Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 8 2018

Republicans And Democrats Want Obama's Swamper Prosecuted For Perjury

Nowadays, it appears like you can't go far before finding out about corruption.

Consistently we find out about another D.C. slug that is blameworthy of some wrongdoing.

Subtle elements are slipping out of elected officials and agency officials disregarding

the very laws they pledged to maintain.

In the course of the most recent couple of months, we found out about government officials

harassing and abusing staff.

We found out about Obama-era authorities overstepping privacy laws, including the 4th Amendment.

What's more, we've found out about liberal swamp dwellers cooperating to take the election.

Presently it appears like a noteworthy slug and anti-Trumper will get what he merits:

prosecution led by the two Republicans and Democrats.

You know whether the Democrats are ready, this person is REALLY in some hot water!

Via Washington Examiner:

Some lawmakers would like the Justice Department to prosecute former spy chief James Clapper

for inaccurate testimony to Congress about domestic surveillance before it's too late…

Clapper, director of national intelligence from 2010 to 2017, testified during a March

2013 Senate Intelligence Committee hearing that the NSA was "not wittingly" collecting

"any type of data at all" on millions of Americans.

Months later, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed secret court orders forced

phone companies to turn over all U.S. call records on an "ongoing, daily basis…"

Lawmakers from both parties, but primarily Republicans supportive of new limits on surveillance,

called for Clapper's prosecution during the Obama administration, without success.

Several renewed their calls as the deadline nears.

"The time for the Department of Justice and the FBI to bring the accusations against

James Clapper in front of a grand jury is long overdue," said Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas.

"He and others who have held administrative power must be held accountable to the same

laws that govern the people of the United States."

Clapper lied under oath.

That is a genuine offense.

It's reasonable he realized that the CIA was keeping an eye on American citizens.

However, he explicitly revealed to Congress they were not doing that.

Just until the point that Snowden released a huge number of archives was Clapper outed

as a liar.

It's imperative to prosecute Clapper, and here's the reason: he violated U.S. law.

Not simply under oath, but rather as leader of the CIA.

He knew they were violating the 4th Amendment.

Clapper let it happen at any rate.

This prosecution can guarantee this doesn't occur once more.

It will rouse organizations to be more straightforward about their activities.

Do we require individuals like Snowden to leak archives unfailingly?

Obviously not.

On the off chance that our organizations are simply legit, we needn't bother with informants

who imperil national security.

It stays to be checked whether Clapper will be prosecuted.

The statute of limitations is running out.

Congress must move rapidly, or Clapper could get off scot-free.

What do you think about this?

Do not hesitate and write your thoughts in the comment section below.


you for reading.

H/T Patriot Journal, Washington Examiner

For more infomation >> Republicans And Democrats Want Obama's Swamper Prosecuted For Perjury - Duration: 37:56.


Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) - True Testimonial - Duration: 5:02.

Greetings ma'am & sir!


I welcome you all to Planet Ayurveda center.

Thank you.

I would like to know your names.

My name is Mohan Kalra.

I'm Poonam Kalra and she is our daughter, Gunjan Kalra.

Sir, where have you come from?

We're from Rohtak.

What health issues was your daughter suffering from, regarding which you contacted Dr. Vikram Chauhan at Planet Ayurveda center?

She has a disorder called ITP which was diagnosed in October, 2017.

Initially, she was taking allopathic treatment.

But, they said these medicines are not good for children.

After that we started her allopathic treatment from a doctor but, it wasn't that effective.

Her platelet count had reduced to 18,000 but,

with those Ayurvedic medicines they had reached 91,000 and stabilized there.

We heard from somewhere and also checked on YouTube that Dr. Vikram Chauhan specializes in it.

We came here on December 25th, 2017 and till now we've done her blood test twice.

The first time we came here, her platelet count was 91,000

and got her platelet count checked 15 days post treatment and it had reached 2,22,000.

Now, we got it checked a week back, it has reached 3,15,000.

This is our second visit and according to Dr. Vikram Chauhan, she is already cured.

He has still given a few medicines for 1 month to stabilize her platelet count.

What was the allopath's opinion in this case?

They said, it's not curable and we have to manage it by giving her medicines continuously.

Was your daughter given any type of steroids?

Yes, they gave her steroids twice when she was bleeding from her nose due to very low platelet count.

It is very harmful for the body.


You chose Ayurvedic medicines after that?

Yes, we started her Ayurvedic treatment afterwards.

Did Dr. Vikram make any changes in your daughter's diet plan?

Yes, he made a lot of changes.

The major change he asked us to make was the restriction on milk and milk products.

Sir, there are numerous patients who would be watching this video.

What message would you like to give to them?

I would like to say that don't opt allopathic, rather choose Ayurvedic.

Please visit Dr. Vikram Chauhan as this disease is curable.

I would like to see her prescription to see the kind of medicines Dr. Vikram prescribed your daughter.

Yes, you can see please.

Thank you sir for coming to Planet Ayurveda center and gave such important and useful information to our viewers.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura) - True Testimonial - Duration: 5:02.


MPUSD asking Monterey, Marina, Seaside to pay for School Resource Officers - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> MPUSD asking Monterey, Marina, Seaside to pay for School Resource Officers - Duration: 2:25.


WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others - Duration: 3:20.

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others

For more infomation >> WWE Top 15 Scariest Superstars of All Time - Too Scary for Others - Duration: 3:20.


Have Cash On The Sidelines For Now - 8 Mar 18 | Gazunda - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Have Cash On The Sidelines For Now - 8 Mar 18 | Gazunda - Duration: 2:46.


Can Evil Be Used for Good? - Duration: 2:45.

There's such evil

in this world.

Evil absolutely all around us.

And is there a way

that that evil could prosper you?

That evil could help you?

That's a question we're going to answer today

but before we get to that,

I want to establish a few points.

First of all, evil is

just absolutely everywhere

around us.

We see that so,

with such broken hearts,

with the Parkland shooting.

I live in south Florida,

not that far away from the Parkland shooting

and we're feeling it.

So deeply in our community.

And no matter where you live in the country,

I know you're feeling it, too.

Evil is all around us.

It can snap at us and hurt us in

in any moment.

But it continues on.

Evil's also in us.

Because of our first parents,

Adam and Eve, fell into sin,

we all have a sinful nature

and so sinfulness

comes out of us,

that evil is in us.

And it's on us.

When we pray in the Lord's Prayer,

"deliver us from evil,"

well, it's really from the evil one,

from the devil.

So we've got evil around us,

we've got evil in us,

we've got evil on us.

Can that evil be used for our good?

Can evil prosper us?

And here's the answer:


I mean, evil's evil.

Evil only wants to destroy you,

to have its sadistic way

with your child-like faith.

But even though evil is so powerful,

your God

is more.

He's more powerful.

And what the devil didn't know

is that God used his evil

against him.

As the devil tried to destroy our livelihood,

our ability to go to heaven,

through Jesus by killing him on the cross,

God was winning.

God won for you your salvation

and that when things don't look good,

God says, in the book of Romans

that he can turn the bad

into good

for those who love him.

And you love God.

And he loves you.

Whether you're hurting

from this Parkland tragedy,

whether you're hurting from a tragedy

that happens in your life,

God is in the business

of turning tragedy

into triumph.

All you've got to do

is be still

and know that he is God.

God's got you.

God's got this.

And he will give you peace.

Why am I here?

Why is this happening to me?

We all struggle with what

our purpose in life is at times.

I mean, God's word tells us that

he loves us

and he chose us

and he's with us.

And now,

he tells us that our purpose is

to give him glory.

Well, what does that look like?

That's why I wrote this book,

"Why Am I Here?"

We'll send you "Why Am I Here?"

to thank you for your gift today

to help transform more lives

through the timeless truths of God's word.

For more infomation >> Can Evil Be Used for Good? - Duration: 2:45.


S. Korean president's chief envoys leave for U.S. carrying 'plus alpha' offer for talks from N... - Duration: 2:37.

South Korea's presidential envoys are now heading to Washington to discuss the outcome

of their North Korea trip with their U.S. counterparts.

The meetings will be critical in the next phase of the latest detente with North Korea:

Pyongyang, Washington talks on denuclearization.

Our chief Blue House correspondent Moon Connyoung explains.

Two days after they returned from a historic trip to North Korea, South Korea's chief presidential

envoys headed for the U.S. on Thursday to meet officials there and discuss the outcome

of their meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un earlier in the week.

"At this point I cannot discuss any details of this trip.

But, the most urgent issue for us is to make sure the United States and North Korea will

engage in talks."

President Moon Jae-in's directors of National Security Office and National Intelligence

Service are scheduled to meet with their U.S. counterparts over the next two days... and

possibly even President Donald Trump.

U.S. officials will be looking to see if the South's Chung Eui-yong and Suh Hoon reaffirm

that the North's Kim has promised to refrain from nuclear and missile tests and to engage

in negotiations on giving up its nuclear arsenal if its security is guaranteed.

"Obviously, we are cautiously optimistic that there's some forward progress here.

But we've been optimistic before so we're going to have watch actions and see if they

match words"

That much was announced by the South Koreans upon return from their Pyongyang trip earlier

this week, but the South Korean leader's chief envoys have said they are carrying additional

offers from North Korea's Kim Jong-un to pass on to U.S. President Trump.

They did not announce what the "plus alpha" entails but local media in South Korea are

raising speculations.

Among them - Pyongyang's vow to halt its development of intercontinental ballistic missiles BUT

dependent on (quote) U.S. attitude to the release of three U.S. citizens detained in

the reclusive state.

If Washington takes up on the offer, the Americans' step likely will be to ask the North Koreans

directly reiterate that position... which could be done through a special envoy from

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

"If North Korea reaffirms that stance, that probably would represent a sufficient basis

for the U.S. to begin talking with North Korea.

But, the ball is now in the U.S. President Donald Trump's court.

What's for sure is that the "plus alpha" that South Korea's presidential envoys are to pass

on to Washington will serve as the make-it or break-it factor in what has the potential

to become a historic turning point.

Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, the Blue House."

For more infomation >> S. Korean president's chief envoys leave for U.S. carrying 'plus alpha' offer for talks from N... - Duration: 2:37.


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