Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
Civil rights leaders are calling on the Senate to reject President Donald Trump's nominee to a federal court in North Carolina
Arguing that Thomas far has long worked to promote racist policies and is a product of the modern white supremacist machine
far Trump's pick for the US District Court for the Eastern
District of North Carolina began his career as counsel to former US senator
Jesse Helms a supporter of racial segregation who represented, North Carolina for thirty years
Over the last decade foreign his law firm colleagues have defended voting restrictions and identification laws that courts have struck down as deliberately
discriminatory the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals found in
2016 that North Carolina's voter restriction lost targeted black communities with almost surgical precision
Black civil rights leaders and progressive groups including the Congressional Black Caucus are calling on the Senate to reject far
In October the Senate Judiciary Committee approved him in a party-line vote and fires now up for confirmation by the full Senate
Reverend William barber - president of the North Carolina and double-a-c-p
wrote in the Tuesday
New York Times op-ed that far who he called the most alarming of all of trumps judicial nominees would pose a direct threat to North
Carolina's black communities
African-americans seeking to have their rights protected under federal law have much to fear if mr.
Farr takes the bench he wrote he went on senators from both sides of the aisle must condemn the experience mr.
Farr brings with him having practiced white supremacy for decades mr.. Farr is not likely to withdraw
Every senator who condemned the racism on display and Charlotte's film must vote to prevent it from having power in the federal judiciary
Barbour noted that about half of North Carolina's black residents live in the area presided over by the Eastern District and
Despite President Barack Obama's efforts to seat to black female nominees on that Court the Eastern District has never had a black judge
members of the Congressional Black Caucus torn into FAR's record in a September letter to the Judicial Committee pointing to his work on Helms
1990s a campaign during which postcards were mailed to
100,000 black voters wrongly suggesting they were ineligible to vote in warning
They could be arrested and prosecuted for fraud if they tried it is no
exaggeration to say that had the White House deliberately sought to identify an attorney in North
Carolina with a more hostile record on African American voting rights and workers rights than Thomas far
It could hardly have done so the caucus members wrote
Far told the Senate during his September hearing that he only learned of the postcards after they were sending that he was
appalled by the strategy
But a former Department of Justice official who investigated the incident has directly contradicted FAR's claim arguing that he was
Certainly involved in the scheme as it was being developed
The Leadership Conference on civil and human rights has accused Favre lying to the Senate and called on him to withdraw his nomination
the n-double-a-cp Legal Defense Fund is calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to bring far back in for more questioning
Far appears to have explicitly misled the Senate about his role in a scheme to intimidate black
North Carolinians and stop them from voting in the 1990 midterm elections the Legal Defense Fund wrote last month
Arguing that far as neither sufficiently qualified nor competent to serve on the federal judiciary
this comes after the American Bar Association
Determined that four of trumps judicial nominees are not qualified to serve on the federal bench
Those listed and qualified by the ABA did not include one nominee Matthew Peterson who withdrew himself from consideration
Earlier this month after a video clip of him struggling to prove basic knowledge of legal procedure went viral
Peterson's withdrawal was the third by a trump judicial nominee in ten days Trump, who is filling federal judicial vacancies led her rapid rate
For more infomation >> Black civil rights leaders say Trump judicial nominee is 'a product of the modern white supremacis - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
The Switch eShop Is Down! Bah Humbug! | SML TV - Duration: 4:24.
The Switch eShop Is Down! Bah Humbug!
It's Christmas morning and in what could be as disappointing as coal in your stocking, is a Nintendo eShop that won't load.
Sadly, it seems many gamers would prefer coal.
As of 9:29 am Central Time, the Nintendo eShop is down.
This is of course likely due to the massive influx of new players hitting Nintendo's servers in the wake of Christmas morning – where the Nintendo Switch was surely a hot commodity under the Christmas tree this year.
The problem seems to be effecting international players as well:.
The outrage is particularly savage as the Nintendo eShop is the primary way to play and download the multitude of Indie Games that are a major selling point for the Nintendo Switch – including games like Golf Story and SteamWorld Dig 2.
There's no word if the outage is affecting system update or firmware update capabilities.
However, Nintendo tweeted they are working on the problem and will hopefully have the shop up and running soon:.
Nos disculpamos por cualquier problema que puedas estar experimentando con la Nintendo eShop.
Estamos trabajando en ello y esperamos que pronto se resuelva.
the official Nintendo website also states the Nintendo eShop is unavailable.
The Nintendo Switch itself has been a run away success, selling 10 million units since debut, and it hasn't been out a full year yet.
The PS4 sold 13 million its first year, and the Switch has a few months to go.
Which is to say Nintendo should have been prepared for a flood of traffic to the eShop.
Perhaps they were and there was a glitch.
Regardless, there are likely quite a few kids asking their parents to fix an Internet problem they can't.
Lets hope they bought a physical copy.
As gaming moves toward digital services, problems like this are depressingly frequent.
If a company, any company, will rely on an online infrastructure, that infrastructure needs to work…especially when the most people are likely to accessing it. A similar problem occurred in 2013.
That said, some gamers find the outage bittersweet.
If there's such an influx of new players, that means new consoles sold, and good health for Nintendo, which after the failure of the Wii U, was a question mark.
Stay tuned for updates regarding the ability to access Nintendo's digital download hub.
Game Grumps Editor Turned Star Barry Is Leaving Channel | SML TV - Duration: 5:07.
Game Grumps Editor Turned Star Barry Is Leaving Channel
Barry Kramer, one of the editors and stars of popular Let's Play channel Game Grumps, is leaving the channel.
Kramer posted an official statement on Twitter.
"It's long been the plan that I would someday leave Game Grumps to pursue my own vision and that day has finally arrived," he said.
Kramer said that it's terrifying to leave after working with the now 4.
2 million subscribers-strong channel for the last five years, but he does so with his "head held high.
" He also said that he was immensely proud of the work he did, the community he helped build, and "the incredible people I had the truly distinct pleasure of working with.
Kramer was brought on board Game Grumps since the early days of the channel, editing the show for Co-founders and Co-hosts Arin Hanson and Jon Jafari.
He said that in the beginning he was "a silent worker," editing videos in the background and not being expected to do anything else.
But after appearing in a few episodes including one videoof Counter-Strike: Global Offensive where he finally spoke up, he grew to be one of the most prominent stars on the show making regular appearances in the channel's spinoff shows, charity livestreams, sketches, music videos, live appearances, and more.
He even began co-hosting the show "Table Flip" with Suzy Berhow and hosting his own show, "How About This Game?" on the GrumpOut channel.
He considers himself very lucky to have been a part of Game Grumps.
"I will forever look back fondly on my time with Grumps (and the "Best of Barry" compilations will certainly make that easier) but now it's time for me to start anew," Kramer said.
"I'm excited about what I'll be doing next and I hope you'll join me.".
Many fans and fellow YouTubers came out to show their encouragement as Barry announced his leave from the channel.
Kramer did promise that his new video will be published soon and that he'll do a livestream afterwards.
Kramer isn't the only prominent member to leave Game Grumps.
Jafari left on June 25, 2013 to work on his own channel, JonTron.
He was replaced by Dan Avidan, frontman of popular comedy band Ninja Sex Party.
Animator Ross O' Donovan joined the channel the same day to Co-host the spin off show Steam Train with Avidan.
Kevin Louis Abernathy was brought on board to take over Kramer's editing duties in August 2014 after responding to an ad posted by Hanson, according to the Game Grumps wiki.
Like Kramer, he appeared in videos and skits on the channel.
He left in summer 2016 to focus on his interest in trailer editing and was replaced by Matt Watson and Ryan Magee of SuperMega.
The channel welcomed Berhow, Hanson's wife, as the manager and she made appearances in videos starting with a playthrough of Mario Party 4, according to a Q&A with her.
She also runs three different YouTube channels: makeup and fashion channel Mortem3r, animation channel Meeperfish, and Game Grumps affiliated gaming channel KittyKatGaming.
Brian "Ninja Brian" Wecht, the keyboardist for Ninja Sex Party, was brought on board as an official member in November 2015 appearing in a variety of the channel's spin off shows according to the Game Grumps wiki.
Check out Heavy for more gaming news, reviews, guides, and more.
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