hey folks this is rhykker and a war is currently being waged over the future of
the monetization of video games and the battlefront for that war is that it's
battlefront - now when we first started covering this topic in last week's video
we discussed the outrage surrounding Star Wars Battlefront 2 's grindy
microtransaction loot box system and we spoke about the tiny glimpse of victory
that we had in the form of EA lowering the prices to unlock heroes now I
caution against considering this to be too much of a victory EA simply ceded a
small amount of territory in order to secure the greater victory in the end
but still it was a mostly symbolic victory for gamers because it proved
that US making noise about this issue was eliciting a response from EA but
that wasn't the only response since my video we prompted the developers of
battlefront to host and ask me anything on Reddit to respond to questions we
made enough noise to get the mainstream media's attention
we got investors worried and concerned about EAS stock and we even got gambling
Commission's to start looking closer into whether or not loop boxes need to
be regulated and the latest news in that regard which we'll cover a little bit
later in the video is some very early signs towards EA having potentially
ruined loot boxes for the entire video game industry but more on that in a bit
now we're gonna cover in depth all the topics that I just brought up I've
wanted to get an update video out earlier than this where the story just
kept developing and developing and I've got up to now like 22 pages of notes on
this so this is going to be a very deep video but I'm gonna try to get through
it as succinctly as possible but the first thing that I need to
mention before we really dive into this is something that I mentioned in our
first video on the topic in which EA developers were getting death threats
because of this controversy this was sort of the one bit of moral high-ground
that EA could stand upon the one thing sort of victimizing them and making us
feel bad for them well after some excellent investigative journalism by
Kotaku it turns out that the guy who is allegedly receiving the death threats
didn't even work for EI he was just a big fat phony all right let's dive right
into this now starting with the premature victory after all the outrage
after we made all this noise after main stream started to cover things after
Disney probably started putting pressure on EA it was late last week that we got
word that EA or dice the developer of battlefront 2 would be removing
microtransactions from the game the official EA Star Wars Twitter
account tweeted today we turned off in-game purchases for Star Wars
Battlefront 2 and they attach an image of a full
statement from the general manager at dice Oscar Gabrielson to skip past the
empty dock we get to quote we hear you loud and clear so we're turning off all
in-game purchases so that's a win right mission accomplished that's what some of
us were prematurely thinking and that's exactly what EA wanted us to think but
it's only a couple lines later down in that message that Gabrielsson goes on to
say the ability to purchase crystals in-game will become available at a later
date only after we've made changes to the game in other words there's no
intention of permanently removing microtransactions they are definitely
coming back and it's pretty transparent that the reason for this decision was to
temporarily appease consumers so that we can now buy the game and then once the
controversy is died down they can bring back the microtransactions they're just
trying to give consumers a reason to buy the game say ok it's alright no more
micro transactions I'm allowed to buy the game now no more boycotting right
and the sad truth is that to some extent this worked some people bought into this
not realizing that micro transactions weren't removed they were just put on
pause now the statement is that they're gonna find some way of changing the game
or the micro transaction system before bringing the system back in and we do
have some idea of how they will be reintroduced thanks to an industry
insider who leaked some information more on that in a bit but even without that
leak we did have some indication of a route that dice may take with the
revised monetization system before the monetization system was taken offline
dice held and asked me anything on reddit where they replied to
some questions that consumers had about the game this was a PR stunt done in
response to the outrage to serve as some form of damage control from the ask me
anything we learned that the developers are working on cosmetic customization in
battlefront - and games like overwatch have proven that if there's one form of
loot box system that people will accept it's if it's purely cosmetic
microtransactions we also learned that the matchmaking system should allegedly
keep things fair and balanced with regards to the whole pay2win thing in
other words if you have items that give you an advantage over other players then
you should only be matched with other players of similar skill or ability or
power whether we believe or trust that statement is another story and we do
have reason to not believe what the developers say which we'll get to in a
little bit here because they have lied or misled us before we saw lots and lots
and lots of talk about the developers always looking over data and tweaking
numbers and perhaps the meatiest answer that we received was about the game's
Arcade Mode quote with arcade we set out to let players earn credits offline via
a more relaxed game mode but as a result we needed to make sure it wouldn't be
exploited in a way that would impact multiplayer so to stop this potential
for abuse we decided to place a limit on credits earned offline okay so you don't
want multiplayer impacted by any potential exploits of people getting too
many credits too many rewards from playing offline so it stands to reason
then that you would also limit the number of loop boxes that you can
purchase right so that it's not gonna affect the multiplayer experience oh no
of course not you're fine with exploitation as long as it's exploiting
consumers wallets pay to exploit is fine but we can't have any of those free
exploits no no and another statement made was quote ultimately your
effectiveness is going to come down to skill not the star cards items that you
have now we'll revisit the statement in a moment but he's basically saying the
game is not paid to win and others disagree now ultimately this ask me
anything was a PR stunt and not more we did not get any concrete answers
on important issues beyond we're looking into numbers and looking to make changes
which is a statement that did not require and asked me anything to make
now on the topic of paid to win this was not the first time that one of the games
developers came out and said that the game will not be paid to win in a game
spot article published in June design director Nicholas peg rouse had assured
fans that battlefront 2 will not allow players to pay to win quote no it's not
about buying the winning item that's not how it works no one can say I'm gonna
spend my zillion dollars and then I'm going to dominate that's not how it
works fast-forward a few months to release and
we have players digging into the game and some very much disagreeing about the
game being paid to win we have this video here from x-factor gaming showing
some Boba Fett gameplay first with no star cards whatsoever no items in which
he's clearly underwhelmed with the naked Boba Fett and then he spends a bunch of
money to deck out his character and very strong items or star carts and then he's
just gleefully giggling at how powerful he is and he very much gets the
impression that it is paid to win then we have this video from level-cap gaming
in a review of the game he explains how much of an advantage he had over other
players by spending around $100 on loot crate's there's one mode in this game
that allows you to fly spaceships and with star cards in his a winged fighter
he's able to turn 20% faster and he says quote I'm pretty much the fastest thing
on the field beyond that he has a faster firing rate more damage per shot which
all translates into about 30 to 40% more damage altogether now to be fair he did
have to put in about 20 hours in order to be able to upgrade his star cards in
order to be able to effectively have this level of gear basically EA at some
point implemented a system in which you had to at least work a bit for your
power you can't just instantly unlock it with money at level 1 you have to put
some time investment before you gain access to the power that you could pay
for however level cap gaming states that he would not have been able to get this
these best in slot items as soon as he did without forking over money and there
for paying still gave them a considerable advantage over other
players if there's any doubt whatsoever as to how much star cards could really
impact your performance there's literally a star card that helps with
aim assist now the battlefront controversy has actually been going on
for many weeks it just hasn't blown up quite as much as it had in the past week
and thanks to initial complaints and gamed here the best star cards can no
longer be acquired from loot crate's in the past you could directly get those
best items from loot crate so you can just keep buying glue crates until you
have all the best gear now you have to actually craft them while this seems
like a solution to the issue crafting materials are obtained through loot
boxes so instead of paying money to get the best item from a loupe box you're
paying money to get the crafting materials to make yourself the best item
and Reddit user the hotter potato ran the math and it takes approximately 24
hours of gameplay or $20 of microtransactions to craft the highest
level of star card so I don't know about you folks but to me I'm sorry to feel
like I'm being lied to when the developers keep insisting that
there are no pay2win elements in this game and to pile on to that in a message
sent to players after the beta posted on the official website we have this
message quote if you get a duplicate star card in a crate you'll get crafting
parts which you can then use to help upgrade the star card of your choice but
what players are realizing now that the game released is that that's not true at
all if you get a duplicate item instead of getting crafting parts you're gaining
credits in other words instead of getting crafting materials in order to
craft whatever you want you're getting credits so that you can buy more loot
boxes to maybe get what you want now duplicates are a real problem in
loot box systems and when we talk about duplicates we mean that if you get an
item from a loot box and it's sort of an unlock it's something that you get once
and if you were to get that same thing another time you just can't have it
twice for instance if you unlock a skin you can't unlock a skin a second time
therefore it counts as a duplicate and it is of zero worth to you so the reason
that duplicates become a problem is that in a game in which there are
many many potential items to get the more you unlock the more difficult it
becomes to get the remaining items you're just getting more and more and
more duplicates and the biggest issue right now with the Battlefront to
duplicate system is that if you get a loop box of mostly duplicates you
actually end up at a deficit the amount of credits that you spend to get the
loot box turns out to being more than the amount of credits you receive from
all those dupes now this that sound like a familiar system at all a system in
which you insert some money for a random chance to get something and generally
end up with less money than you start it now overwatch is a game that had a big
problem with duplicates in its cosmetic loot boxes but it resolved that issue by
tweaking the numbers such that you were a lot less likely to get a duplicate
item but an overwatch there is no system to buy loop boxes with credits so once
you open a loop box and you have duplicates which again now is pretty
rare you'll get coins and those coins are
always more than you put in because you can't put in any coins to open a loop
box but in battlefront you can so it literally eventually devolves into a
slot machine now I know we've had some debates over whether or not loot boxes
aren't gambling but when it gets to that point that's about as literal as
gambling as we could get the only way to not end up at a credit deficit is by
spending real money on loot boxes oh and if you want another example of the
Devastator lying or being dishonest or just misleading us remember how they
said in the asking anything that if you play arcade mode offline you get credits
at a reduced rate it turns out if you play with no internet connection that
reduced rate is zero credits ever yes my offline mode they don't literally mean
offline they just mean not multiplayer if your internet goes down no credits
for you so we've discussed the importance of these star cards of items
we've touched upon credit acquisition rates and if you diligent people have
done some really great analyses of the numbers to try to add some perspective
to this whole discussion according to Soren camper of Star Wars
The Old Republic strategies.com in order to unlock everything we're talking about
all the star car stuff here it would require over 4,500
hours of gameplay or $2,100 and according to Reddit user hnk the most
efficient way to progress in battlefront 2 is to work even a minimum-wage job in
fact you can work less than minimum wage you can almost work at sweatshop rates
hnk calculated that all you need to earn is more than 80 cents an hour and
earning that amount of money and spending it on loop boxes will make you
progress faster than just playing the game his calculation state that playing
battlefield 2 for 40 hours for 0 will earn you $32 worth of loot boxes now
even if rewards were doubled or tripled or even quadruple you'd still progress
faster with a minimum wage job but of course you would lack the sense of pride
and accomplishment which is priceless to make matters even worse there are
reports that rewards in this game are front-loaded in other words progression
is fast at the start but then it slows down after a couple dozen hours invested
into the game eventually slowing to a crawl we've got reports of people with
25 to 50 hours in the game getting MVP every match and hardly getting any
credits in other words the game hooks you in hooks you into this reward system
gets you invested into the game after a couple dozen hours you're pretty you're
pretty hooked and that's when that principle of ego depletion starts to set
in that we discussed in our previous video all of a sudden is taking so long
to progress and it's so inviting to just buy that next loot box now I wish I can
say I really wish I can say that this was the first time that EA has ever done
anything so seemingly underhanded but you really don't have to dig far to find
examples of EA doing things that are clearly not in the interest of the gamer
for instance back in 2004 EA worked out an exclusivity deal with the NFL you see
back in the day there used to be two major competing football franchises EA's
Madden series and two K's ESPN NFL 2k series these two franchises were major
competitors and the 2k series was met with critical acclaim over six games
before that exclusivity deal was signed in 2004 this
shut down 2k series altogether making Madden's the only NFL series left and
since then the Madden series has gotten lower review scores on average and it
used to it's almost as if competition is a good thing that forces you to make a
better product EA tried to work out a similar deal with the NBA because 2k
also had a rival NBA series that was a lot more successful than EAS
but the NBA didn't go for that deal another time EA did something kinda scam
me was when they fired one of the original creators of Plants vs Zombies
George fan because he refused to include pay2win elements in plants vs zombies -
he replied to rumors about this with this tweet regarding recent rumors it is
true I was laid off by EA / pop cap and also true that I was against making PVC
- a freemium game that's all I'll say on the matter for now but perhaps the
saddest thing here is that what they're doing with battlefront - is something
that they've been doing with other games for a while now for players of EA's FIFA
18 Battlefront - system is just the norm FIFA 18 has a pay2win mode and other
things are seen in other recent EA games as well in sports games and racing games
it seems these models are just accepted but battlefront - reaches a wider
audience don't get me wrong there's a huge audience for sports and racing
games but those audiences are generally different from the kind of gamer that
plays World of Warcraft or diablo or overwatch now over the years publishers
have been slowly introducing more and more ways to squeeze money from us and
honestly battlefront 2 system isn't so far out of the norm that it would be a
complete shock but it seems that this is finally the
straw to break the camel's back we've been heading towards a tipping point or
at some point gamers would say enough is enough and it seems we have now reached
that point and it is thanks to the huge amount of noise that the gaming
community has been making over this that mainstream media has caught the story
and is started to spread it and it's as mainstream media started to pick up this
story that the narrative start to shift towards associating the names Disney and
EA with gambling there was a point last week that
on Twitter if you searched hashtag gambling the top two results were EA
Games and Disney the controversy made the front page of CNN's tech section the
UK's Daily Mirror covered it it made it onto Canadian national news we've had
reports of local news outlets from around the world covering the story CNBC
reported that even Wall Street was getting worried that social media
outrage over EA star wars game may hurt sales they also report a vet in a note
to clients the Bank of America said we see recent controversies as a potential
risk for unit sales we saw the BBC report on the controversy and the
removal of the micro transaction system without buying into EA's narrative and
clearly stating that the system will return that its removal was just
temporary the washington post outright asked EA if players can be guaranteed
that paid to and mechanics have been removed from the game and EA just dodged
the question so all of a sudden this wasn't just a discussion amongst gamers
or just on reddit or just on YouTube this is something that moms and dads
were hearing about bankers investors government representatives and all of
this ruckus led the Belgian Commission for gambling to open an investigation
into Battlefront - and also over watches loot boxes biggest according to the
Gaming Commission such a game is primarily a danger for minors who spend
a lot of money under social pressure and the result of this investigation in a
worst case scenario or I suppose a best-case scenario for us would lead to
EA either having to spend hundreds of thousands of euros as a fine or having
the game removed from shelves altogether so after Belgium started this
investigation into gambling ea made a statement to GameSpot basically saying
no no it's not gambling it's not gambling quote the crate mechanics are
not gambling a player's ability to succeed in the game is not dependent on
purchasing crates players can also earn crates through playing the game and not
spending any money at all once obtained players are always guaranteed to receive
content that can be used in game now that last point has been the one major
technicality that has made loot boxes not fit the legal definition of gambling
that you're always guaranteed to get
something if you could get nothing at all then it would be gambling
but Belgium has its own regulations and the Belgium Gaming Act of May 7th 1999
defines games of chance as quote any game by which a stake of any kind is
committed the consequence of which is either loss of the stake by at least one
of the players or a gain of any kind in favor of at least one of the players or
organisers of the game in which chance is a factor albeit and ciliary for the
conduct of the game determination of the winner or fixing of the gain and it's
this week that we got a ruling from Belgium that yes it is gambling the
gambling committee said mixing money and addiction is gambling and there's plenty
of proof of people getting addicted to loop boxes - those kind of micro
transactions in games the Belgium Minister of Justice wants to prohibit
purchases in video games if you do not know what exactly you are getting with
that purchase and he doesn't want this to apply just to Belgium but to all of
Europe as well and it would seem other countries are also starting to get
behind this a French senator for instance Jay domes today wrote a letter
to Frances online gambling authority in this letter he starts by praising video
games as a positive contribution to the country then points out that many gamers
have concerns about the negative effects that loop box micro transactions can
have on the industry he questions whether there should be some consumer
protection in place he points out that cosmetic loot boxes are well accepted by
the community but that pay2win loot boxes as seen in battlefront - which he
specifies by name have caused much debate and have drawn many comparisons
to gambling he points out that there isn't much transparency when it comes to
loot box statistics outside of China which a short time ago established
regulation that all loot box probabilities must be made public and
Sudan questions whether France should do the same we also have some good news
happening in America Hawaiian state representative Chris Lee put out this
YouTube video right here we're to ensure future protections for kids
youth and everyone when it comes to the spread of predatory practices in online
gaming and the significant financial consequences that it can have on
families and has been having on families around this nation this game is a star
wars-themed online casino designed to lure kids into spending money it's a
trap and this is something that we need to
address to ensure that particularly kids who are underage who are not
psychologically and and emotionally mature enough to be able to gamble which
is why gambling is prohibited under 21 are protected from being trapped into
these cycles which have compelled many folks to spend thousands of dollars in
gaming fees online we're looking at legislation in this coming year which
could prohibit access or prohibit the sale of these games to folks who are
underage in order to protect families as well as prohibiting different kinds of
mechanisms in those games we've been talking with several other states as
well legislators there who are looking at the same thing I think this is an
appropriate time to make sure that these issues are addressed before this becomes
the new norm for every game and in a follow up reddit post he went on to
state you can compel action wherever you live by calling and emailing your own
state legislators and asking them to act but don't stop there
call your allies call your pastors and teachers and community leaders ask them
to call your state legislators as well their voices are politically powerful he
goes on to say and frankly we don't need to change the laws in every state we
just need to change a few and it will be enough to draw the line and compel
change I mean think about it if game developers have to start worrying about
ok in these states I have to release this version of the game and in these
states I can release the other version of the game and how is a community gonna
react to this and how do I connect the communities it's gonna be way too much
of a headache chrisley concluded by saying your future is whatever you make
it so make it a good one you have the power to get involved and decide this
and the choice is clear stand up now or let this be the new normal
from this point forward additionally for whatever it's worth there's a petition
to the ESRB to declare loot boxes as gambling it has over 80 thousand
signatures as of now I'll put a link to that in the description below and it
seems all this talk about gambling all of this outrage
all of this association with the Star Wars brand and negative press and
gambling all happening right before the release of the last Jedi has not made
Disney very happy now last week there was a rumor that was started about EA
being threatened with losing their exclusivity deal they have with Disney
for making Star Wars games unless they remove or revamp their microtransactions
system we heard from a reddit user named craft guy who seemed to have inside
knowledge in order to not be fired he didn't give too many details about
his identity but before EA disabled microtransactions he made this statement
EA was just threatened with losing their exclusivity deal unless they revamp /
removed the current micro transaction system he said the announcement will
leave the becoming tonight or tomorrow watch Twitter and the forums and as he
predicted within his time frame the micro transaction system was taken down
which gives legitimacy to his claim of being an insider he went on to say that
Disney is a company that's taken a strong stance against gambling and is
angry that gambling related bad press has begun to affect the company's public
image and the public image of the Star Wars intellectual property they're
particularly upset that it's happening right before the release of the new
movie now of course this is not 100% confirmed that this is an industry
insider it could just be a lucky guess but his comments about the specificity
of the message that we ended up getting and the time frame under which we
received that message do lend him legitimacy so what he went on to tell us
about what's going on inside EA's headquarters was that micro transactions
will be reintroduced and that there are two options currently on the table as to
how that will happen the first being that micro transactions will be cosmetic
only he specifies that this is a less popular option for EA and will only
happen if we continue to make enough noise because the second system is that
micro transactions will be used to purchase specific Star card and cosmetic
packages or bundles this is so that the gambling aspect is removed
but it still will be paid to win he goes on to say that really the only reason
any of this is happening is because of how much noise we've been making and he
encourages us to keep making noise he went on to say that Disney is unhappy
with how long it took ei to take effective action on this matter they're
upset that ei allowed the situation the bad press to evolve to its current state
which is a state that could harm Disney's brand and the Star Wars brand
and the sentiment was corroborated by reputable journalist Ben Fritz who
tweeted that Disney's CEO was upset about the battlefront to
microtransaction debacle and another Disney exec Jimmy potaro expressed
Disney's displeasure to EA according to another anonymous source Disney actually
did threaten EA on the exclusivity deal and while we don't know for sure how
legitimate that source is everything is kind of pointing towards one picture
here and one thing we must remember is that in 2006 after a 10-year partnership
Disney did not renew its cross-promotional pact with McDonald's
that deal was said to be worth 1 billion dollars for Disney but Disney did not
want to be associated with childhood obesity so it's pretty clear that Disney
will not tolerate an association with childhood gambling the pressure is on EA
the noise we've been making has been seeing results first those epic star
cards were removed from loot boxes way back then more recently they reduced the
hero costs then they did the ask me anything now they've temporarily
disabled microtransactions EA keeps ceding territory to us the more we fight
them think of how much more could be done the more we fight pay to win could
be eliminated from battlefront too altogether in fact according to an
article from VentureBeat during development at some point battlefront 2
had a monetization model very similar to over watch's cosmetic only quote it
would have favored cosmetic items like hero costumes in its loot boxes / perks
and weapons most of these ideas were dropped from battlefront - at least in
part to a request from Disney's Star Wars division Lucasfilm so given the
system was on the table at some point that means they probably still have some
assets something some kind of structure that from back then and if we establish
that the pay2win model is unacceptable the loop box model is unacceptable
we can fight them all the way back to that now a big part of EA's damage
control tactics were to ensure that the game would still sell and for a triple-a
developer a big part of that is their Metacritic score triple-a devs want at
minimum an 8 out of 10 ideally a nine out of ten because to the public at
large anything below an 8 out of 10 is just a terrible game well the reviews
have been coming in and it seems a common criticism is the loot box
microtransaction system a lot of outlets are taking off big points just because
of that ARS Technica's review verdict is a void Star Wars Battlefront - enjoying
bombs review the reviewer stated I'd usually get a paltry amount of credits
or an emote for a character or class I never played as at no point did I feel
like I was making any progress towards directly improving anything I use I just
grind and grind until I had enough to buy a loot box then get disappointed by
its contents and repeat the cycle again 2 out of 5 stars
polygons outright called the game pay2win and gave it a 7 out of 10 PC
gamers review stated to facilitate microtransactions progression is slow
over complicated and unfun and gave it a 63 out of a hundred slant magazines
review called the game a soulless pachinko machine where
narrative depth cooperation between friends and the exhilaration of gameplay
have all taken a backseat to the gaping Sarlacc like ma of unadulterated greed
the review later states the game is notoriously stingy about letting you
play with the people you want and as the characters you most desire but giving EA
your credit card number has never been easier
2 out of 5 stars Game Informer gave the game a six point five out of ten Digital
Trends gave it a seven out of ten IGN gave it a six point five out of ten
IGN and in their advertising for the game he actually pulled a line from
IGN's review feels like you're in a Star Wars movie
normally they would include the IGN score after that but no they're not
proud of that one GameSpot gave it a 6 out of 10 Shaq news gave it a 6 out of
10 for gave it a 5 out of 10 Destructoid gave
it a 5 out of 10 as of right now the game's Metacritic score is 67 out of a
hundred and the user score a zero point eight out of ten and that's despite
Metacritic deleting a ton of user reviews and it seems all the bad reviews
all the bad press is impacting sales EA's bottom line ultimately all they
really care about in the UK physical copies of battlefront 2 are down 60%
compared to battlefront 1 which released two years ago now you can argue while
most people buy games digitally nowadays but that can't explain a 60% drop over
just two years maybe if it was 10 years ago and according to game industry dot
biz publisher Christopher drink EA estimates that 36% of sales are digital
versus only 10 to 15% two years ago he says quote even if the numbers are
higher for the UK market you're still looking at a hefty decline he goes on to
say that some of the slippage is definitely attributed to the rise of
digital sales but he says you're probably looking at a decline of 30%
perhaps with digital factored in because we have to remember that it's mostly the
PC market that is primarily digital console is still very much physical
copies and for battlefront 2 55% of sales were on ps4 44% were on Xbox one
and only 1% of battlefront 2 sales were on PC Call of Duty World War 2 which
released November 3rd retained its spot as the number one seller of the week
when you would normally expect a new release like battlefront 2 to take that
spot now again we're talking about UK physical copies here but that's just a
microcosm for the greater world before the game even released investment sites
started to caution against investing in EA stock given the controversy around
battlefront 2 according to investor place.com quote battlefront 2 was the
reason to buy EA stock this holiday season that isn't the case anymore
in fact battlefront 2 might actually now be a reason to sell EA stock and if you
look at the stock starting on November 16th the stock started dropping it's
stabilized after hitting a low on Monday but
a stock is down 7% month to date through last Thursday now despite this ei issued
a securities filing last Friday revolving around its decision to suspend
in-game purchases in battlefront - and the company said quote this change is
not expected to have a material impact on EA's fiscal year 2018 financial
guidance in other words whatever their profit they were projecting for the year
they're saying that there's not going to be any significant change to this based
on them turning off micro transactions and a big part of that is probably
because they intend to put them back in now as much as I'd love to see it as a
victory that EA took a 7% hit to its stock one thing to bear in mind is that
year-over-year ea stock is up 38% and a big part of this is thanks to their
micro transactions for 2017 EA's total digital net revenue was 2.8 7 billion
dollars and 1.68 billion of that that's almost 60 percent of that was from micro
transactions alone 800 million dollars almost 30% of the 2.8 7 was from fifa
micro transactions alone so while it is important to fight this battle to save
this one game from micro transactions what we must keep in mind is that we're
fighting a greater war over the future of the monetization of the industry we
don't just want this system to not be in Battlefront 2 we don't want this in any
game ever again and with government agencies now starting to step in and
start to evaluate whether or not we need to regulate games with loot boxes it
seems that EA will potentially have ruined a revenue stream for all
developers everywhere all because like the dwarves of Moria they got too greedy
so that wraps up this massive video I wish I could have made this short ever
there's just so much to cover and this is such an important topic but if
there's one thing to take away from this folks it's that we've been making a
difference we're making progress and we have to continue and also please save
net neutrality and that wraps up this video thanks for watching especially
thanks to my twitch and patreon supporters for making these videos
possible if you enjoyed this video please share it check out these other
videos and subscribe to join rikers raiders for more
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