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For more infomation >> Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 63 - Blue Crab - Duration: 16:26.-------------------------------------------
Puppy Dog Pals Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Episode 283 - Tia Hardy - Duration: 18:16.
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That was your flight a little bumpy and landing how i wish i could be with you so i invented this
to do the kinds of things i do if i was here hi bingo hi roley i
Call him arf which stands for auto doggy robotic friend arf is here to do it all i
Even programmed them to clean up any mess that you make before i get home from work
No, more mad
Hmm he looks friendly
wanna meet arf maybe later i'm trying to get this one spot on the back of my neck really clean which means
make of that yeah make on that so i'm gonna have fun cleaning it up
wait a minute you want us to mess this place up
Wow, if bob came home from work and saw a mess like this
Bob, also programmed arf to beg i don't think we have another listeners
yeah i either need a longer leg shorter neck
Because bob only program arf to clean up after bingo and roley not to clean up after his ii and i've
So i guess the two of us are gonna have to clean this place ourselves
puppy dogs die
It's not gonna be fun roley it's going, to be work?
Just, gotta wash these towels and our job is done what are we gonna do all they're watching
quick question how much soap did you put in that washing machine
like my clothes right after they come out of the washing machine i guess my new invention really worked huh
what are you singing about
those float is like doing that collars were great next time we're at the beach
can't wait to tell you all about it when i get back where it's a little more quiet
What am i supposed to be listening
To some are singing back to me and then thing is that really peaceful
which i liked the singer simon kind of said
Do we go find out what their shorts tan about so we can help them go on that's not
So full of dog singing i'm a robot i'm
a robot song
What did you hear that singing coming from it was hard to tell i guess for me to look around toy figure that out
well it was a chance to see in front of an audience i'm never gonna pass that up
Okay roley why should we look next i don't know i haven't heard that singer singing for a pretty long time
out here looking out bingo and roley leave us alone cupcake on a mission to find whoever it is my brother heard singing
Have you been singing to me yeah i was the one singing?
whales right
after i swam and swam and looked around for my family but i
Couldn't find that so we're gonna have to figure out
How to get you from here to there and if we're gonna help you won't get anywhere
you should probably swim like a while while we're doing it
what you're learning josie what what are you two doggies doing going splashy splashy splashy like a whale
Rolly and bingo you to be the motors and i'll be the captain
Let's try to make this voyage a little less spinny
wow i
didn't come in this way and i don't know how i'm gonna get out this way either
Because i haven't learned how to jump out of the water yet that was something my mom was gonna teach me on this trip
Okay let's make this happen i know it's a little scary trying something
flippers and straight
can get you up there quick
like you flew but without any wings let get you a little wow
how didn't you where the big ocean is
bingo you had better dad for sure i
liked seeing those two being so happy yeah watching whales is fun
and here's a picture i took of two whales jumping out of the water
you know next time i go whale watching i should take you guys with me
they're loyal pugna's
It's my mom's birthday party tonight so we're all gonna treat her like a queen okay
even got of this paper crown to where
We don't know how to do that yeah and we're gonna find a queen so we can learn how
they have a queen in england maybe you should go there missy steve's gonna pour a
Perfect nation is so omission let's go
Now those men in the furry hats are the queen's guards frank and it's their job
to keep anyone from getting through the palace gates
Maybe if we can get those guards to smile a laugh they'd be so happy they let us into the palace
Then we'll give them something to laugh about
if we can't get past those guards we'll never get inside that palace
unless you go through that doggy door right there that dog you won't right way huh
crumpets worth cream puffs coat eyeful bottom the third at your service but you may call me gump it
Pretty please well since you said pretty please i don't see how a chap like me can say no
To eat biscuits at tea time one must never eat their biscuit until after they've been given permission oh?
this is a challenge he's not real good at waiting nope
can i have a biscuit please
There is no greater compliment to the queen than to sit still in her presence i remember on one such occasion?
we were sitting still for a second
that means walk like this
everything's alright then
This is a royal mess we didn't mean to make a mess i'm so sorry it pops
But tea time with the queen is starting soon and i need to straighten the whole way before it begins
Whoa what's going on looks like bob's not the only ones on the party?
wait a second
fancy table with biscuits it for tea
wow it's the clean
Lady's shoe toy
Has anyone spied my purse rolly that's the queen's purse oh is that what this thing is
from picked
you good that saudi just like him just take one the way you've been trained to do
If we go out there so no we're not krumping although i do like a good scratchy behind the ears a bit where are you
good doggy
thanks for filling in until i arrived you need to get home so we can treat bob's mom like a queen
hold on it was a really good trip i say
here you go kasib doggy biscuits go ahead boys eat those treats
Thank you rolly i always like
To have this right by my side and we even learned a special birthday song just for you mom
ready pops your special day comes only once every
i feel like a queen good work jack jolly good
youtube champ good and gimli time for the birthday portrait remember to sit still you guys sat perfectly still
they must know it's my special day wow we look great yeah
Go taco
i spy something colorful toasty is it that fits is it bob bernard its governor
I've programmed arf to take you anywhere you want to go so let's see if he works
take my little puppy passengers all the way around the yard and to their doghouse
So arf needs, to stay drive
getting to our daughters ever where else would bingo and rolly like arf to take them today
he got our plugs to goes zoom zoom really fast
here puppy dogs can't enjoy the view
Anyone wanna go and we can see you?
Yeah, i see there what do you think we should have him take us next arf has never been to a beach but our would
love to go think how great it would for you to put your paws in that one okay then
Take us to the beach
for sure dude
That's how do its talk at the beach
No, oh there they are how much bob was here to enjoy this with us
That's a new one?
I've never heard that sound before
Come on let's get out the water and get back to bob's house it's because of the water art put his paws
Him it really did make arthur and now art does not remember
Hello, see go i am are which stands for auto doggie robotic friend wow i'm jonathan which stands for
Jonathan, homme sweet home a home huh
Jonathan, we wanted you to take us back to our home not yours oh well in that case i don't know where that is holy
That's a great idea?
if you can't remember all the things you i spied on the way getting here
Jonathan thing could fly around and see them and show us the way back so let's go
let's say a client
wow do you remember spying anything else rollie i
present to you
something windy
jonathan this is not what i spied either
the only thing that i saw was a different kind of whitening worst earth can take you down the mountain
then on your bark it said
there we go
Do you remember i spying a gas station at the bottom of a mountain
Thanks arf we still have to get home
And we still don't know how to get there maybe if you remember anything else you spied i can fly around until i see it
which means
Follow trunks it means earth needs to follow that truck so here are goes
I have arrived
Come on are we know the way from here so you can follow us arf is ready and set to follow you so let's go
but you got back because roli remember what he spied yeah but all that remembering has worn this puppy out
But, i'm glad you're right here because i'd really miss you if you ever weren't arf spies bob and his best friends
Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 12 - Jacob Fisher - Duration: 15:59.
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Sofia The First Lovely Moments Top Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 183 - Yellow Elephant - Duration: 16:26.
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Once upon a time all in the magical kingdom of enchancia they lived a young girl named
Sophia Sophia, led a simple life working at the village shoo shoo song Sophia was very excited to read the king
Miranda placed her slipper on the Kings foot it was a perfect fit and so were they
Well was there and whenever we have real to look like Sophia now that we're living in the castle you're gonna have your own bedroom
Of course father your Majesty King Rowland the second, Queen, Miranda
You I sewed them myself
It's our family crest that's right James because that is what all this is really about
becoming a new family
Cedric I said flowers not showers
Excuse me your highness. I'm still breaking in my new wand that's Cedric
Yes you should bring
That means I lead you oh, okay following
Will be careful me
It's so great to meet a real live sorcerer that flower trick with a amazing if by
Amazing you mean a complete waste of my talents then yes, thank you
I should be out saving dragon see and you my dear should be in the banquet. Hall thirty seconds ago. Oh
Off you go
It's a tradition to provide an official welcome to every new member of the royal family for your mother
It was the wedding, but for you we will be throwing a royal ball in your honor - and you
And I shall dance the first waltz Oh Rollie. You're so sweet. I have to dance
Why would better way to let everyone in the tri-kingdom area know?
So huge looks like the standard princess suite to me
Yes mom you run, do you need anything?
I don't know do I well when you know what you need you know what to do?
What's the matter sweetheart, I don't want a royal ball on Sesame says who?
Come here, Sophia
Just try the best you can and if it's not good enough for all those
Stuffy dukes and duchess it you must promise to never take it off that
Way you'll never lose it, I promise
Me too, thank you, goodnight Sophia night
Everything's going to be just fine well good night
She has the amulet of every law
But not for long
And I'll finally have the power to take over the kingdom
What is going on in here, this is a castle not a farm
Always looking for a few good princesses, that's great because I need to learn to act like one by Friday oh
Good old Royal prep yeah at that great beginning. They're taking that first step
Your lessons will come in here
Time for your first class dear good luck
Class we have a new student
And then she dropped her Forks all over the floor hey amber, what's going on?
I think it's time Sophia took a ride on the magic swing I
Don't know amber it swings itself go on try it
Swings itself never heard of that before
I thought you said she was your sister she is
Good baby bird
Guess I gotta go back
We shouldn't have played that prank Sofia wait
My lab, I mean
Workshop, you know no even the king himself
That's just wormwood my raving now you stop it will be your scary
It's oh but if you had the Amulet of avalor
You know for it contains powerful magic with each deed performed for better, or worse a power is great
Promise, but I promise never to take it off and my mother says a broken promise can never be glued back together
Hmm Oh
And I got sensitive
E-s-a relief
You can talk
Can he stop talking I helped a baby birth yesterday, and I think the amulet gave me the power to talk to animals?
That is great kid cuz there's a okay now
Why do you think us woodland creatures have been helping you princesses for all these years? I don't know
Tell me cuz we gotta eat clean up your messes
And what's our reward was that when we did your chores we were volunteer
Time for school mm-hmm don't worry about the other kids Sophia. You gotta keep your up
Thought being a princess would be easy, but it's really hard hmm. I know just what you need
Five no six oh
Here let me help you with that
James poured me tea
And you'll be dancing circles around all of us trust me, okay, okay?
Now hurry up and get ready
Children go excellent follow my lead if you dare, Oh
Sofia I must have grabbed a pair of Cedric's trick shoes by mistake. He's always leaving you stuff lying around
Ah princess Sofia the ballroom is almost ready
It's your time to shine Sofia and I can't wait to see your first waltz I
Know oh
Is it?
Remember how you said if I ever needed any help also I remember I was the one who said it well I was wondering
That makes two of us oh come on you didn't really think I gave her a dancing spell did you
Usually because she doesn't belong here no because everyone likes her more than you and after what you did today
So do I you don't mean that yes, I do
Eight almost sleepy time
Mom I must have said it wrong please wake up help
But put everyone to sleep. I should have just let them laugh at me
And you undo the spell
Only you can do that
But I but ever since I wear the prints and left my hood behind
There's one regret
I won't forget if only we had tried to see a way to start anew
We may have fallen this time around our friend
You suddenly feel that all is lost
Frightened and lonely immersed in so mean to me perhaps
All she needs is a second chance you could be true
What do you want I've done something terrible come on I'll show you
That's not true
You're the most
Popular princess at were you'll prep you have no idea how happy I was when I found out we were going to be stepsisters
Not if you have the key
Give me a boost
Let's find that counter spell
Where is it I don't know you're wormwood why so quiet what service exalt them oh?
Thanks wormwood. Well sure you heard what I said
Let's go
There you go good as new
Thank You Sophia guess I gotta go try to waltz now wait
I am
Never paid much attention in Popoff's class, but you certainly did you danced wonderfully? Thank you your majesty?
I mean dad
Because my father the former King was also named Roland hmm, so I guess that makes me Sofia the first I
Guess it did
Sofia The First Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 665 - Duration: 14:27.
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When you wish upon a while
Climbing Sophia
I've got a walk Rex
What's the matter Sophia no matter how much I practice under Olli look I found a stray cat in the castle oh
Sorry I'm really allergic to
Alert of course here kitty kitty kitty kitty. Are you okay dad?
Yes, now that that cat is gone. All right
Okay, Sophia. The key to swinging across the moat is getting a good running start
like this
It seems like you've got the swing down, let's move on to the wall all right
James have you noticed that Daddy?
Sorry mom he just gets a little excited when he sees a cat, I know
Now where did that cute little thing? I'm fine. Just a little rusty. That's all I know just the thing to make you feel better
But we're still practicing amber oh, okay, I'll be back a little bit later just
Wait till you see how beautiful it looks. That's the prettiest tea set we're having finger sandwiches tea cakes biscuits
So much for the Tea Party
Black bear huh, I've never been in this part of the garden before
Give me your riches and I'll grant you three wishes yeah
Wish I had a new tiara your wish is granted
You have tuned, I wish my father was allergic to Sophia and sneezed whenever she's around
So he can spend more time with me
Sophia another cat
Why there's so many cats around here shoo kitty
Yes much better now so practice is over. I guess so Sophia
Just do now. Can you play blazing badminton with me? I promise you won't sneeze you're Sophia. Uh-huh okay prove it
What's my favorite food?
Oh my favorite sport sleeping my favorite story tortoise Manor and turbulent hmm
So free hugs great idea clover. We'll go see mr.. Cedric. Oh
When you're a princess not when you're a cat cat
Nice one amber a real scorcher
Where are you boy here kitty-kitty-kitty? Aha who's that?
Sofia he can't understand you. Oh, it's r8 do what do you think this is the Royal Zoo be gone?
Well, I guess you'd better find a sorcerer who cares now skedaddle
Nice try kitty, I'm not a kitty wormwood Zeus is xylophones
You're still here out out with you nobody creatures are loud unless I need you for a spell yo, let's go so
If you're going to keep squawking you can join them come on you'll be singing a different tune when I swipe the princesses amulet foil
I'll never send a sorcerer what else can you do I?
Don't know maybe mom can help have either of you seen that stray cat ah I've seen both of them there too
This one showed up while I was practicing with Sofia on the obstacle course. It's like Sofia vanished when that cat showed up
Sofia vanish she wished for me to be attached oh
That's cold. Oh, sorry Sofia way. Don't worry. I'll fix it
Whoa no no that's not what I meant I'm afraid I can't do that
Are you okay ever no no I have to find daddy
Amber I was wondering what happened to you my daughter's gr and I wish Sofia would make you sneeze with that turned her into a
Purple cat so I try to think that did she turn pink
Hold on amber. Did you say you found the old wishing? Well? Uh-huh it's in danger danger. What kind of danger?
Ganas mockingbirds oh I think that's enough chasing for today Rex how about a treat in a nice nap instead?
Well let's set things straight I
Wish my daughter Sofia was her normal
wish remaining
one wish that means you made a wish before this one I
Did once and my wish didn't I'm sorry you felt left out
But I was spending time with Sofia because she needed me and when you need me I'll be there for you, too
I understand daddy and sure you want another rematch. You know it
Okay, kids this one's for all the marbles really on your mark get set go
Well done Sophie there you are I've been looking all over for you
Come here oh
How did you do that it's Sofia I know our game of blazing badminton
That's great daddy and after we play we could have tea and then feed the Swans and then go on a father-daughter
I wish I had a box full of no
No, I wish I had a lifetime. Supply of radishes. Yeah, yeah
You have two wishes remaining
Let the good times roll
No at least it's not in the water
It's okay, so the trolls never come out during the day. I'll go get your kite. That's alright. I'll go
You forgot your kite
It's you don't know about the trolls
Surely, you've heard the story of King Gideon and the castle trolls no no can I tell it dad sure go right ahead James
Guards come quick
protect the castle
The guards bravely charge the trolls can chase them all the way back to their king, and no one's seen a troll outside the cave
That troll I saw must have brought it back
You saw a troll and he fixed it - maybe the trolls aren't so bad after all I'm gonna. Go. Thank you
Does anyone hear mr.. Troll
Careful princess some of those planks are really loose
So is this where the castle trolls live right through here come on. I'll show you
They remind us of the stars well hello there, what's your name teenie?
Nice to meet you teenie
The Sun is too bright for our eyes her great grand total ekat the stars
Such a beautiful sight all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky
The tools were so happy. I never seen real stars only bees
I heard this story kinky and thought the trolls were attacking the castle
Attacking the castle James. I need your help with what I met the trolls
And they're really nice you went down to their cave and they didn't bonk you with her clubs
No Dave, but first you have to help me show everyone that they don't need to be afraid of the trolls
We have to it's almost dinner time brilliant
We're not supposed to go anywhere near the castle
How will we even get inside without anyone seeing us well make them like us. I do teeny. I really do
Dinner was
Delicious, but I'm stuffed me too. Can I be excused you don't want dessert? Well yeah, but we're full
We are all very excited to see your performance, I'm sure you'll finally
Come on where should they hide there oh
Hi, do you really want to see those acrobats huh we can't wait
Your Majesties may I present tonight's entertainment
There is not on my schedule some very special musicians who are also our closest neighbors
Hmm, I wonder who that could be
Howdy trolls get into the castle
Even if Sophia let them in the trolls broke the rule they stay below. We stay above yes your majesty tomorrow morning
I'll place a guard outside their cave so this never happens again
You always want to see the good in everyone we can talk more about it in the morning
but for now you need to get some sleep I
Love you. Good night. I'm sorry
What are you doing tomorrow they're pink
Hey flakes
Yo, I need a favor buddy
Firefly Lantern great idea clover back later. I'm with you. It is spooky in here I
Need to talk to you
Need to get help
Sofia are you all right? I?
think so
Sofia you knew about the rule and neither did you tonight and now we'll never see the stars
What the Stars they love to look at the stars dad if only you would listen
All these years we thought the worst of the trolls and yet tonight you risk your lives to save ours
You showed us much courage as my bravest Knights. I'm going to make a royal proclamation. Oh, what oh?
And who do we have here?
You sir are
Well teaming the trolls are and always have been our friends from this day forward
They shall be treated as such
What is the King mean? I will become here to look at stars look at
Hey I
I'm so glad it worked out well, but promise me you'll never go let's make some noise
The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell
Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids Episode 122 - Molly King - Duration: 16:56.
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These trophies are hard proof that I'm a winner my mom
See I'm a winner in every single sport there is
Human daddy bunny. It is requiring a sharp minds and pure hearts
It's being very challenging nutty punny a well. How hard can a silly boost?
Believe we wing it the winging of it is also forbidden
Foolish the nutty bunny game has already begun
Still being a fan of
Tried and tested I am liking the classic boobs because
Here nutty putty rules for to studying know gaggle plastering always respect the bar
What is this junk whatever when you're a winner like me? Oh you don't?
Hey stop was another pattern 290 pani 395
We're brainstorming some strategies in the tail on the Kubis
Oh would say this is easy of PEEP compliance
Not being discouraged yep, so far you've only made
713 blunders come on oh I know I'm losing yes. I
Can't take it anymore. I can't be a loser at nutty punny like I've been a loser at everything else. What do you mean?
Oh my trophies are from mom she has them to me so I feel better about myself
I'm a loser at everything even at nutty punny
Nutty funny is about having fun while you are playing it is not at all beings about winning
Congratulations. You are losing
Well, that is not exactly what I said all right
Blunder losses being a good horned beast you are being a good orange beat
Congratulations, you are losers. Thank you all for to participate
With humans folk and shiny metallic action figures I got you one, too
These are perfect for the costume, Oh, where did you get them they are from space?
I really have to do this. How could you not want to do this? It's the reenactment of the Great Chicago Fire?
That horrific catastrophe burned down roughly three
I'm not doing this tip to gee that's enough sometimes people have to do things
They don't want to do then be it the only thing you got to worry about in the world
You got it so easy no responsibilities total freedom made us with you
Think I knows what he wants big
It's new honey don't worry we have some time to work on it at the park, but we gotta get going plantain egg
Every day we get to play dress-up and
Wow, you are really feeling this character, but I do not think house out to be purring
Try Fork, let's go to the bathroom
Well at least this is better
Okay, I get it you just want the better parts. Why don't you say so, honey?
I'll take the blue line and you can be the back end that knocks over the lip I
Could really use my opposable thumbs right now
Strange today
My mom have you noticed the tip is not quite herself, too?
What where did you get that little green crystal it's one of your space rocks silly I did not speak extreme longing and desire
using quantum coupling of lord om energy crystal can manifest those desires
I'm so glad I put GPS trackers on all of my cutest friends
We will have you back in your normal humans body in a very soon time
Wish to switch bodies back with tip understand
There's gotta be something about being a caddy missus
Over here go for licking always
You are just needing to touch the crystal and speak your innermost heart desires, yeah
Behold thinks I
Am the great flame that will burn, Chicago
I'm so glad to have these babies back
My floor peon dust mites starve to death
Well sometimes these things happen sometimes
Remember when I asked you to wash my orange boob. Have you forgot? I do not understand that custom
Focusing on the negative. How about we fly over to boobs land and pick you up a new friend mm-hmm
That is being exactly what I want
Wait the owner of this pad must be responsible
It is an honor to having my face read by you sir, you are challenged ability. What responsibility know what don't even tell me
Release tip do the plantasia
Sharing responsibility as a rescue so you have double responsibilities Dibble shadow pity boon
Okay, I'm just oh you will be rubbish
Only plant yes
Only a plant or is it
They're going zero five millilitres of playing I am following instructions right visited plantation
Urgent correspondence I
Am NOT going why not well plantasia is leaving a lot of it
But first promising me you will be
Page one the first thing you need to oh man all these reading just to take care of a plant
You're hungry
Whoa, that's I just acted so responsibly
You mean I turned over a new leaf yeah break cork in the sky
Mutation his cautious feline instincts would have kicked in if it was danger
You are definitely not getting deposit back. What's the deposit as building super?
I will now find solution to problem. You are simply needing
I've always wanted to do this. Why why did you not read the instructions?
I could give you my room, or you gonna have the whole house in our family can move somewhere house
Please just give my friend back. Well. That's that
I'm glad you're able to finally take responsibility
I almost died Jessel a Sounion plant it teaches the lesson of
Responsibility to young booth who are wanting to pet looks like my work. Here is done catch you on the responsible side. Oh, ayyyy
wait you
So Boris possible ouch ouch like registar bears ouch
This cat is maniac
Kim Possible Bueno Nacho Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Jack Peters - Duration: 17:06.
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Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 440 - Kiara Alice - Duration: 18:10.
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Start today's adventure everybody say the pirate password yo-ho-ho
Cubby's pirate hero adventure
Being a pirate hero sure is hard work and this hero needs to take a little nap
Stop uncle let's move very tiny and very
their crab tracks
And they lead right to where the dinghy was now it's gone and so is coming um
I don't have my sword. I'm hoping cubby has it well
I've got my pixie dust so Yoho. Let's go save our maybe
Home sweet, how would I get here my loyal crabs brought you you see
You got that right and we know who you are pirate hero Jake
Jake oh
This gonna help us with our Captain Hook problem that even
Snake has been the king crab eye when many times before you know and he wants to get his hooks on our treasure
Toughest shells but but I don't know if I've got what it takes to help you now
You kidding kid we heard all about you. You're a genuine hero. I'm not so sure
Let me think
Don't think too long here comes, huh?
Ha ha ha have atom boys. What do you got well?
Maybe we could get hook to walk into a pool of mud so we get stuck and I know a shortcut to a bit
But you just got paged POW
Nice work kid operation stick in the mud was a great plan made by a grey hero
Pirate hero mages some yeah, you got another one of them here OE IDs
Well, it's not going to be easy to stop hook, but I know
Who Jake Izzy skully
What are you doing here looks like you don't need any rescuing Oh?
No, I can't believe it you gotta face it your majesty. This kid ain't Jake now
I mean I can't believe that luck is back for more. They can pop and then they come down
Whoa I am liking what I am hearing so we gotta pop hooks blue
Well five goes the weasel
Bestow upon you the order of the legendary pirate hero
See cubbies it's our team treasure chest
One two three four five six
Yoho more touch. Oh now, I really feel like a hero
Mr.. Smee this has Jake's pirate swap meet
Come on guys, let's check out the swap meet
Yoho off you mates go I'll stay here just in case anyone wants to swap first up purposely buttons
Is a treasure map?
If you only popinjay I don't suppose you'd be willing to what do you want to swap for it
Men show the lad what I have two trades
To tweak, okay?
Got something these things might come in handy. Ah coconuts
That's my old map no teeth mine you map
I just traded for it fair and put it in the chest with all our other stuff
Look Captain Hook. It wasn't honest mistake. So could you please swap your stuff back for the mat? Oh never?
Well, I might be able to remember where it's buried without the map great
Matey's help us find the first treasure cubby ever buried
Crashing crackers, what was that?
Sounded like Captain Hook, and he didn't sound happy
Oh seat ups what good fortune you hear the captain has found himself in a spot of trouble
I don't mean how together all right like what we be needin is a
Skeleton key. Oh well, I've got one right. Oh dear
Captain you swapped
Way-hey for helping Captain Hook get out of the trap we got three gold doubloons
new peeking
UH one eyed monster Cyclops
Cool, awesome. I don't see it. Where is it?
Looks like hook is going down stony path to get to cactus Canyon, but that's gonna lead them right into a booby trap
So we won't go shortcut to get to cactus Canyon. We got four more gold doubloons
Let's grab them and go find my treasure
I'm afraid we need a rolling little round II than we do here you go
Well now, thank you again Jade
Sorry captain, but I was trying to warn you about the pirate pit booby trap, so how do we get out of this?
but I
Swapped it for them
Not to worry here whoo
give me that a
Treasure is right there. Oh, I don't think so Captain Hook home at that treasure is mine
No, it's not it's cubbies your wooden spool and your washer to help you out of all my traps
So giving Cubby's map back to us would be fair, and whoa whoa what is this?
That's Captain coconut that car. Hey, where's the treasure?
Captain coconut isn't wall
Colossal waste of time come on lads, but Captain Hook. I wouldn't go that way if I were you
First burying treasure now let's put all our gold doubloons into our team treasure chest
One two three four five six seven Yoho
And found treasure
Coconuts, where is it? I?
Can't find my map anywhere. Sorry cubby
According to an old legend whenever you lose something it goes to Neverland if the valley of the Lost
Remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons
Is everybody ready got my sword got my pixie dust and I got?
Follow me mateys next up Laura Trisha
Why haven't I thought of it before?
The valley of the Lost is where all the famous lost treasures must is this the valley of the Lost
I don't know. It looks like there should be a sign here, but it's gone
Maybe it got lost
Kattan let's go home. He said strange things happen in the valley of the Lost
I'll cease your sniveling Smee before me patient. What is all this stop
books sweaters
Lunchboxes stuffed animals looks like the kind of stuff kids are always losing
I do believe we find ourselves in the valley of the Lost enjoy
We didn't come all this way for our stinking stocking
We must start a thorough search for the lost statue of the Jade Jaguar. I need to get a better look around
Hey, I can't find my spyglass
I think it's lost nice quick over here and my spyglass umm
Jake where'd skully go. Oh, No is he lost - oh
Yeah, that's a spyglass pull back without you
Hey buster, what's the big idea that's my glass below me?
So you're the one behind the legend of the valley of the Lost
Whoa we got five more. Gold doubloons
Look at all the loot
Whoa Cubby's map he's gonna be glad to get this back. Huh, what's that?
No, let's get away from this creepy Valley
broken buckles
we've got to find skully before anything Captain Hook stop weird skully let him go now I
Have a much better idea boy if I don't you
I'm preggers
Jake are you okay hooks getting away with Scully
You fly over Neverland and take things that are lying around and that's how you got my map
Well since we're friends now well we better go home now after all you've got lots to do
You have to return all this stuff to its owners
Just what to do five six seven eight
Yoho, we got nine gold doubloons today a
new trick
Step outside ooh, I can't wait to apply all my hard-earned range Oh forever
Cheer up Cap'n you may not have your old Jade Jaguar, but you brought back meal or stock
Go up and down if it's been a while she
Can't be around
Never sands of time
Perfect for sending the sunflower us on Pirate Island Beach
Look alive mateys here I come
Splash terrific did you find treasure no I didn't find any
Watch me
Captain this isn't just any hourglass. This is the never sands of time
Legends say that the never sands of time. They'll help me break this golden sound out of here
But that's not all captain the never sands you're supposed to be
Hey who turned out the lights
Don't me. See whoa I know all about the never sands its hourglass is supposed to be guarded by a sand serpent
Got my sword my mouth and my pixie dust
Yoho, let's go to the desert and fix the never sands of time
According to my map healthy hourglass get over there
You gotcha captain all like madelung if you ask me
You mean like the way you've been meddling with the never sands of time
I've merely been trying to get the goldens move the hourglass if you must through the hourglass Bucky
As soon as those puny Pirates are out of sand treasure. Oh
Check out all that shiny sin that serpent can't take his eyes off
That shiny show might keep the serpent busy, and we could fix the hourglass
Serpent away from the hourglass so we can put it back where it belongs we got three gold doubloons
Let's grab them and go to work
Okay mates
Stay away
Blast you see mr.. Serpent. We're not bad pirates. We're just trying to help you fix your hourglass
Hey, let's fix the never sands of time and we got five more gold doubloons - the never sands of time
Come on carry with us
And now that the Sun is setting it's time for brightly's Night Lights show I
Never want to see another hourglass as long as I
But captain we need to be our guys to check the time
Finger Family Song - Daddy Finger colors Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs for Children and Babies - Duration: 1:48.
Red finger, Red finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Orange finger, Orange finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Yellow finger, Yellow finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Green finger, Green finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Blue finger, Blue finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Purple finger, Purple finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
White finger, White finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Black finger, Black finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Brown finger, Brown finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
Pink finger, Pink finger, where are you?
Here I am, here I am. How do you do?
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.…
Bunnicula Son of Bunnicula Top Cartoon For Kids & Children - Yellow Sheep - Duration: 16:00.
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Knight, to g5 oh
So to make up for not being able to hang out with you guys i brought you home some little presents
okay guys have fun and try not, to disturb me
Any bunny brain isn't able to make good on hop around or whatever it is
It's never something easy with funicula it's like we have a little child in the house we need to start protecting him from himself
don't worry
thank you okay know
what in the world
hey nick you await an egg
His name has to be bunnicula junior and to make it easy
Bj, for sure they're done okay yeah bj works there i named him he's all yours now
Well well well little seymour mick fiddle kins look who is decided to all babies have bengii heads oh?
What are you doing got a cradle the baby's head here maybe just pass him to me that's them all oh okay
maybe you should pull his head around the game i'm going over here
who's never coming back
I can't believe i'm gonna say this rude or oh
chester is here and harold is on his way - hold on baby bun gonna get you down from here safe and sound okay now
stay very still
It was you all the time where do i get my hands on you bunnicula
So when we shows up you're inside
you, put me through you bit my fingers you spit up pieces up on me i risk my life for you and most of all
changed your diaper
hmm can you cover my little pussies
well it looks like two can play a particular little game an old chester
this is cater
jerk, mate i was just hanging out with my friends and lost track of time
shining a gloomy gus
hey i know what'll get you out of this funk let's go 400
wren truth west new orleans second greatest ventriloquist
well woody if it weren't from me you wouldn't speak
This'll cheer you right up oh and now is the part where woody likes to get up close and personal with the audience
Anything's in laughs cough cough pay attention to me oh there you are
Thanks for the hat i like you come visit my house?
reflected no
Lock would you say that's in a very wealthy part of town oh, no i'd say it's a very very very
I'd like to then i'll see you at the old hog
crap as a mom
whoa always repairing stuff at the orlock this is
such finery
dogs well why don't we head on out you two don't make any rash decisions
dude what was that all about i don't know something about that puppy oh
That's no way, to speak your father or your new mother or even your new uncle woody
big daughter cory you're a super natural i'm gonna hide
I mean i'm gonna look after mina you stay behind and check this out
All right fella let's see some proper identification bob that's just a painting of?
thank goodness you're okay
hello they can't walk me home stranger
anything for you read this one perhaps you're right daughter
Port is like shakespeare once said it is better to be single than be with some selfish controlling freak ah
A familiar face
least another trip to the market will be a nice break from failure
all right let's see what mean has been working with here mm-hmm look cooking with rene accoutrement
and it's up to her
come on harold how can you still be eating that stuff it's like pizza even when it's better your friend
either beat the ice talk
To the falls harold there's a ghost in the kitchen why is there a ghostly?
He talks with the hounds of the underworld
yeah, a joke well it was really i insist
now then the safest house york on floor duty clean up all the fun
when we healthy
this kitchen isn't half as bad as she's perfect and it must be
i'm sure it's amazing really
rumbly tummy did you eat up all the mess while i was gone
All right guys here's the plan
two little ones got, to keep my strength up probably won't hurt to have
both, of these right there move one more inch and i put this
organically-grown a
seasonal count from the finest fields and ones write them
harold you ain't all the pickles we needed those to ward off that ghost
hmm maybe, we can work with bug is packing 14,000 grams of sodium baby
Or not have gotten any of that into my dish oh?
my gosh this is amazing
The bananas were the perfect ingredients i am a genius
each of the savory i might personally add just a tiny speech other
salty goes dears my friends i'm so sorry for my behavior can you ever forgive me
And please send my compliments to the new masterchef
believe it or not all this produce came from our little garden out back
only milk contained the beast well i hope you to mentals of learned your lesson about hot pepper
You got, to admit it makes it look like a good time
believe, bunnicula put those peppers down like that
What was that thing i don't know but he's starting to burn me yup
hey nick
Get rid of all those peppers i'm gonna see what i can do about getting laughing boy in there cool
porter with nothing but best epic robes as far as the eye could see but the encroachment of man spirits of
To ash and what once was
these peppers are everywhere
ghost pepper goes is just using him
which gives me an amazing idea
Been here i am not going back out there i don't know why you're so scared of flaming laughing pepper ghosts me i'm the one
That's been chasing that thing around while you've been failing to throw peppers away
what's the matter can't make bunnicula eat more pebble tears
in your face like
and they're just giving him away
the 21st century if you don't tell me six months ago
wow there i wasn't sure we're gonna get you back hey
what are you guys doing down here did you get so excited for these peppers that you followed me been out here
you'll know
Think it's a good idea to be stuffing hot peppers
Jake And The Never Land Pirates Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 301 - Duration: 17:28.
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The golden Smee what I tell ya this is the best?
Sure is me
It does I wonder why it's a mystery we should figure it out
Well the statue looks like mr.. Smee. So we should s look alive me hearties
I spy the Jolly Roger over at shipwreck beach I bet you. That's where we'll find mr.. Speed
Gee did you stub your toe?
Yay-hey no way
You okay Jake well my big toes feeling better cubby
Do you know any shortcuts to shipwreck beach got the perfect one Jake it's gotten real leafy and tangly
I can clear the way through, but it's gonna take a while patch you lead the way boy
You think the statue has something to do with all these bad things happening maybe but I don't believe it
I can't believe it. It does look like him only shinier
Why it's solid gold and it does resemble you mr.. Smee?
When I was but a wee Smee I had many a family tale about the golden Smee
How can lead to the lost treasure of the smees?
The golden Smee is trouble it is
The legend out there cold end cuz ever since we found it. We've had nothing but trouble
Well this little beauty is made of solid gold
That's your idea of trouble then what trouble will you cause next?
Crop and we got three more gold doubloons. Let's grab em and go
Maybe mr.. Smee is right. How about the golden Smee is a troublemaker? It's mr.. Smee
He said it for sure with the golden Smee. We must catch up with that runaway Smith. You're right. He looks very upset
Yep, patch found you scent
But why do mr. Smee come way up here
If one golden Smee is such a troublemaker if pageant would try to mischief the whole lost treasure of the smees with wing
Where is it? Where is Miss me? I'm right here captain
yo because r1
And we almost got toasted like marshmallows
No chessmen Neverland is worth. That kind of trouble sir Allah golden bones
Oh - golden bones a3 you wanna know what else is golden silence says go
Thanks for your help sea pups. Oh fella. It just so happens. I brought a special treasure just for you
Come on count with us 1
2 3 4 5 nope I think this time he's burying one
Now there's a real pirate pup for you
Present yes, what's your route?
What are we looking for again, what else mr. Smee all?
My thunder who put a treasure chest beneath my
Time for Lookout duty
Trekkers look taking our team treasure chest
All hands are in that chest matey's will you help get our team treasure chest back?
Great remember to keep a lookout for gold Oh
Me treasure cave there's four enough lads those puny pirates will never fool
It's locked with a lock yes, what blocks can be peeked and
Stand back
Let me see oh yes, bro. Calm them popping geez
Jake and his crew can show us how to open the chest quick. We have sneaky well think this chest is theirs
They'll try to open it aye
Then we'll spy on them and learn how to open the real chest come on worse
Let's sing the team treasure chest song and see if it opens everybody sing with us ready
Now how did that song go?
Which trail should we follow to find them?
Yoho crew we need to figure out, which trail to follow everybody listen with me is it the trail to the lip?
Good listening mateys
The minute exactly white Canton all the tune or the rhythm oh
Hi there Captain Hook that just belongs to us may we have it back, please
I don't want to get mushed. Do you see something big enough to protect us from the mushrooms?
You know I can see our ship from here boys pay attention. We've gone far for scattered treasure
We'll take ours just now, but it's my treasure now
I snagged it fair and square look. Are you sure you want us to teach you the song?
Absolutely positive. I want the treasure
All right come on you
Time to go mateys but our team treasure chest is way too heavy
Maybe someday you have a treasure chest of your own
Now we can put all our gold doubloons in come on count with us
Thanks for helping us get our treasure chest opens with a special song hit. It's a key
Treasure for Captain Hook sing Yoho and take a look poor lad your son there
That didn't go as planned
Oh boy mateys do you want to join my pirate crew?
Hard the hideout
Awesome sand castle gate for me timbers. It's Captain Hook ship
What does that sneaky pirate what now rock my words mr.. Smee?
Markings need a hideout
Mr.. Smee, we're going to find those pirates hideout and make it not we've gotta do more than that cubby
We've got to hide our hideout to keep Captain Hook from finding. It will you help us keep our hideout safe from Captain Hook?
everybody ready I
Got my sword
Fairies gave it to me so that we've our hideout. Let's all push the tikis tongue down reach out your arms and
More gold doubloons, let's grab them and go the left one and the right one
Love here
Laughs you know that's ridiculous. What if they sneak through a tunnel under the beach
Preposterous where can those got?
Hmm, maybe we can get a better look at the island from up at the top of that you owe me mr. Smith
There's only one thing to do we've got a distress Captain Hook and close that door
Yoho, let's go Joe till I find those pesky pirates hideout. Oh
Bobby needs help to get ahead of Hook and Smee me is that you screeching nice
Full of monkeys if you ask me something all dis going on around here mr. Smee
Just a little further aha do you see this whistle sweetie?
Captain Hook
Doesn't even know that he was in a hideout
Know those pesky pirates are behind all this time which I will open
Might I suggest a plunger hook
Expression these days yes tease
Why like a frog fly
Hmm, what can we use to help cubby fly?
Moving away from the door the pest. I think I'll go to my bug collection
It's back to the Jolly Roger for you, and then you can have a nice
Come on count with us 1
2 3 4
This is the hottest day ever
Gets any hotter it's hot on Pirate Island Beach and pirates plunge is the place to reach oh boy?
pirates plunge
What's pirates Boston you know how I hate to be hot and
I'm standing as fast as I can captain, but my arm is getting tired
Jake and his puny pirates. I can't wait to get to parents plunge and go water sliding. It's a good thing
And splashing down this is
Taking a nap
How are we gonna get the map back couldn't make a crocodile sneeze with Scully's feather
We can use it to tickle the Crocs nose. Let's all blow the feather over the Crocs nose. It's a blues
Let's grab them and watch the crocodile sneeze
Your gums also make a crocodile sneeze
Cubby that's it
Maybe we can make the clock it. I don't burp out the map
But he'll well fizzy pop
So if anybody wants one follow me
And we got four more gold doubloons, let's grab them and watch the crocodile
Buddy I got a funny joke for you. What do you get when you cross a crocodile with the chicken I?
Don't know cubby. What do you get when you?
Stop Captain Hook we all want the map to pirates plunge but trapping the croc in and that isn't the right thing to do
Come on count with us
Thanks for helping us on today's cool adventure
Dinotrux Snowblazer Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Ewan Gray - Duration: 17:06.
Guessing were north of the crater and this would be
The one time I'm complaining and you're not gonna join me if I'm not feeling it. I'm not feeling it
I'll complain with Disgaea
Last big erase tool new magnet price for magnet mountains therefore the polar magnetic fields will allow the bit to align with rough
the good part that way
Think warm thoughts Gaea
Are you detecting any or hard to get a scent in the cold gotta be down there somewhere, it's dosed in time
The ground is frozen it may be difficult to extract or difficult yes impossible
Yeah, I
Suspect your eye lights are frosting in the cold wind oh come on the only one hmm you experienced
Tae-won rock zero and sky, Oh with the assist
For yourself
No worries Gaea, there's no wrong a ramp cat right. That's my
This knows cozier that a rock blanket, I can't feel my best that's cuz you shot them all of me
Must have missed the name right introductions manners names snow blazer fascinating
You'll have to excuse herb. He's not used to guests. We don't get many other traps out in these parts believe it or not
Nice to meet you. Let me at it
My are a little more Lenny a room in the old cave or as I like to call it the snow Blair
It's a combination of snow blazer and lair herb came up with it. Oh
Good point herb going south is also wait dangerous lots of danger heaps of it
I hear what you're saying or what herb is because I don't plan on staying in the snow
We can even dig her
Yeah, yeah
For that why I was laughing yeah
Sorry snow blazer
You seem like a great trucks and her but I'll get you as far as I can
Lady Biglia snow blazer in all fairness. It was her idea. He's just too. Shy to say it out loud
Pretty good, dude
Arctic scratchers were much more aggressive than their southern counterparts
Huh who knew our captors were the friendly woods well
I tried to teach Messing's don't want anymore best season by t slipping through our defenses
Okay skya my first rodeo
You can't throw off the path I plow
Thanks for the offer snow blazer, but we need to get home. Oh
Fine herb, I call this Avalanche Canyon no way through without starting one a crater. Did you take us on a path? We can't use?
Billy because never latches but moving fast in the snow is a challenge good thing. We love a challenge
I'm thinking we Coast like ton ton did during the scrap to fight
Excellent idea uh Turley off the chain insane
That's the shocker let's trucks it up
Zigzag what I'll know what we have to go slow thought. We were supposed to go fast
If there is an avalanche yes, but we don't want an avalanche
You can't see me in that scrapped or fight. I was that's what it's all about
You gotta do the lame to master the game you gotta make the mistakes to?
Something with no brakes. Yeah, I need to this is goodbye
What's that her oh really all the way down herb said it's rude
Can't believe you're helping someone else go slow right skip its eyes are frosted again
Don't scare me like that I
Misjudged you trucks you really can't handle yourselves out here. I'm getting used to north yeah at our home. I think you'd like it there
Maybe some time
But herb, and I have had enough adventures for one day besides you thought snow was tough wait
No, no, they're our new best friends. You're the best friend big difference herb big difference
Me a guest
Maybe they helped a little we should tell them why we're here shouldn't we Krunk read my mind chunk
Hey, you trucks know anything about that
For ever since
They lost their home their food everything
They came here because they heard we could help if we are going to do something. We need to work quickly what we need
Hmm building a bridge across such a wide and deep gap would be no small feat tie
To build a permanent structure with it doesn't have to be permanent it just for confidence. This is a rescue
Let's trucks it up
We're a hatter with those super
why do you think a little security feature I've been working on in my
Spare time. I haven't figured that part out yet
Whatever happened to the good old days of stealing Oran scary trucks
For us come on over guys quickly
Ty you cannot blame yourself
It was a more difficult build than anything we have ever attempted before we've never failed trucks who needed our help
We could just get it to last a little bit longer
That's it. Why are we trying to build something? We know isn't gonna last maybe our procreator forever a
Permanent bridge to the outside as permanent as our garage. It's gonna take every new building material
We have every trick we know
That's a big help
We need support logs a lot of them in many different sizes and shapes, but they don't need to be made
What about winner
Our best boom ever
As long as we do not look down into the bottomless chasm we will be fine
See I should have mentioned it earlier
Does this put me on your good side again not that you have bad side, but if I had
Nicely and no one could come to their aid
Work over this chasm in the dark
Okay, Rev, but we need someone to keep watch so d-structs isn't pulling these ducks
Exactly. I got first watch
See anything nope you you know
Don't mess this up gets a work
To the crater
What I liked your bridge so much. I thought I'd make a few changes of my own
You guys work on getting those spikes down and leave any time
These facts should be no problems get back down they seem to be activated by a very simple mechanism hoes move
How about blade to tail
Time my maths not so great but pretty sure before yeah, but we're at ease
Later time
You're beat
And now you're outnumbered
Very d-structs don't let the cement hit you on the way out
Let's try this again
I think our home just got a whole lot bigger
Elena Of Avalor Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 293 - Rico Media - Duration: 19:16.
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Royal rivalry
But Victor and Carla Delgado are the most dangerous criminals in avalor so we all have to chip in princess
We have makes Luna head south and search the mountains
I have to hold an emergency meeting with the Grand Council come on Skyler. Don't worry princess
All clear
They didn't see us nasty pests kids today. Oh enough complaining
Since you failed to obtain the jewel of man rule we must cross the border into Peru solo
Yes, well if they enter Paraiso
They are as good as gone the pursuance will never help us why not because of our feud we have a feud
What are we fighting about?
But the king of paralyzer was insulted. He thought we were saying that our chocolate is better. Ours is better see what I mean
Insults fool feelings were hurt, but how do you suggest we mend our friendship?
Hmm, let's invite the princess of Paraiso here and roll off the red carpet by the time she leaves all in favor
of offering the hand of friendship to pates Oh
May I present princess Elena mana Lord and may I present
Valentina dunya story welcome to 17 heir to the golden throne
Please me get it. I keep trying to tell one well. He doesn't mean to say all that stuff about heart
I have really been looking forward to this visit. It's so silly that our kingdoms
Let some ridiculous feud keep us apart all these years. That's just what I was saying
Lucky for you our army catches all our bad guys, so I'm sure they'll have no problem catching yours once we sign the treaty
That's very my father has so many people on his royal cabinet. I can't remember any of their names I
Suppose Elena does not need as much help
My castle is so huge you can get lost in there for days. I'm starting to wish you would get lost
Reshma my god
so kind of you, but I brought their daily mom for you from my Abuela's garden in battery, so
Would you do us the honor there is a novel oral tradition to welcome our guests will double Oran favor
Painted enough the monkeys were my teacher Queen's Hall. It warms our hearts to preach to our friends forever
What an adorable little ditty
Look at the stage will match you piled so high
the glory 30 galore
If our Baker made this he was is made of gold
But a little bit
Well while we're all still basking in the glow of what do you say we sign that peace treaty Oh
Time for treaties later, I was looking forward to a tour of your beautiful kingdom
It's only half the size of not in this whole thing
Watch where you're going oh
I'm sorry as you can see it's much roomier
Are we really taking there coach? We are doing whatever Val wants because she's our guest and we met true
Is this your idea
And this is our old ball Stadium. Oh, I love a level stop the code. We won the Ola ball tournament last year
We won our last five tournaments. Well, maybe we should play a game and see who's better Gabe
I don't know if that's such a good idea
The final score is avalor zero para. He's so so many to count
Are you okay? I will be after we must get this treaty signed Wow what am I supposed to do?
She turns everything into a competition
We just have to take her someplace she cannot criticize
We are going to visit the twins solos so we can get to know each other better. I'd love that
There's nothing like the smell of fresh mountain air it reminds me of my favorite trail back home does it mm-hmm?
I try to go ready. I've never really talked to how many do you have?
I'll race you to the top there's race. They suppose you're right
We gotta catch up
I was casting a speed-up spell, but thanks to you I wound up paying a wake-up spell
They owe me I apologize for all the bad things. I have said behind your back
We have to move the tree
What is it with you now, what is it with me?
You're the one who knocks my Cambodia, and you're the one who turned a trail ride into a horse rate. Just as good as me
I heard stories about you your kingdoms amazing
You and instead I got caught up in trying to one-up. You well as I didn't give you much choice, and the thing is
It doesn't matter who's better all that mess
Okay, let's move this tree
Welcome to carriage you take care of the
We will never speak of this again, I don't even know what you're talking about
I guess now I'll always be connected
I'll use this one
Now it's official forever
So much for police. Oh, and the only other jewel. That's powerful enough will be impossible to steal
That's more like it my pictures as big as yours. I'm just as wanted
It doesn't matter see you soon, I hope so
Have a large chocolate is still better. This is true
While retreat
No, thanks that way low
Do you mind keeping it down? I'm trying to take a nap over here. Oh sorry Skylar
This is my first time at kinga Isabel oh
I think I'm ready. Thank you
Okay, I know all the kings I've read up on their kingdoms
I have my royal gifts, but you have a vacation to get to come on Skylar
What about my vacation she'll be fine Francis school?
Okay, just remember. We're doing this
Well king Joaquin of carissa I'm so glad you could join us
I am King Lars from Mars Rick, and I am King Raja of Nepal now
It's an honor to be at the end of the retreat
Last year he gave us a summer castle and the year before that we got our very own private island
I wonder what you'll give us this year
Works every time
He did that to all of us on our first time at the retreat the joke never gets old
Sure doesn't Roger lark feast who's he calling a beast Skyler is not a beast he's a jack one
Yeah, I know. I got a zoo full of them. No just Dani if you're gonna be a pirate Rita ladies our schools
Why would I build a school?
I graduated years ago as far as you know how about giving us a tour of the island Hector Hey?
It is even more beautiful than I remember like hopefully nice, okay, stop worrying Francisco
Right now oh well, I can't let such a cozy chair go to waste
Now is good
And this little nook I like to cover, oh, sorry
Marzipan you sit there oh
There's my throne well, we must have forgotten to set one out for you Elena
Bring her another chair
Princess, but see royal gifts are not distributed until the end of the retreat. Oh, I'm sorry
I didn't know your Majesties the buffet is served
Ball that's what I thought until he gave me a private island
That's what you get when you follow King Hector's lead if you want to be in Hector's
It's gotta be this
Is the best the perks can't be beat just
You'll get what you need if you follow my lead
Who is up for another round escape shooting yes. We are I guess I am too
That come quick
Doesn't make any sense my family and I saw a whole pot on the voyage here
But they were friendly does that look friendly to you. We should think this to Hector also
Let me get it straight what you're saying is you don't want my new sea blaster ship
Let's start planning that attack glad you agree
Over there
See those cracks except except when when the female Marcos de comes to shore to lay her eggs
It says here that baby Marcos's get very upset. They're separated from the mother band after it hatched no
Your baby is with it's not your it's happy like that one. Oh
Sir Kings, it's just a baby
Come on oh did you see the margosa?
Can you turn wait Oh
Back so soon you have to stop the in Liza pan. Do you think I'm wrong of course not ROG Nader
You've never been wrong about anything
Not yet
Maybe we should go back the other way wait
There she's trapped in those roads that would explain why the babies alone?
Okay boot I am forced to use the most powerful weapon at my disposal your claws my mouth
Maybe users of threat anymore. It's Tom. Yeah, this will make it that much easier to capture for my aquarium
So he's supporting done
What are they doing
I'm sorry Princesa
Doesn't matter we're too late
I'll get us to shore I
Should have listened to you from the beginning early perhaps. I've spent so much time following Hector's lead. I forgot that true
Leadership is about standing up for what you believe is right do after they fail. What's that try again?
I'll need your help
They got truth look at that whoa, I thought the sea blaster was indestructible. I have a plan
Got about the creature men patch up my ship at once
What do you think you're doing Freda much closer got away from that crack
Is now
You are fine chef you might want to get off your ship to its sea
I'm glad we don't have to listen of one very good who would like some a valoran chocolate
I know you do well. I certainly do
Thank you
Car toy videos for kids | Excavator, truck, dump truck, cranes and sands | Kids Videos for Kids - Duration: 7:54.
Car toy videos for kids | Excavator, truck, dump truck, cranes and sands | Kids Videos for Kids
Home Adventures With Tip & Oh Memorable Moments Top Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 10 - Red Apply - Duration: 20:31.
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Who are youse we're the boov out boys boom nice to meet
You keep taking places that don't belong to you
Today you take what we're guarding and tomorrow what the tennis court
Oh, what's wrong my boobs buddy do not be saying oh?
It's okay chili dog ain't no thang
Well you gotta quit that you're not just a boov anymore. You're too cheap and tochi's always stand their ground
Get up. I'm gonna teach you something like karate, and it's not technically kung-fu
I call it tip Jitsu tip foo or TNT for tips knuckle technique. Knuckle is spelled with a k
You already
Maybe don't even think about it
Oh is that Tochi we told you you can't hang out
Go over that I made some modifications to my vest in case I needed an escape plan I'm so impressed, thank you
victory chili dogs
Dogs guy hey, I was in line well now you ain't
Three chili dogs for everyone
Protecting those who were once like me I
Understand now I must stand ground for those who are unable to tip yes. There is no time for indulgent
Your tongue you are welcome thanking me
Having so much power with soap
empowering I feel like friends Kyle or or a
Hero from the magazines of him you're not a hero. You're a bully. I am not being the bully
Did you not see all the people I helped you harassed the people who needed the most help
I am not even exist you just ripped off Tipu
Everything you're doing is fake fake the bo boys thought differently well
No, we think even more differently you may have beaten us once
But we're back and badder than ever and this time. We've got
When you see them all together
It's like you really deserve what's coming to us stand back tip this will require advanced no food
Are you nuts these fools are kidding around?
Tip what do I do if they are not terrified?
Pretentious for the use of weapons against opponents
I have taken tip flew too far everyone. I have something to say I am
But usually it is best to make like a booth and run away
You're looking for the Sun, but all you see is Greg we gotta be the first ones there
I'll be right back
What's up snow bow
Let's go home you just want to go to bed before another terrible thing happens
Come here
What is going on oh why is all the same stuff from yesterday happening so I invented a doings over machine
So now as you can get the day right this time uh-huh no breaking my stuff
Yeah, are you alright?
Stupid wait end a perfect day
For what was once its haribol day is it not yeah, but you gave us the power to have the perfect
Here we go in 1 2 3
Oh noes we have been causing the time rip
Oh never go ruin my day
You know what we gotta do, but if if we keep doing this the fabric of yeah, no tip wait
This time cannot handle any more of this
Through the time rip say what now
If we keep going then we could rip up everything then what do we do all I am NOT snowing oh
I will fix everything we'll have never created. This mess come on. Let's rip it off. Hangings hunting
But it'll be okay
That's tomorrow well technically it is still today because the current days
Heatwave is baking Chicago and ice cream
Reporter sure hopes relief come soon. I know mom bought a fan one year and shoved it in the basement
It's gotta be around here somewhere dealing with an earth heatwave is still quite strange
Weird where did you get this stuff in this box full of shiny he's a magical jolly fellow
He rides an enchanted sleigh to the sky
You must have high technology who like the booth, then he goes down people's chimneys Santa's oh?
Speaking of cool it
But uh do not be worrying Santo is here
Hold on the basement just a couple of seconds
You and I will be spreading the mattress and kubis and qubits
That is why Santo was enslaving them with rope and when they feel when they feel the cool
Will be coming down when Santo brings technology
And the wind in my beard I can do great things
Chicago I will break and enter your homes, I will bring you the coop
My favorite
Santo clocks must not be seen hearing her joy makes all this worth while
Another stop for Santa clogs climbing this tree and enterings
I wonder if real Santo has to deal with such complexities every year
You have spotted me well, hello you lucky little humans guys
All right being Santa is hard work. You are the welcome
We interrupt this adorable cat fit that makes me not trust it it could be a suppository
Don't have mysterious objects making me nervous
Do not take the law into your own hands rather take a rock into your own hand and throw it at this evildoer who has
Turned our hot summer into a hot mess
classic boo
Oh you have been spotted me there's nowhere to run. Yes it is
I Santo bringer of the cheers. I am not understanding this custom
Can't break into people's houses. It's against the law
Those are screams of fear, buddy. I know you meant well. I just don't think everyone else you eternity
waitress the parson
Am making a break for it
Please be pursuing me. You'll hurt him would you say he's running from his problems?
Yes, I would chicken this isn't plastic booth move
Classic booth club ooh as the kids say clue
What we first thought to be jawbreakers then mysterious mystery balls actually turned out to be new technology from the boov
We're calling them amazeballs
Oh, I mean Santa Oh
Maybe you should start planning for next year perhaps. You are right tip, but then again
This is symptom 12 of the space disease where you explode and then reform your atoms as a fifth dimensional being
No you will be able to me day when I ask Keanu to the Chicago deep-dish dance tomorrow
Who is Keanu? He's just as dimpled demigod who sits near me in class?
Business anyway, I have to ask him to the dance tomorrow, and I don't want to sound like a total idiot
So how does this sound?
You are being unable to talk well now you can stay home from school until you are able to speakings again problem-solving
You are going to go back to bed forever
Here with this in your largest face cavity hey I
See tip I simply attach this part to my nostril and
Hey, you're that girl from math class with you
They really got a creative side huh, I think that I was gonna. Go have a day to myself at the park
You know clear my head a little you want to join me
Man I'm so glad we ran into each other I've kind of been hoping I'd have a chance to talk to you
Whoops that wasn't the smoothest show me
Keanu thinks I am smart tip you are such a wild card
Haven't you ever seen him it's like you're seeing everything for the first time folks. Thanks. Yes
I'm gonna go grab a sippy sip from that fountain over there be right back
Hey is this little dude bothering you tip the heck out of here, bro
And then Jionni said that he let us going for the gold
Phone be my dish at the deep dish dance tomorrow
He said, yes, he is our dish I
Cannot believe that we are being Keanu's date to the dance apparently I am irresistible
Well good night tip
I am feeling human puberty emotions what I am going through adolescence in my body is
What are you it is keanu your girlfriend's
Hmm he's a damn stay
We need to look our best for Keanu, and we all know how much fashion sense you are not having buddy
Then who will beings my dish
Yah, new oh hey there tip it sound different were you getting over a cold or something
I know this is gonna sound weird, but recently I lost my voice. I'll understand if you don't want to be my dish anymore
Alright tip that doesn't bother me really. No. I don't care what you did or satury
You like me because I
Do yeah is an accident personality is hard?
I think you're beautiful on the inside who the poop are you I'm Ryan Greco. I sit next to you in English class hmm
Huh, hi Keanu how funny you and I both well no, but you know my voice
Hmm you do know me wait. What stay right where you are I have always wanted to try this
We aren't going to be together forever
What is happening right now dreams are coming true kyani's?
Puppy Dog Pals Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 141 - Blue Pig - Duration: 18:44.
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There is only one dog, who can, save us now but even a, super pooch is no match for my
Don't worry roley captain dog, isn't afraid of flying saucers
You know captain dog, always saves the day
I wish i was captain dog, he's so brave it's a big party for people and pets, who love captain dog
Okay, captain dog. Check out all the pet owners here built this recreation of barks ville
Careful stefan
Now for the surprise i was telling you about
There's even a contest for whoever built the best part of the city i really hope i win that blue ribbon
Make, sure to protect, my monorail, oh i hope i can, win that contest, did you hear that rollie
Bob needs us to protect
a super amazing, monorail that sounds like a mission you bet it is let's just hope nothing out of the ordinary happens, while he's gone
Great route today captain dog you saved us captain dog have you
Ever thought of running for mayor i was a brave thing you did captain dog
Great work today captain dog
Monorail, is broken and it's all my fault it's. Okay, captain dog will find a way to fix
The real captain dog, maybe blaziken flight
Parolees and breathand doesn't like flying saucers
I'm not captain dog, and he's the bravest brother in the whole world who's always there when i need him
Let's save, barks villain
No i'm plate just like bingo said
Well looks like, you guys, had fun and the monorail still working perfectly, this spectacular
Model of the bark's ville monorail
Congratulations did you hear that boys
And the great outdoors that is pretty great anywhere outdoors
I'm gonna, guess that that, wasn't supposed to happen
Okay, before we hit the road to go back home, we'll just pop inside this shop but don't worry there's a window
So i can keep an eye on you from inside the store i don't know. Maybe
It's time to get bob's fishing pole
I got a tail for you
I know what swam off with your bob's fishing pole, well hello there mister have
We heard ol snapper?
Bingo, well old snapper is a monster that roams deep beneath these waters
But ever he finds in the lake, to his hideout forever
There's an island in the center of this lake snapper island most likely that's where you'll find
Bob's fishing pole thanks quincey you're a, huge help wait a minute there
You're, gonna need a bigger boat
Good, luck pops
My, boat's at this part of the lake
Rolly, rolly!
Hey, busy, oh, why it's bingo and rolly, my two favorite puffs
That's the legend the whole snapper yes sure
He probably took, your fishing then, let, me tell
You, both what i'm about to, do i'm gonna get you out the snappers island so that you better yet i'll just make you
losing, power that'll cross the
Ladies garrison no really i always felt my bravest, when we're doing something again
Well bingo that's the power of cubby, power okay roley we're here
Snapper island now, we just need to find
Bob's fishing pole so that was easy i can get us there faster with
Only, power to the rescue
Clowns, gonna, be so happy, when he gets his fishing pole back
It's gotta, be always snapper he's come, back, to bob's fishing pole
You, follow the bubble trail, what do you, say rolly you think you can, speak, some more
We scoot you puppies, you're scary creature, born, from the mother look at the lake
Yes i do look, pretty scary with all this gunk that gets all over me when i swim, oh?
You, mean the shiny red
Stick someone left in my lake as a gift yes they belong to our owner bob
He dropped the fishing pole in the water when you took the bobby thing, oh, that's terrible
for the turtle come on hop on
Wait a minute my fishing pole at my, bobber, oh?
This is the life
They, say is 50 feet tall and lives in a big castle of mud on an island in the middle of the lake
adventures and puppy-sitting
Morning sleepy snouts, my friend just got a new. Puppy named baby a
puppy, named baby i
Told her the you two are so much fun you'll
Be like the greatest puppy sitters, ever yeah i'm never going to get my naps in today you hear that roley
Bob wants this to be the greatest puppy sitters every
Great puppy, sitters like, bob's mom get full for the puppies, so let's give baby horn
Dish you know kalpen feel at home that'll fill it up
That's what youtube goofballs used to do oh i love sleeping in loafie, bob's old love for shoe it was the comfiest cozy
not really
What kind of toys do little puppies, like, okay first of all you're, still puppies, we mean remember littler puppies
If we liked it that much when, we were puppies you're still like
Well you still look, pretty little to me
Still look, pretty little to me
You, guys, have fun keeping, baby, company, while i'm at. Work, okay?
Cleaning up messes makes our pappy
Yeah, let's teach, baby, some puppy tricks hey, oh sit sit
On your bottom i throw, the stick and rolly brings it back
Never mind if we stay here baby, might destroy the whole yarn then i think really great puppy sitters but take
The puppy to the dog park
no, the same amount of fast
Play, with you
Yep, that, was fun z's threw it away?
No, way over there i wasn't really paying attention
Silly, don't just over frank i can't believe it cuz it happened
Yeah, but i can't see you through all the doggy slobber smeared on my window
She ran, off that way that's the same direction as her house
Wasn't where she's going rowley i think i figured it out
thanks, katie you're welcome
Taking somebody wipe off the window. I knew it she didn't, want mr. Mouse
We're still a little bit little then get in this game there's room for two more your baby
Wow the puppy really tuckered you out. Huh, looks like you guys ended up being great puppy sinners
We conquered not bingo lis time to celebrate, well if you say so
Hey, there guys mind if i borrow a cushion
Hey, look, what's on tv?
Butterfly, looks a lot, like the ones on tv move you're supposed to be on a journey with thousands of butterflies
Bye, guys, see you sc see you after work
Hey, there!
Yes then i think, we have our mission we're going to help this but if i find her family at the butterfly forest
Hey, look, she likes it come on vicky let's go find your family
We, did need to find our way to the butterfly forest which is by the sunny warm beach don't worry
vicky, you'll, be back to this family before you know it
Sounds, like they're, going to the butterfly, fours too then all aboard the butterfly bus
Taking us right, where, we need to go
Don't worry frank there's a gas station and repair shop right there
I'm sure they'll fix this bus in no time and she looks like, she's missing our family - it's okay, vicky you
Don't need, that big bus to take you to your family, yeah cuz, you've got us
it's beautiful
But which way, is the butterfly force i think, my arms are tired that's, about it
Look, i see them flying to the ocean then, who that's, why, we're not going for
How we're, gonna get her way up there take, this like it's a kite strip, and hold it to i don't blow
Away daddy got it
It's too windy for you to fly, there we'll find another way?
Rolling positive, and vicki's our family there didn't you
Then it's a good thing, we practice climbing mountain, big only, this morning let's do this with. Puppy power is this your family
By, vicki unless you meet soon
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is clint manley and i am back at the butterfly forest i wonder if that
Butterfly, that, was here this morning?
Esther one landed on me are you enjoying, your trip to the butterfly, forest sir it's a dream come true
yeah, i'm pretty, sure he is
Dragons: Race To The Edge Memorable Moment Cartoon For Kids & Children Episode 179 - Lucy Kemp - Duration: 17:56.
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Sheriff Callie's Wild West Memorable Moments Cartoon For Kids Part 442 - Maya Graham - Duration: 18:00.
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Wow at least there's no sign of them folks, we took these wagons from so far but we'd best get to deadweed county
Where there ain't no sheriff
Sorry, toby can't on account of i'm in charge, well sheriff county's busy on official sheriff business you mean while she's drop i'll
Close up the wagons real time so folks kate see what, we stole these is my?
Sad made-up story about a helpless old lady
with too sweet
You, folks are parched have you come far, oh i would, wanna, bore you with our increases
So, we set out in search of a better life indeed wheat county
we are
penniless in the house without a hope of ever making it to ned, we
Oh are you sure you, want to go there ma'am it's clear across the desert and there's no sheriff around for miles
We know but it's, where this poor old widow?
And her did washer could use some adventure, oh you're all so nice and friendly
Boys, what do you say?
Wednesday sunday
Tech will make it on our goal i won't hear of it bandits are robbing folks out on the prairie and you'll need protected
Helping you folks is the rap thing to do deadweed then stitcher taylor stop i raised you boys ride
What smart prairie schooners fink the humdinger of a. Chuck wagon illa
All right wagons, ho
We've been walking for days three buzzards stole our wagons holy, jalapeno
How much farther to deadweed sheriff
oh, no
come and get
It was like prayer leach
Something wrong i'm pretty sure these wagons, don't belong to bob and her boys
What makes you think that i found this world, oh we're trapped in a busted wagon, what are we gonna do?
We don't have time to chase, some silly pony
Sob story like a silly fool, you were just trying to do the right thing and help folks in need, ella but how
Are we gonna get out of here i?
I think all that runnin around in a big circle took her tongue out peck but, we got a. Say?
Sheriff callie and ella from the bandits sure wish i had a release prairie schooner into my deserts elbow, oh?
You, did it sheriff we're sailing home might yet to stop us
You, wagons stealin, buzzards are under a wreck
I don't know, about you folks but, i think i've had enough excitement for a spell
Looks, like you fellas could, use a break, what do you say, we head to ella's for some milkshakes?
She bars ela, you're the best notes. Oh thanks folks when you've shaken as many milks as i have you're
bound to get good i never read, no reason to miss out on this here big chance
Take, some practice but follow, me and soon you'll be a milkshake making taxes
Haha, toby, now how to like to test your new, skills on some real customers you sure
Very good she got he stuck toby mighty impressive, well learned from the best
How's toby, doing at the saloon, ella, oh? He's just the cutest little milk shaker he'll
be fine so long just nobody orders anything double fancy creamy bubbly, sprinkly i
think i can, do
Making a deposit sure am but i'm an embed of a hurry, toby's mind in the saloon
Looking, good pack thank, sure the trick is to always stay focused on the job
For so long
Tobey's bashful, please patel be special, what's that leave it to me
Really, proud of toby, oh nice?
What's this toby's special i've been hearing, about i'll try one, oh?
nothing navi jazzy, new, milk sitting day, and
Boto, be sure has pizzazz, now. Yep but you're, still the best milkshake er
Your, new milkshake dad happy to oblige
How much everyone liked your milkshakes i got jealous
You got jealous of me, well i was worried that with milkshake, tell me around
It's okay i'm sorry i hurt your feelings i don't have to help out at the saloon anymore
yes you, do
Everybody, don't clean your cow. Exactly what happened, well just before lulubelle got took i heard this
me too
And then there was a big move
Peck i really appreciate your hustle and bustle but first, we need, a list of exactly, who was robbed
Here's what i'm thinking pick first i'll go with farmer stinky and help guard his cows
Good idea sheriff what am i gonna do dig a. Trap bill jamil belongs to, who
But sheriff i don't, want to just sit here at my desk i want to be in all the action maybe, white with, brown. Spots
With big party, eyes got it
Let me go on the capers sit around pushing
now i gotta
That's it seeing, as i'm deputy i'm just got?
This here cap, costume for halloween brains
yeah i
Was worried libby will pretend to be a cow
So when that wrestler shows up at farmer stinky's barn, we can get the jump on him
We're going
Let's just get out over to farmer stinky's before that no-good ruslan strikes, again
Are we there yet yeah, my plan is working perfectly
If only i hadn't a, wasted time sitting at that desk instead of doing something, we lie to stop him
Would you mind not humming i'm trying to think what to do?
big old buzzy, bug is bad that's, no bug stinky it's one of them newfangled and
They, came right after the bus
he made a change
That's not one of the five, well whoever she belongs to i'm getting her back, giddyup sparky
I live down down there and all the other stolen cows i drew
Thanks sharon, my pleasure fellas
On account of i was supposed to stay at the jailhouse
I'm real, sorry for not doing, what you, asked, me to, well looky here
Those farmers are gonna beat their leaden hurt with pleasure
Tessie bessie
This, here tree all-righty noodle lasso help up giving us
the truth the truth of christmas
Nope, now, we exchange ornaments. Oh yeah, merry christmas pecs christmas sparky
Yes toby it's time
Greetings good sir. Oh hello tricky travis
Sheriff i've come to your, fair town, bringing only tidings of joy now
Why, do i have a hard time believing that because these are, no good tricky trickster but, what are
We not friends because the weasel that stands before you is a changed man my flim-flam
Days are over today i lead a righteous, life, going
From time to tell given these to us of course it's not christmas without music got anything in there for me
yessiree yessiree
Kazu, no thanks i don't believe you've changed your ways for one kitty looking second hmm
Well i can't, say that i blame after all it's christmas
I don't know
Where is everybody?
I'll a pretty honest stop those two-bit tricksters and fast, we won't have any christmas
Got away only thing i could, save, was the star
I'm real, sorry folks
Shucks, sheriff you got my, buddy, back that's what simple
We'll have not a snow flakes fall the best gift of all
Hmm, yeah, what's taking so long, why aren't we happy because?
Crying, about, oswald is just a song?
Merry christmas everyone and a very merry christmas to all of you?
Ricky, travis might, want to make amends
All, we wanted was the christmas we never?
Had but when we heard you singing, well we realized that it was fellas don't need to go to, jail it's christmas
Not working what they need is a second chance right
Skylanders Academy Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids And Children Part 58 - Red Cat - Duration: 18:02.
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Dinotrux Memorable Moments Best Cartoon For Kids & Children Part 22 - Skye Warren - Duration: 19:39.
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