Yep thats just gone through. Do you want a bag with that?
Oh yeah, yeah
here we go
sweet - thank you man
Hey Rowan, I finished all those invoices for you - I'll just pop them here for you.
Thank you so much
Hey Rowan
hey man
I finished stacking th eCorsair hydro series out back
all of them?
the whole lot of them.
Oh my God. Thank you so much, man
You're welcome
Awesome man. Thank you
And this morning, this morning, I - I locked down the sale for the ten thousand dollar computer
The one we couldn't sell?
ya the one who can tell
oh my God. Thank you so much man.
Dude. You're welcome. It's fine
Yeah, absolutely
I found your pen
oh my god my third pen.
oh my god. I've been looking for that
here it is
Thank you so much man.
It's all good man
Excuse me man, I'm just gonna go put this in my pencil case - awesome
come on...
Excuse me man, I'm just gonna go put this in my pencil case
god damn it - I'm in my little giggle zone
I'm just gonna go put this in my pencil case
Its the word pencil case - its my new trigger word
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