Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 29 2017

At the start of Game of Thrones, Jaime Lannister is like an R-rated version of Shrek's Prince

Charming – he's an arrogant, selfish, violent knight, who roots his sister, and

tries to murder a child.

Jaime's a bad guy, and it looks like author George Martin originally planned to keep him

that way.

In an old outline of the series, written before the first book, Martin says that Jaime would

become king – taking the Throne by murdering everyone in his way . It also says that Sansa

would have a child with Joffrey, Tyrion would fall in love with Arya, and that Catelyn would

be killed by white walkers.

So the actual story turned out very different to this outline.

Because Martin doesn't like to stick to a plan when he writes.

He says he writes not like an architect, but like a gardener – he lets his characters

gradually develop and grow, and he follows where they lead.

Which means sometimes his characters surprise him – and become something he didn't expect.

Jaime is a great example of this – cause over five books and seven seasons, he grows

into someone much more complex than even the author imagined.

In the first couple books, Jaime really is just awful.

He's arrogant and vain , wearing glittering gilded armour . He's impulsive, reckless,

and violent – willing to kill anyone who gets in his way . He tries to kill Bran for

seeing him with Cersei.

He kills three Stark men to intimidate Ned . He implies he'd have hurt or killed Arya

if he'd caught her . And he uses cruel words to hurt people . Apart from his twin sister

Cersei, his brother Tyrion, and his father Tywin, Jaime doesn't seem to care about

anyone , or anything . He doesn't believe in anything.

He thinks that knights and the Kingsguard are corrupt , that gods and religion are bullshit

. When confronted with the evils of the world, Jaime just laughs . Catelyn thinks Jaime is

"vile" . "There is nothing here but arrogance and pride" – "If there was

ever a spark of honor in him, it is long dead" . Jaime seems irredeemable, but in Book 3,

we start to learn why Jaime is the way he is.

Jaime was born the son and heir of the rich and powerful Lord Tywin Lannister.

Jaime grew tall and beautiful , with golden hair, like his twin Cersei – who he had

an incestuous relationship with from a young age . Jaime's other love was the sword – he

was a highly skilled fighter , and dreamed of being a great warrior . When he was fifteen,

he fought outlaws alongside the famous Arthur Dayne, and was knighted on the battlefield

. Later, he joined the Kingsguard, a famed brotherhood sworn to protect the king.

Kingsguard can't marry or hold land – so Jaime gave up his claim as heir to Casterly


But Jaime had never wanted to rule . He wanted "Honor and glory" as a brother of the

Kingsguard – and he wanted to be close to Cersei at King's Landing . So at fifteen,

the Kingsguard seemed like everything Jaime had ever wanted – but it soon soured . It

turned out that the king, Aerys Targaryen, only took Jaime into the Kingsguard to piss

off Tywin and to use Jaime as a sort of a hostage – ""He'll win no glory here,"

the king had said" . Tywin got mad and left the capital with Cersei – separating Jaime

from his twin and lover who he joined the guard for in the first place.

So Jaime got no Cersei, and no glory – and was stuck serving a mad king.

Aerys grew more and more violent and cruel – he liked to burn men alive, and he attacked

his wife Rhaella . And since Jaime had sworn to obey, he could only stand and watch – trying

to "look without seeing" the burning men that would haunt him all his life . Eventually,

the kingdoms rose against Aerys, in Robert's Rebellion.

And near the end of the war, Jaime killed Aerys – the king he'd sworn to protect.

Westerosi society takes sacred oaths seriously – so forever after, Jaime is hated as the

Kingslayer, an oathbreaker, "A man with shit for honor" .

The irony is that people hate Jaime for best thing he ever did . We learn in Book 3 that

the reason why Jaime killed Aerys was that Aerys planned to burn down King's Landing

– to kill thousands of innocent people with wildfire . Jaime killed the king to save the

city – but no one knows this.

Cause after Jaime killed Aerys, Eddard Stark arrived and looked at Jaime with cold eyes

"full of judgement" . Ned didn't wanna hear Jaime's explanations – "He only

had to look at [him] to judge [him] guilty" . So it seems that Jaime felt he couldn't

explain the wildfire plot to people – that no one would listen, or believe him.

But what really gets to Jaime is the judgement.

Jaime is haunted by memories of Ned Stark, Prince Rhaegar, the Kingsguard.

They represent Jaime's failures – his broken oaths, the blood on his hands – not

only of Aerys, but of Rhaegar's family, who died under Jaime's watch . Deep down,

Jaime's ashamed at the man he became . And the way he deals with this is to hide his

insecurities, and laugh at everything , and pretend he doesn't care . People say he's

a bad knight and a bad Kingsguard – so Jaime mocks knighthood and Kingsguard, says it's

all corrupt anyway . People say the gods will punish him, so Jaime says gods aren't real

. All his cynicism, sarcasm, nihilism are defence mechanisms to protect him from criticism.

It's kinda like what Tyrion says, to wear your identity like armour . Tyrion plays the

Imp, Sandor plays the Hound, and Jaime plays the callous uncaring Kingslayer.

It's easier to play a villain than to face the pain of old trauma, to grapple with grey

morality and the shame and guilt of failure.

Jaime distracts himself with the two things he's good at – fighting with swords, and

sex with Cersei . Cause in combat and sex, you don't have to think about the past or

the future, you live only in the moment – Jaime says time sleeps when swords wake . But in

Book 3, Jaime loses these distractions, and is forced to face his past and his future.

Jaime is captured by Robb Stark, then he's freed by Catelyn on the promise that he'll

return Sansa and Arya to the Starks . So Jaime travels to King's Landing with Brienne.

But along the way, they're captured by the Brave Companions, or Locke in the show, who

suddenly, brutally, cut off Jaime's hand – his sword hand, the part of him that him

that makes him who his is . It's the hand Jaime used to kill Aerys, to cripple Bran,

to love Cersei . He loses "his glory and his shame, both at once.

Leaving what?

Who am I now?"

Jaime asks . Proud Jaime Lannister is devastated, brought low , he almost just gives up and

dies – but he's urged to live by Brienne.

Brienne and Jaime have a complex relationship.

At first, they hate each other.

Jaime calls Brienne "wench" , and thinks she's a "stupid" "ugly" "freak".

Brienne calls Jaime Kingslayer, and thinks he's a "monster" for his crimes . But

Jaime and Brienne have some things in common.

They're both outsiders in society – Jaime as the Kingslayer, and Brienne as a misfit

female warrior.

Eventually, they start to respect each other – not as Kingslayer and wench, but as Jaime

and Brienne.

They learn from each other.

Jaime shows Brienne that doing the right thing can be more complicated than she thought.

And Brienne shows Jaime that even in cruel complex world, a true knight persists.

Even when she fails, even when no one believes in her – Brienne keeps her word, and defends

the weak, and does what's right . And so should Jaime.

So Jaime learns from Brienne's example.

He heroically rescues Brienne from a bear, and later he gives her a priceless Valyrian

sword called Oathkeeper – so Brienne can keep Jaime's oath to return Sansa to the


"[Sansa] is my last chance for honor", Jaime says.

So Brienne looks for her – for Catelyn's sake, and for Jaime's .

Jaime returns to King's Landing a changed man . He's gone through hell, he's lost

his hand, and he has no more patience for lies and schemes . Which frustrates his lying

scheming family.

Tywin wants Jaime to leave the Kingsguard, and get married and rule the Rock – Jaime

refuses, so Tywin disowns him , and is later killed by Tyrion.

Jaime saves Tyrion from execution, but in the books the brothers have a falling-out

when Jaime reveals he lied about Tyrion's first wife Tysha . And from Tyrion, Jaime

learns of Cersei's infidelity.

He increasingly sees her as a lying , manipulative , fool . And Cersei rejects this changed Jaime

. So gradually, the lifelong lovers begin to break up.

By the end of Book 3, Jaime feels he's lost everything – his sister and lover, his brother,

his father, and his hand . Everything that makes him who is his, everything that he loved,

is gone.

All he has left is the Kingsguard – so Jaime turns to the White Book.

The White Book records the history of each member of the Kingsguard.

There're all these great heroes, like Arthur Dayne, with all these great deeds written

in their pages.

Jaime's page doesn't say much apart from his killing King Aerys.

But there's still lots of blank space there – Jaime realises he can fill his page, write

his future, with "Whatever he [chooses]".

In the show, Jaime chooses to stand by Cersei for three more seasons.

But the books are different.

In Book 4, Jaime travels the riverlands, mopping up the last of the war.

And he starts to build a new identity as a more honourable man.

He's sick of people hating him for being an oathbreaker , so he tries to keep his promises

to Catelyn – not only by sending Brienne after Sansa, but by ending the Siege of Riverrun

without fighting Tullys, which was another of the oaths Jaime made . He starts taking

his Kingsguard and knights' vows more seriously . He protects innocent people like Pia , and

gets mad when the Mountain kills an innocent boy – when Jaime himself had once tried

to kill an innocent boy.

Jaime does justice – executing criminals, and sorting out conflict between Loras and


Jaime's still often rude and aggressive . But he is less reckless and less arrogant

– at one point he refuses to wear his gold prosthetic hand.

"Let them see the cripple", Jaime thinks.

He "would not show the crowds a golden lie" . Jaime even starts being nice to people sometimes

– he's kind to Pia , and Jeyne Westerling , and lets Lord Blackwood keep his daughter

. Jaime even decides to take an interest in his children, Myrcella and Tommen.

He used to think of his kids as "no more … than a squirt of seed in Cersei's cunt"

. But now he decides he wants to help them grow up right, even to tell Myrcella that

he's her father.

He also decides to help fix the politics in King's Landing . So Jaime is trying to build

a better legacy for himself – he hopes to be known not as the Kingslayer, but maybe

as "Goldenhand the Just" . But some people aren't convinced.

Edmure and Brynden stand against Jaime, showing that for all his thoughts of reform, Jaime's

still the Kingslayer in their eyes . Like, sure, Jaime technically keeps his word to

the Tullys at Riverrun, but he still hands their castle to the Freys as reward for betrayal

and slaughter at the Red Wedding – an atrocity plotted by Tywin, who Jaime emulates with

his trebuchet threat . Ultimately, Jaime's still serving the brutal regime that killed

King Robert, crowned a bastard, savaged the riverlands – fought a terrible war that

all started with Jaime's incest and the crippling of Bran.

If Jaime really wants to be a better person, if he wants redemption – surely he must

somehow answer for his crimes.

How else can he escape the judgement and trauma that haunts him?

If Jaime's to have a brighter future, he must face his past.

Catelyn Stark is murdered at the Red Wedding.

In the books, she's then resurrected as Lady Stoneheart – transformed into a terrible

vengeful spirit.

She takes over the brotherhood without banners, and leads them to hunt down and kill everyone

involved in the Red Wedding.

In Book 4, Stoneheart captures Brienne, and threatens to kill her – unless Brienne brings

her Jaime.

In Book 5, it looks like Brienne does – taking Jaime to Stoneheart somewhere in the riverlands

. You can see Stoneheart as a symbol of the evil in Jaime's past – a monument to all

his sins.

Catelyn is the mother of the boy Jaime crippled to cover up incest.

Catelyn is the wife of Ned Stark, whose judgement haunts Jaime as Kingslayer.

Catelyn is the woman Jaime promised he'd save Sansa and Arya – who still aren't

home in the books.

And Catelyn's a Stark, the family that Jaime's family all but destroyed.

So Stoneheart could represent Jaime's guilt and regret.

But unlike the Kingsguard, and Rhaegar, and Ned, Stoneheart lives, in the flesh.

There is no ignoring her, no more excuses or distractions.

This could be the big confrontation between Jaime and his past.

Will he be consumed by the dark, and hanged with Stoneheart's other victims?

Or will he make peace with his demons and rise up a better man – not just someone

who talks about honour and justice, but someone who rights his wrongs.

There are all sorts of possibilities – Jaime could join the brotherhood for Red Wedding

revenge, maybe finally find Sansa or Arya.

Or maybe it'll be more about putting Stoneheart to rest, with the help of Brienne.

We won't know til the next book comes out.

But Jaime probably will survive Stoneheart – cause his destiny is with Cersei.

Jaime has loved Cersei all his life.

He joined the Kingsguard for her, fathered bastards with her, tried to kill kids for


Cersei brings out the worst in Jaime – all his vanity, violence, cruelty.

If Jaime's to be a better person, he needs to face his twin . And thing is, Cersei is

obsessed with a prophecy that says she'll be killed by her brother.

She thinks this means Tyrion, but fans suspect that it means Jaime.

Remember in the show, Cersei blows up the Great Sept with wildfire.

There are hints she'll use wildfire in the books as well – but she won't just blow

up the Great Sept . Fans believe that Cersei may try to burn the whole city of King's

Landing – just like Aerys tried to do years ago . Jaime may have to save the city again

by killing his sister.

That would fulfil the valonqar prophecy.

And it could represent Jaime finally defeating his darker half.

It could also mean Jaime's death – cause the twins both believe that just as they were

born together – they will die together . This could be self-sacrifice by Jaime – heroically,

tragically, dying with his lover in fire.

The twins came into the world so similar – but they'll die so different.

Cersei dies consumed with fear and hate , but Jaime could die a hero – finally a knight

worthy of the White Book.

And Jaime might have an even higher destiny.

Some people argue that Jaime may be Azor Ahai, the hero prophesied to save the world from

the white walkers, using a burning sword called Lightbringer.

Jaime does have a mystical dream of "doom" where he wields a flaming sword that pushes

back darkness . And there are some weird connections in the Valyrian language invented for the

show – the words for gold and hand are similar to the words for lord and light – the god

connected to Azor Ahai.

And Jaime's arc could loosely fit the story of the forging of Lightbringer – tempering

his swords first in water, then in the heart of a lion , then in his beloved wife.

Cersei could be the sacrifice.

And if Jaime dies with her, he could then be reborn amidst smoke and salt as Azor Ahai,

his hand transformed into a burning weapon – Lightbringer.

So this is sorta plausible – if you fudge some other bits of the prophecy, and believe

Jaime is secretly Aerys' son – but overall, it doesn't seem likely.

Because Jaime's story isn't about the mystical fight of ice and fire – leave that

stuff to Jon and Daenerys.

Jaime may play some role in the fight against the walkers – that's where he's going

in the show, with his black cloak and Valyrian sword.

But Jaime's real war is in his heart – trying to define his identity in a dark and complex


And that's not about white walkers.

That's between Jaime and Aerys and Brienne and Stoneheart and Cersei.

Thanks for watching.

If you want to read more about Jaime, there are some really great posts on Tumblr and

Reddit to check out – links in the description.

Thanks also to fan artists serclegane, eluas, Katie Hillman and Ertaç Altınöz.

Alt Shift X is made possible by our Patrons.

If you wanna support high-quality, carefully researched content on Game of Thrones and

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on future topics.

For more infomation >> Kingslayer: is Jaime Lannister a villain? - Duration: 18:00.


This Is What Happened To The Duck Dynasty Cast - Duration: 8:39.

Remember when people couldn't stop talking about Duck Dynasty's Robertson family? A few

short years ago, this close-knit Louisiana clan was the talk of reality TV, but everything

changed after Phil Robertson's notorious GQ interview in 2013. The Robertsons managed

to stay on the air following their brush with controversy, but lost a vast portion of their

audience, and were dropped from A&E in March of 2017.

"Well, hey! There ain't nothin' I can do about that now, we done screwed the pooch here!"

Did the Robertsons just disappear after that? Not by a long shot. So, where are they now?

Phil & Kay Robertson

In an interview with local news station KNOE 8, Phil and Kay Robertson said they don't

have any grand plans for the future. Phil said he's basically going to spend all day

in the woods, while Kay is looking forward to getting back to a "quieter life." Phil

wasn't sad to see them pack their cameras and go.

"I, for one, was thankful it ended. There's a lot more to doing these TV shows than most

people realize."

While the Robertson family patriarch would like everyone to think he's happy checking

duck blinds all day, he's actually been pretty busy outside the Louisiana wilderness. During

the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, Phil became politically active, voicing his support

for Republican candidate Ted Cruz before switching to supporting Donald Trump, and he's been

quietly playing behind the scenes in conservative politics ever since.

Phil and Kay also travel around doing speaking engagements, mainly preaching their religious

beliefs in what Phil described as, quote, "helping our neighbors and living a godly

life." Recently, he's taken to Facebook to advocate for the NRA, which should surprise

exactly no one.

"My idea of happiness is killing things. Boom bom bombombombomb bow."

Willie & Korie Robertson

The Duck Commander himself, Willie Robertson, also took a deep dive into politics as the

show tapered down, speaking at the Republican National Convention in 2016. Willie attended

the 2017 Presidential inauguration and even visited the White House. Lately, he's hinted

at possible new TV projects and discussed an expansion of the family's West Monroe,

Louisiana warehouse.

"I'm fixin' to go crazy redneck up in here!"

But like his dad, Willie's also not resting on his laurels. He and his wife Korie decided

to reopen Willie's Duck Diner, a local family-themed restaurant once featured on the show. Along

with his partner in the restaurant, Willie was also instrumental in organizing relief

efforts for victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Meanwhile, Korie has parlayed her TV fame into a brand of her own. Already a New York

Times bestselling author, Korie released her latest book post-Duck Dynasty, called Strong

and Kind: Raising Kids of Character, which she paired with her Strong + Kind collection

of housewares, jewelry, and accessories.

But there's one area where she and Willie differ. In a surprising break from the family,

Korie told CNN that she didn't share her husband's enthusiasm about Donald Trump, and stated

that her and her husband agree to disagree. She also called on the president to, quote,

"be a leader that unifies, that brings people together."

Sadie Robertson

Arguably the breakout star of the show, Willie and Korie's daughter Sadie has become a full-blown

media figure in her own right since the final duck call, starting in 2014, when she nearly

took home the mirrorball trophy on Dancing With The Stars. Since then, she's also become

a bestselling author, launched clothing lines, and started an acting career.

Just like her mother, Sadie's taken the concept for her book, Live Original, and turned it

into a full-blown brand, which includes a blog and live show. Sadie views herself as

"a beacon of light in an oft-dark world," and she's working on a follow-up book, Live

Fearless, which she says is about her "journey of finding freedom."

John Luke Robertson

The second oldest child of Willie and Korie, John Luke also got a jumpstart on his post-Dynasty

career. In 2014, he authored a series of children's books called Be Your Own Duck Commander before

venturing into non-fiction with Young and Beardless: The Search for God, Purpose, and

a Meaningful Life, a memoir about camp, volleyball, and anguish over things like his girlfriend

getting texts from other guys.

Taking a cue from his family, John Luke also seems to be building a personal brand. He's

launched a blog called Young & Beardless, as well as promoted the handle through his

social media accounts, although a quick look at recent posts suggests he may already have

to consider re-branding to Young & Scruffy. And if that doesn't work out, he clearly has

a future in endorsing canned fish.

"Bumblebee tuna. Bumblebee tuna. Bumblebee tuna."

Uncle Si Robertson

"I'm like a bat. Kaboom! Kapow! Punch! Zap! Kick!'

As the last season of Duck Dynasty was airing, Uncle Si launched his A & E spinoff series

Going Si-ral, which pitted the quirky technophobe against the world wide web.

"I got myself a show about the internet. I'm not even sure what that is, yet."

He's also busy working on new music and about to start touring with his band, Uncle Si & The

Sicotics, which is comprised of himself, his daughter-in-law Marsha Robertson, and Bridgette


Si must have learned a thing or two from his solo series, because he and his bandmates

now routinely post lengthy Facebook Live posts that keep fans engaged, but also play out

like a reality show. And if you just can't get enough Si, they're also selling ringtones.

"It's ringin', ringin', ringin'! Hey, Jack! Answer the phone!"

At any rate, it looks like diehard Uncle Si fans are still able to get their fill of the

eccentric Vietnam vet, and for that we say God bless the internet, Jack!

"Hey ya! Oh! Woah!"

Jase & Missy Robertson

Though there was already a huge internet kerfuffle when photos of the pre-beard Robertson clan

surfaced online, it happened all over again in September 2017 when Jase Robertson lost

a battle with the buzzer for a great cause.

Jase agreed to shave as part of a fundraiser for Mia Moo, the foundation he and his wife

Missy founded, which is

"...dedicated to raising awareness and funds towards research, treatments, and causes of

cleft lip & palate."

Jase and Missy were moved to start the foundation after the outpouring of support they received

when their own daughter, Mia, was born with the condition. The goal for #ShaveJase was

to raise $100,000 dollars, after which Jase would shave and cut his hair and record it

live. Though they missed their goal, Jase honored his pledge, and posted the video to

Facebook via his new venture, CamoFlix, which Jase described as

"...a place where outdoors people, hunters, fisherman, fisherwoman can go and share videos."

Think of it like YouTube, only you need a fishing license or a hunting tag to upload.

A few days after Duck Dynasty's final episode aired, Missy Robertson told the Daily Journal,

"Right now, we're taking some time off to rest and re-evaluate what our next steps will

be…" "I'm enjoying being able to travel to see

[my sons] Reed and Cole, who are currently living in Nashville and Malibu, and spending

time with Mia and all her activities."

Missy has yet to strike out on a completely new venture, but she's continued her work

with her jewelry line, Laminin, which focuses on pieces which are, quote, "made by women

who have come out of very difficult situations." Laminin has become more than just a jewelry

retailer—it's also an outreach program.

"All women can come together who would like a job, who need a job, and that can express

their creativity, and just being a part of each others' lives."

Through the creation of the Laminin House, Missy hopes to expand across the United States,

and serve as a ministry to disadvantaged women.

Reed Robertson

Still in Nashville and plugging away at his fledgling country music career, Reed Robertson

recently released his new EP, although he's still pretty far from the big time. He told

The Outdoor Experience,

"We didn't have a plan, and we didn't really have a defined sound that we were going for.

We just got in the studio and had fun and just wrote, and it just kind of happened,

which is really cool."

Reed was married to Brighton Thompson in October 2016, and the newlyweds have been posting

happily-ever-after Instagram shots ever since.

Jep and Jessica Robertson

Knowing a good thing when they saw it, A & E greenlit a spinoff for Jep Robertson and his

wife Jessica before Duck Dynasty ended. But like every other Robertson, Jep and Jess couldn't

possibly have just one iron in the fire, which is why in addition to operating Jess's jewelry

line, Cavalry, the couple also launched a podcast, The Jep & Jess Show, in March 2017.

The busy couple said the show would be even more revealing than before, and would definitely

feature regular visits from the rest of the Robertson family. So in case you were worried,

yes, all the charm of the reality show is still intact.

"By the time I'm through, y'all are gonna pee in your pants, and then you're gonna throw


Yep, charming.

Thanks for watching! Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Plus

check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is What Happened To The Duck Dynasty Cast - Duration: 8:39.


BREAKING: Hollywood Legend D.E.AD… This Is A MAJOR Loss For America - Duration: 2:51.

Rose Marie, the actress who became made famous for her role as Sally Rogers on the iconic

1960 sitcom "The Dick Van Dyke Show," has died at age 94.

Marie was a child star of the 1920s and 1930s who endeared herself to TV fans on the classic

'60s sitcom that featured Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore.

The news comes from the star's official Twitter account, which announced on Thursday

that she had passed at her home in Van Nuys, California."It is with broken hearts that

we share the terribly sad news that our beloved Rose Marie passed away this afternoon,"

the statement said.The Film, TV and Broadway actress had one of the longest-running careers

in entertainment, according to the obituary on her website.Fox News reports that after

a career as a popular radio personality, Marie got her big break performing in movies such

as "International House" and "Big Broadcast of 1935."

She was invited to be a headliner by Benjamin "Bugsy" Segal at the Flamingo casino hotel

in Las Vegas in 1946 before becoming a household name on "Dick Van Dyke" in 1961.From there,

she moved on to "The Doris Day Show" and became one of the longest regulars on "Hollywood


She appeared in numerous movies as a child and starred in the Broadway musical "Top


She was nominated for three Emmys and received a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame in 2001.

According to her website, when asked about retiring she said, "I've been in show

business my whole life.

Why start something new now?"

Carl Reiner, the creator of the "Dick Van Dyke Show" tweeted about her passing.

"I was so sad to learn of the passing of Rosemarie," he wrote.

"There's never been a more engaging & multi-talented performer.

In a span of 90 years, since she was four, dear Rosie performed on radio, in vaudeville,

night clubs, films, TV, & Vegas & always had audiences clamoring for "more!!"She later

guested on shows including "The Monkees," "My Three Sons" and "The Doris Day Show,"

as well as a stage role in "Bye Bye Birdie."

She also had a touring song-and-comedy act called 4 Girls 4, starring Rosemary Clooney,

Margaret Whiting and Helen O'Connell, from 1977 to 1985.

Clooney's nephew George briefly drove the tour bus.

Later in life, she made appearances on "Murphy Brown," "Wings" and "Caroline in the


Rest in peace young lady and thanks for the memories.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Hollywood Legend D.E.AD… This Is A MAJOR Loss For America - Duration: 2:51.


Lab Created Meat Is The Future It's Healthier And Cheaper - Duration: 2:42.

Lab-Created Meat Is The Future - It's Healthier And Cheaper

The concept of lab-grown meat isn�t new, and several companies are hoping to perfect

the process.

Memphis Meats is developing a way to create meat without slaughtering animals, Tyson Foods

has launched a venture capital fund investing in the future of meatless meat, and Mosa Meat

hopes to serve the first lab-made burger in just five years.

But the challenge isn�t necessarily creating the best looking and tasting meatless alternative

� it�s pulling down the cost of production so that consumers will see it as a viable

alternative to the real thing.

In 2013, it cost around $325,000 to engineer a five-ounce in vitro hamburger constructed

from pieces of beef muscle tissue all grown in a lab.

Now, with advances in the industry steadily pushing this field forward, the price has

been whittled down to just $11.36 � that�s 30,000 times less than when it was first introduced.

This makes lab-grown meat just three or four times more expensive than traditional ground

beef, so if the biggest barrier to getting engineered meat to market is cost, then it

looks like we�re well on our way.

Assuming the most ideal growing environment, stem cells can produce a lot of meat.

A single turkey cell could theoretically be used to produce enough muscle to manufacture

20 trillion turkey nuggets.

Given the growing demand for food worldwide, something like this has the potential to address

pressing concerns about the industrial food system.

Switching to in vitro meat will also have major environmental benefits.

Today, the industrial food system�s objective is to meet the growing demand for food by

raising livestock on a small amount of land and producing meat at a very affordable price.

This has led to mass production livestock farms that emit massive amounts of greenhouse


Growing meat in labs could reduce this by 90 percent and lower land use by 99 percent.

The World's First Clean Meatball

Looks like lab-grown meat is full of benefits, so now we just need to make it economically

viable and convince people to take that first bite

of a lab-grown burger.

For more infomation >> Lab Created Meat Is The Future It's Healthier And Cheaper - Duration: 2:42.


7 Types of Spirit Guides Which One Is Yours - Duration: 5:59.

7 Types of Spirit Guides- Which One Is Yours

If you are just beginning your journey of connecting with your spirit guide, I would

recommend first learning about the many different types of guides that exist in our realm and

the incorporeal one.

7 TYPES OF SPIRIT GUIDES Right now, it seems to be a common trend to

believe that spirit guides are primarily animals or angelic beings � but this is only one

small dimension of the many possibilities that exist out there.

Spirit guides, I believe, can have unlimited shapes and forms.

A spirit guide could just as easily be a soft gust of air that makes the hairs on your arm

stand up, as it could be a full blown godly being that you meet during a shamanic journey.

There are so many possibilities out there, and below I will break down the main �types,�

�species� or forms of spirit guides which you might encounter on your path.

Remember, you can have more than one, and most people often do!


HALF MAN HALF BEAST (TRANS-SPECIES) Many spirit guides manifest themselves as

half man/woman and half animal.

Examples include: centaurs, fauns, harpys, mermaids, sphinxes, fairies and minotaurs.

Many deities also appear as spirit guides, for instance, Anubis (jackal-headed Egyptian

god), Ganesha (elephant-headed Indian god), Ra (falcon head, human body) etc.

The first ever spirit guide that I personally made contact with was Pan, a half man half

goat entity, who �revealed� to me my own personal shadow self and the need for me to

embark on a journey of healing my core wounds.


ANIMALS/TOTEMS Animals are well-known spirit guides and have

gained a lot of popularity over the past few years, perhaps thanks to their accessibility

in our everyday lives.

Some ancient cultures, such as the indigenous Americans and Chinese had animals as sacred

representations of their tribes or lineages.

These days, animals come to represent and reflect a person�s own inner yearnings and

needs, moving from group use to more personal and individual use in this day and age.

I wrote an article on popular species of animal spirit guides here.


LIGHT BEINGS Many people describe �light beings� (also

commonly known as guardian angels), as being their spirit guides.

Light beings are said to particularly help people move through traumatic areas of life

such as death, loss and grief.

Light beings are called such because of their tendency to appear bright, glowing or full

of light.


ANCESTORS Ancestral guides are entities that have some

kind of blood connection to us and our lineage.

An ancestral guide could be a recently deceased member of your family (mother, father, aunt,

grandfather), or a long dead relative that you have perhaps never met in your lifetime.

When I have done shamanic journeying in the past, I have connected with what I consider

my ancestors.

To me they appeared as shadowy beings that felt distinctly familiar.

They taught me that although I felt alone and isolated in my current family, I am part

of something vastly larger.

The messages our ancestors bring can be beautiful and life-changing.


PLANTS Shamans believe that the world and everything

in it is composed of vibrant, living energy.

This includes plants.

Ayahuasca � a psychoactive brew that is made out of a vine commonly found in Peru

� is one of the most well-known ways of getting in touch with the spirits of nature.

Interestingly the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine is known as �the vine of the souls,� and

it is common for all those taking it to feel guided by the plant into the realms of inner

and outer existence.

The same can be said for many other psychoactive (and non-psychoactive plants).

Plants can either be symbolic, like in pagan traditions that associates certain qualities

with certain plants, or experiential, where ingesting the plant stimulates mental, physical

and emotional expansion.


GODS AND GODDESSES Gods and goddesses have been worshiped, feared

and written about since the dawn of time.

They span across every culture, every tradition, every religion and every part of the world.

Common gods and goddesses that serve as spirit guides include Athena, Quan Yin, Apollo, Lakshmi,

Lugh, Kali, Hathor, Horus, The Green Man and Selene.


ASCENDED MASTERS Ascended masters are beings that have already

lived on this earth but have become enlightened, awakened or have transcended the cycle of


Thus, ascended masters represent the ultimate teachers and gateways to the divine.

It is said that ascended masters, like all spirit guides, teach all people who call on

them (not just you) to achieve greater wholeness and harmony in life.

Common examples include Krishna, Jesus, Confucius, Kuthumi, Melchizedek, Mary the Mother

of Jesus, Babaji, Gautama Buddha, and many others.

For more infomation >> 7 Types of Spirit Guides Which One Is Yours - Duration: 5:59.


Piers Morgan reacts as Good Morning Britain is named most complained-about TV show - Duration: 3:08.

Piers Morgan reacts as Good Morning Britain is named most complained-about TV show

The Good Morning Britain presenter has expressed his glee at learning his show is the number one most complained-about show of the year.

Taking to the official Piers Morgan Twitter account, the journalist turned presenter has boasted of the ITV shows success.

Sharing a link to an article about the news, the excited star wrote to his 6.29 million followers: BOOM! No1! The ITV host also added two fist pumping emojis to his post, clearly pleased with himself.

Naturally, it didnt take long for Piers followers to comment, with one replying: Most complained about programmes but also the most watched. A second added: I see your up there with Amanda Holdens dress.

People need to get a life! While a third chimed in: I dont think folk are complaining about the programme, but more you Piers. The article revealed that the September 5 episode of Good Morning Britain received a huge 1,142 complaints.

"Most complained about programmes but also the most watched" Twitter user The show was accused of giving a platform to gay cure therapist Dr.

Michael Davidson.

Davidson called homosexuality a sin and a socially constructed concept.

The news comes after 52% of GMB viewers voted to have Piers sacked from the show during a recent episode.

Piers later teased that he wouldnt turn up to work with Susanna Reid, however sympathetic fans soon defended the star.

Piers has been working on Good Morning Britain since 2015, and many episodes are met with a mixed reaction.

The other most-complained about shows were Britains Got Talent star Amanda Holdens revealing outfits, and Sky News Press Preview due to comment on Islam, from journalist Melanie Phillips.

For more infomation >> Piers Morgan reacts as Good Morning Britain is named most complained-about TV show - Duration: 3:08.


This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean - Duration: 4:34.

This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean

First, check your face for any moles, and then look at the diagram above to identify

the number(s) that are the closest match to the moles on your face.

Usually, the moles only hold meaning for you if they are prominent and they are the only


If your face if full of spots, acne or �little� moles, they do not count.

When you�ve ascertained which position corresponds to the mole on your face, look up the meanings

listed by numbers below.

POSITION 1 TO 3 As a child, you are somewhat rebellious and

a free spirit.

You have an innate creativity and work best when you are given a free hand.

Generally, your superiors like your avante garde approach to life.

If you have a mole here, you are far better off in business and being your own boss rather

than working for somebody.

What is promising is that you have the luck to be your own boss.

POSITION 4 You are an impulsive person, often acting

with a flamboyance that gives you charisma and a sparkling personality, but you can be

difficult when there are too many opinions.

You tend to be rather argumentative, but never to the point of holding grudges.

This mole tends to give you an explosive temper and should you decide to remove it, you will

find yourself becoming calmer and more at peace with the world.

POSITION 5 A mole above the eyebrow indicates that there

is wealth luck in your life, but you will need to earn it and work harder than most


All the income you make must be carefully kept as there are people who are jealous of

you who might attempt to sweet talk you into parting with your wealth.

Be wary of those who try to interest you in get-rich-quick schemes.

If you have a mole here, it is advisable not to be too trusting of others.

Follow your instincts and be cautious.

And never allow other people to control your finances.

POSITION 6 A mole here indicates intelligence, creativity,

and skill as an artist.

Your artistic talent can bring you wealth, fame, and success.

It also indicates wealth luck, but this can only be fully realized if you follow your

heart rather than stick to conventional means of making a living.

Success will come if you are brave.

POSITION 7 Moles under the eyebrows indicate arguments

within the extended family that cause you grief and unhappiness.

This will affect your work and livelihood.

It is advisable to settle any differences you have with your relatives if you want peace

of mind to move ahead.

POSITION 8 This is not a very good position for a mole.

Your financial position will constantly be under strain because of a tendency to overspend.

You also have a penchant for gambling.

The only thing is you must know when to stop.

Meanwhile, someone with a mole here has a tendency to flirt with members of the opposite

sex as well as with the same sex.

Better be a little discerning where you exert your charms, or you might get into trouble.

POSITION 9 This mole position suggests sexual and other


It is an unfortunate mole and you are well advised to get rid of it.

It brings a litany of woes and a parade of problems.

POSITION 10 A mole here just under the nose indicates

excellent descendants luck.

You are surrounded by family at all times and will have many children and grandchildren.

You have the support of those close to you and will be both materially and emotionally


POSITION 11 Moles here suggest a tendency to succumb to


It is a good idea to have this mole removed especially if it is a large, dark-coloured


Otherwise, use lots of foundation

to cover it.

For more infomation >> This Is What The Moles On Your Face Mean - Duration: 4:34.


Mom Whose Overdose Photo Went Viral Is Now Clean, Sober… And Hopeful | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> Mom Whose Overdose Photo Went Viral Is Now Clean, Sober… And Hopeful | Megyn Kelly TODAY - Duration: 5:03.


Why Is My Wage Garnishment Continuing After Bankruptcy? - Duration: 2:02.

This is great.

We file bankruptcy to stop a wage garnishment but it's still going on after I filed the


Is something wrong?

My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practicing bankruptcy and creditor's rights in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania,

and Virginia, and unfortunately human resources, payroll departments, and creditors they don't

move as quickly as we want them to move after you file the bankruptcy.

So sometimes if there's a wage garnishment in place and the payroll company or the payroll

department has it set up to withdraw that amount from your paycheck every time you get

paid it might take one, two, or three, or maybe even four although I don't usually see

that long pay periods before they fix it and get it right.

That's the bad news.

The good news is every penny of that money that has been paid over to creditors or withheld

from your check can be recovered as an unauthorized post-bankruptcy transfer.

It's inconvenient especially if you're living paycheck to paycheck to file the bankruptcy

and have the garnishment continued, but the good news is it will get fixed though it might

just take a little time.

In this modern world things just don't move as fast as we really want them to all the


My name is Ron Drescher.

I'm an attorney practices bankruptcy and creditor's rights.

If your wages are being garnished and you don't know what to do about it, you think

that maybe bankruptcy will help, please pick up the phone and call me.

I would love to hear from you.

For more infomation >> Why Is My Wage Garnishment Continuing After Bankruptcy? - Duration: 2:02.


Knallen met carbid? Dit is hoe het werkt! - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Knallen met carbid? Dit is hoe het werkt! - Duration: 1:39.


Is a Meditation Habit the Secret to Bulletproof Immunity Science - Duration: 6:43.

Is a Meditation Habit the Secret to Bulletproof Immunity Science Says Yes

By Carolanne Wright

Usually we don�t think of our immune system as highly intelligent and flexible, but rather,

a mechanical process that (we hope) will take care of business in the background with minimal


In the world of science, however, this orientation radically changed in the 80s when it was discovered

that the immune system is actually a �floating brain� � where immune cells throughout

the body respond to chemical messages.

Incredibly, researchers found that every thought, mood, sensation and expectation we have is

relayed to our immune cells through these messengers, thereby wielding incredible power

over how efficient (or not) our body is able to fight disease.

Taking it a step further, scientists began to explore how this process is influenced

by meditation.

What they found is inspiring.

The Powerful Connection Between Meditation and Health

Remarkably sensitive to both negative and positive thoughts, the immune system reflects

where we are at any given time � emotionally, physically and mentally.

With this in mind, researchers examined how meditation can create a positive mental state,

which, in turn, helps boost immunity.

Publishing the results in the journal of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, the team discovered

that when older adults participated in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction

program, there was a significant decrease in the expression of pro-inflammatory genes,

which resulted in a lowered risk for morbidity and mortality.

Interestingly, previous behavioral treatments to reduce loneliness and subsequent health

risks had limited success, unlike the meditation program.

Another study also demonstrated meditation has a favorable impact on immunity.

When 48 biotech workers participated in weekly meditation training over the course of eight

weeks, they had notably higher levels of antibodies compared to the control group who didn�t

meditate, as well as increased levels of antibodies than when they started the trial.

Likewise, this groundbreaking study examined 20 randomized control trials to establish

the effect mindfulness meditation has on the immune system.

The authors found:

Reduced markers of inflammation, high levels of which are often correlated with decreased

immune functioning and disease.

Increased number of CD-4 cells, which are the immune system�s helper cells that are

involved in sending signals to other cells telling them to destroy infections.

Increased telomerase activity; telomerase help promote the stability of chromosomes

and prevent their deterioration (telomerase deterioration leads to cancer and premature


And Richard Davidson, professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, found participants

who received mindfulness training for eight weeks showed greater levels of antibodies,

compared to the control group who were injected with the flu vaccine.

Researchers have consistently established mindfulness meditation increases activity

in the prefrontal cortex, the right anterior insula and right hippocampus, all of which

control positive emotions and awareness.

They�re also the areas of the brain that strongly influence the immune system.

When these regions are stimulated, immunity is enhanced overall.

As Jennifer Wilkins writes in �Train Your Brain to Boost Your Immune System,� she

believes there are additional factors involved in the positive effect of meditation in relation

to heightened immunity.

Decreased stress, increased emotional regulation: When we meditate, we encourage health-giving

chemical messages from the brain, reduce our levels of stress (a proven health-killer),

decrease rumination and increase our ability to handle difficult emotions.

Activation of the second brain (the gut): Mindfulness can stimulate immunity via the

gut microbiota, of which the latter plays a major role in a healthy immune response.

When we are under chronic stress, our gut microbiota becomes less diverse.

When this happens, one of our prime defenses against infectious disease is compromised

and our central nervous system (CNS) can become stuck in a damaging hyper-vigilant loop, further

compromising our immune system.

So what�s the best way to move forward to assure a hearty and healthy immune response?

The Chopra Center recommends the following:

Keep up regular meditation morning and evening.

Reduce and avoid stress, since the immune system is easily compromised when stress hormones


Seriously address low-level chronic stresses that may be present at home or work.

You are not helping your immune status by putting up with constant �minor� stress.

Get adequate sleep, which is directly connected to brain function and hormone levels.

Wash your hands several times a day, and always after direct contact with someone else�s


Doctors who make sure to wash their hands after seeing every patient reduce hospital-borne

infections by more than 50 percent.

Moreover, Ayurvedic wisdom is supportive for not only a health fortifying meditative practice,

but also for ultimate balance of mind, body and spirit.

�The Ayurvedic approach is about aligning with the infinite organizing power of nature

rather than struggling or trying to force things to go your way.

This principle is embodied by the Law of Least Effort.

When you observe nature, you will notice that grass doesn�t try to grow; it just grows.

Birds don�t try to fly; they just fly.

Flowers don�t try to blossom; they just blossom.

Nature functions with effortless ease, frictionlessly and spontaneously.

It is intuitive, holistic, non-linear, and nourishing.

You will expend least effort when your actions are motivated by love, because nature is held

together by the energy of love.

When you chase after status, money, power, or accolades, you waste energy, but when your

actions are motivated by love, your energy expands and accumulates.

So take it easy and be guided by love.�

For more infomation >> Is a Meditation Habit the Secret to Bulletproof Immunity Science - Duration: 6:43.


Math is Art too - Duration: 1:46.

Do you like math?

I hate it. But if you like it, I'll give you a nice thing to say

to any hater like me. In front of a math formula mathematicians feel the same

sensation of an art lover in front of a Picasso or a musician while listening to

a Mozart. This has been scientifically proven in 2014 when scientists asked

15 mathematicians to evaluate the beautifulness of 60 math formulas.

They rated the formulas symmetry, elegance and simplicity, in a scale from -5 (ugly)

to +5 (super beautiful). All while their brain was being monitored using MRI.

What they did discover is that when a mathematician

was seeing beautiful formulas their medial orbitofrontal cortex was activating.

The same area that activates while admiring an art opera or while listening to an harmonious song.

A curiosity: the formula which was considered overall the most beautiful

was Euler's identity - so this formula here.

And so yes now you can go tell to math haters that if they like drawing sculpture or music..

Why can't you like math?

[...] was Euler's identity which according to this website...

*concentrated mumbling*

*confused mumbling*


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