Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 18 2018

Beware of Colon Cancer Scare For Many, the Screening Is Riskier Than the Cancer Itself

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Colorectal cancer, which includes both cancers of the colon and rectum, is the second leading

cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States.

An estimated 135,000 people are diagnosed with colorectal cancer each year (about 95,500

cases of colon cancer and 39,900 cases of rectal cancer1), and more than 50,000 die

from it.

Historically, colon cancer has been confined to those over the age of 50, but that�s

changing. According to a recent report2 by the American Cancer Society, prevalence among

younger people is rising.3,4,5 As reported by STAT News:6

�Among adults between the ages of 20 and 39, colon cancer has increased by 1 percent

to 2.4 percent a year since the mid-1980s. This rise has been so dramatic that those

born in 1990 and afterward have rates of colon cancer not seen since 1890.�

The findings made headlines and, not surprisingly, younger people are now urged to consider colon

cancer screening, which is typically done by colonoscopy.

What the study and many news sources fail to mention, however, is that if you�re in

your 20s and 30s, your mortality risk from colonoscopy is FAR greater than your risk

of colon cancer! This is a vitally important consideration that simply isn�t given the

proper attention.

It�s a mistake to equate screening with prevention and, if anything, the findings

are a wakeup call to Gen-Xers and Millennials that they really need to reassess their lifestyle

choices, as the ramifications of poor diet and sedentary behavior are catching up to

them at an increasingly younger age.

Colon and Rectal Cancer Rates on the Rise Among Young Adults

According to the featured report, while colon cancer incidence is on the decline overall,

we�re seeing a rather rapid rise of incidence in 20- and 30-somethings. Rectal cancer is

also on the rise. Some statistics revealed in the report include the following:7

Since the mid-1980s, rates of colon cancer in adults between the ages of 20 and 39 increased

by 1 percent, now affecting 2.4 percent of the population in this age-group annually

Since the mid-1990s, colon cancer rates in adults between the ages of 40 and 54 have

risen by 0.5 percent, now affecting 1.3 percent of this age group

In adults aged 20 to 29, rectal cancer incidence rates increased 3.2 percent annually between

1974 and 2013 In adults under the age of 55, rates of rectal

cancer doubled, from 14.6 percent in 1990 to 29.2 percent in 2013

An estimated 13,500 new cases of colon and rectal cancers will be diagnosed in adults

under the age of 50 this year According to the authors: �Consequently,

compared with adults born circa 1950, those born circa 1990 have double the risk of colon

cancer and quadruple the risk of rectal cancer.�

Based on these findings, the American Cancer Society is reassessing its colon cancer screening

guidelines, which currently recommend screening to begin at age 50.

Comparing Your Risk of Cancer With Risks of Screening

While all of that may sound frightening, let�s take a deeper look at your risk, and compare

that to the risks of colonoscopy screening. The rate of colon cancer mortality among young

adults has risen by about 1 death per 100,000 among young adults, to a 3-in-100,000 risk.

However, the risk of death from colonoscopy is anywhere from 1 out of every 16,318 procedures,8

to 1 for every 1,000 procedures,9 depending on the source!

With some 15 million colonoscopies being done each year in the U.S.,10 that means as many

as 15,000 Americans die as a result of this routine screening test, and numbers are likely

to increase further if guidelines are changed to encourage people under 50 to get tested.

Again, an estimated 13,500 new cases of colon and rectal cancers will be diagnosed in adults

under the age of 50 this year, and if you extrapolate the potential number of deaths

at 37 percent (the average death rate for all age groups), then less than 5,000 individuals

under the age of 50 will die from colorectal cancer.

This means you may be three times more likely to die from the screening procedure than the

disease itself. Serious complications for colonoscopy also occur at a rate of about

1 per 20011 to 35012 procedures, again depending on the source of the data.

According to the report �Complications of Colonoscopy in an Integrated Health Care Delivery

System,� the combined injury and kill-rate of colonoscopy-related complications is 0.5

percent, or about 70,000 per year.13

Recall, for comparison, 50,000 die each year from colon cancer and rectal cancer combined,

so in the final analysis, if you�re still young, your risk of serious harm and/or death

from colonoscopy is FAR greater than your risk of colorectal cancer.14

Other large studies have found that 1.5 to 3 colon cancer deaths are prevented for every

1,000 people screened once every 10 years, while 2.5 per 1,000 people screened are severely

harmed or killed.15

That seems like a toss-up in terms of risk, but at least if you�re older and are in

a higher risk category, screening becomes a more reasonable risk.

Also beware that X-ray exposure from virtual colonoscopy raises your lifetime risk of all

forms of cancer by 20 percent. As noted by,16 �Virtual colonoscopies are

now recommended every five years.

By age 70 one�s risk of developing any other form of cancer grows to 100 percent. Killing

you with another form of cancer before the colon gets affected is one hell of [a] way

to �prevent� colon cancer.�

Other Side Effects of Colonoscopies Aside from the chance of death, other risks

of colonoscopy include the following:17,18

�Perforation of the colon, which occurs at a rate of 1 in 80019 (people at higher

risk include those with diverticulitis, diseases of the colon and adhesions from pelvic surgery).

Research20 shows the risk of death subsequent to perforation is nearly 52 per 1,000 colonoscopic

perforations and 64.5 per 1000 sigmoidoscopic perforations

�Dysbiosis and other gut imbalances, caused by the process of flushing out your intestinal

tract before the procedure with harsh laxatives21

�Complications from the anesthesia. Many experts agree you should opt for the lightest

level of sedation possible, or none at all, as full anesthesia increases risks

�Infections caused by poorly disinfected scopes

�False positives. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation,22 an estimated 30 to 40

percent of men treated for prostate cancer have harmless tumors that would never have

caused problems in their lifetime. As noted by Jessica Herzstein, a preventive-medicine

consultant and member of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, �you�re going to

die with them, not of them.�

False positives lead to unnecessary treatments that are nearly always harmful, in addition

to the anxiety a cancer diagnosis brings. For example, incontinence and erectile dysfunction

are two common side effects of radiation therapy, and hormone therapy has been linked to osteoporosis

and depression.

Sigmoidoscopies Are Far Safer but Not Used as Often

Sigmoidoscopies tend to have 10 times fewer complications, yet most doctors still recommend

colonoscopy 95 percent of the time. Moreover, while there are three acceptable methods to

screen for colon cancer,23 colonoscopy � which is the riskiest of the three � is still

most commonly recommended by doctors and chosen by patients.

Aside from getting a colonoscopy every 10 years, colorectal cancer can also be diagnosed

using fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) on an annual basis (to check for signs of blood

in your stool), or a flexible sigmoidoscopy every five years. Researchers have found that

in most instances, doctors fail to review all of these options � and the benefits

and drawbacks of each � with their patients.

Interestingly, other developed countries favor the FOBT stool test. Part of the reason for

this is that in other countries doctors do not get paid for procedure referrals. In the

U.S., however, doctors typically do get financial kickbacks when referring patients for various

procedures, and as noted by Greger, �it�s estimated that doctors make nearly a million

more referrals every year than they would have if they there were not personally profiting.�

A Simple Pre-Procedure Question That May Save Your Life

As discussed in my previous interview with David Lewis, Ph.D., a retired microbiologist

with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), non-disposable tools used for colonoscopies

and flexible sigmoidoscopies carry serious risks for patients. Since these tools must

be reused, they require careful cleaning and sterilization before each use.

However, these kinds of tools cannot be autoclaved (heat sterilized), and testing reveals the

disinfection techniques and agents used 80 percent of the time are grossly inadequate.

As a result, the tools can spread all manner of infections from one patient to another.

Considering multi drug-resistant bacterial infections are on the rise, this is a tremendous

concern. The good news is you CAN protect yourself and dramatically reduce your risk

of infection by asking the right questions before you schedule your appointment:

�How is the endoscope cleaned between patients?

�Specifically, which cleaning agent is used?

�If the hospital or clinic uses peracetic acid, your likelihood of contracting an infection

from a previous patient is slim

�Glutaraldehyde, or the brand name Cidex (which is what 80 percent of clinics use),

does NOT properly sterilize these tools. If glutaraldehyde is used, cancel your appointment

and find a clinic that uses peracetic acid

�How many of your colonoscopy patients have had to be hospitalized due to infections?

Asking these questions, specifically which type of cleaning agent the clinic or hospital

uses, could literally save your life. And, if you�re a health care professional, I

urge you to start addressing this issue from the inside. You really need to be aware of

how improper disinfection is placing your patients at risk for serious � and potentially

untreatable � infections.

What Causes Colon Cancer and How Can You Prevent it?

Your colon, also known as your large intestine, plays an incredibly important role in your

health. As food passes through your colon, liquid and salt are removed to prepare it

for elimination. Aside from helping to form, store and eliminate waste, your colon contains

billions of bacteria, a healthy balance of which is essential for optimal health.

While colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., evidence

suggests many of these cases are preventable using simple lifestyle changes. Generally

speaking, researchers have concluded anywhere from 90 to 95 percent of cancers are caused

by environmental and lifestyle factors. As noted in a 2008 study, �Cancer Is a Preventable

Disease That Requires Lifestyle Changes,�24 some of the most prominent lifestyle factors

contributing to cancer are:

Smoking and environmental pollutants Diet

Infections Stress

Inactivity In terms of diet, fried foods, excessive amounts

of protein, processed meats, alcohol, lack of fruits and vegetables and excess caloric

intake have all been linked to an increased cancer risk. Processed meats such as hotdogs,

sausages and lunch meats, have been linked to colorectal cancer specifically, being classified

as a Group 1 carcinogen (meaning it is considered carcinogenic to humans) by the International

Agency for Research on Cancer in 2015.25

The institute explicitly warns that that �there is no safe threshold� for eating processed

meats, as it poses the same cancer risk as cigarette smoking and asbestos. It also recommends

limiting red meat to a maximum of 18 ounces per week, to avoid raising your risk for colorectal


Common-Sense Tips to Prevent Colorectal Cancer Below are several diet and fitness suggestions

that may significantly lower your risk of colorectal cancer, regardless of your age:

Eat more vegetables

Vegetables contain an array of antioxidants and other disease-fighting compounds that

are very difficult to get anywhere else, like magnesium. Results from one meta-analysis

indicated that for every 100-milligram (mg) increase in magnesium intake, the risk of

colorectal cancer was lowered by 12 percent.26

The researchers noted magnesium�s anti-cancer effects may be related to its ability to reduce

insulin resistance, which may positively affect the development of tumors.

Beyond magnesium, plant chemicals called phytochemicals can reduce inflammation and eliminate carcinogens,

while others regulate the rate at which your cells reproduce, get rid of old cells and

maintain DNA.

Vegetables are also one of the best forms of dietary fiber. Studies have repeatedly

shown that people with higher vegetable intake have lower rates of cancer.27

Cruciferous vegetables may be particularly beneficial due to the sulforaphane they contain.

If you�re healthy, consuming fruit in moderation may also be beneficial. According to one study,

dried plums (i.e. prunes) may lower your risk of colon cancer.28

Eat more fiber

For optimal health, I recommend getting about 50 grams of fiber per 1,000 calories. If you

follow the tip above and eat more vegetables, you�ll naturally be eating more fiber from

the best possible source.

Psyllium seed husk, flax seeds, hemp seeds and chia seeds also provide valuable sources

of soluble and insoluble fiber that nourish healthy gut bacteria, promote healthy bowel

movements and lower your risk of colorectal cancer.

Optimize your vitamin D level

Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for colorectal cancer. According to one recent

study:29�Evidence suggests protective effects of vitamin D and antitumor immunity on colorectal

cancer risk.

Immune cells in tumor microenvironment can convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D to bioactive 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin

D3, which influences neoplastic and immune cells � High plasma 25(OH)D level is associated

with lower risk of colorectal cancer with intense immune reaction, supporting a role

of vitamin D in cancer immunoprevention through tumor�host interaction.�

Sensible ultraviolet exposure, ideally from the sun, and/or vitamin D3 supplementation

can get your vitamin D levels into the optimal range of 45 to 60 nanograms per milliliter

(ng/mL). You�ll need to monitor your level to be sure you stay within this target range.

Lower your protein intake and avoid processed meats entirely

Most Americans eat far more protein than they need, thereby raising their risk for cancer.

A more ideal protein intake is likely around one-half gram of protein per pound of lean

body mass.

The quality of your animal protein and mode of cooking should also be considered. When

it comes to beef, I recommend eating organically raised grassfed meats only, and cooking your

steak only lightly (rare, not well-done), to avoid heat-generated toxins.

Avoid processed meats of all kinds, i.e., those preserved by smoking, curing, salting

or the addition of chemical preservatives. This includes bacon, ham, pastrami, salami,

pepperoni, hot dogs, some sausages, hamburgers (if preserved with salt or chemical additives)

and more.

Get regular exercise

There�s convincing evidence that regular exercise can significantly reduce your risk

of colon cancer.30 For instance, one study31 revealed physically active men and women have

about a 30 percent to 40 percent reduction in the risk of developing colon cancer compared

with inactive persons.

Exercise drives your insulin levels down, and controlling insulin levels is one of the

most powerful ways to reduce your cancer risk. It�s also been suggested that apoptosis

(programmed cell death) is triggered by exercise, causing cancer cells to die.

Exercise also improves the circulation of immune cells in your blood. The job of these

cells is to neutralize pathogens throughout your body, as well as destroy precancerous

cells before they become cancerous.

The better these cells circulate, the more efficient your immune system is at defending

itself against infections and diseases like cancer.

Maintain a healthy weight and control belly fat

A number of studies have linked obesity to an increased risk for about a dozen different

cancers, including colon cancer. If you�re overweight or obese, even a modest amount

of weight loss can lead to significant benefits for your health.

In terms of cancer prevention, losing excess belly fat is particularly important, as belly

fat is linked to an increased risk of colon cancer regardless of your body weight.

Limit alcohol and quit smoking

Both excessive alcohol intake and smoking are associated with an increased risk of colorectal

cancer. When it comes to alcohol, I generally define �moderate� alcohol intake (which

is allowed in the beginner phase of my nutrition plan) as a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-ounce

beer or 1 ounce of hard liquor, with a meal, per day.

As you progress further in the nutrition plan, I recommend eliminating all forms of alcohol.

If you�re a smoker, you can find tips for quitting here.

Eat more garlic

Research has shown that women who regularly ate garlic (along with fruits and vegetables)

had a 35 percent lower risk of colon cancer.32 Another study also found that those who consume

high amounts of raw garlic have a lower risk of stomach and colorectal cancers.33

When you add raw garlic in your diet, the fresh clove must be crushed or chopped in

order to stimulate the release of an enzyme called alliinase, which in turn catalyzes

the formation of allicin.

Allicin, in turn, rapidly breaks down to form a number of different organosulfur compounds.

So to �activate� garlic�s medicinal properties, compress a fresh clove with a

spoon prior to swallowing it, chop it finely to add to a salad, or put it through your

juicer to add to your vegetable juice.

For more infomation >> Beware of Colon Cancer Scare For Many, the Screening Is Riskier - Duration: 21:02.


What Happened to Ji on "Windy City Live?" Where Is Ji Now? - Duration: 4:46.

What Happened to Ji on "Windy City Live?" Where Is Ji Now?

Many have been asking about entertainment contributor, Ji Suk Yi, and they want answers on her whereabouts.

So, where is Ji on Windy City Live? Is she sick or on vacation? We have what you need to know about Ji Suk Yi in 2018.

Fans of Chicago resident Ji Suk Yi have been curious about where she is now, and they want answers. They need their Ji Suk Yi entertainment fix, and fans have clearly noticed her absence.

So, what happened to Ji on Windy City Live?. If you want to know where Ji Suk Yi is today, then keep reading!.

Where Is Ji Suk Yi From?. According to Robert Feder's website, Ji Suk Yi came to the United States from South Korea when she was just five years old. She was raised in rural North Carolina.

Yi graduated from Salem College in Winston-Salem and received her law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Why Did She Leave Windy City Live?.

For many viewers, it may seem like yesterday when Yi joined the ABC 7 newsroom in 2006. She started as a newsroom desk assistant and eventually moved up to social media producer when the show started in 2011.

She has filled roles such as a foodie and on-air contributor, especially when it came to entertainment. Sadly for the Windy City Live audience, the local Chicago celebrity will no longer be gracing them with her presence! Sad, right?.

Due to budget cuts, the ABC-owned station had to let Yi go from the show as a way to save money.

"We thank Ji for her many contributions to Windy City Live," an ABC 7 statement said. "Her intelligence and talent as an on-air personality will serve her well in her next endeavor and we wish her nothing but the best.".

Yi was sad to leave and gave a special farewell during the week of March 5, 2018, and said, "I hope my unlikely story of a Korean-American first-generation immigrant from a small podunk town down south, moving to the big, big city of Chicago 12 years ago with two suitcases, knowing one person in the city, inspires you to maybe try something you've always wanted to do no matter how small or big.

Where Is Ji from Windy City Live Now?. According to the network, the beloved former anchor is not being replaced. This makes sense, since they can't afford the position.

Val Warner and Ryan Chiaverini will continue as co-hosts on the daytime show. But for many, it may not be quite the same. So, where is Ji Suk Yi now? Did she find a new job?.

After doing some digging on social media, it seems the former co-host isn't bothered by her new unemployment status. She was last pictured in San Francisco and is taking some much-needed time to relax and let her hair down.

And, we can't say we blame her!. Still, Ji Suk Yi will be missed, and we don't doubt that she will find her way back on TV soon. Check out Ji Suk Yi's public farewell below!.

For more infomation >> What Happened to Ji on "Windy City Live?" Where Is Ji Now? - Duration: 4:46.


What Is The Inspired Entrepreneur? - Duration: 3:07.

Hey YouTube, What's up its James Sierra in this quick video

I'm gonna give explanation of what is exactly The Inspired Entrepreneur,

the Inspired Entrepreneur basically is a person who's very inspirational about his goals and dreams and being an entrepreneur a

person that is dedicated and committed to helping people succeed in type of

business, goal setting and also taking the opportunity to look out to risk and

opportunities inside business and

other opportunities as an Entrepreneur.

The reason why I chose Inspired Entrepreneur is because I'm a type of person who is very inspirational when it comes to do business and

opportunities ,which have to do with financial stability and success.

Being able to help other people

to meet their goals and dreams being able to meet my goals and dreams as an Entrepreneur

Anything from making money online to starting my own business and also

with looking for ways of creating financial freedom in the long run the most important thing as being an Inspired

Entrepreneur is being able to have the mindset ,which is positive being able to embrace

myself as being a leader a person of authority

Being able to help other people

finding ways to improve

their self-determination to motivate themselves and be successful in today's economy.

I know most times that a lot of people feel negative,

but me as an Entrepreneur I always have that type of creativity and mindset knowing that anything is possible

thinking in terms of Abundance

Knowing that there's a plan and it's going to happen

taking action

finding ways to solve problems

Looking for ways to earn money

But finding a way to earn money in the right way which is legit

not only that being able to

Understand exactly what path I'm going to take in laying things down step by step

so the reason why I chose Inspired Entrepreneur is because

everything with inside me is

inspirational with ideas flowing in my brain

with ideas to know about business opportunities, which available on all parts of the planet and

also being able to

have the ability to

say, teach, do

And also to share with others.

So stay tuned to my channel to get more information about the Inspired Entrepreneur find out more information about me what I'm like and

what information I can share with you today

If you have not already started please subscribe to my channel

Please feel free to leave me any comments and concerns below if you have any information about Inspired Entrepreneur

And I thank you once again for coming to my page. Have a good one!

For more infomation >> What Is The Inspired Entrepreneur? - Duration: 3:07.


A slave is only a person waiting for someone else to free him. - Duration: 4:15.

If--- by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose,

and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,


which is more—

you'll be a Man, my son!

For more infomation >> A slave is only a person waiting for someone else to free him. - Duration: 4:15.


This Is Me | Sophie - Duration: 7:34.

[Intro Music]

Well hello everyone and welcome back to my channel,

or if you are new, hello welcome to my channel, my name is Sophie.

Today we are going to talk about being who you are and not apologising for it,


I'm sorry I'm not sorry I'm who I am.

And This Is Me.

We are going to get as many songs in as we can in this video.

So the reason I am doing this video isn't because I've had an argument with someone

or because I have been apologising for being me because,

i've actually got a lot better at that this year.

It was definitely something that I wanted to do, it was not apologising for being me.

And yeah, the reason why is actually because of songs.

A lot of you will know I am a ma-hoosive Demi Lovato fan.

And if you don't, you have seriously been living under a rock

and not watching my videos.

So go and click on some videos and watch that after this one obviously.

But yeah, she is on her world tour and so I have been

watching videos of her concert because I can't go

and also I just love watching her videos.

So, I've been watching them and I just love her and

the song Sorry Not Sorry is just apologising, or not apologising sorry,

it's just saying not to apologise for who you are and for the way that you feel.

And I definitely agree with that.

You shouldn't apologise for feeling how you are feeling,

or being who you are.

Like, if I wanna sit here and film in an American

Flag onesie, then that is exactly what I am gonna do.

*snaps fingers* yeah… editing magic.

But no seriously, like, we should not apologise for who we are,

and how we feel because we are 100% entitled to feel the way we want to feel,

and we are 100% allowed to be who we want to be because lets be honest,

if we were all the same, it would totally be boring because we would

just be the same and there would be nothing different in life.

We wouldn't be able to see different perspectives on things,

you wouldn't be able to learn new things.

And… it would just be really boring actually.

Like.. really boring.

But going on the perspective of having a chronic illness,

and apologising a lot for having to chance certain things and for being a certain way

because of my health.

Looking back I am like why on earth am I apologising, a) my health is out of my control.

and b) it's what makes me, me.

If that makes sense.

And I actually saw this quote quite a while ago but I like to use it a lot and think of

it a lot and I say it to a couple of my friends when

they're feeling down, and get treated badly and stuff,

and that is, "We may forget the things people do to us,

but we will never forget the way they made us feel".

And that's going along with it is okay to feel emotions but those emotions are not bad.

Because the way we are made to feel, helps us grow as people and and is what builds

us to be who we are and to deal with things that we deal with.

If there is someone that's in a friend group of yours,

who is making you wear different things because they think that is uncool,

or listen to different songs because they don't like it,

don't say sorry and do what they want because you should never ever ever be sorry about

who you are.

And if you lose a friend because whatever reason,

they're not worth it, it is their loss,

and you deserve better.

Don't put yourself down like, Oh, if I had done this differently maybe or

if I was this way instead of that way.

Like.. don't apologise for who you are.

But if we just 'go with it', haha now we are getting movies in there as


then, like,

i don't know, I feel like since I have accepted me,

and not apologised for being me, and not tried to change myself because I feel

I'll fit in more, or social media 'says' that I should or

whatever, I'm happier in myself and when you're

happier in yourself, you're gonna achieve more because you're

not putting yourself down.

But yeah I just wanted to say that like, guys,

this is me, I'm weird,

I would happily sit in PJS all day, in fact, I totally sit in PJS all day.

I go to the shops like Tesco in my PJS, Hey, girl needs snacks,

I might suffer for snacks, but I like me some snacks.

And guys, I….

this.. this isn't my hair.

This is called, I need to wash my hair,

I got this for cheer competition, even though I ended up wearing the lighter

one, and, I couldn't be bothered to wash my hair.

I couldn't be bothered to make my hair look decent,

so I just stuck this on and thought, hey,

*sings* - *I'm sexy and i know it * Okay, that's totally not sexy but I'm

not even apologising for that because this is the real me,

and if my personality can't come out in my videos,

And you don't wanna see my personality, I'm quite happy for you to click off my


Another reason why this video kind of came about,

and I felt inspired to make a video and actually it made me think about it,

so I like to word vomit when I'm thinking about stuff which I'm sure you guys all

know, but she talked about in a vlog where she was

having a bit of a crappy day and period where she just felt a bit,

rubbishy and emotional and not great, even though she had all these amazing things

going on around her.

It's not about what you've got around you as such,

it's about accepting yourself and realising that it is okay and it's healthy to feel


So don't apologise, don't try to stop yourself feeling certain

emotions because you are for sure allowed to feel them and

it's healthy to feel them.

In fact, it's probably healthier to feel them,

than to try and not feel them, because I feel like if you don't let yourself

try to feel them, then you try really hard not to feel them,

when actually you're thinking about feeling them more,

and then you end up feeling them for longer.

And it gets worse.

Did that sentence make sense?

Anyway that is all for this video because I think I've got my word vomit out.

So if you liked this video or you agree or you understand where I'm getting at.

or you just feel inspired from it, be sure to give this video a massive thumbs


And if you're not already please click that subscribe button because you know,

it would mean a lot to me.

And it would make me happy.

And we want me to be happy, because happy is good.


And I will leave all my social media links in the description box below so come say hi,

I will also leave the link to my last video there,

and a surprise video so… you should click on them too.

And Until next time Keep Watching

Stay Strong And

Stay Safe Bye Guys

For more infomation >> This Is Me | Sophie - Duration: 7:34.


Breaking: Senator Ali Wakili is dead - Duration: 2:39.

A journalist with the Voice of America, (VOA), Saleh Shehu Ashaka, announced the death of the All Progressives Congress (APC) senator in a tweet on Saturday, March 17.

The Daily Nigerian, citing the account of a family member reported that the lawmaker slumped at his Gwarimpa residence, Abuja on Saturday morning, March 17, and was rushed to Viewpoint Hospital, where he was certified dead.

He died at the age of 58.

Daily Trust also reported that the death of Wakili who served as chairman of the Senate committee on poverty alleviation was confirmed by the special adviser to the Senate president on media and publicity, Yusuph Olaniyonu in a phone call.

The aide said Bukola Saraki was shocked when he learnt about the death of the lawmaker.

Shortly after he was informed about the death of the senator, the Senate president stated that he was on his way to the Wakili house to pay his respects to his family.

The death was also confirmed by Buhari's aide on new media, Bashir Ahmad.

Senator Wakili was an active member of the APC caucus in the Nigerian Senate. He recently protested against the removal of Senator Abdullahi Adamu as chairman of the northern senators forum without the general knowledge of its members.

Meanwhile, a plot by legislators to override President Muhammadu Buhari on the amendment to the 2010 Electoral Act has led to a simmering disagreement between Senate President Bukola Saraki and Speaker of the House of Representatives Yakubu Dogara, Daily Trust reports.

Sources have reportedly disclosed that Dogara's decision to allow the House resolve to re-visit the bill did not go down well with Saraki, who allegedly wants an override.

we gathers that while the Senate resolved to write to the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Walter Onnoghen, over the ruling by a High Court, restraining the National Assembly from further action on the Electoral Act Amendment Bill, the House has already agreed with the president on two of his three reasons for withholding assent to the bill.

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