Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 24 2017

>> Yes, you guys, I still don't drive.

>> [LAUGH] >> But

I do love to be the DJ in the car and I sing at the top of my lungs while riding.

And my husband knows this, right?

>> I do. >> [LAUGH]

>> I do know this very well.

>> Exactly.

>> And it is very loud.

>> Yeah. >> And it is very, it's popping.

>> Yeah, there we go.

But apparently, you guys, this can actually get you in to trouble.

According to the Huffington Post a Montreal man recently got a traffic ticket

for, get this, singing in his car.

Y'all gotta watch out.

That's right.

He was rocking out to the C and C Music Factory hit Gonna Make You Sweat.

You guys know that song?

>> Yes. >> Okay,

when the cops pulled him over the officer ended up giving him $117 ticket.

That's a lot of money, for quote screaming in his car.

>> [LAUGH] >> So ladies,

do you think your car singing is bad enough that you could in trouble for it?

[LAUGH] >> That's shady.

>> I don't know it's a- >> Jeannie.

>> You see how she came to me?

>> Jeannie.

>> [LAUGH] >> You see that?

No. Okay, it's because I know I have

a bad voice.

But if it's a low grade song like some SWV or some Monica.

Then I've got that down.

Like TLC?

>> [LAUGH] >> But if it's like Mariah or Sam Smith,

it's not good.

>> No. >> [CROSSTALK]

>> [INAUDIBLE] expression at this point.

>> No, I have a dressing room next- >> I get so weak.

>> No, you can't- >> You can't sing like that!

>> Okay, but I'm just saying, that was on beat, you know the song, it was, right?

Thank you, you can drive with me any time.

>> [APPLAUSE]. >> She's always on beat.

>> Yeah.

>> She's not always in tune.

>> [LAUGH] >> Yeah.

>> And it's like- >> But she makes up for

it by singing really loud.

>> No. With a lot of feeling.

>> With a lot of feeling, yes.

I'm happy that she's passionate when she's singing,

but Jeannie, Jeannie, I can hear you through the walls.

>> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, they share a wall.

>> Yep, pretty much.

>> Sam, you like it.

I give her a ticket and you're not even driving.

>> [LAUGH] >> I swear to God.

>> Got a ticket for singing music factory.

I mean, wouldn't that 86?

>> I know, wait, do you think it actually can be harmful though to sing and drive?

Maybe it's a question of- >> What?

>> You can sing and drive?

>> I don't understand why he got a ticket for

that, unless it looks like he was in pain or something like that.

>> [LAUGH] >> I don't understand why he got-

>> Or maybe he got really into it.

>> Yes.

>> Sometimes people forget when they're dancing and they're singing.

>> What is this?

>> He probably had his eyes closed or something.

>> Do you sing and drive?

>> Okay, [LAUGH] there is more news people, get ready.

>> What? >> What?

>> I don't drive.

>> My mom doesn't drive either.

It's a generational

curse. >> What?


>> Okay.

>> Her mom didn't drive,

she doesn't drive, I don't drive. >> Because we don't need to.

>> My sister doesn't drive.

We're New Yorker's, where am I putting this car?

For more infomation >> Jeannie Mai Gets Ticketed for Singing - Duration: 2:58.



Hi Guys!!

I'm Keisha & I'm Khushi

So today's dish is Shahi Tukda

And the Ingredients are very simple.

The first step is to apply Pure Ghee or Butter on both sides of the bread generously.

My toaster is already pre-heated.

Now I will put my breads into it.

And we will keep checking them until they get golden brown.

My breads are done.

You can also use Airfryer instead of toaster.

Now we have to pour condensed milk on the breads according to our taste.

Now we will garnish them with sliced almonds and saffron.

My Shahi Tukda's are ready to eat.

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Black Friday shoppers up early for best deals - Duration: 1:10.

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24 essential phrasal verbs for computers and technology - Duration: 10:35.

This lesson's about phrasal verbs we use to talk about computers and technology.

We're going to look 24 common ones, learn their meanings and then we'll have a story,

because the best way to learn phrasal verbs is to see them in action.

Before we begin, there's something you need to know about English phrasal verbs.

Some are separable and some aren't.

So sometimes we can separate the verb from the other little word and sometimes we can't.

For example, 'plug in' is a separable phrasal verb, so you can plug in a device or you can

plug it in.

We say it in both ways but we don't say 'plug in it'.

If you're not sure about that, we've made another video about it.

I'll put a link here.

Inseparable phrasal verbs are different because we can't separate the words.

They stick together.

For example, 'get into' is inseparable in this sentence and it means enter.

If you can't access the system, you can't get into it.

But you can't say 'get the system into'.

Get and into stick together.

OK, now you know that, let's look at some phrasal verbs and see what they mean.

First one.

Before you use your computer you have to hook it up – connect the cables and give it power.

Next one?

This is easy – you turn the computer on.

Press a switch so it starts working.

And what's the opposite?

It's turn off, of course.

And here's a very similar one.

Power up means preparing a machine to work by supplying it with electricity.

And the opposite?

Power down.

When you turn on your computer it boots up.

It starts working and loads a program so it's ready to be used.

Sometimes we just say boot.

I'm waiting for my computer to boot.

But often we say boot up.

It takes ages to boot up.

And the opposite of boot up is shut down.

It means to stop it operating.

Sometimes I forget to shut down my computer before I go home.

It means it's running all night.

Next one?

Or next two!

They both mean the same thing - connect to a network.

Usually we need a password to log in.

You can say log in or log on – it's the same.

So what's the opposite?

Log off or log out.

That's when you disconnect from a network.

Now look what happens when there's an object.

The preposition changes and we say log into, log onto, log off of or log out of.

They're all inseparable so the verbs and the other little words stick together.

However we can also log someone into a system – that's when we do it for them.

Can you log me onto the network?


Do you have a password?


You'll need to create one first.

Next one?

'Put in' means type.

Sometimes we say 'key in' as well – it means the same thing.

It's when you enter data.

OK, I've got my password.

Then put it in.

OK, we're in the system now and we're working on our computer, then a message suddenly

appears – it pops up.

Maybe it's an advertisement or a warning.

They pop up a lot.

I hate the ads that keep popping up.


Click on the red cross and they'll go away.

Click on – this means move your mouse onto something and click.

Another thing we do with our mouse is scroll.

There are so many ads.

Can you scroll down past them?

Scrolling down means moving the screen down and the opposite is scrolling up, of course.

We can also zoom in and make things larger.

And the opposite?

Zoom out.

Next one.

It's always a good idea back up your files.

Make a copy of them so you have a second version if the first one fails

And, I have just one more for you.

This is when people get into a network secretly, without permission.

They look at information, and maybe change or steal it.

Hey, do you think someone's hacked into our system?

I hope not!

Great, now let's see some of these verbs in action.

Are you ready for a story?

Watch it and see how many phrasal verbs you can spot.

Here we go.

Computer help desk.

I need your help.

I can't log into the system.

I can help you with that.

You need to hook up your computer.

Plug it in and power it up.

I've already done all that.

So you've turned it on?

Yes, it's on.

I need you to log me onto the network.

You want to get into the system.


I can't get in.

Then I need you user ID.

It's 46821.

Please hurry up because I've got a conference call starting in five minutes


I just sent you a link.


Click on the link and then scroll down.


A message just popped up.

What does it say?

'Are you a robot?'

It wants me to type two words in a little box.


Are you a robot?

No, of course not!

Sometimes robots try to hack into our system.

I'm a human being!

Then just put in the words.

Key them in.

It's impossible.

I can't read them.

Sorry then.

I can't help you.

Why not?

You're a robot.

I'm not a robot.

It's impossible to read these words.

Sorry, I can't help robots.


Ah well.

Mission failed.

Mission failed.

Mission fail.

Mission fail.

Mission fail.


How many phrasal verbs did you spot?

Let's watch again and this time we'll see them pop up.

Computer help desk.

I need your help.

I can't log into the system.

I can help you with that.

You need to hook up your computer.

Plug it in and power it up.

I've already done all that.

So you've turned it on?

Yes, it's on.

I need you to log me onto the network.

You want to get into the system.


I can't get in.

Then I need you user ID.

It's 46821.

Please hurry up because I've got a conference call starting in five minutes


I just sent you a link.


Click on the link and then scroll down.


A message just popped up.

What does it say?

'Are you a robot?'

It wants me to type two words in a little box.


Are you a robot?

No, of course not!

Sometimes robots try to hack into our system.

I'm a human being!

Then just put in the words.

Key them in.

It's impossible.

I can't read them.

Sorry then.

I can't help you.

Why not?

You're a robot.

I'm not a robot.

It's impossible to read these words.

Sorry, I can't help robots.


Ah well.

Mission failed.

Mission failed.

Mission fail.

Mission fail.

Mission fail.


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We've got some good ones in the works, so you don't want to miss them.

See you next Friday.

Bye now.

For more infomation >> 24 essential phrasal verbs for computers and technology - Duration: 10:35.


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EASY CHRISTMAS STAR * ORNAMENT CRAFT * for kids, school, home & Sunday School (WRIGHT IDEAS) - Duration: 4:43.

yes welcome to my channel where I put up simple tutorials to help people like you

who are giving their time to teach children and today we are doing a

Christmas star ornament crafts it's really really simple

I'm going to be giving you some tips and advice if you are teaching this to a

group of children so if you're interested in your craft

going smoothly then be sure to keep watching. what you'll need is you'll need

little styrofoam stars you'll need little wire hooks that you hang

ornaments with or you could use some craft wire the other thing you'll need

is of course some craft glue you'll need little bowls and for the glue and the

paintbrushes you'll need whatever glitter color that you're going to use

or colors the other thing is some bowls to catch the glitter and do the

sprinkling with and then the thing that's really important is you'll need a

wet hand washer because the kids hands will get very gluey and save them all

having to go off to the bathroom to wash their hands they can just wipe them on

this washer now this is what you need to prepare the crafts your little hooks and

your stars or your wire and all I do is just straighten out the hook like that

twist it into the little styrofoam star like that okay so that's one way you can

do it or if you want to use this wire I make a little loop you can just loop it

like that and then stick the ends into the little styrofoam star as well and

then you can have an ornament that has a little loop so that's another way of

doing it and then once you have all your little stars prepared for your group

then you're ready to go and all you need then - your glue and your paintbrush and

what I normally do is if I'm doing this all on my own without any helpers and

it's just me I'll get that all the kids started on something

whether their coloring doing color sheet or working on a little book and then

I'll take one table at a time to come over to an a area in the

room and they'll come and do this little craft because it's very very quick so

all they do is paint the little star all over the best that they can this is

really like the Gumnut ornament tutorial that I did where the kids painted the

Gumnut ornament and then they just sprinkled it with the glitter the thing

I love about using a star relates to a Bible story about the Wiseman so you can

use this as a reinforcement of your lesson - this is my little tip which I've

learned from doing this is the bigger the bowl the tidier your table would be

so if you have a decent sized bowl then glitter won't go as far and the kids

just sprinkle it over the top of the star the other thing that I would give a

tip if you're on your own and you've got quite a few kids I would just do one

color whether it be gold or whether it be silver if you do lots of colors the

kids might have a problem with you know who wants this color and she wants that

color so I find one color actually works or you could do two you know gold and

silver or if you have time the kids can do a couple of stars you know if you

need to use more time up in your lesson and the thing that I use to keep it to

dry is I use a cup holder and the kids can just hang their finished star on the

cup holder to dry so what did you think of that simple little star ornament it's

pretty simple isn't it? well if you like glittering and you like doing Christmas

crafts I actually have a whole playlist now that I've been putting my Christmas

crafts ideas up and I have lots more glittering you'll find the ideas of how

to do some seedpod glittering as well as I've got a little angel ornament that

you can check out so when you have time to grab a cup of tea and just watch a

playlist go ahead and try it out once again i'm glad that you visited here and

if you like this idea today can you give it a thumbs up? that would be awesome.

Thanks so much for watching!

don't forget to Like and subscribe

For more infomation >> EASY CHRISTMAS STAR * ORNAMENT CRAFT * for kids, school, home & Sunday School (WRIGHT IDEAS) - Duration: 4:43.


Homemade Weight Loss Drinks Recipes For Lazy People - Duration: 2:10.

homemade weight loss drinks recipes For Lazy People.

homemade weight loss drinks recipes For Lazy People.

homemade weight loss drinks recipes For Lazy People.

homemade weight loss drinks recipes For Lazy People.

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