Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 8 2018


1976 the Big Red Machine won its second consecutive World Series

Disco was sweeping the nation and the Carter malaise was beginning

1976 was also the new that Mike DeWine won his first election from prosecutor to StateSenator to Congressman

Lieutenant Governor to US Senator to Attorney General. Mike DeWine has been on a government payroll for the better part of

42 years

During these five decades DeWine earned an F

Rating from the NRA and worked with Liberal Democrats to block pro-life judges

and DeWine voted to put America trillions in debt while supporting amnesty and

taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants. The 70s were an interesting decade

But we can't trust Ohio's future to a liberal career politician from that era

The election for governor is about tomorrow not yesterday

It's about the next generation of conservative leadership, Mary Taylor made tough

For more infomation >> '76 | Mary Taylor for Governor - Duration: 1:01.


New Spec Idea for Paladins! [Rated W for Warcraft #5] - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> New Spec Idea for Paladins! [Rated W for Warcraft #5] - Duration: 5:15.


Spring officially arrives this month, but for allergy sufferers it can cause misery - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Spring officially arrives this month, but for allergy sufferers it can cause misery - Duration: 1:33.


Brand New Coffee For March - Duration: 0:33.

Hey Coffee Lovers!

We've got a brand new coffee this month

It's our Nicaragua Dark Roast

It gives you really strong flavors of dark chocolate

with some undertones of blackberry, and brown sugar.

So remember this is the coffee of the month of March.

So at the end of March we no longer have it available.

If you want to try it, make sure it's in your next shipment

If you've never tried our coffee before, go ahead and take advantage of our free bag offer.

Just click the link.

when you signup just select coffee of the month

that way you'll be sure to get Nicaragua Dark roast

Once you've tried it, feel free to comment on facebook, we can't wait to hear what you think.

For more infomation >> Brand New Coffee For March - Duration: 0:33.


Dance for a Cause - News in 90 with Annette Gutierrez - Duration: 1:47.

What's up Bulls!

I'm Annette, and this is News in 90.

Dance for a cause in the dance marathon.

It's a nationwide movement dedicated to raising money for the children.

This past Saturday, Bulls for Kids held USF's dance marathon, specifically benefitting Shriners

Hospitals for Children.

Some kids don't really get to have these legs that we have and have the opportunities

to do the things that we do.

Any single one of us could be these kids and the fact that these kids come out here and

they do things like this, they get up on stage and they dance with us, it's just an obstacle

that they overcome.

Hundreds of students joined the 12-hour event to help reach the goal of $175,000.

What an amazing event!

Raising funds for Shriners Hospitals for Children.

This year, the theme was the Olympics, bringing home the gold.

And we did just that!

We reached the goal of $175,000.

Truly an inspiration!

To see so many people come together for such a special cause.

I'm Hannah Yechivi with News in 90.

The kids are appreciative of the love and support.

Thank you Ma' thank you.

Thank you so much for being there, it means a lot to so many kids who can finally get

the chance.

These children remind us every day to keep moving forward.

Next week is spring break!

Relax, have fun, and soak up the sun!

I'm Annette Gutierrez with Housing & Residential Education.

We're the Best Place to Live, Best Place to Work, and the Best Place to Learn.

I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Dance for a Cause - News in 90 with Annette Gutierrez - Duration: 1:47.


Berkshire county accounted for the most snow in western Massachusetts - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Berkshire county accounted for the most snow in western Massachusetts - Duration: 0:47.


Faculty Driven for Student Transformation with Dr. Ana "Chiqui" Wood - Duration: 0:56.


The strength of Shiloh is its faculty. Every

school can only give from the people who

are part of the school and the online

faculty at Shiloh are people who are

fully committed to studentsу

transformation, fully committed to making

the process of education an

interactive process, a process of

collaboration, a process where every

student feels valued, feels appreciated,

is nurtured, is mentored in spiritual

formation. So our goal is not just

to give people information. Information

valuable, but information doesn't have the

power to transform you. But our goal is

to engage with students in a way

that through the sharing of the

information, but through the interaction

with one another there is spiritual

transformation that takes place.


For more infomation >> Faculty Driven for Student Transformation with Dr. Ana "Chiqui" Wood - Duration: 0:56.


Train delays south side traffic for hours - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Train delays south side traffic for hours - Duration: 2:36.


Fight for West Ashley land - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Fight for West Ashley land - Duration: 1:23.


Full bed wars game for the first time part two - Duration: 13:44.


For more infomation >> Full bed wars game for the first time part two - Duration: 13:44.


Video: Orlando mayor withdraws name for UCF president's job, likes running city and guiding growth - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Video: Orlando mayor withdraws name for UCF president's job, likes running city and guiding growth - Duration: 1:58.


Story of Tol Dagor - Battle for Azeroth Alpha - Duration: 6:28.

Hello everyone!

Tol Dagor has opened up for testing but sadly as I make this video, there's no dungeon

description in the journal quite yet.

That means that we don't know the story behind this place so we're going to make

our own!

Tol Dagor might remind you of Tol Barad which was added to the game with the cataclysm.

Both of them are prisons, both of them owned by Kul Tiras and apperantly the name Tol Dagor

meansThe Island of Battle.

This is the spot where Alliance players pretty much begin their journey into kul tiras as

Jaina's mother Katherine Proudmoore is not too happy with us.

Her husband died at Theramore with her daughter standing to the side, Jaina is exiled while

we're imprisoned possibly because of the influence of Lady Ashvane.

In jail we meet up with Flynn Fairwind, a former captain who left the freebooting life

behind and he tells us that this place used to be a legit prison untill the Ashvane Trading

company bought it.

Now they just throw anyone in here.

People they don't like.

People they want to keep quiet.

Not a place we want to stay so together we bust out out, avoid being eaten by the Sandqueen,

avoid the lights detecting and one shotting us until we reach Taelia.

She provides us transport back to the main land where our adventours of discovering the

ashvane company building up azerite weapon supplies and uniting the pirate crews in an

attempt to take over from House Proudmoore.

That's the story in the zone and for some reason we go back to Tol Dagor with the place

holder telling us to secure the Azerite stockpiles.

In connection to the zone story, this could be the place where the Ashvane company has

been storing their Azerite supply something that is not only beneficial to take away from

them, but also nice to add to our own arsenal.

Our journey into the prison complex begins where we left it, on the shores with the sand

queen still on the prowl for any escaped convicts.

She's our first fight where she'll place sandtraps on the floor which reminded mea

lot of the first boss in AQ 20.

She also does upheavel where she'll select a target so sneak up on, spread to avoid sharing

the damage as she comes back up.

A sandstorm is summoned to push you around and try to get you to activate those sandtraps

and at 30% she has a minor enrage.

With the last line of defense from Tol Dagor put down, the sewer gate is our way in with

stringing parasites waiting for their next meal.

Make sure to let your tank go first as the gass traps spawns more of these little guys,

something that me think back to stratholme with the gates closing on unsuspecting adventurers

and tiny insects trying to eat you alive.

Inside the complex our job is to make our way to the very top, but our entrance does

not go unnoticed.

An Irontide Thug lets them all know that intruders are coming in through the sewers.

The Irontide Raiders are the pirate oganisation lead by Harlen Sweete, bankrolled by Lady

Ashvane and we see more of the pirate crews that have taken over the complex.

The guards of the Ashvance company are doing their best to keep the facility under control,

but I imagine that our little jailbreak with Flynn, setting the prisoners free, has not

done them any favors.

In the prisons we can also see alliance hostages that want to be released, I've checked out

other recordings and when you go through on the horde side, you'll see horde hostages


Interesting as well that they're named hostages and not prisoners, I wonder if that's part

of the movitation for coming here.

Rescue our forces that have been taken by the ashvane company.

All the same, the prison is having quite a riot on their hands and we'll have to fight

our way through the madness until we encounter Jes Howlis.

He has flashing knives that he throws around, but you can hide from them by getting out

of line of sight.

He also tries to fear us with a spooky howl and he'll throw smoke powder on the floor,

buying himself the time needed to open up a whooole bunch of cells.

Now it's a party as more adds join the fight, but the worgen goes down all the same.

An ashvane jailer jells out to secure the upper floors while he'll take care of this


Our party didn't even go after it, I wonder if it drops any special loot but up the stairs

we go where more ashvane officers are trying to hold their ground against the thugs.

Into the officer quarters where the prisonered do not really have a presence.

This is all still under the control of the Ashvane company and they do a fair bit more

damage then the random prisoners.

Up we go to the Overseer's redoubt where the massive canons can be operated and turned

against our enemies.

They do a fair bit of damage but right now on the alpha friendly fire is turned on so

be careful not to blow up your entire party.

Inside the Ashvane armory we find our next challenge, Knight Captain Valyrl.

"I can't wait to see you melt."

She's quite a fiery one and is not afraid to ignite the kegs in the room.

Part of the fight is to make sure that the kegs, and more of them will be dropped on

to the playing field, that those kegs don't ignire and blow up.

If they do it's an area you can avoid, make sure to not stand in the circle while they

go off.

"The brightest stars...burn out...the fastest."

From the armory we go back onto the overseer's redoubt where now even the royal guards make

a pressence with the ashvane priests backing them up.

We're at the top of the facility now which offers a gorgeous view down below where you

can see the different layers of the dungeon that you just fought your way through.

Our last boss is Overseer Korgus:

"So kind of you to return for your executions."

"I've been eager to try these rounds on living targets."

"You'll get caught in the cross fire."

"Run all you want!

I never miss."

He wields mighty azerite infused weapons with a massive canon backing him up.

He'll shoot with Azerite, one debuff that you need to be shot by again otherwise you'll

explode and one with poison coursing through you, everytime you move it gets closer to

your heart until it stuns you for 12 seconds so don't move with that debuff.

He also has deadeye where he'll aim at a player, fires a precise round and strikes

the first player in line.

It deals damage but also increases the damage taken from the next dead eye so make sure

you take a bullet for eachother by standing in the right spot.

Incendiary rounds just puts you on fire with a dot which stacks so all in all this guy

loves his guns, even has cross fire that you need to avoid, and is not afraid to give us

a taste of that delicious azerite.

"Your sentence is death )Player rip) "Good....shot..."

And that's the dungeon Tol Dagor.

Like I said, the story is not set in stone quite yet since we don't have a proper dungeon

journal description, but I think Azerite, hostages and simply being part of the ashvane

organisation is more then enough reason to clear the prison and get it back under control.

Thank you very much for watching everyone!

Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time

guys....see ya!

For more infomation >> Story of Tol Dagor - Battle for Azeroth Alpha - Duration: 6:28.


UMass aiming for the top spot in national recycling competition - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> UMass aiming for the top spot in national recycling competition - Duration: 1:19.


How to Draw Orange Fruit for Kids | Orange Fruit Coloring Pages for Children | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:01:46.





















Coloring Pages

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