getting all the benefits of a spa day without having to spend a penny sounds
like a pretty sweet deal today's video will discuss sugar scrub home recipes
before you watch this video please take a moment to subscribe our YouTube
channel by clicking the subscribe button then tap the bell icon so you will be
the first to know when we post new videos daily using a sugar scrub on your
skin is a great way to exfoliate it when mixed with the right ingredients the
scrub can add a ton of nutrients to your skin while also removing all the dirt
and impurities depending on the type of skin you have you can use any of the
following recipes for softer glowing skin in no time let's start a list off
with 5 sugar scrub recipes for glowing skin 1 the olive oil and sugar scrub the
olive oil and sugar scrub is ideal for you if you have dry skin follow these
simple steps in your scrub would be ready in no time
procedure pour a bit of olive oil in a bowl or jar and add 2 teaspoons of honey
to it the consistency can get quite thick once you've mixed the to add the
sugar you need to add enough sugar to make the mixture grainy as opposed to
watery use a cotton bud and exfoliate your skin to the coconut oil and sugar
scrub this is another sugar scrub recipe that can be used for dry skin coconut
oil douse as your skin in all the nutrients it needs in order to stay
moisturized procedure pour some coconut oil in a bowl and add some honey to it
add the sugar in and as was the case with the previous recipe ensure that the
consistency is grainy and not watery use a cotton bud to exfoliate your skin 3
the lemon and sugar scrub if you are looking for a deal of your sugar scrub
that can help you get rid of your pimples then this one is it procedure
just add the juice of one lemon to a bowl and add sugar to it
cotton in the mixture and rub it all over your face for the turmeric and
sugar scrub turmeric is great for your skin it makes it glow and also lightens
it follow these simple steps and get a glowing skin procedure put some turmeric
powder in a bowl and add a few drops of honey to turn the powder into a paste if
you don't want to use honey you can use a mild moisturizer add the sugar to this
mixture exfoliate your skin with a cotton bud 5 the aloe vera and sugar
scrub it's no secret that aloe vera is great for your skin however this is a
sugar scrub for face care that requires you to look for ingredients outside your
kitchen the best way to use this scrub is to get aloe vera gel these are easily
available and have just the right consistency to turn into a scrub put it
in a bowl and add the sugar granules then scrub away making a sugar scrub is
incredibly easy sugar has just the right texture to scrub out all the dirt and
impurities from your face and make it look super clean fresh and moisturized
go ahead and make your own scrub today which recipe do you like let me know in
our comment section below if you liked this video give it a thumbs
up and share with your friends for more daily tips subscribe to our channel
below thank you
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