Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 11, 2017

Waching daily Nov 29 2017

It was announced recently that Matt Lauer, the cohost of The Today Show on NBC has been

fired due to sexual misconduct allegations that have arisen.

Specifically an event that took place during the 2016 coverage of the Summer Olympics.

So Matt Lauer gone, Charlie Rose, Al Franken had to give his pitiful little press conference

where he promised he was going to do better, John Conyers, Roy Moore getting a kick down

there in Alabama although his numbers are somehow rebounding, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin


The list is seemingly endless at this point of men in this country who have been accused

of sexual harassment and for the most part almost every single one of them has had to

pay some kind of price for these allegations for their conduct.

Everybody that is except Donald Trump.

Donald Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by no fewer than 15 women.

One of them actually happens to be his ex-wife.

And yet to this day Donald Trump has never had to face a single consequence as a result

of his behavior.

And in fact, he's gone so far recently as to begin claiming that that Access Hollywood

tape isn't actually him on the tape.

Access Hollywood has since come out and said, "No, that is you you idiot."

But nonetheless, Donald Trump has somehow managed to weasel his way out of every sexual

harassment, out of every sexual assault accusation that has been thrown at him.

Meanwhile, men all over this country are rightfully either losing their jobs for it or paying

a huge political price for it.

But not Donald Trump.

Why is it that a guy like Donald Trump can get away with these things but other powerful

men can't?

Why is it that Donald Trump can get on Twitter and attack people like Al Franken or Matt

Lauer for the allegations against them but refuse to accept the reality that he does

the same thing?

Why does he believe those women and not the ones accusing him?

Gretchen Carlson, a former Fox News host was kind enough to point that out to Donald Trump

on Wednesday morning on Twitter.

The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump has been accused of doing some of the same

things and in many cases far worse things than all of these other men have also been

accused of.

So at this point why is he escaping?

Why is he getting through?

Why are we letting it just roll off our backs and going after everybody else and ignoring

what the President has done?

Everyone should be accountable.

It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican or a Libertarian or anything


Or if you're the President of the United States.

If you act like a jackass, if you break the law, if you treat women as objects rather

than human beings, you need to face a comeuppance.

Everybody else is getting theirs.

It's past time for Donald Trump to get his for what he's been doing

for decades.

For more infomation >> Trump Is The Only Harasser That Isn't Facing Consequences For Preying On Women - Duration: 3:31.


Clunk Test for Shoulder Labral Tear - Duration: 3:14.

Oh hey everybody is Doctor Jo and Brian. he is my model for the day today I'm going

to show you the clunk test which tests for labral tears.

so let's clunk away.

So the clunk tests, I'm gonna let Brian go ahead and lie

down, you want to get the person lying down, is for the labrum in your

shoulder. and just to remind you that there's a labrum in your shoulder and

your hip and this one's for the shoulder. and the reason it's called a clunk test,

I always think it's funny because it sounds kind of clunky, but that's because

it is because you're trying to reproduce a clunk or a grinding kind of feeling in

the shoulder, and that just means that the labrum has been torn and it's no

longer stable in that shoulder. and you can sometimes get it to clunk in and out,

but also remember that these special tests have false positives and have

false negatives, so just because you have a positive, doesn't necessarily mean you

have a labral tear and just because you have a negative doesn't mean that you

don't. I've had a labral tear. I've had it repaired already, but I didn't have a

positive clunk test and sometimes that is because if your patient or the person

that you're testing is really painful, I've had patients before, yeah exactly,

he's being silly, but they can't even get to here before they start getting

painful. so it's really hard to do a special test when they're already having

pain and limited range of motion because this really needs to be them being

completely relaxed from the test. so if they are able to, the way you do the

test is you put your hand underneath their shoulder joint at that

glenohumeral joint the GH joint, just to make sure that you can feel and push

that area for that clunk. bring them into abduction coming up this way, and then

kind of grab them at the elbow because you're gonna laterally rotate or

externally rotate while you're pushing up anteriorly. so I'm just trying to get

that clunk or grinding sound, and again it might be really painful for them as

well. and I said "sound," you might hear it, but they might feel

- they might say it feels really grindy. so what I'm doing is I'm externally

rotating as I'm pushing up, and if you they do that, or you might even feel

a little clunk in there, then that's a positive sign for that test. but again

remember pain is usually a positive but that doesn't necessarily mean that

there's a labral tear. it could be a rotator cuff issue. it could be an

impingement issue. it could be a whole lot of things. so this is really just to

help narrow down what's going on. so that was your clunk test to test for shoulder

labral tears. if you'd like to find some stretches and exercises to help with

that if you happen to have a positive, make sure you click on the link up here,

but remember just cuz that's a positive doesn't necessarily mean there's a

labral tear, it just means you should definitely look further into it. if you'd

like to help support my channel make sure you click up here, and don't forget

to subscribe by clicking down here. and remember be safe

(no clunking), have fun, and I hope you feel better soon.

For more infomation >> Clunk Test for Shoulder Labral Tear - Duration: 3:14.


Liberal Witch Files For Restraining Order Against Trump, Judge Gives Her Rude Awakening - Duration: 4:31.

President Donald Trump is celebrating a "YUGE" win after a liberal witch tried to get a federal

judge to approve a temporary restraining order in order to prevent Trump from appointing

an acting director for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

Luckily, the judge gave her a rude awakening instead.

According to the Daily Caller, U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly backed the Trump administration

on Tuesday, November 29, 2017, when a nasty Obama-holdover named Leandra English tried

to get a temporary restraining order approved in order to prevent President Trump from installing

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney as acting director of the CFPB.

Judge Kelly, who was appointed by Trump to the federal bench, announced that he would

not be issuing a temporary restraining order against our President, therefore allowing

Mulvaney to take control of the agency immediately.

The previous director, Richard Cordray, reportedly resigned in late November, but before he left,

he designated his chief of staff Leondra English as deputy director.

This move by Cordray emboldened English to take on the President and attempt to keep

him from installing a conservative to run the agency.

English is a perfect example of the liberal political machine put into place under former

President Barack Obama, which seeks to maintain its death grip on our government agencies

and resists any move by Trump to drain the swamp.

Under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, which chartered the CFPB, the organization's deputy director

may become the acting director when the director is "absent or unavailable."

English just thought she would help herself to the director's position and stick her

nose up in the air when she learned that Trump had chosen Mulvaney.

From the moment Trump took office, this is the kind of irritating interference his administration

has encountered from numerous Obama-holdovers still working in our government.

They couldn't win the election, so it appears that they will try to obstruct the process

of draining the swamp by bringing these kinds of stupid cases before a court to have a judge


The President exercised his authority under the Federal Vacancies Reform Act to place

Mulvaney as the acting director.

English sued, claiming that Trump's appointment was unlawful and that she was the rightful

director of the agency.

What a dishonorable way to leave a job.

English couldn't have been more wrong about trying to tell the President what he could

and could not do.

It's time for this demon hag to go home.

According to The Gateway Pundit, Mulvaney assumed the acting directorship on Monday,

November 27, 2017.

He immediately started working from the director's office at the agency's Washington headquarters.

Mary McLeod who works as general counsel for the CFPB circulated a memo to the agency's

management team stating that, in her view, Trump has the authority to name an acting


It just so happens that Judge Kelly agrees with her, and thank goodness.

Perhaps now the agency can get back to serving the American people instead of fighting over

who gets to wear the pants.

English, who was clearly unhappy with Judge Kelly's ruling, said, "Today, I plan on

spending the day at CFPB headquarters taking calls and meetings with external stakeholders

and bureau staff."

After the court's decision came down, Kelly promised to continue her legal fight with

the President and wanted to make sure everyone knew that Kelly is a Trump-appointee.

Trump should be allowed to appoint whomever he wants to whichever positions he wants without

liberal idiots like English getting in the way.

Raj Shah, the Principal Deputy Press Secretary, had plenty to say about English's disgusting

attempt to keep control of the CFPB.

"The administration applauds the court's decision, which provides further support for

the president's rightful authority to designate Director Mulvaney as acting director of the


Shah added, "It's time for the Democrats to stop enabling this brazen political stunt

by a rogue employee and allow Acting Director Mulvaney to continue the Bureau's smooth

transition into an agency that truly serves to help consumers."

I could not agree more with Shah.

Democrats need to step out of the way and quit being a thorn in the side of our President.

Perhaps when the dust settles for Mulvaney at the CFPB, he will take out the trash.

Until then, it looks as if English will continue her court battle with the Trump administration.

For more infomation >> Liberal Witch Files For Restraining Order Against Trump, Judge Gives Her Rude Awakening - Duration: 4:31.


Battening the Narrowboat ready for Smooth Walls - 27 - Duration: 11:36.

Cor blimey, it's getting a bit chilly now. Just taking Molly for a walk. Talking

about being cold, I was going out to see a friend the other Saturday for lunch

and I stepped out onto the bow, I had a bag of rubbish in my right hand.

Luckily for some reason, I turned and locked the door and put my phone on the

roof. Good job really because I turned round, slipped, put my arm out, nothing

there and I went straight into the canal, head first. The temperature outside was

about five degrees celsius and boy the water was cold. It was deep enough

I couldn't stand on the floor in the middle, so I sort of swam over, rather

quickly I must add and climbed up onto the bank. Meanwhile Molly was sitting

there watching me, thinking, oh what are you doing, that's a bit silly, it's a

bit chilly. No help from her! But I leapt out, quickly went inside, luckily I had a

couple of minutes earlier, got out of a nice hot shower, lots of hot water. So I

just went straight in the shower fully clothed, got the shower going and then

sort of stripped off and put all the stuff in the washing machine and warmed up a

bit. But it goes to say - it goes to show, you know, if I had hit my head or

something, who knows what would have happened because no one was around.

Thankfully in a good way really because it was rather embarrassing, but if I had

hit my head or if I was right out in the middle of nowhere, all sorts could have happen.

So, anyway, I've done it, I think most people that live on a boat, fall in at

some point,

[laugh] and last Saturday was mine.

Stay, no, no, you don't need to lie down. Sit - oh no, don't roll over. Up you get, come

on, sit. Right, stay. I've been doing this sit and stay business with Molly for

quite a while now. As you know I did it on the narrowboat whilst going on

the Coventry Canal and hopefully she just stays in the same place. I haven't, I

can't see you at the moment but hopefully in the background you can see

that she's still sat there and I walk further and further away, sometimes

completely out of sight and she's still sat there - fingers crossed. She quite

enjoys it to be fair, I'm not just teasing her. She loves it when I yell and

she comes running down the towpath. Alright that'll do, that'll do, let's see.

Right, so she's right up there, I don't know if you can see and then I whistle. [Whistle]

Here she comes.

Sit Molly, sit, sit, sit, good girl. You're a good girl aren't you? Hey, you're a good

girl, good girl, yes. Okay! In my last episode the observant

viewers may have spotted a white tank on the stern of Alice. It's a new 450 litre

water tank and is baffled to stop any sudden sloshing about. I'll be placing it

under my bed and it'll drastically reduce the need for quite so many water

trips. It came with a one-inch outlet connection but I needed to drill the

inner plastic seal.

The screw thread was a BSP type and I vacuumed any tiny bits of plastic from

the socket. I used a brass one-inch to 22mm

reducer and then reduced it down again, using a plastic Speedfit

22 to 15mm reducer. I used liquid PTFE tape to form a

constant seal around the reducer and screwed it to the tank.

I had previously removed some of the ballast to compensate for the additional full tanks, 450 Kg

of weight. I also added wooden struts under the tank, for additional

support. I then, after flushing and cleaning the

tank, connected it to the main water system and secured the tank in place.

So I'm up at the bow of the boat now. This is the area that I started first and I have

added battens above the gunnel. This is quite unusual but I did it for three key

reasons really. I have got a batten already fixed in place, that's sitting on

top of the gunnel and I've also got another batten at the top, which is up

against the roof line and the wall line. Now those two are fixed. There are

sporadic battens, like there's one here, but there, some of them are skew if,

they're not at set distances and I'm planning to put sheet MDF on here,

9mm sheet. I'll seal it on the back before I put it on and then I will

be probably painting the front with a roller, to give a lovely smooth surface.

Having sporadic battens all over the place, won't help me fixing that and you

know that the the end of the sheet will end where there's no batten and then

I'll be wasting lots of wood so, I've put these in. They are at 40cm centres

and they are exactly that way right the way down the entire length of

the boat. Another one of the reasons why I'm using these battens is the foam

insulation. I've explained in a previous episode how

the foam has been applied and in some areas it bulges out quite a lot so,

giving the wall an extra bit of depth has allowed me to leave the majority of

the foam in place and just chop the ends off. This will keep the thermal value of

the boat, because obviously every bit of foam I take off, will make the boat

colder. I've got this bit of wood and I've just gone down the batten and where

it hits the foam, I've known that's where I need to chop it off and I've gone like

that like the way down the entire boat. That will also allow me to not have to

chop as much off, because it's a real pain taking it off but I've been

able to do it in channels. The final reason why I've added these battens are

all to do with routing cables. Now normally you would have cables running

down the boat either at ceiling and roof height, or under the gunnel. Any

lower than the gunnel, you're sort of running into lots and lots of rules and

regs because you're below the waterline, they've got to be trunked correctly and

all sorts of things, so, each batten is 12cm longer than they need to be.

I've marked it off because I know the piece of wood that's sitting on the

gunnel is actually accurate and so I've lined my mark

to the bottom of that piece of wood, right the way down the boat so every

single batten is 12cm longer, and that has allowed me to build a cable

tray, to run all my cabling. Now out of the side of that cable tray, I can then

come up in conduit behind the sheet of wood that will be here, along the gaps

and I'll be able to have switches and sockets and cables going up to lights

and things, but this extra depth has allowed me to do that.

Wo ho ho, she nearly went in then!

In my previous video Mandy Smith commented how intrigued she was with my

secret nailing! When installing tongue and groove I wanted to avoid a row of

nails showing. So on the tongue of each panel, I angle a nail at 45 degrees. I

hammered it in with a panel pin hammer until the end of the nail was just about

flush with the wood. I then used a nail punch to push the head of the nail, that

little bit further. The groove of the next panel hides the nail, hence the term,

secret nailing. For both the 240 volt electric sockets and the 12 volt

lighting, I've decided to use these brushed steel sockets and switches.

Because they're made for normal solid core twin and earth cable in a house,

they have screw terminals. However the cables on my boat are multi stranded, so

I'll be terminating their ends with bootlace ferrules to form a secure

connection. I'll bring the cables through split corrugated conduit to these 35mm

deep dry lining boxes. I've seen dry lining boxes before and didn't

like the fact that the edge of the lining box could be seen behind the

fitted sockets. These sockets and switches however, are that little bit

wider, and completely cover the back boxes edge. Please do leave a comment

below, as I do read every one of them and if you like this video, please give it a

thumbs up. Until next time, see you later.

For more infomation >> Battening the Narrowboat ready for Smooth Walls - 27 - Duration: 11:36.


Marouane Fellaini a doubt for Manchester United's clash with Arsenal - Duration: 1:43.

Marouane Fellaini a doubt for Manchester United's clash with Arsenal

The Belgium international was sidelined for a month after he suffered knee ligament damage in Belgium's victory over Bosnia in October.

Fellaini made his return earlier this month in United's 1-0 defeat to Chelsea at Stamford Bridge and was praised by Jose Mourinho for striving to complete his comeback.

But according to HLN's Kristof Terreur, Fellaini was absent for United's 4-2 win over Watford on Tuesday evening due to a knee problem,.

although the extent of his injury has not yet been revealed by Mourinho.

Mourinho's injury headache was made worse on Tuesday evening after Nemanja Matic was forced off against Watford.

Matic is also a doubt to face Arsenal, with Mourinho revealing that the Serb's injury was not a minor one.

'For Matic to tell me he wants to be replaced, he does not do that if it is nothing important.

It is muscular,' the United manager said after the match.

Ander Herrera, who replaced Matic in the second half at Vicarage Road, is now in line to start against Arsenal.

For more infomation >> Marouane Fellaini a doubt for Manchester United's clash with Arsenal - Duration: 1:43.


Taylor SNL Ready for it WOW!!! - Duration: 0:52.

HEY TRIPPSTERS Taylor Swift was on Saturday Night Live and if you want to

see one hell of a performance watch her perform are you ready for it

oh my god this thing blew me away now it is right here on YouTube you

can't see it right here on YouTube and I will link to that video in the

description below but if you are a Taylor fan you are gonna want to see

this performance okay she just blew me away

this was unbelievable oh my god okay so the link is in the description if you

want to see the performance I think it's totally worth checking out

that is going to do it for now this is Icepets queen and I am tripping out

For more infomation >> Taylor SNL Ready for it WOW!!! - Duration: 0:52.





Imagine this: You�ve gotten into bed and shut your eyes for a moment, and then all

of a sudden, when you open them again, you�re hovering over your body.

You�re conscious, but it�s not the you you typically identify as, the one with a

face and clothing and jewelry, but the real you, your soul.

You�re looking down at your body and you realize you can move, almost as if you�re


You say goodbye to your body and begin to travel around your room, down your stairs,

out your door, and then� you wake up.

This is a form of astral projection, commonly referred to as an �out of body experience.�

Some people have reported astral projecting during a dream-like state, while others have

experienced this same thing when they had a near-death experience.

Some find the experience terrifying, and others find it humbling and exciting, knowing they

can travel throughout the physical plane using only their astral bodies.

If you�ve ever wanted to try astral projecting or wish to learn more about it, this article

is for you!

What Is Astral Projection?

Astral projection is an esoteric term that describes when the soul exits the physical

body and enters the astral body.

When astral projecting, you are consciously aware of it.

Many people will look at their physical bodies and recognize themselves while they�re in

a sleep-like state.

It is said that astral projection is an out-of-body experience that can be achieved either through

dreaming, deep meditation, or even when you�re awake.

As far as I know, most people who astral project will simply explore the physical plane as

they know it.

However, it is said that the Akashic Records can be accessed from here and one can travel

through timelines and even communicate with other beings (sometimes even other projectors).

It�s important to note that most people don�t experience the same third dimensional

physical constraints when astral projecting.

For example, most souls are able to travel while projecting out-of-body by way of flying

or floating.

Astral projecting is very different from dreaming or even lucid dreaming.

When you�re dreaming, you�re unconscious.

When you�re experiencing a lucid dream, you are usually conscious of the fact that

you�re dreaming, and thus you can manipulate scenarios and control your dreams.

However, when you�re astral projecting, your soul literally exits the body, but you

are consciously controlling it.

Techniques for Having an Out-of-Body Experience

Though many people don�t consciously plan to astral project, it is said that you can

use certain techniques to help yourself astral project or have an out-of-body experience


If you�re interested in trying to astral project, give the following techniques a shot:

The Rope Technique

This is actually the only technique I�ve tried, and I sort of had success!

Though I didn�t have a full-blown OBE, I definitely felt it coming on and left my body

for a few moments, until I got too scared and decided to stop.

Basically, all you do is envision an invisible rope hanging from the top of your ceiling,

directly over your body.

You then imagine that you�re reaching out your �astral body hands� and slowly pull

yourself up the imaginary rope.

You may feel dizzy, which is completely normal.

Keep concentrating on climbing the rope, hand over hand and very slowly, and don�t stop

until you�ve freed your astral body.

Watch Yourself Falling Asleep

This method requires you to be very diligent as you begin to fall asleep.

Tell yourself that you�re going to watch yourself fall asleep and actually stay conscious

during the entire process, including when you enter into the dream state.

Recognize every sensation you experience as your physical body falls asleep, as this will

help you remain conscious.

As you fall deeper into a dream-like state, you may experience some buzzing and heaviness.

Use this to help yourself stay conscious and visualize yourself floating above your body.

Continue to visualize this until you hopefully reach the point of OBE.

Wake Back to Bed Method

Though not very enjoyable for those of us who enjoy sleeping, the �wake back� method

is very popular to induce astral projection as well as lucid dreaming.

Set your alarm for a few hours before you usually wake up, but don�t get up when it

goes off, simply shut it off and lay back down once your mind is awake.

Ideally, you want to keep your alarm close by so you barely need to move your body to

shut it off.

This way, your body will be close to falling back asleep but your mind will be awake.

Now, start to envision yourself astral projecting in the same way, while also allowing your

body to go to sleep.

Try to remain conscious but allow your body to get heavier and deeper into a sleep-state.

Continuously focus on floating above your body until you�re astral projecting.

My Experience With Astral Projection

To be honest, I wasn�t really sure if I believed in astral projection until I actually

experienced it myself.

I had had tons of lucid dreams before, but still the thought of projecting my soul out

of my body and consciously hovering over it didn�t seem realistic to me.

That is, until it happened one night last summer.

I was sleeping with a friend and, despite having slept there multiple times before,

I was having a lot of trouble falling asleep.

My mind was racing for a period of time but it randomly shut off, and then I kept hearing

this buzzing sound that didn�t really sound like any vibration or frequency I�d heard

from his house before.

I remember closing my eyes and immediately when I opened them, I was shocked.

I was still staring at the ceiling, but instead of being 10 feet away, I was only a few inches

in proximity.

I immediately recognized that I couldn�t be lying down anymore and remember thinking

to myself, �When did I stand up?�

To my dismay, when I looked down, I saw us sleeping.

I then looked out the window and had somewhat of an internal battle on whether or not I

should leave the bedroom.

Though I wasn�t using any words or thinking, I intuitively knew that I was struggling to

decide whether I should explore the night sky or stay in the comfort of the bedroom

near my physical body.

I remained looking out the window for a long time until I finally woke up, shocked that

I had actually astral projected.

Though many of you reading this may feel as though I was simply having another dream,

I know I wasn�t.

I was confident that my soul had left my body, especially because everything in the bedroom

was so clear, and I had a strong sense of Self throughout the entire dream.

I�ve also had numerous �extremely realistic� dreams, so realistic that when I wake up,

I�m shocked it was a dream, but this was very different.

It was as if I had finally broken free from my shell, and though it was invigorating,

empowering, and somewhat comforting, it was also slightly terrifying.

It�s experiences like these that make us seriously question our individuality, our

uniqueness, and our personalities that form our identities on this planet.

We are not our physical bodies; I am not Kalee, and that can be a scary reality to face (especially

when you�re literally staring yourself in the face, soul to physical body).

However, although astral projection can shatter your identity, you don�t have to abandon


Yes, underneath it all, you are not your physical body, nor are you your experiences and accomplishments.

However, that doesn�t mean you have to give it all up!

We are on this planet to experience and to feel.

Though we are not our emotions at our cores, that doesn�t mean we shouldn�t have them.

If it�s on this planet, its existence serves a purpose.

This is the heart of detachment � knowing your �attachments� (or what many consider

attachments, like emotions and people) don�t define you, because eventually, after �death,�

you will no longer have them.

If you have any experiences with astral projection, feel free to share them in the comment section




Learn Colors with Ice Cream Cones Soccer Ball Nursery Rhymes for Children Kids Toddlers Educational - Duration: 13:28.

learn color with cone ice cream

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Ice Cream Cones Soccer Ball Nursery Rhymes for Children Kids Toddlers Educational - Duration: 13:28.


Tuesday, November 28th: Bright Ideas for your Health - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Tuesday, November 28th: Bright Ideas for your Health - Duration: 7:18.


Paralympic Athletes Prepare For World Championship - Duration: 0:23.

For more infomation >> Paralympic Athletes Prepare For World Championship - Duration: 0:23.


Makeup Starter Kit For Beginners 🎈 Basic Makeup Kit For Beginners 2018 - Duration: 3:26.

Makeup Starter Kit For Beginners

Basic Makeup Kit For Beginners 2018

For more infomation >> Makeup Starter Kit For Beginners 🎈 Basic Makeup Kit For Beginners 2018 - Duration: 3:26.


Daniel Sedin Does It All for His Teammates - Duration: 2:36.

- [Announcer] Henrik Sedin from behind the goal.

Pass back. Here's Hutton. Fakes the pass.

Lets it go with a wrist shot, loose in front,

kicked to the side, Daniel Sedin scores.

- It starts from Trevor, Travis.

It's got to start from up top and then

trickle down, but if it doesn't come from up top,

it's really tough to do as a team.

I think it's just doing the correct things

over and over again.

We have always been a team that strives for

doing the right things over and over again.

That's the right way.

It's respect for your team.

You play for the Canucks, that's a big honor

to play for the city, for the fans, but first and foremost,

you play for your teammates.

You've got to come in and be ready to work because

you know how much it means to play for this team

and that's always been the mindset we've had.

If you cannot play for yourself,

you've got to do it for your teammates.

- [Announcer] In deep for Henrik,

centres, Daniel, to Eriksson to the side,

to the crease, Daniel scores.

What a shift. Daniel Sedin and the game is tied at 1.

- [Daniel] They have the right to complain,

they have the right to cheer and say things.

I mean, I do that, too, when I watch Sweden play soccer.

It's funny that way.

They have every right to be disappointed or proud

or whatever they feel.

We got some help, I think it was 2004, maybe?

2003? 2004? With a coach back in Sweden that

really just taught us how to skate.

I mean, you're 23 years old and you think

you know everything and that totally changed

the way we moved around the ice.

That's, when you're 23, 24, you think like I said,

you think you know it all, and it's tough to

really ask for help or take the help that maybe you

deep inside need, but we did that and I think

that changed a lot how we are today.

- [Announcer] Henrik Sedin across, Daniel,

robbed, scores on his own rebound.

Daniel Sedin got two whacks and the

Canucks lead 3 to 2.

- [Daniel] We're living a dream, I think.

We get to do what we love the most.

There's pressure and everything, in the end there's,

it's a game of hockey and that's something.

When things are tough, that's something you forget.

You go out there with some of your best friends,

great teammates, and you get to compete

against the best in the world, so I think that's

what you, like I said, you always try to

come back to that.

For more infomation >> Daniel Sedin Does It All for His Teammates - Duration: 2:36.


Missoula 5th graders inspire name for new elementary school - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Missoula 5th graders inspire name for new elementary school - Duration: 2:05.


7 Reasons why married men look for a lover - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> 7 Reasons why married men look for a lover - Duration: 4:06.


Upgraded Woodland Ice Rink set for grand opening Wednesday - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Upgraded Woodland Ice Rink set for grand opening Wednesday - Duration: 0:34.


TWICE Wins Song Of The Year Award For 2nd Year In A Row At 2017 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)(News) - Duration: 1:55.

TWICE Wins Song Of The Year Award For 2nd Year In A Row At 2017 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)

TWICE has taken the first Daesang award at the 2017 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)!.

On November 29, 2017 MAMA hosted its second ceremony of the year, this time at the Yokohama Arena in Japan. The evening included the announcement of the Song of the Year award, which is one of MAMA's Daesangs (grand prizes).

Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. TWICE won the award for their song "Signal," after taking home the prize last year for "Cheer Up.

See also: Stars Rock The Red Carpet At 2017 MAMA In Japan.

Jihyo thanked everyone for giving them the award once again, and said tearfully, "We know we have far to go and a lot to do, but we're so grateful for being given many awards, and this great award.

" She was then sure to thank their agency staff, her fellow members, their parents, and their fans ONCE. Watch their emotional win below!.

Check out all the winners from 2017 MAMA in Japan here!. 2017 MAMA still has two more ceremonies to go, with shows coming up on November 30 and December 1 in Hong Kong.

For more infomation >> TWICE Wins Song Of The Year Award For 2nd Year In A Row At 2017 Mnet Asian Music Awards (MAMA)(News) - Duration: 1:55.


Bernie Sanders Nominated for Grammy — Hollywood's Sellout Is Complete - Duration: 3:51.

Once a year, the music business meets to dole out awards to whatever radio-friendly unit-shifter

has captured the public's attention over the past 12 months.

It's called the Grammys, and it's the one awards show that makes the MTV VMAs remotely


Sometimes, an artist with talent will win.

This is rare.

Mostly, awards go to either a) whatever pop star is tearing up Spotify at the moment or

b) whatever washed-up musician who used to have cred but was never acknowledged by the

Grammys put out a new, terrible album last year.

This is how Steely Dan once walked away with the "Album of the Year" award for a putrid

collection of songs in 2001, a year where both Radiohead and Eminem were nominated for

the best albums of their respective careers.

Well, if old and washed up is one way to win an award, Bernie Sanders is a lock.

And, thanks to his new audiobook, he has himself a Grammy nomination.

According to The Hill, Sanders was nominated along with narrator Mark Ruffalo for the audiobook

version of his latest tome, "Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In."

Sanders will be facing off with Bruce Springsteen, the late actress Carrie Fisher, astrophysicist

Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and songwriter Shelly Peiken.

It's worth noting that of the five nominees, at least three (and likely four) are or were

outspoken liberals.

The entertainment industry's sellout is officially complete, just in case you thought

it wasn't already.

If you're the kind of person who bets on the Grammys… well, please get help.

That's gambling addiction in its final stages.

However, should you want to play the odds with your bookie, I would put Sanders' chances

at maybe second at best.

DeGrasse Tyson has been caught up on the fringes of the sexual harassment/abuse scandals that

have been sweeping the nation this autumn, so I think we can safely count him out.

I have no idea who Shelly Peiken is, but a quick Google search indicates she wrote Christina

Aguilera's "What A Girl Wants" and "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)."

The less said about those songs two decades on, the better, so unless the book is a profuse

mea culpa with frequent annotations about just how very sorry she is, I think we can

safely discount that entry, too.

This puts Carrie Fisher and Bruce Springsteen as Sanders' main competition.

Springsteen is one of the few people whose insights outside of the musical sphere I actually

value less than Sanders' — but this being the music industry, who knows?

Then there's Carrie Fisher, who I think will probably win the category.

In addition to the sympathy vote, I'm pressed to think of any individual who would rather

listen to the ramblings of a senator who seems to be the type of individual Woody Allen was

talking about in his famous quote about "one of those guys with saliva dribbling out of

his mouth who wanders into a cafeteria with a shopping bag screaming about socialism"

than Carrie Fisher.

There's a certain degree of irony in the nomination; 30 years ago — during his stint

as mayor of the Vermont city of Burlington — Sanders actually did record an album of

folk protest cover songs.

However, the I fear the debaucherous tradition of Grammy after-parties is going to have to

be amended somewhat by Sanders' presence.

In years past, the menu of extracurricular activities would usually include copious amounts

of alcohol and Schedule I narcotics.

Now that Bernie's attending, they're going to have to include some Geritol and Cream

of Wheat.

Just kidding, Bern.

We can't wait to see how this turns out for you.

Mostly because we'd love to see how you handle the gigaton of cognitive dissonance

created by winning an award from one of the most cutthroat, capitalist elements of the

entertainment industry.

For more infomation >> Bernie Sanders Nominated for Grammy — Hollywood's Sellout Is Complete - Duration: 3:51.


3 Minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation - For beginners and returners. - Duration: 3:57.

are you beautiful people I'm Joel and I'll cut to the chase straight away in 3 minute guided mindfulness meditation

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For more infomation >> 3 Minute Guided Mindfulness Meditation - For beginners and returners. - Duration: 3:57.


Amazing 700 Sq Ft A-frame Cabin in Belfair For Sale - Duration: 2:48.

Amazing 700 Sq Ft A-frame Cabin in Belfair For Sale

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