Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 18 2018

Hey do you crave the approval of others do you fear rejection that is all about

the fear of man and I have a remedy to overcome that fear let's talk about

barry smith here a pastor of 25 years and an author of a church planning book

about failure i am the authority on mistakes just saying what i'm gonna

share with you today if you watch to the end will not only help you with your

fear it will give you renewed strength and power to have confidence and not

care as much about rejection and the acceptance of other people and if you're

new here be sure to subscribe hit the bell so that you hear every part of this

four-part series i remember being really irresponsible as a kid of course not now

and my mom would say wait till your dad gets home and i would be scared all day

long as a kid i was scared about what my friends thought of me as an adult I fear

how I come across online I've stood for days knowing that a tough conversation

was coming up and I'm wondering will I lose a friend over this will people

leave my church over this the church that I pastor I'm telling you people

scare me we've all got fears particularly in relationships anybody

fear what others think of them yeah yes you do it's why we wore bell-bottoms and

MC Hammer pants back in the day and it's probably why many wear skinny jeans

today why else imagine if someone trashed your reputation with a false

rumor or what if you were bullied on social media with more lies we

especially fear burglars and bad guys if we don't want someone breaking into our

house imagine if they broke in and hurt one of your children it's why we lock

our car doors it's why we get alarms for our houses it's why we carry pepper

spray and guns and get insurance but all of that comfort is a lie that we've

bought into and there's an unbelief behind all those lies not an unbelief in

God I get it that most of you you believe in God but we're not believing

the truths about God and that's the four G's like we learned last time that God

is great so we don't have to be in control God is sovereign and in full

control of the universe as well as the little things in our lives

today this is your message in a tweet this if you don't get anything else

after this message get this one it's the second G of God God is glorious so we

don't have to fear others God is glorious so we don't have to fear others

leaving my church plant in California was difficult and it kind of weird in a

veiled way nothing horrible but it set me up to look bad and I wanted everyone

to know the whole truth at least my truth why because I didn't want people

to think bad of me I didn't want people to think that I might have done a bad

job I craved the approval of my friends it was a struggle all based on the fear

and a lie about God these fears are created in the gap of unbelief between

our heads and our hearts where what we know to be true in our heads is not

lived out in the actions of our hearts that gap of unbelief causes us to fear

others we fear others because we don't believe truths about God and the biggest

reason that we fear others is because we have a fear of not being accepted now

you may not think so but it's true for so many we desperately want to be

accepted to be valued in other words we crave the approval of others to be

desired it's why many gals wear makeup it's why guys suck in their guts can you

tell me where the gym is is it over there it's why we wear flattering

clothes that make us look better than we really are

it's why we try to make our parents proud of us it's why we try to be

validated by our peers at work because when people approve of us we feel

accepted and acceptance is probably the biggest reason that we seek approval

stated another way we fear other's disapproval none of us want to be

rejected by others especially those we care about but here's the problem if

this need in our life grows too big the need for acceptance then people control

us because we need their acceptance and the Bible calls that the fear of man and

that's why we picked proverbs 29:25 is your memory verse for this week memorize

this first proverbs 29:25 it says fear of man will prove to be a snare but

whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe according to Ed Welch and his book when

people are big and God is small the fear of man has many symptoms susceptibility

to peer pressure it needs something from a spouse a

CERN with self-esteem being over committed because we can't say no fear

of being exposed small lies to make yourself look good people making you

jealous angry depressed anxious avoiding people compare yourself to others and

the fear of talking about Jesus I'm guessing there's something in that list

that touches a nerve in you the fear of being exposed self-esteem comparing

yourself to others can't say no so your overcommitted

come on now you know that something applies there and it's all a lie of the

fear of man we're not believing a truth about God that overcomes all that fear

culture tries to overcome this unbelief by boosting our self-esteem which makes

things worse because if we do something and find a way to help our self-esteem

then we become dependent on whatever it was or whoever it was that boosts us up

or we elevate good desires like affirmation and respect and weari label

them as needs where we're not whole or complete without them we become obsessed

with needing the approval or acceptance of others and then we're controlled by

them because of the lie of fear the answer to the fear of man is the fear of

God we need a bigger view of God Isaiah 33 6 says this he will be the sure

foundation for your times a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge

the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure the fear of

God means that we respect worship trust and submit to him that's the proper

response to his glory God is glorious so I don't need to fear others we fear

God's glory His Holiness power love goodness and wrath you think about

people's response to just angels in the Bible knowing that those angels revealed

just a glimpse of who God is and Jesus birth and Luke to the Shepherd's were

terrified and afraid Luke 1 Zechariah heard his old lady was pregnant by an

angel well I mean she wasn't gonna get pregnant by the angel but he heard

through the angel say it anyway he was startled gripped with fear and afraid

Luke 1 Mary was greatly troubled and afraid at Gabriel's announcement of her

pregnancy Luke 24 at Jesus's tomb the women bowed down in fright Matthew 28 at

the empty tomb the guards were so afraid they shook and were like dead men that's

the initial response when we get just a good

of God's presence of his glory of his weight God is glorious so we don't have

to fear others just him and his weightiness see that that word glory

means weight as it appurtenance importance a weighty person they matter

just like the last time we saw God's greatness that God is great and he's

full weight he's in full significance he's full control all of His Majesty's

splendor wisdom power compassion grace patience and love they're all put on

display in the person and work of His Son Jesus who is sovereign and in

control and God's full weight and character automatically leads to worship

to a a blowing you away moment God is glorious God is weighty and so is Jesus

so I don't need to fear other people I don't need to be controlled by them and

what they think that's the response of seeing God in a healthy fear Exodus 20

verse 18 when the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and

saw the mountain and smoke they trembled with fear they stayed at a distance and

said to Moses speak to us yourself and we will listen but do not have God speak

to us or we will die Moses said to the people do not be afraid God has come to

test you so that the fear of God may be with you to keep you from sinning to

fear is to pay tribute which makes sense to a holy God but why do I consistently

pay tribute and fear others over the weightiness of God see that's a lie of

the fear of man and that lie has lived out in our daily lives by exaggerating

or being overly self-conscious or self-hate or allowing criticism to just

crush us and for many it's by being a people pleaser we can easily get

obsessed by the fear of man and what others think about us Steve Jobs said

this remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever

encountered to help me make the big choices in life almost everything all

external expectations all pride all fear of embarrassment or failure these things

just fall away in the face of death leaving only what is truly important you

see the bottom line is this if you knew you are gonna die in two weeks what

would be most important your retirement account your bank account your projects

at work your continued education how many letters you have besides your name

your boss problems or employee problems your next workout how fit you are know

where you're going in two weeks is the supreme important issue where is your

eternal destiny would you strive for the approval of your dad or your wife or

your guys at work that's the fear of man my question is do you wrestle with

fearing men like disappointing your spouse so you don't explain how you

really feel or letting your parents down so you take the easy way out and don't

tell the truth are you debilitated when you're not

accepted by certain segments of your friends let me ask you could you make a

list of those whose disapproval you don't want let me ask you again

could you make a list of those whose disapproval

you don't want yes the answer is yes and that list would be unlimited that's

the fear of man and you lose the priority of God's glory his weightiness

we've got to get a bigger view of God are you not believing the truth about

God that he is glorious because when we fear God when we worship and respect and

trust him and submit to him we get a bigger bigger view of God and that

drives out the fear of man and that helps close the gap between our head in

our heart fearing God is the proper response when we get a glimpse of him

many of us just haven't recognized that glimpse of him in a long long while so

here's what we can do here's what I want you to do post below in the comments I

will fear God alone that's a commitment between you and God that you're gonna

work on not fearing man do that right now I will fear God alone it's a simple

start and this week I want you to spend time alone with God in nature Bible and

prayer that's your homework you'll learn to trust him and love him more than you

love and trust in others and if you'll do these two things you'll narrow the

gap of unbelief between your head and your heart or what you believe in your

head will start to be lived out in your heart where actions take place and then

you'll replace the lie of the fear of man with the truth of fearing God that

will overcome the fear of man and you'll stop obsessing about others God is

glorious so I don't need to fear others and God is great he's sovereign so I

don't need to be in control and next week we're going to talk about my

favorite satisfaction in life and how to guarantee that you get it it is possible

but for now post below I will fear God alone

and then do your homework and spend time alone with God this week in nature in

the Bible and in prayer see fearing man takes you down a path that leads you

away from God choose today who you will fear until next time


For more infomation >> God is Gracious God is Good So I don't have to fear others - Duration: 11:37.


A Wrinkle in Time is why representation matters - Duration: 3:48.

Hi friends,

It was kind of perfectly poetic that the subway ads, on my train on the way to the movie theater

were for Lion King the musical.

If you don't already know how I feel about the Lion King musical, well it was the first

time I remember thinking that black people were talented and beautiful.

I was sixteen.

I wish for past me that it could have happened sooner.

I wish that i could have had A Wrinkle In Time when I was younger.

When I was in 6th and 7th grade, I looked a lot like Storm Reid's Meg Murray.

I had the same glasses, curly hair, good grades, and low self-esteem.

I desperately wanted to be liked and to be liked I needed a flatiron, and lighter skin,

and brand-name clothes, and definitely contact lenses.

But I didn't have those things.

So I felt ugly.

I actually remember, my 7th grade school picture my mom let me blow dry my hair straight and

I was so happy to be able to look more "normal"—I was going for this cool, flippy Mary Kate

and Ashley look, but it turned out this kinda mushroom bubble because my hair was like,

no i don't think you understand, we curl.

But that's what Meg wants too—she wants her family to look like a more normal family.

She wants to look like what she thinks is a more normal girl.

Like for most of the movie, even when people call her beautiful but she doesn't buy it.

Not even Oprah.

God Oprah.

Giant, there's no such thing as the wrong size Oprah.

And why would she?

In every teen movie we grew up on, we start with a protagonist who has problems, usually

boy problems, or friend problems, or both, and the way she solves that central conflict

and becomes the hero we always knew she could be—is by straightening her hair and getting

rid of her glasses.

Becoming beautiful.

And in the Wrinkle in Time movie, Meg is offered exactly that.

She sees a vision of herself with long, straight hair, no glasses, the kind of perfect, enviable

outfit you don't get from wearing hand-me-downs or shopping at Kohls.

Her enemy says look at her.

She's perfect.

I can make you perfect.

But she doesn't take it.

That's not the resolution of the problems in this movie: Her becoming this version of

beautiful she's always wanted.

That's not how she makes friends or gets the guy or saves the universe.

It's the opposite of that.

She wins by accepting her faults, and also knowing what parts of her aren't faults

at all.

I wished, seeing that, that I could tesser back to 2004 and knock the flatiron out of

my hand.

Because when I imagined a perfect version of myself I didn't kick her off the cliff.

I begged for contacts as soon as I could and a spent my babysitting money on lipgloss and

abercrombie tshirts and I straightened my hair every day until college.

I only stopped putting chemicals in my hair, to make the curls smoother and looser last


It's been a long journey and a lot of work to undo what those movie makeover scenes made

me believe—that I was ugly, and that I wasn't enough.

And I just think how much money and burnt hair and self loathing i could have saved

if i'd seen a wrinkle in time in 6th grade and heard: you're beautiful, but also who

cares go save the universe.

In comments, tell me: have you seen the movie?

What did you think?

Tell me about a time when you were able to see your faults for the gift that they are.

If you liked this video, you can subscribe, you can find me anywhere on the internet @itsradishtime.

If you want to support me with your coin you can do that on Patreon, and I'll see you

next week.



For more infomation >> A Wrinkle in Time is why representation matters - Duration: 3:48.


Testimonial: Bonestopco Is Changing Lives In The Crypto World! Millionaires In The Making! - Duration: 13:05.

hi this is crypto coin chaser and you're probably wondering why am I

Not dressed in all green

dressed in green well the reason I'm dressed in all green

is because I feel so lucky as you can see I got my little lucky coins that I

don't know just at the end of the rainbow there is look all the noise I am

just so excited I'm happy in fact I'm sure I'm not the only one that's happy

so well about to tell you is something that my sponsor

Janelle Tyson Dale and thank you brought to my attention that first I wasn't

going to get into it because I was already a little bit disappointed from

previous companies that swindle bamboozled lied to us took our money

so actually I'm not the type of person to always be in the dumps I'm not going

down on a dumps person so I kept saying let me just get out here and see what

else is out here I'm not gonna let no one take my joy from me take the

opportunity for me to grow and just prosper so time to get down to business

so let me take these blessings off so

this particular company

um after I decided to pay attention to what my sponsored had offered I just

went ahead and kept an open mind and decided to actually look into this so I

found the cum well I didn't actually find the company but my sponsor of gave

me the information I signed up under I didn't say anything because I'm the

observant type of person I was taking observe and wait see what happens but I

did go into and do some information about this particular company and what I

found is to be very amazing I'm very happy I'm excited I'm just I'm looking

forward to growing with this particular company and I'm gonna give you some

information on what they offer why I like them what I really don't like which

isn't really not much basically nothing and any changes that I know in the

future but they will get these changes and make everything completely beautiful

as it is now I mean things were probably improved but I will see much room for

improvement when everything is already running smoothly but let me tell you the

name of the company is bone stock company I have no idea why they call it

that I'm sure they have their reasons and one day they will

No and who they are they are a open source platform offering numerous and

investment opportunities your funds are divided into a different ongoing

projects you earn a stable daily and hourly income that's one of the things

well a couple of things that got me excited they offer five different

packages the first package is 3% daily for 50 days a second it's a zero point

17% hourly for 40 days the third is 4% daily for 50 days fourth is 5% daily for

50 days and the last one is 43% weekly for 49 days that right there is exciting

enough to uh love this company and with with just that I'm already in love with

it okay let me give you a list of what they offer delft a whole lot more but

since I don't have all day I'm gonna give you 18 things that they

offer financial peace of mind 5 investment packages compounding

withdraws trading and mining done for you the work is already done for you so

you haven't I'm gonna through is just sit back and relax a website there's

very easy to navigate through referral Commission's they are very credible

everything I'm standing you is facts and it is proven they are transparent a

market crisp crypto currencies Daily Post uh you get your you get the capital

release that's your in the initial investment that gives you a smile

calculator but you could go in and calculate your interest I'll put a mine

up and I was so amazed I'm like this company is on their way to the moon I am

just thrilled I'm surprised that they're even there I just really want to thank

my sponsor a hundred times for putting this company out in front of me let's

see what else they have the administrator he is amazing he's a

beautiful person although I've never met him in person but he is amazing he's

always there the man seemed like he'd never sleep here they got some good

moderators too they have Facebook pages the videos of training that will make

sure you understand everything and like I was saying about the owner he's always

involved he is I'm just amazed I don't say anything because I'm basically still

new to the company I'm still learning so I'm just I don't know I just have to

give you your props you have done an amazing job you I know you're working

you're behind us because I get up every morning at one o'clock in the morning

and I see the email I reach the emails that come through all the time when I'm

I go on the system just to see what's happening I see the little post that he

posts every time there's a group post he always says something it's like I've

never seen an owner so involved all the other owners you have to basically make

an appointment and basically beg for them to get involved okay

okay this is what I like about the company no I've said a lot already like

I stated earlier I'm very very impressed with the owner you get your questions

answered immediately I love the passive income it gives you

peace of mind the contest he's always giving he had contests all the time he's

always giving his money to people I'm in here for the longevity

I like the investment packages the interaction with all the members and the

owner which I keep saying I love the training the moderators are there they

will help you in any way possible I've seen it happen the withdrawals I mean if

you don't believe in this company then I don't think you're gonna believe in

anything if you just don't take the opportunity to come and see what they

offer look at the wood drawers a lot of people think that a lot of these

companies are scams most of them I'm not gonna say most a lot of them more I was

in five that scammed me but I never invest more than I'm willing to lose but

this last one was a shocker but I never I would never give up hope I would never

lose faith and this company is given everybody the opportunity to become

wealthy and this is no lie I'm in several other programs and yes I will

become a multi-millionaire this year if i play my cards right and i know this

company it's gonna also help me become a multimillionaire

and yes i plan on giving back I plan on doing my part because I was offered the

opportunity why not help other people so let me tell you what I don't like I

don't like any negative comment comments I don't care where it's coming from

I don't care what company is with if you got anything negative to say you

shouldn't even be here I always want to ask the question if you got something

negative say why are you even here why are you wasting your time nobody wants

to hear that I don't want to hear it and I'm sure no one who's trying to prosper

it growth want to hear anything negative so you got some negative state move to

the left keep it going move on because there's plenty other

companies that you can join matter of fact get your home company and you can

say all the negativity and all the negative things you want and actually

there's really nothing else that I don't dislike about this company and plus you

also have to keep in mind every company have growing pains so just keep all of

that in mind and some of the changes I would like to see maybe in the future

you can add a telegram and also a site security to FA because I have seen some

hackers come in and white companies clean I'm singing happy to FA would help

a whole lot so those are some of the changes I like to see other than that I

am happy I am I am I want to scream and dance but I know I can't cuz this space

is kind of small now plus I need to kick this video short I can go on and on and

on but I'm gonna go ahead and keep it short let you all get back to your life

thank you for listening and again this is Creek crypto corn chaser I chased

coins good luck to everyone god bless him be good be safe

and the owner god bless you too bless your heart you are so sweet and

loving although I have met you but maybe

someday uglier all right we gonna be safe I'm out


For more infomation >> Testimonial: Bonestopco Is Changing Lives In The Crypto World! Millionaires In The Making! - Duration: 13:05.


Why High Blood Cholesterol Is Dangerous - Health & Fitness - Duration: 8:43.

Why High Blood Cholesterol Is Dangerous

Cholesterol, like fat, cannot move around the bloodstream on its own because it does not mix with water.

The bloodstream carries cholesterol in particles called lipoproteins that are like blood-borne cargo trucks delivering cholesterol to various body tissues to be used, stored or excreted.

But too much of this circulating cholesterol can injure arteries, especially the coronary ones that supply the heart.

This leads to accumulation of cholesterol-laden "plaque" in vessel linings, a condition called atherosclerosis.

When blood flow to the heart is impeded, the heart muscle becomes starved for oxygen, causing chest pain (angina).

If a blood clot completely obstructs a coronary artery affected by atherosclerosis, a heart attack (myocardial infarction) or death can occur.

Are you at risk? Cardiovascular disease is still one of the greatest health problem affecting western countries.

According to the American Heart Foundation, over 70 million Americans have cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The national cost of is nearly $400 billion and every 45 seconds an American has a stoke.

Certain risk factors increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

Overweight. High blood cholesterol.

Insufficient physical activity.

High blood pressure. Smoking.

Excessive alcohol intake. Diabetes.

Many people have multiple risk factors for heart disease and the level of risk increases with the number of risk factors.

By reducing these risk factors you can largely prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease.

On its own elevated blood cholesterol is not necessarily a problem, but coupled with one or more other risk factors for heart disease, it is often the straw that breaks the camel's back.

It is, therefore, very important to know what your cholesterol levels are and to keep them at a healthy level before you have any problems.

High risk cholesterol.

If your total cholesterol level is 240 or more, its definitely high.

You have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.

In fact, you should have your LDL and HDL cholesterol tested.

Ask your doctor for advice.

Close to 20 percent of the U.S.

population has high blood cholesterol levels.

Borderline-high risk.

People whose total cholesterol is 200 to 239 mg/dL have borderline-high cholesterol.

About a third of American adults are in this group, while almost half of adults have total cholesterol levels below 200 mg/dL.

In fact, people who have a total cholesterol of 240 mg/dL have twice the risk of coronary heart disease as people whose cholesterol level is 200 mg/dL.

Does physical activity affect cholesterol?.

Other factors that affect blood cholesterol levels:.

Heredity– High cholesterol often runs in families.

Even though specific genetic causes have been identified in only a minority of cases, genes still play a role in influencing blood cholesterol levels.

If your parents have high cholesterol, you need to be tested to see if your cholesterol levels are also elevated.

Age and gender– Before menopause, women tend to have total cholesterol levels lower than men at the same age.

Cholesterol levels naturally rise as men and women age.

Menopause is often associated with increases in LDL cholesterol in women.

Stress– Studies have not shown stress to be directly inked to cholesterol levels.

But experts say that because people sometimes eat fatty foods to console themselves when under stress, this can cause higher blood cholesterol.

Excess weight – Being overweight tends to increase blood cholesterol levels.

Losing weight has been shown to help lower levels.

A greater risk of increased cholesterol levels occurs when that extra weight is centered in the abdominal region, as opposed to the legs or buttocks.

For more infomation >> Why High Blood Cholesterol Is Dangerous - Health & Fitness - Duration: 8:43.


Fortnite – THIS IS ADDICTING! – Live Stream #174 - Duration: 1:25:17.

For more infomation >> Fortnite – THIS IS ADDICTING! – Live Stream #174 - Duration: 1:25:17.


Update: BEAST Is Still In Discussion With Cube Entertainment Regarding Contract - Duration: 1:07.

Update: BEAST Is Still In Discussion With Cube Entertainment Regarding Contract

Update October 16 KST:. On October 16, Cube Entertainment spoke with Top Star News in regards to BEASTs contract. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250.


The agency spoke of the contract, saying, In regards to the contract renewal, were still in the process of discussing. We have not received any information, therefore we are in a situation where we cannot speak on the matter..

Original:. Boy group BEAST might be planning to start their own independent agency. On October 15, after BEASTs seven-year contract with Cube Entertainment officially ended, a report revealed that the members discussed their options and decided to start their own agency.

According to multiple sources, while BEAST is very grateful for the agency debuting the group and helping them establish a foothold, they want to set up their own agency as a new challenge for themselves.

Usually, the discussions regarding the contract happen six months before the termination date, but BEAST and Cube Entertainment have not renewed the groups contract as of October 16 KST.

BEASTs contract has been receiving attention since the beginning of the year. There has yet to be an official statement from Cube Entertainment.

For more infomation >> Update: BEAST Is Still In Discussion With Cube Entertainment Regarding Contract - Duration: 1:07.


THIS IS ME 絢香 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> THIS IS ME 絢香 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:09.


THIS IS ME 絢香 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:09.

For more infomation >> THIS IS ME 絢香 フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 5:09.


Why The Australian Housing Market Is On Borrowed Time (2018) - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Why The Australian Housing Market Is On Borrowed Time (2018) - Duration: 3:29.


Football: Eight is great for primary schools - Duration: 8:24.

Football: Eight is great for primary schools

When it comes to developing a new pipeline of young skilful footballers for Singapore, sometimes less could be more.

Starting this year, football tournaments for primary schools will be eight-a-side instead of nine, as both the Football Association of Singapore (FAS) and the Education Ministry believe this will give boys and girls more time on the ball and a better chance to hone their skills.

Team sizes were cut once in 2012, when they were trimmed from 11 to nine, but footballing authorities believe it is best to drop one more player, to stay in step with the best practice internationally on developing youth football.

FAS deputy president Bernard Tan told The Sunday Times: When fewer players are playing, they are more involved in the game.

The approach to the game will also be different. Currently, youth-level football adopts what Tan describes as beehive thinking, where the players just group together and chase the ball.

In an eight-a-side game, players can develop their touches, he said. Winning is not everything. We will have coaching clinics to encourage the ball to be played on the ground instead of pumping it up in the air..

He hopes the children will play a style of football based on quick passes, rapid movement, ball control and technique. Ideally, school coaches should attain a minimum qualification of an Asian Football Confederation C coaching license, he added.

Another initiative in the works is an inaugural inter-primary school futsal tournament to get younger kids started on the five-a-side variant of the sport.

The new thinking has been endorsed by all the main bodies involved - FAS, Ministry of Education (MOE), and the Singapore Primary Schools Sports Council.

Tan Chen Kee, MOEs divisional director of student development curriculum, said that all the partners agree on the need to organise developmentally appropriate competitions for students and cutting team size to eight will achieve this goal for both junior (Primary 4-5) and senior (Primary 6) divisions.

It will better allow students to put into practice the fundamental skills and techniques learnt, she said.

We hope this will make football even more engaging for students, cultivate their joy of playing, and in the process, foster important values such as teamwork and resilience..

A DIFFERENT BALL GAME We hope this will make football even more engaging for students. and in the process, foster important values such as teamwork and resilience.

TAN CHEN KEE, Ministry of Educations divisional director of student development curriculum, on the benefits of cutting team size to eight.

Geylang Methodist Primary Schools teacher-coach Christopher Maik, 39, welcomes the change. A lot of primary school fields are very small and eight-a-side is perhaps the maximum to allow for meaningful football, or else the field is too crowded, he said.

School pitches need to be 50m-70m long and 30m-50m wide for competition use but, according to Maik, most schools tend to have smaller fields.

With the plan, FAS hopes to remedy two problem areas of youth football in Singapore - a small talent pool and the recent poor results suffered by the various national age-group teams.

In 2014, an FAS survey of 100 of the 187 primary schools revealed that only 5. 9 per cent of of boys and 1. 6 per cent of girls play the sport.

With fewer talented players coming through, Singapore suffered a string of disappointing results at various age-group competitions.

Last August, the Under-22s were eliminated from the group stage for the second straight SEA Games. Three months later, the U-18s had three sent off in the 2-4 loss to Mongolia in an Asian Football Confederation U-19 Championship qualifier.

FAS hopes the new approach will turn things around. With three fewer starters from a squad of 15, it is also encouraging schools to send a second team to give more players a chance to compete.

Its intention is welcomed by Wesley Fernandez, whose 11-year-old son Casey plays for St Josephs Institution Junior. It gives more chances to more kids, said the 39-year-old. Otherwise, they may never get the opportunity..

Roslan Saad, the teacher-coach of Shuqun Primary, also backed the move. But the 46-year-old, who has 100 students playing football as a co-curricular activity in his school, cautioned that a big gap in standards could have an adverse effect.

There are powerhouses in every zone and it is not uncommon to see lopsided scores, he said.

Much as some schools like to be in tune with FAS aim to develop kids, it can be demoralising to play passing football when you are losing 8-0..

More children playing - and staying in - football will provide FAS with a base to build on. It is no secret that the big issue is participation, said Bernard Tan.

We need to get more and more kids to play from a younger age.

If we can get them to start between the age of five and eight, we have a good chance of developing their skills to a high level and perhaps, help them embark on the elite path.

If we depend only on the weekend academies and the current system, well never get the numbers. The FAS runs its own academy, the FAS Football Academy (FFA), formerly known as the National Football Academy (NFA). It coaches elite players aged 15-18.

In addition, the FAS has oversight of the centres of excellence (COE) training U-14, U-16 and U-18 youths run by local S-League clubs.

On the NFAs name change this year to the FFA, Tan explained: Previously, the base was narrow. It was a case of the FAS seeding the COEs and letting them develop talent.

But now we want a lot of academies to spring up around the country - the more the better.

We want schools to be recognised (as an academy). We hope that, for example, a school like Hong Kah Secondary can stand a fair chance when they face Singapore Sports School..

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