We trust that time is linear.
That it proceeds eternally, uniformly. Into infinity.
But the distinction between past, present and future is nothing but an illusion.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle.
Everything is connected.
When I was a little I always felt that something was wrong with Winden.
-This is Winden. Nothing ever happens here. -But that hasn't always been the case.
-I have that same feeling again. -Mikkel.
That everything's repeating. That this has all happened before. Like a massive déjà vu.
First Mads, now Mikkel. It's exactly like back then.
Maybe you were right. It's just like it was back then.
What we know is a drop,
The question isn't how, the question is when.
what we don't know is an ocean.
I'd like to talk to you about time.
We'd love to know our fate. Where we're headed. But the truth is that there is but one path through all times.
Predetermined by the beginning and by the end. Which is also the beginning.
The past doesn't just influence the future.
I come from the future.
The future also influences the past.
All our lives are connected. One fate bound to another.
-Every one of our deeds.. -Don't make the same mistakes I made.
is merely a response to a previous deed.
Cause and effect. Nothing but an endless dance.
Everything is connected to everything else.
I can change the past. And the future.
-I'm taking him back and putting this right. -Don't you get it?
If you take Mikkel back, you'll be meddling in the course of events.
If you take him back now, you'll be erasing your own existence.
-The role you play in all of this is much bigger that you think. -I want all this sick shit to stop!
But every decision for something is a decision against something else.
The older Jonas will destroy the hole, but...
he doesn't realize that he will be the one to trigger its existence.
Time is an infinity field.
Will you tell me what the future's like?
What's the date?
-9th of November. -5th of November.
But what year?
I'm hoping that by tomorrow, it'll already be different from today.
Welcome to the future.
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