Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 9 2018

There is something wrong in the world.

In every being with a certain level of consciousness this uncertainty is present.

A hunch vibrating this never-ending doubt. Those who can no longer sense it are living dead.

Know yourself.

Know the rules of the game.

And know the adversary.

THE AWAKENING: CHAPTER 01 "Something is wrong in the world. The Biped Pathology."

It's like a tack on the chair that many have chosen to ignore.

"Ignorance is a blessing".

Its the other way, it is a curse.

the egoic shaved biped chooses to ignore because it believes that this way it is relieved from guilt

and is aware that knowledge implies responsibility.

We have forgotten something, something very important, something which is the root of it all.

Yes, something is wrong in the world, as portrayed in the famous allegorical series The Matrix.

The main subject of the beginning is about this feeling of unconformity.

This doubt, this uncertainty translates into anguish, and the anguish turns into suffering.

Why do we suffer? Why is there so much suffering in the world?

This is the question that has led great teachers to find absolute truths of nature.

Apocalypsis, does not mean prophecies, planetary destruction, polar inversion, floods,

or four evil lords riding horses.

It is Latin, etymologically comes from the Greek APO: to remove, to deny, to remove

and Kalypsis - Kalyptein that means veil.

Therefore it means to remove the veil or to reveal. Opus is Latin for work.

Apocalypsis Opus is revelation work, work that seeks the awakening of the beings of Earth.

I am Roger Luis from Quito Ecuador, Latitude 0° Longitude -78°, land of the ancestral Quitu Cara civilization.

I offer you this opus so that you may question, seek, analyze and understand.

The apocalyptic topics will be: Slavery, Mind Control, Truth and Freedom.

As the philosopher Socrates said: "I only know that I know nothing."

As the beginner I am I will share several truths embedded in our three-dimensional construct

and absolute Universal Laws.

I confess I was as a being who lived a long time in ignorance, involved in a satanist ideology

I am of very little wisdom, but with an appetite for learning.

and I offer you basic pills of what I have learned, actually very simple truths.

Its not my intention to unveil discoveries or new findings, the information is pretty abundant

and nowadays it's only a click away, as it is said there is nothing new under the sun.

The apocalyptic opus is to spread the word, to communicate truths, conclusions,

evidences and theories, to translate a compendium of diverse sources, of investigators

and change agents of ours and other ages seeking objectivity, awareness and a change.

I add my approach, communicating this to you as someone who acknowledges that has spent

most of his days in ignorance and is slow to recognize his stupidities, the causes of unnatural states.

That is, trying to communicate with simplicity.

These are some of the neo shamans, researchers and sources who have been catalysts

of an alchemical process in the shaved biped that speaks to you, wielding true magic.

They are not gurus or saints, they are researchers, some of them have awakened to certain things and not to others.

I don´t catalog everything as say as gospel truth, I have hundreds of mistakes.

I also have no intention of defending paradigms, I just share what I find the most solid and plausible.

Don´t believe me, nor others, believing is unnecessary, the way is knowing.

I do not pretend to convince of anything, only to show the way for each one to investigate,

to discover what is evident and to question what is not.

I invite you to question, to stop living in belief, dogma, blind faith,

and abdication of responsibility. To embrace truth.

I invite you to be part of the Apocalypsis, to seek the truth and remove the veil that blinds us.

Lets wake up no one is exempt from what happens on Earth "Pachamama", in the solar system, in the universe.

Lets look beyond our immediate circuit, our comfort zone. If we only focus on the trees that surround us,

we will lose sight of the forest. Geographical divisions are illusory, we are all connected.

Brothers and sisters, shaved bipeds, supposedly homo sapiens let's wake up!

We are trapped in discrimination, manipulation, political struggles, polarized worldviews,

lack self-esteem and the culture of fear. Ignorant of a substantial transcendental reality.

Blind to the causes that determine our condition, which determine our suffering and uncertainty.

Why do we suffer?

Buddhism tells us that it is due to desire, yearning, thirst or attachment,

but the seeker will always chase the answers, yearn for them and fight to end ignorance.

I find the search for the answer of why we suffer inevitably spreads into two questions

which resolution contains the key to understand the original one.

Those 2 questions are:

Who are we?

and what purpose do we have? What are we here for?

Every sapient being encounters these two questions in its youth, but silences them with pseudo explanations

based on dogmatic ideology and resignation of the inability to acquire knowledge

inherited by parents and culturally indoctrinated.

The being merges into the collective unconscious, into the pack mentality

is satisfied with palliatives and leaves behind the search for the answers to these fundamental questions.

What a shame it is that most of us shaved bipeds spend our entire lives, die and probably return to a future life

without having a clue on how to answer these questions, wrapped in a vicious cycle of ignorance.

"The educated differs from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead." - Aristotle -

The man or woman who can no longer learn is a living dead.

The difference of the homo sapiens with the rest of the animal kingdom is stated by the very term "Sapiens"

that comes from the Latin "Sapientia" which means wisdom.

The being that can no longer acquire knowledge and transmute it into wisdom or refuses to do so,

has lost the title that classified it and bestowed it the virtue of belonging to the species.

There is something very peculiar about the living dead, or walking dead portrayed in countless movies

and television series. These zombies have gone through a process of involution, an evolution in reverse.

The Darwinian theory of macro biological evolution, which by the way is nothing but

an unfounded theory, backwards. It is a process we are going through, we are returning to primitive stages.

There is no certainty or any real evidence that we evolved from monkeys, but I do speculate

with great conviction of the process of human involution.

99% of the planet's shaved bipeds are diseased, sick beings who are unaware of their condition.

They do not know that they can be healthy. Like fish born in a fishbowl, who do not know the ocean,

but deep within feel that ocean must exist.

However we are too ignorant, apathetic or cowardly to search for this sea.

The real crisis that we are experiencing is not political, economic or a resources crisis,

it is a crisis of consciousness. The vast majority of us, the so-called sapiens,

live in cognitive dissonance, lying to ourselves or ignoring.

Do you think you have control over your behavior, your decisions?

About 95% of the activities we perform and attitudes we take happen subconsciously.

Only up to 5% of the decisions we make are taken in a conscious way.

The subconscious corresponds to certain passive or programmable faculties,

required for our survival, but which do not incur in superior thinking.

Do you know who you really are?

The human being will suffer and will continue in decline as long as it goes away

from Nature and its universal principles, the great truths.

As long as we do not know who we are and ignore our condition.

The cell is an organism, it is self-sufficient. Binding of cells constitutes more complex organisms.

The virus is an agent that unlike others destroys the same body that hosts it, it is a parasite.

We, the so-called sapiens are cells of something much larger. Can you see the pattern?

Most of us shaved bipeds are parasitic or virulent cells of the Earth, "Pachamama",

which is very alive, it is not a simple rock.

"The Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the Earth.

All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life,

he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." - Chief Seattle

A great truth that determines our condition, which has overshadowed the search for answers

to these fundamental questions

is that we are slaves. That's right, SLAVES!

And the vast majority rejoices over the ignorance of their condition, swears to be free,

it would seem stupid for them to consider their own slavery.

It´s like fish talking about water, for them who are submerged in this substance recognizing it is very difficult.

"There is no one more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Our enslavers are of 2 basic categories:

1. Beings of pure evil, a dark cult of evil entities. And yes, there is such a thing!

And 2. Most importantly, their accomplices: the supposed sapiens = You and Me!

To analyze the causes of the disgraceful condition of the shaved biped we will use the tree of slavery.

The rotten fruit is suffering, chaos, immorality, slavery.

The trunk and branches are ignorance, disharmony with natural principles.

Ignorance of our essence, who we are and our purpose.

The root is fear.

Most of us are raised to adapt to a system of domination, to get good grades, to be stars in school.

To study a lucrative profession, to marry, reproduce and teach our children to do exactly the same,

to be faithful zombies and reproductive molds of the slave system.

Work to make money, or to have people who work for us, anyhow to worship the god money.

We are raised to dominate and to be dominated.

The dominated and the dominator are pretty similar, they respond to the same force, both are slaves.

To summarize this episode:

We suffer, we experience anxiety: because we do not know who we are and our purpose,

We are manipulated by a dark elite to whom we surrender our soul, our spirit

due to a tremendous poverty of conscience.

Synthesizing the main creator of our external and internal slavery is US!

The answer to What we really are and what is our purpose is something I will do my best to reveal

throughout some apocalyptic episodes, also the dynamics and end goal of the dark slavery cult.

We are at war,

this war is for your


Images, videos and audio extracted to communicate concepts, without commercial purposes. Apologies to the authors.

For more infomation >> 01. Something is wrong in the World. The Biped Pathology. - Duration: 18:16.


【Undertale - Reuploaded 】 → Thiên Thần Có Thể Sa Ngã「Vietsub CC - Credits is in description」 - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> 【Undertale - Reuploaded 】 → Thiên Thần Có Thể Sa Ngã「Vietsub CC - Credits is in description」 - Duration: 1:03.


Será a Ultima antes da Primavera? / Is this the last one before spring? - Duration: 4:17.

Hi everybody Welcome to Batistenha Homestead.

I'm Joselito and Iva is inside is too cold for her.

I want to take a ride here with you at the Batistenha Homestead after the

storm we had, after the snowstorm.

Look at the wood I'm pulling from the tree,

look at the flowerbeds as they are today. The place where we plant the

potatoes, look how this is here,

this is the line where the potato branch rises looking like

that little game of children. Very cool, and cold. But it will melt, the

temperature is not so freezing like that.

Look at the fountain here and I'll show you around here. To think that in two months' time

Everything's going to be green, blooming. Look at it as it is.

frutiferas here, this is a blueberry.

The vine that has not been pruned yet,

all covered with snow.

We hope this is the last snowstorm

this winter, just take a look at this scene, wood to crack and everything white. Look at this bench,

this is it people.Thank you for follow us here at Batistenha Homestead.

If you have not signed up, sign up for the channel. Our train is passing there, give us your like.

Share the videos, thank you very much. I am Joselito

Iva will talk to you latter.

For more infomation >> Será a Ultima antes da Primavera? / Is this the last one before spring? - Duration: 4:17.


Jack Ma Motivation for Success || Failure is the first step of Success with subtitle - Duration: 29:18.

let's start with where you are today just how big is all about them how many

people come every day how many people come in a week how fast is it growing

yeah we have for over a hundred million buyers visiting our site shop in our

site every day and we created million and every day we created 14 million jobs

for China directly and indirectly and we grow from 18 people to 30,000 people

meeting people in my apartment - now we have a four-bit campers compared to 15

years ago we were big but compared to 15 years later with do a baby a big will

you beat that 10 years from them I think 15 years ago I told my team that 15

years in the past 15 years we grow from nothing to this size and 15 years later

I wanted people seen know about Alibaba no tap out because it's already

everywhere I want 15 years ago when we talk about what is ecommerce why small

business can using this ecommerce those internet can do business across the

nation and I hope 15 years later people forget

about e-commerce because they think it's like electricity nobody think is a high

tech today now this is something that I don't want 15 years later we still walk

down the street talking about why and how ecommerce can help people talk about

the IPO well you did it exceed your expectations

well it's a pretty small IPO 250 yes yeah largest not to do in the history

okay we raised we we raised number two was a Chinese bank thank you I I

remember year 2001 we went to raise some five minutes remain a venture capitalist

dollars in the u.s. and it got rejected and I say we come

back raising something a little bit more but I I think it you know what we think

more about is for 225 billion dollars how we can spend the money efficiently

because this is not a money this is the trust from the world the trust from

those people they want to do better jobs to help more people they won't have a

good return so I think gives me more pressure because when our our market cap

is a bigger than Ibn or certain day were bigger than Worman we're one of the top

10 15 largest er market cap company in the world I told my team of myself is

that true we're not that good cuz years ago people

say ah but the motto is terrible does not a make money have those and that all

the big bad things because Emma's is battery based battery Google is better

and there's no such model like Alibaba in the USA so I told myself and people

we were better than people thought but today when we got that big size I said

no we are not that good as people thought we're just a company 15 years

old average age is 27 28 years old young people we're doing something that human

being have never tried so what I want to talk about the future let me take you

back to when you were born in hang zoo where the headquarters still are yeah

and your campus is they don't have a loop dum-dum move your lute you have

quarters there yeah yeah you're fond of their loop there you grew up in the 60s

64 that were born in 64 that was the time of the

Cultural Revolution yeah it was the end of the Cultural

Revolution it was well my grandfather was a tiny landlord was considered after

liberation was considered be a bad guy so I was III I know how tough it was

when I was kid you tried to get into three colleges each time they rejected

you know I tried there is a examination that young people if you want to go

University of the taste take the examinations so I photo three times but

a lot of film I fail for funny things that I showed a key primary school tests

for two times and I failed like a three times for the middle school middle

schools and you were never believed in ching hangs on my city there is only one

middle school that lasts only one year it was changed from primary school

middle school because our graduates of our our Alice school no universe you

know middle school except us because we were too bad I would become a what

effect did it have though being rejected well I think we have to get used to it

we're not that good even today we still have a lot of people reject us I think

when I in the graduate from universities and before you know for three years I

tried fill in the universities so I apply jobs for thirty times got rejected

I went for a police they say no you're not good I went to you know even the KFC

when KFC came to check up do I say you see 24 people went for the job 23

people accepted I was the only one guy and we went for please five people all

of them accepted I was the only guy than I receive receive it so to me being

turned down rejected oh by the way I told you that I would apply for Harvard

for 10 times rejected I know 10 times you wrote them and said

I'd like to come to Harvard yeah and then I told myself somebody I should go

teach there buddy I think that can be arranged

Richard Nixon came to Hong Zhu yeah and after that tourists flooded the place

yeah and that's how you learned English yeah I really like the I don't know why

at 12 13 years old that time I saw they fell love into the language the English

and there's no place you can you can learn English at that time there's no

books English books so I went to the council hotel now called House of

shangri-la hotel because that was the Kotel can receive the foreign visitors

so every morning for nine years I showed them around as a free guide and they

taught me English and I think that changed to me today I'm 100% made in

China I've never got a one-day train outside China and people when people

talk to him say Jack how can you speak English like that why sometimes you you

talk like an American Western guys I think that was the nine years these

Western for tourists opened in my mind because everything they told me are so

different from the things I learned from the schools and from my parents so now I

have a habit whatever I see whatever read I use my mind think about for two

years that have mahjong became Jack Ma actually Jack the name was given by a

lady in tennis she's a tourist as she came here and she said came to hang so

we had a we become a pen friends marring is so

difficult to pronounce so she said do you you have an English

name as they don't because okay you give me English name she said okay

she said my father called her Jack my husband called Jack what do you think

about Jack good something you see that for the menus first visit to America in

1995 1995 yeah I come here for a project helping the

local government to building up highway and you tried the Internet

I try to internet in Seattle and in the building called the US a bank I don't

know whether USA banks still there or not but it's a building and this my

friend opened a small office which is so like that only 10 percent bigger than

this room and there are a lot of much computers in there and he said a jack

you this is internet it was I asked what is internet he said you know search

whatever you want now that time to use mosaic very slow

and I say I don't use it I don't want to type because intent computer is so

expensive in China if I destroy it I cannot pay you said just a search it so

I searched the first word of beer I don't know why because easy to spell a

baby and I see beers from Germany beers from the USA beers from Japan but

there's no beer from China and I say okay type 2 the second words China no

data nothing nothing and I say 95 90 not have no data about China so I talked to

my friend why not make some something about China so we made a small very ugly

looking page about China it's it's about it's something like I did a translation

gauges and were listed on there it was so shocking we launched at a 940 in the

morning 12:30 I got a phone call for my friend who said Jack you know you got a

five emails so what his email they say these are the things people so

except for where are you this is the first time I see a Chinese

website on that how can we kind of win can we do something together so I think

this is something interesting so we should do it why did you call it a la

Baba Alibaba well when I started I think

Internet is Guillou but we should have a global name and I named that interesting

like at that time the best the name is Yahoo right I think I can so I've been

thinking for many days suddenly Alibaba is a good name so I I was happened to

being sent San Francisco that day never didn't have a launch and the waitress

can I ask you do you know that Alibaba should you say yes I see what is Alibaba

she said Open Sesame good so I read on the street ask about

10 20 people they all know about Alibaba 40 thieves and Open Sesame

and I think this is a good name and start with a whatever you talk about all

the brothers on top you have said before that in creating our ababa you had to

create trust yep because people in China were used to face to face how did you

create trust I think because we started out a bit doing business internet I

don't know you you don't know me so how can you do things online unless you have

trust so for e-commerce the most important a

thing was trust I think when I first went to USA for raising money talked to

the venture capitalist a lot of people say Oh jack no no China doing business

but wine she how came to business on internet and I know that without the

trust the system the credit system it's impossible to do business so we with

ever in the past or for 14 years everything we do is trying to build up

the trust the system the record system well

Charlie you know I I'm so proud of today when I I talk to young padang China and

in the world people don't trust each other the government and people and the

media and everybody think this guy is cheating but because of e-commerce we

finished 60 million transactions every day people don't know each other I don't

know you I send products to you you don't know me

you wire the money to me and I don't know you I give a person a package I

don't know him he took something too so cross the ocean cross the river

understand this is the trust we have sick at least the 16-minute trust

happening every day but you created by creating an escrow account in the

beginning yeah you know and so you keep the money until they got the product

yeah and then you release the money that's true I mean the escrow service is

about Ali paid when I when I when I have you know this idea with Al of Davos

because it was a big decision because for thirst for three years Alibaba is

just like a marketplaces for for information what you have what I have we

talked a lot of time and but don't do any business because there is no payment

I talked to the banks no banks want to do it banks are now this thing never

works so I don't know what to do because if I start to launch a payment system

it's against the financial legal laws because you have to have a license but

if I don't do it emo ecommerce would go nowhere so then I went to Davos I

listened to a leadership a discussion leadership is about responsibility and

after I listened to that panel I give a call to my friends my colleagues in the

my apartment say do it now immediately if something wrong the cover not happy

about that if one body has to go to the prison Jack might go to the prison

because it is so important for China for the world to build of the trusted system

and if you did not do it I said and do not do it properly stealing money money

was no transfer code I sent you to the

prison yeah so that was the thing and people people don't like it so many

people I talked to at that time for all he paid they say this is the stupidest

idea you have ever got but I say I don't wear this stupid a club as long as

people use it now we have 800 million people using this a leap a stupid things

better a leap a is a privately held a he's not

part of Alibaba no talk about money for a second yeah you have never gotten

money from the Chinese government no no no I I wanted a beginning a late I don't

want it because I think if the company always think about it taking money from

author of the government often pockets that companies is rubbish think about

how can you make money from the customers and market and then help

customers succeed that's our philosopher Johnny's banks no

no at that time I want and now they want to give me I don't want it yeah

your relationship with the government mm-hmm yeah what's your relationship I

mean if they didn't well here's what some say that you have existed in an

environment that's not you know they have restricted competition for you

and that's a pretty good thing to do for a private company yeah I think the

relationship with the government to for us is very interesting for the first two

five years because I've been working as a part-time job for a government

organizational Ministry of Foreign Trade 1997 for 14 months and I learned that

you should never rely government organization to do any commerce and I

start a business I told my people and team in love with the government but

don't marry them respect them and a lot of people say well you know I'm

government officers talking to about Internet the censorship and this that

and the worry about I think it's the opportunity it's a responsibility

talking to them tell them how Internet can help so you tell them we create jobs

oh yeah I being I think a lot of people debate and fight against them and in the

first 12 years anybody come to my office I sit down talking to them how we can

help economy how we can create jobs why China we improve by the internet I think

because internet that time is new to any government and if you convince somebody

and you have the chance so today I'm very talkative that probably this is why

I talk to so many people so I mean the government comes to you

and ask you to do something for them mm-hm

normally when government comes a jack came to this project

I say no I can I say no okay I can't reduce some friends who are interested

in doing that for you but if you if they continue to want me to do it I say okay

I do it but I don't want I don't charge I hope next time don't come to me

again but recently we have some government organized into it for example

the every Spring Festival the train station the train tic is so difficult

hundreds and thousands of farmers in work in the cities in the spring

festival they go to the hometown but when they order tickets on the on the

DDT other way the whole system crashed for five years so I told my young people

go support them don't charge anything because I don't want to see millions of

farmers go back to city and they cannot bag the tickets so it's it's something

that it's not for money it's something I it's not for the government it's for the

millions on menace people they can buy tickets in the snowy night and then you

have to wait they just to buy it usable by phone online

we got ticket one-way stop along the route to where you are in that big IPO

was Yahoo Jerry Yang gave you a invested a billion dollars yeah a billion dollars

now it turned out to be a pretty good investment for Yahoo yeah but one time

after another you raised this money on your own outside of China with investors

uh-huh yeah I'm very thankful for all the investors cuz 1999 year 2000 and the

evening at the Yahoo time a lot of people see this jack is crazy he's he's

doing something that we don't understand a lot of venture capitals give you money

because there is such a American model already there but they say Alibaba we

don't see this kind of model right name Jack's crazy yeah this is crazy guy I

mean I remember my first time in Time magazine they call me crazy Jack and I I

think Chris is good we are crazy but we're not stupid

we know what we are doing but if everybody agree with me if everybody

believed my our idea is good we have no chance so that's the money we raised

we're very thankful so when the our ambassadors makes a lot of money I feel

proud in honor as you know in the United States issues have risen about privacy

yeah Google and Apple and questions of whether the government should have

access to files how do you handle that if the Chinese government says you know

a lot about people mm-hmm you have transactional relationships

with lots of people mm-hmm and they say we want to see your files well so far I

don't have this kind of province of our Chinese government and I told them any

government if you come here for the national security anti-terrorist well

anywhere anti-terrorist will work together there's a criminal we work a

rest of that no I said we are business the data is so precious because we do

know how because if we give to anybody it's going to be a disaster and also

about privacy issues I think just like hundreds of years ago people say I would

rather put the money under my pillow rather than putting the banks but today

banks they're special they know how to prepare money much better than you do

privacy issues all these kind of securities today we may not have the

solutions we don't have the answer but I believe our young people have the

solutions in next 10 20 years there will be breakthrough on that and I

fully confidence on that your life is a testament to the idea that nothing is

impossible that if somebody says no you say it's just the beginning where does

that come from well I at the beginning I never thought

I thought when I was young I said everything's possible now I know not

everything is possible we have something you have to think about you have to

consider about the others you have to consider the customer society your

employees their shareholders so society there are so many things that I think if

you continue to work hard there's there's possibility and I just a few

that I'm enthusiastic about what we are doing at the beginning for the first

five years I just want to survive in five years agreed I think that's 2000

from 98 point yeah but later I think wow so many people's

life changed I was so excited you know for the first of three years we made a

zero revenue zero revenue but we we are so excited ass beast continue to work

you know what happened I remember many times when I go to restaurant have a

dinner somebody came when I was trying to pay the bill the owner of the

restaurant came to say sir your bill is a paid by someone and the small note say

hey mister Mar I'm your customer of Alibaba Group not above a platform I've

made a lot of money and I know you don't make any money I paid the bill for you

and I remember one thing one day that I was sitting somewhere into coffee

somebody's sending me a cigar I don't smoke cigar but there's a note thank you

very much I'm your customer and I remember the top

all days I would the shangri-la Hotel in Beijing when I got on the taxi a male

who opened the door for me take the boy out at the gate he said Jack thank you

very much I know what are you thumbs here my girlfriend makes more money than

I do on your site and this is something that you know that it's not amazing if

you don't do it nothing is possible if you try to do it

do you have the hope the revenue comes from advertising and a smaller amount

from transactional - yes most of it from advertising tiny tiny from advertising

tiny from advertising tiny from transactions because we need big mess

when we now we have more than 10 million small business power sellers selling our

site to everywhere so the big trends the transactions we have a second after

Walmart so time than after wall yeah tiny of the transact about the money

already make us make us big so you know we second after warmer I'd remember one

of the senior management of warmer guys came to town so five years ago he said

Jack you know you had a great job in bed so we I said maybe in 10 years we'll be

bigger than Walmart you say young man you have a good hope so ever make a map

that I think in 10 years will be bigger than Walmart on the cells because if you

want have 10,000 to new customers you have to build a new warehouse and this

that for me to service what's your market cap versus Wahlstrom

Walmart today all right I don't know yes some it's close I think so maybe we

should check later all right so where are you going what does Jack

want I think because the name for Alibaba we are Internet company happened

to be in China we have the same spirit and an entrepreneur spirit like every

great entrepreneurs in the world and I remember the day when I said Alibaba we

want have a mission helping small business doing easier so next up today

so many millions of small business using our platform to sell things and over 300

minute consumers buy things from our site cheapest efficient so what I'm

thinking about how we can make Alibaba a platform for

global small business my vision is that how you know if we can help but Norway

small business can sell things to Argentina and Argentina consumers can

buy things alive from from Switzerland and we can build up which I code I don't

know maybe the right not right world called a WTO the w2 is a great pasta

century but W have a so many big companies to sell things across the

nation today internet it can help small business sell things cross the oceans

crossing nations and I hope that we can serve two billion consumers two billion

tons two billion consumers we can help 10 million small business also China

helped outside job outside China because I'm so because we we help the American

farmers in Washington State almost three hundred tons of cherries to China last

year cherries when they when we before was

the ambassador of us it came to me CJ can you help us selling cherries and

Jesse what charities the fruits is why not I said why not let's check so that

when we order when we start to sell cherries the cherry on the trees so we

start a pre-order eighty thousand families or the cherries online so we

pick up the cherries and shipping to China within 48 hours

we sell the church the consumers are so happy and but we got a lot of letters

complain after three days they say why only a hundred tons why we should under

get more so we sell you know last two months ago we helped the Costco we sell

300 tons of nuts to China so I'm thinking about if we can sell oh no

we're also selling Alaska seafood to China so if we can sell seafood we could

if we can seal the cherries why we can I help American and European small

business selling things to China consumers

China Neath that so this is what I do is that ten to billion consumers

China Asia developing nations how we can let them buy things for globally

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Laura Pidcock | The biggest barrier is your class (BBC Question Time 09/03/18) - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Laura Pidcock | The biggest barrier is your class (BBC Question Time 09/03/18) - Duration: 0:58.


Louise Redknapp shares with fans amid reports ex-husband Jamie Redknapp is dating French model - Duration: 2:14.

Louise Redknapp shares cryptic message with fans amid reports ex-husband Jamie Redknapp is dating French model

Singer Louise Redknapp shared a cryptic post on Instagram [Getty]. Louise Redknapp shared an inspirational quote to celebrate International Womens Day amid reports her ex-husband Jamie Redknapp is dating a French model.

The former Eternal singer took to Instagram to spread some love on Thursday 8 March after it was revealed the father of her sons Charley, 13, and Beau, nine, is dating French model Julia Restoin Roitfeld, 37.

Louise, 43, posted a line from the Kehlani song Bright, and admitted the words make her remember her self-worth. Louise Redknapp shared this quote on Instagram [Louise Redknapp/Instagram].

Encouraging her nearly 500,000 followers to stay positive, she said: "Be great, be kind. Dont let them dim your light. Cos a woman like the sun should always stay bright..

She wrote alongside the post: "These lyrics by one of my favourite artists #Bright #InternationalWomensDay. Jamie's new love interest is said to be friends with the likes of Lara Stone and Poppy Delevingne.

Julia Roteild is rumoured to be dating Jamie Redknapp [Julia Roteild/Instagram].

Sources revealed to The Mail on Sunday that Jamie, 44, and Julia had been exchanging messages, with the football pundit eager to meet up with her for dates whilst she's in London.

A source said: "Jamie is a sucker for posh girls these days. Hes been texting Julia asking her for dates whenever she is back in London.".

It took a court in London just 20 seconds to decide to dissolve Louise and Jamies marriage in December and according to court papers, Louise filed for divorce citing the unreasonable behaviour of ex-footballer Jamie.

Jamie Redknapp and Louise Redknapp divorced in December [Wenn].

And according to reports, their divorce papers won't be made public after a judge blocked their release, with District Judge Ian Paul Mulkis giving no reason, but ensuring the dont enter the public domain.

Louise broke her silence on rumours she was no longer with Jamie during an appearance on This Morning in September, telling Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes that they were facing difficult times after months of speculation about their marriage.

Its believed Louise and Jamie reached amicable terms regarding custody of their sons Charley, 13, and Beau, nine.

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