I think that the problem that today we live in a crazy decade, we don't have time.
We're running all the time.
We're using our phone, smartphone all the time.
So we lost the time of thinking.
And I think it's very important to take time for yourself.
Once, I don't know, once a month, every few weeks.
With paper and a pen and just listen to your heart, listen to your mind.
Listen to what you want to achieve.
Maybe sometimes ask yourself, what did I want to achieve when I was young.
and then I thought that I can't do it and I didn't have money or time...
but now I have the abilities, so let's do it now.
So, this is a good list.
Well, 'The Secret' is a great book and I love the book and I love the movie of course...
but I think that 'The Secret' is a bit more spiritual.
It's talking about, think positive, imagine things and it will pop up to your life.
And I say, it's okay to think positive but you need to act.
You need to attack your goals.
I think that some people who watch 'The Secret' or read the book...
thought that they can sit at home and think about money, think about a house...
think about love and love will come.
Sometimes my beliefs work, but I believe that we need to think about it...
and then to act and do things.
And this is the difference between people who speak...
and people who do.
You know, every psychologist or coach will tell you...
have a list.
But what I'm saying is, shout out your dream...
share your list with others and of course the easy way today, to share your dreams...
is to just publish your list on Facebook, or Twitter, or LinkedIn, on Snapchat, whatever.
Just ask people to help you because, you know, we live in a very small world today...
and everyone knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone.
We're all like Google and Wikipedia, everyone knows someone who can help you.
So I really use Facebook very strongly.
I have a lot of followers.
It's something like, for now, I think 100.000 followers.
It's like a magazine, it's like a very good magazine.
I'm trying to be interesting, to build a community...
and I'm not afraid of Facebook or Twitter.
A lot of people say, 'well, I don't like it, you know, doing it all day'...
'I don't want people to know things about me'.
So, you don't need to write about yourself, your personal life...
but share your thoughts, your agenda.
I have a lot of stories about people who share their dreams and their life changes...
all over the globe.
But I really love the story about my mom.
She's 60 years old, her name is Tamar, Tammy...
and she's 60 years old and she decided that she wanted to work with fashion.
She's very beautiful...
and she had a dream to be a model when she was young.
But she was busy raising me and, you know, with work.
And she heard me so many times, talking about: shout out your dream...
so she posted two months ago, a Facebook status that she had a dream.
That she wanted to have photos, professional...
and a lot of photographers sent her emails 'well, we can take a photo of you'
and a lot of designers told her 'we can send you a dress'.
And she said, 'well, you know what, I want a special dress, I want a bright dress'...
and little difficult, you know, you're 60 years old say 'yes, this is my dream'.
And someone sent her a bright dress and she had a photo...
and she put it on Facebook and she got 15,000 likes and 6,000 shares.
The day after she was in the news in Israel, I'm from Israel...
and she shouted out her dream on television, that she wanted to be a model...
and the day after she got a call from one of the producers in the fashion industry in Israel...
and told her 'you know what, I want you as a model in my fashion events'.
And today my mom, she's 60 years old, and she is a model.
And she just did her first international campaign for jewellery...
so it's working!
No one told us that we should speak about our dreams...
that we share what we know.
We know that if we see a shooting star, we ask for a wish, quietly in our heart.
Even on our birthday, we blow out the candle and we ask for a wish, quietly.
Why quietly, I say, let's share it with your friends and family.
'Hey, this is my birthday, this is my dream'.
Maybe someone can help you.
So it's a matter of education.
When I was 10 years old...
I remember sitting at home watching a French movie...
and I saw an author writing an autograph on a book.
And I said well, one day I want to be like him...
and you know what, this is my life today.
And I, you know, I always dreamed big.
Back home in Israel, I published the list for children.
I hope it will be all around the globe soon.
And it's a story about a girl that had her birthday...
and she blows out candles and tries to achieve her goals.
But no one knows her goals and dreams
and her father tells her, that she should share her dreams...
with her grandfather and grandmom and children from class and kindergarten.
And she understands the idea and I'm really trying to encourage today's children...
to share the dream and also to ask their parents and grandfather: 'what is your dream?'.
Let's know each other.
Do you know what your grandfather's dream is? Most people don't know.
Why, because he's 80 years old and he doesn't have dreams?
You know, it's like in an app on your phone, there are updates all the time!
I mean, we have dreams all the time, new dreams.
So, you know, I just had a talk yesterday with someone here...
and she told me that when she was young, she used to go with her parents to the church.
And she heard the priest say, you know, people are evil.
People are evil and when she was young, she really believed it.
It's not true, I mean, there is some evil in the world...
but I choose to see the good things in life, you know I feel like I live in a Disney movie.
I don't watch news at all, I don't read gossip.
I don't know, I don't waste my time with toxic people.
I really live like in a Disney movie.
You know, I remember that one day I had a talk...
with someone who told me, that he has a dream, he's a photographer...
and he's 50 years old and his dream is to have his photos in a gallery.
I told him okay, what did you do to achieve your goal and dream...
and this is the question that everyone needs to ask himself.
What am I doing to make my list come true?
And he told me 'I sent 4 emails to 4 galleries'.
I told him 'that's great, but why not to 400 or 40,000 galleries?'
You can sit on Google for a month and send your photos to all the galleries in the world.
Statistically one out of 40,000 will say 'yes, come!'.
That's what made my career in the world. Today I'm working in 20 countries.
I'm from Israel, I just sat at home and I sent emails to all the publishers...
in Europe in the States: 'hey, I have an idea, at the least please read my book'...
'Here's a few chapters in English' and I start getting emails.
And today my book is all around the globe.
And, by the way, it's ok sometimes to say...
'Well, you know, no, I don't like it anymore'...
'This is not what I want' it's ok.
Because when I started to travel around the globe in the last 2 years...
in the beginning I said: 'Oh fun and travelling!' and after a few months I said...
'I don't like it', I prefer to travel only once a month for a few days, not all the time...
because I have two children I want to be at home.
So I changed my list a bit, but still I'm achieving my dreams all the time.
I think that we need to listen to our hearts and to what we want...
and lists can change all the time.
Our goals can change all the time
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