What is Dyslexia? Learn About the Symptoms and Treatment
What is dyslexia?.
Dyslexia is classified as a reading disorder. Its characterized by problems with precision and fluidity when recognizing words, making it difficult to spell.
In other words, people with dyslexia have trouble reading and pronouncing words they see written.
This disorder is usually accompanied by trouble writing and difficulty with mathematical reasoning.
Its important to highlight that people with dyslexia have a normal intellectual development.
Their problems with reading and writing are not due to intellectual issues.
Who does it affect?.
Dyslexia is an illness that, in the majority of cases, is diagnosed during childhood.
Although it can easily be diagnosed in children, it is a condition that persists throughout adulthood, and this can cause serious problems.
The data states that dyslexia affects between 5 and 10 percent of the population.
At a practical level, in a primary school class of 25 children, this means at least one of them will be dyslexic.
How does dyslexia affect peoples lives?.
The first problems are seen during ones first few years of schooling.
The difficulties to learn to read create a great barrier for these children.
This is not only at an academic level, but it can also affect their personal development.
After all, a lot of the time, it affects their self-esteem.
In many cases, these difficulties create a disinterest in reading.
The consequences of this are:.
Insufficient or poor vocabulary Problems with reading comprehension Problems understanding, deducing, and coming to conclusions about difficult texts.
People with dyslexia are conscious of their limitations in the large majority of cases.
This explains the frequency that these people suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and even depression.
Why does dyslexia occur?.
To respond to this question, we will continue by presenting the answers, step by step.
How do we read and write words?.
When it comes to explaining how we read and write, the most accepted hypothesis is the dual-route model.
According to this model, in order to write a word we can:.
Retrieve it from our memory, in the case that we already know the word. This is what is called the lexical route. It is based on the visual spelling lexical store.
That means we store information in our memory based on how we see the word written.
For example, we learn to write the word bathroom. The next time that we want to write it, we retrieve it from our memory, from our storehouse of words. The other option is to convert the phonemes that form the word into graphemes. In other words, turn the sounds into the graphic representation that corresponds to them.
This is the option that is employed when writing new words.
In the first years of childhood, we acquire the knowledge to make this conversion from phonemes to graphemes.
We learn that the letter B corresponds with a sound, and that the letter S corresponds with another.
So, we are able to write words that we have never heard before.
Its very simple: we learn the sounds that make up the words, and we simply represent them.
This theory is based on the latest findings from brain image testing, since the existence of an anatomical base has already been demonstrated.
And what happens in the brain?.
Generally, this means the connections between the areas of the brain that are involved with language are diminished.
What are the areas of the brain involved with language?.
First, Brocas area. It can be found in the frontal love on the dominant hemisphere.
For the majority of the population, that means on the left side.
However, its found on the right for a percentage of left-handed people.
Generally, it is in charge of the articulation of words, of nomination, and of silent reading.
Second, the Wernicke area.
This is found between the temporal lobe and the parietal of the dominant hemisphere.
Its principal functions have to do with recognizing spoken words.
Also, this is the zone where the sequences that form words are stored. .
Finally, there exists an area related to the parietal and occipital cortices whose function is the formation of words.
What types of dyslexia are there?.
Phonologic dyslexia. People with this type of dyslexia utilize the visual route.
This means that they visually read the words.
Thus, they can easily read words they already know, but it is impossible to read words they dont know.
Superficial (visual) dyslexia.
People with this type of dyslexia use the phonologic route.
Thus, they read words syllable by syllable.
Because of this, they have a difficult time when it comes to words whose pronunciation is different than how it looks when it is written.
Deep or mixed dyslexia.
This is the most serious case of dyslexia, in which both routes are affected.
The result is significant difficulties with reading words, multiple orthographic errors, and even confusing the meanings of different words.
Treatment for dyslexia is extremely important for decreasing the possibility of having more problems in the long run, both academic and emotional.
In fact, it has been shown that rehabilitating treatments have a huge effect on kids. .
Treatment generally consists of:.
Reinforcement with specialized teachers Treatment with Speech Therapists Monitored teaching of study techniques Records/exercises to reinforce what was learned in class.
Family support also plays an important role when working to treat dyslexia.
Its not only about motivating these kids to make progress in their academic and personal lives.
In addition, its about emphasizing academic reinforcement activities.
Then, their study techniques are greatly improved, especially with reading-writing.
Also, its important get kids to participate in activities that help their self-esteem (sports, extra-curricular activities, etc.) in order to better their mood.
On a different note, if the child has major problems with anxiety or depression, you should seek medical help.
For more infomation >> What is Dyslexia? Learn About the Symptoms and Treatment - Australia 360 - Duration: 10:33.-------------------------------------------
Donald Trump is 'running a criminal enterprise out of the White House', says former US governor - Duration: 3:04.
Donald Trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the White House says former US governor
Donald Trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the White House a former US governor has claimed
Former Vermont governor Howard Dean accused mr.
Trump of corruption during a discussion about the president as frequent visits to his own properties mr.
Trump has spent nearly a third of his days in office at a property owned by his company according to a Wall Street Journal review
The promotion is extraordinary mr.. Dean, who previously served as chair of the Democratic Party told?
MSNBC there hasn't even the president in my lifetime who has done anything like this
Mr.. Dean
Also accused the president as staff of shaking down foreign governments to hold their vents at the new Trump International Hotel in Washington DC
The Trump Organization has promised to donate any money that foreign governments spent at the hotel to charity to avoid
violating the emoluments Clause of the Constitution
Still mr.
Dean suggested that Robert Mueller the special counsel appointed by the Justice Department to investigate possible
Trump campaign collusion with Russia would find something nefarious in the president s business dealings
Ivy said for a long time I think mr.. Trump he's running a criminal enterprise out of the White House mr.
Dean said and I think that s what Bob Mueller s on the track of mr.
Trump has spent more than 100 days at a Trump Organization owned property since taking office
According to the journal this includes 40 days at his golf course in Bedminster
New Jersey and 40 days at his mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida
While previous presidents have also spent time at their own properties while in office mr.. Trump s
Properties are uniquely open to the public and to profits george w bush went to his ranch in Crawford
Texas a lot
But it was not like you could rent the bedroom next to his
Jordan liberal wits a spokesman for Citizens for responsibility and ethics in Washington told the journal mr.
Trump turned the Trump Organization s management over to his sons upon taking office
He retained ownership in the company however meaning. They will eventually be able to profit from his holdings
Mr.. Trump departed last Friday for a 10-day holiday vacation tomorrow Lago while the president has not announced his New Year s Eve plans
He is widely expected to attend the resort s annual year-end gala
The price of a ticket for the red carpet event has increased by up to one hundred and seventy five dollars this year
according to Politico the tickets are now six hundred dollars per dues-paying members and
750 dollars for their guests members of the private club said
Last year s tickets cost five hundred and twenty-five dollars for members and five hundred and seventy five dollars for guests
One mar-a-lago members said the event is nearly sold out they personally don t see any issues have erased bobby
Burchfield the Trump Organization s outside ethics adviser told POLITICO it s not a campaign event
It has a normal business New Year s Eve part
Ivanka Trump is getting roasted for posting a vacation photo that shows a confederate flag behind - Duration: 1:11.
Ivanka Trump is getting roasted for posting a vacation photo that shows a confederate
flag behind Jared Kushner.
Ivanka Trump is being criticized on social media after posting a photo of her husband,
Jared Kusher, and young son on a boat in Florida with a Confederate flag in the distant background.
After the president's eldest daughter and top White House adviser tweeted out the photo,
along with three others of the pair fishing, Twitter users immediately spotted the controversial
flag flying on neighboring boat.
Some made light of the apparent oversight, while others questioned whether the photo
expressed subtle support for the flag, which is widely viewed as a symbol of white supremacy.
"Couldn't find four photos without one?
Or is this a dogwhistle?"
Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics under President Barack
Obama, tweeted.
Critics pointed to President Donald Trump's controversial statements about Confederate
monuments and defense of white supremacists who protested to protect the monuments in
Charlottesville this August.
Trump argued at a Phoenix rally in August that those in favor of removing monuments
to Confederate leaders from public spaces are "trying to take away our culture" and
history, calling them "weak, weak people."
This is Comeback! 12.27 New 6v6 map Highlight - Blade and Soul PVP - Duration: 18:03.
Who is Jahangir Tareen ? A must watch documentary - Naveed Khattak Production - Duration: 7:00.
Naveed Khattak Production
Naveed Khattak Production
Naveed Khattak Production
Donald Trump is 'running a criminal enterprise out of the White House', says former US governor - Duration: 3:04.
Donald Trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the White House says former US governor
Donald Trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the White House a former US governor has claimed
Former Vermont governor Howard Dean accused mr.
Trump of corruption during a discussion about the president as frequent visits to his own properties mr.
Trump has spent nearly a third of his days in office at a property owned by his company according to a Wall Street Journal review
The promotion is extraordinary mr.. Dean, who previously served as chair of the Democratic Party told?
MSNBC there hasn't even the president in my lifetime who has done anything like this
Mr.. Dean
Also accused the president as staff of shaking down foreign governments to hold their vents at the new Trump International Hotel in Washington DC
The Trump Organization has promised to donate any money that foreign governments spent at the hotel to charity to avoid
violating the emoluments Clause of the Constitution
Still mr.
Dean suggested that Robert Mueller the special counsel appointed by the Justice Department to investigate possible
Trump campaign collusion with Russia would find something nefarious in the president s business dealings
Ivy said for a long time I think mr.. Trump he's running a criminal enterprise out of the White House mr.
Dean said and I think that s what Bob Mueller s on the track of mr.
Trump has spent more than 100 days at a Trump Organization owned property since taking office
According to the journal this includes 40 days at his golf course in Bedminster
New Jersey and 40 days at his mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida
While previous presidents have also spent time at their own properties while in office mr.. Trump s
Properties are uniquely open to the public and to profits george w bush went to his ranch in Crawford
Texas a lot
But it was not like you could rent the bedroom next to his
Jordan liberal wits a spokesman for Citizens for responsibility and ethics in Washington told the journal mr.
Trump turned the Trump Organization s management over to his sons upon taking office
He retained ownership in the company however meaning. They will eventually be able to profit from his holdings
Mr.. Trump departed last Friday for a 10-day holiday vacation tomorrow Lago while the president has not announced his New Year s Eve plans
He is widely expected to attend the resort s annual year-end gala
The price of a ticket for the red carpet event has increased by up to one hundred and seventy five dollars this year
according to Politico the tickets are now six hundred dollars per dues-paying members and
750 dollars for their guests members of the private club said
Last year s tickets cost five hundred and twenty-five dollars for members and five hundred and seventy five dollars for guests
One mar-a-lago members said the event is nearly sold out they personally don t see any issues have erased bobby
Burchfield the Trump Organization s outside ethics adviser told POLITICO it s not a campaign event
It has a normal business New Year s Eve part
Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is 'a product of the modern white supremacis - Duration: 3:59.
Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
Civil rights leaders are calling on the Senate to reject President Donald Trump's nominee to a federal court in North Carolina
Arguing that Thomas far has long worked to promote racist policies and is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
far Trump's pick for the US District Court for the Eastern
District of North Carolina began his career as counsel to former US senator
Jesse Helms a supporter of racial segregation who represented, North Carolina for thirty years
Over the last decade foreign his law firm colleagues have defended voting restrictions and identification laws that courts have struck down as deliberately
discriminatory the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals found in
2016 that North Carolina's voter restriction lost targeted black communities with almost surgical precision
Black civil rights leaders and progressive groups including the Congressional Black Caucus are calling on the Senate to reject far
In October the Senate Judiciary Committee approved him in a party-line vote and fires now up for confirmation by the full Senate
Reverend William barber - president of the North Carolina and double-a-c-p
wrote in the Tuesday
New York Times op-ed that far who he called the most alarming of all of trumps judicial nominees would pose a direct threat to North
Carolina's black communities
African-americans seeking to have their rights protected under federal law have much to fear if mr.
Farr takes the bench he wrote he went on senators from both sides of the aisle must condemn the experience mr.
Farr brings with him having practiced white supremacy for decades mr.. Farr is not likely to withdraw
Every senator who condemned the racism on display and Charlotte's film must vote to prevent it from having power in the federal judiciary
Barbour noted that about half of North Carolina's black residents live in the area presided over by the Eastern District and
Despite President Barack Obama's efforts to seat to black female nominees on that Court the Eastern District has never had a black judge
members of the Congressional Black Caucus torn into FAR's record in a September letter to the Judicial Committee pointing to his work on Helms
1990s a campaign during which postcards were mailed to
100,000 black voters wrongly suggesting they were ineligible to vote in warning
They could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud if they tried it is no
exaggeration to say that had the White House deliberately sought to identify an attorney in North
Carolina with a more hostile record on African American voting rights and workers rights than Thomas far
It could hardly have done so the caucus members wrote
Far told the Senate during his September hearing that he only learned of the postcards after they were sending that he was
appalled by the strategy
But a former Department of Justice official who investigated the incident has directly contradicted FAR's claim arguing that he was
Certainly involved in the scheme as it was being developed
The Leadership Conference on civil and human rights has accused Favre lying to the Senate and called on him to withdraw his nomination
the n-double-a-cp Legal Defense Fund is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to bring far back in for more questioning
Far appears to have explicitly misled the Senate about his role in a scheme to intimidate black
North Carolinians and stop them from voting in the 1990 midterm elections the Legal Defense Fund wrote last month
Arguing that far as neither sufficiently qualified nor competent to serve on the federal judiciary
this comes after the American Bar Association
Determined that four of trumps judicial nominees are not qualified to serve on the federal bench
Those listed and qualified by the ABA did not include one nominee Matthew Peterson who withdrew himself from consideration
Earlier this month after a video clip of him struggling to prove basic knowledge of legal procedure went viral
Peterson's withdrawal was the third by a trump judicial nominee in ten days Trump, who is filling federal judicial vacancies led her rapid rate
Rapper Boef is miljonair! - Duration: 1:17.
Missing This Vitamin In Your Diet Is Causing You Migraines And Headaches - Duration: 2:23.
Missing This Vitamin In Your Diet Is Causing You Migraines And Headaches
This type of a headache is extremely painful and attacks suddenly, without a warning.
In some cases, it makes people see nothing except blurry spots while in other cases individuals
get a pounding headache and they are forced to lie down for the rest of the day.
Nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity are the most common migraine symptoms.
There have been conducted many studies about the reasons which can cause a migraine.
Some of them showed that weather changes can be the cause, especially living in the hot
temperature regions, and also consuming excessive amounts of sugar in 1-2 day period.
It is considered that change of serotonin levels in the brain or reduction or increment
in blood flow to the brain, can be another reason for the occurrence of migraines.
According to a recent study, the deficiency in vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, and vitamin
D, can be the cause of frequent migraines.
Actually, you can increase your risk of migraines by 300% if these vitamins are not present
in your diet.
So, it is of great importance to ensure that your body is getting the recommended intake
of these vitamins.
It is confirmed that these foods can trigger migraines:
Anchovies Avocados
Bananas Caffeine
Citrus Fruit Cheese (aged)
Chocolate Figs
Herring Lentils
Peas Peanuts
Processed Meats Raspberries
Raisins Red Plums
Sardines Soy Sauce
Wine Other things that can trigger migraines:
Fatigue Lack of sleep
Skipping meals Flashing lights
Change in pressure Pungent smelling substances such as perfumes,
paint, or chemicals If you suffer from a frequent migraine, you
should take notes of the food you consumed and everything you did on the day you had
a migraine.
In this way, you can identify a potential trigger which will help you to protect yourself
from a future migraine
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