Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 29 2017

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Of course I'm excited now that we're all moved in I can start making new friends

Just remember to love that screaming sometimes humans get just a little teensy bit

Terrified of the things they haven't seen before

They say orange is the new black we prefer the old block in any way Papa

Kindly I'm Edna people's then and I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood

I live right next door with my twin against Edgar and poppy

Hmm, what kind of cookies are these?

nuggets slug berry cream doodles oatmeal raisin

That only seems fair after all you're looking at him

Maybe making human friends is gonna be harder than I thought

What's Wrong little V. I guess this is such a big move

And I'm kind of scared what if I don't make any friends in Pennsylvania?

But here my soul what if the kids don't like

Me what if they point and stare?

Let's show the whole human world how lovable you are adorbs vampire

Is looking for I do not know

next door I

Really, thought. It was a troll from that spooky house next door. I mean. What kind of cat is no hair a

hairless cat ha

Hey, why don't we ask her?

She lives there, right hi

Well not dying, but you know it's nice to meet some humans

Let's see

Yes, we'll hit the big time you have a web show that's cool

How many viewers do you have six including our grandma?

You just moved in


This house has always belonged to my family my dad first came here a couple hundred years ago come on over to my totally normal

Not scary definitely not haunted house. We can play with my Transylvanian screen Girl dolls I

You know I have to go brush miss cuttle cake hair

Coal ash it haunted house, yeah

Toriel that hinge

As we always say in Transylvania outer dungeon is your dungeon

But perhaps in Pennsylvania, we should just say

My favorite

It has its own cemetery I'm out later Gator

Creepy Caroline comes with two hairstyles in her head now. It's on


And I thought we could be friends of that sometimes not always am I gonna be famous I

Saw that we both love justin teaser in the singing siren

And then we danced uh-huh my eyes. This is the scariest thing I've seen all day

I'm out can I do we'll have dancing to that song me too?

But you didn't have to do that so should we dance it out?

Nice kitty huh, but nothing to get his he about just

Survived monstrous attack yes, I did just barely, but I did oh it was oh

Four legs yes. It was but you should have seen it it was

She loved them so much back in Transylvania

Hey Bridget, did you get your invitation to vamp ring a surprise party tonight, uh-huh it'll be before getting surprised

Doing what gosh do I have Sami breath or something?

That's why I can't wait for my surprise party tonight, you know about the surprise party

They're all about the host

Surprising the guests. I'm pretty good at it if I do say so myself

prepare to be smooth

Creepy pop music isso cute up wow you really go up

Your closet with big black spooky back you shut the door and then

The trick

See maybe take down the spooky lights or replace the eyeballs with cookies surprise cookies

I sure hope so


I never fall for the behind

When it comes to telling a party


But forgot that vampires and humans don't always do things the same way

Yeah, not everyone loves being scared like you and me oh

You sweating the blood orange cake goat the ways that neither you and poppy want the floor looks pretty scared before

I looked at the video the Camerons. I was never really that scared

The camera never lies all right even though, I've made new friends like you and Bridget, it's

Still tough to be the new kid

Give the other kids some time to get used to the new stuff

I have a feeling we'll come around and love you for all the reasons I do you

The plan predicament 14

You're the only doubt that's ever been in my backyard

My freshest petunias puzzles, what's going on? Oh girls? I need to get ready for the green film contest

The green thumb contest is a gardening competition only. I thought the contest was next month, but it turns out

It's today she loves to garden

Sounds like it's about witches, but it's actually about planting gardens. Oh, I love Gardens

You don't know that your kind of gardening is very different from Edna's kind of gardening. Oh

Gregoria we always get in trouble when we help humans well. I love helping humans

Maybe just dig holes pretty sees

Because they've got a secret

city spritzee's fast-acting plant fertilizer a few sprays of this and the Flint's

Seeds should we plant these - no no, no you can't use these

These are my thing we've got plenty of my Z's here

Remember it works fast. Oh, I don't remember this garden statue

Good, let's play won't be while we wait for the plants to sprout

Oh, please Brody

Monster plant this is no time to pin

A little plants growing. Yep, not growing yet. We thought if your plants are growing

Everything all right

Yes papi, I can't get rid of the monster plants while you keep mrs.. People's and busy. They're not too big just

Safety scissors, maybe we can try to cut the steps

Hi everyone oh I see you've got a case of the monster plants

Zucchini anyway, I'm sure you'll know what to do. He's just a poof away. How long does a poof take?

Hi girls my plants must be growing by now, I'm desperate to see them what about the tea the tea is ready?

The girls can watch the garden it fer now let's make those cookies

Oatmeal raisin your chocolate surprise

Maybe we do all of these get them troubles than we have human I

Spoke to my great grandpa ghost who it turns out is actually my great-great-great grandpa

Dear I must have forgotten it during all that puffing and washing

Here it is you do a spooky spin

There's nothing anyone can do to stop me, but I don't think Viva, maybe love cookie

Cookie cookies and tea my favorite

What a lovely coil I don't remember planting them

Well we hope not those plants make the garden so interesting and unique by I

Couldn't have done it without your help

Bostick watch the jump Ian ship sign ball games don't my championship

I know you'd be excited in like the wolf playing patty-cake

As long as Demyan gonna go to your help. I think you can handle it

I took care of you as a baby V and let me tell you baby vampires may be cute, but they're a big handful

Baby vampires usually don't use the same toys as human babies. They're pretty different. That's what happened

Can I hold her in Olga of course hello, nosy? I'm here because of a marina. I'm gonna take care of you

Healing will be I

Mean miss have fun with no CV. She's an angel


Victoria how can you deny it this little sandy face

That cutie that a patootie was trouble

Maybe one of these baby toys, I brought will distract her

Expect her to be so zooming freakishly strong a typical vampire, baby. I guess not this cozy hot

Human I see your point how about some dinner vampire babies like to eat Oh

Leading babies with bottles always works, but I don't think baby vampires use bottles like humans

The trolls doing wolf game. How's it going in here - wait the food?

Babysitter's, baby

Boria wolfy wolfy nosey

And we found nosey up there I

Really am the worst baby and body sitter ever don't worry. I have one more idea and all you have to do with this thing

Hacha by nosy lay down your head

What that may be made of stone, but I guess ever so spot for the babies, thanks for your help

She knew what to do she got nosy to sleep with the lullaby in the shoe kingly an angel

That's one way to put it me. I'd call her something more like

super duper cute

For more infomation >> Vampirina Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 70 - Jade Porter - Duration: 18:24.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 143 - Pink Pig - Duration: 17:53.

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Tibbals around and I want to go home with as much as I can carry

What are you doing just lying around we're waiting for Bob he's buying vegetables

Well, do you want to come see the most awesomest place here?

Roley is that you

Playing a mutt is fun, but I can't really wear a puppy house

It sure looks like you had fun exploring the farm you little monsters

I can hardly tell which one of you is which you know what let's get you home and get y'all good thing

I invented this dog washing machine to wash him off you guys can get scrubbed clean inside then when you come out our full go

There you go by the time I get back from taking these vegetables to some of my friends you'll both be clean and shiny

You want to leave him in there extra long since he was extra piggy when he went in he loved being thing nobody's been doing

all day

Wake up little piggies it's time for lunch, I found this one sleeping near a tree. Yeah, I'm sure he's

The other one who's asleep, so we're gonna have to figure out how to find my brother

these are your brother's silly no my brother's a dog, just like I'm gone I


Close your eyes silly piglet

Hey you and I are going on a mission

Yeah, so I can go find even more mud

Finally now, I've got to find bingo and see if he's been trying to find me

Tilt it like this, maybe I'll know it when I see it

That farmers a nice place

Goodness you're not a little piggy at all I do and now I need to figure out where to find him

How do you be close by

I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. I knew you'd come find me. I just knew it

Hey what I'm gonna do first are go together


Love coming home and knowing that you two will always be right here together. I love that too, and I love it yes as much

Their royal pugna's

Queen okay

How you been got of this paper crown to wear?

Well, I've got to get to work, but I'll see you when it's party time

Sam we should go all the way to England find the Queen run nothing sweeter

And then come back here and rebuff mom the same way when you say it like that

It seems kind of crazy. It seems good. We need to figure out how to get inside

Now those men of the furry hats are the Queen's guards Frank, and it's their job to keep anyone from

Maybe if we can get those guards to smile or laugh, they'd be so happy they let us into the palace

What are we gonna do if we can't get past those guards

We'll never get inside that palace unless you go through that doggie door right there and dog you won't right way

Oh trifle bottom the third at your service

But you may call me Gump it you Michael's been gone really because those are our names

Well, then bingo and as I don't see how a chef like me can say no

Jolly good, then. Let's get to work

Let's give it another go shall we as I was saying do not eat the biscuits until I

say, this is a

There is no greater compliment to the Queen than to sit still in her presence. I remember on one such occasion


We were sitting still for a second, but it got really hard after that oh


Now here's a Wixom that walking if I be careful. These royal floors can be royal

So sorry pops but tea time with the cleaner starting soon, and I need to straighten the whole way before it begins

Thanks, anyway old check yeah

Fancy table with biscuit for tea

a fancy table of biscuits s40 this is the queen

Good I'm so glad that you could join me, please help yourselves

Crumpets worth cream puffs gold trifle, but on the third Oh

No Club it is late, and it's all her fault. Why are you hiding under the table?

Enjoy yourself a biscuit darling just take one the way you've been trained to do

If we go up there so no we're not krumping although, I do like a good Scratchy behind youse a bit

Where are you? What are you do begin until I arrived

Turns out you chaps do know how to treat a queen. Hi pop baby get old truck. We just wanted to say

Thank you for all your help Mullins had a process that means walk

And they also blew trumpets and bound it was a really good trip. I say good


Are those your two little puppies are here Oh

Our atheist cuteness for we usually don't wait soap lightly for their treats. Go ahead boys eat those treats

This way mom

had this right by my side, and we even learned a special birthday song I almost forgot your birthday crown I

Have to say I have never been treated, so well. I feel like I'm queen goodwood. Oh here we go

smile everybody oh

Look at that the perfect picture you guys set per indeed this calls for more trumpets. Yeah


Right now our bingo and Roli playing with Missy

We're trying but his he doesn't want to play how about this?

Light activated playin all I just don't play as much as I used you know

Hey, everybody. I found this lost kitten hiding in the bushes

I'd be so sad if what have you ever got lost so I'm sure this kittens owner is really worried, too

I'll make some calls at work today and trying to find her home

She's probably too young to know how to talk

Whiskers Micucci tail or Dino rocket blaster

our visa snuggler and a cuddler

Bob said he doesn't know where snowflakes home is and then her oh that must be sad that she's lost

And she's too young to tell us which one of those things

Will be back as fast as we can okay fine just

Hurry, please bye snowflake. Thanks, sissy

Oops bunk snowflake oh right sorry

Do you have a plan how we're gonna find snowflake home sure do Missy says she played a lot as a kid

So we need to think of things kittens like to play with and then go to the places at the right place

I'll check in here

No cat beds lots of yarn no

It's a little big for you

How did you even do that fine, I'll get you out just



It's this ting look easy are


Snow yes, oh yes are much to play why you are playful

Well he looks like you have giddy sitting under wait

Wants to button is stuck any more trouble we're going outside some are will clean up inside

There wasn't anyone for a kitten to play with in the park, so he had lost it must be your older

She's looking for a lost kitty she did seem sad just like Bob said when Bob reads that poster who know where snowflake lives

so he can take

But this is really high up also. I'm not sure how to get us both down oh

Don't worry earth can help

Well we're both trapped in a tree so things could be better we could help

Absolutely not. Don't worry

Doesn't really make me feel hmm better

Water water


Snowflake get to the yard. Oh, no we know where she lives

Come on kitty. Let's get you home. Oh, thank you

I looked everywhere for you

Try not to get tangled up in yarn or make a mess chasing lights or get trapped in a tree

But if you do, I'll be around to help you out. It's activated


Can't tell you how excited I am for our vacation to Florida tomorrow

It's the parent I made friends with when I first got to Florida I was feeling homesick, and he helped me feel better Koscheck

That's when you feel so parents can live a long long time hmm. I wonder if I'll ever see him again

Suffering side orders of seaweed salad I still need to pack lobster. We're gonna play on the beach

Teddy Bob was really excited about coming to the beach

Maybe he's homesick. You know like when he was a kid that totally makes sense I get it let your Baba last time

He was in Florida was the parent I smell a mission. Let's go

Bob said that the Pyrrhic knocked down Bob did say he first met some hair

I want to walk in a garnet, then we should go on a walk. I love walks

With all these trees this hump

Sorry Nelly are you Bobby's bored? Oh?

Rollie he's not a parent all right

I just saw wings and got it yeah

Bob's Burgers coconuts out of trees and eats grapes and dances and sings hey, I heard a bird singing today

I could take it to him singing burns up that old overturned boat my puppy you do something

Just like that Cleve you are the backseat, I'll save and pops in all of Florida

Don't know what rhymes with Florida right Jonathan isn't the right kind of singing bird?

He's a seagull clouds bird as a pair and Augsburg knocks coconuts out of trees. I know I know oh

You know there's a bird knocking confidence on that tree just like Babu used to do

Thanks for helping us find box burner Jonathan and you to Nelly after to her

Hope you get Bob's bird back to Bob so he can feel better

Come on, Roli. Let's get

He's not moving we need to figure out how to get him to follow us what a delightful picnic at the beach Frank

I just love Florida us for the period

Bob said is bird like grapes. We can use them to bring him back to Bob's hotel

Whoa to produce that both look like Bob's border

Oh Lee there can only be one Bob's bird. What a shame repeating things?

So we asked of each of whom was Bob's bird

a bird

You know dancing?

Bob's burger might need a little inspiration we need to sing and dance and maybe Bob's board will decide to

That first I'm saying pretty well, and it's under both the others they're all good dancers to name

suffering side orders of seaweed salad

He said the same thing Bob tears when he's frustrated suffering side orders of sea back to Bob so we can surprise it back


My valiant Sara

Oxford they say who I think it is what I'd recognize that voice anywhere

I'm singing and dancing and Wow Oh

Suffering side orders are seaweed salad

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 143 - Pink Pig - Duration: 17:53.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 672 - Duration: 14:34.

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The little witch except on my birthday you

Came to the castle and she's always playing tricks on us

Last week she put a hex on my dolls and turned them into mice

And she melted my crayons together see come on. Let's go hand out these beautiful invitations

It's my birthday, and I'm having a party at my house

What's that it's a tail silly

I'll be right back. I hope so

Who are you I'm

Sophia why are you dressed like that are you some kind of princess? I am a princess

Have any friends yeah friends don't have them

Don't need them or their silly parties that I am not invited to wait just leave me alone

Princess or I'll hex you now Lucinda. That's no way to make friends. Which is what you want, right?

Why do you act so mean, I don't know how else to act what

Hexing is all. I know how to do my parents are witches my

Grandparents are witches so we have a hard time getting along with regular people I understand how you feel

You don't get along with regular people either


Everyone in the village then the first thing you should do is apologize to everyone in the village. Oh, I'm not good at apologies

Pranks I can do all you have to do is say. I'm sorry do it

Come on

Okay, we'll work on it on the way okay. Oh, and she has something she wants to say yeah, right Lucinda

Jade I'm

twice yeah twice

But she's sorry. I bet she's just pretending to be sorry so she can surprise us with something extra mean. I'll never invite you

They're all better right not all better how about now

I'll join oh

No a witch trap

This is hopeless Jade's never going to be friends with me none of those kids will

Are you okay, you saved me so you can be a good witch if you want to I guess that's why the kids

So if I were you here's what I do

Yeah, little way

Hop on let's walk

Hello everybody its Lucinda Ron. I knew you could do it Lucinda

I just want you to know if I could I would invite you to Jade's party really yeah

But it's not up to me. I hexed her a lot you could start by fixing her garden

I can do that perfect then she can have her party outside again. She'll be so happy. Let's take my broom to Jase

We'll get there faster. No. Thanks. Come on. It'll be fun

It wasn't so fun last time. That's cause your



Did you hear something uh no well I did

I told you I really really think she's trying to be good now. I mean you

Just don't way no one wants you here. I knew you would never forgive me. Oh


I tried to tell you

Please stop what I was wrong. I'm sorry. I should have given you a second chance

It doesn't have to be ruined, what do you mean?

When new and improved birthday party coming right up, let's start with these decorations


Can top that kit so uh want see some party tricks

Don't worry. They're nice tricks

You're the best which eat me, thank you

Scrambled cats

What happened to all my apple slices

What's the fireworks sorry you know I breathe we all the time, I can't help it. Well. I can't help breathing fire

Had a boy frito, it's not his fault this playground is too. Small I

Can't see him saying this, but you're right

I am we should really bring our pets to a bigger

Playground can sneak them in and go out to the playground when no one's looking let's do it tomorrow, okay?

I don't know guys. It doesn't sound like a very good idea, but Sophia

Trailing stay hidden


Now we just have to get through sorcery class and Men so I will be your substitute

Luckily I am a Popov of many talents and today

I will teach you my favorite an orange

Opals are my favorite. Everything is my favorite cover. Sorry finally. We stand back and

Refreshing now children it is your turn to try

Their children I will be back start mixing your potions now come on mix mix mix

So many apples you offer me. Hey save some for me

What happened to you

Stop frito hey come back here, what might they go. Oh, this is worse. This is even worse

We have to get them back before the teachers see them. We'll be right back

They are so going to get in trouble nose burns. I'm covered in scales parts of me are blue. This is not OK

Where all the classrooms are excuse me miss flora yes dear do you mean?

I have to be inside a classroom all day long think of it as a grand

Endure it go on to relieve their kingdoms. It's a baboon with a peacock tail oh

We wouldn't have anything like that, but you did say yes guys look

Peacock feathers, let's follow the trail you know Sofia if there's anyone to blame here. It's James's monkey oh

I see

What are you doing I got excited why you just

See, that's what happens flying would be easier than this I always thought hopping would be easier than this

Huh I guess I never really knew what it would be like to be you until I started

But Dinu is not quite what it oh?

I'm okay. I'm cool mostly all right to the playground crackle

There they are we have to get them to class before professor Popov gets back

Look a playing rabbit and his bat Hawking dragon


Don't you tap away from me?

Over look they went that way, I wouldn't say that um we're clover and crackle they left they left

How could you let them leave?

What could we do Sophia?

Amber told us not to move James and I can make a new potion to unmix our pets while you and Vivian round up crackle

And clover you two can make a new potion the instructions are right here

Kluber Sophia, sorry oh I'm so glad you're alright

Everything's going to be okay the emerg aims are working on a new pause

Headed toward the gym Sophia you what's me don't go in there. No. I'll get him to come back

Just wait here trust me okay

Thank you do you have any questions?

In our gym seems fair to me, but it's not all his fault well. It's not my fault either. No matter what you think

You're right amber. It was your idea. We can explain miss flora

We brought our pets to school

We knew it was against the rules and we shouldn't have done it and then there was an accident this gymnasium, but first things first

Better fix these poor pets this will unscramble them all

Okay for you. No. Don't move. Okay. We're on it

Crackle clover I need your help catching free go done poisoning crackle. Can you use those breath?

How's this Sofia perfect okay here goes?

Fire breathing sure comes in handy

Over well at least I got my legs back I

Better not be missing a single feather princess Queen Avery. I'm so sorry

Let me assure you that this kind of wild behavior will never happen again

Huge source

just kidding I

Think this is school for me mom


Own the derry-o the farmer in the Dell

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 672 - Duration: 14:34.


Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 181 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 18:16.

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For more infomation >> Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 181 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 18:16.


Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 56 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:07.

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For more infomation >> Dragons Race To The Edge Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 56 - BEN WARD - Duration: 17:07.


Dinotrux Picktools Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Ewan Gray - Duration: 16:07.

For more infomation >> Dinotrux Picktools Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Ewan Gray - Duration: 16:07.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh The Gray Matter Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Blue Pig - Duration: 19:55.

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There it is just look at it what a hole?

Hey i'ma let you be the boss

This says you are the boss and if I were the boss

What you just tell me what to do you're already leaving

It does feel good to tell you what to do. That's the spirit for my photo no wait

Two steps has already got us started on it venture

Huh I would have never thought to fall down a hole inside a hole. I'm too hyper. We're cautious and connected for yourself

What is being bad?

Cloud simple whoa Cummings

Who are you? I am boobies leader of the pre-move and some of the odor I am called

Oh, but I am NOT alone, so I am missing my friend


Yes, they're ours I am living with one yeah

We are going on hosts, but do not be worrying we will be fixing your traumatized brain sacks. I hope you are liking

Hiding in the sewers completely out of you

But I am the one who stopped the gorg, but what that claim is outright

Such lies will bring forth the God have clearly brainwashed this booth into forgetting their invasion an attempt to lure us out

Maybe he is telling the truth would not that be nice


I am loving so chuckling no no I will resist

Think about it all you stop the God

Invasion do you really believe that was on purpose?

You live with a human family boo do not cohabitate with other species

like the snow

And that is why you are just plain wrong

How did you get here

I'm an expert. Yeah, you cannot be tip tip is not real, okay

buddy what did they do to you in here look if I wasn't real than oh

We have only just met and already you are deceiving to me

I do not have a song prepared. Don't worry. Dude. I'll back you up here is tip and me eating ice cream

She is my mom, and this is a picture of a cat's bottom

How can suspect no boobies just wants to shut you in again now is your chance for freedom

Where grab each other stop sprinkles

Between the cow don't you come down here and brainwash my poo

I'm proud of you. Oh, you stepped up your game and actually like a real leader

I did didn't I from now on I am going to be more assertive. I will

Yes, okay

Thanks for letting me borrow this book tip you ready, yeah, it's my new favorite book you know

Shoot Benny you should've seen this one coming

Uh, we should probably just nip this walk in together thing in the bud before you get too clingy

Honey with me anymore perhaps this humans boy found another humans girl that he likes more

Just wake me up for school. Are you walking there with Benny?

Whoa she is reminding argue feelings any bettering

Sorry sorry

Anat we go to where we can let it all out

It is called the anger dome I think it is just what you are needing

One for anger dome next one human finger down do you want angry eyebrows stickers?

Yeah come on

What is that that is a scream work

Destruction palace awesome was gone wait do not take destruction palace lightly it is the most violent to trap

Too much a

Little bits, but do not worry. This is your first anger dome I am certain you will get your anger ease out of you in

You took notes she really needs to be here like sorry Alvin how am I suppose?

Yeah, I am not sure this is working perhaps you have to press that button to inflate it

Tips stop you - oh I underestimated

Thunder banshee

Searching for cottage penny

Hahaha, what do you know a bridge to strike I?

Too was recently banished to the French welcome to my world

Thanks guys sounds lame to

Cosmic roar me anytime life in general. I'm still trying to figure it all out

I do not understand, but I am glad you found someone that does think so let's go home

Well you help me with

No sponges

Hi disgraced former leader smack I

Was so sure that sponge trick would work. How was I supposed to know what snacks?

He likes what's all the beef with the little purple ties


Feel you mo Padre. I was once a glorious leader, but the art of oh

You know it mo cocido long book so I only read the back covered it surprised it

Taught me to keep my friends close, but my n I got weak

And I failed

Of course you're an idiot and the regret haunts me every day like the collection notices on this overdue library book well

I will not fail like you


Disgraced former leader smack I was wondering if you'd like to become friends for no sneaky reason what's with it? Just you and me?

New friends Mac we have so much fun thing to do yes. Yes, we do. What are your deepest darkest fears?

It's just my super secret diary journal nothing important forget about it. Okay. Here you are going

you are going to have to pay in advance what that's not how restaurant ah

I hate you do not talk to disgraced former leader Smith that way he may have made some terrible life choices

But he still deserves respect

Thanking you I love street tires. How much do you love street tires would it ruin your day if they cease to exist?

You should really eat something

migos Oh

Assistant ham ranger Julio don't be weak. You'll regret it forever

Fine letting me see

You're supposed to be my worst enemy, but you're turning into someone I might

What's wrong that I only tell my closest friends

Why why, would you say that? Why would you call me that word?

Yes frequencies interrupt like biological for this like my inside jelly is being trampled by a thousand Kovich. Oh my

Thank you smack smack radiation, they're releasing jubilation in

the spaceship

You are going to love this picnic

I has them with tip all the time and now you want to have one with me of course

Are you doing here what you should be doing sticking to the plan I'm not gonna

Let a fellow moe worker be weak like I was

I'm gonna make sure you take down that little purple gun and nothing gets done

We should probably leave the park right now

Leave right now

Smack you have saved me again

You are truly a great friend

Is this your supers the most talented artist there?

You are tormenting me with squirrels yes

But and here I have an agony over smooth jazz frequencies you have perfectly Capitol blood

But to my surprise I fulfilling friend with you and decided to call the whole thing off

No you have to believe me, I'm being so sorry come on

Let's forget it all happened finish our picnic oh

The pain he must be feeling quickly

That's it you won't get away with rejecting me next time. I won't just ruin your day

I'll ruin your only evening too


Said make home miserable, not me

No okay you Wiggy

You know what let's go visit him mom. I'm taking flushes two boobs land

Boof Kyle it is blocking out all sound and natural light so you can focus on captain duties

But how will tip get in here for visiting captain. There's no time so much. We can hang out all the time

I am wishing the same wish oh I have a crazy idea

Oh, No are you okay? What if I do not know?


Will call myself the king of police let's go tell everyone make it and be part of her family

What is family I?

Think I caught a family when someone coughed on me the family is like

to learn more about

Family I am leaving in charge hang up, please Kyle


Hi, oh hi, sweetie, hey mom I was just wondering

You have my picture in your room that is being so cool

I could shred if I wanted I also have many cool personal items. Where should I be putting them?

Hey where you want? Dude? This could be your bed?

It's great right you'll fit in here real good. Oh

My very own drawer you are right tip

I do not needs adequate sleeping quarters a reasonable storage for my belongings when I have got family

And I put a little extra love in yours

What will we do after unconscious

My mom I am thinking that tip does not want Oh for her little brothers anymore. Oh, I bet she's just being stubborn

Oh, I don't know. It's pretty late wait hold on a

Sec she is leading a familial embrace I

Am thinking that a familial embrace is not correct, but I just need a little space for a bit. Okay. I

Can be doing that?

Whoa I'm seeing some kind of pink blob but

You are a wise Beast

Free food best friend Kyle, I need your help. Oh you are obstructing the justice


We need to let the rest of the boov know how horrible families are

Hey, oh oh

Now where did he hey mamas? Do you think maybe you were a little hard on him turtle hair

no, I just said I

Needed a little space

And lasered my mom's eyes


Got a question. Why'd you leave us you big dough head? Hey look it stopped

Because you said before to give you space you still want to be a part of the family

You're part of the family

For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh The Gray Matter Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Blue Pig - Duration: 19:55.


Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 442 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 18:01.

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And I for one cannot wait to hear his tales I bet he had lots of adventures

They're always awesome. Just like him

Can praise that pathetic pen we are here to plunder his treasures from across the never sea sorry captain

But it's not often that people visits Neverland gather round mates

Check out all the wild things I found on the island of seed more I came across with swash buckling plant The Buccaneer

Bounder to me to hide in a safe place

The doom stone it has very powerful magic it can turn anything into stone

your heart

My heart a tragedy of the utmost

Indeed people with stone. Hearts are evil to the core. That's why I need to hide it in his head

With that magic paste secret hiding spot

Peter are you sure the doom stone will be safe here trust me cubby. There's no way anyone, but us can get inside here


Have the magic Rock huh? Whoo how do I make this magic stone?

What's this word?

No, hook don't say it

Fish got your tongue

You sound different dangerous deadly evil like it's like


Or. I shall turn you all into purely petrified

Tiki tree forest our friends there will help us protect Peter

Let's know the swabs are just what I want them

Stopped passing Smee one stone boat will not stop me from getting what I want

Pee toys in safe branches here. Thanks, mr.

Tiki, but we still need to find a way to reverse the spell on Peter. I would if I could but when it come

And hey corn, oh, this is no ordinary acorn scummy long ago when I first met Peter

He gave this to me and at once sing. Oh dear. Oh dear. It's not working

Maybe we need to grow the Acorn into a tree

Yeah, we see no other magical trees have helped us before in green growth goat

I bet the enchanted water from the ever spring fountain could help the Acorn grow super fast

And if we won't look the egg homeless

Aha I spy a pack of sea slugs leave me to pad

Deed I'm beginning to see how this big bug Valley got its name

As doomed man

Pity the puny pirates they have their jobs now Alexis make haste with our enchanted waltz pizza. Oh wait

She Wendy the dismal jungle sure is a weird place to be looking for where they hid pan

She's not there. Just looking for something called the Sunstone

no matter

What they'll find is there dude? I warned you you had your chance

And isn't it wonderful excuse me I have a step short or five

Don't worry Wendy you found us a way out of here to

Do those tests say anything about well. They have not a word captain and then they ran off to get some death

Now now mr. Bear, but don't you?

The best soil in Neverland

Then a splash of ever spring water and the warm light of the Sunstone to keep things up and walking wise us

Crusty crackers hook is totally turning to stone. I thought I took care of all of you

I say the victory goes

Only didn't coal is an acorn

He called it a kiss wait a minute when T thought we needed Wendy's acorn to save Peter

I wonder if she thought this was a kid

Well here goes

Ever ever again, you're right shake

With magic this dangerous there's only one sure way to protect


Then maybe it can cure your captain stone heart to this it's worth a try

Takes um sea pups Peter. We're sorry for causing so much trouble today

The nurse it was the captain's orders

Yeah, neverland wouldn't be Neverland without Peter

And that's because of all the treasures in the never world

Nice that's buck. You said sale Bell

News wants to shade the shadow


Search we

Don't work. Why the twelve came?

Back this money power

Forces you can't do shit with me

Say got it Jake

We wash the last word a life


For more infomation >> Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 442 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 18:01.


Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 196 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:36.

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The buttercups

Our troops newest members peg and Meg I'm Meg. She's

Sorry about that. It's okay our brother gets us mixed up all the time

I don't know. Why me neither Thank You Sophia oh

I'm so excited. I'm even more excited

I'm the most excited ever

You explore the great outdoors and learn new things and for every new activity you do you get a badge?

Would you put on your vest?

I got this one and tomorrow you'll all get a chance to earn

Plenty of badges because we're going on a nature hike through the pepper tree forest

Don't worry you'll learn a bunch tomorrow on time to go girls

Hold on a moment I don't know that the forest is a proper place for a princess, Oh she'll be fine

You know Sophia was a buttercup before she was a groundhog Scout as a boy exploring the great outdoors

Gave me skills I used to this very day. I think princess Sofia would learn a lot by going

That's it not a one your majesty

Dad I don't need baileywick. I'll be fine on my own and you'll be even more fine with baileywick

I just want to make sure that - what - what - what - oh

Dear no worries. I have a sewing kit in my back princess Sofia of enchancia

Alrighty then

Let's move up buttercups, and you too groundhog

Let's put the great and hold up buttercups time for water break finally

Allow me princess

It's your throne away from home. What do we have to do?

You have to build a birdhouse out of twigs and bark all righty, then go to it buttercups

Biggest birdhouse, I'm going to make the best birdhouse

Each Buttercup must do the project by herself yes mrs.

Hanshaw I know but I only helped a little Sofia found the tree bark

mm-hmm just like you that's right I

Know how you feel we didn't get a badge either. You'll get one just keep trying

That's right. Well. It's time. You made some room so your Buttercup can bloom

We can't do it all for them or they'll never learn back on the trail buttercups

But it's so slippery

Is it now hmm

Here we go buttercups who can tell me what badge this is oh?

I hate to interrupt mr.. Squirrel, but I could really use that log. Oh, why certainly

Just a moment while I finish up lunch yep

nice work girls

Hmm, I'm just holding them for the princess

And here's your badge Ruby

Thanks, mom

Jade you've earned your last badge and that lease

Allow me

I'm going to talk to him you gave her a groundhog word. I did didn't I

Okay the next project by yourself no matter what?

Buttercups it's time to find out how well you know your?

wildflowers everyone must pick a bouquet of daisies and daffodils, but because

What if she touches the meddlesome Myrtle

There I've got enough babies oh you did it Ruby you got your final badge, I'm so proud of my girl

There's the red rash oh

Gee but fine

It'll be okay baileywick

Are you sure he's going to be all right, I think so Sofia the trail is so twisty and steep

It'll be hard for baileywick to climb down hmm. Maybe there's another way to get down the mountain

But don't you think we can do it all we need to do is work together

We'll gather big pieces of wood like we did for the campfire and tie them together like we did with the birdhouses

You did let's do more looks like Sofia is doing just fine on our own baileywick

You are prepared

Well how does he look doctor oh, that's a nasty case of meddlesome Myrtle, but he'll be all right your magic

It would have reminded you of well your itself

Are you okay, baileywick, I'm going to be fine Sofia you do to him Sofia me, please step forward

Sofia when you found a way to get baileywick back home you were

Congratulations all of you that'll be you someday

Sofia I'm so proud of you edge the being prepared badge

I'm honoured mrs., Hanshaw, but I'm afraid I can't put it on Oh

King every day

These pancakes are delicious could you pass the fruit please oh?

I call it rolling baby shoes

What do you think of that great idea James if you watch where you're going when I'm King?

I'll make sure everyone has what do you mean dad? How would you like to be king for a day?

Brilliant what but how would that work dad?

You're the King well your mother and I besides I should get to be queen for a day first

I am older by 7 minutes all of you will get a turn really isn't that great amber

I should still be firm you summoned me your majesty. Ah Cedric James is going to be king for the day

you're putting a boy in charge of the entire I

Hope you rule wisely son. I will dad shall we Miranda

Did you hear that ever whatever? I say and I'm going to make her daddy gets back in time to see it

Then here was he made me queen for a day


This is beyond insulting me the greatest sorcerer in the kingdom reduced to nothing more than a royal babies uh

Where's my you need to read them first and then stamp them with the Royal Seal

I have to read all of them. That sounds like homework. It's King work that could take all day

Oh, is that it baileywick not quite. There's an old abandoned house in the village that might fall down any minute

What am I supposed to do about that well that's for you to decide James? You're the king?

Is he causing trouble no he's asleep, but that's the problem. He's snoring really loud like this

No one told me being King would be so hard there are so many problems

I don't know how to fix any of them come on James you always come up with great ideas

No, what should we do about the service I have yes your majesty oh

You're right Sofia I just have to make everything fun. I'll be the king of fun

I'm not sure. That's what she knows since you give such good advice

How would you like we no longer have to take orders from the king of?

Saturate what are you waiting for come on?


Shh why do we have to be so quiet because loud noises startled the phoenixes which causes them to burn up

But luckily the birds rise again


Know what to do I knew you would we'll have a party what a party to cheer everyone up

It'll be super fun

It does sound fun, but I don't see how it's going to stop the giant foot boom goes

The kid - problem solved and double the fun James. I think these ideas might just cause more problems

Don't worry, so the king of fun knows what he's doing zooms. How is he Sims? How is head - cocoa?

People of Dunwiddie king james declare

This is so much king of fun strikes again yes, but it's just covering up the problem not solving it

What's the difference as long as we don't hear the snoring?

Are you sure that's okay

I want the biggest brightest loudest fireworks. You've ever conjured as your royal advisor

I advise you not to do this do it

Kinging isn't so hard after all

Head back and check on James ah

Rowley the whole point of making James King for a day is letting him be king

For the whole day we have to there now we can't hear the snoring it off

Good news everyone the king of fun ever ever wanna wake a sleeping baby giant

If that's the baby, I don't want to meet the pair of maybe you can

Shrink the giant, then II won't be able to trample anything right. I think I remember a shrinking spell

He's having not a real game. I'm just the king of fun

Whether it's fun or not, that's what makes a good leader, I guess I got a little carried away. I got carried away

Get the baby giant back to sleep. That's a great idea Sophie lyric

We need to fill a wagon with giant gingerbread cookies in a barrel of chocolate

Ginger Barney

I'm here sketch -

Why it's our castle yes the way it looked before James is king for a day

It's relaxing afternoon and spoil James's big day. Whoa all right. Let's go

Here comes James look it's a Betty buy snack just for you I

Just hope it's sleepy enough. Oh, can you guys play your lullaby?

There think he's sleeping there's only one way to find out

Coachmen land here, please

What do you mean Sofia's the one who solved the giant problem not me

She was the real leader today

But James bravely distracted the Giants and let him all the way back took care of every problem on the to-do Scrolls

Almost every problem as King James wishes Hotel

Thank You royal adviser Sofia shall we head back to the castle then

Thank You Cedric good job. You're you're welcome your majesty. Oh, Rollie

I told you we didn't need to come home early you were right. I think James is going to make a great King one day

For more infomation >> Sofia The First Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 196 - Green Elephant - Duration: 14:36.


👁 8 Signs You're Meant for Something Bigger on This Planet ✊That You Should Not Ignore… - Duration: 10:08.

8 Signs You're Meant for Something Bigger on This Planet

"You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold.

That is how important you are!" ~ Eckhart Tolle

I've known since I was very young that I was destined for big things.

I mean really.

The first thing I knew I wanted to be when I grew up was the Easter Bunny.

And I'm Jewish.

Now as you cut through your giggles, here's what I'm pretty sure I actually meant by that — I knew from very early on

those societal constraints, "shoulds", and rules didn't really mean anything.

I could be and do anything I wanted.

And then I found road blocks, or maybe just the speed bumps of life.

I kept reaching for more but encountered fear, doubt, challenging situations, and naysayers.

Thankfully, I never stopped believing.

I always knew it was possible to live into the vastness of my visions and become as big as I wanted.

It's taken some time to align my beliefs with this truth inside of me so that I could live into my knowing,

but it's been worth it.

And I'm definitely not alone.

This beautiful planet is crawling with those of us who want to make a difference; who know we are capable of anything.

Some of us are there living it fully, some are in the midst of the dance of taking a few steps forward and a couple of

steps back (hint: good old self-sabotage; something I know well), and others are just beginning to wake up to the

realization that this knowing has been inside of them all along, and it's time to do something about it.

But no matter where you are, fear not.

Often it's just the stuff we think gets in our way that's actually supporting us in getting there!

So, to prove it to you, I've compiled 8 signs that point out that likelihood that you're probably meant for something

bigger; and that you're destined to get there.


You suck at working for other people.

You're a born leader and you know it.

Or maybe you don't know it.

But either way, you're just NOT into doing things that aren't catalyzing big change.

You feel stuck working for others.

You want freedom, flexibility, creativity, and expansion, and you just don't feel you can fully achieve that while

working for someone else.

You know that your vision is worth something and that getting to apply ALL of your gifts is the only way you'll be

fully satisfied.


You tend to put things off until you're really inspired.

So you call yourself a procrastinator.

There is such a thing as self-sabotaging procrastination, but if you're meant for something bigger (which,

if you're reading this, I have a sneaking suspicion you are), there will also be times when you believe you must get

something done because that's what you think is going to get you from point A to point B. But what if you actually

thrive off of inspiration, versus obligation?You deserve to be able to evaluate which is true for you in each moment.

Is fear holding you back from chipping away at your to-do list?

Or is it because you're lacking inspiration.

If it's the latter, trust that doing exactly what you're inspired to do is leading you to where you need to be.

Often that inspiration knows more than we do about what's really possible.


As a kid, you thought adults who wore suits and went off to work were crazy.

You've always known somewhere deep within you that there was more to life than living a cookie-cutter, safe,

pragmatic lifestyle.

You knew you could have a bigger impact on the world if you did it your way,

and that your way would involve more freedom and flexibility than those crazy adult-types had.

And now, whether you've fully achieved it yet or not, you know that that feeling you had as a kid is utterly true.

You've witnessed and felt what it's like to live just as much on purpose in your flip flops as you have your business



You love what you do so much you'd do it for free.

Here's the irony – you deserve to know your value, and the more you begin to charge your full value for the

contribution you're making to the world, the more value those you serve will actually receive.

However, you know you're on purpose and meant to do big things when you love what you do so much that while you're

doing it money is not even on your mind.


You're an idealist.

You see the world at its best and will stop at nothing to get there.

When I was a kid I used to get called an "idealist" all the time.

At first, I thought it was a compliment.

I'd think "yeah that's right, it is possible for the world to be that loving and amazing".

Then, toward early adulthood, I began to get triggered by the word as if people were saying that I couldn't actually

achieve that; that the world wasn't actually supposed to be the amazing place I knew it could be.

Now, I could care less what people think or call me.

My name is Jordanna, and I am an idealist.

By living in my own little world of my vision and my creations, my personal world often actually appears as "ideal" as

I know one day the entire world can be.

So really, who cares what's true and what's not if I'm having fun and serving others while doing it?

Being an idealist doesn't make you crazy, it makes you a creator.


You can't always say how you know things, but sometimes you just "know".

Visionaries don't usually get their visions from what's outside of them or from what the world tells them they should


They get their visions from an internal drive to create what feels right for them.

That "knowing" of what they need to create goes hand in hand with a knowing of all sorts of things.

Call it intuition, call it a gut feeling, call it spidey senses.

If you are meant for something bigger in this world, that knowing will keep speaking up and asking you for what it


So really, creating big things is not an option when it's your destiny.

At least, that's what I'm pretty sure your spidey senses would tell you.


You feel things.

Big time.

Most of the clients I work with you are meant for big things in the world tend to feel pretty deeply.

You may not have been taught that it's okay to feel.

You may have been taught, in fact, that your feelings will get in the way of being awesome.

Well, let's reframe that.

Sometimes our feelings are our TRUTH.

Your ability to be big, and contribute to the world in a huge way is dependent upon your truth.

So allow your feelings to show up, and to guide you to where you need to be.

Your creations depend upon it.


You're more frustrated by having too many ideas than you are by not having any at all.

You tend to get inspired easily.

In fact, the more awesome your life becomes, the more inspired YOU become.

But sometimes it's a bit of a conundrum.

You know you're meant to create big things, but if you're not careful you can allow yourself to get stopped up by ALL

of the things you want to create, without actually getting anything done.

Don't let this get to you.

Be grateful that you're so full of awesome ideas.

If you're not sure where to start or what to focus on, call upon some support.

But don't let your plethora of visions within your vision get in the way.

"Be not afraid of greatness.

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them." ~ William Shakespeare

And here's the caveat, I actually believe that we're all meant for big things if we allow ourselves to listen to the

stirring of our soul.

When we let go of "perfect timing", and recognize that "too late" does not exist,

it becomes easier to allow that stirring to become a rising up of awesome.

I've coached 13-year-olds and 70+-year-olds into living their visions.

If they can do it, so can you.

For more infomation >> 👁 8 Signs You're Meant for Something Bigger on This Planet ✊That You Should Not Ignore… - Duration: 10:08.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 62 - Jade Lane - Duration: 18:25.

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And the great outdoors is pretty great

I'm gonna guess that that wasn't supposed to happen

Okay before we hit the road to go back home. We'll just pop inside this shop, but don't worry

There's a window so I can keep an eye on you from inside the store. I don't know maybe

It's time to get Bob's fishing pole

I got a tale for you

Know what swam off with your Bob's fishing pole well hello there mister have we heard ol snapper

Bingo well old snapper is a monster that roams deep beneath these waters

But ever he finds in the lake to his hideout forever

There's an island in the center of this lake snapper Island most likely, that's where you'll find Bob's fishing pole

Thanks, Quincey. You're a huge help. Wait a minute there

You're gonna need a bigger boat

At this part of the lake

Rolly Rolly


Why it's bingo and Rolly my true favorite bus?


That's the legend the whole snapper yes sure

He probably took your fishing. Then let me tell you both what I'm about to do

I'm gonna get you at the snappers island so that you better yet. I'll just make you one wait here


Wow sweet log boat open on the water news in puppy power - paddle cross the lady

Doesn't scare us at you. No really I always felt my bravest when we're doing something again well bingo

That's the power of cubby power okay, Roley. We're here

Snapper Island now we just need to find Bob's fishing pole

So that was easy I can get us there faster with

Go we power to the rescue

Bob's gonna be so happy when he gets his fishing pole back

It's gotta be old snapper he's come back to Bob's fishing pole. I'm tired

You just need to follow the bubble trail, what do you say Roli you think you can stay some more

We stood you puppies you're a scary creature born from the mother look at the lake

Yes, I do look pretty scary with all this gunk that gets all over me when I swim oh

You mean the shiny red stick someone left in my lake as a gift yes, they belong to our owner Bob

He dropped the fishing pole in the water when you took the Bobby thing. Oh, that's terrible

For a turtle come on hop on

Wait a minute my fishing pole and my bobber oh

This is the life

They say is 50 feet tall and lives in a big castle mud on an island in the middle of the lake

adventure than puppy-sitting

Morning sleepy snouts my friend. Just got a new puppy named, baby a

Puppy named baby. I

Told her the you two are so much fun

You'll be like the greatest puppy sitters ever yeah

I'm never going to get my naps in today you hear that Roley Bob wants this to be the greatest puppy sitters every

Great puppy sitters like Bob's mom get foo for the puppies, so let's give baby Hong dish

You know help you feel at home fill it up

That's what YouTube goofballs used to do oh yeah, I love sleeping in loafie Bob's old love for shoe it was the comfiest course

Not really

What kind of toys do little puppies like okay? First of all you're still puppies really when we were littler puppies

We did that much when we were puppies here so puppies the baby would like you to

Back on the days we did, what is it? Well you still look pretty little to me?

Still look pretty little to me

You guys have fun keeping baby company while I'm at work, okay

Yeah, we're gonna take good care of you wanna play with our toys

Cleaning up messes makes arf happy

Yeah, let's teach baby some puppy tricks hey sit

Sit on your bottom, I throw the stick and Rolly brings it back

Baby might destroy the whole yard that I think really great puppy to the dog


Can't believe that big silly dog knocked us over Frank

I can't believe it cuz it happened you AG

Yeah, but I can't see you through all the doggy slobber smeared on my window she ran off that way

That's the same direction as her house

Wonder where she's going Roley. I think I figured it out

Thanks kg you're welcome

Taking somebody wipe off the window. I knew it she didn't want mr.. Mousey

We're still a little bit little then get in this game there's room for two more you're on baby

Wow, the puppy really tuckered you out huh looks like you guys ended up being great puppy sinners

Couch cushions

We generally we conquered not bingo Li time to celebrate well if you say so

Hey there guys mind if I borrow a cushion

Hey look what's on TV?

Butterfly looks a lot like the ones on TV move you're supposed to be on a journey with thousands of butterflies

Bye guys see ya, SC. See you after work

Hey there

Yes, then I think we have our mission. We're going to help this butterfly find her family at the butterfly forest

Hey look she likes it come on Vicky. Let's go find your family

We just need to find our way to the butterfly forest which is by the sunny warm Beach, don't worry Vicky

You'll be back with his family before you know it

Sound like they're going to the butterfly for is too, then all aboard the butterfly books

We need to go

Don't worry Frank there's a gas station and repair shop right there

I'm sure they'll fix this bus in no time and she looks like she's missing our family - it's okay, Vicky

You don't need that big bus to take you to your family. Yeah, cuz you've got us

It's beautiful

But which way is the butterfly force I think my arms are tired that's about it

Look I see the flying to the ocean then who that's why we're not going for

Is it moving down the mountain

How're we gonna get her way up there take this like it's a kite string

And hold it to I don't blow away. Got it got it

Still waiting for you to fly there we'll find another one

Rolling positive and Vicki's our family there didn't you?

Then it's a good thing we practice playing around pink only this morning. Let's do this puppy power

Is this your family?

That's a yes by Vicki unless you mean sue

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is Clint Manley, and I am back at the butterfly forest

I wonder if that butterfly that was here this morning

We made it Frank. I'm glad they finally fixed that bus ha ha

Esther one landed on me. Are you enjoying your trip to the butterfly forest sir, it's a dream come true

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is

Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold too well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob. You never see it at the theater. Just like you wanted

So I guess we'll have to take Bob see to the theater with his E

Still on. It. Mom's sleeping hissy you coming on a mission, too

Which way is that theater from you? It's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get Flopsy straight through it

To get to that theater you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did this theater were there doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out

Ah beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck we need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizen dog sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree

And as you take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Do you think you'll be coming back no we want a mission yeah should have guessed mission


Yeah clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater

Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?

for tonight come on a

new mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

What's this

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

as queen of

Sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 62 - Jade Lane - Duration: 18:25.


Bunnicula Bride of Bunnicula Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Sheep - Duration: 15:45.

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It's not in the couch Harold, it's the only one that seems

To get away

Maybe Mina's using it to Poona versity investors come to witness my genius creation

Or to bunk and confirm my memories well

Is either Nina there Marsha, it's me. Oh okay, we have a science project to do

I've already started is it the potato clock yes something like that anymore

Hey come on what's the holdup do the fainting sucky thing?

Obvious Chester yeah, I'm something of an expert when it comes to these things can't you just see that this is just weird and wrong

And when you find that you never let it go lose it again

All right, that's it

Excuse us, please

How's it going, man, zooming?

But I just want you to know that Harold and I are still here if you ever want to talk okay

What the Wow?

Bad news Oh funiculus girlfriend she slapped my face with her little radish hand it was horrible Chester

You're not meddling of Bunnicula personal life. I to assume Bunnicula girlfriend has a secretly sinister agenda

That's very accepting of the Chester

I mean

It's not like vanilla actually under an evil of trance and has no will like our lives are some sort of a constant bad Harmon

Why is the storage shed globe

Sometimes even if you have something you have to let it go

Especially hands on this over are so scratchy yeah


Man that was brutal I know that pain Bunnicula you gonna be okay Bunnicula

Yeah, it's an emotional rollercoaster for sure up and down

Can't a guy ever get any peace and quiet in this house oh

Oh, hey my pleasure, but no even better you're gonna turn into a vampire

What no that's not how it works Bunnicula drains vegetables

No, I will never be like Bunnicula vampire or otherwise make you up look at this and tell Harold that your bite will not

Turn me into a vampire

And furthermore you're not getting into my head

I'd-- you got fur Bunnicula Suns coming up

Vampire have you been bitten by a vampire?

Well, yeah, I mean a vampire rabbit, but doesn't really congratulations. You are indeed turning and

ya worthless piece of junk

The second step is anger

Alright, let's take a look is that what they call this game?

I see mean is dad doing it like once a years ago. Come on Harold level with me. Can you honestly say?

I look like a vampire

Sure, I can you just did I was wrong and that you were right?

But if I don't fly you got to drop this whole thing and leave me alone got it the third step is bargaining ready


This is true. I'll never see another sunrise

I'll lose the taste for fine foods left only the draining vegetable turns out your bite really did turn me into a vampire

No don't be happy for me. This is terrible buying all these cool old playing. Oh see all those cool old people

Says it with your brand new vampire life

You'll get to see new technology and galaxies be discovered medical breakthroughs the fifth and final stage is acceptance


Hey Bunnicula, I see you found my vegetables or more my speech

Maybe I'm more of a fruit draining vampire. You know watermelon can be classified as a fruit or a vegetable

You don't deserve this curse of life the cruel destiny of the undead trapped

What's the drop

yeah, I

Know right you gotta love all the seduction and staring huh looks like we both. Have a little


Sleep tight dear brother of the night, then I found this spell book called fast fangs and other spouse

I think this might be the solution to my problem all right come on come on come on

Is the thread anymore well Chester old boy looks like everything is gonna turn out just

Uh I know you're not a vampire

Chester what Harold you're the vampire hunter you were the one who told me

But Nikolas you've finally gone too far this time you did something to make me a vampire

And then you took it away, and it almost got me pulverized. Hey Nik

Totally slipped my mind whoo kids. This is insane. I did not convince myself all on my own that I was a real vampire

I'm not delusional, and I'm not paranoid. Yeah, you seem like you need a little nap nighty-night

Don't let the bedbugs


That's absolutely correct you win

$100,000 before taxes hmm butI or knowledge and since neither one of you have any ingenuity or knowledge

Maybe you want to leave the puzzle-solving to me easy. He said it's an eight. It's some sort of creepy box. Oh

The box is a puzzle

What's this about a puzzle hmm

way to awesomeness, but it's way too hard for you to solve I

Can solve any puzzle gimme a little ingenuity and knowledge watch and learn?

Or in the universe it's sweet sleep. Hey Chester

You want to come upstairs you haven't used the cat box in weeks 34 times 10 calculate for a spook here

I've been looking at this all wrong. This isn't a box that needs to be opened. It's like Bunnicula said

This is a doorway to awesomeness. Maybe I just need to know



classic Bunnicula

Where or the door is getting shorter sometimes a door is just a door?

But not this one looks like some kind of Benjamin, but door we gotta get out of here fast

We'll never get the key get the tea

Now where are we?

Haha the parchment was literally the answer very clever, I solved you a little bit

All right Harold check it Bunnicula Cesaro this place is full of edges. You got a look

What are you doing? This is impossible? Well how did you?

Bunnicula when you don't have the answer you'll have the answer

What kind of puzzle is this

When it requires no ingenuity or knowledge to smell

In your face funicula I solved your puzzles wow chester you are my hero

Puzzle solver and when you told Chester that paperweight was a puzzle and drive himself crazy trying to solve


desperately alone

Yes, I'm aware dude patches. Where dude yes he's back. He's the hefty hairy man

Who is also a cat when the moon is full does rearrange his back makers?

And I wouldn't have to lament if I only knew how to impress the ladies

Chester women aren't so hard I have a girlfriend

and I can't see her if I'm a human until the moon changes me back all I could do is leave tokens of my

affection while she sleeps at least you have someone



Learn basic dating etiquette so he can finally call himself a man. Yeah you

You mean pretending to be you on a date a real date? Hey?

I just hope I could get her attention and you're my boy

Okay Elvira's ah all right make us whoo, buddy

Hello oh hi, I'm Patrick


comic books comic books oh

My as a matter of fact. I rather love comic books

Which continue the date?

Badges the ground it's ever so far help me down

I'm gonna be honest with you about it

But I don't know how what you talk about gesture can't it wait

The moon will soon be out and it will be ever so full that be lovely

You'd understand what Elvira and I share it's a pure love no need to get upset you use my own advice

Against me and acted to awesome now, you're trying to steal the Huayra from me, but I won't let you

Alvira woman she's the most beautiful woman I've ever know

Our to be in love in order to be happy, yeah

It's pretty funny. I'd say we look equally ridiculous

Hey, thanks. That's what friends are for

For more infomation >> Bunnicula Bride of Bunnicula Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Sheep - Duration: 15:45.


Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 23 - Skye Warren - Duration: 19:10.

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For more infomation >> Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 23 - Skye Warren - Duration: 19:10.


Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 123 - Molly King - Duration: 16:03.

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For more infomation >> Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 123 - Molly King - Duration: 16:03.


Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 444 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:15.

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You slip really well pic

Thank you I

Mean quick, what is it doc and I'll ride out and find it for him giddyup Sparky

Come on let's go

Get it up Clement Thank You sheriff that we must have blown it up. They're out of the way folks

Stuck in a tree. Don't worry little one picking. I'll get him down


Thank You sheriff oh yeah

No don't tell me I'm late again. It's okay Peck Oh

Shucks Clementine, I know you got your good trait, but sometimes. I wish you could go fast

But Who am I kidding you'll never go fast, and I'll never get to do all those great things

Perfume smell good

No, thanks, holy jalapenos, that's one fine-looking homes yeah, any faster. He'd be out load

Oh, yeah, Peck. What's she doing? Yeah, lickety-split is a lot of horse?

Thing is I don't have $100

Okay, then how about $5?

That's what I keep saying

Pick a my hearing rod. Are you thinking about trading Clementine?


She wants to go fast you can keep your mule and our deal is off that sounds fair Farren fast

Don't worry Peck and I'll save them

The muddy trails twosome

Clementine will do it together



Guess I'll just see you the next time

Tell us what's going on and you make sure we

Thank you very much, it's so wait to be you

This is my son Bradley pleased to meet you Bradley. Hi

Why use my trusty water stick you can find water the tidy under blank?

when I find it I tried to spike into the groundwater I

Got a delivery for you here, you go cactus

Not yet son get a present, I think maybe we ought to go check on Toby see if he's okay

You okay, buddy, don't you oh yeah, so you know you can trust me well

Why don't you tell me what really helped?


Hmm sounds to me like it's time we go have a talk with Bradley

Don't you fret Toby it's about your son

I want someone who wants to talk to you remember

Me Bradley, I want you to get that school to bed right now

No nobody's gonna like you cuz you're a tattletale

everybody in ter love

Just is

You would guess I wouldn't ended up having more fun. If I tried to be a friend rather than a bully

The waters right here one of the stunts all I gotta do is hammer on the spike and flush

The water will swirl right up in a geyser

No you can't eat him until we get back to Uncle bun store and washroom, I know but they look so yummy

What's that I

Suggest you take over

Joey you alright, buddy

Those kangaroo rats gave me quite has been they must have been searching for pickles to

Kangaroo rats love nothing so much as a peacock a needle

Empty I believe you Toby, but what happened to all the pickles you picked

There Sheriff

Pickles and shoot through the bell-rope, it's just a baby

It must have gotten separated from his herd

The pesky little critters just a little

Pings making big

You're messing up our friendly little trio

Hey hey, it's alright he's gone

You're gonna catch that pesky critter kangaroo rats can be very hard to catch you need to be patient

But she never misses

Well, I hate to say it, but I think it's too fast for even the sheriff to catch

no waiting


Now when the critter hi


That should do it

That kangaroo rat is tricky so I had to build a choice to fall out and chase him down the slide

We're who run into this string and the string will tip over these three barrels


Hold on

Toby come on my little friend, let's get you home

Little fella trait it's okay sheriff these little fellows can be quite a handful butcher

kangaroo riots

See them back with the family that lives him it sure is Peck

Howdy Peck friendlier mind give me a hand putting them up. It would be my pleasure I called dibs on Ellis

This looks like a job for the sheriff

I wanna help can I help can I maybe knightstown, Toby?

Sheriff Callie knows how to ask for help if she needs it. Yep. She didn't used to but she learned her lesson in fact

That's how we got helping hand Canyon

You hear that Sparky let's go

That would be my to help though sheriff, thank nothing of it

I'll help your Priscilla and Peck tell dirty Dan and dusty

I'm on my way, and what about my bar we still got a pint

Riding riding sheriff Callie went to riding sheriff Callie went to riding across the plain

She would answer every call helping council

Rightie riding riding

And sheriff Callie Thicke come on Sparky. What do you say we go find ourselves some apples as a treat for all our hard work

But sheriff Callie wasn't finished

Calm down folks don't worry

I'll help each and every one of you quick as a cat face shirt Kelly, which milkshake tastes better


What you thought the day was through there was still so much to do he turned out she was needed once again

Deep until they found they dug a canyon and there they would remain

Sherriff oh it's nothing to fret over Sparky. I'll grab something up top with my noodle lasso and pull us out

Not high enough this Canyon is just too deep

Sparky this is no time to play deep Canyon and can't get out

son sheriff Callie and


Yeah tarnation bitch sheriff callie's

And there's a message inside

Now you might be wondering how the townsfolk were able to find sheriff Callie out in the middle of nowhere

But actually there would be our pleasure

Okay everyone


Typically we save sheriff Callie and


Here's your hat Sheriff. Oh, and we can't thank you all enough is how it got made? Oh?

Jeepers Hinda think it's sheriff Callie had asked for help. She might still be down there

After all help and friends brings a smile to my face and makes the world a nicer place

For more infomation >> Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 444 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:15.


Doc McStuffins Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 315 - Blue Elephant - Duration: 17:28.

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Who let the nightingale see

Box reading

Besides you doc scooch over. I want to read with you Oh

Yourself stopping my feet honk. I can't help the 4th Lawrence Nightingale nurses were trained

But she changed that and started a school to teach someone to do I wouldn't be the hippo

I am today without her you go past the park take a left then take your first right and


Stuffy England is a country

That's a crossly anyway fleurs lived there a long time ago like

Almost two hundred years ago. It was really different than today. There are no cars

We never know what you can do with a little magic

200 years ago, I think so

Tis England I'd know it anywhere. I'm going to kiss the ground


Snowmen to a

Horse and carriage

Y'all better go stopped now I

Heard someone calling out is everything right no, actually. I lost my stuffed toy under your carriage

You saved him I did, but I'm sorry to say he's very messy



What's your last name?


Believe is here well then doc mcstuffins. Let's get this toy cleaned up shall we we shall indeed

To meet you sir

You've got a good old stiff upper lip don't you?


That's what I've been trying to tell him

How's she gonna get me clean stuff tall chaps

Come with me?

Let's have the little stuff man

I definitely heard something and it seems to be coming from your dog

Florence I'm called doc because I'm a doctor to stuffed animals and toys really Oh

Stuffed animals and toys well

That's funny, I thought you just said they talked back I must be hearing things

Cuddle is but if you think I need one I'm sure I do

Just like you are not because you're a little girl, so why would you be a nurse? I don't think I follow

The startles before

Ladle lasts long I better give you a checkup nobody's clean

I want to make sure he didn't get hurt when he got ran over chilly just needs a kiss in the cuddle

Your prescription is filled dog

I'm duck, but now my wish has come true. I'm so excited. I could just grow

I'd Beryl Fiddlesticks at your service

Can't believe

it's real you can talk and laugh and vu and

lurking back I

Well I just have to give you a proper bear hug now, don't I yeah I come

Look like a fine fellow. Are you quite all right? Oh, I'm fine

Just miss me step on account of me, but now I'm sure Florence will just fix you right up fix me right up. Oh

It doesn't have to be that way

We could use your help. What's up? We noticed that Florence's toys are all


But doc you can fix my toys come to uh

Well, why don't you show me what's wrong?

I can't salute properly the porcelain on my face Egypt ages ago

I still have the piece we was cuddling her when I was sick, and she fell out of

Order I'm supposed to pick at the ground when I move even 19th century. Hallie is always on top of things

I've got the truth

Florence I can fix your toys, but I'm gonna need your help, and I'll show you what to do Thank You Hallie

You're very kind to take me on take you on a girdle if only you knew well

Florence can you hold his arm what if I hurt him you won't you can do it?

Paste you go girl go where

She's scared it hold you until I felt better

I'd do anything for you mom and I'd do anything for you

I won't let go of your hand until Doc's done it hmm

Let's see

Let me help you the lady with the lamp that's perfect. It makes me want to cry, too

Thank You Florence we feel fantastic

I feel quite fantastic myself, I know

You looked pretty good out there besides you can be anything you wanna be when you grow up

I can see you, can you can be a doctor?

I've still got some work to do but someday. I'll do it

So if I want to be a nurse you can be a nurse and now you can do

Oh, thank you all so very much

I know what I'm going to be now when I grow up a nurse. Just like nurse Hallie. Oh

No, thanks to me. Thank You Florence, Nightingale. Thank you

It's time for us to go Admiral. It was a pleasure to serve with you

For a snowman

In the future

Thank you Florence Nightingale, I know that was totally amazing

I wonder if she followed her dreams and became a nurse

Hi, sweetie just wanted to see how your book was it was so good

Little egghead feels the heat whoo hey that little egghead wants to stop you okay?

Let's see if he can ask me something. I can't answer

Way to go dad thanks, Donny, and thank you little egghead mom and uh can I play with your little egghead game sure


Professor hootsburgh

We meet again

Indeed we do ready for a rematch, or are you worried that that she'll of yours?

That is not true. Well it's kind of true

Electronic toys can break when they fall so just be contestants she loves crossword puzzles story time have long walks in the library

Welcome professor hootsburgh

He likes milk the first one to squeak in gets to answer the question before you play you two shake hands

Right you squeeze squeakers whenever I wink like this

uh-huh whenever you wink all over that so who's got a question for our contestant I

Knew that one stuffy when I wink you have to squeak in Oh

Saturn of course and that's not all I know those rings are mostly made of ice

It's cold in space unlike your backyard that is easy of course. It's easy why didn't

Everyone knows and owl goes

And I said it right now um

I don't think Moo is exactly the right answer, but I've never been wrong before oh, it's kinda weird

That's a setup I

Think you're a little scrambled if you don't I mean

Eggy you do seem a little scram a dog. I don't know if you're aware, but these answers are not correct

Yeah, I know. They aren't it isn't like a years old

I better give you a checkup

Your heart is beating kind of fast in

Hmm you've been out in the Sun too long now. You're way too hot

Wait a minute too hot

Somebody get me inside before clinic good thinking to the clinic hang in there mr.. Dickhead

It would really ruffle my feathers if your spots got fried. Thank you

Who'd see you're gonna feel a whole lot cooler in here promise?

I hope so doc because I've never felt so Honolulu. I think he means hot all right

It's called overheating it can be pretty serious. If you don't stop it in time

I hope the hot Sun didn't short out your circuits

Oh, No no sound but doc the professor and I were playing up guacamole

Gagging oh did I just say guacamole. I met game. I need to get back to playing it

Thanks professor. Why anything to help a fellow level of knowledge and a friend

Chapter one he's free anymore if that's what you mean whew I feel cool and refreshed

Let's check and see for sure

Yo, Iggy, it's your turn to spread your wings

So you can answer all the questions by yourself, then Aggie. What's the largest living annum dipping?

Sorry Iggy

and sorry squeakers

Ready to go back to Donny now Aggie. I bet he's missing you

your pinecones really taste good over waffles

It looks like I may have to clear up a thing or two

How about we play rescue I make a terrific ambulance

Emergency medical toy EMT is hope Rosie during a rescue I

Don't know what to do

Construction site now who are we rescuing hi sir Kirby volunteered to pretend to be hunt

after building

Pretending to have an accident all right. It's a game

Really man, it's important to become just breathe it out

Sir Kirby whoa

Rosie you sure do know your stuff

Let's real carefully take the blocks off of Sir Kirby

As a thank your friends how do you think I can taste placed my feet?

Thanks for lunch mom I'm gonna go play see you later when I think I'm going oh yeah, and the other way around as well

Rosie I need you to drive sir Kirby to the clinic oh, no not me Burton sir

Say, this is most confusing. What happened well. I went to look for my shield you see and

accidentally knocked down the building

Or is it the other way around I have a diagnosis sounds like a case for the big book of boo-boos

Sir, Kirby you have a case of the forward stuffins. You are most welcome kind, sir

Oh boy, sir, Kirby's okay now. Can we play rescue again um?

No Rosie I can take you back to Alma's but first do you want to tell me? What's wrong?

I'm just not feeling so hot right now you Rosie. What happened out there

I couldn't handle the pressure in a real emergency doc everything I ever know about rescuing just went out of my hand in my siren

What a new paint job I could be an ice cream truck

Panic-itis doesn't mean you have to give a rescuing. It's just sometimes under pressure. Tink up had come loose

It wasn't a hard operation, but I panicked and couldn't move Holly reminded me

I knew what I had to do. Hey Owen you know what you gotta do

And breathe out

You satanic fighters went away great

For more infomation >> Doc McStuffins Lovely Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 315 - Blue Elephant - Duration: 17:28.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 138 - Green Monkey - Duration: 17:14.

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I've got more flowers Alina has the kind of odd spirit before the

dark times well that's why it brought back but God Nevada so we can all make

some more good memories cousin yeah I'm just kidding I think I know who should

be king of the carnival Isabelle sorry

Victoria chicken mask suits you ELISA Phoenix and this is not a mask oh

really after what you did me old friend I would

think you'd be - a royal treasurer when your father was King Victor Delgado

Victor Delgado oh that's been far too long

Oh practicing your sleight-of-hand tricks tricks that was their excuse for

taking things that didn't belong to them Oh Sydney we lost everything but now

that avalor is free I wanted to show Carlo where I grew up

that is why you came back and can we take a tour of the palace first I've

never seen anything so beautiful it's like a fairy tale of course I'll show

you around myself yes anagh Stellan always came in second

thus el segundo yes well now that you have toward the palace you should

probably be moving on oh oh you're swell it belongs to the kingdom of avalor

we're just the caretakers that's what my father used to say until Cherie key

through a subtlety one time when I was 8 she even let me wear the tiara that day

I was the happiest girl in all of avalor oh it's magnificent one could possibly

get past it now we should really go back downstairs and I am sure he said we'll

produce our resistance with the float oh if you need any help with the float I'm

happy to lend a hand sure grab a brush there's one for Senor

Delgado - oh yes princess sorry can you show Victor to the parlor oh

thank you but I spent my pjs yes that is how I know he's up to no good

you go this is the left perfect

Higgins where is Victor he was I have had enough of your games Victor what are

you really doing here friends eyes that so looks like someone set off a booby we

were partners but when sharika kicked me and my family

out of avalor you did nothing to stop her what could I do

can you help me sure looks like we're partners once more El


for so many years I have been haunted by one mistake curry they all believe my

tail through all through but now my cupcakes and I have to hurry don't know

what would happen

I must protect my family's heart I cannot

I won't reveal my little life I have to steal and then denied

losing them is something I could never so I must do something I would yes I

will do oh there you are I've been looking all over for you it's time to go

oh and I brought something for the rest of the family so they do not feel left


coming what's she doing with the tiara I did but she caught me she's handing them

out like candy

get those tours Bacchus Tehran or I'll tell them what you did mommy wore this

on your 10th birthday oh it's beautiful my me he thought it

was so sweet of you to bring out the jewels for the parade I've got you

okay 96 I have them all no you don't that's he ara

Don Francisco you already have enough jurors just take them and go it's Jana

is the only piece that matters I'm warning you I'll tell her everything

do what you must Matt is how he stayed in power while the rest of us are I'll

take that gracias Elena about what Victor said there's nothing to say

Esteban you had no choice huh that is what I told myself but I have always

felt guilty well you shouldn't you did what you had

to do to serve him up I can't we must get out of here we cannot let them get

away with this wait wait who this rocky is making the flock move that's it Elena

I know how we can catch them quick climb back up the neck one of us needs to see

where we are going

turn this float around the drum princess needs us

not so fast I'll take those old friend captain

remove these punish avid or has not heard the last of us this is where your

mother's tiara belongs Chancellor Esteban I hereby proclaim you king of

the cut Nevada would you like to do the honors


Nina the guests have arrived Christina Isabel I need you to scarlet

thank you I made something for you too okay princess Elena it is so kind of you

to have us over again Isabelle's been excited oh we we spend the night before

Navidad in the palace that doesn't mean we couldn't do something different this

year right I don't know why we wouldn't say yes to such an Carmen Julio Donny

Paloma pretty what doing here on behalf of avalor city I have come to invite you

to our Navidad party tomorrow no we're going to Christina's village right

before you decide Your Majesty please let us tell you how we celebrate the

night before Navidad is what we do to celebrate

you belong to the stars

are we celebrating every that when it's Navidad time we make the belts try our

fireworks paint the sky prize there's some people tree where we


place I wish we could Myka but there isn't enough time to go to everyone and

it is our family tradition to spend the night huh looks like a party down there

maybe we can have them all come back to the palace tomorrow night and celebrate

together Oh thoughtful so I decided to accept all

your invitations huh what and how is that going to work we're all going to

celebrate together and Thank You Dona Paloma no thank you

what are we all waiting for we have another dog fiesta to prepare for and if

any of you need

I mean I have an Irvine IV that a gift for you

they brought a vote check out that boat mama

where did all our customers go I don't yeah to the park already we should have

sold more decorations we've done pretty well all right

the fireworks are good to go the fireworks have to go and the goats and

their boat and their grill I am sorry Prince of your own floats and

no one will get in each other's way plus we'll spread holiday joy across the

entire city that's an excellent idea Dona yes big she makes a good point yeah

sounds like fun we can hand out the money we can play our songs with no

goats alright then let's have a parade aft Isabella and I are gonna help you

build a float I'm sure we have everything we need up at the palace how

does that sound great let's go design it okay thank you your height what you've

done with your float Rafa Thank You Dona between you and me I think your Navidad

tradition is the best of them all but I mean how else will we decide who goes

first perhaps Thalia is right yeah

what's wrong with our floats nothing the tradition and Elena's going to choose

the best float to lead the parade a fountain unbelievable

and at the same time extremely do you have come on we have to get more

fireworks more flowers and more everything okay Oh your float is so

bright Thanks surely our float should leave the

parade don't you think your majesty who wants

fresh tamales courtesy of the best floating navalore it's a bit too much of

your ask me

this was a mistake let's go home Matteo sorry Elena

but there must be something else we can do it was no we better get going then

what so I don't want to go dad you don't have to go we can all go back

to the castle thank you hard you try you can't make everyone

happy it would have been fine if they didn't all try to outdo each other some

people are too set in their ways let's go home Naomi why did everyone think I

was choosing a float to lead the parade Jonny Apollo my told us that's why we

bought the fountain let me guess at donea stop princess Elena shouldn't

you be at the parade there is no more parade thanks to you

whatever do you mean you got them all so the holidays mean to you money dear

that's what everyday means to me all Isabelle wanted was to spend the holiday

with her friend but because of your ski come on I'll Drive you back to the

palace this whole day everyone got so caught up

in their traditions and decorations and gifts Dona Paloma up on her offer we're

going in a banana

Miranda house come gather around to remember the reason it's not


where's everyone going they're joining the banana

one night out shine

thank you we haven't been up at random

your friend may not be here but you still have us

For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Chirden Episode 138 - Green Monkey - Duration: 17:14.


Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 295 - Rico Media - Duration: 14:45.

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na'vi back

Then happy almost

navidad cousin moon, well

One other time, mesa into selena the guests have arrived


Isa i love it i was thinking we could use it to make the castle pinata it's a family tradition, okay?

Nochebuena, with us tomorrow. Oh can, we go elena please

It is a kind offer but, we always spend the night before navidad in the palace that doesn't mean weak, no yuri, merry christmas elena

Mateo rafa carmen. Julio dona paloma pretty, what doing here

We sing all the old songs wow that's a lot of invitations but we're going to christina's village right

Before you decide your, majesty please let, us type so which celebration will you attend your, majesty i'm

Going to need, a few minutes to think it over?

Maybe, we can?

go To all the salt but cristina is my best friend if i only got one?

Gift for navi that it would be to spend it with her, oh um princess elena they have

Asked if you've come to a decision yet it doesn't have to be here it can

Be someplace with more room like the part, yes the park that's perfect. Come on isa let's go tell, them the good news i

Think it's a splendid idea, we will finally get to share our navidad traditions with one another

Well done princess, well done oh?

We're going to have so much fun we're going to make so much money


Say 24 hi girls need, any help

Don't carmen the smoke dad we have to move the boat

Where did all our customers go i don't yeah to the park

all right

The fireworks are good to go the fireworks have to go and the go a parade dona paloma

We should have a parade you can all have your, own floats and no one will get in each other's way

Plus, we'll spread holidays i can't think of a better way to show. Off your navidad traditions for

Everyone to see she makes a good point, yeah sounds like fun, we can

Hand out the monies tell you what isabelle and i are gonna help you build a, float i'm sure, we have everything

We need, up at the palace how, does that sound great let's go design it okay?

Between you and me i think your navidad tradition, is the best of them all but

Do you, need, more flowers to make it really eye-catching, and with morg yeah

What's wrong with our floats nothing but, there could, be so much more right with it you can't have a

Boat without, water or so, why, not it at the same time extremely present they must really

Want princess elena to think their way of celebrating, is the best but our way is the best is it?

it's beautiful

Elena, oh good, you're just in time i guess that's fine i hadn't really thought, about it

Elena check out our float

It's totally better than theirs, we should lead the parade hold on it's not a competition

I, agree the old ways are clearly the best so we should lead the parade

We have to put it out

the pinata

This, was a mistake

Let's go home matteo, we have a lot of cleaning up to do, sorry it didn't work out elena

yomi i know

We better get going, what so you, wanna go home isabelle

Sometimes no matter how hard you try you can't make everyone happy it would have been fine if they didn't all trip


Naomi, why, did everyone think i was choosing a float to lead the parade dona paloma told us that's, why, we bought the fountain?

dona paloma

princess elena

Shouldn't. You be at the parade there is no more parade thanks to you it should be about, who has the most

So that's what the holidays mean to you, money, dear that's what every, day, means to me

All is about, wanted was considerate another thought present from dona paloma

Come on i'll drive you back to the palace this, whole day everyone got soaked up hey, huh

You know what gabe i think i'm gonna take dona paloma up on her offer we're going in a pod honda

The most special of seasons so come gather round

To, remember the reason

so come

on this holiday

Where's everyone, going, they're, joining the banana perfect

go out there and sell them candles show, them yourself i quit

we thank you

We haven't been a, bad rhonda years maybe it should be a, new tradition for all of us i'm sorry about before?

We should have been more respecting our mission?


Moseub more tolos come on matteo get it right no i don't think any, my spells could do that

good they

Don't worry matteo i know, you'll do great your grandfather was a royal wizard it's in your blood

Now come on let's greet the guests

Welcome to the palace name please theodore it happens to the best of us young man

This, this look, crooked to you all guests are present and accounted for crown, princess but here. You are let's make it official shall, we

I hereby appoint


Royal, wizard of avalor i am honored to serve the kingdom and i am honored

Our new royal wizard everyone

mateo mateo

have either of you seen mateo i


robes that fit

Your grandfather was young once too but

He knew so much more than me i only have a few spell books and i only know hat you're right i can do this

Uh mateo you might need these

Looks, like i'll need a change of plan

Stay down, princess i'll clear the perimeter, oh?

What happened i think but, don't collapse

what did you do i was trying to protect you by merely crushing us

We have to get out of here i might have a spell save it i can handle this

after you

What did you do to them it wasn't me there must be something in one of your spell

Books, this is just my grandfather's notebook. He has some beginner spills but, that's it the kind of magic

We need can only be found in the codex maru, so where is it according to the notebook it's hidden

Somewhere in the palace in a secret chamber

We have to find it matteo it won't be easy, okay?

it says

that's the mofongo

Fierro the mofongo put me down, he'll turn you to stone like the others my mom told

Me the story fierro, was in line to become royal wizard, but the king appointed, my grandfather instead

I'm still up here, oh right

Oh here it is if you wish to complete this task but you weren't a wizard

Most royal then i don't follow, maybe a wizard most royal means a royal wizard

Which you weren't until tonight asking to find the book of which you speak there are three keys, which you must seek

Time will tell how. Much you know. You'll find key one three hours, ago

Time will tell time will tell how, to tell time

well when the big hand is on the hour of course the clock two hours

We keep all the instruments in the music room so maybe the key is there come on

The riddle said play a melody, and key could, mean piano keys you're right


Think i'm getting the hang of these riddles maybe i should be the royal wizard, no

Well gabe you're the riddle master i don't know, but i'm still went ahead of him

Okay, he's right i should know

How to solve it they're, called the three mysteries so now, we have to sail out on the bay

No, the riddle said proper frame of mind what if it means the frame of?

found it the third, key now, what we use a keyhole check the other islands

Here's another. Oh here's the third, one that's how, we unlock the mysteries?

This, isn't just hiding place

The codex marui

Haha, found it okay, the good news is i found the statue spell

Well most of it oh you should have, let me go after fiero look, this is our only chance so if you

Don't mind i have a potion to make

Great because we're running out of time, we have to hurry let's go

Fiera i did it before on the balcony are you sure about that

Or did i let you escape so you could lead, me to the codex

What mark boy

it's okay i'll still have the potion, bob yes i will take that too goodbye princess

The other in a way and we both know it?


You turned them to start we have to undo that spell now

There's not enough time to drink the potion on everyone

What do we do?


The kingdom can sleep a little safer tonight thanks to matteo so matteo are you ready to show, them, what you got now


For more infomation >> Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 295 - Rico Media - Duration: 14:45.


Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 285 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:24.

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There's the sign I've been looking for

Now that is one fine-looking broccoli

Hi there puppies hey little piggie we're waiting for Bob he's buying vegetables

Well, do you want to come see the most awesomest place here?

Playing a modest, bug, but it didn't really wear a puppy house

That's why after we pigs get all muddy well it sure looks like you had fun exploring the farm

You little monsters I can hardly tell which one of you is which I?

Know hissy these two are a mess and

Then you'll go oh I

Guess I should go first. I really can keep pretending to be a pig


Yeah, you might want to leave him in there extra long since he was extra piggy when he went in

I never said I was my name snapped

No Bob must have brought that piglet home by mistake. I found this one sleeping near a tree

Yeah, I'm sure he's as hungary's all of you yummy. Yummy yummy. I get to fill my tummy

We're gonna curl up like we always do and go back to sleep wait where's bingo

I can't go to sleep without my brother a dog who's starting to wonder?

Where his brother the dog is that's so silly how you play pretend?

Where are you you and I are going on a mission

Except nothing looks familiar what's this Toki?

Thanks for lunch piggies, but it's time for me to go

That was a nice place to visit, but I don't want to live there without bingo. What's your doing out of the Pigpen little piggy?



You're not a little piggy at all

You're a puppy you must love your brother a lot. I do and now I need to figure out where to find him

That farm has gotta be close by which means my brother is too Rolly

I knew you'd come find me. I just knew it when we were


You're kind of a slob

But when you

Miss you let's make sure we're never separated

Then we have to figure out what that formula vaana's it's right there

Wait art did not make you dry doggies

Stomach it's not my paw that's your paw oh

Hey, where's the doggy go oh my computer oh darn, it's broken

But at least I can look forward to seeing you two when I get home from work

Enjoy your nap hissy

Broly did you hear what he said Papa needs a pot of gold to fix his computer

And we can find one at the end of the rainbow. That's just a legend what is that at the end of every rainbow?

There's a pot of gold

It looks like the rainbow hands behind that Factory, but we know someone who does oh?

Sure I know that Factory I collect stuff other people throw away

And when this friend of mine found plans for that place in the trash?

See that ditch right there you want to crawl through that to the front door

Then when you're inside the factory you're gonna ride this conveyer belt through the Assembly Room

Stay out of trouble and that pot of gold will be yours don't worry, Bulworth. Nothing's gonna trip us up

Hello these waters getting deep are my Lebogang shorter stay down. I'm gonna take a peek and see what that guard audience

Yeah, and there's the front door so come on then next room you would come


We're said this next one was called the Rapanui

These bubbles are wrapped around us so tight we can't walk and we're in these bubbles on the doggy

We did it Rollie we did it yeah

I just wish there was more bubble around for us to pop cuz I could play with that stuff all day

Well then we're just gonna have to pop

The whole way without going pop pop pop pop we'll have to walk between the bubbles

Okay really your turn

And now that were in the back we should be able to see huh

The rainbow in the pot of gold well you got you

Dogs other than me you aren't allowed back

Mine to your friend a bullish I am I love how that guy collects stuff

That's being thrown away so when I found the plans for this Factory in the trash. I gave them to

That gold home for Bob take whatever you want. It's all gonna be thrown out anyway

Hey, I should give something pulled worth

We saw me into the rainbow and the pot of gold even though that wasn't a pot

But that was nothing but gold wait a minute you mean there actually was something there

Must have fallen out of my computer this morning, but I didn't see it

Haha, it works, but you know what there aren't any dogs. Who are more special than you


Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold to well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob can have a seat at the theater. Just like you wanted

So I guess we'll have to take Bob's seat to the theater with his E

Still on it come on sleeping hissy you comin on a mission, too

Which one is that theater from here. It's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get five seats straight through it

To get to that theater here you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did the theater where they're doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out

Ah beans the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck. We need a throne or we can't do the play

Citizens don't sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree oh

And as you ticket for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Do you think you'll be coming back no we want a mission yeah should have guessed mission


Yeah, clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater

Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?

Mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As Queen of Dog Sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too


You wanna join us in our cool pool?

Thanks, but I'm gonna stick with this dry shade

Gears when I get back from work. I need to find the perfect place to get cool -

Hmm, I've got you foolish cool, but isn't big enough for gob and hissy State is cool too, but so many hits you sighs

Maybe ARF can take us dirty rocks name

Sure I got plenty of ideas for places to get cool

Well this fan is broken we are in a junkyard after all

Well of course to be near ice you have to have ice and that brings me to my last idea

Being in front of an ice cold sprinkler. Sorry pups. I never said I had the actual places to stay cool

Then it looks like this could be perfect for Bob, and if one feels good. I'm turning on all the fans by feeling better


Do you take us to a place that has ice surgery searching

Looks just like them, and it sure is cold fur

Is so cold I think we may have found our spot

Yes, and here's an extra scoop of ice cream for you

Well we made it to the park now, where are they

It was here just a second ago

That's okay

I will save you

Big Sur yeah whoo, thanks arf-arf is happy ARF good health good

day next iswas to crashing a stick and this place is way too unpredictable and

way too hot

Can you think of any other places with vodka cool yet

Not yet, then it's still hot out here, but I'm glad to see you guys have been keeping cool today

Even hisses managed to stay cool

I've been wanting to find the best place to get cool all day and the best place was in my own back yard

For more infomation >> Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 285 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:24.


Puppy Dog Pals Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 142 - Blue Pig - Duration: 18:44.

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Hey, Missy you wanna join us in our cooler fool

Thanks, but I'm gonna stick with this dry shade

Gears when I get back from work. I need to find the perfect place to get cool -

Hmm I gotta polish cool, but isn't big enough for gob and hissy shade is cool too, but Zoe she sighs

Maybe ours can take us dirty rocks name

Sure I got plenty of ideas for places to get cool

Well this fan is broken we are in a junkyard after all

Well of course to be near ice you have to have ice and that brings me to my last idea

Being in front of an ice cold sprinkler. Sorry pups. I never said I have the actual places to stay cool

It looks like this could be perfect for Bob, and if I'm turning on all the fans better


You take us to a place that has ice searching

Looks just like them, and it sure is cold

Is so cold I think we found our spot

Yeah Park, and here's an extra scoop of ice cream for you

Well we made it to the park now, where are they

That was here just a second ago

That's okay

I will save you

Big Sur yeah whoo, thanks arf-arf is happy art could help good

be next ice was to crashing it stick in this place is way too unpredictable and

way too hot

You think you're any other place of vodka cool yet, not yet

It is still hot out here, but I'm glad to see you guys have been keeping cool today

Even hisses managed to stay cool

I've been wanting to find the best place to get cool all day and the best place was in my own backyard

Adventure than puppy-sitting

Morning sleepy snouts my friend. Just got a new puppy named baby a puppy named, baby. I

Told her the you two are so much fun

You'll be like the greatest puppy sitters ever yeah

I'm never going to get my naps in today you hear that Rollie Bob wants this to be the greatest puppy sitters every

Great puppy sitters like Bob's mom get foo for the puppies, so let's give payment on dish. You know kalpen feel at home

That'll fill it up

That's what YouTube goofballs used to do yeah, I love sleeping in loafie Bob's old love for shoe it was the comfiest cozy

Not really

What kind of toys do little puppies like okay? First of all you're still puppies? We mean remember littler puppies?

We did that much when we were puppies you're still puppies the baby will like it, too

In the back all the things we did, what is it you see well you still look pretty little to me

Still look pretty little to me

You guys have fun keeping baby company while I'm at work, okay

Yeah, we're gonna take good care of me how to play with our toys boom

Cleaning up messes makes art happy

Yeah, let's ease baby some puppy tricks hey sit

Sit on your bottom, I throw the stick and Rolly brings it back

Baby might destroy the whole yarn, then I think really great puppy sitters would take the puppy to the dog park

That was fun geez you ran away, which once you know somewhere over there. I wasn't really paying attention


Can't believe that fake silly dog knocked us over Frank. I can't believe it cuz it happened

UAG yeah, but I can't see you through all the doggy slobber smeared on my window she ran off that way

That's the same direction as her house

Wonder where she's going Rolly. I think I figured it out

Thanks kg you're welcome

Taking somebody wipe off the window. I knew it she didn't want mr.. Mouse

We're still a little bit little then get us this game there's room for two more you're on baby

Wow the puppy really tuckered you out huh looks like you guys ended up being great puppy sitters

One two

We can't their mouth bingo Lee time to celebrate well if you say so

Hey there guys mind if I borrow a cushion

Hey look what's on TV?

Butterfly looks a lot like the ones on TV move you're supposed to be on a journey with thousands of butterflies

Bye guys see you SC. See you after work

Hey there hi

Yes, then I think we have our mission. We're going to hook this butterfly find her family at the butterfly forest

Hey look she likes it come on Vicky. Let's go find your family

We just need to find our way to the butterfly forest which is by the sunny warm Beach, don't worry Vicky

You'll be back to this family before you know it

Sound like they're going to the butterfly pores too, then all of our the butterfly books

Taking us right we need to go

Don't worry Frank there's a gas station and repair shop right there

I'm sure they'll fix this bus in no time and she looks like she's missing our family - it's okay, Vicky

You don't need that big bus to take you to your family. Yeah, cuz you've got us

It's beautiful

But which way is the butterfly force I think my arms are tired that's about it

Look I see them flying to the ocean then who that's why we're not going for

Moving down a mountain

How we gonna get her way up there take this like it's a kite strip and hold it to I don't blow away

Daddy got it

Mr.. Winning for you to fly there. We'll find another one

Rolling positive and thick is our family there didn't you?

Then it's a good thing we practice playing mouthing only this morning. Let's do this with puppy power

Is this your family?

Better yet by Vicki unless you meet soon

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is Clint Manley, and I am back at the butterfly forest

I wonder if that butterfly that was here this morning

We made it Frank. I'm glad they finally fixed that bus huh

Esther one landed on me. Are you enjoying your trip to the butterfly forest sir, it's a dream come true

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he is

Smells like sidewalk yep

I'd like to get one ticket for today's show please I am sorry all of those tickets have been sold

But all of those tickets have been sold too well

That's not great at all, but there isn't even one seat available imagine that not even one

Not even one seat

That's a great idea if we take his chair there Bob - never seen at the theater, just like you wanted

You see

So I guess we'll have to take Bob's seat to the theater with his he still on it come on

Sleeping hissy you comin on a mission, too

Which way is that theater from here? It's probably this way unless it's that way

Where are you two going with this sit on me thingy. It's Bob. See we're getting it to the theater firm

Oh, okay, then the quickest way to the theater is to take that shortcut through the pillow stuffing Factory

Then let's get Flopsy straight through it

To get to that theater here you're gonna have to push that thing up a really big hill

Okay the trucks all loaded

Hey, can you take these things to the theater where they're doing that play did the theater was there doing that boy?

Thanks for delivering this stuff exactly what Bob won?

This is what the people who play get ready to go out

Ah, please the throne was supposed to be in that delivery truck. We need it thrown or we can't do the play

Citizens on top sylvania before I sit on my

Musicians sound the trumpets before the decree Teddy

And I should take it for tonight's show I better get this to Bob

Do you think you'll be coming back no we want a mission yeah should have guessed mission

Yeah clean Gazoo can't sit on a regular nobody failed your mission was to get Bob's chair to the theater

Which is exactly what you did Bob is going to that show?

Come on

New mission is

Easy hold on just let me check my mail and then the three of us can play together

What's this

Hey, it's a ticket for tonight's performance of

As queen of dog sylvania I say to thee let my puppies go

Thanks for letting us watch the show from here

I'm glad you came back to see the rest of it and that your friend Bob is seeing it too

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