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Bailiwicks Dale
Good morning princess Sofia
Is there going to be a party oh, I should say not a job well done, it's celebration enough
Everything's ready for your royal playdate children your friends will arrive any moment and all be on hand in case you need anything oh
No, you won't baileywick your brother Nigel does
Plans Nigel
Love doing
Thanks, Wicky basketful yet nope but my belly is
And after the orchard will sweep and a cap off the day after we're done wiping ice cream off your nose a
Boat will pick us up at the dock to take us fishing
Just like we used to do fun
We used to have I can't think of a better way to spend the day sounds like you're going to have a great time
Amber James, and I each planned an activity for all of us my activity is playing pirates in my tree house all right
You're on
Excited for your day all fire you mr. Baileywick indeed violet
I can't remember the last time Nigel and I got to spend a whole day together
I just hope the children will be okay without me
But it's his day off, but he hasn't left yet, oh
Dear is that James calling me. Oh Wicky. I'm sure whatever he wants
Baileywick's coming all right. What's the problem James the treehouse broke? Oh dear?
So can you fix it rest assured James there is nothing that cannot?
It's time for my activity to the gazebo everyone do we have to the fix in the treehouse yummy snacks will be served?
I'm there
Page eight best two out of three. Sorry for the delay Nigel. I'm ready to go pick some apples well
It's too late for that. I'm afraid dear brother, but we can still make it to the ice-cream card first
Well at least there's food
First things first oh
No wait until you taste the cookies they are simply
Princess amber should know it's your day off. I must see what's the matter?
Oh dear that won't do it all well. I want you to the kitchen
Hmm princess amber how does this look the first thing is perfect?
Finally not quite yet now we must put the frosting on the cookies
Enjoy your tea party enjoy the rest of your day off
Well, we've missed the apples and now we've missed the ice cream too, but we still have an afternoon of
I'm stuffed. I'm bored. What's next my activity. It's just over here in the garden. We're going to paint
Great idea Sofia
Where is it? Oh dear? Where's my fishing pole? I must have left it in the hole. I'll be right back
Well the boat the boat will be here any moment
Would someone, please make my butterfly stay still hit my castle you scared all the butterflies away
I didn't get the lizard either
now adieu weep it oh
There's baileywick. Maybe he knows where to find more butterflies
But they flew away do you know where we could find more?
And how we can keep them from flying away if it's butterflies you need then butterflies you shall have
A blue one. What kind of butterfly, would you like well? I was naming a purple one before say no more
hold still
You're quite welcome and now I really must go
Sorry mr.. Bailey wait you're back well, actually it's time to start preparing the Royal supper that it is
I'll meet you in the castle violet very good
Shouldn't you be on your boat ride. I thought you were going fishing with Nigel. We missed the boat. I'm afraid
Oh, but how are the apples and the ice cream women Sophia? Hey your friends are about to leave?
You should go say. Goodbye baileywick. Never got his day off. Why not well he fixed James's treehouse oh
I have to find you Margene's
Goodbye, everyone. See you laters and are
We really messed up we should do something to make it up to him
Maybe we can give him tomorrow off, but his birthday is today today should be special
Oh, if only we could do course Suzette. Can we get some ice cream right away miss. What are we going to do?
You'll see come on
Wicky lead the way princess
We need up there the treehouse again
It's you baileywick so welcome to your day off do-over party first we've invited a special guest
Nigel how fishing poles in case we see any snapper
or catfish
Sit down baileywick. It's our turn to serve you that's right. You're not just
Mystic Meadows
Buttercup troop leader baileywick reporting for duty. Yes. Yes really baileywick it would be my pleasure
No little more hogweed nectar and ah
My super growth potion is complete, but since I have no guinea pig disguise
I thought you might want to come with us and visit your parents you for all I
Already have a perfectly fine portrait of them right here and besides if I visit them miler he always
Interrupts me when I'm casting a spell telling me the way I should be doing it and that makes me get the words wrong
You can show your father all the amazing spells you can do he'll see what a great sorcerer
You are and give you the family wand mmm if I get my hands on the family wand I?
Am good with the great, and this is my wife Winifred the wise
Would it have been too much to wear your good robe Cedric oh
This is my good robe, so what do you do at mystic meadows and?
if you think that's fun just wait until this afternoon when
Hosting the mystic Meadows conjuring come around buttercups
It's time to start doing our good deeds for my caddy. I'd like to help convince mr.
Cedric's father to give him the family wand well if anyone can do that you must have a lot of magical mementos
Charms spell books one
You may have kept a few
Goodie now's your chance to show them what you can deal
What cast a spell to open the door right step aside father I can handle this clearly
holding quiet
Well don't worry mr.. Cedric. We have all day to show your dad with a good sorcerer you are
Fine oh yes great fun, but I think we should kick it up a notch
Well this is the tooth of a mighty Kraken I defeated when I saved the King's life for the fifth time or was
It this sixth you know I've saved maybe I'll to have won. Yes
I do like the sound of that more like Cedric the Zozo Goodwyn
He's not ready to use such a powerful wand yes
Very well
Just yet first you must show me the back
To keep your elbow up and flick the wrist I knew father
It's quite nice, I thought you said the spell wrong
You see he's not ready, and I'm not sure he ever will be
You haven't interrupted me I was trying to help you
Darling jellybeans, thank you mommy
Making healthy snacks is a good control skyrocket salt
And some sprigs of disappear me
What other good deeds can we do actually?
There is something you can help me with I need some top-notch partners for the big conjuring contest
Where we'll find out who is the most magical sorcerer at Mystic meadows?
That's what we should do let's enter the conjuring contest
She's the nicest friend you've ever had and ignis come to think of it
She might be the only friend as long as I am doing the conjuring we should be fine
This is not going to work. Don't worry. I have a plan
From the netherworld to help whichever team gets all the riddles rights will be declared
mystic Meadows conjuring
What about a butterfly
Good thinking princess Sofia. I'll count you one right up. This is a beautiful whines mr.. Goode
Thank you Father. See he's impressed team Marshak
It's time for your next riddle to make sure you're not late answer is not just a clock
We were so close Tim Goodwin
What has a frozen smile made of coal ooh? Is it a lava lizard?
I've made of coal yes frozen no lumps of coal smiles frozen in place
They should do it, but I can do it father. No you can't Cedric frigid ear
Can fix this
Mister if you just give him a chance. I've given him plenty of chances, but do it quickly before your dear mother melts
It's all up to you now. Yes, I suppose it is
Right-side ins
Did you what they don't know what happened so we can still win the contest one snowman?
coming, right
Team Goodwyn has won the mystic Meadows conjuring contest
well done I
Can't remember the last time we had so much fun
And that's the best deed I can think of so we did our good deeds you did great deeds
Excellent thank you for visiting sure we all had a great time
Where's father? I don't know well
Then say goodbye for me, and me too. All right everyone. Let's give them a big
Buttercup farewell
The farmer in the Dell hi-ho the derry-o the farmer in the Dell
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