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Of course I'm excited now that we're all moved in I can start making new friends
Just remember to love that screaming sometimes humans get just a little teensy bit
Terrified of the things they haven't seen before
They say orange is the new black we prefer the old block in any way Papa
Kindly I'm Edna people's then and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood
I live right next door with my twin against Edgar and poppy
Hmm, what kind of cookies are these?
nuggets slug berry cream doodles oatmeal raisin
That only seems fair after all you're looking at him
Maybe making human friends is gonna be harder than I thought
What's Wrong little V. I guess this is such a big move
And I'm kind of scared what if I don't make any friends in Pennsylvania?
But here my soul what if the kids don't like
Me what if they point and stare?
Let's show the whole human world how lovable you are adorbs vampire
Is looking for I do not know
next door I
Really, thought. It was a troll from that spooky house next door. I mean. What kind of cat is no hair a
hairless cat ha
Hey, why don't we ask her?
She lives there, right hi
Well not dying, but you know it's nice to meet some humans
Let's see
Yes, we'll hit the big time you have a web show that's cool
How many viewers do you have six including our grandma?
You just moved in
This house has always belonged to my family my dad first came here a couple hundred years ago come on over to my totally normal
Not scary definitely not haunted house. We can play with my Transylvanian screen Girl dolls I
You know I have to go brush miss cuttle cake hair
Coal ash it haunted house, yeah
Toriel that hinge
As we always say in Transylvania outer dungeon is your dungeon
But perhaps in Pennsylvania, we should just say
My favorite
It has its own cemetery I'm out later Gator
Creepy Caroline comes with two hairstyles in her head now. It's on
And I thought we could be friends of that sometimes not always am I gonna be famous I
Saw that we both love justin teaser in the singing siren
And then we danced uh-huh my eyes. This is the scariest thing I've seen all day
I'm out can I do we'll have dancing to that song me too?
But you didn't have to do that so should we dance it out?
Nice kitty huh, but nothing to get his he about just
Survived monstrous attack yes, I did just barely, but I did oh it was oh
Four legs yes. It was but you should have seen it it was
She loved them so much back in Transylvania
Hey Bridget, did you get your invitation to vamp ring a surprise party tonight, uh-huh it'll be before getting surprised
Doing what gosh do I have Sami breath or something?
That's why I can't wait for my surprise party tonight, you know about the surprise party
They're all about the host
Surprising the guests. I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself
prepare to be smooth
Creepy pop music isso cute up wow you really go up
Your closet with big black spooky back you shut the door and then
The trick
See maybe take down the spooky lights or replace the eyeballs with cookies surprise cookies
I sure hope so
I never fall for the behind
When it comes to telling a party
But forgot that vampires and humans don't always do things the same way
Yeah, not everyone loves being scared like you and me oh
You sweating the blood orange cake goat the ways that neither you and poppy want the floor looks pretty scared before
I looked at the video the Camerons. I was never really that scared
The camera never lies all right even though, I've made new friends like you and Bridget, it's
Still tough to be the new kid
Give the other kids some time to get used to the new stuff
I have a feeling we'll come around and love you for all the reasons I do you
The plan predicament 14
You're the only doubt that's ever been in my backyard
My freshest petunias puzzles, what's going on? Oh girls? I need to get ready for the green film contest
The green thumb contest is a gardening competition only. I thought the contest was next month, but it turns out
It's today she loves to garden
Sounds like it's about witches, but it's actually about planting gardens. Oh, I love Gardens
You don't know that your kind of gardening is very different from Edna's kind of gardening. Oh
Gregoria we always get in trouble when we help humans well. I love helping humans
Maybe just dig holes pretty sees
Because they've got a secret
city spritzee's fast-acting plant fertilizer a few sprays of this and the Flint's
Seeds should we plant these - no no, no you can't use these
These are my thing we've got plenty of my Z's here
Remember it works fast. Oh, I don't remember this garden statue
Good, let's play won't be while we wait for the plants to sprout
Oh, please Brody
Monster plant this is no time to pin
A little plants growing. Yep, not growing yet. We thought if your plants are growing
Everything all right
Yes papi, I can't get rid of the monster plants while you keep mrs.. People's and busy. They're not too big just
Safety scissors, maybe we can try to cut the steps
Hi everyone oh I see you've got a case of the monster plants
Zucchini anyway, I'm sure you'll know what to do. He's just a poof away. How long does a poof take?
Hi girls my plants must be growing by now, I'm desperate to see them what about the tea the tea is ready?
The girls can watch the garden it fer now let's make those cookies
Oatmeal raisin your chocolate surprise
Maybe we do all of these get them troubles than we have human I
Spoke to my great grandpa ghost who it turns out is actually my great-great-great grandpa
Dear I must have forgotten it during all that puffing and washing
Here it is you do a spooky spin
There's nothing anyone can do to stop me, but I don't think Viva, maybe love cookie
Cookie cookies and tea my favorite
What a lovely coil I don't remember planting them
Well we hope not those plants make the garden so interesting and unique by I
Couldn't have done it without your help
Bostick watch the jump Ian ship sign ball games don't my championship
I know you'd be excited in like the wolf playing patty-cake
As long as Demyan gonna go to your help. I think you can handle it
I took care of you as a baby V and let me tell you baby vampires may be cute, but they're a big handful
Baby vampires usually don't use the same toys as human babies. They're pretty different. That's what happened
Can I hold her in Olga of course hello, nosy? I'm here because of a marina. I'm gonna take care of you
Healing will be I
Mean miss have fun with no CV. She's an angel
Victoria how can you deny it this little sandy face
That cutie that a patootie was trouble
Maybe one of these baby toys, I brought will distract her
Expect her to be so zooming freakishly strong a typical vampire, baby. I guess not this cozy hot
Human I see your point how about some dinner vampire babies like to eat Oh
Leading babies with bottles always works, but I don't think baby vampires use bottles like humans
The trolls doing wolf game. How's it going in here - wait the food?
Babysitter's, baby
Boria wolfy wolfy nosey
And we found nosey up there I
Really am the worst baby and body sitter ever don't worry. I have one more idea and all you have to do with this thing
Hacha by nosy lay down your head
What that may be made of stone, but I guess ever so spot for the babies, thanks for your help
She knew what to do she got nosy to sleep with the lullaby in the shoe kingly an angel
That's one way to put it me. I'd call her something more like
super duper cute
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