

Okay, I hope you guys enjoy that video.

And if you do, please subscribe to RaceToyTime channel.

And also click on those links above

To watch more fun videos here in this channel

Thank you for watching!

Stay Tuned

Bye bye

For more infomation >> Dino Jungle Adventure - Fun Dinosaurs Toys For Kids - Duration: 4:51.


Secret Code For Call Divert! Online Ilm Seekho - Duration: 2:24.

Call Divert

Plz Subscribe The Channel,Like & Share Videos.

Call Divert

For more infomation >> Secret Code For Call Divert! Online Ilm Seekho - Duration: 2:24.


WBZ Morning Forecast For Dec. 30 - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> WBZ Morning Forecast For Dec. 30 - Duration: 3:00.


Kimberly Bowman talks new book, non-profit for kids - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Kimberly Bowman talks new book, non-profit for kids - Duration: 3:09.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 315 - Duration: 18:36.

Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!

Your stick collection is huge. You know it it's gonna be huge

Feel better cloud that's just Rolly I

Know whatever you do don't

Why is there a stick in my bed, it's a present for you, it's the first EP ever collected Oh

Once again, I have saved, Marksville from the world's worst villain

bad dog

Did anybody help this hero?

Sounds like that flower outside has a cock -

You know how the beavers boat that beaver dam for captain dog you mean that thing

He made if sticks that kept the captions on headquarters who towed away


Grievers MN beavers right so our mission is to find a beaver to teach us so we can protect the doghouse for blah

You bet I'm a beaver and my name is busy, I fell trees so fast. It'll make you dizzy

I'm great at spitting rhymes and chewing trees

I'll build a beloved any chance you can teach us we know you're really busy at all wait

I may be busy, but the beaver Creed is always a friend in need

Well I get these logs and things

Yeah, we have to maybe we can shoot out a tree like busy. I love to no sticks

Me too how else can we knock down a tree?

Have a nice flight yeah, but we couldn't shoot out a tree after all no worries bubby Doug

Yeah, the water is still eating through right there see

Then we'll help you find a stick, that's the perfect fit

Now we've gotta go build our own to save our doghouse

It's just water I'm coming puppies it looks like you the best

See is all dry. Thanks are we pull the sticks there. Well. Yeah, we will - damn

After it stops raining. What do you say we curl up on the couch and watch some captain dog?

These like monster hissy yeah, you sure monster, I don't want to be a shark monster what for chanting

We're surfers, and we need you to be the shark monster

Ruff do you guys too I would love to feel that sand on my toes someday

Hope you guys find something fun to do while I'm not near

Do here will Bob said just barely that live floor really is noisy you and I are going on a mission

Good things into these towers for us to put stuff in


Hope whoever's flying this plane doesn't make it do loop-de-loops because that hurts my top Oh

I was talking about that thing around your neck. It's a lay hand so this

Probably, I hope I don't get sunburned cuz that hurt

And it's exactly what I need these crabs are

We need something big that flies like a big fly bigger and fly, so let's get to work


Came here to get Sam for bob's toes. I changed everything that's crawling on the beach

We're both floating

Yeah, we poor Lakers are gonna ride the NEX way and whoever searched the best wins a trophy

What's that you two doggies one the surfing contest first place and we still need something aplenty

I'm gonna find you crabby

Bog it's gonna be so happy when he sees all the Sanford's toes we should celebrate by eating those dog biscuits

I put in our collars. Yeah, all we have to do

Roli wait we have all this and we need to Bob Tito

See there were no little puppies around to almost run me over or wake me up for my nap or beg me to be a

Shark monster until I finally said okay

I've been looking forward to seeing you all day

Whoa, would you two get into Oh?

Actually that feels really good like what the beach must be like in Hawaii

Meow bid me dry me off

Cuteness and bark bark barks to all remember captain dog as always just a phone call away

This sounds important the Great Pyramids of Egypt have mysteriously disappeared

Oh, no the pyramids shown here before they disappeared look those giant pyramids have just disappeared

No one has any idea how the pair of it's disappeared uh?

Try to stay dry today, I'll see you when I get home from work

Well we're gonna make sure upside up smile lands there instead kissy Romy

And I are going on a mission to find the pyramids for Bob. That's the way to like in Egypt

Welcome to sunny and dry Egypt, I guess we'll have to change that on all the posters and brochures

Whose ancient Egyptians knew how to treat a kitty right

Looks like the guy has out. She's Oliver's body like gonna bog grab my foot after I step in my beef. It's stuff

You kept going

That takes us where the pyramids used to be yes, it is all aboard you

Coming with the sissy nah you can go on without me while I'm napping here without you

We get to ride a camel cuz away we go

Well she didn't do a very good job and nowhere in sight

Looks like this big Bobby's nose fell off. Maybe you fell in

Look at these cool drawings all over the walls

Roley that's not me

There's one thing we can do

We still haven't found the missing pyramids nabob

Kolja you mean, we came all the way up this mountain you shouldn't slide down it yep

It's a good thing I brought my bottom with me to help out not sure what that means, but thank

Fully I did it's the right shape just like those hats Bob made for us, but bigger in Egypt

They were here all the time

Luke'll Rolly found hissy

Fizzy the triangle II things were discovered in the exact spot, they had always been in

Now I'll be able to go to Egypt someday and see the pyramids

On your part let me wish you won't take this dr. Wah, I'll go along with that

Doggery knows you're looking for someone to throw that stick

I wish I had time, but I'm heading out to buy stuff for the big game. That's on TV

Where else besides a stiff do you think you could put this machine Bob said whatever we want

Wait a minute, what are you guys doing with Bob special baseball Bob special?

You a fish

Okay, Rolly Rolly No our mission is to get Bob's baseball before

The nut bucket list

Leave us alone cupcake we're on a mission yahoo fetching bombs baseball well

I wouldn't want to get in your way, which is why I'll have Rufus get in you wait for me

Okay got some chips and my fruit smoothies for the game just need to make a quick stop

This is got to be the hardest game of fetch we have ever played

This is bad that drink could lead anywhere. If only we knew someone who knew where that dreams rings out to

Rolly we do

Okay, so if we follow this drain through this pipe up back and around

That baseball year looking for should be coming out right about

Hello, baseball fans and welcome to teddy peppercorn day


Hey there well looks like you've been having fun with that fetch machine

Is that my special baseball I can see why you'd want to play with that it's so Rolly

Well I guess I never turned this thing all the way around before to see that it was there

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