Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 9 2018

Camera Coloring Pages For Kids

For more infomation >> Camera Coloring Pages For Kids | Learn Colors For Kids | Learning Colors With Camera - Duration: 4:32.


Colors for Children to Learn With Mario Colors for Kids Toddler Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:23.

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For more infomation >> Colors for Children to Learn With Mario Colors for Kids Toddler Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 9:23.


Jo Min Ki died suddenly after being touched by police for sexual harassment by more than 20 victims - Duration: 5:25.

Jo Min Kis body was found at Guui-dong, Gwangjin district, Seoul today.

On March 9th, Dispatch reported that Yonhapnews, actor Jo Min Ki , was found dead at 4:05 am in Guui-dong, Gwangjin District, Seoul.

This news really is that the village recreation concussion, fans shocked Jo actor they just have to scandals involving sexual harassment cause wobble Korea.

According to the police, Jo Min Kis body was found by his wife in a storage room near the underground tunnel of the Daelim Acro River.

The cause of death has not yet been revealed.

Earlier on March 6, Jo Min Kis East of Eden actor was found guilty of sexual harassment by the Choong Police Department.

The number of victims standing up to testify is now up to 20 people.

This small amount of shock caused the entertainment industry to shake.

In addition, to ensure the investigation, Jo Min Ki was banned from leaving Korea for a month and will be summoned next week to investigate.

His death during the investigation of the sexual assault caused public panic.

Starting Feb.

20, actor Jo Min Ki allegedly molested a female student (A) a few years back.


According to information from this person, Jo Min Ki has acted indecently against female student A during his time at Cheongju University as a professor.

Accusing the actor, the actor explained that his physical contact with the student was encouraging rather than sexually abusive.

Then, a series of victims, including actress Song Ha Neul, stood up to denounce the corrupt act of the famous actor.

He was accused of inviting students to go home, asking them to drink alcohol, touching sensitive female students, often harassing both male and female students with sensitive questions such as Em relationship several times a week? .

Jo Min Ki also sent nude photos to victims to solicit.

Formerly the Prince of Cheongju University, Jo Min Ki used his professorship and power to force students to come to their homes, harassing them.

Jo Min Ki was later expelled from the University, eliminated from the TV series Children of a Lesser God, was terminated by the company.

For more infomation >> Jo Min Ki died suddenly after being touched by police for sexual harassment by more than 20 victims - Duration: 5:25.


Lessons for Therapists from an Amaryllis - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Lessons for Therapists from an Amaryllis - Duration: 3:05.


Coco Movie Coloring Book Pages Video for Kids - Miguel and His Dog Dante - Duration: 3:40.

Coco Movie Coloring Book Pages Video for Kids - Miguel and His Dog Dante

For more infomation >> Coco Movie Coloring Book Pages Video for Kids - Miguel and His Dog Dante - Duration: 3:40.


MIT Intelligence Quest Launch: Social and Emotional Intelligence for Human-AI Collaboration - Duration: 13:54.

Hi, I'm Cynthia Breazeal.

And in my research, my students and I, we design, we develop,

and we deploy social robots.

We deploy these robots in real human environments, places

like schools, homes, hospitals assisted living facilities

where these robots are designed to engage people

to help us learn, to help us stay healthy,

to help us maintain our well-being,

from children to seniors.

And what I hope you can appreciate from this video

is how deeply and richly interpersonal

the interactions are that people have

with this particular kind of technology, so much so

that, even after 20 years of developing the systems,

I'm still struck by the depth at which this kind of technology

can engage our social minds and even touch our hearts, so much

so that I also have a vision for AI.

And I envision an AI that, not only helps

us to be smarter and more productive,

but I want to see AI also help us to flourish.

The ability for people to deeply connect

with each other and even technology I think

makes this a compelling proposition and I

think with important contributions to society.

But to do that, to be able to promote our well-being,

AI needs to be able to engage our social and emotional selves

in addition to our cognitive selves.

So this morning we heard a lot about the significance

and importance and how fascinating

our social and emotional intelligence is.

Matthew Lieberman is a well-respected social

neuroscientist, has said that social thinking is

our human superpower, that our ability to feel

that other people are feeling, our ability

to appreciate the thoughts of others,

our ability to work as members of a team

is indeed a pinnacle of achievement of our brains.

And we've also learned this morning

that there are specialized structures that

support our social thinking and support our emotional thinking

in the limbic system.

But there's more.

It doesn't just stop at the brain.

It's not just restricted to the brain.

But emotion, for instance, is embodied.

Through the limbic system and the autonomic nervous system,

we experience emotion through our bodies,

and we can measure even activity of emotion in our brains

through things like our heart rate, our respiration, and even

electro dermal activity.

They give us windows into the emotional processing

of our brains.

But of course, there's still more

because our bodies are also situated

in a world with social others.

And the way we communicate and the way we interact

allows us to influence the emotions

of each other, how we think, how we behave, our attitudes.

So we want to think about, how can we

learn to understand the nature of our social emotional


And especially in the context of technology,

it really motivates new kinds of tools that can engage us

in all of these levels.

And in my lab, we've been exploring

the use of social robots as that kind of tool.

As social robots, they can stimulate

human interpersonal behaviors.

We can collect data sets that are much needed in order

to do that.

We can computationally model these processes.

I'll show you some video of this.

And we live in a world where we have

a lot of different kinds of the data,

but not a lot of data like this.

So we learned this morning about the importance

of how young children are biased to learn

from an attentive friendly other.

Well, if you want to design a robot to be able to do that,

that you need to understand, say, how children do this,

how do children learn from each other in a friendly context.

We can track behaviors such as facial expressions,

the way children speak, the way they take turns.

We can computationally model these processes

in order to try to understand and explain these behaviors.

But then we can embed those models

in a social robot who can interact with children

in the same kind of situation and see, not only, how well do

those models perform in the world, in real interaction,

but even what potentially is the impact for the person.

So one of the great things about robots

is they're not only a cool way for us to potentially learn

about our social emotional intelligence,

they can also be a tool or intervention

to help you grow our own intelligence.

So this is a slide highlighting some work

we've been doing on learning how to personalize learning

for children, for young children around their oral language


So here we've been applying reinforcement learning because,

again, as it turns out, there's a lot of data sets

that don't exist.

And there's a lot of situations where

robots have to actually learn from their own interaction

in the world with people in real time.

So in this particular model, we're

applying reinforcement learning by which a robot is trying

to learn a personalized policy to each child to figure out

what complexity of a story it should

tell a child at a particular moment

to maximize their learning.

The robot is looking at things such as facial expressions

variability to be able to predict what kinds of things,

what kind of stories are going to engage the child, as well

as the sophistication of the story in terms

of the vocabulary and the syntax structure.

And through this process, we can actually develop policies here.

You can see the differences in policies

that are being learned for each child that basically will then

help promote children's own oral language production,

as well as a vocabulary.

So we can see here, in a study we've done of our 12 week

period with the Boston public schools, schools that

have high English language learner populations,

that children, when they interact

with a personal social robot, demonstrate

new syntactic skills faster than with a non-personalized less

robot that follows a fixed curriculum.

And children interacting with the personalized robot

learn more vocabulary.

So this is really, really compelling.

And in fact, when we think about the future,

we are starting to live and work with AI

in a way that is far more pervasive than it

was even five years ago.

This question of who interacts with technology and AI

is changing.

You think about children today.

They're not only digital natives.

They're AI natives.

They're going up at a time when they've always

been able to interact with intelligent machines.

So the ability of these systems to live with us,

to be able to potentially collect data about us,

to be able to personalize us--

personalized to us-- opens up this possibility

of a future of scalable, affordable, effective,

personalized services and support

across many, many different domains.

So you think about personalized education, personalized health

care, personalized coaching.

And of course, it's important that these systems

be personalized because, over a very diverse population,

people have a lot of different needs from abilities

even to disabilities.

And even when we may be feeling our most vulnerable--

because it's when we're feeling vulnerable that we may need

help the most.

And this, of course, raises this question

of the ethical application of these technologies as well.

So we're living in a time where a lot of people

are feeling vulnerable.

We hear in the media about the decline in empathy.

We know that chronic loneliness and social isolation

is on the rise.

And for profoundly social species,

the pain associated with loneliness or isolation

is real pain.

The stress it causes on the body is real stress.

That can result in increased health risks

that are commensurate with obesity,

substance abuse, and smoking.

So we have this opportunity where,

can AI be designed to really support ourselves

in a social emotional capacity to promote and accelerate

our well-being, and how can it be applied in ways

that we may not anticipate.

These explorations are happening today.

I'm going to show you a quick video

to highlight this of the application

of a robot in aging.

A researcher and art therapist with Eldercare Alliance

takes Jibo with her when she meets with the seniors.

She said this is not a case of caretakers

being replaced by automation.

Instead they're using this cute piece of technology

to encourage their residents to connect with each other.

Jibo inspired some giggles and guffaws amongst this group


When you get this age, you should

be able to laugh more and more.

What it does it, it brings that out of us.

That's part of the miracle of it.

And that's part of the miracle of living as far as that goes.

So I see tremendous reason for optimism

in our relationship with these socially emotional technologies

are really going to be able to benefit us.

I want to now look at another really critical area that's

facing society--

so mood disorders.

According to the World Health Organization,

right now depression is the leading cause of ill health

and disability worldwide.

If we look at this chart, we see two populations

and how they handle negative events in their environment.

We have a resilient population that's able to bounce back.

But then we have another population

that's unable to do that.

They're the ones who are susceptible to mood

disorders like depression.

The challenge, of course, is typically, in our health care

system, we intervene out here when these symptoms

have already set in.

We intervene through periodic assessments

done on standardized skills, like the Hamilton Depression

rating scale.

And the question then on the opportunity of technology

is, can you actually use technology

to sense when these things diverge much sooner, intervene

sooner so you might be able to even prevent

depression in the first place.

And this is a problem that's being

tackled by my colleague Rosalind Picard at the Media Lab.

So she applies regression based machine learning methods

to say, OK, so here we can work with clinicians.

We can have these HDRS scores.

We can also from the same population of people collect

data through mobile devices, through wearables--

things that track skin conductance and heart rate--

to be able to characterize things

like sleep, your communication patterns,

your physical activity, your locations,

and apply these machine learning methods to say,

can we now predict these scores based

on the continuous, real time data collected in daily life.

And this chart basically shows that she's

been able to successfully do that, which of course is

tremendously exciting.

She's also gone ahead to think about,

so what about predicting your mood or your wellness forecast.

Can we take similar kinds of data

from mobile devices and wearables to be able to say,

based on what the data says today

what you're going to be feeling or emotional well-being


She with her students has applied

multitask learning, which is the form of transfer learning,

to be able to show that, not only are you able to do this,

but she shows the importance of personalization

because people have different behaviors that affect

their well-being differently.

So for instance, this person up here,

when they text the night before, it actually elevates their mood

the next day.

But this other person has the exact opposite effect.

And she can infer these differences

from her models, which means that the system should actually

give different kinds of advice.

So this is very intriguing.

So we can think about tackling all kinds of problems with AI.

The question is really what problems do we decide to solve,

which gives rise to an even bigger question for me, which

is who creates with AI.

In a society, there's only a few of us

who have the skills and ability, the

know how, to apply AI to solutions

that we risk a society where those benefits only address

the needs of those groups, of the few,

rather than of everyone.

So how do we address this?

Well, clearly AI education is the key.

And beyond AI education, the ability to create tool

sets that really empower anyone and everyone from kids

to seniors, say, to be able to create solutions

that matter to them with AI.

And my students and I've been doing this in the Media Lab,

building on the scratch programming language developed

by Mitch Wreslick also in the Media Lab,

and I want to show you a quick video of this vision.

So again, we mean empowering everyone, we mean everywhere.

--about controlling robots.


As you can see, we're using a tablet.


[INAUDIBLE] scientist sometimes.

So developing activities, toolkits

that allows kids to be able explore concepts and AI--

things like generative AI, rule based systems, classification.

So that was not the same as mine.

By interacting with these robots and playing around

with those algorithms, the ability

to use these intuitive blocks to be able to program a robot

to learn from demonstration in a really intuitive way,

and then also importantly to think about, how can

we think about tools that allow people

to design and orchestrate their own AI enabled experiences

in the context of their homes.

So we've been looking at adding extensions

to scratch about internet of things services,

about AI services that allow people now to create

sophisticated programs.

Hi, I had a very long day.

Oh, no.

Even things like sentiment analysis, person ID,

to be able to have these AIs collaborate.

Your favorite the Coffeehouse from Spotify.

To change your environment, your hue lights for instance.

And just think about how empowering that is.

So again, we really think about anyone and everyone,

from kids to seniors, being able to really customize

their world through these kinds of programming languages.

So I'm going to conclude now.

So again, my vision of AI is not just one

about brilliant machines, but humanistic machines.

And for us to be able to get there,

it's going to require a deep collaboration, not

only between science and engineering,

but design and ethics, real application, and many others.

And this is the reason why I think

the Bridge is so important and why I'm very

excited to be a part of it.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> MIT Intelligence Quest Launch: Social and Emotional Intelligence for Human-AI Collaboration - Duration: 13:54.


'Lucifer' Star Tom Ellis Shares His Hopes for a "Darker" 4th Season | In Studio With THR - Duration: 11:01.

- I'm Oliver Trevena, in studio with the Hollywood Reporter,

joined by my fellow Brit, Tom Ellis.

- Hello, mate.

- How are you? This is nice!

- I know!

- This is very professional.

- It's very professional.

Fancy meeting you here.

- Fancy seeing you, eh?

Just by coincidence.

Tom just stopped into the studios and I was like,

hey, do you want to do an interview?

And...the rest will be history.

There you go.

I have to say, quite the devil, aren't you?

- Oh, you do have to say that.

- I couldn't resist.

I was thinking about it all day,

and I was like, should I?

Shouldn't I?

I should.

- I think most people do go with some kind of devilish pun

at the start of the interview.

- Yeah. Well, my mum used that an English thing?

Because all she used to say was, "You little devil."

- You little devil, speak of the devil...

It's quite funny, actually.

Since doing the show, a lot of the sort of Britishisms

that are to do with like, bloody hell...

- Right. Right.

- Which is a staple of the show now,

is something that just came out of me

sort of experimenting during the pilot.

- Right. There you go.

- And just chucking stuff in that was

like, hell-related, but British.

- [Oliver] Right. Well, it's hell-related,

but in England, it's normal.

- Yeah, it's just normal!

- Yeah, which is very worrying, very worrying.

But yeah, season three, 24 episodes, coming to an end.

- Yeah.

- Yeah. Everyone's kind of talking about it.

- Yeah, man. Yeah, I know, it's been...

Even getting this far in the process,

I've done a few things where...

Like, I've done a season over here,

or done pilots for stuff that's never been picked up,

but getting to season three, it's a bit...

Like, how did that happen?

But it's been so much fun.

- It looks like it's fun.

- It really is.

I suppose when I was choosing what I wanted to do,

parts and stuff like that, when the idea

of doing something like this, which could potentially go

for a long time came up, I thought,

well, it's got to be really a part

that I love doing, and I found it.

- There you go.

- I feel very lucky.

- [Oliver] It suits you.

It really does suit you.

- It is weird, being like a glove.

- It's got a bit of depth and a few layers to him, and...

- Yeah. And it's sort of a, it was a...

The thing that I really loved about him

in the first place is that it was funny,

and anyone that knows me, knows that I love comedy

and I've worked a lot in comedy in the UK.

- You can't stop cracking jokes.

There was a few just before we started.

- It's very annoying, I know.

I've got, sort of...I've got dad-joke Tourette's,

where it just sort of comes out.

But yeah, and that's something very...

That I think I've felt, like I didn't want

to step too far away from comedy,

but if I could incorporate drama...

Anyway, this job Lucifer came along,

and it was like, oh my gosh, I get to do all of it.

And sing a bit as well, so there we go.

- [Oliver] There you go.

What more could you want?

- I know, exactly.

- And obviously Lieutenant Pierce, we've just...

We now know is Cain, so you guys have this kind of bromance.

- We do.

Cain from the Bible, Cain.

- [Oliver] Yep. The world's first murderer.

- Indeed. So we got Tom Welling,

who joined our cast this year,

and we think that he's this Lieutenant Pierce,

this new lieutenant, then slowly in the first...

Obviously, it becomes apparent

that he might not be all he seems.

- Well, he's talking about his dead brother,

then you realize he killed his brother, and it was Abel.

- Exactly. And then Lucifer twigs on this,

and then forges a sort of unholy alliance with him,

because he realizes that Cain's biggest desire is to die.

And Lucifer's biggest desire is

to piss his dad off, basically.

And it's his dad that cursed Cain,

so he's like, well, I'll tell you what,

I won't tell anyone, if you let me kill you.

So that becomes the plan, and so we...

- Good bargaining.

- Yeah. So Lucifer...there's whole episodes

where Lucifer's trying to work out how to do it,

because Cain has tried everything possible to kill himself.

And then the episode coming up this week

is one where Lucifer's like, just...

he's got writer's block, basically.

And then at the end of the episode,

he finally gets his idea on how he's going to kill Cain.

Which we find out in episode...the one after this,

which is one of my favorites.

- So you're not going to tell us.

- I can't tell you too much.

But it's a really good episode.

- It is a show full of twists.

- Mm-hmm.

- I think that's obviously...

Well, that's why it's season three,

episode 24, and it may keep on going,

because of the twists and stuff.

- Yeah, we keep on guessing,

and we've had the same writing staff since day one,

and I think it really tells, because

they really love the characters.

As we do, the actors, love the characters and love working.

All of us love sort of working on the show

and playing around with these dynamics.

And it's just...the writing, I always look forward

to picking up the next script.

- Right, right.

- For example, last night I read

the penultimate episode of the season,

and I was crying by the end of it.

- There's a little clue.

- Yeah. Not because it's a really bad episode...

- He's dead.

He's off the show.

Tommy's now unemployed.

You just gave it away.

- I've just realized that they are killing me off.

But no, it's...and we're all involved like that.

And, you know, I want it to be good.

I want the show to be good.

And the writers have never let us down.

It's been great.

- That's amazing.

Do you know, is there any info

that's been given on season four?

Too early?

- We don't know yet.

We are waiting to find out, but yeah, it's...

We hope that we're coming back next year,

because the show seems to have gathered

quite a bit of momentum.

- If you could have fun with it, and you could,

just for giggles, write your own season four,

what would you like to see happen with Lucifer?

- Um...oh, gosh.

I mean, I love the show when it goes a bit darker.

It's a fine line, because I think the show is...

Obviously, you know, there's lots of murders in it.

- Quite a few.

- Investigating murders every week.

But when the show explores the darkness of LA

and LA nightlife, that coupled

with the bright humor of the show,

I think that's when it really zings.

So, to maybe take a few more chances on the darkness

of the show next year would be quite a bit of fun.

- I think if there was stats out

for any show ever made with that amount of murders,

and that amount of laughs to go with it,

I think Lucifer's winning. (laughs)

- It is winning.

- Because the two don't really normally go together.

- We call Lauren German "One-A-Week Decker".

- Yeah, there you go.

- Because she solves one a week.

- Love that, love that..

The show...obviously, when it's going this many seasons,

you have so many guest stars.

- Yeah.

- If you could have anyone guest star on the show...

- Oooh. Anyone at all?

- [Oliver] Anyone!

This is Hollywood, Tom, you can have anyone.

- I love Tom Hanks.

I grew up loving Tom Hanks.

And I still love Tom Hanks.

- Okay.

- In a very healthy way.

- That's good to know.

- But I think someone like Tom Hanks...

- You might want to stop sitting outside his door.

Tom called here earlier and asked us

if we could just mention it.

(Tom laughs)

-, that is true.

- Yeah.

- But I think someone like him, because I think he's...

What I love about his acting is that he seems...

There's an inner child in him,

and he seems to find the fun in most things.

I think people that come on our show

that embrace that, like Patrick Fabian,

who was a guest that we had on recently,

he was fantastic, and he just got the show,

and I just want people to come on and have fun.

Because that's basically...

- That's basically you.

- Yeah, it's basically me, but

it is really good fun actually,

and working on a TV show should be fun.

Certainly when we're dealing with

the material we're dealing with,

there's no reason we shouldn't be.

- Right.

- As long as it doesn't get a bit too self-congratulatory.

- You can do a little bit of that, it's fine.

- It's fun, like...take the work seriously,

but don't take yourself too seriously,

and that's the best way to go into it.

- [Oliver] Favorite Tom Hanks movie?

- Oooh, probably Big.

Because, you know, it's just a seminal movie in my life.

- There's so many, though.

- And I want that apartment.

I've always wanted that apartment.

- You can get it now, surely.

If it goes to season four, you can.

- Yeah, season four.

- Is it weird when someone...I always think this,

you know, you're in and around Hollywood,

and you're with actor friends,

and someone will suddenly approach them and be like,

"That's Superman," or anything,

when suddenly you're called the devil.

Do you get used to that?

- I've gotten so used to it.

I think the weirdest one for me

was when the show had just come out, and I was...

We used to shoot in Vancouver for those two years.

And I was traveling back to Canada,

and the TSA guy, you know, the burly, big...

- Right.

- Scary, American TSA people...

- They really don't want to let you in.

- Yeah, they don't want to let you in.

He looked at me, and gave me a double look.

And there's a row of people behind me,

and he just goes, "You're Lucifer, man!"

And I was like, "I am," and then I had

to turn to the people behind me and go,

"But I'm not," just to sort of clarify.

- Just before you were leaving and getting on a flight,

so that's really the last person

you want to get on a flight with.

- Exactly, but I've kind of gotten used to it now.

But is strange,

it was strange when it first started happening.

- Love that.

We're going to...quick questions here, THR's Top Five.

Really easy, really easy.

Movie you watched as a kid that you wished you were in?

- Mary Poppins.

- As Mary?

- (laughs) As Bert.

Honestly, that is an honest answer.

I'm obsessed about that movie.

- The new one's coming out, isn't it?

- Yeah. Yes.

- Emily Blunt is Mary Poppins, I think?

- Which is a sequel, it's not a remake, is that right?

- [Oliver] Is that how it's going?

- I think that's what they've talked about.

- Okay.

- I'm referring to people off-camera.

- Yeah. We're like, what's going on?

Mary's not here.

We weren't looking at Mary.

- I'm dubious about it, it's such a kind of

huge movie in my life, so...anyway.

- Yeah, we'll see how that goes.

You're obviously British and living in LA.

One thing you miss most about home?

- Architecture.

- And the thing you love most about LA?

- The climate. (laughs)

- Fairly obvious.

- Is that a standard answer for a Brit?

- It's actually not, but it's a safe one.

Do you have a favorite movie line?

- Favorite movie line?

Probably, "Where we're goin', we don't need roads."

- That's a good one.

Actors who inspired you growing up?

- Well, Tom Hanks, obviously.

Kenneth Branagh.

When I was at school and struggling

with the concept of Shakespeare and understanding it,

and then I watched his Much Ado About Nothing,

and I just thought it was brilliant.

- Now we get it!

- Now we get it, and now that's how you speak,

and infuse it with feeling, and now I get it.

It was a huge lightbulb moment for me, so him.

And there's a British actor called Mark Rylance,

who is the best actor you will ever

see on stage, without a doubt.

- Amazing.

They were good ones.

That was strong, real strong.

- Thanks, man. Thanks.

- One lesson you've learned during your career in Hollywood?

What comes to mind?

- I think, literally, and this might sound a cliche,

but the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

I think when I first started coming out here

and auditioning and stuff, I'd worked at home for a while,

and I had to get rid of this chip

on my shoulder about the fact that...

why can't people see that I've worked before,

rather than just think I'm just, you know...

Like, you have to earn your stripes again, basically.

And rather than resent that, I kind of...

A friend of mine and I were sitting talking one night,

and he'd been successful out here, and he said,

look, why don't you stay up until 3:00 in the morning

learning the lines for your audition?

And working on every single thing, and whatever?

Why go out with people at 9:00 in the evening for dinner?

And just spend an hour on it before you do it.

It's like, why not give yourself the best possible chance?

Because if you come out of an audition room going,

I couldn't have done a better job,

then you've done the best audition you can do.

- What more do you need?

What more advice do you need?

That's great.

From Lucifer, as well.

For more infomation >> 'Lucifer' Star Tom Ellis Shares His Hopes for a "Darker" 4th Season | In Studio With THR - Duration: 11:01.


Bang Minja | Instruction video for the Korean team | Samsung Paralympic Blogger - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Bang Minja | Instruction video for the Korean team | Samsung Paralympic Blogger - Duration: 2:22.


4. Cartoons for Kids: How to Draw a Fun Squid | Think Doodle Do - Duration: 14:46.

greetings and salutations Doodlers! my name is Marco and I am the CDO of

Think Doodle Do! Today I'm gonna teach you how to easily

draw this fun looking squid and then we're gonna break down a quote by the

one and only Albert Einstein ... let's do it

alright guys let's doodle! okay so today's doodle is a squid requested by

our friend Maximo on our Facebook page so Maximo thanks

a lot for your comment and here is the squid. I hope that you enjoy it as well

as everybody else, of course okay so we're gonna start with a circle and

inside that circle we're gonna draw another circle then a tiny little circle

inside that one this is going to be our eye so I might as well just start

shading it now around the big circle we're gonna draw another circle

and remember we're using construction lines so these lines are very very light

on the page. So we have our basic I already built now from

almost this the edge of the circle we're gonna draw two lines like if we're

drawing a very long triangle but missing the base or the bottom side

all right so that...

okay now we're going to draw a rectangle that basically is going to

follow the same instructions as before it's gonna come from almost the outside

and it's gonna be missing one of the sides okay

and then another rectangle in a different direction we're gonna leave

this side over here we're gonna draw this side this rectangle almost looks

like a parallelogram by the way last week I made a big big mistake I said a

rhombus when I really meant a parallelogram so for all of you guys

that know your geometry sorry if I misled you all right now for the

tentacles we're gonna draw basically like an S shape on some of

them and then we can start breaking away from that so it doesn't become so

predictable so we need eight arms or eight tentacles

so here's for the two five it's a six and now that's a two that are gonna go

they're basically gonna be on the opposite side so that's seven and eight

okay all right believe it or not this is

our basic shape for this. these are our construction lines for our squid okay so

for the next step I am simply going to erase a portion of the outside circle on

the eye and now I want to define that eye by making the line a little

darker perhaps a little thicker whatever you want to do at that point so I am

making it thicker and darker okay so that's definitely going to be my eye I'm

gonna do the same thing with the inside line which would be the actual eyeball

there you go all right now we're gonna start basically defining and adding all

the details to our squid here this is our guideline I want to make it a

little curvier so it looks more organic so I am following the original line but

as you can see I am making it curved out a little bit now for the tip I like

adding this little this little shape here and then I'm going to follow

basically this this line on the bottom side over here I already know how it

goes so I'm gonna erase some of it before and there you go now you can see

I'm extending this a little bit and then I'm bringing this back so this looks

like it goes below there you go now because this is an organic shape I'm not

keeping those straight lines on the triangle or the rectangles I am making

them curved out or in or whichever way I need because it's not man-made

it's not a piece of metal or something alright so here I'm gonna add

my trademark smile

there you go

it's basically curve that goes up it sticks out from the body over here and

then I add the bottom lip around that and I like adding a single tooth because

that makes it a little funny funnier I guess I'm wrapping it all right now

curved out here you can follow this curve it and then at the bottom I I'm

making I make like a little bumpy shape out here and then we start with the

tentacles tentacles are not that difficult we basically are going to

darken the line that we used that we already created and then we use in the

construction line okay I'm gonna make it darker when I get to the to the bottom

of it or to the end of it and we're gonna make a curve and I'm gonna bring

it back up us best as I can

it's not gonna be

like exactly parallel parallel but I'm trying to keep it

similar width across the entire tentacle hope that makes sense alright so here I

make another curve and I go back down I darken my line and I make my little

curve and basically we're gonna do that 8 times so talk about practice right?

all right and by the way guys I hope that you are practicing and improving you

know the only way that we have to improve is through practice so

go ahead don't get frustrated if it's not happening the first time

trust me it didn't happen the first time for me either

I had to practice and practice and practice and draw the same thing

many many times before I could go oh okay that's pretty good alright so

here we're going to follow this loop it around and then gonna stop here for a

second then I'm gonna draw the opposite side all of the first line and there you

go I needed to know where that was gonna

stop otherwise I would have to erase more all right and this seems to be a

little longer than I expected so I'm just gonna trim it here

alright so two more on this side and then we have the two missing on the

bottom all right this way back up and I am drawing faster this week and as well

as you know this is a lot easier to draw than the two previous drawings so you

know I hope that this doesn't turn into another 20 minute video for you guys

alright No Wow that's six of our tentacles

missing two more let's go and we're almost there let's keep on practicing

you guys home and this tentacle isn't back alright alright so because this is

in the back this would be shaded this is optional of course but you know

it's a good thing to add that way you can hint a little bit of depth

and 3d okay but since this is a quick doodle I'm not spending too much time on

that alright basically this is the squid if

you want to add little details I like adding like a little curvy line here

then that I can shade also if I was working with colors I would probably

make it just a darker color not just black

okay you can also add like beauty marks

there you go maybe some over here and boom that is this week's doodle

life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving Albert Einstein

that is such a cool quote by Albert Einstein isn't it okay so do you

understand this relationship between life and bicycles okay

if you've ever ridden a bicycle without training wheels you probably noticed

that when you slow down a lot you start to wobble and lose your balance a little

bit right now if you actually slow down too much you must put that foot down

otherwise you may fall over right okay so in order to regain your balance you

must start pedaling again right so how does this relate to life Einstein? well

the relationship is simple when we don't challenge ourselves when we don't push

ahead we become stagnant okay so the idea is for us to keep moving we don't

move we can't go anywhere can we? okay so moving represents

improving challenging ourselves and pushing ahead so every day we should try

at least in one area to learn something new to do something better and to

challenge ourselves so in the comments below please let me know what you guys

think about this week's amazing points also please let me know if you agree

with my interpretation and if you'd like to add anything to it if you haven't

visited our website I really suggest that you do every week

we upload new designs based on the stuff that we show on our videos like the

doodles or the quotes so there's a good chance that you may find something that

you like all right doodlers that's it for this week I really hope that you

enjoyed this video and if you did do me a huge favor and share it with other

people share with your friends your relatives your

teachers shared with other people that you think may get something out of it

shared with your dog I don't know okay but take a look at this

boom what? look at that finger go boom look at that boom I just shared another

one see that's how much effort is required on your part not a whole lot

but it does mean a lot to us okay so please go ahead and share it with others

we really appreciate it now in the meantime please go ahead and keep on

pedaling through life keep on pushing yourselves and you'll do amazing things

see you next week

For more infomation >> 4. Cartoons for Kids: How to Draw a Fun Squid | Think Doodle Do - Duration: 14:46.


The 3 Stage Framework for Therapy Practice Success - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> The 3 Stage Framework for Therapy Practice Success - Duration: 3:17.


Butterfly Park in Schools | Need for butterfly parks and bird parks in schools - Duration: 1:29.

Nature is a wonderland

that never siezes to amaze,

a repository of countless


Cradling divers

species of plants and


Sadly children

now grow up,unmindful

of the breath taking Canvas

that nature is.

What better way to initiate them

into the sigh inducing marvels of

nature and to plant trees,

maintain Butterfly parks

and Bird parks in schools.

Let us start

from schools.It is

time to connect with Nature.

For more infomation >> Butterfly Park in Schools | Need for butterfly parks and bird parks in schools - Duration: 1:29.


Zandalari Troll Shaman Totems | In-game Preview | Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 4:48.

Hi guys, So if you play as a shaman you might have

felt forgotten but don't worry because in this video we'll take a look at the totem

for the zandalari trolls, the fire, water, earth and air totems.

If you missed one of my other videos where we look at their customization options and

their druid forms make sure to check it out.

Anyways, let me know what you think about these totems down in the comment section below.


So that's it for this video guys, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs

up and share the video with your friends, and consider subscribing to my channel to

keep up with my latest videos.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you again.

For more infomation >> Zandalari Troll Shaman Totems | In-game Preview | Battle for Azeroth! - Duration: 4:48.


Seicane Android car stereo for BMW e39. installation and review. - Duration: 36:22.

Welcome back to the Sipa's garage.

This time I have type video that I haven't made before and may not do another one.

But in this video I will review and show how to install this Android based car stereo for BMW e39.

Because opportunity for this came.

For long I have been interested of these Android based car stereos to replace the original one.

For the cars that do not have the regular din slot for normal aftermarket stereo.

Because these should be very capable devices if everything works properly.

Because these include all that you need like cd, dvd player, navigator, Bluetooth handsfree and you can even listen to spotify.

So very handy thing and you don't even need to connect your phone if you don't want to.

And these blend in the stock interior very well.

So perfect for people like me that like keep everything OEM looking.

Not like some "disco" looking radios from Alpine or Pioneer for example.

I would rather to put there something that looks original.

These Android car stereos to non-din slots are available from several Chinese brands.

And some cars have even products available from more well known brands.

For me the first brand that I have seen these Android car stereos for e39 is Dynavin

But years back those had all kinds of problems so I didn't buy one then.

For example screens didn't work, radio was bad etc.

In addition to that I also know Eonon and Erisin that make these for older BMW's.

And I was even going to buy one.

But then I got email from Seicane that do I want to do video about their products.

So I thought why not. Because I was even going to buy something like that.

I you don't know, these smaller companies spam you tubers to get their products featured in videos.

Which is quite common. I have been contacted several times to review some LED lights and so on.

But I haven't been interested.

But this was something that I was interested, so that's fine.

But then back to these Android car stereos. With quick glance, the specs for these are pretty much identical no matter what brand head unit you get.

Even this Seicane model.

So at the moment these are based on 7.1 Android.

The screen is 1024 times 600 pixel touch screen.

Some quad core processor. Probably made by rockchip.

Cortex A9 based version.

Few gis of ram, 16 gigs of memory.

Eonon seems to have octa core processor and 32 gigs of memory.

But the point being, all should have enough grunt to run Android in basic use.

So the user experience should be fluent.

All the other features also seem to be almost identical.

Mainly the look and feel is only different.

And it all comes to then how well everything is executed and how well everything works in everyday use.

But if you wan't to know more about the specs and what these can do. Go to the link in the description and read from there.

I won't list everything in here.

But anyway. Lets check this Seicane version and see how it performs.

First we need to open this package and see what is in there.

Okay. We have here...

Here seems to be this optional wiring loom, that I don't need.

E39 bmw's have regular hifi packets.

Or the more fancier hifi packets have DSP unit located at the trunk.

Or some base models do not even have anything.

The normal hifi systems. With cd or cassette player have the connector behind the radio that plugs straight into to this new one.

And simple as that.

But in the models with DSP there is wiring that goes into the trunk.

And if you wan't to swap in aftermarket car stereo. You need this extra wiring loom.

From the new head unit to the DSP unit in the trunk.

And you would need to run this through the car.

But I have just the "prices start at" -model, so I don't need to worry about that.

So this is useless for me.

But this looks like that..

Here is..

Well I don't even know.

In anycase, these are the connectors for the head unit itself.

This end is for the DSP in the trunk.

But I haven't looked how this would be connected.

Probably there is ton of instructions online.

But I don't need this so lets throw this aside.

But here is the main attraction.

God damn.

Did I open from bottom.



Recent order... Meh that wast just thank you letter for buying this.

Warranty info..

Here is the unit itself.

Which looks like this.

This should directly fit the e39 slot in the dash.

You could also have 2din slot for regular aftermarket radios.

But the air condition is in the way. The normal 2 din radio is double thick in here.

So it doesn't fit. You need to cut hole to the air con unit.

But this is only one din so this will fit no problem.

These buttons and everything will fit to the oem look of the dash.

These may not be exactly same but pretty close looking.

Should fit the looks pretty well.

And I'm interested if the button back light has same color as the car has.

What we have here.

Here are the power and speaker connectors.


Wifi.. Wifi antenna spot is empty.

Is that internal. This should have wifi.

GPS antenna connector there.

Then here is also antenna connector for digital tv tuner.

At least based what I see here. Then basic radio antenna plug.

And all the extra connectors plug in here.

That's about it.

Interesting to see how this will be mounted to the dash.

So that this will stay in place.

But lets see what other things we have here.

I think this long antenna cable is for the DSP system.

I don't need this.

I think I have this old style connectr in the cor which plugs right in to the unit.

What is this.

Can bus decoder.

So this is so that you can get the steering wheel buttons and other stuff to work.

But those also are something that i don't have.

But I have those in our touring so I could try this out in that if i have time.

But this will be mounted to my car that do not have those.

Then we have huge sack of wires.


This is the cable for newer facelift e39 cars.

This end connects to the car and this to the head unit.

But I have the older model, so this one fits that.

The other end is the same.

But there is lot of extra wires here.

But all should be simple.

Then what else we have here.

We have also usb cable here.

You could for example connect usb 3g "modem" here so that you are connected to the internet all the time.

But I have so little use for that, so I will just share internet from my phone.

Of course you could plug usb-stick also and for example listen to music from that.

Maybe run that to glove box.

Here is shit load of rca connectors.

sub out. I have subwoofer in my car so we could connect that.

But that's bit strange because there is only mono output.

Interesting. Stereo connectors fro front and back.

Video in and video out.

But only mono for subwoofer.


Who has car audio amplifier that has only mono input?

Basically all have stereo inputs.

What this is.

This may be.. Oh ok I know.

This is for reversing camera.

These are probably control wires so that it knows when to activate that.

Shorter antenna adapter cable if you don't have DSP.

This is the newer antenna connector.

That's good.

Then just basic gps antenna.

So that the navigation will work.

This could be mounted to the corner of the dash.

And this..

This looks like wifi antenna.

But there was no connector for this.

Typical for Chinese products.

Here is GPS, then DTV and the connector for wifi is empty.

If I would have to guess.

The DTV is really for wifi antenna because i don't have tv tuner in this.

We'll see.

Then we have some mounting brackets.

So these are all that you need to mount this.

And and....

No User manual or installation instructions. At all..


I have check if there is any instructions online.

If not, I have to just try.

But yeah. This is the Android head unit.

And what comes to the feel and quality. This feels very sturdy device.

This weights quite a lot and it's not just empty box.

The buttons have also good feel in them.

At first glance I though that these don't match the buttons in the car.

But if you compare these to the ASC button, there hardly any difference.

Then about that antenna problem.

I should know which one is wifi and which one is GPS by this SMA -connector.

Because normally for wifi antenna there is RP-SMA -connector which has the center pin at this side of the connection.

But the Chinese haven't bothered using the the RP-SMA connector. Both are just regular ones.

For wifi and GPS:

I guess that this is GPS and this is wifi.

But i have to test. I will swap those if the connectors are totally messed up.

And one thing I noticed.

For example all these video and audio connectors.

These aren't like you have normally with car stereos that the wires are permanently mounted to the unit.

But this uses these connectors.

Which is ok. But this connector is totally open here without any shielding.

You can see the signal wires there.

Cars are normally very noisy environments electrically.

And because the signal wires are open without shielding like there is in the cable.

There can be lot of interference that can be heard if these rca connectors are used.

For example it could be possible that you will hear the alternator through the speakers connected to the external amplifier.

So this may not be the best solution.

But it depends on lot of things. Could be that this doesn't cause any problems at all.

But it could cause problems. We will see.

Not the best way to do this but probably fine.

For really high end hifi system I would use some other audio source.

But yeah i will plug this in because I need outputs for the subwoofer.

USB connectors for the glove box.

It goes here. All these seem to be different size so no change to mess this up.

But i will need to run this inside the dash first so lets leave this off.

I also need to first mount the antennas to the car.

Then the main connector.

No. Wrong way.

it's on.

This then connects to the car.

This was for the can bus decoder.

So that is only needed with cars that have the can bus.

And this..

I... Where the fuck this connects to.

I haven't looked what things you would need to connect with newer cars and with better hifi systems.

All this probably is simple if you have car that has all these things.

But I can't now give you instructions to all possible cases.

In my car, I just need to plug in these and the thing will work.

So really easy.

But that's that.

Now we need to take off the old car stereo.

This is basically just held by friction. Some retard has designed this.

I can just pull this out.

Well now it broke.

This is just pushed in and nothing holds this.

As I said normally 2 din stereo like this won't fit e39.

But my car doesn't even have AC so that's why this fits like this.

As you can see, this is double height.

And this new only takes one din slot of room because this bottom part would hit the ac system.

To fit this in car that has ac, you need to cut hole to the ac system.

I know there are kits made for that purpose.

But those are lot of work. This kind of thing that goes in directly is much better.

But this was so easy that lets jump to other car that has original cd player installed and lets see how that comes of before continuing.

And this is how the original business cd player looks in our e39 touring.

The cd player is there at the top.

This comes off...

This may look complicated to remove. Like that you need to take off half of the dash to remove this.

Just pull this volume button off.

Then you need torx screwdriver and put it in to the hole you can see there.

Carefully put it in.

Twist counter clockwise and pull out the screwdriver.

And the bottom part comes of.

Then the top part. It comes off.. I f you can see.. It's so dark here...

There is torx screws.

Open those and the cd player will come off.

then there is this bracket here which has screws on the side.

Take off those screws and the whole thing comes off. And you are then ready to put in the new.

So not very time consuming thing to do.

But this will be left as is so these go back.

Back at this car, so lets continue the old stereo removal.

rca cables off.

Then antenna cable.

This is the one that directly fits the new Android unit.

Here is the main plug.

Just lift the locking mechanism up and this opens.

And pull it loose.

This is really tight.

Wait what. Why this is not working.

Yeah finally.

And then we have control wire for the amplifier.

What the fuck. What kind of connection was that.

But yeah. That is now uninstalled.

Now we need to install the brackets. Normally you would have that big thing here as stock.

That is held by these screws. But I don't have that anymore.

I need to replace with these metal pieces.

I wondered quite long how the heck these should go in.

There was no installation instructions and the one that I found online.

It just showed how to remove stock radio and just push in new one.

But not how to put these on.

Then I looked instructions for Eonon unit that has these same brackets.

Which showed that these just go here like this.

Use the stock screws to install this and then two screws from the corners locks the unit in place.

The confusing thing was that there was now place for the corner screw. Only small pinch hole.

No threads. So I had to tap those myself.

Hopefully that is now ok.

So I just need to crew these in now.

There seems to be 2 positions to put this.

I will need to try out which one works.

And as you can see i don't have the stock screws for this.

I have here something that I recommend you to have, if you work with BMW's.

This was really cheap from Biltema.

Set of chassis screws that are identical to OEM BMW ones.

So i can get the missing screws from here.

And yeah I now made everything almost ready off camera, because i didn't have my camera tripod with me.

So it was impossible to work same time when holding camera.

But this is now ready for putting everything in.

These brackets are now installed with new screws.

Normally you get these from the old one.

There are the new threads.

Both sides like that.

Then I connected this main plug.

What the fuck has happened here.

This was so tight that it was almost impossible to plug this in.

The tabs broke off immediately from the new connector.

But it's now in.

The tolerances were quite a bit off.

For oem radio, you can plug this easily with one hand.

But that will now work.

Here is the control wire for amplifier.

There was no wire for that.

But I connected that to "power antenna" wire. That will probably do the job.

As said there is only mono output for sub.

But I'm almost 100% sure that there isn't any adjustments for this output in the software. Which makes this useless.

So I just connected the amplifier wires to the rear speaker outputs.

Should be ok.

This is the antenna cable.

This looks so funky that i don't know will this even work.

But that's there.

Then are the GPS and wifi antennas. GPS is plugged to the one labeled GPS.

And wifi to the one labelled dtv. Hopefully that will work.

And then about how I mounted the antennas.

I took this airbag panel off.

Just stick flat head screwdriver on the bottom and lift this up.

You can easily put wires through here.

The wifi antenna is here mounted with the included double sided tape.

The GPS antenna wire goes further here. I took the a-pillar cover off also.

And the antenna is now here in the corner.

I need to put some tape to that if it moves.

But there it is and hopefully works.

So not much disassembly to get these antennas mounted.

Only the a-pillar and that cover. You don't even need tools to take these off.

Just make sure that the wires don't go front of the airbag so that it will still work properly.

Even in this simple setup, there is quite lot of wires.

But there is lot of room in the dash.

With DSP system there would be even more wires to run.

With steering wheel buttons, I would need that can bus decoder here.

For that long cable to DSP unit I would need to take apart half of the car.

Other end goes here and other end in the trunk.

Same thing with antenna wire.

But i don't know more details about those so lets forget those.

But main plug to make this work. Antenna cable for radio.

Then wifi and gps antenna.

I leave the usb connectors uninstalled for now because i won't probably use those.

But that should fit to the glove box through there.

But lets plug this in and lets see if this starts.

And of course you need to remove these screws also.

The interior panels are back. the head unit is in.

This fits here pretty well.

But as you can see this doesn't follow the shape of the dash. This same model is probaple made for x5 which has more curve in the dash.

But they seems to sell same model for e39 also.

Not the best way but not horrible either.

But then the brackets.

The holes aren't in right location. You may get crew there.

But these screws that came with this are too short and I can't use these.

I need to look for longer ones.

Here are the small covers for the screw holes.

Maybe that will stay there for a while.

Then the best part with every new electronic device.


So yeah. I will need longer m3 screws for that.

I tried to move the brackets but that didn't help.

So the brackets don't fit, holes are wrong location and screws don't fit. So whole mounting system sucks.

I'll have to work with that.

But lets see if this powers on.

Something happens.

At quick glance the back light color is quite close.

Uu fancy pancy. They added BMW logo there.

We'll see how long it takes this to start.

Or at least that's something that could be annoying if this takes long time to start.

Hopefully it even starts...

And it's now has been week from that and the unit is installed.

The installation wasn't plug and play. I had to make new screw holes and use longer screws. But now it's in.

It fits now, but isn't perfect. Could need some adjustment to the brackets.

But fine for this car. Nothing else even fits properly in this old beat up shit. I'll leave it like that.

This isn't the only brand that has these mounting problems. Other BMW guy in here had Eonon head unit and it had same brackets and same problems mounting the thing.

But it's quite common with not so well known Chinese brands.

So that's not surprise.

I have now used this for week and this has worked really well.

And I have almost nothing to complain based on that.

Works how it should.

Mainly only this screen. Or the coating. You may even see my face on it now.

The screen is really reflective. I would prefer more matte finish. Every time there is light, you can see the reflections from the screen.

Which makes seeing things more difficult. The screen is bright enough you to see it.

But it should have matte finish.

And all the fingerprints are shown in this because it's so reflective.

So that's what's wrong using this.

Then I can show you the backlight color now.

Those work with the light switch and are pretty close correct color.

But even in the car this "AC" unit and the gauges don't have same color.

So compared to the "AC" unit it's same color but compared to the gauges, this is more yellow than that.

But I think that's ok. Much better than in aftermarket radios that have completely different colors.

So that you know.

Then the start up. It takes some time from cold start to boot up.

i haven't clocked that.

If I start the car. Put seat belt on and start driving, I haven't moved even 100 meters before the music starts playing.

The time to start is about some that in oem units that don't start immediately.

This also seems to have some kind of soft boot system.

If the power has been off for short time, this will start immediately.

You could adjust that time from minute to hour. So I did put that to 30 minutes.

So if you come back to car within that time, this will start immediately.

That time shouldn't be enough to take too much current from battery.

Now the power is off. And I will turn ignition.

it's starts immediately.

I previously listened for spotify and as you can see, it returns to the spotify.

And even returns to the same song.

It doesn't return to the spot I was listening and doesn't start playing automatically.

But I think that is more likely to be caused by spotify. Not this device.

It just returns to the app that was used.

The main use for me is to use this spotify.

I have downloaded my playlists to offline so I can listen to those without internet connection.

Then if I share internet from my phone, I can listen to everything.

Just click play and we have music.

This is volume button and this other knob doesn't do much. Okay..

okay it's play/pause. Haven't notice that before.

When using radio, you can change between stations using that.

Other buttons are quite clear. There is mute, source.

Eject for disc, navigator and buttons to answer and end call.

Can I even play any music.. Well I think I can play Alan Walker without getting attacked by all the copyright mobs here at YouTube.

Then about speed of this thing.

I think the response times are very quick. For example if I wan't to change to radio from spotify.

It changes immediately. you don't need to wait to do it's thing.

You can jump between stations here. This is just basic RDS radio.

The stations change fast.

And the search is fast.

So works as it should.

With some units, there have been problems with that AF function that changes to better station if the one you are listening is too weak.

So that hasn't worked well with some Androind car stereos. But I haven't noticed any problems in this.

But I haven't listened much of the radio so it could be that also.

So the radio is ok.

Here is menu button.

I have phone connected so I can make calls through bluetooth.

I can see my contacts here and select who to call.

So that works.

Last calls etc.

So the bluetooth works.

I can answer from this button. End the call here.

There isn't external mice. It's internal right there.

What i asked, you can clearly hear what I talk through that so it's fine.

I have only once connected the bluetooth, and it now connects automatically every time. Which isn't case with every device, so that's good.

The caller name is show here is someone calls. So I have no complains how this works.

Handy thing to have.

Then what I have also used is the navigator.

When you start this first time, you can choose what navigation app to use.

I did choose google maps, because it works well in Finland.

This works also. I have downloaded the most used maps offline so no need to share internet every time.

But of course if you are online, this works better.

Only bad thing was that the speech recognition language was English only.

And i at least can't say Finnish places in English so that it would recognize those.

The default thing was Pico TTS that works well offline. Which is probably the reason it was there.

But I changed that to Google TTS.

And after playing with the settings it's now in Finnish.

So if I wan't to navigate somewhere. I don't need to write that. Just press here.

So you can just say where you wan't to go.

Then just choose navigate and you are good to go.

So that works for me.

That's all the basics. I can't test the steering wheel buttons because I don't have those.

Also this car doesn't have obd2 support.

If I go to the home here. I think this looks pretty good. Not horrible looking like in some cases.

You could even compare the looks to some oem systems.

Of course some things can be located in strange places. You need to know Android to be able to find those.

So some settings were bit lost on the menus first.

For example this screen was too bright at night. So I had to find settings to adjust that.

Here at the settings, here is for example amplifier.

Here is basic EQ. Loudness button that you should never use.

Here is fader that you can adjust like in some oem on-board computer.

To adjust which speaker is loudest.

All button puts that in the middle.

So that is good.

Did I install anything else.

Navigator.. Yeah the GPS finds satellites very fast when the antenna is now there at the corner.

Then.. If I had the OBD2 bluetooth dongle, I have torque here for that.

So you could have extra gauges. But I don't have obd2 support in this car. At least yet.. So I can't show that.

But this is one nice thing that you could do.

That was also in Finnish.


Then some other stuff... Like this..

Here seems to be some kind of tire pressure monitor app. I have like... zero idea where this should get the pressure information.

But it's here. Might work in some other car, but i don't know which way this gets all the info.

So that you know.

But yeah. About the usage, I have nothing to complain.

This fits well to the interior looks and works how it should.

What is what I wanted.

And this is quite nice thing to have in your car.

Now it feels like every car should have this where you can play spotify for example etc.

I like how this works.

I can recommend.

If not from this brand, maybe you like some other better.

Tthese android car stereos seem to be very good nowadays.

For more infomation >> Seicane Android car stereo for BMW e39. installation and review. - Duration: 36:22.


MYANMAR - was it ALL FOR NOTHING?! | Vlog | Sofian Worldwide #29 - Duration: 8:27.


Look where we ended up ...

We've now arrived at the beaches, at the coast,

Right now in Mangaman... I hope it's pronounced properly,

and there's just no one around!

Or here are a few locals but it's...

there's just no foreigners here, nothing, nobody,

So no foreigner. (again in "german" english :P)

A huge beach, I think it's right along the coast.

It's all over the place!

Yeah... let's see, I think we've seen some scooters

cruising along the beach. I think that if we move on right now,

we will find ourselves in places

where there is probably no one at all.


We've arrived in a fishing village now, apparently,

Yeah, it's crazy, so I think this is a whole village full of boats

and small huts.

Crazy, crazy ... :)

The people who live here really live in the boats

that are on the beaches and behind them

there are probably a few more houses,

and they build probably their own boats.

So this place is crazy.

It stinks ...

garbage everywhere ...

And people just live here.

You don't see that often.

We're at a beach right now, San Maria Bay

or something like that, and there's

nobody here.

Oh, I think there's a person back there! :D

But there's no one else here and this beach

is nicer than the one before

and it's .. so I don't think

there's anything here, it's just a beach and it's huge!

I'm freaking out! :D

Crazy! We'll be coming to a beach soon, it's supposed to

be even nicer. We were even thinking about, uhm,

just sleeping on the beach for one night.

but because we got sick,

we've lost about two days.

And yeah, we have a couple of other plans,

so I think we'll skip that.

But you could definitely do it.

Just walk to some corner, to the trees or here there are even abandoned huts,

just rest there, but we skip that :)

We're now a little further down south

of San Maria Bay Beach


look at where we are.

There's no one here, literally!

So, there was another person on the beach earlier, but there's really no one here now :)

I feel like such a little kid that just kind of got the Christmas presents :D

But with me it's just a little bit different,

a bit of beach, a bit of sun and even shade.

Wonderful, wonderful... :)

I believe in these beaches no one wants to go

just because of the streets :D

Andrew: Scheisa: D (wrong german expression for "sh**t" :D)

Hello :) We are back in the hostel,

the day is over! :)

And yes, it was really nice and cool

to see all these things today and just

to drive along the coast with the scooter

and see all the beaches.

And at the end it was still really gross,

we just arrived from villages without electricity

at a shopping mall

like, uhm, yeah just

like in an European shopping mall and

you can see how big the differences are in such short distances.

But yeah, you can find it everywhere!

I hope you enjoyed the video :)

Leave a thumb up there if you liked it :)

and don't forget to subscribe,

and we'll stay here in Dawei i think for another day.

and then the train that you've seen before

goes up to Yangon!

And yeah, let's see how it will be!

Stay tuned! I am tired :)

and I'll see you next time!

Greetings from Dawei! :) #muchlove

For more infomation >> MYANMAR - was it ALL FOR NOTHING?! | Vlog | Sofian Worldwide #29 - Duration: 8:27.


Meredith Caveney - For the Love of the Game 2/2 - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> Meredith Caveney - For the Love of the Game 2/2 - Duration: 4:05.


Cast your vote now for Mayor of Divide - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Cast your vote now for Mayor of Divide - Duration: 2:19.


Tips to prepare for Daylight Savings Time - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Tips to prepare for Daylight Savings Time - Duration: 4:08.


Cast your vote now for Mayor of Divide - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> Cast your vote now for Mayor of Divide - Duration: 2:52.


Periscope Archive For Fans. Alina Zagitova 6.12.2015 - Duration: 9:58.


I go to the gym

Nadina, hello

Well skated, well done

I go to the gym

On the second workout

Today came television

There were a lot of searchlights, it was difficult to train

Yes, they filmed Polina

How to properly jump lutz

She showed

Ksyusha, hello

Natashka, hello

How are you?

What you are doing?

Have you already had a training session?

You did not have a day off?


And I had a day off yesterday

My legs hurt

Can not jump after the weekend

Legs Wadded

Lena came to Izhevsk?

Where will you celebrate the New Year?

New Years is soon


I will be in Izhevsk. Everybody in Izhevsk !!

Yes, I know her. She is now in St. Petersburg

Everyone goes to Moscow for the New Year, to the red square, and I to Izhevsk

How many days are you going there?

I'll be there for a week

The hand froze

I have a vacation from school on December 28

We have a strong wind and cold

I will soon have competitions

Who goes to Poland to support our people?

Diana and Anna Shcherbakova are coming from our group

Are you going too? Cool

I also want to, but I have competitions

In Poland there will be a finale. Polina, Zhenya and Adyan go there

I'm also not going

Expensive tickets

I'm already close to the Ice Arena

I thought the Final in Poland, did not I?

thanks for likes

How do you spend your day off? I did all day lessons

Oh, Daniyar

Yes, Sabina there continues to skated

I hope they will soon come to me or I to them

Dasha has not come yet

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