Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 29 2017

Adorable Morgan Hill House Is Featured In The Book The House You Build | Great Small House Design

For more infomation >> Adorable Morgan Hill House Is Featured In The Book The House You Build | Great Small House Design - Duration: 1:49.


STARVE.IO - SAVAGE IS GOOD?! - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> STARVE.IO - SAVAGE IS GOOD?! - Duration: 11:35.


Don't forget #NewcastleNYE is on the Town Moor this year! @walktheplank @nginitiative - Duration: 0:42.

So we're here on the Town Moor because we're getting set up for the New Year's

Eve parade here in Newcastle; the theme is East of the Sun and West of

the Moon and the setup looks absolutely fantastic. There's people dressed as

birds and wolves and the props are going up, there's a fire being built and

we're all in readiness to celebrate New Year's here on the Town Moor. It's the

first time that we've done it up here. Usually it's down in town but we're

trying something new, mainly so that more people can see the parade and the

fireworks at the same time and the ballot has been really successful. Over

30,000 people wanted tickets so it should be a jam-packed, really family

friendly and fun evening here up on the moor on Sunday and we're

really looking forward to welcoming people. So Happy New Year!

For more infomation >> Don't forget #NewcastleNYE is on the Town Moor this year! @walktheplank @nginitiative - Duration: 0:42.


Princess Anne is busiest royal of 2017 |Royals News - Duration: 3:26.

Princess Anne is busiest royal of 2017

The numbers dont lie! Princess Anne has been the busiest royal in 2017, undertaking a total of 455 domestic engagements, more than any other member of the family. The Queens only daughter undertook a further 85 engagements abroad adding up to a total of 540.

These included official visits, opening ceremonies, sports, concerts and charity events. Reception, lunches, dinner banquets and investitures have also been taken into account.

Princess Anne, 67, is followed closely behind by her brother Prince Charles. Prince William and Harrys father has undertaken a total of 374 engagements in the UK.

The figures, published by The Times this week, do, however, show that Charles, 69, did the most overseas travelling this year with 172 engagements in total.

The member of the royal family with the fewest UK duties in her diary was, for the third year running, the Duchess of Cambridge.

Kate, who retired briefly from royal duties in September after suffering from acute morning sickness, or Hyperemesis Gravidarum, undertook 63 official engagements at home and 42 abroad.

Her husband Prince William attended 117 events at home and 54 abroad, while Prince Harry made 139 domestic official appearances and 70 overseas.

The Queen, 91, undertook a total of 296 engagements in the UK, whilst her husband, Prince Philip, 96, who retired from royal duties back in August, carried out 131 events at home.

Veteran royal watcher Tim ODonovan, 85, who studies the court circular each year to analyse the amount of engagements carried out by members of the royal family, said of the findings: Every engagement is different, in terms of time spent and the preparation needed, whether it be a visit, investiture or a speech.

It goes to show how much work they do..

Of Princess Anne's busy schedule he noted: She is always rushing around the country. Im just amazed when I look through the court circular at what she does in a day. The amount she crams in is extraordinary..

For more infomation >> Princess Anne is busiest royal of 2017 |Royals News - Duration: 3:26.


Overwatch: Jeff Kaplan is sassy! - Duration: 1:21.

I like my cookies

like I like my overwatch

with plenty of SALT!

For more infomation >> Overwatch: Jeff Kaplan is sassy! - Duration: 1:21.


BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5I S - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> BMW Z4 Roadster 2.5I S - Duration: 0:47.


Don't forget #NewcastleNYE is on the Town Moor this year! @walktheplank @nginitiative - Duration: 0:31.

Unlike in previous years, when we've always done something in the town centre

with a parade and fireworks at the Civic Centre, this year we have decided to

build a theatrical bonfire on the Town Moor. We heard news that there was wolves up

here on the Town Moor, and sure enough there certainly will be on Sunday evening.

For more infomation >> Don't forget #NewcastleNYE is on the Town Moor this year! @walktheplank @nginitiative - Duration: 0:31.


What is the most successful manipulation a psychopath has pulled off? - Duration: 1:34.

What is the most successful manipulation a psychopath has pulled off?

I would say Richard Kuklinski had it going pretty alright. Despite of him being one of the most notorious hitmen, only his business associates knew ANYTHING of it.

There was no real signs. He managed to keep a wife and two kids who had no idea what so ever that he was a cold blooded killer with well above 150–200+ murderes on his hands. Well done Richard K.

Besides from that, Charles Manson did a good job as well. Although there have been many discussions regarding his mental condition, and whether or not he is actually a psychopath, he does exhibit many of the traits.

He manipulated a group of young people to murder for him. Well done Charles M. The best manipulations pulled off we will never know, because they were never found out. It's properly happening in the business world.

For more infomation >> What is the most successful manipulation a psychopath has pulled off? - Duration: 1:34.


North Korea WARNING: War is an option – 'Sanctions WON'T work' to stop Kim Jong-un threat - Duration: 2:54.

North Korea WARNING: War is an option – 'Sanctions WON'T work' to stop Kim Jong-un threat

might need to be stopped by other methods than economic sanctions, Dr Andy Jackson warned.  Speaking to , he said: "Economic sanctions don't seem to work. "They don't seem to be having the desired effect.

"These missile tests are not slowing down, they have been 22, 20-odd tests this year..

The Monash University professor said the sanctions imposed by the UN are not impacting North Korea as hoped.  US officials released images which claim to show Chinese tankers transferring fuel to North Korean ships 30 times in just three months despite UN sanctions preventing countries from trading with regime.

Dr Jackson said: "They don't seem to be impacting the areas that Washington wants them to impact – the elites and the military. "If anything these oil supplies that get through to the north are going to be diverted to the military.

"There's a significant amount of research going into economic sanctions which suggest that actually as more official trade is blocked by economic sanctions, the amount of cross-border unofficial trade actually increases." "So for all these reasons we might want to think about changing our strategy towards North Korea." Dr Jackson added that military response is one option that could rid the world of Kim Jong-uns threat.

He said: The worst option is military action.

Although Trump said it was on the table, I don't see him going down that road, he knows the implications. The revelations that China had breached the sanctions has sparked anger in South Korea, which has repeatedly urged to cut ties with Kim Jong-uns hermit kingdom.

Tensions in the region have soared this year, leading to fears Kims provocative nuclear and missile tests could spark.

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