Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 8 2018

No matter how far you go, there is always her voice with you.

To remind you, how much you are loved.

You want to see her back again, just to see how happy she is to see you.

You wonder, "Wow, she makes my life beautiful"

In a crowd full of smiles, She knows when something is not right.

You don't even have to utter a word.

She just knows it all..

What would I do without her?

The world has both good and bad.

There is stress, there are misunderstandings. There is wrong and there is right.

But what makes wrong things right is her innocence.

Innocence that melts my heart and makes me want to be positive always!

In such a busy life, where you don't have even a minute to think.

You are always her number one priority.

She has a life too - a busy one perhaps

But when it's you, you are all she cares about.

She is amazing, isn't she?

We just don't say it often.

on this Women's day..

Let us celebrate the women who make our lives worthwhile.

Thank them for being there for us..

Thank them for inspiring us..

So here we go, For all the women..

Thank You For Being You!

For more infomation >> Thank You For Being You - Duration: 5:01.


Enceladus and the Conditions for Life - Duration: 4:36.

Our solar system has no shortage of liquid water.

In addition to it hallmarking earth, it's also thought to potentially exist in multiple

other bodies in the solar system locked under ice shells.

The most famous examples of this are Europa and Enceladus.

Both have periodically been in the news lately because unlike some places, such as proxima

B, the chances for life potentially being present in the oceans of these moons are solidly

on the rise.

In general, we hear most about Europa.

At first sight, it seems to edge out Enceladus as a possible abode of life.

The main reason for this is that It appears to be significantly older than Enceladus,

as old as the solar system itself, whereas Enceladus could be a relatively recently formed

body, as little as a hundred million years ago, though this is not yet settled.

If young, however, is that enough time for life to have arisen?

The first step in answering this question was to determine if Enceladus' waters are

habitable at all.

Recent studies of plumes of water spraying into space from cracks in Enceladus' ice,

see my video on that topic in the end screen of this video, suggest that it is, with evidence

of active geology in the form of volcanic ocean vents, possibly very much like those

of earth, which are hotbeds for life on this world.

That evidence came in the form of silicates present in the plumes.

Also present were organics, and lots and lots of water.

But intriguingly, there were two other chemicals.

Molecular hydrogen, which hydrothermal vent action is a solid candidate for the source

of, and methane.

Methane also can be produced by hydrothermal vents, but it's also noteworthy for being

one of the chemical signatures of life.

But could microbes live under the conditions present in Enceladus oceans?

As it turns out, at least one earth microbe could.

In a paper by Ruth-Sophie Taubner and colleagues, link in the description below, they detail

that earth microbes known as methanogenic archaea might be suited for an Enceladus hydrothermal

vent environment.

This group of microbes play a prominent role here on earth and they could be among the

oldest classes of lifeform.

They typically do not deal well with oxygen, so instead of O2, they use molecular hydrogen,

H2, and carbon dioxide to produce methane.

The researchers determined that the actual geologic process that creates the H2 on enceladus,

serpentization of olivine, could produce enough hydrogen for this kind of life.

They continue on to say that they identified a specific methanogen, Methanothermococcus

okinawensis, that could live on Enceladus, as we understand the conditions of its ocean.

More, if a similar, but alien, microbe is living on Enceladus, it could hypothetically

be producing some of the methane observed in the plumes.

But, of course, since methane can be produced geologically, this is not definitive.

Sample return mission needed.

But ultimately it still goes back to the question of whether life has had enough time at Enceladus

to arise at all.

No one knows, for two reasons.

First the actual age of Enceladus hasn't yet been well constrained.

If it is indeed a young body, life would have had to arise very rapidly, as soon as the

conditions were right.

Reason number two is that we don't yet have a complete picture of just what the genesis

of life looks like or what those exact conditions might be for it to occur.

But we do know that organic chemical reactions can happen very rapidly.

Perhaps so much so that as soon as the conditions are right, microbial life arises anywhere

it can as fast as it can and the universe could be teeming with simple life.

How that life develops from simple to complex, or even intelligent, is a matter of circumstance,

but from our own planet we know that great things can happen under the right conditions.

Thanks for listening!

I am futurist and science fiction author John Michael Godier currently eyeing a tomato suspiciously

and coining the term retribution salad.

It was all fun and games for the anaerobes until the plants showed up and oxygenated


And if that wasn't bad enough, then they went on to enslave higher organisms that evolved

through oxygen dependency.

For the love of corn, look at the herbivores!

How sad is that?

Time for lunch and be sure to check out my books at your favorite online retailer and

subscribe to my channel for regular, in-depth explorations into the interesting, weird and

unknown aspects of this amazing universe in which we live.

For more infomation >> Enceladus and the Conditions for Life - Duration: 4:36.


Natural Ingredients for Cure Diabetes | Spinach and Coriander Juice For Diabetes - Duration: 5:52.

diabetes is an increasingly common condition according to the American

Diabetes Association approximately 1.4 million new cases are diagnosed every

year in u.s. diabetes can be challenging to control and many natural remedies or

help to lower blood sugars living with diabetes can be very difficult and could

be a little scary drinking green juices and eating a healthy diet can change

that here is a healthy green smoothie for this we need carrots spinach ginger

koo kumba lemon and coriander carrots carrots our root vegetables known for

their vibrant color and their ability to really benefit the vision carrots are

kava houses of nutrition carrots are frequently orange but can also be found

in white purple and red carrots are rich in vitamin A vitamin K and vitamin C and

potassium and manganese complex vitamin B with folate prosperous and vitamin E

in smaller quantities carrots are very high in sugar they are also rich in

healthy fiber along with vitamins minerals and antioxidants carrot

consumption would not hurt you even if you are a diabetic apples are delicious

nutrition convenient to eat will typically contain less sugar and more

fiber they are particularly beneficial for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes

they also have high antioxidant levels and are an excellent source of vitamin C

they contain about 20 grams of carbohydrates to provide you with all

the energy and most of it comes from natural sugars also examples have a g1

rating of 39 which means that they are a low glycemic food spinach spinach is

rich in vitamins minerals and photo chemicals spinach possesses a low

index which means eating it will help support healthy unstable blood glucose

levels spinach is exceptionally low in calories one cup of raw spinach contains

only seven calories the fact that spinach contains so few calories is a

major benefit of persons with diabetes it improves your blood glucose levels as

well as your blood pressure and cholesterol glaser my control a study

suggested that ginger improves long-term blood sugar control for people with type

2 diabetes ginger is rich in ginger Ale's the major

active component of ginger rhizome can increase uptake of glucose into muscle

cells without using insulin and helps in the management of high blood sugar

levels it is also worth noting that ginger has a very low glycemic index

load even foods break down slowly to form glucose and therefore do not

trigger a spike in blood sugar levels as high g1 foods do koo kumba

kokoomus are low in carbohydrates and a source of fiber they fit easily into a

diabetes meal plan the area recommends people with type 2 diabetes consume your

nutritious high-fiber diet including 3 to 5 servings of vegetables a day fiber

has many health benefits including providing a sense of fullness curbing

appetite and helping the blood sugar control many low carbohydrate vegetables

including cucumbers do not worsen blood sugar levels and can be eaten liberally

in diabetic diet lemon lemon is rich in nutrients having

high levels of vitamin C tianmen calcium and phosphorus lemon is good for

diabetics and has many other health benefices it is good for diabetics as a

means of controlling blood sugar levels lemon juice is good for diabetics mainly

because of its high concentration of vitamin C vitamin C is a powerful

antioxidants that helps boost the body's immune system and has a beneficial

effect on heart health coriander reduces the glucose levels in the blood

it also maintained the insulin activity coriander seed is effective in

controlling the insulin release from bitter cell in pancreas this regulates

the proper assimilation and absorption of sugar and this results in drop in the

sugar level in the blood now let us start the preparation take a blender jar

add spinach to it

cucumber pieces carrot pieces apple pieces coriander some ginger pieces add

some lemon juice

now pour some water and blend it well low-calorie juice is ready - this juice

along with a healthy large salad it will lower your blood sugar levels

tremendously by taking this juice regularly you can control your blood

sugar levels thanks for watching this video a like and subscribe for more


For more infomation >> Natural Ingredients for Cure Diabetes | Spinach and Coriander Juice For Diabetes - Duration: 5:52.


Jeff Sessions reacts to calls for a second special counsel - Duration: 5:40.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions reacts to calls for a second special counsel - Duration: 5:40.


Q2 Weather: 10 p.m. with Bob McGuire for March 7, 2018 - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Q2 Weather: 10 p.m. with Bob McGuire for March 7, 2018 - Duration: 4:52.


HOW TO DRAW Dress for Doll 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 13:48.

HOW TO DRAW Dress for Doll 🔴 Fun Rainbow

For more infomation >> HOW TO DRAW Dress for Doll 🔴 Fun Rainbow - Duration: 13:48.


New tax law a boon for agriculture in Montana - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> New tax law a boon for agriculture in Montana - Duration: 2:17.


Preparing for your Asylum Interview (Part 4 of 5) - Duration: 2:29.

Hi, I'm Anna lijphart, Executive Director of Oasis Legal Services.

This video is for people who would like to know more about what the asylum process is

when you're applying for asylum based on your sexual orientation and/or gender identity

at Oasis Legal Services.

This video is about what to do when you receive an interview notice.

We have other videos available as well about different parts of the process, please feel

free to check those out.

After we file your application for asylum, we wait for the interview notice.

That can take anywhere from 3 weeks to over 2 years to arrive.

During that time, it's really important to stay in touch with Oasis.

The government requires you to notify them of an address change within 10 days of moving.

So as soon as you move, please contact Oasis so that we can update your address internally

as well as with the government.

You will eventually receive your interview notice in the mail.

We also receive a copy of that notice and when that happens, a legal representative

from Oasis will contact you to make an appointment to prepare you for the asylum interview.

Oasis arranges for an interpreter if you need one, and also prepares and submits all the

necessary materials for you.

The purpose of the appointment in which we prepare you for the interview is to explain

the whole process of what will happen at your asylum interview, we also explain to you what

to bring, and most importantly, we practice the questions that you're likely to get

at your asylum interview.

As always, if you have any questions, please call us at 510.666.6687.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Preparing for your Asylum Interview (Part 4 of 5) - Duration: 2:29.


L23:Theory of Automata ,Regular Expression ,Regular languages,Algebraic laws for regular expressions - Duration: 14:24.

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