Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 9 2018


Person We Meet In Life Is Our Teacher, Be Grateful For Your Enemies!

by Conscious Reminder

There comes a moment in life when every and each one of us feels hurt, offended or isolated

thinking that life hasn�t been treating us fairly.

More often than not, in these difficult situations, we take the role of a victim, feeling sorry

for ourselves.

We simply give up instead of understanding that whatever happened to us, created an opportunity

to entirely transform our personality and is giving us the chance to, once and for all,

learn a valuable lesson and move on.

Actually, we attract people situations and problems through which we need to learn something;

through which our mind and soul evolve the most.

Every person we meet is a great teacher of ours.

There is this great story about a Soul which was to choose the best lessons for it to learn

in the next reincarnation, so it decided to learn about forgiveness.

The Soul went to the other Souls who were also trying to prepare for there next incarnation

and asked them to help it learn the lessons.

One of the Souls accepted to take the role of her husband who would occasionally be violent

and offensive, hurting her feelings so she learns how to forgive him.

Another Soul accepted to be her mother who wouldn�t understand her daughter and omit

her development as a person by humiliating her so she learns how to forgive her mother.

The next Soul took the role of a best friend who let her down in a difficult situation

just to, again, teach her forgiveness, and so on.

Just like the Soul, we come to Earth to learn valuable lessons like forgiveness, patience,

acceptance and love.

And different people and situations come to us to aid our learning.

Unfortunately, when we are born we don�t remember the lessons we have chosen to learn,

so the people who put us in difficult situations and hurt us, we usually see as our enemies

when they are actually helpers and teachers.

Please remember this every time you feel like a victim of certain people and circumstances

and have in mind that you were the one who invited this person into your life and put

yourself into this situation just to learn a valuable lesson.

These people are not your arch enemies; they are just playing their roles, the same way

you play your role in someone else�s life.

So, I would suggest you to make a list of all the people who gave you hard time, hurt

you and made you feel miserable and look at them from this newly acquired point of view.

Why were they sent to you?

What did they teach you?

What was the lesson they brought to you?

And if you still haven�t learnt this lesson, now is the perfect time to do it.

In your thoughts bow in front of every person and situation on this list; accept them with

a heart full of love; forgive them and let them go in peace and deep gratitude.

First of all say thank you to your parents who were your first teachers in this life,

then your brothers and sisters, spouses and children, your friends, your bosses, your


Keep saying thank you until the feeling of acceptance and gratitude for the lesson that

have been presented to you hasn�t fulfilled you completely, freeing your soul from everything


Believe me, when you experience every person in your life as a teacher, life becomes a

lot easier, because isn�t it stupid to be mad at your teacher in school because you

got a D, when you were the one who didn�t learn the lesson?!

For more infomation >> Every Person We Meet In Life Is Our Teacher, Be Grateful For Your Enemies! - Duration: 5:25.


Life is Feudal: Forest Village - Everybody Died, No Game Over?! - Duration: 14:16.


I've been wondering...

What would happen if you have only one person in your village?

Chickens and cows and the like breed when there's only one of them.

So I'm wondering if that will also work for humans.


Let's see...

We don't have much food.

We're going to start by building a tent.

The tent is so we won't have many people.

... to be able to eat and stuff.

Huh, children die quickly.

I guess that's because they don't exist if there's no house.

They don't have a character.

Speed it up.

These are two adults.

Two women.

So I guess we'll have a woman to be our first test dummy.

Why are they in there? (in the warehouse)

I'm just giving them stuff to do.

In the hopes that they'll die a little faster.

The reason I picked a full village instead of just one hut is... they would be able to build more stuff.

Just to give them something to do.

Otherwise we just have a hut and a small warehouse.

And there we go.

Now we have two people.

And this is where things start taking a while.

I'm just going to walk to the other side of the island,

Hoping that that's the fastest way.

Then maybe pick out a big tree...

I recorded for a total of 4 hours...

I've never tried to kill a person in this game before, heh.

Waiting for her to starve to death...

Aaand she's gone

No happiness at all?

*something about fishing*


Now I'm gonna have to build...

Can we build a house?

I'm building a house because it will make new people come faster.

Or not at all, we'll see.

Just giving her a few different jobs.

... to switch between.

I'm not really paying attention to placing so much right now.


There is our answer.

You can get a baby with only one person.

So now!

I'm going to do the same thing...

But have a man be the only person.

Come on give me a small island.


Start without houses.

That should be enough for one person.


I'm going to give them a bit of work.

I'm going to take my woman.

And kill her.

Can I build a house that's the real question.

We don't have ore, okay.

Gonna graw my woman again.

And kill her.

And when she goes out to eat I'm going to stop her.

*I accidentally let her eat twice...*

*So I decided to take her far away from home.*

And this guy does not automatically bring food to the house.

Where the fuck are you going?



And now she's dead.


Oh great, he's dead.



Why doesn't the game stop?

Shouldn't this be a game over?

No people.

What the hell?

There are no people.

How on earth is it not a game over?

Now I'm curious if someone will just... pop up.

I seriously don't get it.

How is this not a game over?

That's entirely what the game is about.

Having people do things and expanding the town.

How can you play the game without people???

Okay, so it's been a year and there's no one magically in the house.

So I'm gonna say this is the game over.

... that never got a game over screen.

This means it is time for...

Another try.

My worry with this hut is, what if it automatically puts women in there?

So I'm going to

have all the women die separately first.

Or at least until there is only one left.

Okay I have a guy, that's good.

I just hope it stays that way.

And now everyone but the main man is dead.

He's grown up.

Now we're just going to wait.

Until next fall.

I hope he doesn't die.

And here my mic died on me. (game music was recorded separately)

I left it on max speed while I had dinner, but no kid ever showed up.

In conclusion;

You need at least one (1) woman to repopulate your village.

Men can't have kids in this game.

And there is no game over screen.

Seriously, what the fuck?

That's it.

Have a nice day.


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