Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 30 2017

We all hate acne.

Blemishes caused by clogged pores are frustrating.

The issue appears to be more prevalent during the hormonal changes, that take place during

the teen years and those of menopause.

Proper hygiene can reduce the amount of oil that might lead to clogged pores and result

in an outbreak, but no one can completely avoid those irritating pimples.

What makes the issue more complicated is when the skin becomes more severely damaged from


Blemishes that last a few days aren't so bad, but when scars that can last for months

begin to appear, it's often very disheartening.

People spend small fortunes trying to deal with these difficult stains and imperfections.

Creams and other treatments can quickly add up—especially in severe cases.

If you find yourself in this position, there might be a better, safer, and less expensive

alternative to the chemicals, you'll find in the health and beauty section of your local

grocery store.

Some more common items found amongst the food can give you more relief: both aesthetically

and financially.

Take a look at these home made remedies for acne scars:


Apple Cider Vinegar For those scars that have become dark and

discolored, try Apple Cider Vinegar.

It helps to lighten these spots and make them less noticeable.

What's more, it helps the body produce collagen which has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Simply dip a cotton ball into a mixture of equal parts water and Apple Cider Vinegar.

Let it sit for five minutes then wash it off.

Apply this treatment once a day, and be sure to use only unfiltered, raw Apple Cider Vinegar.


Aloe Vera If you don't have an aloe vera plant, find

one to keep at home.

They're great for burns as well as for this acne scar treatment.

Cut open a leaf and carefully remove the gel from the inside.

Massage it onto the affected area.

Leave it on the skin for half-an-hour, the rinse it off.

You can apply this treatment up to three times daily.

Aloe vera helps reduce inflammation and fight bacteria so it's a very versatile topical



Lemon Similar to Apple Cider Vinegar, lemons have

a lightening effect on the skin.

It's also a powerful cleaning agent.

The high vitamin C content is great for the skin's elasticity.

When applying this treatment you need to be cautious about sun exposure to prevent any


It's not recommended to be in the sun for an extended amount of time after an application

of lemon juice.

To use lemon juice, simply squeeze a few drops from a lemon on a cotton ball.

Apply it directly to your skin and let it sit for ten minutes, then wash it off.

Use lemon juice up to twice a day for acne scars.


Coconut Oil Coconut oil keeps skin healthy and can also

repair damaged skin tissues.

It's a fantastic natural moisturizer and lessens the visibility of acne scars when

applied over time.

In order to use this treatment, massage some warm coconut oil on the scars.

You can let the coconut oil stay on the skin and be absorbed for thirty minutes to an hour,

then wash it off.

For more infomation >> How To Prevent And Get Rid Of Acne Scars For Good - Duration: 3:33.


Coco Movie Miguel and Skeleton Puzzle Video for Kids - Duration: 2:02.

Coco Movie Miguel and Skeleton Puzzle Video for Kids

For more infomation >> Coco Movie Miguel and Skeleton Puzzle Video for Kids - Duration: 2:02.


Best Textbooks For Learning Russian – Лучшие учебники РКИ - Duration: 8:01.

Hello everyone! Today we're having a little bit unusual video

because I'm not alone here

here is beautiful Anastasia Semina

amazing and professional teacher of the Russian language as a foreign language

She teaches it in school... Right?

I also do individual lessons and I teach on Skype

But I also have a YouTube channel to see the link

Yes! Check out the description box of this video

to Anastasia's channel, she has amazing videos

and also... we're at her place now

and she has an amazing collection of Russian language textbooks

and she's ready to share her opinion about these books

but we're going to speak in Russian

so right now you should go to the settings and turn on English subtitles

if you don't understand us

So, now...

Ok, well...

First I want to tell you about a textbook

titled ""

It's a new textbook, and I like it because it's very bright

Look, here are many colourful pictures and illustrations

Also I like that this book is well structured

When a student opens a lesson... For example, lesson 2.3

he knows what grammar he's studying now

for example, in this lesson he learns the verbs that demand accusative case

Verb plus the accusative case of nouns

also they use vocabulary about hobbies

and each lesson is like that

both teacher and student know what they're studying

this textbook also includes a workbook

which contains very many exercises

for each topic from the textbook

So the lesson in the textbook and in the workbook, they...

I'll say it in a different way

Each lesson in the workbook corresponds with a lesson in the textbook

so a student, after completing some topic

can consolidate knowledge properly

And where can foreigners buy this textbook?

Foreigners can buy this book on the website

we'll write it here

the authors of this book live in Switzerland

but as far as I know they can ship textbooks from Moscow

And to Europe from Switzerland it will be faster and easier

And cheaper

Another textbook I want to tell about...

It doesn't look that neat already

because I've been using it a lot, and many of my students used it with me

we work with those who just start

oh, by the way, about that book

The textbook "" is also for those who have level A1 and just start learning

from the alphabet, from the very basics

those who learn the language from scratch. From zero

The "Russian souvenir" textbook is also for those who starts learning from scratch

total beginners

And if you compare these two textbook, this one has a "slower pace"

The pacing is slower, but it doesn't mean that there's no enough material

it's just more comfortable for those who want to learn

with smaller portions of information

Now I'll show how the textbook looks

Show yourself there

It's in the next one, part 2

for example, here is a topic Health

again it's obvious what vocabulary a student learns,

there's a rubric "New vocabulary"

some grammar constructions

and some very...

and useful phrases and constructions for conversations

for example "How to show that you're in pain"

or "How to call a taxi" or "How to call to a restaurant and book a table"

so, some important constructions for the beginning level,

to survive in the Russian speaking country

Just like the "", the "Russian souvenir" is very colourful

very many illustrations

very nice to touch, like some magazine

Yes, the quality is great

This book also has a workbook, and both textbooks also have a very good audio material

Also I use this old textbook


it's black and white, not like the modern textbooks

but I like that in the very beginning student learn to read

and students can do it even without a tutor

So there are no Latin letters, right?

No, there's absolutely nothing, not a single word in English

From the very beginning there are letters

vowels, consonants

syllables and some short words

simple of course: mama, papa, we and so on

And the audio material for this book is complete, so a student can learn by himself

and just to repeat. listen and repeat, listen and repeat

In this textbook the structure is on the more difficult level

on more difficult lessons... It's not...

not that well organised, I think

that's why now I prefer these textbooks

But for the first lessons I like how here they teach students to read

This textbook also includes a workbook and the audio

For beginners I like to use the book "Little casket"

In this book there is a collection...

This book is a collection of tales

Here are some stories that are short

and written in the easy Russian language

let's open this tale for example

"What's their profession"

These short texts

And here they give different words with English translations

After each text they have exercises to check yourself and practice

the new material

And what I like most, these texts are grouped by level, and also by cases

The first one...

First 8-10 texts are for the nominative case

then prepositional case, accusative case and so on

And further we go, the texts become more difficult

So these were the books for the beginners

it's approximately levels A1-A2

And in the next video we'll talk about... something more difficult

Yes, something like B1

Yes, so don't miss the part 2 of this video

Bye-bye for now! Bye!

For more infomation >> Best Textbooks For Learning Russian – Лучшие учебники РКИ - Duration: 8:01.


A Better You: Get ready for ski season - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> A Better You: Get ready for ski season - Duration: 2:25.


Paw Patrol funny cartoon for kids finger family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:33.

Paw Patrol funny cartoon for kids finger family song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Paw Patrol funny cartoon for kids finger family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 4:33.


Kim Kardashian Is Not Here for Kendall Jenner Getting a Gun: "I Wouldn't Want My Kids Around It" - Duration: 1:42.

Kim Kardashian Is Not Here for Kendall Jenner Getting a Gun: "I Wouldn't Want My Kids Around It"

Kim Kardashian is not here for Kendall Jenner getting a gun to protect herself. On Sundays all-new Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kendall and Khloe Kardashian sat down with Kim to talk guns.

Kendall and I were talking earlier and she just feels really unsafe. She says she has literally a different stalker outside of her house every few days.

Shes a single girl who lives alone, like someones already broken into her home, what if she was there? Khloe explained. Kim, an advocate for gun safety laws, insisted that a gun just isnt necessary.

Well, thats what you have security for, Kim shot back. In an effort to help Kim understand, Khloe asked Kim if she thinks having a gun would have helped her during last years Paris robbery.

In your situation, say that gun, you were able to get access to it, would you know what to do? Khloe asked.

Even if she did know how to use one, Kim wasnt so sure a gun wouldve changed the outcome of that fateful night.

I would not shoot these, it was three against one, or six, you know, or seven, I didnt know about. There was no way I was gonna get out of there, Im not like, Laura Croft, Kim said.

At the end of the day, guns are a no go for Kim. Im not comfortable with it.

I wouldnt want my kids around it. I wouldnt want sleepovers going on here, with the kids here and I know theres a gun, Kim insisted.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Is Not Here for Kendall Jenner Getting a Gun: "I Wouldn't Want My Kids Around It" - Duration: 1:42.


Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> Microsoft Edge for iOS and Android - Duration: 0:16.


Own Your Emotions for better Mental Health with Tahlia - Duration: 5:23.

Today I want to tackle the term "owning your emotions" and discuss a couple of concrete ways to make this phrase applicable

The first step to owning emotions is being able to sit with that emotion long enough to really identify

What's going on. Of course this is more difficult with more intense or difficult emotions. For example:

Say you've been hoping to get a promotion at work

You've been planning on this promotion

And you find out that your boss gave this promotion to someone else you're very upset

You're hurt

But instead of sitting with this emotion or even acknowledging it you automatically storm into your boss's office and say

"What's this about I can't believe you gave this promotion to someone else, and I quit!" So now you have a couple of problems

First you don't have a job anymore


Second you're upset with yourself for the way you acted. What would have been a healthier way to handle this and would have

Acknowledging your emotions even if helped? Let's give it a go

instead of reacting to your emotions

Immediately try and sit with them for a little bit and figure out what's really happening for you. Ask yourself

"What am I really upset about?"

Maybe you didn't even want that promotion you didn't want the pressure that went with it

maybe you have a lot of pressure at home, and you're feeling inadequate or

Underappreciated these are difficult feelings because we risk

vulnerability and acknowledging these feelings.

We also risk not being able to control the outcome

You might say well at least when I got upset I could control how I

expressed myself

But I want you to think about it: Were you really in control in that scenario? Next time you find yourself in an emotionally intense

situation I want you to take some time to

think about things

Ideally by yourself before reacting to the situation

You may find that you're not even upset about the actual situation in the example we used

You may not be upset about the actual promotion

But something behind that or the meaning that you make of that situation for example

The deeper problem may be that you feel like a loser not that you didn't get the promotion

Once you've labeled what it really is that you're feeling or the core emotion behind this and if you have a hard time

labeling these emotions

I would just Google a list of emotions to build up your emotional vocabulary a lot of times

We think there are like three emotions

sad mad and glad

But there are really a lot of other ways that we feel and it's good to build up that

Emotional vocabulary check out the link in the description for more details. The next tip I would give is to find

Something healthy to temporarily separate yourself from these emotions.

Exercise for example or if you're not in a position to exercise

Writing and just write out all the feelings that you're experiencing and maybe it's just a list of words.

The next step is to reach out and connect with an individual who you feel safe with

Everyone needs an emotional support team this could be a friend a family member a therapist

someone who you can feel comfortable enough

Or you do feel comfortable enough sharing these more difficult

emotions or vulnerable emotions with in this conversation.

Work on

labeling how you feel without blaming anyone else for your emotions so in the example of

Losing your job or getting upset because you didn't get the promotion- Instead of blaming your boss

Think about what's really happening for you, and then share that, so for example. "I'm feeling really


work on labeling the emotions that you're really feeling and

initially this may feel very raw or vulnerable to

Acknowledge what your core emotion is. This is normal

And it takes some practice to get used to owning your emotions versus

Blaming others for how you feel. So to sum things up there are three steps to owning your emotion: First

Sitting with your emotions Second naming them and Third being vulnerable instead of blaming others

There's no getting rid of emotions. Especially difficult emotions, but there are ways to manage them, so they don't rule your life

Owning your emotions is a start.

For more infomation >> Own Your Emotions for better Mental Health with Tahlia - Duration: 5:23.


Germany bans smart watches for children=phone watchkids= watch - Duration: 1:47.

Germany bans smart watches for children

For more infomation >> Germany bans smart watches for children=phone watchkids= watch - Duration: 1:47.


More Details Revealed About Rain's Collaboration With "The Unit" Contestants For His Comeback Show - Duration: 2:25.

More Details Revealed About Rain's Collaboration With "The Unit" Contestants For His Comeback Show

More details have emerged on the that  will have with the contestants of KBSs idol rebooting show .

According to reports, Rain will be performing his 2002 hit track Instead of Saying Goodbye with his The Unit juniors at his 2017 Rain Is Back comeback show.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

Filming for the show took place on November 21 and all 126 The Unit contestants are said to have danced on stage with their mentor.

It was also stated that the male and female trainee who won a mission in The Unit also got to have their own solo dance break each to showcase their individual talents.

This will be Rains first comeback in approximately three years. Though the singer is busy with preparations ahead of the December 1 release of his mini-album, he is said to have worked with KBS to create a special experience for his juniors.

The collaboration stage was an idea Rain had from the early planning stages of his comeback show.

He has been going above and beyond his duties as a mentor, even visiting the contestants at their dorms to share advice and give them feedback to improve themselves.

Rain will be releasing his new mini album My Life on December 1, and the comeback show will air on December 3.

Source ().

For more infomation >> More Details Revealed About Rain's Collaboration With "The Unit" Contestants For His Comeback Show - Duration: 2:25.


10 Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth How to get rid of sensitive teeth Oral Health Tips - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> 10 Home Remedies For Sensitive Teeth How to get rid of sensitive teeth Oral Health Tips - Duration: 2:50.


Viewer Question: Interpreters for the Deaf vs. Teachers of the Deaf - Duration: 3:58.

Hi Everyone! Are you good?

Today I want to take an opportunity to discuss

a topic related to interpreting and teaching.

Last month, in the email that I sent out that

discussed recent events with the hurricane where there were a few

interpreters who had the news spotlight on them -- well, one was good and one was bad...

But anyway, the point is that a few people asked me about interpreters for

the Deaf vs. teaching the Deaf, and what the difference is.

Okay! So today I'll discuss!

Interpreting (and that's the sign interpreting), interpreting means

really the focus is on communication (and information*); it's empowering people to communicate

and interact. For example, maybe you are deaf and you go to the doctor, and the doctor

is hearing, so they speak, don't know ASL. And you're deaf, so when you go how do

you communicate? You need an interpreter! The interpreter is a third person who

comes in. The doctor speaks and the interpreter signs, and then you

understand. And then you sign, the interpreter will speak and explain for

the doctor. And that relay goes back and forth.

Another example might be in a

presentation or a play -- someone is on stage speaking, there might be an

interpreter on the side signing, and then

if there is someone who's Deaf in the audience, they'll understand.

And that's interpreting. Now on to teaching!

Teaching means I know something and I want to impart that knowledge on to you, so I

teach. Now teaching, I want to discuss two types... and understand that both

interpreters and teachers, there are many many different types. I just want to give

you a little bit of an intro now, but if you want to learn more in depth you can

definitely do so. Anyway, teaching there are two kinds related to the Deaf: one

would be teaching ASL now understand teaching ASL means the language is what

you're teaching. For example, me! I'm an ASL teacher, which means I teach ASL -- on

YouTube, Instagram, in the classroom, one-on-one...

I teach, meaning I know ASL. You want to learn, so I teach you!

The students can be deaf, hearing, hard of hearing, it doesn't matter.

The point is that they don't know ASL and want to learn it,

So they need an ASL teacher.

The second kind of teacher is about Deaf education.

Deaf education means that the students are deaf.

The student maybe signs, maybe reads lips, may be has an implant...

really, the students can be diverse, but if you're a teacher of the Deaf that means that you

can be deaf, hearing, hard of hearing, doesn't matter -- your *students* are deaf (or hard of hearing)

Does it mean you teach ASL? No, probably not.

It means you probably are teaching math, or science, history, art, gym ... really anything!

The subject doesn't matter -- if your students are deaf then that means

you're a teacher of the deaf -- children or adults.

Okay I hope that that clears that

up to understand the different kinds of teachers plus what interpreters do.

If you have other questions please let me know: Comment, email me...

Hope you have a good week! Bye

For more infomation >> Viewer Question: Interpreters for the Deaf vs. Teachers of the Deaf - Duration: 3:58.


Flemming Besenbacher // Konference for små og mellemstore virksomheder //23. november 2017 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Flemming Besenbacher // Konference for små og mellemstore virksomheder //23. november 2017 - Duration: 1:13.


Glitch at American Airlines could spell trouble for Christmas travel season - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Glitch at American Airlines could spell trouble for Christmas travel season - Duration: 1:21.


ABC Nursery Rhymes Song For Children | ABC Songs - Duration: 2:43.

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