Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 9 2018

Hi there today, we're going to talk about Milk Kefir VS water kefir

What makes it so amazing and which one is the better one to choose.

My name is Nadia.

I'm from Natural Green, and I've been fermenting things since 2012

This is Milk Kefir That's culturing here

It's made out of milk so obviously when you ferment milk with Milk Kefir grains

which is the culture, then you can expect to get the benefits of the milk. it's

calcium rich and also rich in vitamins and minerals

Minus the lactose. The Lactose is the sugars present in milk and that is what lactose

Intolerant people are struggling with so that means that chances of them developing lactose

intolerance signs and symptoms when drinking Milk kefir is minimal because there is

Microorganisms in the Milk Kefir solution that will actually help the body because when you consume it it's in your gut

Will help your body to dissolve lactose?

Isn't that amazing it also helps with IBS irritable bowel disease

And by the way your gut starts from the tip of your lips

to your bottom

Then there is water kefir crystals or water kefir grains. Now these little crystals

That actually metabolize

Or eat the sucrose in the sugar and that is what helps the grains to

convert the compounds into

beneficial acids minerals and vitamins which is easy for the body to absorb. The other major difference between

Milk kefir and water kefir is that Milk Kefir contains

Lactobacilli kefir I and also kefirine which is exclusive to milk kefir and those components

help with fighting

harmful yeasts and bacteria like

Salmonella E. Coli and

Helicobacter pylori when I say

Helicobacter pylori think of stomach ulcers because it helps to keep the good and the bad bacteria in balance

so it also have to

Eliminate stomach ulcers. Milk kefir is also an excellent source of calcium

and also vitamin k2

And this really contributes to bone health and it also minimizes the chances of developing


both milk and water kefir

Can help to prevent cancers kefir and

Fermented food brings back all the good bacteria so that they can fight off the bad bacteria

It helps with bringing everything back into balance and out with the nice and glowing skin now

Here's another thing about Milk kefir the difference in the Milk Kefir can even be used on the skin for

Rash treatment and burn burns because it helps the connective tissue to grow again

people are asking me whether they can convert their Milk Kefir grains into water kefir grains because

Sometimes people just can't get hold of water kefir crystals or water kefir grains

Yes, you can convert your extra milk kefir grains and to grains that look on sugar water

that's totally possible, but just remember that it will not taste the same as

water kefir made from water kefir crystals or water kefir grains will taste like

Because it's two different cultures. It's not the same

Which one is better honestly?

I can't tell you that because each and every person's body composition is

Not exactly the same as the next ones

It's like asking somebody how much steak should I eat or how much water should I drink?

I don't know it depends on your body type and depends on when you are thirsty

it depends on your activity that you're doing so you have to see taste and

Experiment and see which quantity works best with your body. That's the short answer

Everybody wants to know what is the probiotic profile of

Milk kefir and water kefir if you want to know more about that sign up below

Got a list of the probiotic profile what you can't expect in your Milk Kefir and water kefir and all the benefits


These two beverages have to offer become a VIP and subscribe every Friday is fermentation Friday

So that's another reason to subscribe and press that Bell button so that you can stay up to date. What's happening here

This is my kitchen, and we are busy putting in new kitchen cupboards that that's where I am right now in my life

We are busy breaking and fixing and whatever and it's really hectic

I want to know more about you

I want to know whether you've converted more kefir grains into "water kefir grains"

And what do you think about the taste and flavor?

Profile also if you have anything else that you want to share with me

please go ahead in the comments below because it's all about cultured food and

probiotic beverages enjoy your day bye bye

For more infomation >> Milk Kefir (MK) VS Water Kefir (WK) - which one is better? - Duration: 5:21.


Is God a Racist? | Little Lessons with David Servant - Duration: 8:26.

Is God a racist?

Hi, welcome to today's little lesson.

We're going to continue talking about the right biblical perspective of the modern day

nation of Israel.

The previous little lesson we asked the question, is Israel the apple of God's eye?

That's a verse from Zachariah that you sometimes hear from Evangelical preachers who will quote

it and say, "We ought to make sure we're on the side of Israel because they're God's chosen


And they'll also quote oftentimes verses for example Numbers, where God said on place,

this is Numbers 24 verse 9, "Blessed is everyone who blesses you and cursed is everyone who

curses you."

And so, we need to make sure we're a blessing to modern day Israel.

Now, the very first rule of Bible interpretation of course is to consider context.

You can make the Bible say anything you want to say by isolating individual verses.

You've gotta harmonize your verse with all 30,000 other verses.

And as I mentioned on the previous broadcast above all God doesn't change, God's moral,

God's ethical, God is not a racist.

Jesus died for everyone, God loves the whole world.

Now, we start saying that God favors certain ethnicities or races or countries over other

ones and don't get put any moral or ethical consideration into the equation, we are showing

that we don't know a whole lot about the unchanging God yet.

Yes, we want to be on God's side, God's side is always the right side, the righteous side,

the moral side, the ethical side.

And so, that's so important for us to never, ever, ever forget.

Well, of course in Zachariah chapter two and I think it's verse number eight.

Yeah, Zachariah two verse number eight, when God says, "You are the apple of my eye."

That's not said in a vacuum.

It's said within the context of other verses.

It's said within the context of Zachariah chapter two.

Well, let's start reading in verse number four, what do you say of Zachariah chapter


And said to him, " Run, speak to that young man, saying, 'Jerusalem will be inhabited

without walls because of the multitude of men and cattle within it.'

" So, this is speaking specifically of a time when Jerusalem, people will be living in Jerusalem,

and they'll be no walls.


I don't know if you ever looked at pictures of Jerusalem today, and there's walls and

there's been walls there for hundreds of years built by a guy by the name of Solomon the


And ever since the state of Israel those walls have been up.

That was 1948.

Those walls go way back before that.

So, Zachariah's talking about a time were Jerusalem will be inhabited without walls,

it's not now.

Keep reading.

Verse number five.

" 'For I,' declares the LORD, 'will be a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory

in her midst.'

" Well, sounds to me like we're reading about sometime in the future.

When God says, "I'll be a wall of fire."

Well, that depends on how literal you take that.

And he says, "I'll be the glory in her midst."

Well, we know there's a time coming in the future when Jesus will rule and reign from



It's often called the Millennium.

The 1,000-year reign of Christ.

And there's debates on that of course, but there's coming a time where there's going

to be a new Jerusalem.

I bet there's a wall around that one.

And John in Revelation even gives us the details of that wall.

So, keep reading.

Verse number six of Zachariah chapter two, "Ho there!

Flee from the land of the north," declares the LORD, "for I have dispersed you as the

four winds of the heavens," declares the LORD.

"Ho, Zion!

Escape, you who are living with the daughter of Babylon.

For thus says the LORD of hosts, 'After glory He has sent me against the nations which

plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

Well, that's not a general statement that's all encompassing for all of Israel's history,

is it?


It's talking about that time obviously yet to occur in the future when the Lord will

dwell in the midst of Jerusalem.

And he himself will be a wall of fire around her, because there won't be any wall.

Zachariah two verse nine the very next verse, "For behold, I will wave My hand over them

so that they will be plunder for their slaves.

Then you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent Me.

Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold I am coming and I will dwell in

your midst," declares the LORD."

So, clearly if we read Zachariah chapter two and verse number eight within its context

there's no debating the fact that when God says, "You're the apple of my eye."

He's not talking about any other time than that time when he's dwelling in their midst

and he's the fire around them, and his glory is the fire around them, and there is no wall

around Jerusalem, and many nations join themselves to the Lord in that day.

I submit to you that hasn't happened yet.

It hasn't happened yet.

And if you're going to just take a random verse and say, "Well this is how God always

feels about the nation of Israel," why don't you pick another verse?

Why don't you pick Psalms 78 and verse number 59?

Here I go, When God heard, He was filled with wrath And greatly abhorred Israel."

Well it'd be just as foolish to take that verse and say, "Well that applies to Israel

for all history and right up to this present moment," as it does to take Zachariah chapter

two and verse number eight where God says, "You're the apple of my eye."

And say, "That applies for all time."

What about that verse when God says in Numbers, "Blessed is everyone who blesses you, and

cursed is everyone who curses you"?

Well, then I guess God is cursed because he cursed them.

He cursed Israel himself, for a time.

Sure, he did.

Listen to Malachi chapter two and verse number two, "If you do not listen.

If you do not take it to heart to give honor to my name says the Lord of hosts, then I

will send the curse upon you.

And I will curse your blessings.

And indeed I have cursed them already because you are not taking it to heart, says the Lord."

So, what about that?

How's that fit into the theology that everyone who blesses you God will bless, and whoever

curses you God will curse?

Well, that must mean that God's cursing himself cause in Malachi chapter two and verse number

two he said, "I've already cursed you."

See, so let's not be so silly as to just take a few verses out of their context and try

to come up with a theology.

Yes, God loves Israel.

Yes, God loves the Jewish people.

Yes, but all the blessings that He has in store for anybody come through Jesus Christ.

And you'll only get Jesus by repenting of your sins and believing in Him.

All right.

Out of time once again.

Thank you so much for joining me today.

God bless you.

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